#can you see kim’s eyes soften? bro i melted
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slurmpinheimer · 3 months ago
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And that is the story of how Harry learned he cannot *Out-Kim* The One and Only Kim Kitsuragi
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redgrapetae · 8 years ago
since you write for pairings i wondered if you could do a yoonmin soulmate au? thank you!
thank you for requesting!! hope you like it!
Title: I Just Want To See The Light ( & I Do When I’m With You)
No. of words: 2k+
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SoulmateAU where when you first meet your soulmate, you can see colours +their first words will be imprinted on your skin. but like, an editedversion of it (will explain in story).
He’slike saltier than McDonald’s french fries, and saltier than Jungkookwhen he loses in a game.
Allhis friends around him had already met their soulmate, and wereforever going on about the beauty of colours. Jimin was happy forthem, of course he was, they were, after all, his friends. But healso couldn’t deny he was just a teeny bit jealous. And curious.Well, really curious actually.
Mostof his friends had met their soulmates slightly before or right atthe age of 17, but here Jimin was, at 19, with still nothing.Or, the correct word would be, nobody. Taehyung, one of hisclosest friends, had recently met Jungkook (his soulmate). Andalthough Taehyung did meet Jungkook at 19 (Jimin’s age), itwas understandable since Jungkook had just hit 17 when they met.
Itwas like a thing, where when you reach a certain age, you justseem to gravitate more towards where your soulmate would be, and youjust find them.
Like…like magic.
ButJimin was sure his soulmate was older. He could feel it. Itwas another one of those soulmate things, and the fact that hissoulmate was most possibly older, meant that it wasn’t quiteunderstandable that Jimin hadn’t met him yet. He knew of some caseswhere people never met their soulmates at all, and Jimin would neverwant that to happen to him. He was too much of a romantic, after all.
Itwas a strange concept, the whole soulmate thing. You could know theperson your whole life, but would never know whether he or she isyour soulmate until you reach 17. You don’t just see colourswhen you meet your soulmate. It’s when they speak their first words,and just as those words ink themselves onto your skin, you start tosee colour.
Ifyour soulmate was older than you, and you haven’t reached The Ageyet, your first words to them would appear on their skin, and they’dbe able to see colours. But for you, their first words won’t appearuntil you turn 17, and only then will everything come to light.Literally. This very much happened in Jungkook’s and Taehyung’s case.
“C'monJimin!” Taehyung passes him a grin as he pulls out what he calls a‘red’ tshirt. Jimin wouldn’t know, all he saw was black and white.“It’ll be fine! It’s like… being a late bloomer, ya know?”. AsTaehyung slides the shirt smoothly off the hanger, Jimin’s eyesinstinctively snaps to the small black words written across his paleskin. It said ’You’rean idiot, but I love you, Kim Taehyung,’.It was possibly one of the things Jimin would have neverexpectedto come out of Jungkook’s mouth. (That kid was hard as rock butseemed to turn into jelly with Taehyung.)
SinceTaehyung and Jungkook had been best friends before either of themturned 17, they were already affectionate to each other, hence,Taehyung’s tattoo. Jimin hoped to have something as sweet as that onhis wrist… hethinks.
“Lasttime I recalled, being a late bloomer isn’t exactly a good thing,”Jimin sniffles bitterly, pulling on the red shirt before reaching fora pair of pants. “Don’t. Take that,” Taehyung warned, “That’sorange.It clashes horribly with red,”.
Jiminretracts his hand quickly, before making a face. “Thanks,” Hemutters before taking the 'black’ – Taehyung said – pants fromhis best friend. “By the way, I’m going over to Jungkook’s laterfor a party. Wanna come?”.
Shruggingon a leather jacket, Jimin ruffles his hair. “Nah, I’ve got a shiftas pizza delivery boy later,”. Taehyung gives a simple nod, beforeholding out his fist. Jimin grins when he sees it, then bumps his ownagainst the blonde’s. Theypull away, mimicking an explosion with their fingers.
“Nice,”Taehyung chuckles, finger– gunningJimin as he does so. “See you later, amigo,”He shuts the door behind him and Jimin gives a dismissive wave.
Hechecks the watch on his wrist. 3:00. He had a few hours before work,might as well hang out with Hoseok. Fishing his phone out of hispocket, Jimin dials the number.
Jiminmet up with Hoseok at the nearby coffee shop. It was going finereally, Hoseok was still as bright as the sun as he rambled on aboutthe new gig he had (he was a performer, dancer to be exact) whileJimin listened. Jimin was always known for being a good listeneranyways. Sometimes he thinks that’s why all his friends stuck around.
Butthen there’s the familiar chime of the bells hanging on the doorhandles and Jimin turns to look. Which is ridiculous becausenormally, he wouldn’t have cared. But it was on instinct, like howyou automatically turn to look at someone who just walked in late toclass. Not that you were judging, but their movement was sudden, andit attracted you.
Exceptthis wasn’t sudden. It was normal. And yet, Jimin turned to look. Hefound himself enraptured as a black (well of course) haired walkedthrough those doors, hands shoved deep inside his matching blackskinny jeans. The guy seemed to have a permernant pout stuck on hisface but for some reason, Jimin found it cute.
Hiseyes ran up and down the guy shamelessly, and he found his heartbeatstart to pick up. But… why? Could it be…
“Jimin!”Hoseok snapped his fingers in front of Jimin’s face, and the youngerjolts in his seat. He looks up to see Hoseok’s eyebrows knittedtightly together in concern as he stares Jimin straight in the eyes.“Are you okay? You were really spaced out there,”.
Jiminlets out an incoherent 'yeah, i’m good,’ before pushing his chairback and standing up. “Look, I gotta go for awhile,” Jimin barelyspares a glance at Hoseok as he says this. It’s like he had tobe near that guy. Something in his gut was telling him that,screaming at him to 'move closer’.
Tappingon the man’s shoulder, Jimin was about to part his lips to speak whenthe man turned around abruptly, several cups of coffee in hand.Unfortunately, Jimin was standing a little too close, and thecups knocked onto his chest before promptly spilling down onto thefloor and staining both their shirts.
Jimin’seyes widened at the sight (and he was glad that the coffee waslukewarm instead of scorching hot) and he felt himself turn red. Theman’s eyes pierced straight to his, and Jimin’s breath hitched. Hecouldn’t even speak, not with that gaze on him. He wanted toapologize, wanted to buy the man another drink, but he couldn’t. Hewas frozen to his spot.
Theman’s eyes softened for just a second as he looked at Jimin, buthardened soon enough. He didn’t even talk. Not even to tell Jiminoff. Instead, a low growl tumbled past his lips and he shoved pastthe younger with a dirty look.
It’sonly when Jimin hears the 'tink!’ of the bells start to fade does hemove. The cashier is staring at him, and not in a nice way. Hegives a smile that he hopes is apologetic before bending down tocollect the fallen cups. Hoseok is beside him in record time, helpingJimin and passing him multiple tissues before the cleaner comes andshooes the both of them away.
“Whatwas that?” Hoseok exclaims as Jimin washes his hands in the sink.The smell of coffee is strong, and everywhere. “I don’t know,”Jimin swallows. All he can remember is sharp orbs as they staredright into his.
“You!”Jimin screeches into the phone, and one of his co workers halts togive him a look. He sends her a charming smile, and she blinks,almost confused before walking away. It works everytime. “That’snot how you speak to a customer,” The voice on the other line says.
“You’reno customer,” Jimin sniffles. He looks left and right, making surehis manager was nowhere near before continuing, “Fine. Whaddyawant?”.
“Theones we usually buy, but like 5 boxes of those. All large,”Taehyung replies. Jimin doesn’t have to jot it down to remember.“Yeah? For the party?”. “That’s right,” Jimin can almost seeTaehyung nodding on the other end, “By the way, there’s thiscute rapper here to perform for it. I think you might like him, likeas a friend or whatever,”.
Jiminthinks back of the man he saw at the coffee shop. Definitely lookedlike a rapper now that he thought about it. He shook his head, no,too vague.
“Pizzasare on the way,” Jimin says, ignoring Taehyung’s earlier statement.
“Thanksbro,” Taehyung hangs up the call. Jimin quickly relays the messageto the kitchen, before going about answering more calls. It’s whenthe multiple pizza orders have been made does Jimin put on hishelmet, and climb onto his motorcycle. Well… more like the shop’sone, so that he could make the deliveries.
Hedecides to go to Taehyung’s first. Anyways, Taehyung was their firstorder. Jimin gets there quickly, loving the feeling of wind againsthis skin and the thrill of exhilaration as he zooms and maneuveringbetween crowds. He reaches there in about ten minutes. Taking off hishelmet, Jimin ruffles his hair before running fingers through it inan attempt to try and tame it.
Heknocks twice. Something in his heart sinks when he hears whoops ofjoy and music blasting from behind that door, and he wishes he couldhave spent some time with his best friend too. Jimin doesn’t get longto lament when the front door clicks open, and the first thing Jiminsees is a tuft of hair.
Very,familiar hairstyleactually.
Itwas the same guy from the coffee shop. Instantly, Jimin can feel awarm blush spread across his cheeks.
“Areyou the pizza guy?” He asks, eyebrows arches, eyes flashing as herecognizes Jimin’s face.
Ina fluster and slight captivation, Jimin blurts, “I’m yourpizza guy,”.
Asthe last words leave his lips, Jimin feels a sudden sting on hiswrist and his head spins as colour seems to slowly sink and melt intohis world. The only thing he can seem to see is the man in front ofhim. The man’s eyes widened too, and he’s blinking rapidly at Jimin.“Oh god,” Jimin hears himself stutter, “You’re mysoulmate?”.
Ittakes a while for the man to reply, but before he does, he snatchesthe boxes out of Jimin’s hands and places them on a table somewherein the house. He rushes back to Jimin right after. “You?” Theman’s lips are softly parted, “The guy who spilled coffee all overme this morning?”.
Jimin’sface flares. “Th – that’s me,”. He could feel his heartpounding hard and fast in his chest as he gazed at the man in frontof him. Black hair and beautiful dark brown eyes. Pale skin and pink,pretty lips. Like sure, theother colours around him were vibrant and so alive andyet Jimin could only focus on his soulmate. Oh god, Jiminfelt the sudden urge to kiss him.“I never got the chance tosay sorry,” Jimin clears his throat, before passing a small smile.
“It’sfine,” The man says, “I’m Min Yoongi,”. He holds out his hand,and Jimin takes in a staggering breath. “Park Jimin,” He takeshis hand. Something like an electric tingle travels up his hand, andJimin can’t seem to let go. Instead, he interlaces his fingers withYoongi. “Nice name,” Yoongi takes this in his stride, and whenJimin looks closely, there’s a soft tinge of pink on Yoongi’s cheeks.Cute.
“I– ah,” Damn, why did he make Jimin so breathless?He wasn’t even doing anything except standing there, “I have work,”He swallows.
“Ican see that,” Yoongi murmurs. Beautiful,is the one word that runs through and through Jimin’s head, and hedoesn’t know if it’s because he can see colours now or whether it wasbecause of the man standing in front of him. “I’ll see you?”Jimin asks, unsure, hesitant…
That’swhen Yoongi breaks out in a smile, and Jimin’s heart almost beatsit’s way out of his chest. He’d give anything to see that smileagain. Yoongi after all, did seem like the type who rarely smiled.“Not staying?” Yoongi’s voice is whisper – like, eyes coy.Jimin has work, he knows this, but he also knows they make exceptionswhen you first meet your soulmate.
“Ah,fuck it,” Jimin finds himself grinning, and then Yoongi pulls himforward with surprising strength. “C'mon then,” Yoongi’s handleaves his, but Jimin quickly catches it. There’s this thing aboutyour soulmate, where you feel like you have this strong,undescribable bond between each other even though you may have nevermet. Words couldn’t describe such an emotion.
“Myperformance is up soon. I’ll be uh, rapping.” Yoongi’s eyes dart tothe stage.  By the way, there’s this cute rapper here toperform for it. I think you might like him. “Ohyeah, sure,” Jimin nods.
Yoongigives him a smile again, but this time, a more gentle one, andJimin’s heart flutters at the softness of it all.
He’dhave to deal with his boss’s scolding later, right now… well, Jiminwouldn’t want to be anywhere else. Except here. With… MinYoongi.
Yoongistill sometimes blames Jimin for their cheesy but matching wristtattoos, like two halves of a heart only whole when put together, butJimin isn’t complaining. He knows Yoongi sort of, kind of likes ittoo.
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