#can't believe I'm drawing crocs
con-cognito · 1 year
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Inktobertale day 3: Medicine
I wouldn't trust Ink to conduct an actual and accurate examination. He likes to play with paint and cause trouble, he's really not fit to be a real doctor. XD
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sanctus-ingenium · 1 year
i answer your asks vol 4
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I'm not american. I HAVE heard back from Inprnt re: the $180 i requested a withdrawal for in july. They say that this has been a common issue lately (no kidding). They cancelled my withdrawal request and made a new one, saying it was some sort of issue with paypal. Yeah idk I think I'll wait for this new request (and the final withdrawal too) to be fulfilled before they start to earn back any amount of goodwill from me.
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I think that's an interesting progression for the technology but I don't believe it's the logical next era, even centuries down the line. What I see potentially occurring is the democratisation of smaller engines. The majority of Mercury enginesmiths make small engines - and bear in mind that an 'engine' can be thought of as a catch-all term for any magic device that runs on dragonsblood. Things like long distance messaging, basic calculators, astronomy tools, Sir Victory's arm, that sort of thing - any of these magics are built off the back of a small combustion engine. And these are far more easy to pass into the hands of the public (as many already are) than something huge and specialised that requires an army just to maintain it.
Think about the supersonic bomber aircraft race during the cold war that brought about planes like the valkyrie - incredible technology, sure, but it wasn't replaced by a faster better plane, it was replaced by long-distance missiles that fulfilled the role better. It is more feasible that the Mezian church would develop more efficient ways to get their dragonsblood fuel than using holy beasts at all. The holy beasts are more likely to be made obsolete by some kind of, idk, harpoon with siphon kind of thing than a zoid type beast.
I can't speak about the conservation status of dragons but one of the main duties of an alchemist within the church is to handle fuel, and lately there have been new orders to synthesise a viable alternative to dragonsblood. Not because of a dragonsblood shortage (although there is one, this order came before that) but because dragonsblood is still too accessible to everyone else. A fully proprietary fuel even more absolutely under their control would solve a lot of problems for the church.
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Church doctrine states that it is bone ;)
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if you mean Krokodilos/Crocodile, no, the size difference between Guinefort/Nosewyse and croc was huuuuge and their heads couldn't be interchangeable. Krokodilos is the longest (though not the tallest) holy beast and he's not a dragon, he is a crocodile :)
Saint Guinefort was beheaded for an unrelated reason.
Here I can make a little diagram. When I say Nosewyse is tiny I mean it is tiny.
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Croc's head is small for his body size though. His skull was recovered only in fragments and the rest was artistic interpretation on the part of the armoursmiths who made the chassis.
I also discovered that Krokodilos's tail is exactly 1 Pantera long. The huge tail was shielded without the vertebrae left bare because it had to serve as a counterbalance for the rest of croc's body, so it had to be very heavy.
ngl Krokodilos was originally a joke holy beast because i saw that drawing of a crocodile where it looks Like That and went haha funny... I'm glad to get a chance to actually write some solid stuff about him.
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blueberry-obsessed · 5 months
Thank you so much to the absolute darling @marieshyperf1xations for the tag!!
The Rules: If you're tagged, make a new post and share one or two sentences (or lines for artists) from your most recent unposted WIP with zero context.
“Hey, Charles.” Max chuckles a bit, whether it's directed at the French Max surely didn't understand, or the fact that Charles is standing in front of him in bright red Lightning McQueen crocs, he doesn't know.
He unconsciously swings open the door a tad further, a silent invitation for him to come in.
“Hey, Max.” Max toes off his shoes next to his own by the door and walks right on in, past his living room and straight into his bedroom. Of course, he wasn't content with sitting in Charles’ clean living room; he just had to go to the messiest room in the entire apartment. Charles can't find it in himself to care, though. His bed is much more comfier than the sofa, anyhow.
Apparently, Max thinks so too, if the way he's instantly made himself home on rumpled blue sheets is anything to go by. His head is against the headboard, skinny jeans on display. Charles thinks that he definitely needs to convince Max to invest in some baggy jeans for the sake of his own sanity. He takes a seat on the opposite end, twisting his torso a bit so he can face the other man. The atmosphere feels slightly awkward, but then Max snickers and nods towards the absurdly red crocs again.
“I can't believe that you're actually using those.” Charles gasps in offence.
“Why not?” he crosses his arms for added effect, “It would be a waste to not use them, no? Especially since they're nice and comfortable.” Max just laughs at him some more. He crosses his legs as he does so, and Charles scoots a bit closer, shakes his crocs off, and tucks his legs to the side.
“What? Would you rather I waste them?” he juts an accusatory finger in Max's direction, “You're the one that got them for me.” That doesn't help his case all that much, since Max is now cooing at him.
“Aw, did you wear them because you missed me?” And of course, that's the conclusion he draws.
The day I finish this is the day I finally succeed at doing something notable with my life. Anyhow! I'm tagging the lovely @souvenir116 (because I love your writing. Oh my god. Also, because I have no idea who else to tag), no pressure though 🩶 Anyone else that is interested, please feel free to join!!!
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For the character opinion bingo: Azwel!
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Part of me wishes there were extra slots on this bingo card that are along the lines of "I'm supposed to hate this fucker's guts for what he did in canon, but I end up going feral for him anyway."
He sort of reminds me of a Disney villain from the Renaissance era and why I loved them so much growing up (they even gave us a Disney death in Libra of Soul dammit!).
I'll admit that Azwel's design is wacky and over the top and I was put off by it at first (doesn't help that the thing he wears as his lower robes are a stuff of nightmares to draw), but it works for the reason that it perfectly describes who he is and what he represents: He's flamboyant, he believes himself an authority, "a shining ray of light" to the masses if you will, he knows exactly what to say to you, he worked hard to get the power that has.
But he also represents the uglier side of humanity as well, he's unhinged as hell, the type that believes he's untouchable, one that doesn't believe himself nor anyone else to be human anymore despite his obsessive love for the human race.
To the common folk who don't know him and his followers alike, he's like a God lending a helping hand to aid them in their darkest hours or, to Raphael in a sense, an ally that wants nothing in return.
But to us, the Conduit, Grøh, Amy and the Aval Organization, he's a sadistic and manipulative liar that sheds croc tears to the suffering of others when the reality of the matter is, he enjoys it a bit too much.
Not to mention his outfit kinda does look like a unique take on what men in 16th Century Germany from certain social classes wore in the day, especially with the big flowy coats and tight leggings, surprisingly enough.
One headcanon I have for Azwel is that, according to his Soul Chronicle and the Museum, he comes from a family line of plague doctors (which wouldn't doubt it'll have repercussions in and of itself if his parents are the type that are part of a social class that pressures one to look good at all costs and/or are emotionally neglectful) and at one point in his life, he contracted a disease from one of the patients he helped his father take care of that ended up affecting his limbs for a good while (this event is what he credits to as one of the reasons he's putting so much time and research into saving the human race, which can be found in an entry in the Weapon section of the Museum of all places) and part of why I believe he walks a little funny after he was cured (could also be him trying to work around his outfit, or I could just be reaching and he could very well be just like that).
But would that justify anything that he's done? FUCK NO. It's why the Conduit's big fight with him in Ostrheinsburg Castle and then the Astral Chaos felt cathartic! You can't mess with people for so long and not expect to get your ass handed to you with all amounts of prejudice.
If I had to give my thoughts about death feeling like a slap on the wrist to the guy and have him come back as the Scholar of the Future, your guess is as good as mine, but I thought it'd be funny to use this clip (Volume Warning):
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moonriddles · 1 year
I just realize i posted like all the cultural stuff for GoC and forgot adding like the general context of it?? Like just posted a bunch of animals in robes and forgot to say WHY
So here's a bit of context cuz i can't sleep and i'm working on the designs for other characters yaaay
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(Happy croc without context)
More than a rewrite it's just my own version, one of the things that changed is that contrary to what is seen in the series, the lions are not custodians of all the chi. The sacred well of chi is located in the temple of Cavora; a construction located just below the mountain with which it shares its name, and is guarded by the guardians of Cavora
A group made up of the leader of each tribe, together they are in charge of caring for, managing and distributing the chi equally to each tribe of Chima.
The chi maintains the same properties, it gives strength and is fuel for vehicles and heavy weapons. But pure water also contains magical and healing properties that each tribe can access through the rivers that pass through their respective camps, it is believed that the purest magic is that which comes from the sacred well.
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Me after seeing the other bunch of characters I have to draw(i'm becoming insane but i love them all)
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girlwithwolftatoo · 2 years
CONSIDER: Harrow (and the Moon Boys if you’re up for it, might be too much tho. Completely understand) helping the reader, who happens to have mobility issues and uses a cane in order to walk, shower (perhaps after doing the deed 👀).
This epiphany did come to me while I was showering, yes.
It's always a pleasure to write about Moon and Croc boys, honestly.
Marc Spector:
Overprotective. He's like your personal service dog because he's following you everywhere (even at home).
You need to reach something from a shelf? He's already handing it to you. There are some static stairs? He'll carry you bridestyle. No empty seats in the bus? He'll go straight to someone and "friendly" ask them to move.
The flat's shower isn't meant to help you during shower, so he brings in a tiny chair or bank so you won't get tired or hurt. Once you're done, he'll hand you a towel or apron and will help you to get out.
...But yeah, if you ask him to shower with you he's extra careful, and extra shy too.
For sexy time he's always asking softly if you are fine. "Is this position good for you? Sorry, I'm going to- okay, am not hurting you am I? Slowly, baby, slowly... yeah, you're fine, that's better for you, right?"
Steven Grant:
He believes you when you say you can do things by yourself. It doesn't mean he's not worried about you when he cannot be physically in the same place as you are. What if you need assistance and there's nobody at sight?
Makes an extensive research about your issue and how to help you have a better life quality through that. "Why don't you rise your legs, honey? Yes, sure, you can put them on mine- I read some massages are helpful, let me..."
The first thing he does when you take a bus is searching a seat for you. "Um, excuse me, can they take this seat?" and will fight whoever mutters something against you for looking "too young to need a special seat".
When he has some money, he buys things for you that may help you in your daily basis, like removable seats and even sets a handle in the shower for those times you spend at the flat.
He hates seeing you in pain, and sometimes it's something you can't avoid. His puppy eyes shine with held tears while he massages and smooches you. "You're so brave, my love, you deserve better" "You're the best for me, Steven, thank you" (aaaand now he's crying)
Jake Lockley:
His limo, his rules, even if you need to go to the supermarket for a box of cereal he's your personal driver, and he won't accept a no as an answer.
Offers you his arm like an old fashioned gentleman. "Jake, I can walk, don't worry" "And I can get you if you trip, bonita, c'mon"
Jake seems to grow a fifth sense to know when you start to get tired or a little in pain. It's the moment his arms lift you and either carries you like a monkey on his back or bridestyle because why not.
If you had a specially hard day, he'll do everything for you. Makes you rest on the bed with a good amount of pillows to hold your back and legs, brings you the dinner and some tea he snatched from Steven's cabinet ("I'm sure this inglesito menso has some good teas for pain") and, if you need to, gives some massages with oils. And oh the feeling of his big hands softly moving towards your body is both calming and arousing.
Even when he loves wilder scenarios, he learns some positions to have sexy time with you without the risk of hurting you, mostly side-to-side positions or, if you feel you can handle it, you can go on top and he holds you good and fine.
Arthur Harrow:
He knows very well for the pain you're going through. In a certain way, he feels linked to you from the very first time, not because there's a lack of disabled people in the cult, it's just there's something in you, in the way you deal with this, that draws his attention.
Likes to hold hands when you're walking together, and even jokes a little about how you're "balanced". "By ourselves, we may look uncomplete for the rest of the world, but together, we're like a scale, you see? We help each other, we need each other"
You've grown to be as independent as you can, but what you don't know is Arthur has the commune aware that, if you need any sort of help, they better assist you.
He's the one who kneels to you. He helps you to take off your shoes after a long day and then, he accompanies you to the bath so you can clean yourself. But the truth is he likes to take baths with you.
Picture this: you and Arthur are in the mood and, once the day is over, you get into your house and make love on the bed. Arthur maneuvers so you feel comfortable and takes advantage of the situation to massage your back and legs. He mutters sweet things to you meanwhile, if there's someone in this world he praises besides his goddess, is you.
And when you're done, he prepares the bathtub and you spend a long time in it helping each other with the soap and shampoo.
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wilwywaylan · 1 year
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More cleaning Miserables ! Can you believe that I'm finally reaching the end of the series ? I can't !
I can't even tell you which one here is my favourite, but I really like them all. Also I've never drawn that many buckets in my life.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
[image ID : four super-deformed drawings drawn without lines. First picture : Cosette, a fat black woman with long black hair in numerous braids, half dyed pink, black eyes and pink lipstick and nail polish, is leaning on her vacuum nozzle, one leg up. She's looking over her shoulder. She's wearing a pink tank top, a black, leather miniskirt, black thights and black high heels. The background is light blue. Second picture : Marius, a white man with short black hair and a lot of freckles, is standing, holding a bottle with a stunned expression. He's wearing a pink crop top with "be a bitch" written on it, too big sweatpants and yellow crocs. The bottle is red with a label that says "St Just for spotless, bloodless floors". Behind him, a washing machine is on. The background is blue-grey. Third picture : Eponine, a bony white woman with a pink, long sidecut and brown eyes, is sweeping the floor while smoking. She's wearing a crop top with a skull on it, denim cut-offs, leather bracelets and a bandana on her head. Beside her is a teal bucket. The background is peach. Fourth picture : Gavroche, a white boy with tousled brown hair and brown eyes, is laying on his stomach on the floor and playing a cleaning simulator on a Switch. He's wearing a grey shirt and denim cut-offs. Beside him are a pink bucket and a teal sponge. The background is sand-colored. end ID]
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brutalscaled · 2 years
"You ain't fucking serious about going, are you? You can't trust none of these fuckers to keep their word and you know it, Croc." Roman hisses in a low voice, gloved fingers clutching onto the other's scaled forearm so hard as though he believed if he held on hard enough, it might convince him not to go. Croc was his own man and could do as he pleased but he'd be damned if he didn't say something at this point.
In reference to this.
He'd never admit... but he'd hoped he'd be able to slip away before Roman got wind of the deal. Of course that didn't happen, but part of Croc– the part that knew this was a dumb FUCKING idea– was glad for the voice of reason the other man provided… even if he provided no other clarity on what to do instead. His jaw clenched, claws of one hand digging into his palm and drawing blood to drip down his knuckles. He wanted to punch something, bite someone… something to take this helpless anger out on. 
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"I don't know. I know I can't trust 'em. I don't even know how long they've been watchin' me," he rumbled, after a moment resting his other hand atop Roman’s. "I'm tryin' to not give 'em a reason to come after you, n' this is the only immediate way I can think of that might work. If you have another idea, I want to hear it."
He might've made the deal... but by god he didn't want to go back to Chimera.
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elxgantcaptain · 1 year
My Peter and Wendy review :/
I didn't like the film >:c
But that was going to be obvious. I've not really enjoyed many of these 'live action' films of the OGs. I just found this version of Peter Pan very... Lackluster. It needed MORE, it felt like it was missing so much, it didn't explore what we wanted to see? It needed to EXPAND! Urg, it was just so frustrating. Not only that, but it felt like they took lines they knew did well in the older live action films thinking it will hold weight? NO. Do your own thing. Make something gd NEW already!
But there are SOME things I liked about the film.
Theres a lil breakdown of things I liked and didn't like under the cut. There ARE spoilers tho.
Things I LIKED
The transfer into neverland - that time stand-still thing, very interesting! Not seen that before in the transformation into neverland, I kinda liked it.
How Wendy couldn't 'see' sometimes - Such as seeing the pirates on the ocean and then the lost boys being like 'She's too grown up', it seems like an interesting concept but it wasn't really explored???
The Crocodile - NOW THATS a croc. Its huge and its eye shape and jaws are as I would have pictured a live action telling of Tick Tock, especially in the face.
Hook and Pan having a history - I'm not against the whole idea of 'Hook was once a lost boy' kinda deal, the idea of them knowing each other was pretty cool, about how he left and grew up and changed and Peter finding that growing up and evil are the same thing... And how he banished Hook because he missed his mother. Thats really sad.
Tigerlily - She's a good character and they handled the 'indians' quite well in this, down to the fact she speaks the language too. Idk but i really like how she referred to Pan as 'little brother'
Hook's explanation to Wendy - I like how Hook struggles with himself and Neverland, how he slowly started to forget his own mother and home, how he TRIED to leave Neverland after Pan banished him but couldn't get out. He was lost at sea until he was rescued by Smee. 'My time for joy is lost'
Pirates singing - I'm just a sucker for Shanties
Wendy's happy thoughts of the future - Thinking she could be happy when she starts to grow up, I found that kinda sweet.
Hook is known to be the best sword fighter - Just that.
"Do you know what really hurts about getting old? Its not the creaking bones, or the dashed dreams or even the sense of death drawing ever nearer... Its knowing that your best friend can look you in the eyes and not recognise you."
The acting felt so forced in places - WIth Hook it was 'I am sooo evil, don't mention hands because i have lost a hand, don't mention pan cause I want to kill him' and with the kids it was like, VERY overdramatic. 'Ohhh PEETTERRR~' yuck
Captain Hook's hook - Just... No... It literally just looks like a very bad fake hand that his hand is literally holding onto, covered by long sleeves
Wendy - Just... Wendy, she confuses me. She doesn't want to grow up but she continuously talks about growing up and sounds very mature. I suppose thats how its supposed to be? But she places blame, she calls tattletale and she just... She just doesn't seem like a believable character?
Costumes - Some of the costumes are just not... Good? I don't like Hook's overall look? Neither do I like some of the pirates and the lost boys? Its all very higgilty pigglity with the pirates outfits, which i can understand why, its stuff they may have stolen or found over the years in Neverland but it was very 'hey look I'm a pirate and I'm quirky!' and with the Lost Boys, I always thought it'd be better to wear real animal skins rather than all the fake cuddly toy looking ones?
The direction - Pick an angle, are you dark and serious or are you fun and goofy?
Neverland - Why can't it be brighter? Why does it looks so dull and boring? There are some interesting concepts there, the 'castle' they stay in along with the trees. As they enter Neverland it looks amazing and bright with the mermaids etc and then it just gets... BORING? I want to see bright colours, magic, the mysteries and beauty of an Island where things don't grow up! Where was that?
Timing felt off - The story feels rushed in some areas? Like, it didn't feel like a FAMILY at the very beginning? They didn't show Wendy's true conflict about leaving to go to boarding school, nor did they establish a good family dynamic? It felt like they rushed the croc scene and Hook's panic?
Transitions - Whats with some of these transitions between scenes? Like that random circle one after Wendy smacks Pan in the face????
The parents - Again a poke at how it didn't feel like a FAMILY? They just don't seem to react as you probably WOULD when a bunch of strange wild children enter your house without permission and trash your kid's room. And the look the mother gave towards Peter as he left, did she KNOW Peter???? Was she his sister? Descendant? IDK???
How it felt like Hook and Peter became 'friends' at the end - It wasn't fully revealed, but it felt like it was hinted at. NO.
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orionangeline · 3 years
4 am and I am going to bed now. I am going to bed. No more painting it is good or it is not I am need sleep now. Real paintings digital painting knitting and more it is done I am done sleep time now
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