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I wish my skin was as smooth as the filters but that's just not reality.. || #acneprone #letmelive #filtersfordays #canigetabreak #letmysufferingendboiiii (at London, United Kingdom)
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Getting pushed into Adulthood
This week I have experienced more things than I thought was possible. I got into my first accident, got whiplash, went in an ambulance, got to talk to cops, dealt with insurance company, and packed up a house.
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Not remotely fandom related
I am so tired of this frustrating, terrifying, stressful, tear-my-hair-out, all-out insanity ride that my life has become. I am ready to get off now. I think I would prefer something less stress-inducing, and more steady than what I have got now. If things keep up I will definitely not be there for the end of it. Please Note: This is not a trigger, a suicide warning or note, or a cry for help. This is the only outlet I have available where I can anonymously vent without the worry that family and friends will think something is wrong with me and thus treat me like the breakable thing I feel I might become.
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3 shitty birthdays in a row yayyyy
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Who needs help gardening? She is cheap labor but needs to work off all the things she destroys. She works hard and loves most digging jobs. Flexible hours, has transportation... May need to be micro managed but will work harder for treats. Contact #berlintheaussie with any #job openings. #badpuppy #dig #digging #iflmd #getajob #australianshepard #whatdidshedestroytoday #canigetabreak #hashtagmyemotions
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I don't know why every guy I meet has to be a COMPLETE f*cking tool.
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