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I know, guys! There is MORE lost media.
#canada #cbcnews #canadianbroadcastingcorporation #lostmedia #justice #WeWantJusticeRightNow.
The Beachcombers was a 19 season long show, spanning from 1972 to 1990. Many people grew up with the show, but similar to many other CBC based projects and shows, it was lost due to poor care and treatment. This CBC-based loss disrespects Jackson Davies, Shirley Milliner, Reg Romero, Bruno Gerussi, Brent Carver, and Michael J. Fox, similar to their loss of Leo & Me (1976) and Witch of Westminster Crossing (1977) just to name more of their faults. The show was a gem for Canadian history and it was by far the longest running Canadian show. Many people loved the series, but are now unable to watch it due to the CBC's lack of care for the show. Many of the actors whom were in the show have since passed away or have gotten fairly ill, which adds much more salt to the wound. The CBC is ruining legacies and will not stop unless we make them. Sign this petition today to show that you care, both to the world and to the CBC. Sign for change, sign to help, sign for respect. Sign for whatever good cause you want to contribute to. We need help. We need it soon. Media-destroying events happen all the time, especially in Canada, such as wildfires and other catastrophic disasters. Any number of unstoppable things can happen, and the likeliness of the show being permanently destroyed is increasing by the minute. Justice for Brent Carver, justice for Michael J. Fox, justice for Jackson Davies, Justice for Reg Romero, justice for Bruno Gerussi, justice for Shirley Milliner, justice for Pat John, justice for Robert Clothier, justice for Rae Brown, justice for Joe Austin, Justice for Cameron Bancroft, just to name a small percentage of the innocent people affected. These people all deserve justice. One signature contributes massively to the cause. Help us make the change.
These people never deserved the loss and disrespect that the CBC brought them. The injustice was never mentioned in the fine lines of the papers they signed. They had no idea this would be brought unto them. Justice for The Beachcombers.
#70s#lost media#michael j fox#canadian broadcasting corporation#cbc#lost shows#brent carver#not leo and me news but very close#why do you do this cbc why is everything mike and brent made lost.#jackson davies#reg romero#bruno gerussi#shirley milliner#cameron bancroft#joe austin#rae brown#robert clothier#pat john#mjf
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Rich Little on Peppiatt and Aylesworth
#youtube#peppiattandaylesworth#rich little#johnaylesworth#frankpeppiatt#canada#billaylesworth#cbc#peppiatt&aylesworth#canadianbroadcastingcorporation#richlittle#cchof#canadiancomedyhalloffame#judygarlandshow#donharron#davebroadfoot#dave broadfoot#john aylesworth#frank peppiatt#canadiancomedy
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I went to the filming for an episode of the Rick Mercer Report tonight! It was so much fun! Favourite part had to be the story he told us about his day off which included a cleaning at the dentist followed by a fly by pigeon wing in his mouth 😂😂😂. . . .. ... .... ..... .... ... .. . @rickmercerreport @itsrickmercer #rickmercer #rickmercerreport #cbc #canadianbroadcastingcorporation #toronto #comedy #comedian #dentist #pigeon #cantstoplaughing #happy (at CBC Toronto)
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Top 7 Costliest Cars In The World

Who says cash cannot purchase you happiness? once you are cruising around the town in one among these supercars that only some the individuals have ever dreamt of owning, you'll believe that it can. the only kryptonite for these cars is an empty fuel tank. If you're a motorhead, then you have landed on the correct page. Let's pay homage to a number of the worlds' costliest cars. Dubai is the Middle East's high town for luxury disbursement. the town includes a distinctive approach of defining luxury, It may be well outlined by the sort of vehicles driven within the country. In Dubai luxury is the approach of life and not another

The costliest automobile to own ever been sold-out is Bugatti's La Voiture Noire. sold-out for a humongous value of nineteen U.S. dollars, the car comes with a 16-cylinder engine and Bugatti's trademark front grille. it's a carbon fiber body. La Voiture Noire was unveiled at the Geneva automobile show, where it had been sold-out at the record value. The car reaches 62mph in two.4 seconds and includes a top speed of 261mph.

Costlier than an apartment in JBR, this car uses a unique fiber solution known as 'Koenigsegg Proprietary Diamond Weave' that transforms the fiber from black to a sparkling silvery white giving the body a lucid shimmering diamond look. Moreover, the Koenigsegg is provided with a 4.8 liter, dual-supercharged V8 having a complete output of 1,004 H.P. permitting it to simply overtake trailers on an expressway. only 2 models of this automobile are manufactured, creating it one amongst the rarest and exclusive cars to have.

It is characterized by the six.5lt V12 engine, that permits the car to achieve sixty mph in exactly 2.9 seconds!! This iconic car combines power with lightness specially designed for Adrenalin junkies. moreover, it provides the rider the unspeakable feeling of flying on the road! making it one amongst the costliest cars

The Lykan HyperSport is also called the primary Arab sports car. This automobile redefines luxury; each of its LED Headlights is roofed with either diamonds or the purchaser's selection of precious or semi-precious stones. W Motors, the creators of the automobile claim that the automobile can go from zero - 1oo km/hr in exactly 2.8 seconds!! The automobile has been featured in the American action film Furious seven. The automobile is also a part of the luxurious fleet of the Abu Dhabi police.

The mighty Bugatti Veyron by Mansory Vivere is one amongst the quickest and therefore the costliest cars on the list. it's been changed many times since its launch in 2005. The automobile comes with an irresistible carbon fire body and upgraded LED headlights and tail lamp cluster. it's additionally the costliest Dubai police car.

It first hypercar and is doubtless the best and the costliest. this is often an upgraded and restored version of the Red Bull AM - Rb 001. the planning and structure emulate that of a formula one race car. the driver and traveler are expected to take a seat in a reclined feet up position. The automobile features a mid-mounted V12 engine and has an exceptional 1:1 power to weight magnitude relation.

Ferrari Pininfarina Sergio is one amongst the foremost extremely desirable and costliest vehicles in the world. Designed by the legendary Italian style house Pininfarina, it absolutely was created in the memory of a deceased son of Pininfarina. a remarkable truth concerning this car is that the owners of the automobile were selected by the makers itself, creating it a really exclusive supercar. This automobile is really an upgraded version of Ferrari 458 spider with a very new body and interior. Read the full article
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Help get this exciting project funded! Designer Burton Kramer created an iconic identity system for CBC that still resonates today. Kickstart it and capture a small piece of the CBD identity legacy for your library or design book collection!
#burton kramer#burtonkramer#standardsguide#identity#graphic design#graphicdesign#cbc#canadianbroadcastingcorporation
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Perusahaan Bitcoin ATM Tidak Bertanggung Jawab atas Kerugian Scam Victim: Hakim Kanada
Sebuah perusahaan ATM bitcoin Kanada yang digugat oleh korban penipuan akhirnya bisa bernapas lega setelah hakim memutuskan bahwa perusahaan itu tidak bertanggung jawab atas kerugian yang terjadi. Korban, seorang wanita yang namanya dirahasiakan, telah menggugat Instacoin ATM Kanada untuk mendapatkan kembali C $ 62.500 yang ia kirim menggunakan mesin penjual mata uang cryptocurrency perusahaan kepada penipu, sambil berpikir bahwa dia mentransfer uang ke Badan Pendapatan Kanada (CRA) untuk membayar pajaknya, menurut Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Memberikan putusan di Charlottetown di Provinsi Prince Edward Island di Kanada, Hakim Kepala Provinsi Nancy Orr memutuskan bahwa kontrak antara Instacoin ATM Kanada dan wanita itu untuk pembelian pertukaran uang tunai untuk bitcoin - bukan untuk perusahaan mesin penjual otomatis cryptocurrency untuk mengirim dana ke badan pajak.
'Tanggung jawab yang terdesentralisasi'
Selain itu, hakim menyatakan bahwa pengguna cryptocurrency harus mengambil tanggung jawab pribadi atas apa yang mereka beli karena transaksi tidak dapat dibatalkan: “Kedua pihak yang terlibat dalam kasus ini sangat bersimpati kepada wanita itu. Terserah kepada pembeli bitcoin untuk mengetahui apa yang mereka lakukan, ”hakim memutuskan.

Korban pada awalnya dihubungi oleh para penipu, yang menyamar sebagai pejabat CRA dan melanjutkan untuk menuduhnya membuat klaim palsu pada arsip pajaknya. Seorang imigran Iran baru-baru ini ke Kanada , para penipu mengancam akan menangkapnya dan mendeportasi kecuali dia membayar pajak yang dia miliki dari CRA dalam bitcoin. Untuk membuat skema itu tampak sah, para penipu memalsukan panggilan yang tampaknya berasal dari kantor akuntannya dengan "nasihat" yang harus dia bayar. Sekarang ditipu oleh penipuan, korban diarahkan ke ATM bitcoin tertentu yang terletak di restoran pizza di Charlottetown.
Takut Mesin Negara
Per akun korban tentang insiden itu, bagian dari alasan mengapa ia menyetujui tuntutan para penipu adalah bahwa, dengan latar belakangnya, tangan keras negara itu terlalu akrab dan ia ingin menghindari jatuh ke sisi yang salah dari pemerintah. Namun, meskipun pengacara wanita itu mengatakan bahwa dia bertindak di bawah tekanan, Hakim Orr mengatakan bahwa “Instacoin tidak membuatnya tertekan” dan dia juga tidak sadar akan keadaan pikirannya. Namun, penipuan semacam itu tidak terbatas di Kanada. Baru-baru ini, seperti dilaporkan Detikdax , penipuan yang sama terungkap di Australia, yang mengakibatkan petugas pajak negara itu mengeluarkan peringatan yang menyatakan bahwa Kantor Pajak Australia tidak menerima utang pajak untuk dibayar dalam bitcoin. Meskipun ada peringatan, penipuan masih berlanjut, dan pada awal bulan ini, para penipu telah menarik 50.000 dolar AS , dengan jumlah yang berpotensi lebih tinggi karena beberapa korban biasanya terlalu malu untuk melapor. Read the full article
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.r.ethink energy .r.ealize sovereignty Sun. Wind. Rain. Oceans. Geothermal. Biogas. All here, all free... so remind me again why we pay what we do for oil and to live here? #lensflare #photography #photoshop #cbc #cbcarts #canadianbroadcastingcorporation #cantseetheforestforthetrees #oldtrees #oldgrowth #organicmatter #oily #folly #solarpowered #methane #hydroelectric #geothermal #Waves #harnessthemoon #windpower #solarradiationmanagement #foodpowerwatershelter #sovereignty #off-grid #independance #takethepowerback #rageagainstthemachine #prophetsofrage #RAWr #EcoPerma Find me here: www.rawr-transformation.com (at Squamish, British Columbia)
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2:00am and still dyeing yarn while listening to Gordon Lighfoot and wishing for one more story from the Vinyl Cafe. Good night Dave, good night Morley, miss you Stuart. #thevinylcafe #canadianbroadcastingcorporation #cbc #yarndyeing #theyarnofricharddevrieze #rhicharddevrieze #rhicharddevriezeyarn #rhicharddevriezeyarns #stuartmclean #dyestudio #studio #canadian #greybruce (at Berkeley, Ontario)
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Ray Of Hope For Zimbabwe Cricket As SRC Reinstates Mukuhlani | ZimEye #ZimbabweCricket #InternationalCricketCouncil #SRC #CanadianBroadcastingCorporation #PresidentOfTheUnitedStates #EmmersonMnangagwa #Zimbabwe #ICC Jane Mlambo| The Sport and Recreation Commission, chaired by President Emmerson Mnangagwa’s son-in-law Gerald Mlotshwa, has lifted its suspension of the Zimbabwe Cricket board as demanded by the International Cricket Council. https://cricmain.com/2019/08/08/ray-of-hope-for-zimbabwe-cricket-as-src-reinstates-mukuhlani-zimeye/
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We will play for free for sake of the game: Zimbabwe cricketer #InternationalCricketCouncil #ICC #ZimbabweCricket #Zimbabwe #Twenty20 #Tunnel #ESPNcricinfo #Netherlands #Ireland #FTP #FileTransferProtocol #Afghanistan #WestIndiesCricketTeam #India #KirstyCoventry #Cricket #Constitution #SRC #CanadianBroadcastingCorporation Barred from competing in any ICC event, Zimbabwe's cricketers are willing to play "for free" to keep the game alive in the country, expressing their desperation to compete in the upcoming World Twenty20 Qualifiers. https://cricmain.com/2019/07/30/we-will-play-for-free-for-sake-of-the-game-zimbabwe-cricketer/
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ICC ran out of patience with Zimbabwe cricket: Grant Flower #ICC #InternationalCricketCouncil #ZimbabweCricket #GrantFlower #Batting #SRC #CanadianBroadcastingCorporation #Constitution Former batsman Grant Flower says the ICC perhaps wanted Zimbabwe Cricket to be more responsible by suspending them for government intervention but doubted if the global body interpreted the SRC action in true sense. https://cricmain.com/2019/07/21/icc-ran-out-of-patience-with-zimbabwe-cricket-grant-flower/
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Zimbabwe sports minister denies interference in cricket #ICC #InternationalCricketCouncil #SRC #CanadianBroadcastingCorporation #Zimbabwe #Minister #Coventry #Twitter #Cricket #ZimbabweCricket #GoodGovernance #TestCricket #2019CricketWorldCup Thursday's ICC action followed the suspension by Zimbabwe’s Sports and Recreation Commission (SRC) of the Zimbabwe Cricket board elected in June. https://cricmain.com/2019/07/20/zimbabwe-sports-minister-denies-interference-in-cricket/
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