#can you see the reversal in the image. Hahahahaha
earlgreytea68 · 5 months
hi egt
what fob songs scream hiatus to you?
i need to experience emotional ruin real quick
God, there are so many, like, basically allll of Save Rock and Roll feels like them working through the hiatus together (not least because of how it has a higher percentage of Patrick lyrics than usual, probably because of him coming off his solo work). But the hiatus loomed so large for them as this nuclear blast in their relationship, it seems to bleed all through Pete's words (and hence their songs) for years afterward.
And it actually even starts before the hiatus, with the "What a Catch, Donnie" music video, which is the most hiatus-y thing to ever hiatus, Pete going down with his ship while he sends everyone else away to party without him. IT'S ALL SO SYMBOLIC.
And then to title a song on the first Believers Never Die album "From Now On, We Are Enemies." WHAT THE HELL hahahahaha WHAT A CHOICE, PETE WENTZ. (a downward spiral, just a pirouette and I only what what I can't have -- wanting what you can't have is a total hiatus theme for me that shows up a bunch in Pete's lyrics. I have not done an empirical analysis to see if it's a more prevalent theme after the hiatus or not.)
"The Phoenix" has obvious symbolism for their life as a band, raising their career from the ashes, changing themselves up like a remix, wearing their vintage of misery better than everyone else. Also, I love the imagery it has of peace, the "release the doves, surrender love" bit. Waving the white flag and putting down your weapons (in contrast to put on your war paint). But I've always kind of felt like surrender love is one of Pete's deliberate ambiguities: It could be "surrender your love" but it could also be "surrender, love." And Pete doesn't often use "love" as a term of endearment in his lyrics but he called Patrick "love" on stage not too long ago, so, you know, it seems not too outside the realm of possibility to think that these are really lines about reconciliation. It feels like time is running out, so let's surrender and hold tight.
Then there's "Alone Together": I'm outside the door, invite me in so we can go back and play pretend. The image of playing pretend / make-believe with someone also recurs in Pete's poetry, and it's something else I always read as Patrick-coded. Who did he used to "pretend" with for the sake of the shippers? And, of course, starting at the end of the road to ruin sounds like people who have burned everything down but are finding their way back.
I wrote a whole fic about "Where Did the Party Go" :-)
What is there to say about "Miss Missing You" that hasn't already been said? The infamous "hot whiskey eyes" line that honestly can only be about Pete Wentz lol. The imagery of the person you'd take a bullet for being behind the trigger: they have both at separate points in time proclaimed their readiness to take a bullet for the other. The fact that Pete wrote in a poem once before the hiatus I miss you missing me, and this song is I miss missing you. Like, everyone just die over this song.
To me "The Kids Aren't Alright" is a hiatus song in that it's about surviving the hiatus, coming through it, reversing the curse, it's our time now if you want it to be, in the end, I'd do it all again, I think you're my best friend.
"Fourth of July" is another hiatus song for me, the reference to the burned bridges being the light that leads you home is just so hiatus-y. Also, the torture of small talk with someone you used to love just smacks of the hiatus, of how they stopped talking to each other, of how they knew so little about each other and had to start over. This is more wanting what you can't have, too: my favorite what-if, my best I'll-never-know. I said I'd never miss you. I wish I'd known how much you loved me. It's so much, this song lol
Twin Skeleton's: ouch. This song is so painful. This song scrapes over your skin like sandpaper. This song is so angry and bitter. This song is I need a new partner in crime and you shrug. oh my GOD that line kills me every single time. That one and the way Patrick snarls, I could just die laughing on your spiral of shame. This is an angry song, but the anger is born of a depth of emotion and it ends with Patrick promising hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on over and over, and that's what makes it extra-hiatus to me, like, hold on, it all gets better, I'm coming back, hold on, hold on, hold on...
I find the hiatus infects their songs less and less the farther they get away from it, which is good. It's healing. As we've discussed, they've almost forgotten the whole thing even happened, it's been blurred over by the sands of time.
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yandere-flower · 2 years
Swimsuit bet anon here. Glad people liked the concept, although I can't take credit! If anyone likes Undertale, subsequent aus, and reverse harems, look up Tyrant Tortoise on ao3. You're welcome. But also be warned, no updates in a year.
I love the Margot idea. I'm also cackling at the mental image of everyone convinced that theirs will win, and then she walks out in one no one saw, because everyone already knew each others picks and darling is like "Yeah, Margot couldn't come so she sent me a link since I mentioned I needed a new suit," Then the poor thing would be lost as to why no one else is so happy about it.
My ideas for the others picks are these:
Zara's was like a rich, dark green. It was the right amount of sexy and sophistication - very much something that would be at home in her closet.
Olive's was pink and glittery, and/or matched hers. Was doubly insulted when her pick wasn't taken
Desmond - if he cracked and bought one since everyone else was - would probably cover up the most because only he can see that, thank you very much. Or something that had an almost collar like shape around the neck. Black colored.
Mizu's was like a sailor girl suit or a custom cosplay from an anime he watched, either a suit his fav character wore or something made to look like what they would wear, not a design from a hentai site it was from a hentai site
Cliff was my original victor, but I am living for this Margot victory lmao. Antonio I am still putting down as just behind his father. Both of them are charmer's so there's would have been really close to what darling wants, so their picks will stay vague, along with Margot's since hers won. We are the darlings after all!
However, if they chose to what they liked, I think Cliff's would have been a red one piece, classy and elegant. Matching wide-brimmed hat and large shades. Antonio's would have been a black one pieces with a rose print, maybe a little skirt for added flare. I can't justify his pick other than I think of being handed a rose when I think of Antonio - maybe he handed one to her after she had a bad date to be sweet and views the flower as theirs? I'm once more stumped on Margot. I think it'd be a slivery grey color though. I can't think of the general shape or vibe :(
Ezra - for those who don't want to scroll back like, 2 posts - was frilly, and I'm tentatively adding that it's white. It's because it's bright and summery, not because it's like a wedding dress, why would you even suggest that hahahahaha
Sawyer - once again to recap those who don't want to scroll - it was floss. Just, strings. Sawyer, this barely counts as swimsuit, why-
My only other thing to add was what are the odds that darling's original suit got stolen by one of the boys instead of her losing it during the move to the apartment. If so, who stole it?
Sorry, long. I just love this idea and the whole crew!
I think my favorite thing is what possible reason could there be an APARTMENT wide beach or pool trip like I love it
Also, top candidates for stealing the swim suit has to be Antonio, Desmond, or Olive
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theskyexists · 2 years
First Kill
will never forget or stop mourning that calliope was supposed to have CLOUD HAIR. this was the whole damn believable fixation point of mc girl’s infatuation. i too fall a little bit in love with people who have cloud hair but more importantly an infatuation becomes believable BY its fixation point
i also definitely feel like the absolute menace that emanates from this calliope is palpable lol. and would have been really fun to know its origin of if we’d done the shorty story structure
also all the people who are supposed to be deeply beautiful are still a million times less beautiful than mc girl, because they didn’t let her look actually tired and shit and also because sister and calliope are just....not that (truly some cullen underperformance - they’re supposed to be SHINING) and the wardrobe does NOT help with that. why were they both introduced in bright yellow? now that i think about it, is that supposed to be costuming message?
also sad to see thingie, mc girl, less indoctrinated than in the short story
nice character note that calliope did not like the taste of that alcohol
THIS is supposed to be a closet? it’s the size of a room!
calliope is like - what. you were actually wanting to kiss me??? hahahahaha
the music choice for this scene is pretty insane and also deeply hilarious (h%ntai bo0bies)
nice reversal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill be honest i love vampire uno reverse
this edit makes it seem like we were in the past and like there was sexual tension where there wasn’t which is not good. i cannot distinguish brother from father and that is also not good
i like cal’s part a lot, but it really all is amateurish compared to words isn’t it
the thing i miss from the short story is that there seems to be less emphasis on them BOTH (including white girl mc whose name I STILL cannot remember) going into that closet with the idea they might kill eachother
i guess they couldn’t get it to work - ALMOST staking somebody or ALMOST biting somebody - doesn’t work in images
still can’t believe they reference twilight in the theme song lolololol. although OFC OURSE i know this is ...welll. inspired by the whole the thing
THIS IS A COMPLETELY DIFFERENT STORY??????? they didn’t STOP SHORT OF KILLING EACH OTHER. oh why do writers not realise the gold they possess
so HOW did she get out of that cupboard after having stabbed mc white girl????????? was there a second exit??????????????
HAHAHAHA this DOES go into the inherent hilarity of the completely insane and stupid idea to stab a member of society with NEGATIVE ALIBI
the action in this is shit. is it really so hard?? i feel like you should minimise the audience actually seeing anything if you want it to land. and also better sound effects - the ‘ah’ was louder than the glass shattering
Lettie (??) is like- i almost got murdered by a hunter, buttttt im not gonna tell my fam
funnily enough they kind of UNDERemphasised the analogue with sex of ‘my first’.
cal does NOT point out the vamp. great lil nod to her also-underemphasised feelings.perhaps even uh underwritten feelings.
hold up - they’re now establishing that you DONT have to kill to feed? because Elinor can easily do it - because she has mind powers???? this changes the dynamics and meanigns of everything!!!!!!! lol. why did she even kill anyone? why even kill anyone ever??? it puts a huge twist on the contrast between juliette and her sister. her sister has the best of both worlds! strong, beautiful, running on blood - but able to get away with it everytime and never killing anyone.
theres definitely something significant about dad’s first time story being held back.
and whats the mystery of julliette’s bite not actually showing up on cal?
same happens to elinors bites. this seems to disagree with the necessity of killing. Is Elinor’s weekly bite Freddy? the guy she supposedly first killed?
the soundtrack is often way too loud
what kind of weird fucking exchange. youd expect this swapped. ‘i just wanna talk’ ‘like in the closet?’ ‘that was instinct’ (a blatant lie for cal but true for juliette?) ‘i could say the same’ that should have been cal’s line. she was bit - and so she reacted
juliette is surprisingly calm after running away in emotion and blood tears
‘i said, leave me alone’ she....didn’t say this. the editing really is shoddy
this is a better exchange. should have left the first one out
what....they got caught covered in blood and paralysed on the roof? how did they know they were on there???if they got away??? this is clearly a new day???
hey we have arrived at the playfulness of the end of the short story. the hunt is on. etc.
the way it’s looking now juliette is leading her family straight into the arms of a serious hunter family
very serious upping of the stakes here
if they were gonna play this a romance (which it is supposed to be) then they’ve seriously forgotten the VAMPIRE part of vampire forbidden love - namely the craving to KILL and the extreme restraint necessary to retain humanity and protect the one you love. i am gonna reread the short story because i remember finding calliope’s feelings for juliette much more......believable. while her her desire to prove herself gave the character MEAT
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authoratmidnight · 8 years
Arc V Episode 144 Translated Script
Daga dameji ga ukeru
Last Time’s Egao Count: 279
Yuya: Reiji sent me to the Xyz Dimension. My next opponent is waiting there. I made a vow. I will save the world with my entertainment! Yuya: Huh? That’s…! Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement. (Opening Sequence) Dennis: I’ve been waiting, Yuya. Yuya: Dennis! Why are you here!? Dennis: In order to fight you, obviously. Yuya: Fight me? But this place is… Dennis: You won’t find Kurosaki here. Yuya: Huh? Dennis: He’s gone! Right, guys? Allen: Yeah! Shun went to the Fusion Dimension. Allen: He heard about the Junior Youth Championship from some Akaba Reiji guy, But he said that he doesn’t care about it. Sayaka: I’m sure Shun is looking for Ruri! Yuya: Ruri!? Yuya: I see… Kurosaki still doesn’t know about it… Yuya: All right! I’ll go to the Fusion Dimension, then! Dennis: Hold it! Yuya: Huh? Dennis: Are you running from your opponent? Dennis: You want to make everyone smile, (Egao Count: 279+1=280) And yet, you’re fleeing from me, the student of the peerless Entertainment Duelist Sakaki Yusho? Yuya: You were his student!? That’s why Dennis’s Dueling is… Dennis: Well? Are you going to fight me now? If you want to go, you’ll have to beat me first! Looks like some spectators have arrived as well. Yuya: Those kids are… Dennis: Shall we begin, then? Of course, I’m not planning to lose, either! Duel Disk: Field Magic, Cross Over. DUEL! Yuya: I’ll go first! Using the Scale-2 Entermate Gongcat and the Scale-8 Xiangsheng Magician, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-3 and 7! Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Level-7! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Kid: Amazing… Yuya: I end my turn with this! Dennis: It’s my turn! Draw! I summon Entermage Bubble Gardna from my hand! Woman: What are you doing!? I said that you can’t watch people Dueling, didn’t I? Woman: Come on! I know you’re good kids. Let’s go home. Kid: No! The person who is Dueling is the guy from back then. Kid: You said that his Duel is a true Duel, didn’t you? Woman: Oh! Dennis: On the turn an Entermage is summoned or Special Summoned, I can Special Summon Entermage Filmsy Slimmer from my hand! Kid: Come on, Mom! It’s fine! Woman: But… Random Dude: Don’t let the kids watch the Duel! How many times do I have to tell you!? Random Dude: Come! Don’t get involved with those people! Dennis: Hahahahaha… You’re not going anywhere. Does this card catch your eye? Random Dude: That card is…! Dennis: Yup. Say, you want to be turned into card again? If you don’t like that, Stay put, and watch this Duel! Yuya: What are you saying, Dennis!? Dennis: I activate the Magic Card, Polymerization! I’m fusing Bubble Gardna and Filmsy Slimmer! Bubbly guardian! Merge with the escape artist who has never experienced predicaments! And become a new witch who dashes across the ether! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level-7! Entermage Trapeze Force Witch! Dennis: Then, I activate the Equip Magic, Antique Gear Mask, And equip it to Trapeze Force Witch! Dennis: Battle! I attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Trapeze Force Witch! Dennis: Taste the power of my wicked Fusion Monster! Trapeze Force Witch’s Monster Effect activates! When an Entermage battles, the opposing monster loses 600 ATK! Yuya: Action Magic! Dennis: Not going to happen! Dennis: When a monster equipped with Antique Gear Mask attacks, My opponent cannot activate Magic or Trap Card until the end of the Damage Step! Dennis: And  when a monster equipped with Antique Gear Mask destroys a monster through battle, the battle damage will be doubled! Dennis: I end my turn! Now then, try and defeat me! I am an Academia student, after all! Yuya: Dennis! Why are you doing this? Edo: It’s all Academia’s fault. Yuya: Edo! Grace: Yuya~! Edo: To the people who were turned into cards by Academia, We are nothing but a target for their hatred. Edo: They reject us…No, they reject Dueling itself! Yuya: But you guys are making up for your errors by rebuilding the city… Edo: A person’s heart is different from a city. Edo: They’re not going to forgive us just because everything is going back to normal. For the Academia has inflicted deep wounds upon their hearts. Edo: If we can at least talk through Dueling, We can maybe find a solution… Yuya: Don’t tell me… He… Yuya: Then… It’s my turn! Yuya: Using the Scales I’ve already set, I Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! From my hand, Entermate Miracle Mirrabbit! Random Dude: N-No. I’ll be turned into a card again. No! I don’t want to be a card again… Woman: It’s okay. You won’t ever be turned into a card again. So, calm down, and watch this in earnest. Woman: Watch those kids’ Duel. Yuya: Battle! I attack Trapeze Force Witch with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Dennis: You know that your attack won’t work against my wicked Fusion Monster, don’t you? Because of Trapeze Force Witch’s effect, the opposing monster will lose 600 ATK! Yuya: Then, I’ll activate Miracle Mirrabbit’s Monster Effect! The target for the ATK modification will be switched to this card! Dennis: A half-baked trick like that won’t work, either! Dennis: If a monster is equipped with Antique Gear Mask, Once per turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle or effect! Yuya: But you’ll still take damage! Yuya: When Odd-Eyes battles a Level-5 or above monster, The damage will be doubled! Reaction Force! Dennis: Tch! How dare you… Yuya: Come on! It’s just a scratch! Dennis: But you won’t be able to overcome my dark powers with pathetic tricks like that! Yuya: Oh, the real show is just getting started. Dennis: What!? Yuya: That’s right! Its title is… Mirror Magic Show! First off is Miracle Mirrabbit’s entry! Yuya: Huh? Hey! We’re in the middle of a Duel! Yuya: Now then, Odd-Eyes’s image will be reflected in Miracle Mirrabbit’s mirror! Yuya: What!? In exchange for Mirror Mirrabbit not being able to attack, Another monster will be able to attack twice! Yuya: Now, since Odd-Eyes have received Miracle Mirrabbit’s power, It can conduct a second battle! Attack Trapeze Force Witch! Dennis: No matter what you do, nothing will change! Due to Trapeze Force Witch’s effect, it will lose 600 ATK! Yuya: Then, Miracle Mirrabbit’s other effect! This card’s ATK will be modified instead! I’ll double the damage with Reaction Force! (ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb) Yuya: Did you all enjoy the Mirror Magic Entertainment Show? Then, I shall now end my turn. Up next is the best Entertainment Duelist of the Fusion Dimension! Dennis Macfield, who has crossed dimensions to deliver a thrilling entertainment show to everyone! Dennis: What nonsense are you spouting!? Yuya: Reveal it! Your true self, Dennis! Dennis: You’ve seen through everything, huh? Then, I have no choice. IT’S SHOW TIME! Dennis: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-2 Entermage Reversal Dancer and the Scale-6 Entermage Fire Dancer, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-3 and 5! Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Level-4! Entermage Bubble Gardna! Level-4! Entermage Filmsy Slimmer! I overlay the Level-4 Bubble Gardna and Filmsy Slimmer together! Dennis: It’s  time for the entrance of my show’s indispensable magician! The show must go on! Magician of the ether! Swing across the stage with splendor! Xyz Summon! Come on out! Rank-4! Entermage Trapeze Magician! Random Kid 1: Beautiful… Random Kid 2: Amazing! Dennis: The best is yet to come! I detach one of Trapeze Magician’s Overlay Units and activate his effect! Now you get to enjoy his acrobat show two times in a row! The first battle! Attack Miracle Mirrabbit! Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion! It negates a monster’s attack! Dennis: Yuya! Because you avoided my attack, My victory is now guaranteed! Yuya: No! Nothing is set in stone yet! Dennis: I’ll win. I’ll go for Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with my second attack! Yuya: Huh? Odd-Eyes? Grace: But their ATKs are the same… Gloria: What is he trying to do? Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle! The monster won’t be destroyed, and the damage is halved! Dennis: At this moment, I activate the Quick-Play Magic in my hand: Rank-Up-Magic Magical Force! It can Special Summon a monster that was destroyed in battle, with its effects negated! Using this card and that monster as materials, I can Xyz Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster that is one Rank higher! Yuya: What!? Dennis: The show must go on! Magician of the ether! Swing across a grander stage, With even more splendor and magnificence than before! Rank-Up Xyz Change! Come forth! Rank-5! Entermage Trapeze High Magician! Allen: Oh! A Rank-Up Magic! Awesome! Dennis: I detach one of Trapeze High Magician’s Overlay Units, And activate its Monster Effect. Due to this, Trapeze High Magician can now attack three times this turn! Kid: Amazing! It can attack three times! Gloria: If this goes through, the match will be settled. Grace: You’re sure about that? Yuya can just deflect it with an Action Card! Kid: Ken-chan, they’re dangerous! Stop it! Gloria: Do you like Dueling? You’ll have a better view if you’re in front. Dennis: Let’s see if you can keep up with Trapeze High Magician’s high-speed acrobatic attacks! Attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Yuya: Damn! AAAH! Dennis: Attack Miracle Mirrabbit! Dennis: This is it. I attack directly with Trapeze High Magician! Yuya: I activate Entermate Gongcat’s Pendulum Effect! When there’s no monster on my Field, The battle damage will become zero! Allen: All right! He’s managed to survive! Dennis: I end my turn. Well? It was even more exciting than you expected, wasn’t it? Yuya: No. There’s still more to come! The fun has just begun! It’s my turn! Using the Scales I’ve already set, I can revive my monsters! Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Level-7! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Level-4! Entermate Miracle Mirrabbit! I Normal Summon Entermate Sword Fish! Yuya: I activate Sword Fish’s Monster Effect! Until the End Phase, An opposing monster will lose 600 ATK! Grace: Dennis has no set card and his hand is empty! Gloria: Looks like Yuya’s going to win. Dennis: It will be a disservice to the spectators if this show ends with an anticlimax! I detach one of Trapeze High Magician’s Overlay Units, And activate its Monster Effect! Due to this, Trapeze High Magician won’t be destroyed by battle or effect for up to three times during this turn! Dennis: All right! Can you get all the way up here? Gloria: Impressive. With that effect, it won’t be destroyed for three times. And Yuya only has 100 Life left. Grace: In order to get through that effect, He needs a monster with ATK higher than Trapeze High Magician’s. But how many does he need? Odd-Eyes alone won’t be enough. Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen! It’s finally time for the climax! Watch this, everyone! The glory of victory awaits me on the summit of the tower! I’ll prepare something, so that Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon can take me up there! From my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Challenge Stairs! When I attack an opposing monster and it is not destroyed, By releasing a card on my Field, I can attack one more time! Yuya: Then, from my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Hope Stairs! Due to this, a monster that has battled with an opposing monster will gain 400 ATK until the Standby Phase of the next turn! Reiji: By using Xiangsheng Magician’s Pendulum Effect, He can make Sword Fish Level-4, And use it and Miracle Mirrabbit as materials, In order to call forth Dark Rebellion. Yuya: Well then! Battle! Yuya: Let’s go, Odd-Eyes! Yuya: I attack Trapeze High Magician with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Dennis: Due to Trapeze High Magician’s effect, it won’t be destroyed by battle. Yuya: Even if its destruction is negated, you’ll still take damage! Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes gains 400 ATK! Dennis: I activate Reversal Dancer’s Pendulum Effect! Once during each turn, When an opposing monster gains ATK through a card’s effect, A monster on my Field will also gain ATK equal to that amount! Yuya: Then, I activate Miracle Mirrabbit’s effect! In exchange for this card not being able to attack, Another monster on my Field can attack a second time! Yuya: Odd-Eyes! Make a second attack! Yuya: Due to its effect, Trapeze High Magician won’t be destroyed, But you’ll still take damage! Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes will gain 400 ATK! Yuya: I’m not done yet! Using the effect of the Continuous Magic, Challenge Stairs, I can release Xiangsheng Magician in order to make a third attack! Kid: He did it! He smashed through the effect! Yuya: You’ll also receive damage! Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes will gain 400 ATK! Kid 1: Just a bit more! You can do it! Kid 2: You can do it! Yuya: With this, Trapeze High Magician’s effect is now finished. And there’s more! Yuya: Using Challenge Stairs’ effect, I can make a fourth attack! Dennis: How unfortunate! Even if you destroy my Trapeze High Magician, I’ll still have 200 Life left! You’ve lost! Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle! Dennis: What!? When did you…!? Yuya: A bit before going up here, I picked up the card you prevented me from taking. Dennis: But Miracle is a card that negates a monster’s destruction and halves the damage! How are you going to win with that? Yuya: Right! I’m going to activate this on Trapeze High Magician! Dennis: What!? Yuya: And you’ll take damage. Odd-Eyes also gains 400 ATK due to Hope Stairs’ effect! And since I couldn’t destroy the monster, Challenge Stairs’ effect activates! I release Sword Fish, and make a fifth attack! This is the finale of the show! I attack Trapeze High Magician with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst! Dennis: AAAAHHHHHH! Allen: He’s done it! Random Dude: That observatory… Our family went up there before. That’s right… It was the day I won a Duel tournament. Woman: You said this before. “I’ll entertain my family with my Dueling from now on.” Random Dude: Right. Random Kid: Hey! Teach me Entertainment Dueling! Yuya: Okay! Got it! He has conducted an entertaining Duel, So now, Dennis will teach you all about Entertainment Dueling! Dennis: Eh? Yuya: I’m counting on you, Dennis. Teach them the genuine Entertainment Dueling my father taught you! Dennis: Yuya! Okay! Let’s do this! Dennis: Thank you, Yuya. (Preview for Episode 145) Yuya: In order to save Yuzu… I have to bring back Reira’s smile with my Dueling! (Egao Count: 280+1=281) Kurosaki! Duel me right now! Captain Falcon: Both Ruri and Yuto are gone… The only thing I have left is Dueling… Yuya! Let’s settle this! Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: Unending Rebellion The fun has just begun!
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the-sayuri-rin · 8 years
Tomatoes Vs. Carrots the healthiest match in the world...your doctor approves!
Credit to :DMC3444
Last Time’s Egao Count: 279
Yuya: Reiji sent me to the Xyz Dimension. My next opponent is waiting there. I made a vow. I will save the world with my entertainment!
Yuya: Huh? That’s…!
Narrator: Action Duel was born from the realization of Solid Vision with mass. This kind of Duel is one where the Field, monsters, and Duelists become one, And send the audience into a storm of excitement.
(Opening Sequence)
Dennis: I’ve been waiting, Yuya.
Yuya: Dennis! Why are you here!?
Dennis: In order to fight you, obviously.
Yuya: Fight me? But this place is…
Dennis: You won’t find Kurosaki here.
Yuya: Huh?
Dennis: He’s gone! Right, guys?
Allen: Yeah! Shun went to the Fusion Dimension.
Allen: He heard about the Junior Youth Championship from some Akaba Reiji guy, But he said that he doesn’t care about it.
Sayaka: I’m sure Shun is looking for Ruri!
Yuya: Ruri!?
Yuya: I see… Kurosaki still doesn’t know about it…
Yuya: All right! I’ll go to the Fusion Dimension, then!
Dennis: Hold it!
Yuya: Huh?
Dennis: Are you running from your opponent?
Dennis: You want to make everyone smile, (Egao Count: 279+1=280) And yet, you’re fleeing from me, the student of the peerless Entertainment Duelist Sakaki Yusho?
Yuya: You were his student!? That’s why Dennis’s Dueling is…
Dennis: Well? Are you going to fight me now? If you want to go, you’ll have to beat me first! Looks like some spectators have arrived as well.
Yuya: Those kids are…
Dennis: Shall we begin, then? Of course, I’m not planning to lose, either!
Duel Disk: Field Magic, Cross Over.
Yuya: I’ll go first! Using the Scale-2 Entermate Gongcat and the Scale-8 Xiangsheng Magician, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-3 and 7! Swing, Pendulum of the Soul! Draw an arc of light across the ether! Pendulum Summon! Come forth! Level-7! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!
Kid: Amazing…
Yuya: I end my turn with this!
Dennis: It’s my turn! Draw! I summon Entermage Bubble Gardna from my hand!
Woman: What are you doing!? I said that you can’t watch people Dueling, didn’t I?
Woman: Come on! I know you’re good kids. Let’s go home.
Kid: No! The person who is Dueling is the guy from back then.
Kid: You said that his Duel is a true Duel, didn’t you?
Woman: Oh!
Dennis: On the turn an Entermage is summoned or Special Summoned, I can Special Summon Entermage Filmsy Slimmer from my hand!
Kid: Come on, Mom! It’s fine!
Woman: But…
Random Dude: Don’t let the kids watch the Duel! How many times do I have to tell you!?
Random Dude: Come! Don’t get involved with those people!
Dennis: Hahahahaha… You’re not going anywhere. Does this card catch your eye?
Random Dude: That card is…!
Dennis: Yup. Say, you want to be turned into card again? If you don’t like that, Stay put, and watch this Duel!
Yuya: What are you saying, Dennis!?
Dennis: I activate the Magic Card, Polymerization! I’m fusing Bubble Gardna and Filmsy Slimmer! Bubbly guardian! Merge with the escape artist who has never experienced predicaments! And become a new witch who dashes across the ether! Fusion Summon! Come forth! Level-7! Entermage Trapeze Force Witch!
Dennis: Then, I activate the Equip Magic, Antique Gear Mask, And equip it to Trapeze Force Witch!
Dennis: Battle! I attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with Trapeze Force Witch!
Dennis: Taste the power of my wicked Fusion Monster! Trapeze Force Witch’s Monster Effect activates! When an Entermage battles, the opposing monster loses 600 ATK!
Yuya: Action Magic!
Dennis: Not going to happen!
Dennis: When a monster equipped with Antique Gear Mask attacks, My opponent cannot activate Magic or Trap Card until the end of the Damage Step!
Dennis: And  when a monster equipped with Antique Gear Mask destroys a monster through battle,  the battle damage will be doubled!
Dennis: I end my turn! Now then, try and defeat me! I am an Academia student, after all!
Yuya: Dennis! Why are you doing this?
Edo: It’s all Academia’s fault.
Yuya: Edo!
Grace: Yuya~!
Edo: To the people who were turned into cards by Academia, We are nothing but a target for their hatred.
Edo: They reject us…No, they reject Dueling itself!
Yuya: But you guys are making up for your errors by rebuilding the city…
Edo: A person’s heart is different from a city.
Edo: They’re not going to forgive us just because everything is going back to normal. For the Academia has inflicted deep wounds upon their hearts.
Edo: If we can at least talk through Dueling, We can maybe find a solution…
Yuya: Don’t tell me… He…
Yuya: Then… It’s my turn!
Yuya: Using the Scales I’ve already set, I Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! From my hand, Entermate Miracle Mirrabbit!
Random Dude: N-No. I’ll be turned into a card again. No! I don’t want to be a card again…
Woman: It’s okay. You won’t ever be turned into a card again. So, calm down, and watch this in earnest.
Woman: Watch those kids’ Duel.
Yuya: Battle! I attack Trapeze Force Witch with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!
Dennis: You know that your attack won’t work against my wicked Fusion Monster, don’t you? Because of Trapeze Force Witch’s effect, the opposing monster will lose 600 ATK!
Yuya: Then, I’ll activate Miracle Mirrabbit’s Monster Effect! The target for the ATK modification will be switched to this card!
Dennis: A half-baked trick like that won’t work, either!
Dennis: If a monster is equipped with Antique Gear Mask, Once per turn, it cannot be destroyed by battle or effect!
Yuya: But you’ll still take damage!
Yuya: When Odd-Eyes battles a Level-5 or above monster, The damage will be doubled! Reaction Force!
Dennis: Tch! How dare you…
Yuya: Come on! It’s just a scratch!
Dennis: But you won’t be able to overcome my dark powers with pathetic tricks like that!
Yuya: Oh, the real show is just getting started.
Dennis: What!?
Yuya: That’s right! Its title is… Mirror Magic Show! First off is Miracle Mirrabbit’s entry!
Yuya: Huh? Hey! We’re in the middle of a Duel!
Yuya: Now then, Odd-Eyes’s image will be reflected in Miracle Mirrabbit’s mirror!
Yuya: What!? In exchange for Mirror Mirrabbit not being able to attack, Another monster will be able to attack twice!
Yuya: Now, since Odd-Eyes have received Miracle Mirrabbit’s power, It can conduct a second battle! Attack Trapeze Force Witch!
Dennis: No matter what you do, nothing will change! Due to Trapeze Force Witch’s effect, it will lose 600 ATK!
Yuya: Then, Miracle Mirrabbit’s other effect! This card’s ATK will be modified instead! I’ll double the damage with Reaction Force!
(ZETSUBOU commercial. Brb)
Yuya: Did you all enjoy the Mirror Magic Entertainment Show? Then, I shall now end my turn. Up next is the best Entertainment Duelist of the Fusion Dimension! Dennis Macfield, who has crossed dimensions to deliver a thrilling entertainment show to everyone!
Dennis: What nonsense are you spouting!?
Yuya: Reveal it! Your true self, Dennis!
Dennis: You’ve seen through everything, huh? Then, I have no choice. IT’S SHOW TIME!
Dennis: It’s my turn! Using the Scale-2 Entermage Reversal Dancer and the Scale-6 Entermage Fire Dancer, I set the Pendulum Scales! With this, I can simultaneously summon monsters between Level-3 and 5! Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Level-4! Entermage Bubble Gardna! Level-4! Entermage Filmsy Slimmer! I overlay the Level-4 Bubble Gardna and Filmsy Slimmer together! 
Dennis: It’s  time for the entrance of my show’s indispensable magician! The show must go on! Magician of the ether! Swing across the stage with splendor! Xyz Summon! Come on out! Rank-4! Entermage Trapeze Magician!
Random Kid 1: Beautiful…
Random Kid 2: Amazing!
Dennis: The best is yet to come! I detach one of Trapeze Magician’s Overlay Units and activate his effect! Now you get to enjoy his acrobat show two times in a row! The first battle! Attack Miracle Mirrabbit!
Yuya: Action Magic, Evasion! It negates a monster’s attack!
Dennis: Yuya! Because you avoided my attack, My victory is now guaranteed!
Yuya: No! Nothing is set in stone yet!
Dennis: I’ll win. I’ll go for Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon with my second attack!
Yuya: Huh? Odd-Eyes?
Grace: But their ATKs are the same…
Gloria: What is he trying to do?
Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle! The monster won’t be destroyed, and the damage is halved!
Dennis: At this moment, I activate the Quick-Play Magic in my hand: Rank-Up-Magic Magical Force! It can Special Summon a monster that was destroyed in battle, with its effects negated! Using this card and that monster as materials, I can Xyz Summon a Spellcaster-Type monster that is one Rank higher!
Yuya: What!?
Dennis: The show must go on! Magician of the ether! Swing across a grander stage, With even more splendor and magnificence than before!  Rank-Up Xyz Change! Come forth! Rank-5! Entermage Trapeze High Magician!
Allen: Oh! A Rank-Up Magic! Awesome!
Dennis: I detach one of Trapeze High Magician’s Overlay Units, And activate its Monster Effect. Due to this, Trapeze High Magician can now attack three times this turn!
Kid: Amazing! It can attack three times!
Gloria: If this goes through, the match will be settled.
Grace: You’re sure about that? Yuya can just deflect it with an Action Card!
Kid: Ken-chan, they’re dangerous! Stop it!
Gloria: Do you like Dueling? You’ll have a better view if you’re in front.
Dennis: Let’s see if you can keep up with Trapeze High Magician’s high-speed acrobatic attacks! Attack Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!
Yuya: Damn! AAAH!
Dennis: Attack Miracle Mirrabbit!
Dennis: This is it. I attack directly with Trapeze High Magician!
Yuya: I activate Entermate Gongcat’s Pendulum Effect! When there’s no monster on my Field, The battle damage will become zero!
Allen: All right! He’s managed to survive!
Dennis: I end my turn. Well? It was even more exciting than you expected, wasn’t it?
Yuya: No. There’s still more to come! The fun has just begun! It’s my turn! Using the Scales I’ve already set, I can revive my monsters! Pendulum Summon! Be revived from the Extra Deck! Level-7! Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Level-4! Entermate Miracle Mirrabbit! I Normal Summon Entermate Sword Fish!
Yuya: I activate Sword Fish’s Monster Effect! Until the End Phase, An opposing monster will lose 600 ATK!
Grace: Dennis has no set card and his hand is empty!
Gloria: Looks like Yuya’s going to win.
Dennis: It will be a disservice to the spectators if this show ends with an anticlimax! I detach one of Trapeze High Magician’s Overlay Units, And activate its Monster Effect! Due to this, Trapeze High Magician won’t be destroyed by battle or effect for up to three times during this turn!
Dennis: All right! Can you get all the way up here?
Gloria: Impressive. With that effect, it won’t be destroyed for three times. And Yuya only has 100 Life left.
Grace: In order to get through that effect, He needs a monster with ATK higher than Trapeze High Magician’s. But how many does he need? Odd-Eyes alone won’t be enough.
Yuya: Ladies and gentlemen! It’s finally time for the climax! Watch this, everyone! The glory of victory awaits me on the summit of the tower! I’ll prepare something, so that Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon can take me up there! From my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Challenge Stairs! When I attack an opposing monster and it is not destroyed, By releasing a card on my Field, I can attack one more time!
Yuya: Then, from my hand, I activate the Continuous Magic, Hope Stairs! Due to this, a monster that has battled with an opposing monster will gain 400 ATK until the Standby Phase of the next turn!
Reiji: By using Xiangsheng Magician’s Pendulum Effect, He can make Sword Fish Level-4, And use it and Miracle Mirrabbit as materials, In order to call forth Dark Rebellion.
Yuya: Well then! Battle!
Yuya: Let’s go, Odd-Eyes!
Yuya: I attack Trapeze High Magician with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon!
Dennis: Due to Trapeze High Magician’s effect, it won’t be destroyed by battle.
Yuya: Even if its destruction is negated, you’ll still take damage!
Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes gains 400 ATK!
Dennis: I activate Reversal Dancer’s Pendulum Effect! Once during each turn, When an opposing monster gains ATK through a card’s effect, A monster on my Field will also gain ATK equal to that amount!
Yuya: Then, I activate Miracle Mirrabbit’s effect! In exchange for this card not being able to attack, Another monster on my Field can attack a second time!
Yuya: Odd-Eyes! Make a second attack!
Yuya: Due to its effect, Trapeze High Magician won’t be destroyed, But you’ll still take damage!
Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes will gain 400 ATK!
Yuya: I’m not done yet! Using the effect of the Continuous Magic, Challenge Stairs, I can release Xiangsheng Magician in order to make a third attack!
Kid: He did it! He smashed through the effect!
Yuya: You’ll also receive damage!
Yuya: Due to Hope Stairs’ effect, Odd-Eyes will gain 400 ATK!
Kid 1: Just a bit more! You can do it!
Kid 2: You can do it!
Yuya: With this, Trapeze High Magician’s effect is now finished. And there’s more!
Yuya: Using Challenge Stairs’ effect, I can make a fourth attack!
Dennis: How unfortunate! Even if you destroy my Trapeze High Magician, I’ll still have 200 Life left! You’ve lost!
Yuya: Action Magic, Miracle!
Dennis: What!? When did you…!?
Yuya: A bit before going up here, I picked up the card you prevented me from taking.
Dennis: But Miracle is a card that negates a monster’s destruction and halves the damage! How are you going to win with that?
Yuya: Right! I’m going to activate this on Trapeze High Magician!
Dennis: What!?
Yuya: And you’ll take damage. Odd-Eyes also gains 400 ATK due to Hope Stairs’ effect! And since I couldn’t destroy the monster, Challenge Stairs’ effect activates! I release Sword Fish, and make a fifth attack! This is the finale of the show! I attack Trapeze High Magician with Odd-Eyes Pendulum Dragon! Spiral Strike Burst!
Allen: He’s done it!
Random Dude: That observatory… Our family went up there before. That’s right… It was the day I won a Duel tournament.
Woman: You said this before. “I’ll entertain my family with my Dueling from now on.”
Random Dude: Right.
Random Kid: Hey! Teach me Entertainment Dueling!
Yuya: Okay! Got it! He has conducted an entertaining Duel, So now, Dennis will teach you all about Entertainment Dueling!
Dennis: Eh?
Yuya: I’m counting on you, Dennis. Teach them the genuine Entertainment Dueling my father taught you!
Dennis: Yuya! Okay! Let’s do this!
Dennis: Thank you, Yuya.
(Preview for Episode 145)
Yuya: In order to save Yuzu… I have to bring back Reira’s smile with my Dueling! (Egao Count: 280+1=281) Kurosaki! Duel me right now!
Captain Falcon: Both Ruri and Yuto are gone… The only thing I have left is Dueling… Yuya! Let’s settle this!
Yuya: Next time on Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V: Unending Rebellion The fun has just begun!
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