#can you believe that i did a complete 360 and love chaol now
highladyoftomes · 6 years
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favorite throne of glass scenes | tower of dawn
“He checked her with the reins and his feet, marveling that he could even do so. That the woman now closing in, now riding beside him, now beaming at him as if he were the only thing in this barren, burning sea. . .She had done this. Given him this.
Yrene was smiling, and then she was laughing, as if she could not contain it inside her.
Chaol thought it was the most beautiful sound he’d ever heard.
And that this moment, flying together over the sands, devouring the desert wind, her hair a golden-brown banner behind her. . .
Chaol felt, perhaps for the fisrt time, as if he was awake.
And he was grateful, right down to his very bones, for it.”
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