#cancer hospital in nagpur list
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Early detection saves lives: Arihant Multispeciality Hospital offers advanced cancer diagnostics Did you know top multispeciality hospital in nagpur is equipped with cutting-edge technology for early cancer detection? We offer a range of diagnostic services, including [list specific machines like PET-CT scan, MRI, etc.], to help identify potential concerns at their earliest stages.
Why early detection matters:
Increased treatment options: Early diagnosis allows for a wider range of treatment possibilities, often leading to better outcomes. Improved prognosis: Early intervention can significantly improve the chances of successful treatment and overall survival rates. Better quality of life: Early detection often translates to less invasive treatments and faster recovery times, allowing patients to maintain a better quality of life. Don't wait! If you're experiencing any concerning symptoms, schedule an appointment at Arihant Multispeciality Hospital for a comprehensive evaluation. Early detection is crucial in the fight against cancer.
cancerawareness #earlydetection #healthcare #multispecialityhospital
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trishaliroy · 4 years
Causes of Hip Pain and Treatment Options
Hip pain is a common symptom that can be described as aching, sharp, or burning and can range in intensity from mild to severe. There are many possible causes of hip pain, including serious ones, like a fracture or joint infection, and ones that are less so (though still potentially debilitating), like arthritis or bursitis.
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The hip is a large "ball-and-socket" joint—the "socket" being a pelvic bone called the acetabulum and the "ball" being the femoral head, which is the upper part of the thighbone. Covering this ball and socket joint is cartilage—a smooth, white tissue that cushions the bones and allows the hip to move easily.
hip replacement in nagpur
Problems within the hip joint itself tend to result in pain on the inside of the hip (anterior hip pain).
 On the other hand, pain on the side of the hip (lateral hip pain) or pain on the outside of the hip, near the buttock region (posterior hip pain) is usually caused by problems with muscles, ligaments, tendons, and/or nerves that surround the hip joint.
Differentiating the various causes of hip pain by location—anterior, lateral, or posterior—is perhaps the best way to understand this somewhat complex symptom.
Anterior Hip Pain
Problems within the hip joint, such as inflammation, infection, or a bone fracture, may result in anterior hip pain—pain felt on the inside of your hip and/or within your groin area.6
Osteoarthritis of the hip occurs when the cartilage in the hip joint gradually wears away over time. As the cartilage frays and degenerates over time—often with increasing age or as a result of a prior hip injury—the joint space between the bones of the hip joint narrows, so bone may eventually rub on bone.
Depending on the degree of osteoarthritis, pain may be dull, aching, or sharp; although, in nearly all cases, the pain and stiffness of hip osteoarthritis worsen with activity and improve with rest.
Understanding Hip Osteoarthritis
Inflammatory Arthritis
Various types of inflammatory arthritis may affect the hip, resulting in dull, aching pain, such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and systemic lupus erythematosus. Unlike the pain of osteoarthritis, which is worsened with activity, hip pain from inflammatory arthritis is often eased with activity.
A hip fracture, or a break in the upper quarter of the thigh bone, causes a deep, boring pain felt in the outer-upper thigh or groin area. A hip fracture may occur after a fall or direct blow to the hip. It may also occur as a result of a stress injury.
Stress fractures of the hip are most common in female athletes who have an eating disorder, menstrual irregularities, and bone weakening (conditions that, together, are known as the female athlete triad)
Steroid use, a history of smoking, and medical conditions that weaken the bone (e.g., cancer or osteoporosis) are additional risk factors.
With a stress fracture, as opposed to a complete break from a fall, a person may experience more of a gradual onset of pain that worsens with weight bearing.
Iliopsoas Bursitis
Bursitis simply translates to irritation or inflammation of a bursa, which is a small, fluid-filled sac that serves as a cushion between joints, muscles, and tendons.One bursa, located on the inner or groin side of your hip—called the iliopsoas bursa—causes anterior hip pain if inflamed.
Iliopsoas bursitis, which is most common in runners or soccer players, causes anterior hip pain that may radiate to the front of the thigh area or into the buttock area,Sometimes, a snapping, catching, or popping sensation is felt in the hip with this type of bursitis.
Hip Flexor Strain
A hip strain refers to a stretching or tearing of a muscle or its associated tendon (or both). Hip flexor muscles, like the iliopsoas muscle or rectus femoris muscle, are often involved in a hip strain.
A person may develop a hip flexor strain from overuse (e.g., cyclists, martial artists, or soccer players), or from some sort of trauma, such as a direct hit during a contact sport. In addition to anterior hip pain, hip flexor strains may result in swelling, restricted movement, and muscle weakness.
Osteonecrosis of the Hip
Osteonecrosis of the hip occurs when the hip bone does not receive a sufficient blood supply, which leads to the death of the bone cells and destruction of the hip joint. The vast majority of cases are due to corticosteroid use and excessive alcohol intake.
Besides anterior hip pain and groin pain that worsens with walking, a person may experience pain in the thighs, buttocks, and/or knees.
Hip Labrum Tear
Your hip labrum is a band of cartilage-like tissue that courses around the outer rim of your hip socket.This labrum helps to support the joint and deepen the socket. Sometimes overuse or an injury to your hip can cause a tear in your labrum, prompting dull or sharp anterior hip pain that worsens with weight bearing.
Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI)
In femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), bony growths develop around the hip joint. These growths can restrict movement and eventually cause tears of the labrum and hip osteoarthritis.
The symptoms of femoroacetabular impingement include an aching or sharp pain in the groin area that moves toward the outside of the hip. The pain is often felt once standing after sitting for a prolonged period of time. Stiffness and limping are also common.
Infected Hip Joint
Uncommonly, the hip joint may become infected (called a septic joint). In addition to severe anterior hip and/or groin pain, swelling, warmth, and restricted hip movement are typically present. Fever often also occurs, but may not be present in older individuals.
Bone Cancer
Rarely, bone cancer (either primary or metastatic) may cause hip pain. Usually, the pain starts off being worse at night, but as the bone tumor progresses, the pain often becomes constant.Swelling around the hip area may also occur along with weight loss and unusual fatigue. Due to bone weakening from the cancer, a hip fracture may occur.
Posterior Hip Pain
Posterior hip pain, which is pain felt on the outside of the hip or buttock area, is usually due to a problem with the muscles, tendons, or ligaments that surround the hip joint, as opposed to the actual joint itself.
Hamstring Muscle Strain
Muscle strains result from small micro tears in muscles caused by a quick twist or pull to the muscle. When this occurs to the hamstring muscles located around the hip joint, buttock pain and/or pain in the back of your hip occurs.
Sacroiliac Joint Problem
The sacroiliac (SI) joint connects the lower spine to the pelvis.You have one located on both sides of your body.
Various problems with the SI joint, including arthritis of the joint, infection of the joint, and injury to the joint ligaments, may result in posterior hip pain.38 The sharp and/or burning pain is often worse with standing and walking, and may radiate from the hip down the back of the leg.
Sacroiliac Joints of the Sacrum and Ilium
Piriformis Syndrome
Piriformis syndrome—also called deep gluteal syndrome—occurs when the sciatic nerve (a large nerve that branches off from your lower back into your hip, buttock, and leg) becomes irritated or compressed by the piriformis muscle, which is located deep within the buttock, near the top of the hip joint.
The burning or aching pain of piriformis syndrome typically begins in the posterior hip and buttock region and moves down the back of the thigh.
When to See a Doctor
It's important to seek immediate medical attention if your hip pain is sudden, severe, getting worse, or if you have fallen or experienced another form of trauma to your hip.
While not an exhaustive list, other symptoms that warrant immediate medical attention include hip pain associated with:
An inability to bear weight or walk
Leg or foot weakness
Bruising or bleeding
Warmth over the hip
A medical history and thorough physical exam by a primary care physician, sports medicine doctor, or best orthopedic hospital in nagpur surgeon are essential to properly diagnosing the source of your hip pain
Depending on your doctor's underlying suspicion, imaging tests, like an X-ray or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), may be ordered. Less commonly, blood tests are utilized in the diagnosis of hip pain
Medical History
When you see your doctor for hip pain, he will likely ask you several questions, such as:
Is your hip pain better with rest or exercise?
Do you have any additional symptoms (e.g., fever, swelling, other joint pain, etc.)?
Do you or any family members have arthritis or a history of joint problems?
Have you experienced any recent trauma to your hip?
Physical Examination
During your physical exam, your doctor will inspect and press on various landmarks within your hip, leg, lower back, and abdomen.He may also perform a neurological exam to assess muscle weakness and reflexes.
In addition, he will maneuver your hip to evaluate its range of motion, examine your gait (how you walk), posture, and ability to bear weight
Lastly, based on your doctor's underlying suspicion for one or more hip pain diagnoses, they will perform certain hp "special tests." One classic test commonly used to evaluate hip pain is the FABER test.
An Overview of Total Hip Replacement
While you may not be able to prevent all causes of hip pain, there are several things you can do to be proactive in this regard:
Lose weight if you are overweight or obese
Eat a balanced, nutritious diet that contains sufficient vitamin D and calcium to maintain bone health
Opt for low-impact activities like swimming or biking
Stretch before and cool down after exercising
Obtain a special shoe insert if you have leg-length inequality
Wear properly cushioned, fitted shoes and avoid or limit running on hard surfaces like asphalt
Discuss a daily exercise routine for maintaining muscle and bone strength with your doctor
A Word From Verywell
Hip pain is a disabling condition with many potential causes. While the diagnostic process can be challenging and a bit tedious at times, try to remain patient and proactive. Once diagnosed, your doctor may move forward with devising a treatment plan that suits your needs—one that uniquely addresses your pain and optimizes your healing.
source: verywellhealth
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kingswayhospitalngp · 2 years
Is kidney transplant successful in India?
Kidney transplantation is proven to be the treatment of choice for several people with severe chronic kidney illness because the quality of life and life expectancy is often better than in people treated with dialysis. Nevertheless, there is a deficit of organs available for donation. Many people who require kidney transplantation have to be put on a transplant waiting list and undergo dialysis until a kidney is available.
A kidney can be received from a relative, an unrelated person, or someone who has died (deceased or cadaver donor); only a single kidney is needed to survive. In general, organs from existing donors perform better and for more extended periods than deceased donors.
Some people with kidney failure can not become applicants for a kidney transplant. The older age and severe heart or vascular disease may mean that it is safer to continue the treatment with dialysis preferably than undergo kidney transplantation. Other conditions that might hinder a person from being eligible for kidney transplantation include:
●Active or recently healed cancer
●A chronic ailment that could lead to death within a few years
●Poorly managed mental illness
●Inability to recollect to take medications
●Current drug or alcohol abuse
●Account of poor compliance with medications or dialysis treatments
●Inadequate or no health insurance
Some people with HIV infection may be suitable for kidney transplantation if their disease is well controlled.
People with other medical conditions are assessed case-by-case basis to decide if kidney transplantation is an option.
Transplantation of the kidney is the treatment of choice for many people with end-stage kidney disease. A successful kidney transplant can improve your life quality and reduce your risk of death. In extension, people who get kidney transplantation do not need hours of dialysis treatment. Ideally, patients who are qualified to acquire a kidney transplant do so before starting dialysis.
After kidney transplantation, you will be asked to take medications and will be kept under frequent monitoring as it is needed to minimize the chance of organ rejection. This has to continue for your entire lifetime. The medications can have notable side effects, including an increased risk of severe infections, diabetes, and cancers.
Kidney transplants have a success rate of 90-95 % in India, which is a very high success rate.
At Kingsway Hospitals the best multispeciality hospital in nagpur, the Kidney Transplant department endeavours to render outstanding patient care, conduct advanced research and education programs. Our surgeons employ innovative and highly advanced technologies such as 
Modular OTs with HEPA filters
Dedicated Transplant ICU with 1:1 patient nurse ratio
State-of-the-art equipment
Well trained paramedical staff
24X7 Laboratory, Radiology, OT support
Physiotherapy team for post operate rehabilitation
Dietetics department for post transplant diet plan.
 to treat patients successfully with diseases like kidney failure. The team of kidney transplants comprising of Dr Prakash Khetan (Nephrologist), Dr Shivnarayan Acharya (Nephrologist) and  Dr Vishal Ramteke (Nephrologist) are highly skilled in Kidney transplantation. The transplant team also addresses the health needs of the patients and their family members.
If you require assistance or guidance over kidney transplants, contact us on 07126789100 for the best support
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vsplusonline · 4 years
Headlines on April 9th: Centre approves 3-phase plan to ward off the virus as India tally nears 6000
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/headlines-on-april-9th-centre-approves-3-phase-plan-to-ward-off-the-virus-as-india-tally-nears-6000/
Headlines on April 9th: Centre approves 3-phase plan to ward off the virus as India tally nears 6000
Odisha cabinet today decided to extend lockdown in the state till April 30, becoming the first state in the country to do so.
Meanwhile, a 3-phase, 100% centrally-funded 5-yr scheme to strengthen India’s healthcare system has been approved by the government.
On a global note, the world economy may be looking at a $5 trillion hit because of the pandemic, which is like losing Japan, a Citigroup report has said.
Track all the major developments here…
Goa’s first patient recovers
162 new cases in Maharashtra; Tally jumps to 1,297
50 health officials, 12 policemen among 93 cases in Bhopal
Cases rise to 28 in Himachal Pradesh
51 cases in Bihar now
9 more cases in Kerala; State tally reaches 345
Two fresh cases in Odisha; Total count rises to 44
6 new cases in Punjab’s Mohali; Total cases now 36
First case reported in Dhar, Madhya Pradesh
Chhattisgarh now has 11 cases
427 cases and 7 deaths reported in Telangana
4 new cases reported from Siwan in Bihar
3 more healthcare workers test positive at Delhi State Cancer Institute
5 cases reported in district Khandwa (MP)
55 new cases in Gujarat; Tally jumps to 241
12 more test positive in Bengal; Active cases now 80
4 more cases in Jharkhand; Total reaches 13
30 fresh cases in Rajasthan; State tally now 413
19 more cases in Agra; District tally reaches 84
55-yr-old patient dies in Punjab
70-yr-old becomes third casualty in Dharavi
61-yr-old from Udhampur passes away in Jammu
59-yr-old dies in Jalandhar
Doctor dies in Indore; Toll now 22
80-yr-old passes away in Karnataka
75-yr-old passes away in Bokaro
New death reported in Karnataka; Toll rises to 6
Two patients die in Pune; district toll rises to 20
World India Global Death Toll 1,511,104 5,865 88,338
ITBP hospital at Greater Noida dedicated for COVID-19 treatment
GB Pant Hospital removed from list of designated COVID-19 facilities
Mumbai NGO prepares personal protection kits for undertakers
Railways produce 6L face masks, over 40k litres of sanitiser
Delhi HC suspends summer vacation for High Court & Subordinate Courts
Karnataka approves 30% cut in salaries of Ministers, MLAs
Wearing masks compulsory in Mumbai, Pune, Nashik, Nagpur
Gujarat to provide free ration to 60 lakh families
Army distributes pre-cooked food packets to needy in Ladakh
Amritsar installs disinfection tunnel in wholesale market
No prayers in mosques, shrines on Shab-e-Baraat in Kashmir
Railways introduces 109 time-table parcel trains on 58 routes
Govt extends Central Electronics bid deadline to May 16
Sensex surges 1,266 pts, snaps 7-week losing streak; Nifty tops 9,100
NSE gives more time to brokers for submission of reports
India’s GDP for FY21 projected at 4.8% by UN report
India’s fuel consumption falls 18%
Petrol, diesel demand slumps 66% in April
France to extend lockdown as virus deaths soar
Germany’s case count rises by 4,974, deaths by 246
Mainland China reports 63 new cases, 2 more deaths
Nearly 2,000 US deaths for second day in a row
Australia has lowest increase in 3 weeks
Japan cases reach at least 5,000
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jayantharde · 5 years
Reasons to purchase Health Insurance from Aditya Birla
Aditya Birla Health Insurance (ABHI) is one of the newly launched health insurance companies on the market. Through its financial services wing, Aditya Birla provides insurance services in various domains. However, Aditya Birla provides health insurance as a stand-alone service.
Aditya Birla Health Insurance characteristics & benefits
Aditya Birla Health Insurance also operates on the Indian market, offering multiple services to individuals, households, and groups at present. Some of ABHI's key characteristics and advantages can be described as follows.
Flexible plan options: Aditya Birla offers a range of plans based on customer requirements. Plans for individuals, families and groups are available. Specific benefits plans are available, including personal accident, critical disease, cancer, etc. Besides this, there are policies that provide community benefits.
Multiple sum insured options: Depending on their requirement and affordability, consumers may pick the amount insured. Based on specific plans, coverage can be obtained for up to Rs.2 crore.
Wellness coaching: One of Aditya Birla Health Insurance's benefits is that it provides access to experts from the health industry anytime, anywhere. Different health professionals will explain their questions online at any time.
Network hospitals: The company has a big network of hospitals and doctors. Customers can access the list of hospitals and doctors in their cities/towns by visiting the company website.
Health Returns: The company offers rewards for healthy behaviour in its customers. Customers can access this information by visiting the company’s official website.
Tax relief: The premium amount paid towards various health insurance policies under Aditya Birla is eligible for income tax benefit as per section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
To know more about Health Insurance, you can visit our website http://www.jayantharde.com or contact our representative at +91 712 2282029 or meet us at 51, Gurukripa, Old Sneha Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur.
Plans of Aditya Birla Life Insurance
Activ Health Essential
Aditya Birla's Activ Health Essential is a comprehensive health insurance cover designed specifically for the country's middle-income group.In addition to regular return and cashless care services, this program also includes access to the company's value-added benefits including Fitness Returns, Wellness Coach, etc. Benefits
Amount of insured options starting from as low as Rs.50,000
No total entry age limit
Day 1 coverage for specific chronic diseases including obesity, hypertension, cholesterol, etc.
Deductible choices for receiving premium discounts
Free health test once a policy year
Second e-opinion by trained foreign experts for different dangerous diseases
Activ Health Enhanced
Aditya Birla's Activ Health Enhanced is a health insurance cover designed to provide policyholders with increased coverage. The program is offered in flexible terms ranging from 1 to 3 years and provides policyholders with a range of benefits. For both individuals and families, this policy is available. Unique Features  
Enhanced insured total security up to Rs.2 crore  
No entry age limit Day 1 coverage for various chronic diseases including diabetes, hypertension, asthma, etc.
Choice of room category for all policyholders with insured sum Rs.7 lakh and above Recovery benefit for ancillary variable expenses including travel expenses, attendant fees, etc.
Worldwide Emergency Medical Assistance Service in locations around the world
Activ Secure - Personal Accident
Covers for personal accidents are primarily intended to provide financial security against the unexpected risk of accidental death or disability. Aditya Birla Activ Secure-For this purpose alone, personal accident is designed.This personal injury insurance provides coverage against full permanent disability, partial permanent disability, and death. The package also provides a number of additional covers to provide improved coverage in addition to the regular value. Unique Features:
Complete protection against death and disability
Coverage provided for vehicle and home modification after disability
Compensation for educational benefit to insured children
Protection against insured loans Multiple additional covers to enhance protection
Checklist before Buying Aditya Birla Health Insurance
Compare the plans offered by the insurer
Choose the appropriate sum insured you need
Finalise the coverage amount
Check out the exclusions listed in the policy
Ensure that the waiting period is suitable for you
Prepare the documents necessary for signing up
Reasons to Choose Aditya Birla Health Insurance
Additional benefits such as Wellness Coaching, Health Returns, etc
Rewards for maintaining a healthy lifestyle
Floater benefit in most insurance policies
Multiple plans (critical illness, hospital cash, personal accident, etc.) under a single brand
Plenty of add-on covers to enhance overall protection
To know more about Health Insurance, you can visit our website http://www.jayantharde.com or contact our representative at +91 712 2282029 or meet us at 51, Gurukripa, Old Sneha Nagar, Wardha Road, Nagpur.
Source: https://hardejayant.blogspot.com/2019/12/reasons-to-purchase-health-insurance.html
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
Top Gynecologist in Bangalore at Elawoman
Top Gynecologist in Bangalore Dr. Shobha Venkat is the primary choice of patients searching out Gynecology and Obstetrics treatments. She is a professional in Maternal Care/ Checkup, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Normal Vaginal Delivery, Pre-concept Counseling, Infertility Evaluation/Treatment, Family Planning, and Counseling. She attained her MBBS diploma from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore in 1991. She went directly to do DGO from Grant Medical College and Sir JJ Hospital, Mumbai in 1994. She has over 2 many years of revel in in the area of gynecology and infertility.
She gained many awards in country wide and nation-level meetings. She has received the Best Poster Presentation Award In 13th KSOGA Conference, Bangalore in 1999 and became appointed as Organizing Secretary in CME For Postgraduates Conducted at Manipal Hospital, Bangalore in 2000. She has a unique reputation for everyday delivery and operative procedures. Apart from her outstanding revel in within the medical field, she has immensely contributed to the sector of training, coaching and guiding scientific students in undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Dr. Shobha Venkat practices in Bhargavi Clinic in Bangalore. She is likewise a full-time consultant at Cloud Nine Hospitals, a complete-fledged health facility placed inside the high place of Old Airport Road, Bangalore. Moreover, Dr. Shobha Venkat is a traveling consultant at Manipal Hospital in Bangalore. Apart from consulting in hospitals, she is a member of the Indian Menopause Society (IMS), Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology and PCOS - Society wherein she actively contributes and stocks her knowledge.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Old Airport Road, Bangalore
Rating :- 3.8 / 5
Dr. Prakash Kini, One of the Senior Obstetricians and Gynaecologists at Cloudnine, Has Completed His MBBS From B.J Medical College, Pune University, and DGO at Kem Hospital Mumbai and MD From KEM Hospital, Pune. He Has Had His Stint in Academics as He Was the Professor of Obstetrics and Gynaecology at M.S Ramaiah College. He Has Also Been the Professor and Head of Department of Obstetrics /gynecology at B. R. Ambedkar College. Adding to His Varied Experience in His Field He Has Worked With Several Leading Medical Centres Including Sagar Hospital, Wockhardt Hospital, and Sevakshetra Hospital. Dr. Kini Has Been Part of Cloudnine Since Inception. With His Innate Ability to Perceive Things That Matter the Most to a Mother He Says That 'joy' Needs to Be Planned, Conceived, and Delivered With Utmost Care.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:-  Jayanagar 3rd Block, Bangalore
Rating :-  3.6 / 5
Dr. Thejaswini J is a Gynecologist,Obstetrician and Reproductive Endocrinologist (Infertility) in Electronics City, Bangalore and has a revel in of 13 years in these fields. Dr. Thejaswini J practices at Women Care Clinic in Electronics City, Bangalore and Columbia Asia Hospital in Sarjapur Road, Bangalore. She finished MBBS from M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore in 2005 and MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology from M S Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore in 2009.
She is a member of Indian Medical Association (IMA) and Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI). Some of the services provided through the medical doctor are: Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal),Laparoscopic Surgery,Thyroid Disorder Treatment,Cervical Cerclage and Vagina Surgery and so forth.
One of the leading gynaecologists of the metropolis, Dr. Thejaswini J (Dr. A Mahadevaiah Ent And Women Care Centre) in Electronic City has installed the hospital and has won a faithful purchasers during the last few years and is also often visited by using several celebrities, aspiring models and different honourable clients and worldwide patients as well. They additionally plan on expanding their enterprise similarly and offering offerings to several extra patients as a result of its achievement during the last few years. The performance, dedication, precision and compassion provided at the clinic ensure that the affected person's properly-being, comfort and wishes are kept of pinnacle priority.
Dr. Thejaswini J (Dr. A Mahadevaiah Ent And Women Care Centre) in Bangalore treats numerous ailments of the patients by using supporting them undergo extremely good Treatment and strategies. Among the numerous services presented right here, the hospital offers Treatment for Uterine Fibroids or Myomas, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Pelvic Organ Prolapse, Urinary Problems, Vaginal Discharge, Subfertility, Menopause, Gynaecological Cancers, Abnormal Pap Smears - Pre-Invasive Cervical/Vaginal Disease and Vulva Conditions. The medical doctor is also listed underneath Gynaecologist & Obstetrician Doctors. Furthermore, the sufferers also go to the clinic for Contraception Advice, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests and many others.
Services:-  IVF,IUI,Gyn Laparoscopy
Location:-  Koramangala 6 Block, Bangalore
Rating :-  4.1 / 5
Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty is the best Gynecologist, Andrologist and infertility expert based in Marathahalli, Bangalore. His region of specialization includes Infertility Evaluation/Treatment, Andrology, Male Fertility Problems, Gynaecological Ultrasound, Reproductive Endocrinology, Early Pregnancy Scan, Endoscopy, Contraception Advice and Recurrent Miscarriage.Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty has accrued over 2 decades of experience until now. He finished MBBS from JJM Medical College, Davangere in 1997 and in addition did MD from Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore in 2001. He also completed MRCOG and fellowships in infertility and duplicate from London between 2006 and 2009. He is extraordinarily certified infertility expert and a proud member of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, KISAR, Bangalore Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Fellow of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health-care in London, 2008.
Dr. Basavaraj Devarashetty has obtained many awards and certifications throughout his educational years in addition to his career. With his educational competence, he has managed to deliver large results even for instances with repeated IVF screw ups.]He is likewise tremendously diagnosed through many renowned groups like IAGE - Indian Association Of Gynecologic Endoscopists In 2011 and ISAR - Indian Society Of Assisted Reproduction In 2011. He is also registered beneath 45956 of Karnataka Medical Council, 1997 for his massive contribution within the medical enterprise.
After gaining requisite enjoy, he established a completely-ready clinic in Nagpur via the name of Vishvas Fertility and Andrology Clinic.Vishvas Fertility and Andrology Clinic is considered as one of the maximum advanced centres for infertility and gynecological treatments. The centre houses superior owning the gadget and proficient team of the expert team of workers. The sanatorium accommodates of a notable crew with national and international popularity for infertility Treatment. The group of professionals consists of Reproductive Treatment specialists, Ultra-sonographers, Embryologists and Andrologists. The popularity of the Centre is marked via hygienic surroundings, sophisticated laboratory facility, and operation theatres which are prepared with cutting-edge technology.
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:- Whitefield, Marathahalli, Bangalore
Rating :- 3.6 / 5
Dr. Reshu Saraogi is a consultant Obstetrician & Gynecologist, Laparoscopic Surgeon and Infertility Specialist practising in Marathahalli and Whitefield, Bangalore. Her enjoy has been honed by means of operating for a number of the hospitals within the town like Jeevika, Columbia Asia, Narayana Multispecialty Hospital and Apollo and Cogent Care Clinics. She did her MBBS from PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore. She then acquired her MS from University College of Medical Sciences and Guruteg Bahadur Hospital, Delhi. This became followed by way of her acquiring a Fellowship in Minimally Invasive Surgery from Dr. Ramesh Hospital, Bangalore. A further certification path in ultrasound on infertility from Dr. Nagori’s Institute of Ultrasound and Infertility, Ahmedabad has prepared her nicely sufficient to also carry out all varieties of Gynecological and Infertility Ultrasounds.Dr. Reshu is a professional in the discipline of Gynecology, Laparoscopic Gynecological Surgeries, and Infertility Management. Besides being the writer of multiple guides carried out for FOGSI (Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India), she became additionally presented the RD Pandit studies prize for the quality thesis inside the yr 2009 through FOGSI
Services:-  IVF,IUI
Location:- Whitefield, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.3 / 5
If You Want to More Information Our Services and Treatment so Consult at This Number :- +91-8929020600
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Cancer Treatment in India | Cancer Treatment Cost in India | Best Doctors and Hospitals India | SurgeryToursIndia.com
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Cancer Treatment in India
Cancer is any form of disease that causes the cells in any part of the body to develop in an uncontrolled rate which leads to the formation of abnormal mass of tissue, known as a tumor. Cancer is also known as ‘malignant neoplasm or malignant tumor’. However, (benign) tumors do not spread to the surrounding areas or organs from the site of origin, but the malignant form of tumors can affect the organs and tissues around the origin site by spreading the uncontrolled cell growth to other parts of the body. India is home to the largest oncology-specialty hospital network that are equipped with the most advanced technology.
Why India for Cancer Treatment?
Cancer is one of the most deadly diseases known to man. The timely, detection, diagnosis and correct form of treatment, however, can make a lot of difference. A cancer treatment applied fast is known to produce excellent results in innumerable cancer cases.
Doctors in India are known to be highly-specialized and well-trained in modern treatment methods of cancer. The vast network of state-of-the-art hospitals and cancer clinics in India has a very high success rate in diagnosing, treating and preventing as well as rehabilitation of cancers of all types. India is the top-choice of thousands of cancer patients who came for treatment and return home in a healthy state every year.
Different Types of Cancer:
Cancers are further classified into separate categories, depending on the area of the body that is affected and also according to the type of cells that the tumor originates in.
Here is a list of cancers classified according to the type of cells that make a tumor:
Carcinoma: These cancer cells are caused by epithelial cells (cells lining the surface of any organ or blood vessel) which are mostly found developing in adults. These may also include colon cancer, pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, breast cancer, etc.
Sarcoma: These are found in the connective tissues, such as nerves, cartilage and bones. These are the uncontrolled growth of the mesenchymal cells around the bone marrow.
Leukemia / Lymphoma: These are caused by blood cells. This type of cancer is known to affect children as well as adults.
Germ cell tumor: Cancer caused in the pluripotent cells (cells that develop into other types) and the more common type is the ovarian cancer and the testicular cancer.
Blastoma: These are caused in undeveloped embryonic tissues and are more common in small children.
Below are several types of cancer classified according to the part of the body that they affect:
Appendix cancer: An appendix cancer, or appendiceal cancer, are caused in the vermiform appendix. These may also be caused by the spreading of female genital tract tumors, colon cancer and breast cancer.
Brain cancer: It is an umbrella term used to denote the various types of cancer that affect the brain – such as cerebellar astrocytoma, malignant glioma, ependymoma, medulloblastoma, etc.
Breast cancer: This type of cancer affects the breast tissue and is most often detected in the form of a hard lump, change of breast size and dimple in the breast skin, fluid leaking from nipple or a red patch on the breast skin.
Cervical cancer: This type of cancer affects the cervical region. It has the risk of spreading to other parts of the body as well (malignant in nature). Vaginal bleeding, pain during sexual intercourse and pelvic pain are often the signs of cervical cancer.
Colon cancer: This is also known as colorectal cancer, bowel cancer or rectal cancer. This cancer affects the parts of the large intestine (colon or rectum) and is caused by the abnormal growth of cells. Blood in the bowels, irregular bowel movement and extreme weight loss are some of the signs of colon cancer.
Esophageal cancer: This type of cancer is found to affect the food pipe (esophagus), a pipe of soft tissue which starts from the mouth and ends at the stomach. Signs of esophageal cancer mostly include weight loss and trouble in swallowing, hoarse voice, swollen lymph nodes, dry cough or blood in vomit.
Eye cancer: These can often originate in the eye itself or can spread to the eye from other cancers in the different parts of the body (breast cancer or lung cancer). The Basal Cell Carcinoma is the most commonly seen eye cancer.
Gastric cancer: This is also more commonly known as stomach cancer, this type of cancer develops in the lining of the stomach. It is often signified by upper abdominal pain, heartburn, loss of appetite and nausea. Later stages of symptoms include blood in the bowels, troubled swallowing, vomiting, and yellowing of the skin to weight loss. This type of cancer is also known to spread from the stomach to other parts of the body like lymph nodes, bones, lungs, etc.
Head & Neck cancer: This cancer mostly affects the mouth, lip, nasal cavity, pharynx or larynx. These usually originate in the epithelium cells of the head and neck region.
Kidney cancer: Also known as renal cancer, this affects the kidney of the patient. The two most common kinds of renal cancer are renal cell carcinoma (RCC) and the transitional cell carcinoma (TCC).
Leukemia: This is an umbrella term used to denote a number of cancers that originate in the bone marrow and cause an abnormal growth in the white blood cells. These immature white blood cells are called ‘blasts’ (or leukemia cells). Leukemia is signified by bruising and bleeding problems, fever, fatigue and increased risk of infections. These are the result of lack of normal blood cells.
Lung cancer: It is also known as pulmonary carcinoma or carcinoma of the lungs. This type of cancer is a malignant tumor caused by the uncontrolled growth of the tissue cells in the lung. This can spread to other parts of the body if not treated promptly. Chest pains, shortness of breath and blood in coughing are the major symptoms of lung cancer.
Melanoma: It is a type of cancer that affects the pigment cells called melanocytes. They usually occur in the legs in women and on the back in men. They can often start with a mole that later develops carcinogenic characteristics such as increase in size, change in color, skin discoloration and itchiness.
Oral cancer: This directly starts in the oral cavity (mouth) region. It usually starts as a lesion in the mouth tissue and can spread to the surrounding areas. It can occur in the floor of the mouth, gums, cheek tissues, lips, roof of the mouth (palate) and other parts that consist of the oral cavity.
Ovarian cancer: This affects the ovarian region of a woman. Common symptoms include abdominal swelling and pelvic pain. The ovarian cancer affects the ovary mainly, but is known to spread to liver, lungs, lymph nodes, bladder, bowel lining and the lining of the abdomen as well.
Penile cancer: This is caused by a malignant growth occurring on the skin or tissue of the penis. HIV infections, penile warts and poor hygiene are the most common causes of penile cancer.
Prostate cancer: prostate cancer (or carcinoma of the prostate) affects the male reproductive system due to a cancerous growth in the prostate gland. This type of cancer is known to spread from the prostate to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes and the bones. Pain in the back or pelvis and blood in the urine or difficulty in urinating are the common symptoms of prostate cancer.
What are the Treatments for Cancer?
The same way a cancer is classified according to the type of tumor cells and the location of the cancer, the treatment process for cancer also varies.
These are the types of treatments that are available for cancer:
Surgery: A cancer surgery is used to remove a cancer as well as repair the damage caused by the cancerous cells in the body. It is also used at times to diagnose as well as prevent cancer when possible.
Radiation therapy: Also known as radiotherapy, this uses ionizing radiation techniques to kill or control cancerous cells from spreading to other parts. This is also used as a preventive measure to decrease the risk of the cancer from recurring after being treated.
Chemotherapy: This technique for cancer treatment uses a number of drugs and medicines to destroy cancer cells in the body. It is useful to stop the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells as well as preventing the cancerous cells to spread to other parts of the body in some cases.
Immunotherapy: This type of cancer treatment manipulates the patient’s immune system to destroy, or suppress growth, of cancer causing cells in the body.
SurgeryToursIndia.com offers Best and Affordable Cancer Treatments
SurgeryToursIndia.com is known as the leader of efficient medical tour service provider in India. It is well-connected to the large network of modern and advanced oncology-specialty hospitals and clinics spread across all major cities of India, such as Delhi, Bangalore, Nagpur, Mumbai, etc to make it more convenient for patients from abroad to travel to India for treatment. SurgeryToursIndia.com offers the every individual patient with the most advanced and effective affordable treatment package for cancer in India.
For more information, medical assessment and medical quote send your detailed medical history and medical reports, as email attachment to:
WhatsApp or Call: +91-8882921234 | +91- 9730001540
Visit:- http://www.surgerytoursindia.com/cancer-surgery/
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cakeshoppy-blog · 7 years
Friendly Behavior With Someone Who Has Cancer
Cancer is when abnormal cells divide in an uncontrolled way. Some cancers may eventually spread into other tissues.
Talking with a family member or friend can help someone diagnosed with cancer cope with the range of emotions he or she is feeling.
 Shining sun say Feelings of sadness, anger, confusion, and helplessness come with a cancer diagnosis. For the person who has been diagnosed with cancer, it’s helpful when friends and family members provide a comforting presence and practical support. However, people often don’t know what to say to someone who has cancer. Here are some tips to help you show your support:
Shining sun Talk about topics other than cancer. Talking about usual topics may help provide a sense of balance. The intent is not to distract your friend or family member, but to help him or her maintain usual interests and connections and take a break from difficult conversations.
As the person you are caring for nears the final days of life, there are still many ways to share time together: you can read a book; sing a song; talk about what you’ve been doing or about the weather; share some special memory or experiences you’ve shared together; or tell them that you love them and that family send their love. Conversation may feel difficult sometimes because it may be hard to keep going when there is no visible response. You may find it challenging to keep talking but don’t want to leave the person alone.
Some are worried about the stress their loved ones feel. They may try to protect others by not sharing information or feelings. Important planning might be avoided. If you feel you can’t discuss certain things with loved ones, ask someone you trust to help you. A social worker, hospital chaplain or a member of your faith-based group can provide the support you need.
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Cancer prevention: 7 tips to reduce your risk
1. Don't use tobacco 2. Eat a healthy diet 3. Maintain a healthy weight and be physically active 4. Protect yourself from the sun 5. Get immunized 6. Avoid risky behaviors 7. Get regular medical care
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jayantharde · 5 years
What is High Value health Insurance & How Much Coverage Do I Need?
One has to prepare for unplanned activities such as medical emergencies, hospitalizations in a world complete of uncertainties. People have become more conscious of the encouraging sign of health insurance and mediclaim insurance policies.  Recent trend in health insurance policy shows that high-value health insurance plans are being offered by health insurers. The Sum Assured is what distinguishes these plans from the periodic plans. In these health insurance plans sum assured goes up from Rs 1 crore to Rs 6 Crores which is well above Rs 2 lakh to Rs 5 lakh. Let's have a comparison of these policies ' merits and demerits. Deciding on the policyholder's health insurance coverage is a significant variable.
Advantages of High-Value Health Insurance:
They Provide Comprehensive Coverage:
Healthcare has advanced by leaps and boundaries with rapid advances in the field of science and medicine, but so have the medical cost of treatment.Some medical instances, such as sophisticated cancer treatment, may cost more than Rs 10, 00, 000. This could not be covered by the basic health insurance cover.
International Treatment Are Covered:
Travelers who are commonly on a foreign journey might also discover the high-value health insurance plans as the most appropriate choice. In foreign nations, medical treatment costs are much greater than in India, so a periodic plan could not satisfy the medical expenses incurred on a foreign journey. Taking High Value Health Insurance Cover is more advantageous in such instances.
No Sub-Limits:
High-value insurance policies on hospital room rents do not have sub-limits. Because of the categorization system, however, small category rooms may be permitted.
Drawbacks of High-Value Health Insurance:
High Premium:
This comes as a no-brainer. High Sum Assured comes with a greater premium. For middle-class individuals who are already underinsured, paying greater premiums for health insurance is totally out of limits. These plans are more appropriate for individuals worthy of High Net who can pay greater premiums for guaranteed greater sums.
Despite High Premium, No respite from Waiting Period:
Health insurance plans of high value do not come with a rider to waive the requirements of the waiting period. Despite charging a greater premium, they still have that provision. These high-value health insurance plans are also covered by the exclusion list that refers to periodic health plans. Pre-entrance Health checkup is needed and the excluded list would include any disorder identified.
Plans are Offered After Strict Underwriting:
All health insurance policies are issued after strict underwriting, but even more stringent underwriting procedures are applied when the high-value health insurance policy is adopted. For the senior citizen, a 20% co-pay clause may be present.
Should You Opt for a High-Value Health Insurance Policy?
We need to be aware of the increasing medical inflation and the occurrence of terrible illnesses such as cancer, tumor, heart attacks, and stroke, a valuable health insurance policy seems to be useful. But following factors should be taken care of by the person.
Your age
Expenses & Liabilities
Nature of Job
Number of Dependents in Family
Medical Facilities you desire
How Much Health Insurance Cover Do You Need?
Health insurance is the savior when it comes to rescuing us from the monstrous costs that are incurred in the therapy of medical emergencies that include the treatment of critical diseases as well as the fees for patients. Factors to be considered when choosing how much health insurance you need are discussed below.
Ability to Pay Premium:
One of the first criteria to be used is the individual's capacity to frequently pay premiums as the premium is directly proportional to the selected guaranteed amount. Not everyone can afford the Rs 20 lakh cover premium because it's going to be enormous.
Percentage of Income:
One should have health insurance equal to 50% to 100% of your annual income, and if you've spent more than 3 lakhs on medical expenses over the past 3 years, the person should add another 3 lakhs to the assured sum.
So if the annual income of the person is Rs 4 lakhs and the medical expense over the last 3 years is 3 lakhs then the total amount assured to be selected would be 7 lakhs.
Family History:
If the person's family has a lifestyle disease history then the likelihood of passing it on to the next generation will be greater. When the person is young and healthy, anyone who falls into the genetically high-risk category should buy the person wider health insurance coverage.
The age factor is a key factor in determining the coverage quantity. If you are 25 years of age, you can bring up Rs 5 lakh to Rs 10 lakh cover, whereas you need to purchase elevated coverage for a middle-aged individual near 45 years of era as the possibilities for purchasing health insurance declines.
Keeping Specific Hospitals in Mind:
Depending on the particular hospital, people can also decide on the amount guaranteed for the health insurance policy. A costs Rs X for a comparable therapy hospital, whereas fees are 2X for Hospital B. Depending on the type of hospital or hospital grade, the quantity of health cover needed could be determined.
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Source: https://hardejayant.blogspot.com/2019/08/high-value-health-insurance-tips.html
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