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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Transisi PAUD ke SD, Candrawati Tamba Harap Belajar Lebih Menyenangkan
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, JEMBRANA - Bunda Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Kabupaten Jembrana, Gusti Ayu Ketut Candrawati Tamba melakukan kunjungan monitoring dan evaluasi (monev) gerakan transisi PAUD ke Sekolah Dasar (SD) yang menyenangkan di Kabupaten Jembrana, Selasa (5/9/2023). Mengawali kunjungan di TK Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Pekutatan, dilanjutkan TK Negeri Pembina Kecamatan Mendoyo dan yang terakhir di TK Negeri Canangsari, Kecamatan Jembrana. Dan besok, Rabu (6/9/2023) berlanjut di TK Negeri Negara, Kecamatan Negar kemudian TK Melati Nusasari, Kecamatan Melaya dan terakhir di SDK Marsudirini. Bunda PAUD, Candrawati Tamba meminta dan berharap kepada orang tua dan wali serta guru-guru di satuan pendidikan PAUD dan SD harus mengikuti ketentuan edaran Kemendikbudristek agar tidak mewajibkan calistung di saat penerimaan murid baru. "Sesuai arahan Bunda PAUD Nasional, Iriana Joko Widodo, pada acara komitmen bersama Bunda PAUD Kabupaten/ Kota se-Indonesia untuk mendukung gerakan transisi PAUD ke SD yang Menyenangkan, maka dari itu ayo kita sukseskan gerakan bersama ini," ucapnya. Istri Bupati Jembrana ini juga menyebutkan, pada kesempatan tersebut Bunda PAUD Nasional menyampaikan bahwa gerakan ini merupakan upaya menjaga keselarasan pendidikan anak dari PAUD ke SD/MI, sehingga proses peralihan dapat berjalan dengan baik dan lancar. Selain itu, tercipta suasana belajar yang positif dan membekas sebagai kenangan indah bagi anak-anak yang masih dalam kategori anak usia dini. "Sehingga upaya kita membangun karakter manusia unggul yang sehat dan kuat, cerdas dan berprestasi, pada masa-masa usia dini anak-anak kita bisa selaras dan berkesinambungan demi masa depan yang lebih baik," kata Bunda Candrawati Tamba. Disisi lain, selain melaksanakan movev, pihaknya juga ingin bersilaturahmi bersama guru-guru PAUD se-Kabupaten Jembrana.  "Dikesempatan yang luar biasa ini, Saya juga ingin bersilaturahmi bersama guru-guru PAUD se Jembrana. Saya juga membawa bantuan sedikit berupa beras masing-masing 10 kg, ini sebagai bentuk tali kasih kepada ibu-ibu semua tas dedikasi selama ini," ungkapnya. Terakhir, Ia juga ingin para guru senantiasa mendukung penuh program-program pemerintah kabupaten Jembrana khususnya dalam mewujudkan Jembrana Emas 2026. "Tiang juga membawa kabar baik, Bapak Bupati menyutujui pemberian isentif bagi guru-guru PAUD Non ASN dan sudah masuk dalam Dapodik. Astungkara dalam waktu dekat ini bisa terwujud nggih, ini semua demi mewujudkan pendidikan yang berkwalitas di kabupaten Jembrana," pungkasnya. Turut mendampingi dalam kegiatan tersebut, anggota TP PKK Jembrana, Kabid Pembinaan PAUD dan Pendidikan Masyarakat Dinas Pendidikan, I Wayan Eka Sutendra, anggota Pokja PAUD serta seluruh guru-guru PAUD.(bpn) Read the full article
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marcosfreiregurgel · 5 years ago
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O dia de ontem de fez lembrar do Ritual de Purificacao que acontece no Templo das Aguas Sagradas de Ubud (Pura Tirta Empul). Segundo a lenda, as fontes naturais foram criadas pelo Deus hindu Indra; e o ritual - chamado Melukat - serve para limpar as impurezas dessa vida, se livrar das energias negativas e purificar as pessoas. O ritual envolve respeito as diferenças e exige - principalmente - que você esteja com a mente e coraçao abertos. O fundamental ali é ouvir, sentir e deixar que as aguas das fontes levem aquilo que não for leve para você. Da primeira a terceira piscina, cada uma das fontes tem seu simbolismo, mas o mais importante em si do ritual como um todo é deixar voce "pronto" para dar o melhor de si, para ouvir mais, para entender mais, para observar mais os sinais, para respeitar mais, para ter mais calma; nao brigar, nao discutir, nao forcar o seu ponto de vista, nao querer "ganhar de alguem", mas sim "ganhar com alguem e para alguem". Catalisar energias boas. Espalhar o bem. Cuidar. Proteger. Abracar. Que nossas diferenças sejam diluidas. O planeta esta precisando respirar e nao de discordia online por diferenças de opinioes. O melhor time pra 'torcer' nao é o meu, o seu ou o do vizinho, mas é quando você sai da arquibancada e vai jogar de verdade. Quando você deixa de ser torcida e passa a atuar. Quando você para de brigar com o time do lado e se importa em se divertir. O melhor momento da sua vida é agora. Independente das situacoes adversas la fora. Aproveite e gaste sua energia pro bem. Some ao inves de dividir. Retribua ao inves de discordar. E deixe passar, com um sorriso no rosto aquilo que não for leve para você. Nao gaste suas forcas lutando contra o rio. Acredite na natureza das coisas, e deixa as aguas (ou os ventos) levarem aquilo que não te faz colocar um sorrir. Aloha ✌🏽 #pura #tirtaempul #ubud #tampaksiring #vishnu #melukat #canangsari #karma (at Tirta Empul Holy Water Tample.) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_Z3N83F3pG/?igshid=1hv4edahqtsh6
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gajahilosophy · 5 years ago
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FILOSOFI CANANG patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati tat aham bhakty-upahrtam asnami prayatatmanah (bhagawad gita IX.26) Artinya : siapapun yang dengan sujud bhakti kehadapan-Ku mempersembahkan sehelai daun, sebiji buah-buahan,seteguk air, aku terima sebagai bhakti persembahan dari orang yang berhati suci Dalam suatu konsep agama Hindu dalam mempersiapkan sarana persembahyangan, yang antara lain : air, api, bunga, buah, daun. Dalam budaya Bali, konsep ini kemudian diejawantahkan dalam wujud seni. Salah satunya adalah keanekaragaman bentuk sesajen. Banten adalah Weda, sama halnya dengan mantra. Ketika umat tidak mampu merapalkan mantra Weda dengan baik, sebagai bentuk bukti syukur umat dapat membuktikannya dengan menghaturkan sesajen atau banten yang baik sesuai dengan ajaran Weda. Melalui banten inilah sebagai penolong manusia menghubungkan antara yang dipuja dengan yang memuja. Dalam pelaksanaan upacara kuantitas yang terkecil dari sarana yang dibutuhkan adalah berupa sarana yang merupakan inti atau kanista yang disebut dengan canang. Canang berasal dari dua suku kata “Ca” yang berarti indah dan “Nang” yang diartikan sebagai tujuan yang dimaksud, “Sari” berarti inti atau sumber. Dengan demikian maksud dan tujuan canang adalah sebagai sarana bahasa Weda untuk memohon keindahan—kekuatan Widya kehadapan Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa beserta Prabhawa (manifestasi) Nya secara skala maupun niskala. Canang merupakan upakara yang penting bagi umat Hindu. Canang sari dalam persembahyangan penganut Hindu Bali adalah kuantitas terkecil namun inti (kanista=inti). Kenapa disebut terkecil namun inti, karena dalam setiap bebantenan apa pun selalu berisi Canang Sari. Canang sari sering dipakai untuk persembahyangan sehari-hari. Canang sari juga mengandung salah satu makna sebagai simbol bahasa Weda untuk memohon kehadapan Sang Hyang Widhi yaitu memohon kekuatan Widya (Pengetahuan) untuk Bhuwana Alit maupun Bhuwana Agung. Rahajeng Tilem Sasih Kedasa, Buda Pon Medangkungan dan #haribumi2020 *untuk detail filosofi canang sari silakan diswap ke kiri gambarnya* — #newmoon #tilemkedasa #earthday2020 #dirumahaja #hopeisreal #canangsari #flowers #gajahilosophy (at Rumah Bali - Dewa's Sanctuary) https://www.instagram.com/p/B_RTurzFz7O/?igshid=6jyn0xzulina
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pinkguacamole · 7 years ago
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Pasar. Morning market in Ubud, Bali. People can buy flowers for their daily offerings here of Canang Sari. There are also ready-made Canang Sari because so many Balinese people are busy working in the tourism industry and they no longer have time to make them each morning.
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charley-pie · 7 years ago
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One of the things I absolutely love about Bali is the offerings people leave out on the pavements. Everywhere you walk, especially first thing in the morning, you will find hundreds of these beautifully arranged canang sari laid out as offerings to Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa - thanking for the peace given to the world. In this not-so-peaceful time, perhaps it is even more important to give thanks for what there is, in hope that more will come. #bali #travel #offerings #hindu #hinduism #canang #canangsari #traveltuesday #travelphotography #ubud #indo #indonesia #sanghyangwidhiwasa #peace #forpeace #thanks #flowers #incense #streetphotography #streetofferings (at Ubud)
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dhawandirksen · 5 years ago
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First day in Ubud, experiencing a new culture which I have heard so much about. This the entrance to the house where they give offerings, also called 'Canang sari', every morning. The offering is to give thanks to the gods and demons, and also to feed the small animals that past by. #ubud #bali #housegate #canangsari (at Ubud, Bali, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0K1i_sgwEj/?igshid=8glizep964m3
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notesofjo · 6 years ago
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Canang Sari 🌺 A morning ritual in Bali for more than a thousand years, is intergraded into Balinese’s every day life. The offering is said to maintain balance and peace on earth, amidst the forces of good and evil, among gods and demons, between heaven and hell. 👼 . Every morning, fresh little baskets packed with flowers, snacks, and incense (sometimes even cigarettes) are careful arranged and placed in the middle of roads, on the staircases, in the shrines, and in front of houses and shops. It’s impossible to not notice these beautiful arrangements all around Bali. 🙏 . It’s certainly one of my favorite ceremonies in Bali if not the entire world - The offerings is a way to demonstrate our gratitude to the gods, to the creation of life for maintaining peace on Mama Gaia.🌍 . Understanding that both positive and negative energies exist in the world, yet it’s up to us to seek balance and harmony in our personal lives, the community and the world. ⚖️ . So every morning, I set my intention and give my prayers - what can I offer to restore balance in my life and help others to do the same? 🌸 . I have this gift I want to offer to people who wish to seek balance through the magic of music. I’ve been listening hard and following the guidance to create this arrangement and container for us to dive deep within ourselves. 🎁 . Would you be interested in hearing what I have to offer? 🧞‍♀️ . . #balinesetradition #restoreyourbalance #musicaloffering #canangsari #baliindonesia #bali #newparadigm #heavenonearth #innerknowing #spirituality #deepdive #ubudbali #ubud #balidaily #travelsoutheastasia #travelauthentic #aswithinsowithout #gratitude #lifedesigner #alignment #meditation #setyourintention #soulfood (at Ubud, Bali, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BwlLBNSgVZ8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=12trlxeoz4vf1
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ladymissnataka · 8 years ago
Sang Made continuing the explanation of the different elements of each canang sari. #bali #bali🌴 #baliindonesia #indonesia #travel #ilovebali #lobongcookingclass #gianyar #kedewatan #ubud #ubudbali #travelvideo #canangsari #traveltheworld #wanderlust #aroundtheworld #travelgram #travelingram #traveler #traveling #travellife #instatravel #instago #instapassport #instavacation #passionpassport #passportready (at LOBONG Cooking Class)
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perrysjogren · 6 years ago
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Canang sari is one of the daily offerings made by Balinese Hindus to thank the Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa in praise and prayer. Canang sari will be seen in the Balinese temples (pura), on smallshrines in houses, and on the ground or as a part of a larger offering. . . . . #canangsari #hindu #hindubali #ilovebali #balitrip #thebaliguideline #explorebali #visitbali #balidaily #balilife #baliisland #balicili #baliadvisor #liveonpurpose #lovelife #bali #nusapenida #ubud #kuta #uluwatu#jimbaran #sanur #canggu #balicili#seminyak #nusalembongan #sunset #sunrise #baliisland #nusadua #gilitrawangan #nusapenidatrip #explorebali #holiday #thebalibible #infodenpasar #paradise #wonderfullindonesia #travel #beautifuldestinations #baliindonesia #gianyar #kintamani (at Badung, Bali, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bpkr8b1Ae3q/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=k1391svkm05p
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jdmrc93 · 6 years ago
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#Bali #Aesthetic #CanangSari #Indonesia #Seminyak #Kuta #Honeymoon #Denpasar #Hindu #Temples #Photoset #🇮🇩 (at Seminyak, Bali) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bni7j0Fnt0n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1oxec58p2wzpt
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0ehawee0 · 7 years ago
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Il n'y a pas de Canang Sari sans Dupa. Le "Dupa" représente les bâtons d'encens que l'on fait brûler et que l'on pose dans les offrandes. La fumée de l'encens n'est autre que le fil conducteur qui va permettre aux offrandes d'arriver aux Dieux. [Photo prise lors d'une cérémonie de Mariage à Ubud] 🌺🙏 • • • •#bali •#travelphotography • • • •#travelgram #travel #travellife #traveladdict #travelblogger #travelgirl #adventure #wanderlust #landscape #discover #holidays #travellover #traveler #photo #photography #photooftheday #photographer #photoshoot #landscapephotography #photographie #naturephotography #travelcouple #ubud #wedding #canangsari #backpack #canon (à Ubud)
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standelacerna · 7 years ago
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A Balinese woman sets down her morning #canangsari offering. Kuta #Bali, 2013. (at Bali, Indonesia)
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pinkguacamole · 7 years ago
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Balinese Hindu offerings to the Gods called Canang Sari line the streets of Bali each day. They are usually a palm leaf filled with colorful flowers and often burning incense to show thanks for the peace in the world.
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balifornian · 7 years ago
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#Repost @xeniaguido (@get_repost) ・・・ Traditional Balinese Offering #canangSari . They are made and offered daily as a form of gratitude. It is beautiful. It takes time and effort to prepare. And there is no attachment to it. Tomorrow a new offering will be made, in gratitude for the blessings of a new day. Deep gratitude for the amazing staff at @balifloatingleafretreat for hosting our 2017 @puravida.yoga Bali Yoga Retreat . #offering #bali #floatingleaf #homemade #imadethis #bali #yogatetreat #love #flowers #hindutrinity #brahma #vishnu #shiva #mahadeva #iswara (at Floating Leaf Eco-Luxury Retreat)
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bondalembeachclub · 7 years ago
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Canang Sari - daily Balinese offerings, symbol of thankfulness to the Hindu god, Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa. It is offered every day as a form of thanking for the peace had given to the world. Canang sari normally filled with colorful flowers. The colors of the flowers are white, red, yellow, blue or green. Those colors are not randomly chosen; they have different meaning and are placed in specific directions. 🔼White-colored flowers that point to the east as a symbol of Iswara. Iswara is regarded as one of the primary forms of God. He is also known as Shiva or Mahadeva. 🔼Red-colored flowers that point to the south as a symbol of Brahma. Brahma is often referred to as the progenitor or great grandsire of all human beings. Brahmā is traditionally depicted with four heads, four faces, and four arms. Unlike most other Hindu gods, Brahmā holds no weapons. He holds a scepter, a book, a string of prayer beads and the Vedas. 🔼Yellow-colored flowers that point to the west as a symbol of Mahadeva. Mahadeva means “Great god”. The main iconographical attributes of Mahadeva or Shiva are the third eye on his forehead, the snake Vasuki around his neck, the crescent moon adorning, the holy river Ganga flowing from his matted hair, the Trishula as his weapon and the Damaru as his instrument. 🔼Blue or green colored flowers that point to the north as a symbol of Vishnu. Visnu is conceived as “the Preserver” within the Trimurti, the Hindu Trinity of the divinity. He is depicted as a blue being, holding a Padma (lotus flower) in the lower left hand, the Kaumodaki gada (mace) in the lower right hand, the Panchajanya shankha (conch) in the upper left hand and the discus weapon Sudarshana Chakra in the upper right hand. #balihindu #trimurti #canangsari #traditional #culture #heritage #бали (at Bali, Indonesia)
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seafarrwide · 8 years ago
We take the beauty of the ocean for granted but not the Balinese. They respect its power and thank the gods for each day. #bali #offerings #canangsari #worship #hindu #oceanlover #travel #travelblog #travelgram #travelphotography #video #waves #lovetravel #thethingsyousee (at Echo Beach Canggu Bali)
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