#can't catch a supernatural creature who is good at blending in
I'm so in love with this concept, you wouldn't believe ♥️ Have you decided what kind of vampire the MC is? Like what weaknesses or powers they have?
thank you so much, bonnie 🥺 and yes i have the basic details of the vampires in this universe outlined!
they aren't bothered by the sun much, all it does is give them a bad headache if they stand under it for too long. sunglasses help with that tho 😌 the older the vampires are, the more unaffected they get.
the fangs of vampires vary depending on the individual. but there are mainly three types of them: the classic upper canines, both upper + lower canines, and whole rows of razor sharp teeth (jennifer check style).
all of their senses are heightened: smell, touch, taste, hearing and sight. they're faster, stronger, irresistibly attractive. basically an advanced version of humans.
younger vampires have periods where their thirst is almost insatiable. however, the longer they live and learn to control it, they can go without drinking for a long time.
most human food tastes like ashes and fodder to young vampires and there are only a handful of those that they can actually manage to keep down. they're mostly liquids like tea, tomato juice, water, etc. the older they are, the more their tastebuds adjust to the strange taste until they can enjoy it fully. dare i say that it makes some of the older vampires nostalgic about their human years.
as for their vampire form, think of the ones from ‘the vampire diaries’ but with black sclera and red irises instead of grey ones.
vampires can die if you either burn them, stake them through their heart, or cut off their head. they're not weak to silver tho, most of them even prefer making jewelry off of it.
vampires have a list of unique abilities of their own but it's based on emotions and psyche. manipulating or reading feelings, blocking other vampire's influence, hypnosis, etc. some vampires have strong psychic powers and once in a blue moon, they would be able to predict a future correctly.
they just can't turn someone whenever they please. vampires have very potent venom that has a major chance of either killing the person they intend to turn, or have the process go awry when they go Feral. i'd say that the first option is better than the second 💀
the first vampire was likely mycenaean and when you were turned, your sire didn't exactly seemed worried that you'd become a Feral so it likely meant that the venom wasn't harmful to humans then. but you and other young vampires weren't able to turn anyone, while your sires could do it effortlessly.
witches theorise that it was because the original vampire had recieved eternal death before you were embraced by eternity. therefore all the vampires created after that had very few power on siring any new creatures of blood. and unfortunately, you weren't one of them.
vampire population isn't doing too well either. many of them die before they can even turn 150, mostly because their sires get scared and abandon them or they get Butchers come for them. now put the select few ones who have the power to create vampires on top of that, they aren't having a good time 😭
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graktung · 3 years
Calm before the storm - part one - S.S x fem!reader
Hii :) feedback is appreciated!!
Who: Stiles Stilinski
Reader: y/n (fem)
Set: season 5
Status: best friends with Stiles
word count: 930
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y/n's pov:
Stiles and I were close. really close. but somethings been off lately; he hasn't talked to me for weeks and anytime I catch his eye in the hallway he walks the other way. Considering that we have basically been attached at the hip since we first met back in middle school, this was weird. Too weird.
It been tough lately, for all of us. I mean, Malia has gone off the radar, Kira has completely disappeared, and there are new creatures being discovered; chimeras.
Most of the time, I wouldn't be able to finish a piece of homework without getting a call from someone in the pack (not that i'm against not finishing homework) saying that there is either a new threat, or a new body. It honestly feels like the deadpool is back, but they're all just 'failed experiments', whatever that means.
Anyways, back to Stiles. I tried to talk to the others about it; Liam, Mason, Noah, and even Theo (I wasn't too thrilled about that last one) but they said he was avoiding them too, when he could.
thankfully, Mason was able to tell me that most of them were heading to the animal clinic with Hayden, and that if I wanted to catch Stiles, going there would be my best bet. So, I grabbed my phone and skateboard (with a dagger tucked away- if I have to be human, i'm gonna protect myself) and began to ride over. I only lived a couple blocks away from the animal clinic so it didn't take me too long, but it started to pour down which made my ride a lot more slippy.
Stiles' jeep was parked out front and I caught his eye. In that split second, he knew he couldn't run this time.
The drivers-side door opened and he stepped out, not caring about the rain, and began to walk towards the clinic entrance but I managed to beat him to it:
"Stiles you can't keep running from me! Okay? i'm your best friend, you mean everything to me and you know that."
"y/n, you know I-"
"No. I need to say this and I won't force you to explain because we both know you'd only avoid me with good reason, but I know you, and I know that i'll never understand what you go through, or what it's like to lose someone like that (he knew I meant his mom as soon as the words left my mouth) or how it feels to be in the midst of a supernatural crisis but, Stiles I love you so much, and you know i'm gonna be here for you, always." i wasn't processing what i was saying as i kept on going, barely making sure I was breathing. But i think Stiles did- he looked up at me with a hopeful look in his eyes which, had I not been ranting and it wasn't so dark, I would've noticed.
"Even if you don't wanna talk, and you just want to sit and watch Star Wars, i'll be there. you know I will, and I know you'd do the same for me"
I tried to lighten the mood with Star Wars due to the marathons we do. It's actually the reason we first became friends- we met at a showing of the original movie and our seats were together. cliche, I know.
"I trust you with my life, Stiles" i carried on, "You know i'd do anything for you. And i hate asking for things but I need this. I need you to trust me too. please." I practically begged. My tears had started to blend in with the rain minutes ago but now my vision was beginning to blur.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and realised that Stiles wasn't going to reply anytime soon, "that was all. you probably have people to save so, bye..." I sighed.
I turned around to skate back home until I was pulled back around by an arm I recognised to be Stiles-
immediately, I was engulfed into his arms and he held me like I would disappear if he let go. I looked up at him while I latched my arms around him and he returned my gaze. We stayed like that for a second although it felt like an hour, until his voice interrupted;
"y/n I love you, so much, I always have and i always will. I'm not gonna go on and on because I know you know, and i'd much rather stay like this for a while before we have to go save someone's ass again. and yes, "we", you're coming with me, i'm not doing this without you." he breathed, "I'm sorry I was avoiding you, and i'll explain everything later, because that's what you deserve, but for right now can we just enjoy this calm before the storm?"
you just took it all in and looked up at him, "of course. we go through everything together, no matter what, okay? you can't get rid of me easily Stiles" you laughed lightly.
"believe me I don't want to, i'm in it for the long game." Stiles showed a small smile and brought you back into his embrace, savouring every last second of peace he had with you, muttering sweet nothings about not letting you go and everything else.
You knew you were gonna have to face a lot of scary things, but you were going to face them with Stiles, and that was enough.
part 2?
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