#can you potty train on the toilet
supercantaloupe · 1 year
my roommate laying down house rules for the cat making it really seem like she expects him to be like a dog
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finnickodaiir · 5 months
Guys at my uni learn how to use the restroom without absolutely destroying challenge
Level impossible it seems
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gottasmoochemall · 2 years
You haven't really smelled poop until you've had to clean out a fire type's litter box. 🤢
Arceus protect me. Magmar you are lucky i love you so much
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omodance · 3 months
Why is un-potty training so hot to me??? Literally going out of your wait to train your body not to hold in your piss anymore, slowly having more and more accidents until you’re just constantly dribbling 🤤
I’m imagining a beginning bathroom routine starting out with 3 hours of rapid desperation directly after waking up in the morning, followed by a series of holds lasting the rest of the day. Of course one would also be required to drink a liter of water before going to bed.
It would get harder and harder to make it through the night without waking up due to pains in your bladder demanding attention as the continuous holds weaken your muscles.
Eventually, after you’ve woken them up in the middle of the night begging to pee one too many times, the bladder dom would deign that all these holds before bed have been putting too much of a strain on your bladder. Obviously the answer is to make sure your bladder is nice and empty before bed, right? 3 hours of rapid desperation before bed is added to your routines, in combination with your 3 hours upon waking.
This change is what causes you to wet the bed for the first time. You woke up to pangs in your bladder as usual, but this time something is different. A faint hissing between your legs and the warm, comforting sensation pooling under your bottom alert you to wake up your bladder dom to inform them of your accident.
They just smile understandingly and pull you into a big hug. “It’s alright love, really. I should have known that you just can’t make it through the night anymore.”
And suddenly, you’re allowed to go as much as you want! In fact, you’re required to pee at least once every hour (except for night time where you still do rapid desperation before bed) And your bed is fitted with thick plastic covers to prevent mess, and your dom happily cleans up your now daily bed puddles.
This part is a little more niche, but at this point in the process I would love if the dom in this fantasy began daily sounding sessions, right after waking up. Loosining and opening your urethra up every morning after having tried (and failed) to hold your bladder during the night. By now you’re wetting at least twice every night anyways, and you’re so used to staying hydrated that you usually drink at least two glasses of water by the time morning comes. Just enough to ensure there’s still a bit of piss begging to come out after more hours than usual of waiting for release.
So they’d open you right up, a heavy hand pressing on your bladder as they coax all the piss out through your practically useless and permanently relaxing peehole. Maybe they even sneaks some sort if numbing solution on the sound to ensure that those muscles are never strong enough to hold back your pee again
Its not long after this new addition to this routine that you stop being able to make it to the bathroom every hour. In fact, it feels like your underwear is almost always soaked with dribbling leaks while you wait for each hour to pass - not because you have to, you can pee as much as you want- but because the feeling of truly losing control is finally setting in. Having multiple accidents a night is one thing, but not even being able to make it an hour or even 30 minutes without leaking piss is embarrassing!!!
Your dom notices you as you start potty dancing between frequent bathroom breaks, tutting as the wet spot grows between your legs. They follow you into the bathroom one day and wordlessly pull out some pull-ups that you had no idea were even around and silently slips them on you as you pee.
It isn’t long before you lose the inhibitions that have been holding you back and give in the the convenience of being able to dribble pee as often as you want ❤️ your once daily sounding turns to two. As you begin just using your pull ups constantly instead of the toilet, they are eventually replaced by super absorbent diapers. You probably couldn’t even hold your pee if you tried
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amsznn · 3 months
can you do one with dad matt?
him and the reader have a potty training toddler who walks around with a naked bottom half for easier access to the potty 😭 .
the kid has to tell the reader or matt when they need to use the potty so they can take them and theres a lot of accidents and stuff and its really cute
ACCIDENTS - m. sturniolo
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it was a regular sunday evening for you and matt. at least, it’s your regular. typically if it was two years ago you and matt would be cuddled up on his bed enjoying the sweet silence and each other’s company.
well those times have changed. especially with your new edition to your family. your baby girl, aria, brought a whole new world to you and matt’s life. bringing joy and sometimes destruction.
and as of right now? she’s bringing destruction.
all you were trying to do was relax a bit on the couch. no matter what anyone says, parenting was not easy. especially not chasing around a toddler that refuses to use the bathroom.
“aria, baby, i need you to go potty.” you try and plead with the stubborn two year old. but she only pouts and turns her back on you letting out a stern, “no!” before running off again.
you heavily sighed before walking towards your daughter. swiftly picking her up, you removed the diapers that were on her. she needed to learn how to use the bathroom on her own eventually. you set your baby down, now bottomless, watching as she ran towards her dads room.
aria bursted into matt’s room as you followed behind, plopping down on the bed. “dada!” your girl’s sweet voice rang through the room before she collided with matt’s leg as he was seated on his desk chair.
“hey my beautiful girl, where are your diapers?” matt questioned softly before holding her up by her armpits. aria only pointed at you that was nearly passed put on the bed from exhaustion.
“she didn’t wanna potty.” was all you mumbled before dozing off. matt could only chuckle but somewhat felt bad since youve been battling with the girl to potty on her own for weeks now.
matt rose up from his seat and carried his daughter to the bathroom before stopping infront of her potty that was next to the big toilet. he sat her down and she only looked at him in confusion.
“sweetheart, if you go potty ill give you ice cream, okay?” maybe bribery wasnt the best parenting technique, but hey, you seemed desperate and worn out so if this could work maybe it could help you. at least thats what matt thought.
“okay, dada!”
matt smiled and nodded before walking out towards the door, making sure to leave it open just in case. “i’ll be right here sweetheart.”
a couple of minutes had passed before matt heard aria yell out, “done!” matt smiled to himself before yelling back. “did you wipe?” the girl answered back with a yes and matt walked into the bathroom.
lets just say..
she did go potty,
she just missed.
the potty.
after cleaning up both the bathroom and his daughter, matt made sure to put a diaper back on aria to avoid the same outcome. by the time he was done you had already woken up to see both your husband and your daughter eating ice cream on the kitchen island.
“guess what?” matt said as he saw your figure emerged from the room. “i went potty, mommy!” your baby proudly said with a mouth filled with ice cream. you couldn’t help but smile and give her a bunch of kisses on her chubby cheeks that you loved.
you also gave matt a bunch of kisses as well as one on his lips, as a thank you.
“i can’t believe you did it.” you said in disbelief as you also grabbed a bowl for ice cream.
“yeah well, there were some accidents.” both your husband and your daughter started giggling like a secret was shared but just for the two of them. you only shrugged, just happy about this milestone.
a/n: ugh this was so cute chat i love dad matt
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Accident II
Pernille Harder x Child!Reader
Fridolina Rolfö + Ingrid Engen x Hardersson!Reader
Part of The Big Adventures Universe
Summary: Potty training at Wolfsburg
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“This,” Moster Frido says to you,” Is a potty.”
You blink at her, sitting on the floor of the Wolfsburg break room. You go back to playing with your toys.
“Hey! This is important!” Frido says, trying to draw your attention back but you keep ignoring her.
“She’s not stupid,” Pernille laughs from the sofa,” She knows what the potty is. She has one at home.”
“Well, now she’s got one here too.” She whistles like you’re a dog but you still don’t give her the time of day, instead standing up and wandering over to where Ingrid is on the phone with her mother.
You pull on her shorts and she hefts you up onto her hip without question.
“I thought you were trying to potty train her,” Frido complains,” You can’t do it just at home, you know.”
Pernille rolls her eyes. “One step at a time, Frido. It might freak her out a little to do it here. We’re taking it at her pace.”
Frido huffs but drops her questioning as you play with the ends of Ingrid’s hair. Your girl-swan hangs in your other hand and you swing it around as Ingrid talks.
Your potty training has been slow going. Sometimes you just refuse to cooperate even when Pernille swaps your nappies for pullups. You just don’t want to use the potty sometimes.
But she can see you start wriggling in Ingrid’s arms and she knows if you were standing then you’d be doing your potty dance. She sighs, standing up and grabbing the potty Frido had bought for you.
“Princesse,” She calls and you turn your head to look at her (much to Frido’s annoyance),” Do you need to use the potty?”
You think for a moment. “No, Momma.”
“I think you do.”
Pernille sighs and Ingrid instantly offers you to her. You whine when you’re transferred to Pernille, reaching to grab onto Ingrid, who you know won’t force you to use the potty.
You don’t like using the potty at training. You don’t know why but you just don’t. You don’t really like using it at home either but Momma told you all big girls use the potty and you really want to be a big girl in time for Morsa's next visit even though you’re still little and everyone is taller than you.
Momma takes you into the toilets and sets your potty down in there. You feel better now that you don't have to go potty in front of moster Frido and Ingrid. Thinking about going potty in front of them makes you shy and makes your tummy go all wavy.
You don’t like the potty much at all but you like it better when there’s no one but Momma helping you go.
You still don’t like it though.
It becomes a bit of a joke around the Wolfsburg girls in the following weeks. Your refusal to use the potty unless Pernille makes you is a bit funny.
Whenever she asks, you gain the biggest pout and you whine and try to fight it until she plucks you from where you’re sitting and takes you to the toilets. She tries to set you on a proper toilet a few times but you’re still very little and you cry because it feels like you’re about to fall in.
Momma never tries that again.
But she does keep insisting on the potty whenever she can. Sometimes you can get away with it but as soon as she notices your potty dance, it’s straight to the potty with little fanfare.
You think you can get away with it today.
Momma’s in interviews all day so you’re sitting in the break room with Frido and Ingrid. Ingrid’s nice, you decide. She’s not Swedish like your moster and Morsa and she’s not Danish like Momma is. She’s Norwegian which is near Sweden and Denmark, she tells you, so she speaks Norwegian which is kind of similar to your other languages so when she speaks it, you can still kind of understand what she’s saying.
Ingrid’s nice though or, she was until she notices your potty dance.
“Do you need to go to the toilet, y/n?” She asks sweetly and you freeze where you’re sitting playing with your toys.
You shake your head.
“Are you sure?”
You nod.
“Okay, then.”
For some reason, Momma’s put you in big girl underwear today. She doesn’t usually but she has today and that’s a little weird but Momma says you’re growing up now and you assume wearing big girl underwear is part of that.
Ingrid doesn’t mention the potty again even though you keep wiggling around as you do your potty dance. She just lets you keep playing.
Moster Frido is the one that mentions it though.
She sees your potty dance too.
“Are you definitely sure you don’t need the potty?” She asks you and you shake your head again.
“No potty, moster,” You say even though your wiggling is getting more and more aggressive. You don’t want to use the potty at training. Potties are only for at home, you decide.
“Okay,” She says. She stands and your eyes follow her to the sink. She turns on the tap, leaning against the counter.
The water pours into the sink and moster Frido looks at you.
You look away but the running water makes your potty dance worse. You’re not wearing a nappy or a pull up and you don’t want Momma to get mad at you for having an accident in your big girl underwear.
Ingrid crouches in front of you and you look at her with wide eyes. She’s got a packet of your favourite mini skildpadder. Momma says you’re two little for sweeties but Momma's Momma came over from Denmark to visit and she bought those for you. You love them so Momma usually packs a few in your training bag for when you’ve been very good.
“It looks like you really need the potty,” She tells you, drawing the skildpadder away from you when you try to reach for it,” Why don’t you let Frido take you to the toilet, you go to the potty and you can have this when you get back?”
You think for a moment, trying to reach for it again but Ingrid keeps it from your grasp and your potty dance gets even worse.
“Do you need the potty?” Frido asks sweetly and your cheeks puff out in annoyance.
“Ja, moster.”
She grins at you. “Perfect.” She scoops you up and hurriedly walks you to the toilets where she puts down your potty and helps you pull down your special Wolfsburg shorts.
You are happy that she doesn’t watch you go, turning around to face the door and make sure no one else comes in.
She helps you get properly dressed again and walks you back to the break room. “I’m very proud of you,” She praises as she walks back,” You’re such a big girl now.”
You feel a little shy at that, feeling all mushy and warm that Frido thinks you’re a big girl. When you really miss Morsa, when she’s away with her blue team in London, you like to be with moster Frido. She’s not Morsa but she kind of is sometimes. Not in the ways that Morsa is your Morsa but you can close your eyes and have Frido talk to you in Swedish and it’s kind of like having Morsa with you.
“All good?” Ingrid asks as you both come back in and Frido nods.
Ingrid passes you your skildpadder and you tear into it until it’s all gone. That makes you a little sad but Ingrid and Frido join you on the floor with your toys and you feel better again.
“How about this,” Ingrid says as she plays,” For every time you use the potty at training, you can have a skildpadder? Does that sound good?”
It does sound good. You don’t get to eat them often but you know if Ingrid makes a convincing argument then Momma can’t do anything about it. You tell Ingrid as such and she and Frido both laugh.
“So it’s a deal then, is it, little monster?” Frido asks and you nod.
“You have to shake on a deal.” She offers you her hand and you shake it eagerly.
You think for a moment. “Potty again, please?”
Ingrid and Frido both laugh.
“Maybe wait until you actually need it again. The skildpadder aren’t going anywhere.”
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straykidsftw · 9 days
Daddy Daycare | dad!bang chan
genre: fluff
summary: chan looking after his kids for the first time as 4
ages: joey = 8 / leo & dan = 6 / jemima = 2 months
warnings: none (purposeful use of lower case cause i cant be bothered with capitalisation anymore)
“are you sure you’re going to be okay?” you asked, cupping chan’s face in your hand, his sleepy eyes blinking back at you; the time on the clock too early for him to properly register the words you were saying.
you were leaving for a weekend away with the other skz wives, all flying over to jeju island, as paid for by your husbands. and that meant leaving early to make it to the airport (so you could make the most of your time).
chan swatted your hand away, making a ‘pshh’ noise, “it’s fine, y/n. i’ve been a dad for 6 years, i think i know what it takes.”
“yes but you’ve never looked after four kids, chan. i’m telling you, it’s a level up,” you pleaded with him.
chan rubbed his eyes before getting out of bed, placing his hands on your shoulders and walking you to the door of your shared bedroom. “y/n, please. i know what i’m signing up for, i know our kids. now go, have fun, and stop worrying.”
you smiled, turning round and hooking your arms around his neck, chan’s hands holding onto your waist firmly as you pressed a kiss to his lips.
“okay, go,” he mumbled into the kiss, “you’re gonna be late.”
“okay,” you smiled, getting your bag and beginning to walk down the stairs, waving to chan as you went, “bye kids!”
the kids, who chan hadn’t known were awake, all responded with choruses of goodbyes from their respective rooms, chan’s eyes widening at all four of his kids being awake at 5:30.
“oh god,” he grumbled, hearing jemima’s cries start up as the front door slammed behind you.
he walked into the nursery, now forever jemima’s room, to see his little girl stood up in her crib, gripping at the bars and bouncing up and down slightly, laughing happily now that she’d gained someone’s attention.
“hello princess!” chan cooed, running over and pulling her out of the crib, cradling her in his arms, pressing kisses all over her face, “oh my little girl, how did you sleep? hmm?! hmm?!”
jemima’s screaming laughter bounced off the walls, chan chuckling alongside her as he got her out of her pyjamas and put her on the potty. potty training was almost done, but jemima still had to be put on the toilet routinely, in case she forgot to ask.
“good morning dad!” joey yelled, chan barely seeing a flash as he ran out of his room and down the stairs.
“woah! woah! woah!” chan called after him, trying to keep an eye on jemima at the same time. he could hear banging and crashing happening downstairs, wincing every time another loud noise echoed.
“i done daddy!” jemima smiled up at him, chan grinning and bringing her off the potty, cleaning her up and putting her in a fresh set of clothes, before carrying her downstairs. “i don’t need carry, daddy! i walk!”
“okay, okay,” chan laughed, placing her on the ground, jemima immediately starting to run to her older brother, who was still zipping around the kitchen. “woah, woah. joey, bud, please. what’s happening?”
“i’m making something!” joey exclaimed, gathering bits from all over the kitchen up into his arms before beginning to make his way back upstairs, chan catching him before he could.
“hey, hey. i could really do with your help today, buddy. do you think you could continue this project at the dinner table? then we can both keep an eye on your sister as i make breakfast, hmm?”
joey smiled with the big brother responsibilities, nodding firmly, “i just– i– i need a few bits from upstairs, okay?! i’m coming back!”
“okay,” chan laughed, peering into the living room to find jemima perched happily on the sofa, her mop of curls a mess atop her head. “mima, do you want some milk?”
jemima looked at him and nodded with sharp motions of her head. chan smiled, nodding back before heading to the kitchen to prepare some formula in a bottle. as he stood against the counter, stirring the bottle sleepily, he suddenly felt a rush of air as someone ran past him again.
“joey!” chan stopped, looking at his twins running round the back garden. “huh, not joey.”
“i’m here dad!” joey exclaimed, his grin displaying a couple of lost teeth, as he sat at the dining table and continued his arts and crafts project.
“yo! leo! dan! come here,” chan called, standing at the back door, “what’s happening here?”
“we’re pirates, dad!” leo yelled, shoving his pretend sword up at his dad, “argh!”
chan played along, pretending to be afraid as he backed off, going back to jemima’s formula. the little girl in question now stood by the dining table, watching her brother in curiosity.
“do you want to sit in your high chair, mima?” chan asked, beckoning the little girl over as he put her milk on the tray. he lifted her up with a fun noise, sitting her in there as she happily drank her milk and watched her brother. “what do you guys want for breakfast this morning?”
chan was mindlessly asking as he looked through the fridge at all the banchan and regular ingredients stacked up. he gasped, “wow, mum left us some beef from last night! and some kimchi jeon, do you guys want that with some banchan?”
joey nodded, jemima staring at her dad with an amused look. chan pulled a face so she started giggling, her feet swinging back and forth.
“joey what this?” she asked, her attention going back to her older brother.
“its for mummy,” he smiled, whispering the words as he glanced to his dad, chan too pre-occupied with cooking to hear him, “she’s away for two days so i’m making her a sign for when she gets back.”
“mummy gone?!” jemima exclaimed dramatically.
“hmm?” chan called, absentmindedly, “yeah mummy’s away for the weekend, mima. but we’re gonna have fun, aren’t we?! yay!”
“what are we doing today, dad?” joey asked, his colouring pencils scribbling against the page.
“um, i thought we could meet up jiyoung and haein today,” chan said, “me and your uncles have a little bit to do but we don’t have to go to the stud—”
“oh please can we go to the studio?!” joey begged, looking up at his dad with a pleading look in his eye.
chan laughed, shocked, “yeah, of course we can, bud! wasn’t expecting you to want to, but of course!”
“just more to do there, you know,” joey shrugged.
chan nodded, “yeah, i’m sorry you don’t have any cousins your age, joe.”
“it’s okay,” he hummed, “it’ll be fun when we’re older.”
chan smiled at his son’s maturity, plating up the food, “yeah, it will. and at least you know they all look up to you, right?”
joey smiled bashfully, not looking up from his work. chan placed a plate down in front of him, as well as two more for the twins, placing a plate of extra banchan in the middle of the table. he pulled up a chair beside jemima, starting on his own food while keeping an eye on the littlest member of the family.
“twins! food’s on the table!”
the boys, still in pirate mode, ran into the kitchen, crashing into the table as they started eating.
“thank you for the food,” joey said, before tucking in, the rest of his siblings following, despite the food already bulging in their cheeks.
“you’re welcome, babies,” chan cooed, playing with dan’s hair gently, “see? we don’t need mummy, daddy’s got everything covered.”
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sinofwriting · 1 day
Firsts - George Russell
Words: 386 Word Prompt: Firsts
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Masterlist | Support Me! | Sin’s Sept. Blurbs
George when he had first met his girlfriend hadn’t expected for her to change his life so much, but he was more than thankful for all the changes she and her son, their son, Harry had brought.
They were both just unbelievably wonderful. He had never been so in love, his breath still catching every time he saw her. And the warmth in his chest every time Harry saw him and cheered or smiled, seemed to just grow.
“He got so big.” George says, feeling a little sad as he looks at Harry. He’d just been gone for a few days, to the factory, while they went to her parents and he’d come back Harry having gone up a shoe size and just a bit taller. She circles her arms around George’s waist, leaning against him and he happily holds her. “I know. He’s growing like a weed.” She then sighs, “Also, a new development has happened.” “Oh?” “He’s interested in using the toilet.” “He’s not even three.” “That’s what I said! It feels much too early. But apparently I showed an interest before he did at that age and your mum was telling me that you were the same way.”
Warmth fills him and he presses a kiss to the top of her head.
“Has he tried yet?” She shakes her head, “he wants his dada to teach him. I’m not allowed.” Tears prick his eyes at the words. Maybe it’s stupid to be getting teary-eyed over being asked to potty train Harry, but despite only being with her for a year, being in Harry’s life for a year, he had still missed so many firsts of Harry’s. And every time he gets to experience one, no matter how big or small, it always makes him tear up a bit.
“I guess him and I will do a little guy's trip tomorrow, pick out a potty seat he likes, yeah?” “Yeah, and I know he brought it up, but if you can pick up some of those gold star stickers, poster board and markers, so he can get rewarded.” “Of course, love.” He presses another kiss to her head.
“Thank you for giving me this.” He whispers a moment later, the both of them watching Harry play with his legos. “Thank you for loving us.”
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dyaz-stories · 11 days
'You smell nice' — Day one of Inukag Fluff Week
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Just a fun lil one-shot for day one of @inukagfluffweek! There is a hint of background SessKagu too because I love them.
Mild warning for Inuyasha's potty mouth and that should be it.
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Public transportation was the bane of Inuyasha’s existence.
First of all, whichever human had come up with the idea that half the population would stuff themselves into tin cans to get themselves to and from places, following the same precise and regular schedules every single day, deserved a trip straight to hell. It was easily the dumbest fucking concept known to man, and no self-respecting demon would have agreed to it.
Then there was the fact that there were people everywhere on public transportation, and man, did Inuyasha hate people. Gross, stupid bastards with no self-awareness and no regard for others. There were the students who’d bump into you without even noticing, the women recounting their day far too loud over the phone, and, the worst of them all, the gaggle of salarymen drunk off their asses after some reunion at work. Those ones were rude, entitled, clumsy, and, what was by far the biggest offense, they fucking stank.
And that part was what took the public transport experience from shitty to downright awful. The smells. Inuyasha was no fan of cities in general, their pollution, the sheer amount of things everywhere, whether restaurants, stores, or, of course, public toilets, and, well, the people. It wasn’t always the lack of hygiene, though that was an issue for sure, but the sweat after a day of work, the deodorants, the perfumes, they all came together to produce the foulest of stenches. He hated it here.
The train veered sharply to the left, and Inuyasha tightened his hold on the overhead bar he favored using. Fewer human hands had grabbed it, and since his height meant he had no issue reaching for it, he preferred that to other solutions. In front of him, Kagome hadn’t been so lucky, standing right against the door with nothing to hold onto. With a squeak, she stumbled backwards on her kitten heels, her back colliding with Inuyasha’s broad chest — not that there was really anywhere else for her to go, with how tightly packed the train was.
His free hand closed around her hip, stabilizing her. It came naturally, just instinct, no need to think about it or how nicely her body slotted against his.
She tilted her head back, pretty eyes looking up to him pleadingly.
“Sorry, Inuyasha,” she apologized, lips forming a cute pout.
“You’re good,” he replied, voice gruff. He sent a nasty look to the man on her right, who’d bumped into her. People usually steered clear of him, so the closer she was to him, the better. “You’re getting off at the next stop, right?”
“Yeah,” she beamed, and as always, he marveled at how easy it seemed to be for her to smile and distance herself from the mess of the world around her. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shut down the noises, the smells, the flashes of people’s screens — well, unless he had her to focus on. “I can’t wait to get home.” An eyeroll. “Today was the worst.”
A smirk tugged at his lips.
“Really? You didn’t enjoy Kagura making a scene?”
He knew he had. His sister-in-law was probably his favorite person in the family, actually, with his nieces a close second, and watching her strut into her asshole husband’s office to yell at him about him cancelling their anniversary dinner had absolutely made his day. They could never stay mad at each other very long, so he was sure a very expensive reconciliation was coming, but he’d had his fun for sure.
“No, I like Kagura,” Kagome replied. “But I got cornered by Hojo at the coffee machine and he wouldn’t stop talking about some miracle diet he thinks would cure my allergies and it took me forever to free myself.”
“Want me to do something about that? He never bothers me with that shit.”
“That’s because you terrify him,” she sighed, “so no, that’s not necessary, don’t—” Another turn, but this time he kept her pressed against him, clawed hand on her waist, and her voice barely wavered. “—worry about it. And thanks for that, Inuyasha.”
A knot formed in his throat at the way she leaned back into him without hesitation. He swallowed around it. Where most people cowered away from the hanyo, Kagome had never acted like he was a threat. Sometimes, he felt she was even a little too trusting. Made him feel and think all sorts of things he wasn’t very proud of.
“’s nothing.”
From how he stood behind her, he couldn’t help but catch her scent, especially when she moved and her hair were right under his nose.
And, fuck, she was a breath of fresh air. He’d known that from the first day she’d strolled into the office, of course, gust of wind blowing through the open door and sending her smell throughout the whole office. He didn’t know what it was, if it was the reiki he could guess at under her skin, that gave it such a pleasant flavor. Either way, it could become overwhelming even in the wide open space. Here, on the other hand, it was the perfect distraction against everything else, and it took more willpower than he’d like to admit to not just sniff at her.
“Everything okay?” she asked, catching him off guard, her big inquisitive eyes staring up at him.
“Yeah, it’s—” Damn it, he’d known she was always noticing things no one else cared about. “That’s— You smell nice,” he blurted out at last, and immediately, he wished he could slap himself in the face. What a fucking weirdo. Turned out, everyone who had told him his mouth was too big for his own good, usually before they got their asses handed to them, had been right. Couldn’t he have kept it shut this one damn time?
“Oh,” Kagome said, and her expression turned thoughtful. He waited for the inevitable judgment to fall down. “I read that demons often find perfumes difficult to deal with, so I haven’t worn any since getting hired at Taisho Inc. Is that really better for you?”
There was the knot again, but this time it wasn’t embarrassment, and rather another, deeper emotion. Of course she’d pay attention to that kind of stuff.
“Yeah, it is,” he answered, clearing his throat. “Makes it hard to be around too many people.”
“That’s good to know,” she said with a nod. “Let me know if I can do other things to help you, alright?”
He would not be telling her anything about the thoughts that were running through his mind at her proposal. Nuh-huh.
“That’s my stop,” she grinned up at him, grabbing the hand at her waist and squeezing it gently in hers. “Thank you again, Inuyasha. I’ll see you tomorrow!”
She waved at him, and a second later, she was lost in the crowd, and his world was just a little darker, duller, blander. He let his hand fall back to his side, flexing it reflexively as if to remember how it had felt, touching her.
Keh. He couldn’t believe she was making him look forward to another day in the office.
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As a lot of you know, it's been ages since I last wrote for this pairing that's still near and dear to my heart, so I'd love to hear your thoughts on it! Don't hesitate to scream at me about it in the tags, in the reblogs, in my askbox... anywhere your heart desires lol. Thank you for reading!
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mellowsadistic · 7 months
The Magician's Game - Chapter 4
Susie’s New Life
“Come here, little one!” Susie’s mother called. “Come to Mummy!”
Susie immediately got up and abandoned the stuffed animal tea party she’d been forced to play with (“Would you wike some tea, Mister Snuggles?”), hurrying over to her mother as fast she could. Once she reached Mrs Taylor, she felt a sudden weakness in her knees. Against her will, her body did a submissive little curtsey. She lifted up the hem of her silly little frock and flashed her wet, drooping diaper. “Here Mummy,” she said. Normally she was allowed to wear cotton underpants and use the little plastic training potty in the living room, always under supervision, but occasionally her mother changed her into nappies and told her she couldn’t control her bladder. Susie had spent that whole morning dribbling wee-wee into her pants like a dumb baby. Her mother had told her she couldn’t hold her pee, so she couldn’t.
“Good girl,” Mrs Taylor cooed, smirking. Even after months of having her independent daughter back under her thumb, she was still delighted by the sight of the once mature, rebellious young woman reduced to an obedient little lady. She looked especially adorable in her soggy nappy, blushing crimson, her eyes fixed on her sweet little Mary Janes. “Come with Mommy, sweetie. We’re going to your nursery. We need to get you changed into your special dance clothes, okay princess?”
“Yes, Mummy,” Susie said again, with another curtsey. Then she waddled hurriedly after her mother, wrinkling her nose at the horrible, yucky wet feeling of her diaper squishing between her legs.
Once they reached her bedroom, her nursery, Susie couldn’t stop herself scrunching up her face in disgust at the baby-pink wallpaper, the large crib, the changing table, and the childish toys that littered the carpet. She didn’t want to pull a face, but Mummy had told her that was how she was supposed to react to things she didn’t like. No more superior sneers. No more cold stares. Just wrinkling her nose and pulling what Mummy called her ‘yucky face’.
Mrs Taylor turned around to her daughter and lifted her frock up and over her head, leaving her bare-chested. Susie tried to cover her breasts, but her mother smacked her hands away. “No baby. There’s no need to cover your boobies. You haven’t got anything Mummy hasn’t seen before.” Susie’s lower lip trembled as her hands dropped immediately to her side. Her mother slipped her shoes off her feet, leaving her in nothing but her squishy wet nappy and her frilly ankle socks. “What a soggy girl!” Mrs Taylor cooed, probing the discoloured front of Susie’s diaper with her fingers. “You’re Mummy’s widdle pee-pee pants, aren’t you precious? Yes you are! Yes you are! But I don’t think you need a change just yet. That can wait until later. Let’s finish getting you dressed.”
Susie could only stand there like a doll as her mother pulled a ridiculous tutu up her legs and over her nappy. The puffy frills stuck out from her waist, failing spectacularly to conceal her bulging potty pants. Next, a pair of ballet shoes over her socks, and finally a pair of glittery pink fairy wings that slipped into place over her shoulders.
“There we go!” Mrs Taylor announced happily. “Fully dressed! Come and take a look at yourself, cutie.” She led her daughter over to the floor-length mirror and stood her in front of it.
Susie almost started crying when she saw how absurd she looked. An attractive women in her early twenties (as her bare breasts made clear) dressed up like a little girl pretending to be a fairy princess, her wet diaper peeking out beneath the hem of her tutu, letting everyone know she wasn’t even mature enough for toilets. She gritted her teeth and fought to keep her face set. She didn’t want to give her mother the satisfaction of seeing her cry like a baby, but she still couldn’t stop herself from pulling her yucky face.
“Awww, what’s that look for, sweetie?” Mrs Taylor cooed. “Who’s Mummy’s pretty baby? Who’s my pretty little girl?”
“Me Mummy!” Susie blurted. The words spilled from her lips beyond her control. “Me a pwetty giwl!”
Her mother laughed. “That’s right, sweetie! Now let’s go and show you off to Mummy’s friends, and you can do your little dance just like we practiced.”
“Yes Mummy,” Susie said. She tried desperately to keep her feet rooted to the floor, but it was useless. She was nothing but a passenger in her own body when her mother gave her an order. She followed her mother out of her nursery and down the stairs towards the living room. The sounds of conversation reached her ears. Her mother’s twisted friends had been delighted to see Susie ‘put back in her place’.
A chorus of laughter rang out once Susie entered the room, and her lower lip trembled again. She kept her eyes fixed on the floor, wishing it would swallow her up and end this nightmare.
“Say hello to your Aunties, princess,” her mother ordered. “Just like Mummy told you to do.”
A big dumb smile spread over Susie’s face at once. She looked up and waved enthusiastically at the five women sitting on the sofas and chairs. “Hewwo Aunties!”
“Awww!” they all cooed in unison.
“Hi baby!”
“Aren’t you just the cutest!”
“That outfit is much more appropriate than all those silly things you used to wear!”
“I could just gobble you up!”
“I’m so glad you’re back where you belong, little one!”
“Little Susie-wusie wanted to show you all the dance she’s been practising,” Mrs Taylor announced. “It’s a bit different from the dancing she used to do when she was out partying at university, back when she thought she was a big girl, but she’s still very proud of it. Go on, sweetie, sing your little song for us!”
Susie tried once more, desperately, to control her body. But no matter how hard she tried she couldn’t disobey her mother. “I’m a little baby,” she sang, to the tune of I’m A Little Teapot. “Wet and dumb!” She struggled to hold back her tears. “Here is my nappy…” She patted it. “And here is my bum!” She spun around, stuck out her padded bottom, and wiggled it at her mother’s cackling friends. “When… I get… all stinky…” she sang between grunts, sinking down into a squat and straining to fill her diaper just like Mummy had ordered her to do. She felt sick and disgusted at what her traitorous body was doing. The seat of her nappy bulged and sagged. “Here me shout!” she sobbed, getting up and turned back around to face her audience with tears running down her cheeks, her loaded diaper now sagging halfway down to her knees. “Mummy!” she cried. “I did a poo-poo in my pants!”
Her mother’s friends shrieked with laughter and applauded, while Mrs Taylor smiled, darkly satisfied, and pulled her tearful daughter into a hug. “There, there, stinky-bum,” she cooed. “It’s okay. Mummy’s very proud of you for doing your cute little song and dance. It’s only to be expected that you pooped your pants. You might have thought you were a mature, independent woman who was clever enough to go off to university, but now you know you’re just a big, silly baby who can’t even stop herself making yucky messes in her nappy.”
“But you made me!” Susie whined. All her complaints came out in an annoying, whiny voice now, ever since her mother told her that was how she was to complain about things. “I can control myself!”
“Awww, is my widdle Susie-wusie being a fussy-pants?” Mrs Taylor crooned. “I think she is!” Then she leaned close to her daughter’s ear and whispered an order. “Throw a tantrum, Susie. Right now.”
Immediately, Susie lost control of her emotions. “I’m not a BABY!” she screeched, stamping her feet and pumping her fists madly the moment her mother had pulled away. “I wanna go back to college! I wanna go to parties and have sex with boys! I wanna be a grown-up again!” She stomped about stupidly, looking utterly ridiculous in her tutu and fairy wings, her bare breasts and her stinky diaper both jiggling wildly as she bounced up and down like an overgrown toddler. “I don’t wanna be a stupid baby! I’m a big girl! I’m a BIG GIRL!”
Susie tried to calm herself down. She knew this was exactly what her mother wanted – to make her to look like an absurd, oversized two-year-old – but just as it had been for months now, even since the Magician had put her in this state, she was completely unable to disobey her Mummy. Even her little ‘rebellions’ were controlled, only a means to humiliate her further by forcing her to act like the anger she felt at her situation was merely typical toddler fussiness. So Susie could do nothing as her body dropped to the floor and started kicking its legs and pounding the carpet, bawling its eyes out and shrieking that it was a big girl.
“Uh-oh!” her mother sang, glancing knowingly at her friends. “I think little Susie just earned herself some smacky bum-bum time!”
They all laughed, even while Susie continued to scream and shout.
“That naughty girl definitely needs a red bottom!” said one.
“Babies are often like this,” said another. “I suppose we shouldn’t be surprised that Susie is too. I’m sure a spanking will sort her out!”
Mrs Taylor smirked as she dragged Susie to her feet, sat down in a chair, and pulled her flailing adult daughter over her knees. “Bad baby!” she scolded, bringing her hand down on Susie’s bottom. “Very naughty girl, Susie-poo! This is exactly why Mummy can’t let you grow up! Imagine, still throwing tantrums at your age!”
Susie cried and thrashed as her mother spanked her, alternating between smacking what little of her bottom wasn’t covered by her nappy, and bringing her palm down forcefully on the seat of her baby-pants to make the mess inside squish horribly against her bum.
This was her life now, Susie knew. Toddler activities and tantrums and spankings. No free will. Just a doll for her controlling mother’s amusement. All Susie could do was hope that one day her mother would let her grow up again, or the Magician would take pity on her and undo what he’d done. But Susie had a feeling that wouldn’t be for a very long time.
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watermelonlovershigh · 8 months
The Potty Incident /blurb/
AN: i thought this was a cute concept and wrote it out. if you think anything about this is inappropriate, grow up. this is just an example of a fatherly duty and nothing more. i really hope you enjoy. thank you for reading. xoxo
This story contains: child almost having an accident in their pants, fluff
{ dadrry - husband!harry - any harry era - Rosie (daughter) age 3 }
word count- 764
While at the grocery store with just his daughter Rosie, she suddenly tells her daddy she has to potty and that leads to Harry running across the store with her to take her to the bathroom so no accidents occur.
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Harry decided to take your three year old daughter Rosie to the grocery store with him while you took a nap. You were feeling drained from being six months pregnant with your second baby and Harry insisted you took a nap while they're out of the house.
Everything was going fine until Rosie whined from the cart Harry was pushing her around in that she had to potty. See the thing was, she was at that age where she's pretty much potty trained but on occasion will still have an accident. Usually it's when she can't make it to a toilet fast enough or sometimes when she's asleep.
You and Harry are very understanding when she does have accidents because potty training can be a tough thing to teach and learn. But you do try to avoid accidents as much as possible. So when Rosie tells her daddy she has to potty as he's picking up some bananas in the produce section of the store, his fight or flight clicks in. The one he uses for times like this or when she says she feels like she's gonna be sick, and does the only thing he can think to do in the moment.
"Shit," Harry whispers to himself, "alright, alright. Come 'ere." He drops the bananas in the basket and lifts little Rosie up from the cart seat. Once she's in his arms, Harry leaves his cart in the middle of the aisle and proceeds to jog to the back of the store where he knows the bathrooms to be. "It's gonna be alright. Hold it for a minute more, okay baby."
"But daddy," Rosie whines, clutching around Harry's neck while he basically runs through the store with her, "gotta potty really bad." Luckily not even ten seconds later they are met with a wall of bathrooms and Harry thanks god they have a family bathroom. He hates when he's out in public alone with his daughter and has to decide how he's going to take her to the bathroom when the only options are the men's room and the women's room.
Because he'll be damned if he takes his sweet baby girl into the men's room and she sees something she doesn't need to see at her innocent age. Or get cursed out by middle aged white ladies when they see him, a grown 6ft man with tattoos in the women's room. Even when he clearly has a child with him. So gender neutral / family restrooms are ideal for situations like this one.
Harry rushes into the one toilet bathroom and locks the door. Then he quickly sets Rosie down to the floor and helps her lift her dress and panties down before setting her on the toilet seat. He wishes he had time to wipe the seat off before hand but time wasn't an option for them at the moment. Just as she goes potty, he sighs in relief that they made it in time with no accidents occurring.
Still slightly out of breath from running across the store, he balls up some toilet paper and hands it to his daughter saying, "Okay, make sure you wipe really well. Just like mummy taught you." And that she does. She takes the toilet paper and wipes just like you had taught her when teaching her to use the potty on her own.
Rosie looks up at her father when she's finished and mutters, "All dones." Harry lifts her off the public toilet seat and helps pull her underwear back up and her dress back down. Then he flushes the toilet and carries the three year old to the sink to help her wash her hands. Once her small hands are all clean and dry, he lifts Rosie back up in his arms and proceeds to carry her back over to where he left his cart in hopes no one took it.
Thankfully the shopping cart was where he left it and Harry helps his daughter back in the basket seat to continue there shopping journey. As they wrap up grocery shopping and stand in the check out line, Rosie looks up from where she's sat in the cart and says, "Thank you daddy for helping me go potty so I didn't have an accident." with her tiny but round lips puckered as if asking for a kiss.
Harry leans down to except the generous kiss his daughter was giving and replies, "'Course, baby. And thank you for telling daddy that you had to go potty so you didn't have an accident. Love you so much. Now lets get home to mummy."
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
 // @luv-flor7777  // @alohastyles-x // @tenaciousperfectionunknown  // @sleutherclaw // @siredtohybrid // @whoscamila // @a-strange-familiar  // @golden-elodie // @mrspeacem1nusone //  @goldenkhae // @lntwithhrry  // @shadowygladiatorlight  // @manifestrry  //@mendesblurb // @sunshinemoonsposts  // @depersonalizationsucks // @academiaghost // @zendayassimp // @reveriehs // @vsnnstuff // @dancinsunflowerkiwi // @quinnsgrapejuice // @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite // @justlemmeholdyou // @hsonlyangelxo // @luvonstyles // @howdey
My Masterlist Masterpost
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partywithponies · 7 months
Important tips for writing children (from me, a fanfic writer who's worked in a primary school and a preschool):
Children are cleverer than you think they are. Children as young as 3 and 4 already have complex thoughts and feelings, just not necessarily the language to express them. By age 9 and 10 most children basically talk like small adults who just have a lot less knowledge and life experience than you.
Young children are also funnier than you think they are. And on purpose a lot more than you think. Small children are very capable of making jokes deliberately, and will get annoyed if adults don't realise they were making a joke.
Most children learn to talk in complex sentences a lot sooner than you think they do, and toilet train a lot later than you think they do. It's not at all unusual for a child to a capable of having full coherent conversations and elaborate imaginary play with you before they can use the potty.
Young children's imaginary play is often very violent. It's not weird or worrying for a 4 year old to play dolls' house by having daddy push mummy down the stairs and then hide her body in the wardrobe, it's literally normal. Most little girls are not playing babies and tea parties, no matter what the movies try to tell you.
Young children make friends very quickly. Both becoming new best friends with other children and becoming very attached to adults that they decide they like after like an hour.
Even the nicest children are selfish or rude or disobedient sometimes. They are small complex people trying to assert autonomy in a world full of bigger people who hold all the power and don't recognise or respect how complex or intelligent they are, and that can be very frustrating.
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Pisscourse drabble inspired by this
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Not beta or proofread, btw. it's a shitpost EDIT: AO3 LINK
Arthur was simply trying to take his natural human function and pee. He was staring off into space, letting the fluid flow out of him and into the bowl when he felt something touching his leg. Instinctively, he jolts, moving his body away.
He stops peeing and looks down. He spots a hand, a fair skinned scard hand reaching out to him. It was John, what in the hell does he want. Arthur bats the hand away and asks.
"What, John?"
"...Can you hold my hand." It sounded like more of a demand than a question.
Arthur blinks, looking at the stall wall that separates him and John.
"Are you serious?"
"It's...scary and feels werid, I don't know how you humans dealt with having this fluid come out of you every day." John says and flexes his hand in a grabbing motion, like a baby wanting to get picked up.
John was like a needy cat, but he never liked doing things alone, including when it came to using the bathroom.
Arthur sighs and places his hand in John's, holding it snug.
John says before Arthur hears a concerningly loud stream of piss hit the bowl.
He furrows his brows, "Just how long have you been holding that?"
John's pointer finger twitches, curling itself inward and scratches at the others palm.
"Since I got this body -" a lie.
John sheepishly admits, and Arthur aggressively squeezes his hand.
"What?! How the hell did you not piss on yourself—christ John it's been over a week."
John lets out a full-body shudder and tucks his feet under the toilet seat. His boots dig into the dirty tile floor.
"Okay - not really. The first time was a few days ago when it hurt too much to hold. I washed the clothes and succeeded." John spits out. It was more of a half truth when Oscar found him using fabric softener instead of actual detergent. Oscar actually helped clean and showed him how to wash the clothes properly.
John made(threatened)Oscar swear that he'd never speak a word of this.
"Am I going to have to fucking potty train you? Bloody hell John."
John lets out a werid, sad sound. Something between a dog like whimper and a sigh.
Arthur squeezes his hand once more, gently this time. "Well, it was probably bound to happen eventually. Just do your business and make sure you wipe yourself after." Just like his touch, the tone of Arthur's voice was soft. It reminded John of how he'd talk about Faroe.
John hums and stays silent, the sound of his piss hitting the water echo throughout the bathroom.
Arthur inturn also continues. Thankfully, there's not much left, so he finishes up quickly.
Awkwardly reaching across the stall with his opposite hand, he grabs a thing of toilet paper and rips a small peice off. He dabs the head of his dick with the paper before throwing it into the bowl and flushing.
He hears Johns flow turn into a tirckle before it stops completely. He stays on the toilet seat as he's still holding onto John's hand.
"You done?"
John nods, for a second forgetting thst Arthur can, in fact, not see him before he speaks up.
"I think so? I still feel weird, though..." He trails off. There's something pressing up against his asshole.
Arthur quirks a brow, "Werid how?"
"It feels like something is trying to escape me. There's pressure at my asshole."
Arthur stutters for a second, unable to form sentences in response. There is no way in fucking hell is he going to hold an eldritch entities hand as he shits.
"You're...going number two, taking shit."
"Oh.. Oh. Like that disgusting thing you did?"
"Yup. Now, I unfortunately am not generous enough to sit through this one with you. Just keep pushing until everything is out, John."
Arthur prys his hand away from John's, pulling his boxers and trousers up. Arthur buttons his trousers and fastens his belt.
"But Orthur... I can't do this alone." John whines, attempting to grab Arthur's trouser leg.
"You can, and you will. I'll be outside when you're done, John." Arthur moves away before John could grab him, opening the stall door he makes his way to the sink. He secretly prays that there's no one else coming in.
"Orthur! That's not fair. I need emotional support."
John kicks his feet out and leans back uncomfortably. The pressure is growing stronger.
Arthur begins to wash his hands, ignoring John's pleas and hums a tune.
"How about I send Noel in, hm? I'm sure he'd be more than willing." Arthur offers, John and Noel are close just like them, so it shouldn't be a problem. Hopefully.
John stops his movements, sharp canines bitting at his lips.
"Okay. That's fine. Please tell him to hurry."
Arthur huffs out a muffled laugh and steps out of the bathroom.
thank you to my platonic soulmates @arthur-lesters-tits & @arthur-lesters-slutty-waist for fuelling this. I appreciate you both greatly
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harunayuuka2060 · 2 years
Jade: I sincerely apologize for Floyd's actions and for causing so much trouble.
Riddle: It's all right. I'm just relieved he's no longer pursuing us.
Baby MC: Yaya? *pointing at Jade*
Riddle: Ah, right. MC, this is Jade Leech, Floyd's brother.
Baby MC: Nyaya? *looking at Riddle*
Riddle: ...
Riddle: Let's just say he is.
Jade: It seems to me that's an implied question.
Riddle: My baby sibling can't form any words yet. So I'm only guessing based on their expression.
Jade: I see. I could tell. They asked if "I was nice".
Riddle: ...
Riddle: How did you—
Jade: I'm a brother as well.
Trey: Riddle, I believe it's time for the diaper change.
Riddle: *hands MC to him*
Baby MC: *pouts*
Trey: Hm? What's wrong?
Cater: They don't like the smell of their own diaper.
Trey: ...
Trey: Alright. You still need to wear diapers though.
Baby MC: *still pouting*
Riddle: If you don't like it, we can start with your potty training so you wouldn't need to wear diaper anymore.
Trey: Well, yes. That's an option too.
Cater: Trey should ask his mom to buy a kiddie toilet.
Trey: *looks at him, frowns* You're doing something there.
Cater: *laughs*
Riddle: What is it?
Trey: It wasn't anything serious. But my mom called in a panic, asking if I impregnated someone.
Trey: Because Cater here posted a photo of me on Magicam feeding MC.
Riddle: *stern* Cater.
Cater: Yo, it was really funny. I did it with Deuce too, haha!
Professor Trein: Mr. Rosehearts, I was worried that your baby sibling would disturb my class a lot, but they didn't make a single noise during the discussion.
Riddle: Because they were listening to you intently, Professor Trein.
Professor Trein: Really?
Baby MC: *wants to reach him*
Professor Trein: Oh. I see. Hello. *holding them*
Baby MC: *giggles*
Professor Trein: ...
Professor Trein: *hands them back*
Riddle: Professor?
Professor Trein: I'm having a baby fever. I don't want to end up asking my daughters for a grandchild.
Riddle: Ah.
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
╰┈➤ ꒰🍓💌🥛 ┊”I can’t go tinkle alone!” + K. BKG꒱
『♡』 In which a lazy day with katsuki turns into demanding him to go to the bathroom with you while you pee cause you’re scared.
『♡』 Is anyone else like this? I fucking hate people hearing me pee but holy shit I’d have that mf holding my pinky finger if I watch anything even mildly scary. anyways unedited and a Drabble.
You’re laying in bed, curled up and half dressed watching criminal minds. The day has been filled with nothing but TV and snacks. Morning love was a must, a treat, for how hard he works. Lips press against to one another in rhythm, between episodes and pee breaks.
And the day bleeds into night. You’re thrown over him, watching as they find the criminal responsible for murder.
Katsuki feels a hand pat at his arm, timidly.
“Yeah baby?” He shifts, sleepy and done with the day. Red eyes glance over toward your own curiously.
“Suki i gotta pee.” You whine out, arm already wrapping around his bicep.
“And that’s my problem.. how? Go piss.” The blonde groans, gesturing toward the bathroom area.
“But- but I can’t go tinkle alone!” You tug at the beefy arm, pulling it inwards and toward the edge of the bed where you lay.
One of his brows shoots up and he throws you an incredulous look. Even with the man limp and not trying, you can’t get his big ass to move.
Your feet tap anxiously together, doing the fucking potty dance, if you will.
“Why the hell not?” Katsuki pokes, eyes trained on your antsy figure.
“Cause the murderers babe and the monsters and-“ You start.
He pulls his arm up, placing it on top of the covers. You let out a huff and he chuckles.
“Nothin’ is gonna get you babe. The bathroom is right there, go pee.”
Your eyes narrow and frustration builds. Your hands wrap around his arm, pulling, and you attempt to yank him off the bed. But your feet don’t touch the ground cause damnit you’re scared of that too right now.
“Katsuki m’ serious please just come with me!” You whine a final time.
The man let’s out a groan and plants his feet firmly on the ground. With a stand he turns toward you, gesturing toward the bathroom. You hesitatingly step down and then rush toward the door.
He watches you, confused as you frantically bounce and look around the entirety of the bathroom. You punch the shower curtain, yank it back and then say “that’s right fuckers!”.
You finally go to sit, about to lift up the large tee you have on when your eyes narrow.
“Close your eyes.” You demand and he rolls them instead.
“Fine, fine.” Katsuki turns his back to you and then when he thinks your terrified princess era is over-
“Your ears too! I don’t want you to hear me tinkle.” You huff and he hears you plant yourself on the toilet.
“Go piss right now or so help me-“ he starts, only to hear you flick on the water to the sink faucet.
A moment or two goes by and you’re flushing, washing your hands as quickly as possible and then grabbing onto his damn sweats clinging. He has to waddle to get back to bed. You bounce onto it before he can get in and quickly turn on a kids show.
“You know I hear you tinkle every day right babe?”
The look on your mortified face says no, you did not know. And criminal minds days just got much more of a pain in the ass than before.
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a little going out to a movie theater for the first time in headspace, and them and their CG are caught offguard by how excitable and hyper they are to be in a "brand new place!" they're constantly looking around, excited by every little thing. they have to get popcorn and a soda, bc that's what all their storybooks and cartoon characters do when they're in movie theaters!
when they get to their seats, the previews are still playing, which gives the little plenty of time to get their wiggles out before the movie starts! however, with not much else to do while they wait, the little can't help but to start on their soda and popcorn, no concern at all for the amount they're consuming
by the time the movie does start, they've made a sizable dent in their salty popcorn, which of course led to them drinking plenty of their refreshing drink
their wiggling slows at the production company logos, finally sitting still as the movie is truly underway
until... all that soda sits heavily in their abdomen, taking almost no time at all to reach their bladder
this is their first little movie tho, and they don't want to miss anything!!
so, they stay seated, continuing to sip their soda and munch on their popcorn with less enthusiasm than when they started
it doesn't take long for their wiggling to start up again, but instead of being because of excess energy, it's now because they're attempting to shift any pressure off their bladder, which is slowly beginning to ache
this wiggling isn't very subtle. but, their CG is also trying to enjoy the movie - so when the wiggles start up again, especially if they're big enough that some popcorn may be spilling as the little adjusts and adjusts the way they sit, the CG, eyes on the screen, leans over and whispers to the little that "big kids can sit still through a movie - you're a big kid, aren't you?"
the little immediately stops their wiggling, blush hidden in the dark. they are a big kid, they are. they're potty trained and everything, big kid pants on - they're not a baby who needs diapers
except diapers sound pretty good right now
or, bare minimum, the pull-ups kept in their closet, for when they wake up with wet sheets or they're going on a long car ride or or....
or how their CG asked before they left if they wanted to wear one "just in case," but the little had shook their head innocently and said, "I'm a big kid!"
now aware that they can't just wiggle freely, the little reaches below their bag of popcorn and holds onto themself, hoping that they can last until the end of the movie
their legs still shift, but not enough to be distracting
uncomfortable, the little wishes they were at home - how they could pause the movie and go potty without missing anything
this isn't like home though, there's no pause button!!
they risk a glance at their caregiver, disappointed to see that they're fully engaged in the movie
the little doesn't want them to miss any of the movie either
they think about getting up and heading to the bathrooms, but they shrink in on themselves when they remember how far away they are, how'd they'll have to walk down the stairs, then walk down the hallway, then go use a stall all by themselves, wipe all by themselves, and flush all by themsleves, then wash their hands, then dry them, then come back to this exact theater
what if they get lost? what if they forget a step? what if the toilet flush is really really scary? what if someone tries talking to them?
no, no - they're simply too little to go to the bathroom all by themselves. they need their caregiver with them
but they'll be so disappointed to miss the movie :(
as the minutes drag on, their bladder aches and aches, all that soda the little kept sipping having to go somewhere
a whimper escapes from the little, and their caregiver's head snaps over to them
as they take in the sight of their hunched over little, one hand disappearing underneath their popcorn, legs twisted together, the caregiver hesitating grabs the soda from the cup holder and gives it a little shake
ice clinks against one another and the caregiver can feel that more than half has already disappeared
immediately standing to their feet, caregiver grabs the popcorn bag with one hand and their little's arm with the other, hauling them up
the little stumbles, but finds some relief that they no longer need to make a decision as their CG leads them out of the theater
a gasp is let out as all the movement causes the little's bladder to find some relief itself, big kid undies immediately getting wet
the caregiver doesn't slow down their pace, dragging, then pushing their little into the family bathroom, careful to lock the door properly behind them
when they turn around, they watch as their little is hunched over the drain in the ground, a pattering noise audible as the little is unable to hold it even for a few more seconds, the grown-up potty only a few steps away
as the caregiver leads the little out of the movie theater and into the parking lot, the little instructed to hold their bag of popcorn in front of them to hide the worst of the damage while they stand closely behind them, they make a promise/assurance to their little:
they'll catch the movie when it comes to home video
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