#can’t wait to roll into my next zoom session with her and be like :D you’ll never guess what happened
overheaven · 6 months
i’m grateful to my friends and family and lover for making me happy and giving me gifts and time but also i wish my birthday wasn’t fucking CURSED
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rebel-at-heart713 · 1 year
So I just watched Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. (Rented from Redbox)
It was good and I really liked it. If I could just change one thing it would be this. Spoilers I guess but it’s been out on DVD for a bit.
I think it would’ve been hilarious, if at some point there something like this happened….I’m not sure where, but somewhere before something ridiculous happens, like when Doric changed into the owlbear and smashed Sofina around. There’s a zoom in on Doric and she says, “I Hulk Smash Sofina into the ground.” and there’s just a disembodied voice that says, “pardon?”
Cut Away gag. 5 random big name actors sit around the table, I’m talking like Ryan Reynolds, Matt Damon, Natasha Lyonne, Anne Hawthaway and like Brad Pitt are sitting around a table. (Sort of think how in the later Thor movies Matt Damon is playing the actor playing Loki just cause cameos. Pick and choose who it is but I really like especially Ryan and Natasha as I think they’d both have fun)
Natasha: “what? I grab Sofina and just smash her into the ground repeatedly like Hulk did to Loki in Avengers.
Ryan (who I picture is playing Ed): “that would be funny”
Brad (disgruntled DM) “don’t encourage her, by the Anne roll a D20”
Anne: “wait, why?” *rolls* “4,”
Brad: “okay we’ll get back to that,”
Natasha: “I rolled a 19 on my strength check, plus I get a +4 in owlbear shape”
Matt and Ryan: “Hulk Smash Hulk Smash Hulk Smash”
Brad: “okay fine”
Cuts back to the movie as normal.
Then maybe change the mid-credit scene. As much as I found of funny, change it to this.
Cuts back to the table.
Brad: “okay I think that wraps up this session. Should we end the campaign here or should we find another quest?”
Matt: “I’m not giving up my character. I just got some killer artifacts.”
Natasha: “yeah I love my Druid”
Anne: “it would suck to stop here after we wasted the stone on me. If we were going to stop my character might as well have stayed dead.”
Brad: “okay next session, how does Monday night work?”
Matt: “I can’t, I have a late shift,”
Brad: “okay Tuesday?”
Natasha; “I work at 5am on Wednesday, I can’t stay out too late.”
Brad: “so Wednesday night will be out too cause you’ll be out by 9. Thursday?”
Anne: “Date Night,”
Brad: “Friday?”
Ryan: “My daughter has a dance recital,”
Brad: “and my in-laws are coming on Saturday through Wednesday morning for 4th of July on Tuesday”
Cuts back to the credits but you continue hearing them in the background instead of music for another 90 seconds trying to find a date. The music fades back in before one is decided.
I just think it would have been really funny. I get that in the middle of the movie it might take away from the whole one dying and the sacrifice Ed makes for choosing not to revive is wife and reviving Holga instead (which by the way got major Onward vibes from that. The whole “I never had a dad but I always had you.” Sort of being Kira never had a mom but always had Holga) if we know they aren’t real, but I really feel it would have really made it a D&D movie having actual dice gags and the whole not being able to plan a session.
Anyways, good fun movie. Might buy it so I can watch it again. I could totally see in the movie parts that were totally crit fail and successes.
I’m thinking seeing the trailers made me really finalize wanting to play it. I do a small campaign with one other person who plays a character and DMs and we have a lot of fun.
Anyways, sorry for the long post. But that’s what I thought.
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stevenbasic · 4 years
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“Oooo look at that one! And ahahah that one!” she sang, as we sat next to one another on the empty beach, “They look the same! You’re really just as good as any of the photographers I used to work with!”
“Oh, I don’t know…” I replied, trying to keep the silly delight I was feeling, being lauded by Melissa, out of my voice, “i-it’s probably just these better cameras, on these phones, these days…”
“No, no, you’re really good!!” she flattered, scooching herself closer to me. We had been sitting like this, next to one another on her towel in the sand, all alone, for a while now. We were going through the pictures of the day, the little “modeling shoot” she’d asked me to do for her, this afternoon after our morning classes at the conference. She was flipping through them on my phone - which she insisted we use - in trying to duplicate some of the shots she’d done at a photoshoot on this same exact beach, this little nature reserve, six or so years ago. Or was it two, or three? I had trouble pinning her down, on that one. Anyway, she wanted to put the pictures up on Instagram, she said, for a joke. Melissa had tossed the gauzy tapestry of her sarong over our heads, to keep us shielded from the late afternoon sun and able to more easily see the pictures on my phone's meager screen. The moment, thus, was intimate, the space between us tight...
“C’mon…” I deferred. It was disconcerting, how excited I was by her plaudits, how eager I was for her praise, even if it was just for my photography skills. We had been so friendly, here, all alone on our basically private beach over these past few hours. With no one else around, I had no airs to keep up, no appearances to maintain, and my guard had come down without a fight. I had allowed myself to both relax and give in too easily and too fully to the temptations of her flirty friendship. “I’m no photographer, really…you’re obviously just a really good model...”
“Ahhh, I was never really a ‘model’,” she deferred, “just a girl with the boobs some energy drink company wanted in their ads. But thank you...” She giggled, and nudged me with her bare shoulder. “...and you should learn how to take a compliment,” she told me. 
My heart fluttered.
I also can’t begin to tell you how fucking turned on I was. I’d just spent the better part of the afternoon following her around as she posed here, posed there, once in a while disappearing behind boulders or bushes to change in and out of multiple swimsuits for this, our ersatz modeling session, trying to duplicate the last time she was here. “Before” pictures stored on her phone, “After” now on mine…
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I must have looked like an overeager simp, a wide-eyed supplicant, when she - with demure giggles - had initially peeled off her beach dress to reveal her first bikini, a little, overmatched yellow thing, and asked me to start snapping. 
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She had framed it as a chance to see if she still “had it”, now that she wasn’t nineteen years old. Oh, she had it, I’d quickly and convincingly been shown, and in spades. In fact, the afternoon quickly became a study in how much bigger her tits had grown over the last few years, how much more Melissa there was everywhere, what kind of womanly body she was - if she's to be believed, god help me - still growing into. Our first looks, comparisons of the previous shots to today’s, were ample demonstration of that - it actually made her laugh: “Omigod I look huge in that one!!” or “I’m like twice the size I was then!!”  To her it was a joke but in all honesty it actually was quite dramatic, sitting here with her now, looking at these pictures.
It was also quite dramatic how soft her skin felt. 
She was leaned into me, under the canopy of her sarong, the skin and supple flesh of her bare left arm, shoulder, hip, thigh pressed abundantly against my sallow side. The day had cooled as evening approached, and her warmth was pleasant, the scent of her beach-sweetened body saturating our little space with its luxurious richness. My view - even notwithstanding the bikini pics - was equally enthralling. She had changed, after our shoot was done, back into her burgundy suit, because I had told her - when asked, pressed on the matter - that it was “my favorite”. So now our private world under the shade and shelter of her skirt was filled with her lap, her hair, her big, soft breasts in her string bikini. Sunlight dappled in, shadows emphasizing everything. 
I was so fucking hard. 
“I, uh, did take photography in college…” I conceded, bathing still in her praises and painfully aware of my erection, which was nearly a third person in our little makeshift tent. 
“Seeee??” she squealed, bumping me with her shapely hip, “I knew it! You were so good, too, making me feel comfortable, like a real professional.” She flipped to another photo, nonchalantly zoomed in on a little detail...
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“How do I always seem to manage to get sand on my boob..?” she asked, more to herself in an aside. If she heard me chuckle I’m lucky; I was worried it sounded like a whine.
“It is a little weird traipsing around in front of your boss in a bikini,” she said, now casually flipping to the next picture, “but you were such a gentleman.”
Ha - ‘gentleman’. If only she knew the battle I’d been fighting all afternoon, trying to keep my composure, trying to look at ease as she giggled and bounced and posed, rolling in the sand, playing in the surf, smiling - or seething - for the camera.
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 I saw sides of Melissa I’d only seen in the countless images of her I’d surreptitiously collected on my pc at work, from her Instagram, ones I’d scoured from the net.  But here, in person, in the flesh, she looked bigger and more voluptuous than ever, and it had been all I could do to keep from outright groaning at times, when she would emerge from behind a bush, or a boulder on the beach, in a new bikini or one-piece. I might be kidding myself but I hope I made it look like I was keeping my cool and snapped pic after glorious pic. I was doing the best I could but in the end I knew I was not made for this; my heart is too weak and I was honestly afraid I might pass out.
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And these photos are all on my phone, I thought to myself, in a lurid anticipation.
“Well, you really look beautiful, in all of them,” I said, nodding but immediately knowing I’d said someth-
“Oh my god thank you!!” Melissa gushed, turning my way in our little shelter and dropping the phone, forgotten, onto our towel. “You are so nice, so great..!”
My heart nearly stopped as I looked at her, our faces inches away. Eyes made up, makeup heavy and dramatic for the camera. Her hair a huge soft mess of deep brown abundance, her dimpled smile and perfect cheekbones riveting and...
Fuck. She is so fucking gorgeous. 
She inched in closer.
Omigod is she going to..?
“I could just kiss you right now!” she laughed, her smile growing wide and her eyes dancing, playing over my face and then flashing as she read my reaction, the moment between us suddenly wired, charged. 
I can’t let this explode, I can’t I can’t I c-
“I-it’s true…” I mumbled, dropping my gaze away from hers back to the phone, laying beneath her thighs. I knew I should stop, stop. “I m-mean...the pictures came out g-great…”
Looking down, my eyes could not help but be drawn to her great breast, tanned and huge and swollen in her taut burgundy bikini, stray grains of sand the only imperfection on the smooth expanse of its skin. She was for the moment quiet, and breathing. Oh god I just stared. 
“D-Doctor J..?” she finally began, her voice dropping, cracking, sounding - for the first time - like she was unsure of something, “Do you like spending time with me?”
Oh jesus.
“Y-y-yes, of course,” I replied, unsure of what to do. 
“Okay...okay,” she continued, her voice still shaky. She was obviously trying to gather herself. “I was worried that I was maybe being too...pushy, that maybe you didn’t really want…”
Her words trailed off, and I could feel her looking at me, watching my face. I hoped to god she couldn’t tell that I was just staring at the swell of her big left breast, that rather she took the downturn of my gaze as just an inability to hold hers. 
“N-no, really, it’s...fun. Y-you’re fun,” I said, dumbly, too meek of course to tell her that every moment with her had been like a fantasy come true, that I would kill to spend every last second of mine just staring at her, ogling her, my only air the tanning oil and perfume from her skin of this moment right now. 
I had to hold my tongue, before saying anything else stupid. 
“We do have fun together, don’t we?” she continued, her voice dropping, familiar, “it’s been great, down here, watching you relax.” The slow, rhythmic burgeoning of her chest, how each of her strong breaths inflated her breasts into the tautness of her swimsuit, soft flesh bulging against its confines, had me hypnotized. “I like seeing you loosen up, enjoy yourself. I like seeing you have fun. I like helping you do that. In fact...I guess I should tell you. I have a little surprise for you…” she said. 
“A...a surprise?” I asked, witless at this point, eased into a tranquility of sorts by the closeness of her body, by her calm, even voice.
“MmHmm...a surprise,” she answered, gentle giggles sending jiggles through her boobs, “you lucky boy, you get another two days down here. You needed a break, you needed to relax, so I had Randi change flights for us, get another couple days away, another two days of vacation…”
“T-t-two days?” I asked, suddenly confused. I was going to...what? Be away another two days from the office? But the conference would be over, everyone else long gone. Except...wait. “Y-you too?” I asked, eyes up to meet hers for the moment, “You’re staying too?”
“Of course…” she purred, watching my eyes drop again, seeing my anxiety quickly assuaged, “If that’s alright? We can stay longer, just you and me. So we can relax, maybe talk about some of the stuff I learned, changes we can make in the office. Is that okay?”
“Uhhh…” I began, as the complications started to rise in my head. There were patients to be seen, things to do, and then there was- 
“I already okayed it with Sheryl,” she answered, as if reading my thoughts, “And we moved your patients. We took care of everything. It’ll all be fine, it’ll be so nice…”
“Y-yeah…” I replied, apparently agreeing to all this. Two more days? Just with Melissa? With Melissa, the beach, and her...her...
”Good..!” she chirped, jiggles again through her chest, “because I wayyyy overpacked. I have so many outfits I haven’t been able to wear yet...” Casually, she brushed a few grains of sand off her left breast, sending more seismic ripples through her tit. “And now I get to wear them just... for... you!”
She booped me on the nose.
She booped me on the nose?
I looked back up at her for a second, then down again, my eyes once more drawn helplessly back, surreptitiously askance, by the gravity of her breast. My view settled; I’d never seen those little freckles before, emerging from her tan.
“Do you want to look at any more pictures?” she asked, softly, obligingly. My phone, with our photoshoot, laid forgotten under her.
“n-n-no...thank you...” I squeaked, eyes now absolutely plastered on her breasts. Somehow I still held onto the hope that she didn’t realize I was all but outright gawping at her tits. Her cleavage was incredible, her big breasts squashed just enough between her arms to make them swell voluptuously together. I imagined, right then and there, what it must be like to slip in between them, slide into there, disappear, live in there, lost in her abundance...
”So we’ll leave late on Sunday morning, instead of early Friday,” she began again, satisfied, “Randi moved our flight to Sunday morning at 11:15. We’ll get a taxi from the lobby at nine, so you’ll need to be packed by…”
She paused.
“Dr J?” she asked, “Were you listening to me?”
”w-w-what?” I stammered, as my gaze shot back up.
”I said...were you listening to me?” Her eyes bore into mine, sternly.
”y-yeah...I was listening?” I felt like a schoolchild, caught daydreaming in class by his teacher. His huge, supermodel teacher with the ginormous tits.
“Really? You were listening?” Melissa retorted, the smile cracking her cheeks disbelieving me already, “Or were you just lost in my boobs?” 
Suddenly, she tossed her sarong, our shelter from the sun aside. My eyes were assaulted by the late afternoon sun; I squinted, shied back. Aside me, she sat up straighter. 
I was gaping, speechless as Melissa looked down at me, brow arched in already-final judgement. “Hmmm?” she hmmmd, “Were you? Anything to say?”
My mouth was open, my jaw slack, but I had no words. 
Firmly, she trapped my chin in her hand and - looking me straight in the eye, began to nod my head for me. “ ‘Yes...yes I was Melissa…’” she said, dropping her voice two octaves and moving my jaw like a marionette dummy, speaking for me, imitating me with the voice of a doofus, “‘I was looking at your boobs…’ ”
“N-No! Really I w-w-wasn’t…!” I pleaded, as she already began to laugh, releasing my chin. I was flushing hard, my heart and stomach having dropped themselves onto the sand, out of my body. “Please, Melissa, I was just-“
“Haha omigod  don’t be embarrassed! I’m joking!” she laughed, reaching her hands behind her to gather her hair - and of course casually present her magnificent chest, “I know they’re totally a distraction. Kinda hard to ignore.” My eyes flitted between her face - keeping eye contact - and her chest - trying not to ogle. What did she want me to do?!? “And you’ve been such a gentleman, doing your best not to, like, stare all afternoon.”
Oh, if she only knew...
“uh no, I uh…” Holy shit this was terribly humiliating.
”Shh it’s okay, you’ve been a good boy, you’ve earned it, taking all these pictures for me...,” she laughed, tossing her hair out again, in a voluminous wave behind her back, “stare all you want..!”
“oh my god…” I groaned, writhing in silent humiliation, overwhelmed by the indignity of the moment, and trying to look anywhere but at her chest.
To that, she just laughed. “Oh shush,” she insisted, “We both know you’re married, you and I both respect that.” She reached out to push a stray lock of hair, windswept, off my forehead. “But I know you’re just a man, and they’re boobs. It’s just a natural impulse.” She smiled at me, munificently. “So it’s okay, really…it happens all the time.”
“B-b-b-but, Melissa…” I began, stammering. I needed to...I dunno! Tell her I was...better than that! 
“Are you just not used to being with girls in bikinis, is that it?” she asked
“Uhhhh…” what?? “M-maybe…?” I answered, my voice trailing off. 
”Omigod look how embarrassed you are!” she cooed, “That's sooo cute!”
”No, r-really, M-Melissa, I, uhhhh…”
”Shhhhhh...it’s okay, really, I’m used to it” she said, her voice reaching out to soothe me, her eyes drawing me to her in their own embrace, “You don’t have to be a gentleman all the time…”
I had a lot of help on this one, from readers here at tumblr to my normal supercharged band of miscreants (DB20, Beetle, Antares). And huge props out to the morphers whose original images I used - MagicGrowthHormone, Stella5945 and @iphotoshopu​..I hope I'm not missing anyone.
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Teacher Of The Year - P.07
Pairing: Professor Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Heartbroken and restless, she walked into a bar with the full intention of getting smashed but she got more than she bargained for. Much more.
Warnings: Implied smut, teasing, NSFW
WC: 2640
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“Uh.. Miss?” Dean says, eyeing her up and down, as he pretends to have forgotten her name. He also tries to hide the smirk that’s growing almost evidently on his face because he has just caught her off guard and the sound of his voice makes her jerk her face up to look at him. 
He wonders what she’s thinking about, if she was thinking about something naughty because her cheeks burn up and she looks a little flustered, “Please pay attention.” And then he plays his part, frowns at her, for good measure.
“Yes, sir.” Y/N nods her head, lips curve into a grin and the way she said sir has him all hot and bothered. She knows exactly what she’s doing to him and he thinks that maybe, she’s not so innocent after all.
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  She holds his gaze while she slowly spreads her legs, feels bold and daring as she leaves them open, flashing her blood red lace panties before crossing them again. Dean’s jaw drops and his cheeks are a little pink. He clears his throat.
Later in the lecture, when her classmates are engrossed in their books, her phone starts to vibrate and when she looks up to Dean, he grins wide and wriggles with his eyebrows. 
She tries not to roll her eyes before taking her phone to thumb over her text messages.
D: Nice panties.
Y/N: Thanks. But why are you texting me when I, and I quote, ‘need to pay attention’?
D: Well, you started it. How am I supposed to teach when you constantly flash me your panties? Which btw, are fucking sexy, I must admit.
She does her best to swallow down the chuckle that wants to slip out.
Y/N: Too bad you can’t see them up close today.
D: Why’s that?
Y/N: I’ve got lectures the whole day plus a study group until late evening. I forgot about that last night, sorry.
D: As long as you don’t turn me on any more than you already are, we should be good. But I think I need to see you tomorrow and talk about your essay.
She looks up at him, sees him wiggling his eyebrows again and she almost chokes up laughing.
“Miss? Is everything ok?” He frowns at her then.
“Yeah, sorry, sir. Everything’s fine.”
 D: Where are you now?
Another text from Dean as she sits in her last class for the day. He probably finished already
Y/N: In class.
It was short because she really should be focusing on what the teacher is saying.
D: Still wearing your panties?
She can’t help but grin at that text because he must be riled up. She’s sent him pictures between classes. Pictures she took while she went to the bathroom, pictures of her panties and her hand inside of them, rubbing at herself.
Well, there goes her focus, thrown out the window faster than lightning because now, she thinks that maybe it’s time to tease him some more, and lowers herself down in her chair. When the professor had his back on her, and the other students were all minding their own business. She spreads her legs and slips the phone in between, one hand parts her panties to the side, and her fingers quickly snap a picture before she sits back upright. 
It was a good one too. She could literally see how wet she is. And all because she can’t stop thinking of him.
She sends Dean the picture with a caption.
Y/N: Yes and they’re all wet because I’m soaked. Think I need to take them off soon.
Sitting back, she waits for his answer and she honestly doesn’t know if she has broken him because it’s taking him way too long. 
Just when she’s about to put her phone to the side it starts to vibrate and her classmate looks at her funny. She shrugs with a grin as she takes the phone and thumbs open her messages. It’s a picture message. From Dean. She opens it and oh god, she wishes she didn’t.
There’s a caption to the picture, too.
D: See what you’re doing to me?
On the picture, there’s Dean, well, only his middle part but she can clearly see it’s him, recognizes that freckled stomach when she sees it, could easily pick him out of a police lineup if she has to. He’s at home because he’s sitting on the sofa, and apparently only in his underwear. His cock is hard, she can see his dick print clearly. She pinches at the picture, zooming in to see the tip of his dick poking through the elastic of his underwear, a shimmer of pre-cum glistening in the light.
It’s honest to god a mouth watering sight. Her heart rate picks up and her cheeks begin to warm up. 
Gnawing at her bottom lip, she decides on her next steps. It looks damn inviting and she would give a lot to be able to taste him right now, can’t lie about that. Calculating the time in her head, she comes to the realization that she simply does not have enough time to go see him.
And while she knows that seeing him today is not possible, she types out a message.
Y/N: You’re a tease
D: Takes one to know one.
He’s probably right. She started it and she really shouldn’t bite off more than she can chew.
Tucking her phone away, she tries to listen to the last couple of minutes of her class and when the lecture finally ends, she gets another message.
D: I’m trying to grade papers but I can’t concentrate.
Y/N: Aww.. poor you. Maybe you should jerk off?
D: Or you could help me.
Y/N: Listen, I have to rush over to the library. Really Dean, you need to get it out of your system. I will probably fuck myself on my fingers later too.
D: Well, now I can not stop thinking about you fucking yourself on your fingers. Thank you very much!
She laughs while still staring on the screen because she can literally see him rolling his eyes at her.
 Her fellow students are already waiting in the library when she arrives. She’s running late because of Dean’s distraction, and she tried to get herself off in the bathroom but it didn’t work so instead of chasing after a relief, she had to run across campus to reach the library on time. Her study group is not exactly thrilled about it and she understands. 
As soon as she sits down, the discussion starts immediately, Y/N didn’t even have time to take out her notes when they bombard her with the first question. It isn’t long though, until they let her off the hook and when the attention isn't on her anymore, she finds herself lost in her thoughts. Her mind wanders around, even if she didn’t want it to but there’s a tingly feeling between her thighs that she couldn’t satisfy yet and oh god, she wants to come so much, wants to get it out of her fucking system like she told Dean to do.
She wonders if she’ll survive until the end of her study group session, thinks that having to sit here is pure fucking torture. Nonetheless, she lowers her head in an attempt to read the last paragraph for the sixth time already and she does not think that she’ll get it in her head this time either. 
“Y/N? Your phone just went off.” Her friend takes a peak at the phone that sits next to her spiral notebook. “Who’s D?”
She jerks her head up, grabs her phone in a hurry. She hasn’t even noticed that her phone went off again and again because she was trying to get that paragraph into her head while she simultaneously tries not to think about his dick in her pussy.
“Oh, someone from tinder.” She says, because the best dick she ever had doesn’t sound like it was a good answer, and takes a look at the three text messages. The first one was sent  twenty minutes ago. 
D: How’s studying going?
D: Hey? You still alive?
D: Hello?
All of them are from Dean.
Y/N: Yeah, sorry, didn’t hear my phone and now my friend is asking who D. is.
D: Tell her it’s the best D you ever had.
Oh my god. She rolls her eyes.
Y/N: Even if it’s true. I’m not going to tell her that.
D: It’s true though, isn’t it?
Y/N: Shut up and let me study
D: Bossy. I like it. 
Y/N: Can you hear that sound? That’s me rolling my eyes.
D: Bratty, I like that too.
Y/N: Fuck you.
D: I’d rather fuck you.
She blushes ridiculously hard at that.
After a long while of not getting one single paragraph into her head, she excuses herself. “I uh..I need to use the bathroom.” She doesn’t wait for an answer, stands up and disappears with her phone. Maybe it would already help if she can splash some water on her face. Maybe that’ll wake her up, making her think of something else than Dean and his ridiculously big and juicy cock. Oh my god. She shakes her head, breathes in and out, needs to hold on for another hour and then she’ll be free to go. 
While she stands all alone in the library bathroom, she splashes water on her face in an attempt to cool it down, and it doesn't do much for the blush in her cheeks as she can see in her own reflection in the mirror. 
Sneaking into a stall, she locks it behind her and leans her back against the wall. She can’t help but brush her fingers against her clit, touches herself through the damp fabric of her underwear and she can’t lie, it feels so good to finally be able to take off the edge a little. Hooking her fingers into her panties, she slides them down and steps out, pushes them into the pocket of her skirt. Whoever invented skirts with pockets deserve a Nobel. 
She then proceeds to rest one foot on the toilet seat and leans back a little more, giving herself more access to her throbbing clit. She starts to rub her folds, to massage her clit, smearing wetness around her pussy and all the while, she thinks of him. Her hands and fingers mimicking his motions from when they touched her last.
There’s a sudden flash of idea and she grins to herself mischievously. Y/N takes her phone out of the pocket of her skirt and snaps a picture of her touching herself, two of her fingers buried in her pussy. She then takes them out and places the slick fingers to her mouth, snapping another picture of her mouth sucking at them.
Y/N: Too late, I’m fucking myself.
She sends the text first and then the pictures.
Y/N: I’m so nice and wet, too.
She never really know how much fun teasing could be but here she is, teasing the fuck out of her professor. And she grins when she pictures him opening up her messages.
D: That’s it. I’m coming
Y/N: Wait, what? You touching yourself too?
D: No, I’m coming to the library.
She gasps silently.
Y/N: I’m not finished yet.
D: Spoiler alert. I’m already waiting outside in my car.
Y/N: You’re what?
D: Thought I could pick you up and honestly, grading papers is not going too well. I’ll do that later.
Y/N: God, what are you doing to me?
D: Look who’s talking.
Y/N: I’m going back to studying.
She pushes her phone back in her pocket before getting out of the cubicle and cleaning her hands of the excess slick, takes a last look to see that everything’s in order in the mirror before she slips out of the bathroom.
While she walks back to her group, she looks around the library but she can’t spot Dean anywhere, which means that he probably stays in his car and really waits for her. What a creep. A cute creep, though.
Back at studying with her group, her phone vibrates again and she takes it out of her pocket.
D: If you have time, come to the Paleontology section. Way in the back.
He wants her to do what? She bites down on her bottom lip, debating on what to do. She sighs out loud before answering him.
Y/N: I’ll see what I can do.
When everyone else is engrossed in their books, she stands up, excusing herself, “Sorry, I don’t feel too well. I need some fresh air and probably will go grab something to eat. I’ll be right back.” She leaves before the others can even object.
Y/N walks to the back of the too dim library and the further back she gets, the darker it gets too. The atmosphere is somehow like in those horror movies, like right before the dumb bimbo gets slaughtered by a psychopath.
Nonetheless she keeps on walking. Rounding up the last corner, she sees him then, sitting at a table on his own, his nose buried in a book.
“Why are you here?” She hisses in a low voice, as she walks closer to him. 
Dean looks up from the book, his gaze travels around, taking in his surroundings before he looks up at her and licks his lips, “Why, I’m just sitting here, reading about Paleontology. Did you know that Dinosaurs translates to ‘terrible reptile’? No? Me neither.”
She purses her lips into a smile, he’s so cute in a nerdy way when he throws facts at her. Dean pushes himself back and away from the table, the screeching of the chair loud enough to make them both flinch and there’s an echo going throughout the library.
“Shhhh!” She places a finger to her lips and Dean tries not to laugh too loud.
“Come here,” He whispers, reaching out for her and pulls her down onto him, letting her straddle one of his thighs.
“Your pants!” She hisses out and he frowns.
“My pants? What’s wrong with my pants?”
“I’m not wearing any panties.”
Dean places his hand on the back of her neck, pulls her closer and kisses her, “Do I look like I care?”
He brushes his fingers along her face, fingertips caressing her cheeks, tucking her hair behind her ears and she can feel the blood rushing to her face.
“You’re going to be the death of me, have I told you that before? If yes, I want you to hear it again,” He’s babbling in a low whispering voice, and she’s squirming in his lap, because she doesn’t want to hear anything in this moment, more than anything, she wants to feel him.
So, she goes in, crushes her lips to his to silence him, preventing him from saying more. Her tongue licks at his bottom lip and he parts for her so easily, giving her enough space to slide her tongue in along his, and her hands were everywhere, tugging and stroking along his body, gripping at his shoulders, ruffling up his hair.
He holds her in place with one hand firmly placed at the back of her neck while the other one disappears underneath her skirt, fingers skimming up her thighs and up around to caress her ass.
“I don’t have much time,” Y/N breathes into the kiss and Dean ignores it, pulls her closer, teeth nibbling at her bottom lip. 
After a while he breaks the kiss, needing air and rests his forehead on hers before he grins, “We should make it count.”
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megamanxfanfics · 6 years
S.V - Ep. 1: The Way Things Are
-Fade in-
In Outer Space, we see a beautiful image of the Earth as Eurasia, the giant Reploid Space Colony orbits it.
Caption: In the year of 21XX.
Mega Man X: Season V – The Earth Crisis
We zoom closer into the Earth, towards North America, then the West Coast.
-pan to-
EXT. LOCATION 8197-2201 – New Maverick Hunter HQ – DAY
From a deserted park area, located in between a bay and a city in Oregon, we zoom to a small modest base of operations.  Attached to it’s right side is a large beam cannon pointed at the sky, and directly behind the base is the rigging for a recently acquired Space Shuttle, which is being loaded in by a series of Maverick Hunters.
Caption: December 5th, 1:00 PM
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) It has been 3 years, and things are finally starting to feel normal, again.  As normal as can be anyway…
-pan inside to Signas’ Control Room-
INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room - DAY
Signas sits at his center console, surrounded by his four main dispatchers who are working quietly at their desks.  
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) Ever since the Repliforce War ended, the Government has cut our funding. We were forced to downsize and move out of Abel City, California. I have successfully relocated the remaining Hunters here, in Hexagon Bay.  /
At the dash, he /pulls up a list of the Elite Shinobi Unit, which displays their names and a small mugshot of their faces: X, ZERO, TAU, VENZO & TAKUMA.
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) We now consist of two Combat Teams… /
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) …a /Recovery Team and a small /Supportive Staff.
He /pulls up a third list for the Recovery Team: GREEN NOIR, RHO, SIERRA, OLIVER, SNOWBALL, SNOWFLAKE & FROSTBITE.
Then, he /pulls up a final list for his Medical and Supportive Staff:  PSI, CASSANDRA, LIFESAVER, LUCAS, DAVE, HECTOR, KIRK & DOUGLAS.
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) /Lucas and /David, from Dr. Cain’s Research Division are now with me. They have moved up to Central Command along with my new hires, /Hector and /Kirk.  
At each dash, we zoom in to the familiar faces of /Lucas and /David, followed by the new faces of /Hector and /Kirk.
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) I have also just hired a new navigator, who will aid X and the Maverick Hunters on their missions. But first, she needs to train…
[Insert Title Card: The Way Things Are]
-cut to-
ALIA, a reploid in pink and black armor with short blonde hair and a headset built into her headband, is seen at her computer desk.  She takes a deep breath and watches X enter their new training room. After shaking the nerves of her first day, she com-links to him from her switchboard.
ALIA: Hello, my name is Alia, your new Navigator! Let’s begin your training. Are you ready, X?
- pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Training Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
X nods with a smile as he admires their new training course.
X: It’s been years since I’ve been in a training simulator. It’s time to get back on track.  I’m looking forward to this.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Me too. I’ll navigate you as you are a novice Maverick Hunter.
The smile on his face quickly wears off.
X: Excuse me??
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) Er-  Not quite, Alia.  
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – R & D Lab – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Just then, Alia’s heart skips a beat. She lets out a short gasp.
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) X is a Legendary Maverick Hunter, who has saved our planet, many times.
ALIA: Oh my God! Wait…!  You’re.. the one who saved us on Laguz Island! And.. stopped Doppler!!! Ohh, my goodness, how could I botch that up? We’ve met before!!!
X: (filtered, staggered) Uhh, yeah..!
On the screen, he slumps his shoulders and raises his hands, looking confused and slightly annoyed.
ALIA: I’m so sorry. I was reading from a script..
She shuffles her prompt papers and lets out a nervous sigh.
X: (filtered, confused) Huh?
- pan to -
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Signas smirks at the screen as he chimes in to his somewhat flustered comrade.
SIGNAS: Just go with it, X. Remember, this Training Simulation is more for her as a Navigator, than you as a Hunter.  
X: (filtered) Uh huh…
On screen, he folds his arms and straightens his posture again.
SIGNAS: Just pretend that you’ve never been in the field before, and take her advice accordingly.
X: (filtered) ..Alriight. Shall we??
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Yes.
X shakes the miffed look off of his face and puts his hands at his side. He clenches his fists, ready to begin their session.
Signas looks at the other screens from his console displaying Hunter activity and focuses his attention elsewhere.
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) While X begins his training, the rest of our units pursue their struggle to win back the public’s trust.
-cut to –
EXT. NEWPORT – Suburbs - DAY
Caption: 1:15 PM
Along the streets of a neighboring town, a young girl cries about her kitty who is stuck in a high tree.
Green Noir and Sierra from the Recovery Unit appear with friendly faces and open arms. The girl gasps in fear at the sight of them.
GREEN NOIR: Don’t worry. We’re here to help.
SIERRA: We got this, honey.
GIRL: (scared) /Oh!
Sierra /high-jumps and climbs the tree swiftly.  The kitten arches it’s back and hisses at Sierra, but she is able to snatch it before it can jump away.
GIRL: Oh my Gahaaaaad…
Sierra lands and hands the kitten over to the girl, who desperately holds her cat and tries to calm down.
Suddenly sirens blare and two cop cars arrive.
SIERRA: Here we go…
SQUAD CAR: (filtered) Stop right where you are!  You are under arrest.  This is the Newport Police Department, and you are not welcome here.
A heavily armored officer exits his vehicle and calls out.
The two of them sigh and teleport away.
-cut to-
Alia buries her face in her hands, embarrassed at her first day flop.
ALIA: (v.o, thinking) Jeez, Alia. That was stupid-stupid-stupid!!! What were you thinking!?
She lets out a short sigh and shakes her head.
ALIA: (v.o, thinking) What a way to break the ice…
She regains her composure as she watches X maneuver through their obstacle course, until reaching his first enemy mechaniloid – a spike marl.
The spike marl rolls after him, and opens up it’s little sphere-shell to reveal it’s tiny legs and eye-cannon.  She decides to chime in.
ALIA: Enemy ahead of you! Use your X-Buster. Then, you can attack it from a distance.
X: (filtered) Uhhh, I know…
He raises his buster on screen.
ALIA: (put off) Hm..
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Training Room –DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Also, keep holding on to your trigger, then/-
He /blasts it down easily with a Charge Shot.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Oh..
X: (smirking) Heh.
He jumps over to see a few holes in the terrain of the obstacle course ahead of him.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Enemy in the hole, underground. Remember: Your shots don’t penetrate through the land. So, if you want to attack enemies, take advantage of the lay of the land.
X: (smiling) That is actually great advice!
X concentrates his aim on the small spike marl.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) In this situation, take advantage of the terrain, ignore the enemy and jump over it. You can adjust how far you jump by how long you pressurize your gauges.
X: That part, not so much.  
He ignores her and destroys the enemy with a couple of level 1 shots.
X: Always destroy the enemy if you can help it.
He far jumps over to the next ramp ahead on the obstacle course. This time, a pink walk shooter is waiting for him, just slightly out of his normal reach.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Hm.. Your enemy is in a difficult place to attack, but that is common in real life situations. Consider how to attack where you cannot attack by normal methods…  
X: (nodding, patiently) Mmhhmmm.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Your charge shot has a wide attacking range, and if you shoot while crouching…/-
He /blasts it down with another charge shot before Alia can finish her sentence.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Right..  Sorry.
X: (smiling) It’s okay. I could’ve used advice like that when I first started.
-pan to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – R & D Lab – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alia watches her screen with a slightly glum look on her face.
ALIA: (v.o, thinking) Hmm…  I can’t tell if this is going well or not…
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) While our new Navigator seems to be having a rough start, our Special Forces Unit have arrived in Salem just in time to investigate a larger threat.  This could be good exposure for us.
-cut to-
EXT. SALEM – Pioneer Bank – DAY
Caption: 1:30 PM
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) The local authorities have not been making it easy…
On a hot Sunday afternoon in the middle of a somewhat busy town, everything seems to be just fine outside of the Pioneer Bank when out of nowhere, it explodes from the inside!
The flames and ashes scare the surrounding civilians into a panic.  Cars drive away as fast as possible, while others run for their lives.  
On the other side of the street, Turian, Tethlon, Blizzard and Blaze make their appearance, ready to save the day.
TURIAN: Looks like we got here just in time, gang.
BLAZE: (annoyed) I’d say it was too late, if you ask me!
The Maverick responsible for the attack makes his escape through a side of the building out of what remains of the surrounding walls.  He is large and top heavy, with overly sized muscles from the torso up.  This allows him to carry a huge vault of cash over his shoulder.
MAVERICK: Huhuhuh. HAHAHAHA!  This is too easy.
BLIZZARD: That, bastard!!
TETHLON: Let’s go.
The gang swiftly walks over to the gloating Maverick who is cackling with glee.
MAVERICK: Eeehehehehehee!!!!!
TURIAN: Put that down, big guy.
TETHLON: We don’t wanna hurt ya.
MAVERICK: HAH!  What are you wimps gonna do?
Blaze ignites her fists, annoyed.
BLAZE: We’re gonna take care of you!!  Come on Sis!!
BLIZZARD: (nodding) Right.
The two of them /shoot powerful fire and ice from their respective hands, which spiral around each other into a large combined Charge Shot.
He tries to guard his face from the oncoming blast, but it is too powerful.  The Twin Fists knock him down, causing an explosion from his chest.  This forces the vault onto the ground, which puts a huge dent on its side.  Large quantities of money seep out into the street while Turian sets his ice cannon.
TURIAN: We gotta finish this quick, before the cops come.
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) Despite our best efforts, the police have declared all Reploids an enemy of the state. Ever since the fallout of the Great Repliforce War, Mavericks and Hunters have been treated alike by the human race.  We are not welcome here… but we still fight the good fight.
Turian blasts the Maverick down with a powerful wave that freezes him while Tethlon creates a large boulder from his buster.  When Tethlon releases the boulder, it crushes the foul reploid.
TURIAN: (smiling) That’s it.
The sirens blare.
BLAZE: Shit! It’s the cops.
TETHLON: Oh, great…!
SQUAD CAR: (filtered) FREEZE, Reploids.  This is the Salem City Police!
TURIAN: Come on guys, this is enough.
TETHLON: You sure about this?
TURIAN: (nodding) Yeah.  Let’s go.  Just as we rehearsed…
TETHLON: (worried) Alriiight.
The gang hops on their nearby Ridechasers and quickly leave the scene as the cops chase them down in their squad cars.  Turian leads the group as they weave in and out through the city streets.
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) Wait, what’s this??
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Hector and Kirk look horrified at their monitors as they attempt communication with the team on their boards.
HECTOR: Turian, what are you doing!?  
KIRK: Get out of there!! Do you read???
Only static can be heard from the other end.
KIRK: Shoot!  His com-link is off.  
HECTOR: Commander, should I force teleport?
SIGNAS: (curious, slightly amused) No…  Lets see where this goes first.
They look at him surprised, but follow through with his orders.  David and Lucas smile at each other.  David points at Signas with his thumb while looking at his buddy, Lucas.
DAVID: I love this guy.
LUCAS: (smiling) Yeah, man.
He focuses back on his monitor.
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – Training Course – DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Along his obstacle course, X dashes further ahead until he bumps into a familiar mechaniloid with two arm cannons and a fearsome, beastly nose cannon.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Giant enemy ahead of you.
X: Yep, the Dejira… I remember those.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) This type of enemy doesn’t move, but specializes in durability. Pay attention to their attack pattern and attack them with your charge shot or a special weapon that works on them.
X: Well, since I don’t have any special weapons, my Charge Shot is gonna have to do.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Actually, you’d be surprised about that.
X: Hm?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Try calling upon your Force Armor. I took the liberty of downloading it into the simulator, so you can practice your better moves.
X: Really!??  My Force Armor??  But, I haven’t used that in years!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, encouraging) Go for it.
X: Uh, okay... Here goes nothing.  ..Hrrrrrrr/AH!
He focuses his energy, and almost effortlessly transforms with a white flash of light.  Suddenly, an enhanced version of his armor emits from his body and shines. Donning a pristine, white and blue armor, accented in gold with touches of red, this version of his Fourth Armor looks like it has never seen a day in combat.
X: Wow!! Alia, how did you do this!?
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) I reconstructed your armor using the Archive Data we have of the Great Repliforce War. Consider it an apology for calling you a novice, before.  
X looks at his white and blue gauntlets, amazed. Then, he charges up and points his buster at the idle Dejira.
X: /Wow!
He/shoots a brilliant large plasma shot, which puts a big smile on X’s face.  The huge blast leaves a residual ball of plasma energy, which erodes it’s armor and fleetingly destroys the enemy.
X: (shocked, amazed) Apology accepted!!  So this armor is a… Replication?
He studies his gauntlets once again before he proceeds with the rest of the obstacle course.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Yes, but it only works in the Training Room. For field use, I can download it into your mainframe if you want.  
X: Oh, really?
He destroys a wall trap blast and nears a ladder where he climbs down and carefully avoids getting shot from two walk shooters.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Sure! After a quick glance at your file, I noticed that your armor fades after periods of non-use. So, I figured it couldn’t hurt to have it, just in case.
X’s eyes widen.  After taking care of the walk shooters, he drops down and looks ahead with a smile.
X: Whoa… Well, thanks a lot!  This is great!!
-cut to-
EXT. SALEM – Streets – DAY
TURIAN: (v.o, thinking) Hehehe, this is gonna be great.
Turian’s gang pushes forward through the frantic traffic. He cannot contain the grin on his face as he com-links to the extension of his team.
TURIAN: Alright, Recon. It’s on.
RECON RACCOON: (o.s, filtered) It’s on??  Alriiiight!!!
TURIAN: Come on, gang!  We’re outta here; Full Throttle!!
Turian leads the way as the group takes off at full speed.
Caption: 1:45 PM
The cops cannot keep up, but they do not quit either.
-pan to their side of the chase-
The cops completely lose sight of the reploids when suddenly, a new group of reploids appear before them.
Recon Raccoon, Scorche, Baryon and Frenzy Fox all stand before the 4 squad cars, fearlessly.
-pan inside the first squad car-
OFFICER 1: Uh, sir??  What do we do?
OFFICER 2: They’re testing us. Go ahead.  Run them over.
-pan over to Recon Raccoon-
RECON RACCOON: Baryon? Would you like to do the honors?
BARYON: Hmph. With pleasure.
Baryon makes static electricity from his hands, clenches his fists and pounds the concrete heavily.  With his fists in the pavement, he moves his electrical pulses through the ground as they reach the squad cars and shock the cars from their undercarriages, effectively shutting them down and stalling them out in the middle of the road.
OFFICER 2: What the Hell is that???
Recon Raccoon smirks as their cars slow down before them and almost come to a full stop.
He kicks out his foot, which dents the hood of the first car and stops it. Then he holds out his gun with a wink.
OFFICER 1: Armed Reploid!  Get out and engage!!!
The armored officer gets out of his car, as the rest follow suit.
RECON RACCOON: Sorry… But we’re savin’ the day, this time.
-cut to-
INT. NEW MHHQ – Training Course - DAY
X dashes over to a wall.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) High wall without any ladder. Jump to the wall, and if you touch-
X: (smiling) I know.
X proceeds to do the triangular kick-jump off the walls that he learned years ago.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Oh! Uh..Sorry.
X: Don’t be so nervous. You’re a great Navigator!
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Hehe, aw thanks.
After kick-jumping up the wall, he spots something new.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Can you see the yellow rope in front of you?  Jump to it and use your wire hook! Then you can grab the rope.
X: (smiling) Now, that’s new!
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EXT. SALEM – Streets - DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Recon Raccoon shoots an officer with a containment blast from his heavy gun.  The electric band wraps around the officer’s chest plate and stuns him down to the ground.  With his armor affected, he cannot move.
His partner angrily pulls out his gun and takes charge.
OFFICER 2: You call this saving the day!!? /You’re under arrest!!
The rest of the officers /pull up their guns.
FRENZY FOX: All weapons on stun, boys.  You know the deal.
SCORCHE: Yeah, yeah…
Frenzy takes out his electric whip and lets out a containment band, similar to Raccoon’s blast. Scorche pulls out a pistol rather than his flame whip and fires a containment shot as well.
OFFICER 2: Evasive Maneuvers!!
The armored officers quickly scatter with their dash boots and high jump away with the aid of thrusters from the back of their armor.
BARYON: Nope.  Not today.
He holds out his hands and carefully emits three electrical pulses; two from his hands and one from his visor.  The pulses effectively stun and contain the remaining officers.
They all fall to the ground and struggle.
OFFICER 1: (struggling) Gah!! You’ll never get away with this. What is the meaning of this???
-cut to-
INT. NEW MHHQ – Training Course - DAY
X takes out his new wire hook, and uses it on a short yellow wire for the first time.  The wire hook effortlessly clasps on to the wire without any trouble and allows X to freely hang on the rope, while moving over to the next platform.  Multiple spike marls are underneath him, which he is freely able to shoot down with his other X-buster.
He jumps from rope to rope, encountering a hover gunner in the process.  With an instinctive level 1 pellet, he destroys it and moves on to a vertical rope that leads down into the next section of his Training Course.  As he descends down the hallway, he shoots a spike marl below him and lands.
He looks ahead and destroys a hover gunner instantly.  Then, he dash-jumps over to another rope and descends further towards the floor below
X dashes with a smile as he spots some more walk shooters and hover gunners ahead.
X: Let’s go!
As he takes them out, Alia breaks her silence.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Watch the floor in front of you…  Can you see the-
X: Deadly spike trap ahead. Yeah, yeah I know…
ALIA: Uh..In cases like this, do a dash-jump..
X: I know, Alia!  You don’t have to tell me everything..
He impressively destroys the mechaniloids in the room with swift shots from his X-Buster. Then, with a hurdle over a medium sized wall, he spots a gate in front if him.
-cut to –
EXT. SALEM – Streets – DAY
Momentarily triumphant, Recon Raccoon walks over to the disgruntled police officers.
RECON RACCOON: You may not remember us, but we’re the Maverick Hunters.  And /THAT… over there… was a Maverick!  
At the dash, he points to the scene of the crime, where Turian’s gang had quelled the threat.
RECON RACCOON: We eliminated the threat for you, and yet somehow we’re the ones that are apprehended.  Now tell me, why is that?
OFFICER 1: All Reploids… are scum.. and need to be eradicated.
RECON RACCOON: (unfazed) Uh huh…  I’ve heard that before, pal.
OFFICER 1: We will eliminate you all one day. Only then, will we be free.
RECON RACCOON: Oh, really??  Well don’t forget that your real enemy is sitting right there, fried in the middle of the street.  
FRENZY FOX: You’re welcome by the way!
OFFICER 1: For what?  City Clean up??  Do you have any idea how long it is going to take to fix that bank and repair any of the surrounding damage?
SCORCHE: Not our problem…
OFFICER 1: Yes it is.  This is why we don’t trust any of you. No concern for our Environment!  
BARYON: Well, to be fair, we did lose the Environmental Recovery Unit in the budget cuts.
OFFICER 1: AGH!  That’s not the point!!  Your whole Operation was blown.  You’re all acting as Vigilantes and it isn’t your place!!!
OFFICER 2: We could’ve handled this on our own.  We don’t Need you any more!!! Now you just made more trouble for all of us…
OFFICER 1: When we get out of this, you are all under arrest.
FRENZY FOX: We’re only here to help!!
OFFICER 1: We don’t want your help!
FRENZY FOX: Why you!!!?
He raises a whip to the officer, but Recon Raccoon grabs him by the arm.
RECON RACCON: Frenzy!  That’s enough.  Come on guys, this is a lost cause.
They all walk away. Without looking Recon Raccoon waves a hand at to them.
RECON RACCOON: (calm, controlled) The bands will only last for another 2 minutes.  We’ll be long gone by then…
The police officers continue to struggle.
RECON RACCOON: You should consider yourselves lucky. After all the times Sigma tried to take over the World, you’d think the locals would appreciate all the Peacetime.
OFFICER 1: Who!!?
RECON RACCOON: OH GOD! This guy’s an idiot.  Lucas, take us outta here.  
LUCAS: (o.s, filtered) On it.
BARYON: I guess, we’ve simply been doing our job too well…
All of the reploids teleport away, leaving the cops upset and dumbfounded.
-cut to-
INT. NEW MHHQ – Control Room – DAY
Caption: 2:00 PM
Signas studies his monitor carefully, taking in what just happened.
SIGNAS: Hmmm, that could’ve gone better…
The Special Ops Unit teleport into the room with a mixture of smug and glum faces.
Lucas turns to his Commander with a guilty look on his face.
LUCAS: I’m sorry, Commander. I should have run their idea by you.
SIGNAS: (calm, poised) Yes, you should have. But, don’t be sorry… It’s important to raise awareness. I’m just glad that no one got hurt.
Everyone in the room is relieved and surprised at their commander’s reaction.
Signas gets up from his control chair and walks away.
SIGNAS: Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to take a break.  I’d like to see how our new Navigator is doing, in person.
-cut to-
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- INT. NEW MHHQ – R & D Lab - DAY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Alia watches X near the gateway on her computer.
ALIA: Go through the shutter. There you will encounter the boss of our Training Area.
X: (filtered) Ooh…
Signas walks in to the room, which surprises Alia.
SIGNAS: (smiling) Hey, Alia. How are you holding up?
ALIA: Okay! X is about to face the Training Boss.
SIGNAS: Nice. I could use something uplifting to watch.
ALIA: (nervous) Heh.
She nervously smiles at her boss then turns to the monitor to prepare X for what lies ahead.
ALIA: I have emulated the Dragoon for your training.
X: (gasping, filtered) Magmard…  If it wasn’t for him…
-A still,grainy image of Magma Dragoon suspiciously standing next to the Sky Lagoon’s broken Power Generator appears.-
-Followed by an image of the destroyed city below in Virginia.-
X: (v.o, narrating) The Repliforce War never would have happened.
-A grainy still of Repliforce’s Colonel declaring war on X and Zero appears-
-Followed by a mission prompt at the Old Maverick Hunter Base Control Room-
It reads:
Dragoon of the 14th Unit is a traitor. Locate and bring him back to Hunter H.Q.
X: (v.o, narrating) He betrayed us!  But I didn’t want to believe it.  So, instead, I chased other leads…
At once, X becomes lost in thought.
——————————————————————————— INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Med Bay – DAY ———————————————————————————
An unconscious Blaze teleports in with pieces of Blizzard, Tethlon and Turian, as they all fall to the ground an ashen and bloodied mess.
PSI: Whooa!
X: What the…-
X stares at the fallen 14th Unit in shock with PSI, the head medic and CASSANDRA, the main nurse.
Cassandra leaves the portly rookie, DOUBLE and immediately checks on the incoming Hunters with Psi.
Double stares at them, awestruck.
DOUBLE: Wh-what happened??
X grits his teeth.
X: Dragoon did this… That BASTARD!
Double grins.
DOUBLE: Are you gonna go after him, sire?
X gives him a strange look and shakes his head.
X: He’ll get what’s coming to him…  Right now I have to keep my head in the game and go after this lead.
DOUBLE: (surprised) Really?
X: If I can prove to the Repliforce that Split Mushroom was responsible for the Sky Lagoon attack, then I can end this War!
X: (v.o, narrating) But Split Mushroom wasn’t a help at all...
—————————————————————————--------- INT. BIO LABORATORY – Wrecked Computer Room - NIGHT —————————————————————————---------
X stands over a defeated Split Mushroom.
X: You’re done Mushroom.  Now talk…
X: Why did you build those Mechaniloids? Why go after the Repliforce? What’s your game??
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Hahahahahahaha..
X: What’s so funny!?
X holds out his buster.
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Its not about the Repliforce, you fool……  I’m just here to test your limits…  And by now… the damage has probably already been done…
X: Huh?
SPLIT MUSHROOM: Oh, nothing.  Good luck getting home…
X: (irate) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!?
SPLIT MUSHROOM: GAAAHhahahahaha!!!  
X: (v.o, narrating) He set me back a lot. With our coms down, I had to contact our allies from his computer in order to get a ride home with The Legion.  
—————————————————————————------------------- EXT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – Heliport Rooftop Landing – DAY —————————————————————————-------------------
X: (v.o, narrating) He betrayed us!  But I didn’t want to believe it.  So, instead, I chased other leads…
The Legion Jet gently lands on the rooftop Helipad.  The cockpit opens up as a ladder rail juts out from the side, by the wing.
X: (v.o, narrating) Then, I had to solve our new issue. We had been hacked, and the only way to resolve it was to enter Cyber Space!
———————————————————————————– INT. MAVERICK HUNTER BASE – R & D Lab - DAY ———————————————————————————–
The moment X enters the room with Team Legion, Lucas and David stir at the sight of him.
Double and the rest of the Elite Hunters run over to him. He grovels on his knees.
DOUBLE: I’m so sorry, sir.  - I don’t know what happened!!
X: (annoyed, ready) Cyber Peacock happened. And now I’ve gotta get rid of him.
Double gasps.
From further towards the Mother Computer, Lucas /claps his hands once.
LUCAS: /Okay!  That, I know how to do.  David, help me set up X’s Pod.
DAVID: Oh wow.  This is just like Anomaly Day.
LUCAS: Exactly like Anomaly Day.
X: (v.o, narrating) The only good thing about this was the possibility of getting more information from this Maverick.  Instead, I was only left with more questions.
—————————————————————— INT. CYBER SPACE – Core Lair – DAY ——————————————————————
In the midst of a vicious battle, X finds out pertinent information from Cyber Peacock.
X: Tell me Peacock!!  Did you tamper with our system just to distract me!?? While Countless Innocents in the Repliforce die by our hand???
CYBER PEACOCK: Hahahah…  You think you have it all figured out, but that isn’t even half of it.
He teleports away and reappears behind X, giving him a hard punch in the back of the neck.
X: Agh!!
CYBER PEACOCK: Get it through your head. The Maverick Hunters and the Repliforce will all be Dead soon.  No matter what happens with your Precious Repliforce War…
X: What!?
CYBER PEACOCK: Muahahahahahhh!!!!!  /GAH!!
X narrows his eyes and /fires another Soul Body at him.
X: Something bigger is going on. And I’m gonna find out what!! YOU HEAR ME!!!?
When Cyber Peacock reappears, X grabs him by the neck and punches him in the face.
X: Where did you come from!!?  WHO BUILT YOU!?
CYBER PEACOCK: ughh…  The Doctor…  
X: Hm?
X’s eyes widen.
X: (thinking outloud) Doppler!  No way…  Is it possible..?  No!  I saw him die!
CYBER PEACOCK: The Doctor is dead, but his last act lives on.  Just in case he failed, he created me to attack your base from the inside.
X’s eyes widen in anger.
X: Then… you have nothing to do with the Mechaniloid attack at Sky Lagoon??
Cyber Peacock smiles, mischievously.
X grimaces and shoves him to the ground, hard.
X: (v.o, narrating) This was it. Magma Dragoon was responsible for everything after all.  And there was only one thing left to do.
INT. NEW MHHQ – Gateway – DAY
X stands there in a daze as he receives a com-link from Alia.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Um, X? Is everything alright??  You’ve been standing there for 5 minutes…
X snaps out of it with an angry face.
X: DAMN him!!!
He rushes over to the gate, in a furious rage.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered, surprised) Oh! Make good use of your crouching and Charge Shot!
X: Yeah… You bet.
He narrows his eyes with a clenched fist.
X: ..I still need to work out this aggression.
He runs through the gate and drops to a lower ground floor as the gate closes behind him.
The simulation of Magma Dragoon appears with the same wicked grin on his face from before.  X narrows his eyes with hatred.
—————————————————————— INT. VOLCANO – Magma River - DAY ——————————————————————
X and Zero brace themselves for battle on a small landmass, over a smooth river of magma.  Zero is protected by a Ride Armor while X bears most of his Force Armor, save for the gauntlets.  On the other side of the landmass, Magma Dragoon rises out from the magma, which startles them both.
MAGMA DRAGOON: X and Zero… You’ve arrived.  I can’t believe It’s really you!
They both narrow their eyes.
X: Dragoon! Why did you betray the H.Q.!?
He hesitates to answer.  He can only offer them a wicked smile.
ZERO: (annoyed, firm) Why did you betray us?!  …Answer me, Dragoon!
MAGMA DRAGOON: …You’re so naive. …Listen closely. I let the Sky Lagoon fall! And I’d do it again! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
ZERO: (shocked) Dragoon!
X: But… Why!? We’re allies!  How could you DO THIS TO US!!!???
MAGMA DRAGOON: (impish, baiting) Heh… You’ll have to defeat me first.
—————————————————————— INT. NEW MHHQ – Training Lair – DAY ——————————————————————
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Wait…
X snaps out of it again to realize that Magma Dragoon is right here, in the training room. And this is not real.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) If you set your X-Buster to Auto Charge, you can shoot your Charge Shot easily.
X: (smirking) Auto Charge is for wimps…
ALIA: Oh..  Good luck, X!
He angrily charges after the artificial program, which hops and does a narrow flame kick, right before him.
X back-dashes and blasts him with a fully charged plasma shot.
Taking the hit, the A.I fires a Hadouken at him.
X easily crouches and blasts him from below.
Taking the hit, the A.I fires a crouching Hadouken at him.
X simply jumps and hovers with his thrusters above the hadouken, while charging another shot.
He blasts him, which affects him deeply.  Then, he lands.
X: (disappointed) Hm… This A.I isn’t as strong as the original.
X dashes after him and throws some swift punches at his open points. Magma Dragoon just misses catching his punches each time, until he throws a Dragon Punch in retaliation, which X easily reads. He dodges the uppercut at close range and hard kicks Magma Dragoon down to the ground.  Then, he charges up once again, unleashing another heavy Charge Shot upon him, which completely leaves him open.  
X: Take this, Dragoon…
He powers up as his entire body ignites with bright energy.  In one fell swoop, he thrusts his entire body into an air-dash toward the A.I of Magma Dragoon. He destroys the A.I in record time with a Nova Strike.
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) Whoa!
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) Nice one, X.
X: (disappointed) Hmph… This one was significantly powered down, from the original. I can tell…
ALIA: (o.s, filtered) …Believe it or not…  He had the same specs. You just got that much better.
X’s eyes widen.
X: (surprised) Really?? ..but…  I haven’t been training.
SIGNAS: (o.s, filtered) Imagine, if you had!
X thinks back to the first time he destroyed him.
—————————————————————— INT. VOLCANO – Magma River – DAY ——————————————————————
MAGMA DRAGOON: …This is about the Pride and Self Worth of every Maverick Hunter you’ve ignored. Every Reploid whose been thrown to the wayside, because they could never get a word in edge wise with you two.
He slowly rises from the ground.
ZERO: What are you talking about!?
MAGMA DRAGOON: Most of us never had the great privilege of working with you.
ZERO: (coughing, hurt) You did…
MAGMA DRAGOON: A rare Honor, indeed!  But secretly, with every triumph and every new power up you two received…  I was never happy for you.  No. Instead, I grew resentful of you both. Most of us are…
ZERO: Oh BOOHOO!  Poor Magmard!  You weren’t getting enough attention, so you flew the coup and caused a World Tragedy on our account. Are you kidding me with that, right now?
X: (hurt) Zero!!  Don’t.. rile him up any more…
ZERO: NO!  We took this guy to Laguz Island. We trusted you!! Almost every co-op mission we’ve done was with the 14th Unit. Then you betrayed us. For no reason!
MAGMA DRAGOON: …It all comes down to one simple thing in the end.  Power…  And sometimes, in order to achieve what you truly want, you have to make sacrifices.
X gasps and sharpens his brow in anger as he gets up.
X: You sacrificed an entire civilization… and joined Repliforce, just so we’d fight you…
ZERO: So that was your big plan!?  Take out the Sky Lagoon and make it look like Repliforce did it!!!?
MAGMA DRAGOON: It was so brilliant. The look on your bewildered faces when Colonel declared War on you.
Tears well up on X’s face as he clenches a fist.
X: (whispering, shaking) So many lives.. Lost for nothing…!
X: We had Peace!  We worked so hard to re-attain the state of the World after Doppler’s reign, Sigma’s return and Berkana’s erasures.  Then /YOU ruined it.  Over the most.. Infantile reason!  …I’ll Never forgive you for this!!!
His fist glows blue and then flames up into a fiery, red state.  The flames grow across his arm and cover his body as a glowing aura of gold surrounds him.  Then, the aura covers his body with pure power.
He stares in awe of X’s new attack, as X launches himself with a swift air-dash, directly into him.
X rams into his chest as his Nova aura breaks off his torso and completely disintegrates his legs.
The broken, defeated Maverick looks up at X with tired, hurt eyes.
MAGMA DRAGOON: gg.. Uuurgh. You… are… strong… X…
Zero slowly gets up with wide eyes as he looks at the damage, X has done.  He walks over and stands by his exhausted partner as they look down at their former friend.
X pants as he sweats through his helmet. X: Such a waste… Why Dragoon?
MAGMA DRAGOON: … Always… wanted… to fight… you. …Then …he … appeared … and
X: He appeared? Who?!
MAGMA DRAGOON: …told me to work for Repliforce. To goad you into fighting…  …He …told me… he’d give me power.. only if I worked… for Repliforce…
ZERO: …What!? He? Who!? MAGMA DRAGOON: I couldn’t… refuse the offer… Sorry Zero… ZERO: …Dragoon!!! MAGMA DRAGOON: … was worth it… for a final duel…
He turns his head as the rest of his body explodes.
X: (v.o, narrating) Sigma…  He was really the one behind the Repliforce War.  Not, Dragoon…  But even now, we’re still getting traces of him again!  I have to be ready, for anything!!
Caption: 2:20 PM
In the R & D Lab, DOUGLAS, the engineer is hanging out with Alia and Signas as X walks in. X looks at his Commander surprised, and salutes him. Signas offers a salute in return.
DOUGLAS: Wow, X! That was awesome.
ALIA: You handled that way better than I could’ve imagined.
X: (smirking) Clearly… For a novice.
ALIA: Ugh, God. I’m never going to live that down, am I?
X: (smiling) Well, you did make up for it with the Armor. Thank you again for that.
ALIA: My pleasure!  Like I said, if you want to use it in the field, Douglas and I can install the program into your mainframe.
Douglas smiles at X and gives him a thumbs up.
X: Sounds good.
SIGNAS: Go ahead and debrief him, Alia.
ALIA: Oh! Right. Well, tactically your field experience is spot on, and you far surpassed anything I could expect.  Your emotional responses to field combat however, I feel are a bit…
She hesitates to say the words. X looks at her, concerned.
X: It’s okay, you can say it.
ALIAS: …Post-Traumatic.
X: (admitting) I’ve been through a lot.
ALIA: (smiling) I can tell… You’re holding together though.
Signas smiles and looks at X.
SIGNAS: And how’d she do, X?
X: Well, with all due respect, although she is really nice, she kind of talks too much and has a tendency to point out the obvious.
ALIA: (defensive) Hmph! Well she is standing, right in front of you! The least you could do is address me while I’m in the room.
X: Sorry to offend you.. I think with some more experience, you’ll become great at this.
ALIA: (put off) Right! Well, we’d better download that program if you want to use the Force Armor in the field.
X: Let’s do it. With Maverick Activity on the rise again, I think it’s only a matter of time before Sigma pops up again…
They both share a concerned nod.
-pan out-
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) Yes, things certainly have been interesting for us, as we’ve re-established ourselves in Hexagon. However, we fear that this minor time of peace may be coming to an end. Maverick Activity has been picking up lately and the Local Authorities are not having us. The Repliforce has been silent as well, which is a slight concern. Their Colony still orbits directly above our planet, although it is not currently considered a threat.  I just hope that Eurasia truly is a new breeding ground for Reploids to thrive off planet, and not just a place for them to reload their weapons.
-cut to-
—————————————————————— EXT. HEXAGON BAY – New MHHQ - DAY ——————————————————————
We zoom out from the new Maverick Hunter Headquarters to see their boastful beam cannon and the large Space Shuttle resting at the sides of their base.
SIGNAS: (v.o, narrating) For this reason, we have taken their unfinished Enigma cannon and acquired an old Space Shuttle from NASA. It seems that we’ll finally be able to adhere to Dr. Cain’s last wishes after all. He had always hoped we would create a Space Unit one day to explore the unknown…  Once its ready, we plan to visit Eurasia to see what is really going on up there.
-pan to-
We zoom out from Earth and closer into the brilliant Eurasia Space Colony.
- pan to –
INT. EURASIA – Fallen Commune – NIGHT
We zoom in to the Space Colony Eurasia.  What was once a thriving Reploid Community has now been mysteriously destroyed by a tall assassin. His long white hair wafts in the artificial wind of the Colony as his crimson visor partially glimmers from the artificial sunset behind him. The shady figure stands amidst the desolation, tall and proud as he reports to his latest contractor.
Caption: 4:25 PM – Eurasia Time
DYNAMO: Yes, it’s ready… Piece of cake. The Colony is still alive.. I can let it fall at any time… Please let me do it now. I’m getting bored.  All I have to do is… go back to the Earth and scatter the Virus.
Over coms, the mysterious voice of his contractor speaks.
SIGMA: (o.s, filtered) You’re exactly what I expected…  You’re doing a good job… hee hee hee.
DYNAMO: Nobody dares to fight against you, except those stupid Maverick Hunters.  I’ll do anything for you, anything…
SIGMA: (o.s, filtered) Good… I’m going to Earth to execute our plan.  Stay where you are and await further instruction.
DYNAMO: But I don’t think you need to do it personally.  Are they really a threat?  Are X and Zero really so strong that you can’t let someone else do it?
SIGMA: Hee hee hee. Yes, in a manner of speaking.. Zero…  I’ll show you what you really are and who your true enemy is…  Hee hee hee hee. Bwah ha ha ha ha ha!!!!
- Freeze Frame. Grainy Effect-
- Fade to Black -
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