#can’t translate it from arabic to english without dying on the inside
Does anyone else do that thing where they completely forget a word that they want to say in conversation, so you’re just kinda stuck and buffering over the thing that your trying to say. Like, you know what it is, but there’s a blank where it’s supposed to be.
And then there’s times where there’s a word for it in one language, but not the other, and I try to translate it without actually saying it, which is the hardest thing in the world to describe.
Just wanted to know if anyone else actually does this, or if I just need to go through a dictionary or somethin to catch up.
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thecrazydragonlady · 6 years
The Immortal Pharaoh Chapter 2
Author’s Notes: Send help. I’m dying.
The sun was blazing overhead; the skies were clear and Yugi found himself covering his forehead with his arm. How bright! More importantly, how hot! The summers in Japan could only dream of reaching such temperatures and the reflection of  the heat off the ground made the world around him hazy. He squinted in an attempt to see clearer. Suddenly, a wide brimmed hat was thrust upon his head from behind. He staggered. Yugi had to adjust the hat for his bangs but was grateful for the shade and he turned. Grandpa was standing behind him dressed to the nines as he imagined a true archaeologist would: khaki shirt and pants, boots, a safari hat, and a rather large back bag over his shoulders, which he adjusted a bit while smiling at him.
“You’re going to need that around here,” Grandpa told him. He motioned down the busy road. “And plenty of water.” Yugi straightened, adjusting his own bag.
“I promise to keep my canteen filled Grandpa.”
“The first rule to anything should be safety first,” Grandpa mused as he started looking around. People hustled and bustled about, carrying their luggage, moving about like a sea of confusion as some looked for a way away from the airport, others offering those ways. Grandpa smiled as his eyes landed on someone. This stranger was out of place. The man who approached them was tall, wearing a white collared shirt that accented his skin and, surprisingly, off-white hair beautifully; his eyes were sharp but their eloquence was not dimmed by the smile on his face.
He stopped just short of them, “Mr. Muto and Mr. Muto?” H bowed his head a bit. “My name is Malik Ishtar. I’m here to take you back to the museum.” He offered a hand and Grandpa tilted his hat back a bit as he reached out with his own.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” They released and Malik turned to Yugi. The Egyptian’s eyes went wide but he accepted the offered appendage and Yugi smiled pleasantly though he was confused by his expression. Grandpa didn’t notice. He continued, “I thought the director of Foreign Affairs was going to meet us….”
“Isis really wanted to,” Malik assured him, “However, she got caught up with some last minute work to ensure that everything is ready for the dig to officially start.” He turned a bit to the side, holding out a hand as he motioned down the hazy sidewalk. “Shall we? The car is this way.” The two of them adjusted their bags and grabbed the rest of their luggage and followed him. A blast of hot air hit them in the face, causing Yugi to squint, unused to the assault that was currently happening to his face. Malik lead them a little ways forward. He stopped them at a nondescript black car where another Egyptian, an even taller man with hair only in a certain spot on the back of his head, tied into a ponytail, waited for them. Yugi had to remember that it was rude to star since half of this  man’s face was tattooed. It was fascinating. He bowed to the three of them. Malik introduced him, “This is Rishid, my brother and Isis’s assistant.”
“It is a pleasure to meet you,” he greeted. “Allow me to help you with your bags.” The three of them moved to the trunk of the car. Once their gear was situated, all four of them climbed into the vehicle. They took off with Rishid at the wheel.
Yugi sighed in relief as the air hit him in the face. Already he was sweating. It rolled down his back uncomfortably, pooling at the spot of his lower back. Grandpa huffed and wiped his forehead with the back of his arm, “My, this heat is a little more intense than I remember.” Yugi chuckled.
“It probably had something to do with your age,” he teased. Grandpa narrowed his eyes at him.
“And just what are you implying there Yugi?” Yugi whistled and looked away. Grandpa reached over and poked him a bit before he started laughing and swatted his hand away. Malik cleared his throat. Yugi, at least, immediately clammed up, dropping his eyes to his knees and hiding his hands there, suddenly abashed at their behavior in front of a stranger that he completely forgot was there. Malik said nothing on it though.
Instead, he said to Grandpa, “I’m sure the two of you are rather tired from your ride.” Yugi turned to look out the window.  “Isis will be rather busy especially with the final dig coming up so very quickly. Doctor Hopkins and his granddaughter have already been here a month and I’m sure that they’re most eager to see the two of you.”
“It’ll be nice to see Arthur again,” Grandpa mused, “and to meet his granddaughter. The last time I saw him, he wouldn’t stop talking about how his son was just on the verge of getting married.” He chuckled. “Then again, that was about the same time I just received word that I was going to be a grandpa. I’m sure we sounded like a couple of old men at the bar that night but that right after we had just finished excavating our most recent find of the time which was… hmmm… I want to say it was one of the smaller ones but for the life of me, I can’t remember which one it was. We did find some pretty good, in-tact pottery though which shared some interesting information of lower life within in the Nile region.” He stopped, furrowing his brow as he tried to remember but simply shrugged when he couldn’t. Malik smiled at him.
“Your and Doctor Hopkins’s searches have become rather well known amongst the historical society here in Egypt,” he confirmed. Something creeped along Yugi’s skin. He turned and, to his amazement, found Malik staring at him oddly. Despite the heat, a shiver shot down his spine. He couldn’t help but feel that Malik’s next words were a bit ominous, “We are most eager to see how this excavation goes.”
The front of the Egyptian Museum was bright and inviting in the bright sunlight. It gave off an air of elegance. Ancient, tattered statues decorated the lawn area around a large, square fountain. The faded red bricks of the building stood out against the blue of the sky. White stone made up some of the accents, including two statue reliefs of ancient people up high. A dark oaken door stood as the portal to the past. Yugi couldn’t help but to take a sharp, impressed breath; it was more impressive than the museum in Domino that’s for sure. People, like at the airport, moved around them, stopping and staring, pointing, and taking pictures. It was a bit cheesy but slightly charming in its own right, maybe an idea he simply had because he could understand the excitement. Malik ignored them all. He walked by the tourist without so much as a glance and to the door, followed by Rishid, as he made his way to the door.
“Come on Yugi,” Grandpa called. “You’ll get a chance to look shortly.”
“This place is amazing,” Yugi breathed as he caught up. Grandpa nodded.
“Yes, it is. Here and in museums all over the world, we are slowly learning about the history of human kind and preserving what would otherwise disappear without our efforts.”
“Time is rather cruel Yugi and nature does not care how great one place is, was, or could be; all that it cares about is moving forward and if we aren’t careful, we could be wiped away just as easily.”
Yugi shivered, “Gee Grandpa, could you be any deeper or any more depressing?” He laughed, clapping his grandson on the shoulder as they made their way inside.
“Fear not. It’ll be an extremely long time before any of that happens.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“Mr. Mutos,” Malik called. He was standing near the reception desk with Rishid who was talking with a friendly looking young woman. Rishid nodded as they approached. Malik told them, “It looks like Isis is out of her meeting. She and Doctor Hopkins are waiting for us in her office.” He motioned to a side door. “We’ll take the staff entrance to get there.” Rishid said farewell to the receptionist and then lead them through the door. Several people of the staff greeted the two familiar faces and they returned it but they didn’t stop. Isis’s office was at the end of the hallway with golden Arabic words scrawled across it and the English translated Director of Foreign Affairs underneath it. Rishid knocked.
A gentle, “Come in,” came from the other side. He held the door open for the three of them with a slight bow. Grandpa and Yugi thanked him as they entered.
The room was painted a softer shade of red than the stone color on the outside of the building. The floors were white marble and there was a matching white trim near it and the ceiling. There were two large windows that looked out to the courtyard below, allowing in enough natural lighting that the use of electricity seemed pointless. A desk with a computer and some personal decorations, a picture of Rishid, Malik, and a girl from when they were younger, as well as a small obelisk, a fancy pen, and a name plate with the Arabic and English printed across it sat in front of the window. In front of the desk was a sitting area. It had a couch and matching seat with a small coffee table between them. Two people stood upon their entry.
The first was a young woman. She was clearly older than Malik but younger than Rishid. This did nothing to dull the air of grace or power she had around her; neither of the men could dream of matching it in their life time. She wore a loose, tan colored tunic with a band of black boxes around her shoulders, a circlet wound around her head, meeting in the center where there resided a green gem.
“Greetings,” she started, offering a hand to Grandpa, “I am Isis Ishtar. It’s a pleasure to finally meet the legendary Mr. Muto in person.” Grandpa took her hand gently.
“It’s a pleasure my dear. Allow me to introduce my grandson Yugi,” he returned, pushing the boy forward. Isis’s eyes, like Malik’s had, went wide. Another shiver went down Yugi’s spine but he swallowed hard and offered his hand.
“Nice to meet you,” Yugi stuttered out.
She didn’t take it.
Instead, Isis closed her eyes and smiled, “It must be fate.” Both Mutos blinked but, before they could ask, Malik and Rishid moved around them and into the room. The second person who had also stood was now smiling brighter than ever and clearly eager to say something. Grandpa’s face lit up.
“Arthur,” he cheered.
“Sugoroku!” The two men clapped each other’s shoulders and shook hands. “It’s been ages my old friend. How have you been getting on?”
“As well as one can expect,” Grandpa returned. “Got a bit of a heart problem but running a game shop thankfully is a low-risk job. No more treasure hunting for me.” Hopkins laughed.
“The same old Sugoroku. Always obsessed with puzzles and games.” Grandpa tisked.
“Aren’t you one for talking! Here we are, yet again, in the middle of the Egyptian desert looking for another tomb because of your research.” The other man’s eyes lit up suddenly.
“That we are,” Hopkins mused, looking over at Yugi. “My word Sugoroku! He looks exactly like you did when you were younger.” Grandpa nodded.
“This is Yugi. Yugi, this is the Doctor Hopkins I’ve told you about.” Yugi nodded and held out his hand again. This time, it was taken.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you Doctor Hopkins. Grandpa’s told me a lot of stories about the digs the two of you went on.”
“I hope only good things,” Hopkins laughed. “Goodness knows that the two of us got into our share of trouble.” He chuckled again but turned a bit to expose the couch behind him. Sitting there was a small, blonde-haired girl whose face was, as Yugi could only describe it as, in “resting bitch-mode.” She didn’t look too pleased to see them. However, her glare got worse when it landed on him and he jerked a bit in surprise. Hopkins motioned to her, “Come her sweetheart.”
Her glared didn’t disappear but she stood and came to her grandfather. Hopkins put an arm around her shoulder, “This is my granddaughter Rebecca. She’s been a help to me before on several of my digs and, with her parents indisposed right now, they agreed to let her help again.” She bowed her to the two of them but said nothing.
Isis cleared her throat, “Now that the introductions are done, I would like to discuss the final preparations for the dig.”
“Excellent idea,” Arthur agreed, “The sooner we get these finalized, the sooner we can move out.” She nodded.
“Of course, let’s get to it,” Grandpa said. Yugi rubbed the back of his neck. He didn’t want to admit it but something felt weird in his gut about this whole affair.
Now, he wasn’t really sure how excited he was to be here anymore.
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loriendragonqueen · 7 years
“Say My Name” - Part One
Pairing: Ivar x OC
Words: 1.525 of 9.054
Notes: Guys, this is my first post ever publishing something I wrote. I hope you enjoy it and give me some feedback, because I am an anxious writer! hahahaha. And I always build an OC in every story I write, I hope you guys don’t mind it! Oh, and english is my second language, pardon my mistakes!
Warnings: explicit; blood; fight; (when I say it is explicit, man, I mean really explicit, like, almost +21!); bad language maybe; death;
"Look what the waves have brought..." I said to myself looking to the small and bright shell laid on the sand.
I was fine in that morning. It was a sunny day, the breeze was not that cold and the birds were singing since the dawn. I was in peace, after all.
I took the shell in my right hand and sat on the sandy ground while looking at the piece of sea lost in that single hidden place. I thought I was the only one who knew about it. I was wrong, apparently.
"What are you doing here?" the voice said in my back.
"Does it is of your concern?" I retorted motionless with my eyes shut.
"Watch your tone, woman. Who do you think you are?" he said coming closer.
"You better watch your tone, prince, for I am not one of your kind. And I don't even know why I am still alive, but I bet it is because of my possible value!" and I dared to pick a sight of his face.
He scowled, huffing in rage.
"So, why are you here? You followed me to torture me even more or what?" I continued with my eyes fully open now.
"This is my secret place since I'm a child. Why are you here, and alone?", and he sat beside me.
"Maybe I killed my escort and decided to hide myself here before I embrace death, finally!" my voice sounded quite natural.
"So you want to die. Why have you not asked for it before? I could help you with that!" and I saw him grabbing the knife on his belt.
He touched the blade on my neck while holding me by the nape.
"You would not be that merciful, prince, don't even try. It is not from your nature!" I said in a blank face, calmly.
"You do not fear death. What kind of christian are you?" he said peeved in a frown.
"The kind who prefers death to a pack of filthy savages whom thinks that I am a property. I thought that your people would be far more than that!" and suddenly I growled, staring at the bottom of his eyes.
He pressed the blade even more against my skin.
"I fear no death. I fear being stuck here in your realm, doomed to be a mere trade piece, like a mare. I was born in a stone prison, I am the daughter of a dead duke and you think I have some value in my lands back in England. How dreamer you are!" I said between my teeth, still staring him.
"So I should kill you then and spare you from the misery of your future!" and he cut me a little.
I said no word. My breath was calm so was my heart.
"What are you doing?" someone shouted from our backs, running toward us.
"She said she wanted to die, so I was about to grant her wish!" he said without moving a single muscle.
"How merciful of you, Ivar!" his brother said scoffs "Now leave her. Bjorn wants to talk to her!"
"Shut up, Hvitserk. You are just saying that to spare her from the eminent death!" and I saw him biting his lower lip in excitement.
"I dare you!" I whispered touching his right hand, forcing him to cut me. But he curbed my movement, keeping his arm as hard as rock. "Can't you see? You have no power here!"
I saw his eyes become introspective, as I got free from his grip. That was new.
I stood and walked to Hvitserk, who was speechless.
"How..." he was about to say.
"How did you find me? I thought no one was aware of this place. What the shit!" I asked impatient and rude, walking in a fast pace.
"I followed your footsteps. It wasn't that hard!" and he said from my back.
I reached the palace in a short time.
"What do you want?" I yelled across the hall to the man close to the throne of his mother.
"What happened to you? Where is this blood from?" he asked a little concerned.
"Not your business!" I said aloud touching my neck and then looking to my hand.
"Whatever!" and he sighed "Come, I need your help to translate some notes in the map!"
"Of course, master!" I said acid, smiling ironic and following him.
The piece he needed help was in franc.
"I do not speak franc, my lord, I am sorry!" I said leaning on the table with my fists closed and supporting my weight.
"Yes, you do. I heard you speak tongues in your sleep. Now, translate it!" and he mimiqued my pose.
"Oh you nosy!" I frowned my nose as a wolf ready to attack.
"Do it or..."
"Please, end what your little brother started!" and I gave him my neck.
"Ivar did what? Never mind. Just translate this thing so you can go do whatever you do every day!" he snorted trying to keep his calm.
"It says that this route takes to the arabic paradise, full of gold and rewards, something about harems of virgins and all this bullshit!" I finally said without diverting from his impatient gaze.
"What is a harem?" he asked in low voice.
"I bet you found one in your last raid. Is a place full of women owned by a single man!" I explained feeling calm again.
I was a bookworm, always hidden in my father's library, reading and learning as much as possible. Strangely, teaching always made me calm.
"Hum... Now go!" he commanded harshly while looking to the map.
I felt my anger boiling inside me.
"Arght..." I growled, "When will you set me free or finally kill me? My father is dead and I am nothing to those kings who rules that goddamn land. Why you keep me as a pet?"
"Maybe is because you are one?" and I saw his eyes mocking me.
"Then I shall end my life myself for once. Goodbye!" I said with a smile in a half curtsey.
Then I left the room, but not before hearing Ubbe say, "What if she kills herself indeed?" and then Bjorn said, "She does not have the courage. She is a christian noble, to kill herself is to go against her god!"
My blood began to boil even more as I left the palace and headed to the highest peak of that land. I had decided to put an end in all that suffering. I was far from home, apart from my family, taken as a hostage or a simple slave with no rights, no hope, nothing. I saw my parents dying in front of me while sending my siblings and me away to a safe place. Probably they were safe in the south of England. Probably they were dead. I would never know. After all, I was kidnapped in the middle of the night while we were escaping through the west shore by arabic privateers.
I was about to jump from the cliff when I heard some gallops coming to where I was. The wind was swinging my body as the dark clouds started to fill the sky.
"What are you doing?" Hvitserk yelled at me, against the wind.
"You are not my aia, go away!" I said feeling my heart beating faster.
"You will not jump, get away from the edge!" I noticed some kind of fear on his voice.
"What is the point on keeping me as a prisoner? Why? I have no purpose here in your lands! Leave me follow my family in their eternal sleep, please!" and I started to cry. Although I looked like a brave woman, I was nothing but a scared child deep inside, trying to survive in a foreign country.
I was having a breakdown. After all the months, I was finally having an emotional breakdown. I felt my heart about to explode, throbbing in my throat.
I closed my eyes while crying and then I took a deep breath. I was about to take the decisive step when he grabbed me and pushed me to the ground where we both fell embraced.
"No! Let me go, please, let me go!" I cried screaming at the top of my lungs, squirming inside the grip of his arms, crying as a hurt child.
In that moment, I saw nothing. He just hugged me.
"Please, let me die!" I begged kneeling between his legs with my hands together after him loose me.
"No, you cannot die. Why do you want it so much?" he asked in doubt scowl.
I could not answer that, not in that moment. Then I ran. I ran like the wind, disappearing through the trees. I do not know how much I ran; I only know that the rain found me first. The tempest wetted me to the bones, cooling my body in a level I have never felt before.
They found me sat in the mud on an open field while the lightnings and thunders were traveling across the sky. I knew that death was finally near me.
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