#can't believe I'm saying this but I am genuinely excited to see this perspective of the story!
celestialowlryx · 1 month
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It's time I tell you a story. A story of a cub not much bigger than you. Long before they became legends, Mufasa and the prince, who would come to be known as Scar, became brothers.
Mufasa: The Lion King | Official Trailer
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
Fractured and Adrift
I was going to write a big huge post with lots of screen shots and chart data and analysis that I'd saved on my phone, but honestly I'm too sick right now to sit up and organize all that. If you go on twitter, you see in real time what is happening, anyway.
Bottom lines:
it's very clear to me that ads, payola, pay to play, vpn and other "networking" tactics that go against what BTS has always been about have pretty much come into play--for a catchy, but ultimately impersonal and generic, pop single that was given to only one member.
I'm not just disappointed, I'm gutted. I don't know where to go from here, as someone who used to take pride in being an ARMY and stanning artists who made it to the top the organic and hard way, by being genuine and talented and real with us.
As always, I look to my ult-bias, Jimin. His debut album was abandoned the moment he hit #1, yet he continues on with this company and to be a team player. He was with JK on private time during a couple's holiday. He's been filmed with and is likely working on some sort of project with JK right now. These are my cues. So without any further information about what is happening, I will continue to follow Jimin's lead.
I am a person who believes in the potential and the very best of others until I just can't any more. But I also cannot hide from the glaringly obvious. Jimin was mistreated, and Jungkook was prioritized in ways I personally find dishonorable.
I don't know how much, if any, input JK had in this. He's got a Masters in Communications, a decade of industry experience, and owns stock in his company; but I also know that talent are very rarely given complete insight or say over sales and marketing strategies--that's external, executive business decisions. I don't know what conversations, trade-offs, or internal pressure came into play here.
At this point, I would say I'm very adrift.
I'm a good soldier. I bought the CD, I bought each version of the song, I added it to my playlists. But I no longer feel needed as a fan for Seven; I feel replaced by Scooter's dollars. And I don't feel any personal connection to this particular song, as catchy as it is. I was excited when the styles JK helped choose seemed to be an homage to Jimin's Face, but... now a lot of the elements of this work seem rushed and disjointed. I just don't know.
I'm very worried about what this rollout means for our 7, especially how they are supposed to come together in a fair and equitable way after military service. I'm trying to read through their book when I can stay awake long enough. Trying to trust and hope and manifest the best.
I wish there was more transparency, more communications around what the game plan is, and if the members are all on board with everything.
All I can think to do is to keep loving Jimin and the people who are good to Jimin, keep working hard for what I want and not invest energy and time into what I don't. I do believe that Jungkook and Jimin love one another.
But I'm... fracturing... inside. It hurts.
I'm very ill. Maybe I'm just too emotional right now because I'm so sickly. Maybe I just need more time and more data to have a more rational perspective.
All I can think to do is hang in there and wait to be more anchored in facts before I can decide what all this means--for Jikook, for BTS.
I'm sorry if this post isn't very coherent. I'm on a bunch of steroids until I can get to a specialist and the brain fog is immense. I'm gonna go rest now. I think I might stop posting memes and thirsts and other things for a bit, while I just focus on getting well. But I'm sending you all so much love.
Hang in there. Deep breaths. We will find our way. We will make our way, if necessary.
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fandomtherapy44 · 1 year
castiel x reader
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Summary: This story is from the perspective of Y/n Winchester. The sister Of Dean and Sam. We will be starting from season four since sadly we did not get Misha Collins as Castiel throughout the whole series. It will start off as a friendship, but it will grow more as the series goes on. I will be skipping some episodes even though they are great episodes they do not push the story forward. I am so excited to get to write this since they are not many Castiel X reader stories out there. Okay without further due Love War & Grace enjoy the Story.
Paring: Castiel X Reader
Word count: 4,676
Warnings: Some language, Typical Supernatural violence, Spoilers for season four of Supernatural
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Chapter Two: Are You There, God? It's Me, Dean Winchester
Y/n’s POV: 
When I woke up at Bobby’s house the next morning I got up with joy and hope which had not happened in a while. I walk downstairs to Sam saying “Well, then tell me what else it could be.’’ “Look, all I know is I was not groped by an angel.” It’s sad to see him like this. “Dean I was there, Castiel showed us his wings what else could that prove. Why do you think he would lie to us about it?” I said as they look at me.” Maybe he's some kind of demon. Demons lie.” Dean said with annoyance looking back at me. Bobby steps in before we start yelling at each other.  “A demon who's immune to salt rounds and devil's traps... and Ruby's knife? Dean, Lilith is scared of that thing!”.” Don't you think that if angels were real, that some hunter somewhere would have seen one... at some point... ever?”.” Yeah. we just did, Dean.” I scoff a bit telling him.
” I'm trying to come up with a theory here. Okay? Work with me.” Dean said back to us all. “Dean, we have a theory.” “Yeah, one with a little less fairy dust on it, please.” I look at him wanting to shake him.” Okay, look. I'm not saying we know for sure. I'm just saying that I think we –” Sam said trying to help the situation brewing between his two siblings.” Okay, okay. That's the point. We don't know for sure, so I'm not gonna believe that this thing is a freaking Angel of the Lord because it says so.” Why can't Dean just expect that this happened for a good reason?
 “The three of you want to keep arguing religion, or do you want to come take a look at this?” Bobby tells us from his office. We all walk over quicker than usual.” I got stacks of lore -- Biblical, pre-Biblical. Some of it's in damn cuneiform. It all says an angel can snatch a soul from the pit.” Dean does not want to believe at all. “What else?’’. “What else Dean there is now proof from the lore, and you still think it might not be an angel.” I said to him flabbergasted. “Dean there is nothing that I know that could airlift your ass out of the hot box. As far as I can tell, nothing at all.” Bobby tells him.” Dean this is good news” Sam said to him with a smile.
” How?” Dean asks. “Because for once, this isn't just another round of demon crap. I mean, maybe you were saved by one of the good guys, you know?” I answered with glee in my voice. “Okay. Say it's true. Say there are angels. Then what? There's a God?” I hope he is starting to come around because my goodness he is a stubborn man. “At this point, Vegas money's on yeah.” Bobby answered. It seems like Dean still won’t let it go. 
“I don't know, guys.” “Okay, look. I know you're not all choirboy about this stuff, but this is becoming less and less about faith and more and more about proof.” “Proof?’’. “Yes, proof Dean.” I replied. “Proof that there's a God out there that actually gives a crap about me personally? I'm sorry, but I'm not buying it.” “Why not?’’ Sam asked with genuine curiosity.  “Because why me? If there is a God out there, why would he give a crap about me? “Dean says as he starts to spiral a bit.” I mean, I've saved some people, okay? I figured that made up for the stealing and the ditching chicks. But why do I deserve to get saved? I'm just a regular guy.” I think to myself he just does not think himself worthy, but I do.
 “Apparently, you're a regular guy that's important to the man upstairs.” I told him trying to confirm to him that he is here for a reason. “Well, that creeps me out. I mean, I don't like getting singled out at birthday parties, much less by... God.’’ ‘’ Okay, well, too bad, Dean, because I think he wants you to strap on your party hat.’’ Sam told him being right.” “Fine. What do we know about angels?” Dean said, yes finally we don't have to do this stupid dance anymore. Bobby then picks up all the books dropping them like they're hot and said” Start reading.” I immediately pick up a book and start reading if angels are here, I want to know everything about them. Dean looks at the pile and turns to Sam grabbing a book “You're gonna get me some pie.” Of course, man has got to have his pie.
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When I am reading Dean comes up asking a question. “Why are you so eager to believe in this stuff Y/n? I mean with the horrible stuff we've been through how do you think there's angels or even a God you never believed before.” I look at him sighing knowing that I would have to tell him sometime. 
“About two months after you died, I was in shambles I was drinking every night practicing fighting with the bag every day I was killing myself in a way. Sam wouldn't answer his phone and the only other person that could help was not doing much better. So, one night drunk I prayed out to something anything that could help and tell me why this had happened again. And I felt this warm presence like it was a hand on my shoulder telling me everything would be alright. I chose to keep on praying and the hand kept on being there for me. So, the reason I want to believe so bad is that in a way it saved me from well me.” 
I finish telling him almost crying. Dean looks at me and hugs me. “Well, whatever it was I'm happy it was here to look after my baby sis when I couldn't” I chuckle at his response. “Thanks, Dean,” I say with a bit of a sniffle and smile.
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We just got the news about Olivia and how she was not returning Bobby's calls and start to rush to our cars. When we are coming to the junkyard the Impala comes in with Sam coming back from the food run. Bobby told Sam what was going on “Keep the engine running.” “Why? What's going on?” Sam questions. “I got a friend one state over -- Olivia Lowry. I've been trying to reach her for three days on this angel thing. It's not like her to ignore this many calls.” “Olivia Lowry -- a hunter, right?” Sam confirms back. “Yeah. We're gonna go check on her. You guys follow me.’’ Dean and I get in the Impala and Sam hands the snack bag over to Dean. “Dude?” Dean says with concern. “What?” I ask. Dean answers me with. “He forgot the pie!” 
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All of us enter Olivia’s house searching for her. “Olivia?” Bobby said almost yelling while walking in the house. He suddenly runs out I look over to Olivas body which is cracked open like a Thanksgiving turkey. I look around the house to see if there were any clues as to what happened. I see a white line on the ground. “Salt line.” I point out. We look all around the room there is an EMF reader on the floor.” She had her EMF reader out.” 
I tell them while picking it up.” Spirit activity.” Sam confirmed back which is how, I don't know.  “Yeah -- on steroids. I never seen a ghost do this to a person.” Dean tells us while looking around with interest. Bobby comes back into the room holding his phone looking panicky.  “Bobby, you all, right?” I ask him with concern.  
“I called some hunters nearby…”  “Good, we could use some help. “I told him, thinking what was going on? “...except they ain't answering their phones either.” Of course, just our luck I knew we shouldn't have broken all those mirrors during that Bloody Mary case. “Something's up, huh?” Sam said with regard. “You think?’’ Bobby answered with sarcasm him being Bobby and all. He walked out of the house and the three of us share a look of what the in the ever-living hell was going on. 
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The boys come out of Jed’s house with disdain and sad looks on their faces. They wanted me to stay out here in case it was the same thing and honestly, I didn't want to see that again.  “Same thing huh” I said to them while looking down They both shake their heads yes.” Better call Bobby then” I said as Dean pulled out his phone, me feeling horrible for him as he just lost so many friends at once. “We're in Jackson. It's not pretty. He looks even worse than Olivia. What about you?” “What the hell is going on here, Bobby? Why did a bunch of ghosts suddenly want to gank off-duty hunters?” “We're on our way.” Dean put his phone back in his pocket. “The rest are the same” Damn we just can't catch a break I think as we drive away.
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Dean, Sam, and I stop at a gas station I need to use the bathroom and baby needs fuel. After I am done washing my hands, I feel a chill in the air, and I can see my breath. I look up in the mirror there standing is a ghost not just any ghost it’s Henriksen the person who helped us from before. “Henriksen. Are you -- Did you…’’ I said terrified not because it was a ghost but because he should be at rest. ‘’I am so sorry if we had known that Lilith was coming –.” I said backing up a bit as he got closer. “You wouldn't have left half a dozen innocent people in that police station to die in your place. You guys did this to me. It was your fault. She was after you guys, and I paid the price. You three left us there to die!” 
 He said with anger and grabbed me and threw me around like a rag doll. He then picks me up and throws me against the mirror but this time I notice a small brand on his hand. He throws me against the sink so hard a piece breaks off he picks it up and is about to throw it on my head. That's when my brothers kick in the door Dean shoots at him and Sam comes in to help me up.
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Dean is speeding to Bobby’s house while I am trying to keep my head up in case, I had a concussion. “Damn it, Bobby! Pick up!” Dean said with anger and concern while looking at me.  “How you feeling, huh? How many fingers am I holding up?” Dean said while talking to me. “32” I say half joking. 
“Y/n this not the time for jokes’’ “Oh come on it was a little funny.” I said trying to lighten the mood. “I'll be fine guys… Hopefully.’’ They both look at me with are you serious looks. “Henriksen? “Sam said confirming that he really was the ghost. ‘’ Why? What did he want?”.  “Maybe revenge because we got him killed.” I say matter-of-factly. “y/n“ Dean said to me with a sorry look in his eyes. “She’s right Dean we did”. “All right. Stop right there. Whatever the hell is going on, it's happening to us now, okay? I can't get ahold of Bobby, so if you guys are not thinking answers, don't think at all.” Dean said speeding a little more.
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The three of us enter Bobby’s house carefully but are ready to shoot anything that comes our way. “Bobby?” I asked out loud with fear and concern. I see the iron fire poker on the ground which is not a good sign. “We will go. You check outside.” Dean said to Sam. Then Dean gestures for him and me to go upstairs. “Bobby?” I opened the door slowly to see no one in there. Dean being Dean said, “Come out, come out, whoever you are.” I then get that same cold feeling that someone was there with us. I turn around to see Meg but not with blond hair but with brown hair no makeup no revealing clothes she had worn. She looks like a typical college girl a girl who looks like I would be friends with. “Dean Winchester. Still so bossy. You don't recognize me?” Meg said to him sounding almost kind. “Meg?” Dean answered back with the same reaction I had with Henriksen.” Hi. It's okay, I'm not a demon.” Meg said as if we were having a normal conversation.
“You're the girl the demon possessed.” I said to her feeling horrible for what had happened.  “Meg Masters. Nice to finally talk to you when I'm not, you know, choking on my own blood. It's okay. Seriously, I'm just a college girl. Sorry -- was. I was walking home one night and got jumped by all this smoke. Next thing you know, I'm a prisoner...  in here. Now, I was awake. I had to watch while she murdered people.” She said to us while pointing to her head and recapping the episode of which when she had no control of her own body. 
“I'm sorry.” Dean said to her being genuine. “Oh, yeah? So sorry you had me thrown off a building?” She said getting angry. “Well, we thought –” Dean said back trying to defend our actions. “No, you didn't think! I kept waiting, praying! I was trapped in there screaming at you! "Just help me, please!" You're supposed to help people, Dean. Why didn't you help me?” She starts to get closer to us. ‘’I'm sorry.” Dean said again trying to make do for what we had done. “Stop saying you're sorry!” Meg said while slapping him to the ground. 
“Dean!” I said trying to get to him. Meg looks at me. 
“And little Y/n Winchester you know I'm not much older than you we could have been friends why couldn't you help me!? I understand why because you can't think for yourself because you know your brothers are the real hunters. You're just the annoying sibling they let tag along.” Meg said as she flung me to the wall and keeps me there with her ghost energy. I try not to cry out being more hurt because of what happened with Henriksen.
 “Don't worry I'll finish you off but first your brother.” Meg said while walking back to Dean with intent. “We didn't know.” Dean said while looking up to her trying again. “No... You just attacked. Did you ever think there was a girl in here? No. You just charged in, slashing and burning. You think you're some kind of hero?” “ No, I don't.” Dean answered back feeling like he had failed again. “You're damn right. Do you have any idea what it's like to be ridden for months by pure evil... while your family has no idea what happened to you?”. “ We did the best we could.” Meg kicked and shoved him again.
“It wasn't just me, Dean. I had a sister. A little sister. She worshipped me. You know how little siblings are, right? How they'll do anything for you. She was never the same after I disappeared. She just... she just got lost. And when my body was lying in the morgue beat-up and broken…” Meg said telling us what happened with her family and Dean knowing exactly how that was.  “Meg” Dean still trying to reason with her spirit.” Do you know what that did to her? She killed herself!  Because of you, Dean! Because all you were thinking about was your family, your revenge, and your demons! 50 words of Latin a little sooner, and I'd still be alive. My baby sister would still be alive. That blood is on your hands, Dean! Now your little sister is going to feel what my sister had to go through before I kill her nice and slow.” Meg said kicking him again. 
I have to get out of this before Meg makes me watch my nightmare come true again. I break thru and aim my gun at the chandelier above where Meg was standing and had kicked Dean over. Dean sees this and distracts Meg by bringing his own gun and aims it at her. “Come on, Dean, did your brain get french-fried in Hell? You can't shoot me with bullets.” Meg said to Dean like he was a four-year-old. ’’I'm not shooting you.” Dean said while nodding at me. I shoot at the chandelier, and it comes down at Meg fast. “Iron.
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All of us are now in Bobby’s office trying to recover from the ghost match. “So, they're all people we know?” Sam said, questioning why this was happening. Dean replied with another question. 
 “Not just know. People we couldn't save. Hey, I saw something on Meg. Did she have a tattoo when she was alive?”. “I don't think so.” Sam replied. “It was like a-a mark on her hand -- almost like a brand.” Dean said to us trying to figure out what this was. “ A brand, I saw one on Henriksen too while he was roundhousing me.” I answered while holding my head. “What did it look like?” Bobby asked. 
Sam took out a piece of paper and started to sketch the brand. He holds it up for us to see. “That's it.” I said confirming it. Bobby takes one look “I may have seen this before. We got to move.” Bobby said to us and starts to walk somewhere. “Where?” I question where he brings us down to this room covered in iron and devil's traps. “Bobby, is this…” I said in awe. “Solid iron. Completely coated in salt. 100% ghost-proof.” Bobby said sounding proud. “You built a panic room?” Sam said with a little disbelief at how amazing this man was. “I had a weekend off.” Of course, he would he’s Bobby Singer. “Bobby you're awesome.” I said while looking around the room. 
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We are making salt rounds in the ghost room going as fast as we could.” See, this is why I can't get behind God.” Oh lord, here we go again no pun needed. “What are you talking about?” Sam questioned hearing his brother. “If he doesn't exist, fine. Bad crap happens to good people. That's how it is. There's no rhyme or reason -- just random, horrible, evil -- I get it, okay. I can roll with that. But if he is out there, what's wrong with him? Where the hell is he while all these decent people are getting torn to shreds? How does he live with himself? You know, why doesn't he help?” I am just going to keep my opinion to myself, so we don't start a fight again. 
“I ain't touching this one with at 10-foot pole.” Sam responded. Bobby comes back into the room. “Found it. The symbol you saw -- the brand on the ghosts…” Bobby puts down a book. “Mark of the Witness.” Witness? Witness to what?” I question. “The unnatural. None of them died what you'd call ordinary deaths. See, these ghosts -- they were forced to rise. They woke up in agony. They were like rabid dogs. It ain't their fault. Someone rose them... on purpose.” “Who would do that to them they've already suffered enough.” “Whoever it was used a spell so powerful it left a mark, a brand on their souls. Whoever did this had big plans. It's called "the rising of the witnesses." “It figures into an ancient prophecy.” “Wait, wait. What -- what book is that prophecy from?” Dean questioned with concern. “Well, the widely distributed version's just for tourists, you know. But long story short -- Revelations. This is a sign, guys.” “A sign for what? “I ask sacred. Bobby unfortunately answers me “The apocalypse.”
“Apocalypse? The apocalypse, apocalypse? The four horsemen, pestilence, $5-a-gallon-gas apocalypse?” Dean asked just to be sure he heard Bobby right. “That's the one. The rise of the witnesses is a -- a mile marker.” “Okay, so, what do we do now?” I asked getting ready for another match with the all-stars.”Road trip. Grand Canyon, Star Trek Experience. Bunny Ranch.” Dean said being somewhat serious. 
“First things first. How about we survive our friends out there?” Bobby said with sarcasm. “Great. Any ideas aside from staying in this room until Judgment Day?” “It's a spell to send the witnesses back to rest. Should work.” “Great what do we need.” I said trying to get this thing over with. “If I translate it correctly. I think I got everything we need here at the house.” Bobby answered me. “Any chance you got everything we need here in this room?” Dean asked with hope. “So, you thought our luck was gonna start now all of a sudden? Spell's got to be cast over an open fire.” Bobby answered I Had no idea we even had luck.
 “The fireplace in the library.” I said realizing we would have to leave the safe room. “Bingo.”  “That's just not as appealing as a, uh, ghost-proof panic room, you know?” Dean said and I agree with him. “well if we die I'll still annoy you in the afterlife about that.” I said trying to be funny they all look like they want to shoot me. “Cover each other. And aim careful. Don't run out of ammo until I'm done, or they'll shred you. Ready?” Bobby said preparing us “Got it so we run out were dead perfect” I said under my breath as we leave the room.
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The four of us head upstairs and we see a man sitting there oh no. “Hey, Dean. You remember me?” Said Ronald who died just because he knew us. “Ronald, huh? With the laser eyes? I wish I could say it's good to see you.” Dean said trying to joke with the man that got killed because of us I pull him to me.” Uh Dean not the time use your “charm’’ “. “I am dead because of you. You were supposed to help me!” Ronald said getting up as if he was going to attack. Bobby shoots him. “If you're gonna shoot, shoot. Don't talk.’’ 
We all run into the living room to start the ritual. “Upstairs, linen closet -- red hex box. It'll be heavy.” Bobby said to Sam pointing him upstairs as I was making a salt line. Two ghost girls show up. "Bobby.” They said as I shoot them away.” What is this the shining!?”. “Kitchen. Cutlery drawer. It's got a false bottom. Hemlock, opium, wormwood.” Bobby commands Dean. We both look at Bobby “Opium?”. I stay in the line to protect Bobby as he was drawing the chalk.  “Bobby. You walked right by us while that monster ate us all up. You could have saved us.” The girls said as they keep on repeating. I shoot them again. “Yeah yeah, can't you just keep to your movie.’’ 
The boys come rushing in with the rest of the ingredients. Ronald appears again.” Ronald. Hey, come on, man. I thought we were pals.” “That's when I was breathing. Now I'm gonna eat you alive.” “Well...come on, I'm not a cheeseburger.” Dean said as he cocked the gun, but Ronald disappeared again. Bobby is starting the spell and reciting Latin the windows open, and the salt line gets blown away. They keep on showing up Bobby keeps ongoing. Henkrison shows up I hit him with an iron rod. Meg shows up and pushes me against the wall with the desk.
“Y/n! “The boys shout. “Cover Bobby!’’ I shout back as I try to push the desk off. Bobby tosses the stuff in a bowl.” Dean! Fireplace” Bobby shouts throwing him the bowl. He throws it in and all the ghosts disappear. I am suddenly able to move the desk like nothing. We go to help Bobby up. “Bobby you good?’’ He shakes his head yes. “Okay great we didn't die who wants to celebrate with a beer or maybe a whole case.” I said they all laugh at me yes and finally got them.
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My brothers and I decided to sleep in the same room in case any more ghosts showed up. Then I felt that warm presence again I look up from where I was sleeping and see Castiel standing in the kitchen looking like he needs to say something. I get up and walk over. “Great job on the witnesses.” He said while not really looking at me. “You knew.” I questioned. “I was, uh, made aware.” He said a little awkwardly. 
“Well I think we could have used your help I almost got turned into a ghosts board game. Why didn't you help?” I asked.” We had some other issues that had to be taken care of.” “Oh” I said a little sad by his answer. “There are bigger things coming’’. “what things?” I asked with concern.  “The rising of the witnesses is one of the 66 seals.” “I'm guessing those are nothing fun like I want them to be.” “ Those seals are being broken by Lilith.” 
“That makes sense she rose them as monster victims so they would come right for us. “Mm-hmm. And not just here. 20 other hunters are dead.’’ Castiel said looking around. “Wow, she really is a bitch” “Why break the seal anyway, just to toy with us?” “You think of the seals as locks on a door.” “The last one opens and then what?” “Lucifer walks free.” My eyes kind of widen at that. “That's why you guys are here, to stop Lucifer.” He nods his head. “Wow that's a lot”. “Look I appreciate you telling me, but why are you telling me and not Dean?” I asked what I had been wondering. “I already talked to him about these things. I also know that you hit your head and I wanted to make sure you were okay.” He said which kind of surprised me. “Um well, nothing a little rubbing dirt on it won't fix.” He looked at me with confusion.” I don't understand how rubbing dirt on your head would heal it” “No Cas it's just an expression.” I said laughing.  “Cas?” he questioned.
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“Yeah, well if you're going be around for a while it's easier than saying Castiel all the time” “Yes well, I better take my leave.” He's about to take off but I stop him to ask him something I needed to know. “Wait Cas. “Yes Y/n.” When I prayed for the first time, I felt this presence that would feel like it would put their hand on my shoulder and would be there every time, was that you?” I asked him hoping he would say yes. “yes, that was me.” I want to cry.” Thank you”. “You do not have to thank me I was just doing my duties as an angel.” “It might have been a regular job for you but for me, you were one of the only things that were there for me when I needed someone so thank you.” He looks at me with those kind blue eyes. “you're welcome, Y/n, goodnight’’ He flies off. “Good night, Cas.”
I woke up the next morning feeling like I had just talked to a friend for the first time in a long time. “You all, right? What's wrong, Dean?” Sam asked Dean and I look at him, “So... You guys got no problem believing in... God and Angels?” After the conversion I had last night, there was no doubt now. “No, not really.” Sam answers. "So, I guess that means that you guys believe in the Devil.” Dean asked with a little bit of fear. “Why are you asking us all this?” Sam questions and leaves me to wonder what Cas and Dean had talked about.
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That's it hope you enjoyed, and also the next chapter is the time travel episode were Dean meets his parent's y/n will be there too so excited!
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macawritesupdates · 4 months
Wow, you're really feeding us with these prompts. The new chapters were delightful 😊. King of curses yuuji was so cute he's a sweet boy with beautiful hopes and dreams. Too bad he got paired with a tsundere. Ah, I kinda get sukunas problem with having someone who wants to change everything about you it kinda sucks. Yuuji probably has the best of intentions though he doesn't want sukuna to change because he dislikes him he wants him to change because life sucks when you're all alone, and all sukuna does is push others away. Oof, he genuinely cares, but it comes off as... OK condescending sounds too harsh, but that's the vibe. Wow, I kinda make yuuji sound bad he's a good person I'm just trying to see sukunas perspective. Unfortunately having someone made of sunshine trying to change you can make you feel awful in comparison like their light makes your shadows so much darker. Not great for someone who struggles with shame which is kinda the vibe I get from sukuna, like he's so so prideful on the outside but pride is not the opposite of shame it is it's source deep down I think he struggles with feeling inferior a lot. Although it's hard to see because he is deathly allergic to introspection and buries every genuine emotion under a layer of sarcasm. I wish he could see all the parts of himself that yuuji does like then maybe he'd have an easier time not pushing away the one person in the world who currently really cares about him. Yuuji does want to help him change for the better but as we see he likes so much about sukuna as he is. If only yuuji had told sukuna all the things he admires about him earlier then maybe we wouldn't have angst... ok I might be reading way too far into this, lol. something about your writing just drags whole paragraphs out of me hope you don't mind long comments.
As for the other chapter 🥵😎 damn that was hot, very nice, very nice indeed. Love me some gentle sweet aftercare it's as good as the kinky stuff that comes before to me. Hopefully one day they'll be able to date in public so sukuna knows yuuji isn't ashamed of him. (Although I am with yuuji on keeping the muzzles in the bedroom) mmm man thanks to whoever asked for that prompt it's a new favorite. I love yuuji as a Dom honestly it's so delicious to see how hard he can go but knowing he'll be super gentle and kind after is what makes him special. Loved sukuna being a big tsundere and pretending that he only likes the hard stuff, yeah sure baby I believe you. Why don't you stop holding yuuji for a few moments then. Do you think he ever tries to get yuuji to go hard just because he wants to cuddle and be held so sweetly after but he can't outright ask for something so soft so he's got to trick himself into accepting it. Got to pretend he's too fucked out and exhausted to push the brat away when he's being gentle... yeah that's all.
Thank you for the lovely work it was super fun to read 😘.
I always enjoy long comments! I like to read through them and get all giggle and excited when readers notice the same things I do or just to seep people excited in taking things apart! <3
I really like when people break things down as it is something I like to do too! The Yuuji curse one was hard for me to think of an idea so went with my gut and my gut is an angsty beast, but happy with the final product <3 And I would agree about Sukuna saying he likes the rough and convinces himself of it so to maintain his pride on a little bit of some level rather than admit to anything. Seems the type to be very insular and try to keep everything in ; w ;
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bumofthewild · 7 months
omg your ffxiv journey is so sweet ;____; it's so touching to see other haurchefant fans waaaaah everything in ishgard is so crazy. do you have any thoughts? on his family, ysayle, estinien? aymeric?
awwww ty i feel like all i've really done is tweet "i love haurchefant" or complain abt fantasy racism but i'm happy you think so...! and yess infinite love for haurchefant forever i was not expecting to fall for him like that at all. he is literally perfect.......!!!
im actually obsessed w ishgard im hoping you understand that asking for my thoughts on anything is opening a floodgate but i will try to reel it in! ok! here we go!
ok i love ishgard.... i love its extremely insular and severe and almost monastic atmosphere. i am a hugeee fan of secluded locations as the setting of a story so when i realised hvw was going to be largely about ishgard i was so excited. i also really love plots where characters are in hiding/have to take refuge in a hidden and secretive place??? and then the fact that the place you have to take refuge in is haurchefants family home??? i started writing fanfic immediately i literally felt like i was being spoiled like they wrangled that from my brain i genuinely couldn't believe i could experience so much luxury all at once. of course that's been ruined after doing the vault which i have been genuinely handing terribly but. moving on!
emmanellain is so funny and i think the contrast between him and artoirel (silliness/overconfidence vs seriousness/insecurity) is really interesting, down to where you go with them on their separate missions. really fun way of exploring more of ishgard. i like their dad too he's genuinely sweet which i thought was a nice surprise. it really stuck out to me this one moment where the war worsens and he says you can't stay anymore bc its become so dangerous, bc i just automatically assumed everyone would beg you to stay and help. that really touched me. i feel like hvw somehow passed my convoluted eq test
also learning haurchefant was an illegitimate son in the way you do w artoirel just telling you really stood out to me o__o not bc that kind of thing is an issue but bc of how you learn it idk backstory on the characters kind of throws me off in a good way bc of how linear the game is. idk i cant formulate thoughts on haurchefant rn itd need its own post. some other time..
i don't believe in things like nobility as an actual moral concept, obviously, and fantasy games let alone ishgard really test my patience with it, but i do love it aesthetically. same w christianity. i really like idk arthurian medieval aesthetics. the high houses + their motifs really got me like i specifically love unicorns and roses if hvw was trying to appeal to me directly it knew exactly how. ishgard's politics too i thought that shit was so interesting i'd love to learn more about the rocky relationships btwn the houses. and we loveeeee toppling the church thank you heavensward
there were a lot of times though where i was really frustrated with the dragonsong war and this is my issue with ffxiv in general but the way it treats beast races is extremely disturbing. i pretend i cant read whenever a character on the "good" side talks about "civility" or "reason/sense". and the ishgard lore being ppl directed by their god to inhabit a land only to find that land inhabited by "savages" (the dragons) that they have to kill now bc as "reasonable" beings they have a religious claim to that land...is an insane thing to write about!!! jrpgs are crazy!!!!!! like i genuinely need it to stop but i guess they at least (???) kind of turned things around with hresvelgr and ysayle offering the perspective of the other side and i think they made it an interesting issue enough for the game but lord it is disconcerting. that being said the foundation of ishgard being a total lie (and being described constantly as a sin) is still a lot of fun to me like thank god. and the quirky somewhat found family journey w ysayle, estinien and alphinaud to unearth the truth was one of the best parts of hvw imo. i loved seeing estinien act almost like an older brother to alphinaud, and for estinien and ysayle to constantly be at odds and alphinaud trying to keep things together. i am so fond of that section of the game.. just felt like you were climbing higher and higher into figurative heaven (i love the title heavensward im glad they used it in such fun ways) and seeing stubborn bastards like estinien question what he knew. he was so funny by the way i was not expecting that even though i knew an estinien was a popular char in the game for a while. i also like ysayle a lot like her passion was very compelling, and when she finally talks to hresvelgr the way her goals would be tinged w a sort of self-serving personal feeling at times i found really interesting. all of it was so interesting whenever the plot strayed from ishgard id be like take me back PLEASEEE. idk i like chars who behave like tools (estinien) or become tools by accident (ysayle). i think those two should hang out and bicker and begrudgingly accept each other forever
also i love aymeric like i already loved aymeric from post-arr idk if you play w another dub but his english voice has this softness to it that i find so cute. idk he's kind of delicate to me maybe not what they were going for but i'm into it. the fact that post-arr to me is just watching aymeric and haurchefant be in a wol-loving contest MAKES ME SICK TO MY STOMACHGHH i love the ishgardians how much they like wol in a place that's notorious for being so cold is so great. i think love is real on earth. and not in the self-insert "i need every char in this game to want me" way i just mean that i like love a lot, and they are not shy about the fact that they love you. its great. also when they revealed aymeric was actually an idealist and that getting jailed as a heretic meant little to him if it could bring about a new ishgard--literal nail in my coffin. i love idealism!! i was really pleasantly surprised that the nobles you come to know decided to care more about bringing in a new age for the region rather than being noble. whether or not that change comes is to be seen ofc.. but considering the brume is a location that exists well. what is with this game and the fantasy cops always being really bad...? like is ffxiv actually down for the cause...? (joke)
ik ishgard has its whole classism thing going on but that seems more like fray's department now which i have yet to dance with.. i mean literally just dissolve the class system...but this post is already very unorganised so. no more. i would pay an infinite amount of money to bring haurchefant back. each time i think about him i slip up and think about his gravestone instead and feel nauseous. great game!
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woahjo · 7 months
tbh i'm also really curious about what all your answers might be to all those questions in the ask game if that's okay with you 😆 you have a very interesting and nice perspective (as i also see in your writing) that i am curious and want to know about your thoughts through those asks if that's fine :) (you don't have to if you think it's too much!)
this is SO SWEET!! i don't mind answering them at all!!! i'll try and do most of them, but im gonna pick my fav questions from the list <33 and ill put them below the cut. im so flattered actually that u wanna hear my answers to them what if i blushed...
What did you dream about last night?
OH FUCK i forgot i had this dream until i got halfway through the questions but last night i had a dream that i was at work but i was falling asleep during it. like could not keep my eyes open,.. and my manager messaged me on teams and she was like "we can see you doing nothing" but for some reason i just could not wake myself up. and then when i DID wake myself up in the dream i was like "bro something is wrong why does it feel like im still asleep. wake up!" and then i woke up and realized i was just dreaming. it scared me 😭
What is your favorite color?
i like yellow and orange!!!! but lately i have been on a bit of a light blue kick since this summer!!
Do you feel more connected to the moon or the sun?
this one is cute!! i think i feel more connected to the sun. i'm more comfortable during the day and tend to be in a better mood. plus i really like the way it feels on my skin <3
Have you ever wished on a shooting star?
a few times!!! i've seen some on the rare occasion i went camping, but i never really remember my wish long enough to know if it came true or not lol
What do you enjoy daydreaming about most?
god this is going to sound so corny but lately my fav daydream has been imagining that im winning my first emmy for an animated tv show. idk i just imagine the way it would feel to have my work and dreams recognized, getting to thank my parents and team and shit. corny corny i know but i love imagining it.
Do you believe in guardian angels?
i do, but in a nonreligious way! i won't go too deep into it, but i've had many dreams / experiences that preceded major life events that i can't explain otherwise. even without it, it's nice to think that there is something out there looking out for us. kinda like the universe has us in mind.
What is something (or someone) you’re in love with?
this one is hard!! i haven't been in romantic love with a person ever i don't think (mutually at least), but i am in love with my friends. i really truly believe i met them for a reason and i think i'm the luckiest person because they're in my life. i have so much love for them that i genuinely don't know what to do with it. my other love... and i say it so frequently... is writing and storytelling. it's the greatest love of my life, i know it.
What’s your ideal summer aesthetic?
linen clothes and dresses and flowy shorts and humidity and laying on the floor outside. unheated swimming pools, music from a speaker or the tv, friends laying out on towels. exploring cities and sweating and driving to the beach on a whim and sitting on the porch eating lunch. roadtrips along the coast with the windows down. yeah <3
Talk about something exciting or good that happened to you this year.
maybe not this year, but this summer, i spent a month traveling japan with one of my best friends.
Where do you feel most at home?
with my friends!!! always always always with my friends
What is something you own that is important to you? What makes it so important?
writing and creating things and making art!! i genuinely can't stop myself from doing it. i write and make things with the same urgency and feeling as eating or drinking water. i do it before i sleep and when i wake up and even just in my head constantly. it's corny, but it's a part of me and i genuinely can't live without it.
Do you believe dreams have meanings or are they completely random?
i've had some WILD dreams that absolutely have meaning. some of my dreams are totally random, but i think a lot of them are symbolic of things or feelings i'm experiencing. i had one that was so long and frightening and weirdly poetic that there's no way it couldn't have meant something. haven't quite figured it out yet tho LOL
Do you believe in love at first sight?
nope! i've definitely written about love at first sight, but i think that to really LOVE someone, you have to know them. that's one of the best parts about love.
What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
i've spoken about it before but when my dad had a brain bleed in may and was rushed for emergency surgery, my friends (and housemates at the time) emailed all of my professors for me, packed a lunch, packed my car with blankets and tissues, sat with me while i packed a bag with clothes, and drove me six hours one way so that i could be at home with my family. he ended up going into surgery while i was on the drive back home and the housemate driving me held my hand for hours while i waited for news that he was out. i'd never felt more held and loved than i did then and they are some of the kindest things anyone has ever done for me to this day.
What’s your zodiac sign? Do you think you fit the general characteristics of that sign?
i'm a taurus (with a leo moon and leo rising)!! and i absolutely think i fit the characteristics LOL
Are you more of a hopeless romantic or realist?
mmmm i'm not sure! i'd say hopeless romantic if i had to pick one, but not to the point that i don't know how the real world works. i don't like big gestures though, so im not sure if maybe that disqualifies me LOL. i just like the idea of eventually being known and loved for it.
What’s a song that gives off good vibes anytime you listen to it?
hold in, hold on by kid bloom!!!
Have you ever written a love letter?
Name a book you don’t mind reading over and over.
heaven by mieko kawakami. i could read it 800 times and never be sick of it. the lilith's brood trilogy is a close second, though i've only read it once so we'll have to test it. but i LOVE that series.
What do you do to feel at peace?
i write or draw!!! that's typically my first instinct when i need some quiet or some callie time. i feel very calm when i create.
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hyuckmov · 1 year
hiii moon anon here i have a lot to say but first off: i've been analyzing the title song settle down and i've been listening to it over and over again and is the story gonna parallel the lyrics itself?? "and i don't seem to be having any effect now" like thats… oooh the angst is gonna be delicious. i hope you take this as a compliment when i say this but the whole fic takes me BACK to 2013-2015 YOU KNOW THAT ERA HAHAHA the tropes, the ambiance, the CHARACTERS!! side question: is mark or jisung gonna play bigger roles? or did they just act as plot devices for reader and haechans development. would not mind either way but given the concept of the story i can totally imagine reader coming back and just wreaking havoc on the band. sorry i love mess lol. maybe i'm delusional or maybe its the fact that it's haechan but it makes me more understanding of the character?? i trust you when you say that there's more to rockstar hc than meets the eye, and especially from his perspective it's pretty realistic that he has his guard up when it comes to really connecting with people, and we see his walls slowly crumbling down by the end too. and even in the earlier parts of the story i didn't expect him to have his sweet moments?? i honestly expected him to be worse but god him calling her PRINCESS has me on my knees i will defend reader's choices with my life because i'd do the same, i'd probably still go to the concert by the end she's so much stronger than me helppp (tho DISCLAIMER i would not be doing this for just any man its bc its haechan why i am easily swayed by the little things,,, just like reader), but i liked how she decided to take a step back this time, especially when at that point haechan is basically offering her what she has always wanted, but knowing his past actions it won't be truly easy to hang onto every word said. this is the culmination of every mixed signals and rejection that haechan gave her, and the build up to it is veryyy well done. also im still reeling from reading the fic i felt sooo many emotions and dk how to fully articulate it yet,, maybe i'll come back when i do. i even made a playlist of my own w songs that reminded me of the fic to help me move on (at least until pt 2 gets posted, cant wait tho!!)
MOON ANON.... when i say my jaw dropped.... my heart rate actually spiked i can't believe you wrote such a detailed review and theorized this makes me so happy especially since you basically inspired me with this idea !!!! giving you a huge hug rn 🫂🤍 
omg ngl this fic encouraging people to listen to settle down makes me so happy because it's one of my favorite songs 😭 it makes me feel so honoured to know that you are analysing the lyrics and anticipating the plot like that really means so much to me !!! i definitely picked it because it had themes i wanted to explore throughout the song...but the lines kind of contain both hyucks and readers pov hehe so i'm excited to explore that in part 2
i take that as a DEFINITE COMPLIMENT i was so invested in that era it was so formative for me... hence a lot of the song choice in my playlist too... i don't know if i genuinely nailed the idea of rockstar in rockstar haechan (because truly...what is a rockstar...) but i did want to give it that 2013 band on tumblr vibe lmfao so i'm so glad you brought that up !!!!
AAAA the band still definitely continues to play a role... they have stuff to work out but i've thought about their characters a lot and i definitely want to show more of their opinions on haechan and reader (it wouldn't be a rockstar au without that). someone else i want to add in is jaemin because ngl reader needs someone purely on her side
i hope i'm not promising too much with haechan HAHA i'm not someone who likes to give too much backstory to characters so i'm just putting it out there: i'm not going to explain that he's this way becaue he was cheated on before or he had family problems etc. i just want it to be genuine layers of his character and personality that's put to the test (love making it hard for myself LOL)
i'm so relieved to know you still managed to feel for his character and appreciate the softer sides of him and a bit of his struggle... i was worried i promised a super terrible character with the preview and people would be disappointed he ended up being so gentle with reader 😅
and her standing him up at the end!!! i'm glad you thought it was justified but at the same time recognise she probably was going to...it really could go both ways and idk if i'm still going through with my original plot arc !!! we will see :)
this was already so articulate omg once i appreciate it sooo so so so much that you shared such a detailed review with me, it literally blows my mind and i will reread your ask again and again !!!! omg and if u want please share your playlist with me too!!! i want to see what songs there are that give him vibes ~~
thank you sm again...you are too nice to me ily!!!!
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mermaidsirennikita · 1 month
ARC REVIEW: Lucy Undying by Kiersten White
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3/5. Releases 9/10/24.
vibes: Dracula but with a closer look at the sapphic parts, sometimes women just need to kill people, parallel narratives
Heat Index: 2/10
Lucy Westenra was famously a victim... But what if she actually did go on to "live" as a vampire throughout the centuries? She's been trying to evade her maker ever since her first death, which leads her to Iris in the twenty-first century. Iris has her own past she's trying to escape, and she and Lucy find a commonality in one another... and love. Yet neither of them are truly free, and without defeating those coming after them, they can never truly be together. A little easier said than done when one of those threats is... Dracula.
I was really excited about this one--that cover! Dracula! Sapphic vampire romance! And it's... a book I'd recommend to a certain audience, yes. Namely people who really enjoy retellings of gothic tales with a flipped lens, queer retellings especially. Yet, I don't think it reached as far as it could have.
There are several different primary narratives here (though they aren't quite the only perspectives you'll have). You have Lucy's diary from her human life, Lucy telling her story to a therapist, and Iris's much more straightforward twenty-first century point of view. Personally, I thought the diary entries were really interesting and indeed pretty tragic. Lucy's therapy sessions are both a cool tribute to Interview with the Vampire (or so they read to me) and like.. genuinely funny. I like her. I like Vanessa, the therapist. They're the kind of unhinged I believe Lucy, with everything she's been through, would be.
Then you have Iris.
So like--this book is in many ways a romance. Specifically the romance between Lucy and Iris. Obviously, I, as a romance reader, am so down for this. And I'm glad that White gave Iris a POV, as it can be so difficult to write a romance through only one POV.
The issue is that Iris isn't super interesting. In theory, her story should be--there's a lot of work done, and it's the kind of darkly comedic take with a decent amount of commentary on twenty-first century life that I would normally be down for. But Iris... just doesn't have a great voice? And her romance with Lucy is very instalove.
Instalove can be sold (controversial take, I know) but when you have the story splintered in so many different directions, you really can't settle into it. Because yeah--we get Lucy's POV, but much more so in the past, or in tellings of what she did in the past. Not so much when she's with Iris. Lucy is a compelling person, I just didn't really get why she was so into Iris.
Also, Iris really does seem to only exist in relation to Lucy, at points. In the sense that she's there to make sure we're interpreting everything else correctly. There's a whole section where she sort of summarizes reading Lucy's diary, and tells the audience everything we should take from them, basically? And I was like--cool, I did get all of those things when I read them. It was a bizarre moment, in a book that I would say is overall pretty well-written otherwise.
Some people won't like the humorous tone. I personally did. By and large, besides moments like the above in Iris's sections, I think the writing is pretty solid. There are some pretty turns of phrase, and a clear love for the gothic. I didn't agree with some of the takes on certain Dracula characters... both from a Dracula perspective, and a "sapphic retelling" perspective.
Like, this book is interesting, for the most part. And I don't think it's bad, per se. But it's definitely not everything it could've been.
The Sex:
The sex is by and large off the page or briefly summarized. Honestly, I kind of felt like the Kiersten White YA books I read way back in the day were... more explicit? I don't know. Kind of wanted more from a sapphic vampire romance, though of course that's all up to her and valid and so on. I just would've Liked To See It. Might've added some more bite (get it) to the story.
Overall--I'd say that this will be right for some readers. And I feel like I should've been among them? It just didn't quite work for me.
Thanks to NetGalley and Del Rey for providing me with a copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
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bonnienapierfilm · 3 years
film adaptation
I have submitted the final draft of the script. And I'm gonna say it - I am happy with something I have written! I worry when people read my scripts, I feel writing is the only role in the course I'm somewhat confident in, so when I produce shitty work I feel like an immense failure. Anyway, it helps to have such a lovely group that big up my writing. Orla said she was teary eyed when reading it, which makes me feel proud, not that I would ever want to make Orla cry, but my dialogue is doing its job. It was a challenge writing the dialogue as I have never written a period piece, or even watched much in that genre myself. But I had read the script for Greta Gerwig's 'Little Women', which did help a lot. Women do have minds and souls and hearts!!
pre production
I really feel everything coming together now. We are awaiting audition recordings and are planning to find our beach soon. I think this project will take an immense amount of planning, as we need a landscape of the beach painted from the same perspective we will switch to at the end. We have the lovely Peer Bear painting our landscape for us, which is greatly appreciated :)
I genuinely cannot wait to see Eva's cinematography for this project. Her posts are giving me so much hope for this lil project of ours :)
I am editing this project. Which I am excited for, though my avid knowledge is practically non-existent, so it'll be the classic on-the-job training for me [can't believe I failed higher business in school...I know my shit!].
But yeah, not a lot of plans for the actual edit. I'm not sure if you can properly plan how your gonna edit a project? If you can, I am not.
Side note: my blogs are always a huge pile of shit. I don't think that I am a smart person and my writing, even just a blog update, really reflects this. I hope I got across my thoughts on the project and what stage we are at.
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kayzume · 4 years
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Pairing: Iwaizumi Hajime x f!reader
Genre: Angst ig, fluff(ehh)
WC: 1.8k
Note: repost from my old acc :))
Also: my heartfelt gratitude to @noya-sannnn and @sugacookiies ... thank you babies for sparing this fic some of your time💖
@pyblos you have my thanks forever ✨
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"No, you can't do this. Don't do this."
  You were excited today, as it is a family tradition that when a woman turns 21 she can finally marry. Today was the day that you're telling your dear father that finally, you have chosen a man for yourself, for a while now actually. Confidently knocking on the door of his study, you hear him reply, "Come in".
Before you could even start speaking, he beats you to it.
"Sweetheart it's time," He said calmly but full of authority.
Confused, you asked him, "Time for...what?"
"For you to meet the neighboring country's eldest prince, of course," your father said in a firm tone you have never heard from him.
"Wha-, wait did you—" you were sure that your incoherent words are not getting to him for he looked at you with a raised eyebrow. Calming your nerves down, you asked him carefully, "Father, are you perhaps setting me up for an arranged marriage?"
He looked at your shaking form. "Why? Don't tell me you're opposing such a brilliant idea. This marriage  means a lot more than you think. Not only for our kingdom, but this will also benefit you."
He wouldn't even let you speak as he continued on about how the prince was a gentleman that he would care for you and he was sure that you would be happy to be that man's wife.
"Father, stop," you started, challenging his mocking gaze. "First of all, I am not meeting prince-whoever-he-is. Second you don't have to choose for me. Third, I'm not a little girl anymore that you can control like a puppet. I'm not going through with this-- this marriage for convenience. And you may be my father but you can never tell me in what way I can be happy... It’s checkmate father, not today," you said, smiling sickly sweet, turning on your heels to leave.
You heard his booming voice yet again, "Y/N, you will not. You cannot disgrace me like this."
Giving him a side glance smirking, "Actually I'm just about to."
You strutted your way out of his study feeling confident and free, yet thoroughly scared of what he would do and what you were supposed to do if you left this life of comfort you grew up in.
 But no, if you wanted to be truly happy, you would pack your bags and leave before it's too late. You didn't want to be like your brothers and sisters before you, submitting to your father's every  order.
You would not be stuck in a bland and unhappy union. Besides, only you could say when you're completely happy.
Taking a quick trip to your quarters to pack your bags was nothing but nerve-wracking. You had to be quick or your father may lock you in. Quietly making your way out of the palace was seemingly easy, it was weird and eerie that nobody even tried to stop you from leaving, not even the maids nor the palace knights stationed upfront. Never mind them, you were finally out and about. You started to make your way to him, to your chosen husband.
 Slipping through town was pretty easy. Though to be fair, the people of your kingdom rarely even see you as your father said that it's inappropriate for a princess such as you to be looking at commoners, let alone communicate with them.
This led you to a surprise, at some point when you were younger, you met this boy about your age near the sparring grounds. He was with some knights in-training. Your brother took you with him to the grounds so that you would not be alone that afternoon.
"Who is he?" you asked him.
"Who?" he retorted with yet another question.
"That boy, with the knights," you said pointing at the boy in question.
"I believe he is a sibling of one of the knights in-trainings," before you could even ask why that boy was there, your brother continued on running his loud mouth, asking with a teasing grin on his face "Why, is my little sister developing a crush?"
He was even wiggling his eyebrows, making your face contort in annoyance. Rolling your eyes at him, "No, you idiot. I was going to ask you why he is here, his brother is the one in-training, not him. Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate of him to tag along as this is a kingdom affair? That boy shouldn't be here." you told him haughtily.
Your brother scooted low so that the two of you could see eye to eye. "Sweetie, what do you think you're doing here then... you are not here to train either, not only that, you're a girl, isn't it more inappropriate for you?" he said, mocking you.
"You took me with you so I won't be alone, isn't that what you said before we both went down here? And besides, what of it if I'm a girl, dear brother, don't tell me you think I'm weak?" you told him confidently.
You liked to think that you were strong from the very start, so as a clueless and reckless child you told your dear brother that you shall challenge that boy to a duel to prove to him that being a girl is not a weakness. You ran off before he could even stop you.
"You there," you said loudly at the boy, "I challenge you to a duel."
This kid had the nerve to ignore you and looked behind you instead. You could hear footsteps so you looked behind as well and saw your brother walking towards the both of you.
"Kindly please ignore my sister, she only wants a playmate," he said to them smiling kindly.
"No, I do—"
He put his palm in front of your mouth to shut you up.
"Your Highness, please take my brother as your temporary playmate as none of us knights can play with you at this very moment," you presume his brother, told you while bowing his head to you and guiding his brother to come near.
Maybe it was just you but for a child, he has a very stoic face.
"You better entertain me to the fullest or you will never prove to be a good enough playmate for me," you said while giving him a side glance. 
"I will try my very best, your highness"
Looking at him, you asked, "What is your name?"
"My name is Hajime Iwaizumi, your highness," he told you, smiling.
 That smile made you feel different, you didn't know if it was normal but your stomach felt as if butterflies were fluttering on the inside.
That day changed something in you, maybe it was the part that commoners were not as bad as they were told in your father's stories. After all, who were you to judge them if you hadn't met them yet? Hajime changed a lot of your opinions, he always told you to look at a different angle, to look at other perspectives. Even when you were kids he seemed so intellectual, so mature in a way that made him different from others your age, but you always thought it made him so much more attractive.
Eventually, he made it to knighthood but a war broke out and his brother perished along with many others. He retired from knighthood as his brother's dying wish was for him to live far from harm. Leaving the knighthood without any honor made him part of the lower community, making it impossible for your father to ever approve of him.
So the two of you decided to keep it a secret, your relationship. He lived his life as a town merchant, while you continued on your royal duties, governing along with your mother and father. And now that you were of age, you ought to tell your father that you would marry Hajime only for him to knock it off course after telling you to wed for convenience.
As if you'll bow down to his trap. Too bad for him that you woke up early enough to realize that you could make choices for yourself, which led you to this very moment near the outskirts of town in front of Hajime's doorstep. Building up some courage, you walked up to knock on his door. but before you could do so, he opened the door.
After seeing you, he smiled sweetly, "Look what the cat dragged in, what are you doing here y/n. Something wrong?" he asked.
"What... do I look like I brought a problem with me, where?" you replied jokingly, but as obvious as it was he probably saw the bag because "Right there in the bag that you're carrying."
Trying to reply coolly, you said, "These? Oh uhm, I just thought I would spend a few days with you if that's alright."
You tried to smile as genuinely as you could,  because you could feel yourself grimacing at the fact that you were actually lying to him.
"Sure, of course, make yourself at home. Though it's not much, the house can keep us warm," he said, making you feel assured that your decision to be with him was the right choice.
 Spending the night with him felt like jumping on a cloud and sliding down a rainbow, but you should've known that sliding from that far up and eventually falling will hurt. You knew questions would come pouring in the morning and you ought to avoid them but of course, his trained eyes knew you too well. He asked you to come and sit outside with him to talk.
"What's really happening here y/n? You know you don't have to hide anything," Hajime asked calmly while rubbing soothing circles on your palm.
Sighing, you knew that questions was about to come crashing down.
You answered him "I... I-I left our palace."
Now looking down, you realized he stopped rubbing your palms together. Placing his thumb on your chin to make you look at him, you saw silent questions flooding his eyes screaming to get out. You braced yourself for what was coming and averted your eyes off him.
Hajime heaved a long sigh and then asked you, "Why? Why would you do something so reckless?"
"I want to be with you, despite what my father may say, I will still choose you over all of this," you replied, referring to all the extravagance you had grown up having.
"You're not used to this, you don't know what you're saying," He said looking at you as if you had grown two heads.
You held his hands in yours. "I'm not confused, I know what I'm doing and I want to be with you," you said with all the power you could muster.
He looked at you with his dark eyes, "No, you can't do this. Don't do this," He said firmly.
"But I-I'm doing this for us," you said, confusion washing over you because of his unexpected reaction. You thought he would understand.
"And I'm doing this for you," he spoke, then he let go of your clasped hands and left without another word, leaving you there bare and broken for the whole world to see.
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flowerbloom-arts · 4 years
Tumblr media
Diggory Hodgkins ran up to his older brother, Samuel, after school had ended, he was rather excited because Samuel seemed to have been working on a new thing they'd be doing come after school on a Friday.
"Hullo Samuel!" He cried "We ought to do that thing we spoke of doing on this fine day?"
And a fine day indeed it was, not a single cloud in the sky, though the skies never seemed to appear that clear blue hue as depicted in illustrations or paintings, still, it was better than totally grey, atleast the sun was quite visible. Diggory would often get excited whenever the weather was anything other than dreary, though pathetic it may sound to some people, he enjoyed what little sunshine the heavens gave them.
"Hmh!" Samuel hummed with a nod.
"Yes!" Diggory exclaimed with a sense of victory, the two brothers started walking out of the school's campus, with Samuel in the lead "So what is it, might I ask? Excuse me! I know you like keeping secrets until the right moment but could you atleast spare a morsel of detail about it? My mind has been racking at what it could possibly be! But of course, one could never figure out what may be going on in that head of yours, oh goodness no."
"You'll see." Samuel stopped to pick up a wooden plank and some rope that he hid in a bush.
"Oh! Are those what you'll be using for the project?" Diggory guessed rather quickly.
"Yes." Samuel confirmed.
"Oh goody!" Diggory clapped "Perhaps I could guess what it is?"
"No." Sam answered harshly "How was school?" he asked and continued walking.
Diggory seemed a little deflated but understood that he shouldn't pry for answers to something he'll see quite soon, he adjusted his school satchel in a huff "Well." he started before following behind his brother "Quite the same actually, you know how it is. Teachers rambling academic nonsense for hours on end, peers picking on eachother, bland everything else. Seriously, I'm sorry but school is just so boring, yeah? How could anyone manage to sit down and listen and expect us to pay attention when there's nothing that even could be interesting!" He started to complain "What could possibly be so enticing about figuring out the third angle of a triangle? What would possibly motivate me to be invested in figuring out such a trivial conundrum to me personally? The teacher certainly never provides a solid motivation, it all becomes forgettable hogwash that has nothing to do with what I want out of life. Though I may possibly be rude, I'm sure you found that sort of thing fascinating given it may pertain to engineering in some way, right?" He paused for an answer from Samuel but then continued anyway "I guess you always were the academically inclined one, I'm over here 'daydreaming my school days off 'and 'being distracted' and whatever else people might say. It's interesting, really, how unlike eachother we are despite sharing the same blood, so to say." Diggory crossed his arms and started kicking a small pebble as a temporary companion on their journey "Some might even use the word funny. All I know is that we're stuck together until something or other separates us, and I believe that's what brothers ought to do. Shame we have a four year difference between us, wouldn't it be cool if we were twins instead?" He looks up at him eagerly, but then looks down again "Ah, you probably find it ridiculous that such a thing would be important. The prospect is rather poetic in my mind but I don't suppose you would endorse it, sorry. We do appear to live in two separate bubbles that might converge into a venn diagram with little in common... Excuse me, we must've had this conversation before, I must sound like a verbal equivalent of a merry-go-round... Have we had this conversation before?" Diggory paused a little for an answer "Samuel, I am genuinely asking this time."
"Ah. Yes, I think so." Samuel said thoughtfully, sometimes it was hard to tell when Diggory was actually looking for an answer or just pausing before continuing his rants, so it was often that he needed to clarify so Samuel can answer. Samuel stopped at a tree in front of a cliff side view and laid down his wooden plank and rope.
"Oh, all right, I suppose that sounds correct... Goodness these aren't actually conversations, really, I should stop calling them that." Diggory saw that Sam had stopped and looked at the sea "By my tail, that looks gorgeous! Does the ocean always sparkle like that?" He said in awe.
"Only in shining daylight, I believe." Samuel replied, inspecting the branches of the tree.
"Well, that's simply another reason to hate the drowsy weather. I can not wait until we get to travel across the ocean and get to live in country where there's more sun and less imbecilic grey clouds overhead, oh, the dream." Diggory continued staring at the sparkly waters before the pebble he was kicking before had landed on his head, thanks to the aim of his brother no less.
"Think you can climb?" Samuel asked, pointing a thumb at a nice-looking tall branch of his tree.
"Oh yeah! Hold on just a moment!" Diggory dropped his satchel and took off his shoes in a hurry. He ran up and started climbing the tree "It's a real shame you can't do this sort of thing, brother."
Samuel leaned against the tree and made a disinterested hum of confirmation, he didn't actually care much for it. He lifted his ears up as he waited, ready for another rambling.
Diggory continued climbing "Like in all seriousness, climbing trees is rather fun. You get to the tippy top on a tree and you get to see the world from a whole new perspective! Everything is alot smaller and perhaps at the right view you could pretend everyone is a tiny little creature that you can squash between your index and your thumb," he reached the last branch of the tree- the one he needed to get to, of course "Like this!" Diggory closes one eye and pretends to squish his brother's head between his fingers "But I suppose someone of your size already gets that sense, big blue."
"Yep. Which is part of what drives everyone away, I suppose." Samuel looks up at his brother and throws the rope up to him.
Diggory catches the rope in his paws "Well it's not just that, atleast from what I hear of you from others." He looks down at the rope "What am I to do with this, exactly?"
"Tie it to the branch." Samuel says as he takes out a knife from his own school satchel.
"Hm." Diggory ties a knot and started pondering what this latest contraption could possibly be again. "Is this another one of your 'practical joke' inventions for your enemies?" Samuel always liked building pranks for anyone he happened to dislike, it used to be a big habit years ago but later the amount of them dwindled as he matured, but even at his current age it's still not out of the realm of possibility.
"Nnnnnope." Samuel said, he put up the wood plank against it at a certain height and chopped off the rope with his knife accordingly, then threw the cut off rope up at his brother again "Tie that one about..." He uses the plank as a reference and placed his hand at a certain spot "Here."
"Well if it isn't a practical joke then what else could it possibly be?" Diggory adjusted the position of his rope to his brother's hand placement and tied a knot on the branch.
"Be patient, will you?" Samuel cut off the excess rope, he put the knife back in his satchel and took out a hand drill to use it on the ends of the plank.
"You know carrying those sorts of things on you is part of the reason why everyone thinks you're weird, right?" Diggory said.
"Mphm." Samuel replied as he's finished drilling the holes of the plank "By the by, you can come down now." he put one of the ropes through one of the holes and tied a knot under it, he did the same for the other one. After he was done he put his hands on his hips rather proudly.
Diggory climbed down enthusiastically to see what his brother had just created "A... Swing?" his enthusiasm seemed to turn into a rather puzzled expression toward his brother "Sam, I love you dearly, but I have to admit you have created far more impressive things than this. Unless this isn't all of it?"
"Eh. That's just about it." Samuel answered with a shrug.
"Really? But- why?" Diggory was absolutely bewildered by this.
"It's for you. You like looking at the sea, thought you'd like something a little more convenient." Samuel was still relatively proud of this small achievement.
"Ah, for me?" Diggory lightened up a little and went to sit on the newly built swing "Hm! I guess it is rather convenient for me!" He started swinging on it lightly "Such a nice view today, too. Suppose I should thank you, then!"
"No need." Samuel sat on the grass next to him and took off his own shoes "Rather exhausting. School. Possibly other things aswell. Nice to take a step back and make something like this with you." He slouches over and rested on his knee to view the ocean.
"Heh. Yeah..."
The two brothers sat with eachother until the sun came down, it was rather peaceful that day, the greyish blue skies just seemed to look like regular blue.
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bookwyrminspiration · 3 years
wait is it quil appreciation hours? ok ok wait
you're such a cool person to have on this platform, and you're so nice and not at all scary, and your writing is just so wonderful, in your character analysises and in your fic
seriously- you answer asks in such a nice way and you're really cool about it, even when people send like literal essays into your inbox, and you write like full paragraphs of things whenever people send you art, which is insane and wonderful and i can't believe it /pos
being a newer member in this fandom can be a little bit scary at times because there are so many really big blogs and a lot of them have been around for a while so that's kind of intimidating, but your blog is really nice and welcoming and really cool!
and your analyisises are super well written and thought out, even when people send you like random headcanons or jokes or whatever, they're all super interesting to read through
and the wings au! i have no words to express how much i love the wings au- it's a full kotlc book but with better characters and WINGS and so many interesting little tidbits, it's wonderful
anyways i'm bad at english and adjectives but i love your blog so much
i--quil appreciation hours. you've named it now. apparently it is?? so many people have sent so many nice asks over the past few days and I'm just sitting here like :0 (i mean this in a fun way! i'm just flummoxed as to how I keep getting so many compliments!)
I have a lot of fun being on this platform, so I'm glad you like having me here! i hope to continue being nice for the rest of time--your compliment means so much to me. you're all equally as kind and interesting to be around and interact with, so it's delightful to know its reciprocated!
and you're complimenting my writing! ah!! thank you! literature and writing is a big part of my life and how I express myself sometimes, so it's very rewarding (and sometimes nerve-wracking) to be able to share it with all of you and just vibe together. just so many thoughts in my brain all the time and I can make them make the most sense when I type them out and oftentimes it feels like I haven't fully explained myself--especially when it comes to the character analysis--and yet you all are so supportive and encouraging anyways. it's just really cool to be part of this whole community <33
I try to be nice when I answer asks and just generally be encouraging of other people's ideas!! and I try to reciprocate and give everyone the time they deserve, because I want to explore all the avenues of their idea! I probably average between 15-30 minutes on each ask, but it really just depends on how distracted I get in the process and whether or not I need to reference a book or anything (fun fact! there are currently three keeper books just laying in my bed). and people sending literal essays just means there's more to talk about! and they've given me a lot of different perspectives to approach their thoughts from! I can't help but laugh a little about your comment on my paragraphs of art comments when i literally just did that before answering this one. but yes!! I know just how much long, in depth comments on art (including writing/edits/gifs/other medias) can mean to an artist, so i try to spread that and make sure when I'm complimenting someone, I'm genuinely complimenting the specifics of what they've done. i can be general and just say it looks cool or I like it (which is also fine! there's not one right way to comment and all comments are appreciated!), but I just prefer to let them know that I noticed some of the details and I understand the time that was put into their work. people's creations are so cool and I want to encourage them to keep creating as long as it makes them happy <33
I honestly don't remember my new tumblr days, but I do know that in the kotlc fandom it can feel like there are these big, established blogs and everyone just flocks to them and there's all these relations and connections going on that you just feel like you're missing out on. things like casually using other's names and referencing other things can make you feel really out of the loop--I've been here for years and it still happens to me! so I love that my blog feels welcoming. I try to be! don't fully know what I'm doing but i'm trying! it often involves a lot of exclamation marks. i should probably tone it back on those, it's getting excessive
oof you've just reminded me that I need to update my masterpost on character analyses--but thank you! I have a lot of fun writing them and just thinking them all through and they're one of the first things that really stood out as a specifically me thing in the fandom, so it's always exciting to hear people enjoy them as much as I do. (this isn't to say I invented character analysis or that I'm the only one whose ever done them, I just have no memory of anyone else really focusing in on that aspect within the fandom until I did it, but I could be wrong about that!) all the random headcanons i get give me the opportunity to apply a lot of what i've analyzed in these characters already, taking it from pulling them apart to trying to put together the pieces in a way that's consistent with how I understand them, so i love to go more in-depth on those. and they give me more of a chance to ask questions back to you all!!
and then the wings au! I say it all the time but I genuinely surprises me a lot when people just mention they've read it and i just go :0! my wings au?! my writing? that's the one you like?? and you're right! it does actually qualify as novel length, so it could be another book! except I just wanted to add wings and more drama and monsters, and I wanted to ignore the romantic drama for a while. there's so many elements of the characters that I feel get pushed to the side in favor of exploring the romance in canon, which just isn't personally for me. i really just went "i can fix them" and rewrote them just slightly to the left. but I think it's a lot of fun! and i'm very glad you're enjoying it, because there's still a lot to get through! it's not ending anytime soon! luckily for me tho, we've still got another year before the next book is released and completely changes how I could need to structure my worldbuilding. i'll probably finish it before then...no promises tho!
i'm thrilled you like my blog!! I have so many posts and just so many things I love to talk about so I'm ecstatic you'd want to listen! I'm just as verbose irl as I am online--my partner can attest to that. nearly every time we see each other I just talk at them for hours! english and adjectives can be very complicated, even with experience, but I love you so much (/p) and am very glad you're here!!
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trixcuomo · 4 years
The Sig Nicious Affair
((Next on Desperate Alt's Lives... Rustic Night Elf Sharpen tries to fix Trixany. Ho boy.))
Trixany: I didn't mean for me losing my Kaja-Cola Girl status to come out this way. What am I gonna do now? I've just been... trying to stay calm and quiet, until the Daily Mail Org drops its final bomb on me by announcing everything to the whole of Azeroth, like one big, giant ker-splosion, my whole life up in flames. And trust me, I did not handle it well, back at HQ. There's bound to be footage. I'm sure my press-on nails are still in President Glim Poprock's grimy little green butt-cheek.
Sharpen: That sounds like a creative injury to get in a Goblin-style corporate office brawl.
Trixany: *smiles slightly* It was one of my better ones. Ugh, now I'm finally done. I don't know where to turn... Usually, I just grab another scandal to stuff the bad news down under something new. But a lot of people have quietly withdrawn their contracts, stopped associating with me. Sharpen... I think. I think I'm socially dead? I mean, it's not a real kind of dead. But. *winces, clutches the front of her shirt over her heart* It still hurts, kinda? *sobs, her little elf voice squeaking* Oh gods, my social life dying is giving me actual, physical pain. How pointless have I become??
Sharpen: *sadly sips his coffee while Trixany gives over to dramatic Blood Elf-style crying* Yeah... We need to get you re-connected.
Trixany: I know! Why don't you lend me one of your used BOY TOYS, Sharpen!
Sharpen: Not Haris Pilton right now. I'm really not.
Trixany: Sorry, when I'm in pain like this I just see her everywhere, in everyone. *spirals back into wild crying* Oh gods, I just insulted my poor, poor Sharpy. He's just a hopeless himbo, it's not his fault.
Sharpen: *sighs at her* Hold on. Hrm. Well, that's not too far off of an idea, you know. *he sits up* Why don't I come up with a way to get you involved with someone that'll knock your rivals' teeth out? Then, they'll have to re-connect with you. That's how it works, correct?
Trixany: You're practically a lumberjack, Sharpen. I don't want to date some she-bear you passed over the last time you visited the watering hole. Not even a cute he-bear. *tears up once more* And bears are so fuzzy and sweet with their big brown eyes. What is wrong with me? Why am I insulting bears now? Ugh...
Sharpen: Yeah, you're bitter. Give me a day or two, then we'll talk again. I'll figure a way to get you hooked up and clear out of your slump for sure. And then you can stop trash-talking everything that breathes.
Trixany: Oh, Sharpen. I don't know, maybe you shouldn't bother. Maybe... Maybe my friends, and Sunthraze of all people, and even Lady Liadrin are right. I admit that it's just possible this vapid lifestyle of mine has come for me in the end. Me chasing something that isn't even real--what is celebrity anyway? What existential pain am I trying to ameliorate by pursuing a fantasy life that could never, ever sate me, fill up my soul, precisely because it is so false? I am a Blood Knight. I serve the Light, an all-loving, humble, selfless power. But I have been so heartless, haven't I? I've only made myself into a walking contradiction at long last. *looks away, dramatic* Oh, don't cry for me! I will repent. I will go now to Light's Hope Chapel and finally make good. What a reckless ride it has been. What scars I've rightfully earned. Good bye, Trixany Cuomo. Me and my stage name had some great times together, but now I know the truth. I shall never again see thee--
Sharpen: Two words. Sig. Nicious.
Trixany: Shut-up.
Sharpen: But that's the good kind of 'shut up' right?
Trixany: I could never, ever date Sig. Not even get near him. You think I haven't low-key tried before? Nobody dates Sig. I mean, he's available, he does date people, but he's the ultimate mysterious band guitarist. Listen, not even Haris ever bagged him. He's far too careful about who he spends his time with. You're talking about catching a tiger in a soda bottle, socially. And, you're in the Alliance, how could you even manage it? Sharpen, you're crazy! Why don't you just let me go and be normal at long last? I'm sure there are lots of people out there who want that. They're unfollowing me right now. That's what social death is, Sharpen. I should go with it, being normal. Give in. *winces* It'll be fine. Tomorrow, I'll blog about how well I enjoy the cherry grog at the Tail and then complain about the price of spikes on the Orgrimmar auction house or something, like every loyal Hordie. Nice, predictable.
Sharpen: Excuse me, my lady. But did you forget that -you- are Trixany Cuomo, and I am an expert hunter? We just need to set Sig Nicious a good enough trap. Let's see...
Trixany: I can't believe some nature-loving Night Elf is about to give me socialite advice. Sharpen, let's quit while we're ahead. Or far, far behind. My whole career may as well be beneath Deepholm.
Sharpen: I know. *snaps fingers* Start a rumor that you're already dating Sig.
Trixany: And then I get sued.
Sharpen: No. Then you hold a press conference with the Org Daily Mail or something to allay the rumors. Throw water on the fire you started. Claim that you're flattered, but then graciously say you've 'honestly never even considered it before, though he does seem nice.'
Trixany: I don't understand. I'm... turning Sig Nicious down before I even meet him?
Sharpen: No, you're not following me. Trixany, he'll rise to the challenge. Come on, trust a man's perspective. A man who's an adventurer like me? Sig's bound to be a thrill-seeker, he's in a rock band. And if it works out, the two of you will be perfect--he performs, so do you. You both live in the spotlight. All the glamorous do's, the nice three-piece suits. We could match. And he has great hair. You know, the height difference isn't so bad either.
Trixany: What height difference, I mean it's not too drastic. We're both Blood Elves? Oh, I see. *eyes him* Look, you need an off-switch for your libido, Sharpen. It was fun when you and I first met, but now you're ruining it.
Sharpen: Right--heh, sorry.
Trixany: But what if he's already dating someone that the world doesn't know about? What if he's not interested?
Sharpen: Trixany. Don't tell me you'd want a guy who isn't interested in you. That's a moot point. But it -will- stick in his craw and if there's any chance you two are genuinely compatible, then it'll be in his nature too. Sig will go for the bait. And what guy wants to be called 'nice'?
Trixany: Well, some guys are just... you know, nice. *green eyes look up, thinking about this* Oh.
Sharpen: Like I said, he'll attempt to prove you wrong.
Trixany: *leans in* This is sinister. This isn't... something I'd expect someone in the Alliance to come up with.
Sharpen: *points, knowingly* And that's why you all lost the Southern Barrens.
Trixany: Damn. Touché.
((oooh this is getting crazy, I'm so excited! LOL))
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