#can you believe i almost drew him with a tongue. i wasnt ready for that.
piecesofchess · 5 months
Phule is so babygirl coded I love him
"Ah, well...Bleh"
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igirisuhito · 4 years
Title: Out of my mind Relationship(s): Kamukura Izuru/Naegi Makoto Rating: Teen Summary:  Naegi goes to confront Kamukura Izuru, based off their scene in dr3. For Kamuegi week Day 5: Scars/Future Foundation Trigger Warnings: Medical Trauma, Medical Abuse, Broken Bones, Dr0 References/Spoilers, PTSD
[Ao3 Link]
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Future Foundation were kind enough to disclose all information that led to the Tragedy of Hope's Peak to its survivors. Naegi read through the files of the Hope Cultivation Project, the project that was being funded by the school's reserve course. The same event that led to its downfall. 
It was utterly petrifying to him. 
The fact that a talentless student would volunteer himself for such brutal experiments was unfathomable. He saw the logs of Hinata Hajime's descent into inhumanity, becoming a creature nobody could ever hope to perceive as a regular person. 
There were 3 surgeries in total, all additional operations were performed through electrical stimulus or injections of medication. The first one was a whole two days after Hinata had signed that contract, the aforementioned contract that had disappeared from the Biology building before it could have been recovered. Which was unfortunate, but they were already so lucky to have been able to obtain the Project's logs that nobody really cared about what had been lost. 
The first surgery was the one that scared Naegi the most. The severing of the connections between the prefrontal cortex and parts of the frontal lobe from the rest of the brain. Kirigiri had explained this to him simply, "They performed a leucotomy. You know what that is, right? A lobotomy?"
They'd learnt about it in highschool, surprisingly their years of education were the memories most easily recovered. Naegi never really paid attention to lessons in psychology. Perhaps he should have, as a knowledge in brain ablation somehow ended up being something he actually did need later on in life. 
The fact remained that this was the first step in inducing Kamukura's apathetic outlook towards life. This was where the despair began, the despair he wanted to reverse. But how can someone reverse the effects of permanent brain damage? It's impossible, right? 
Things seemed to only get worse the more he read. The thing Naegi hated most was how positive the post surgery notes were, as if what occurred was a miracle. 
The subject is responding well, his aggression has reduced and he has become more passive towards his doctors. The subject's anxiety seems to have been quelled and he has been dissociative and nonverbal. Fortunately, he is still able to use his vocal cords and form words, as evidenced by his reaction to pain stimulus.
He could only gag. The school Naegi admired so deeply was willing to do this to a human being? He couldn't force himself to imagine the student identification photo of Hinata bearing those same lifeless eyes of Kamukura. 
It was all so so fucked up. Enough to make him groan and slam his head down onto the desk, as if giving himself brain damage would fix Hinata's.
Naegi recalled Munakata placing a hand on his shoulder, interrupting the break he was taking from cross-examining the files. He had jumped on instinct from the sudden contact. Flushing in embarrassment at the fact someone has seen him act so childishly. 
Munakata hadn't seemed phased. He just looked over at the papers scattered on the desk, skimming, scanning. He spoke up in his rather gruff voice.
"They wanted you to read up on the destroyer of Hope’s Peak, right?" 
"Uh, yeah…" Sheepishly, Naegi nodded. "This guy had to be awfully messed up to volunteer for something like this."
With a loud click of his tongue, Munakata removed his hand from the boy's shoulder. He backed himself up to the table in which Naegi had been reading at, before lifting himself and sitting on the table. "No person would volunteer for this. He was manipulated by Hope's Peak and allowed despair to swallow him whole." 
Naegi sat up in response, awaiting elaboration from the Council President. 
"Hope's Peak obviously omitted the full details of what would happen to Hinata Hajime when he signed the contract." Crossing his arms over his chest, Munakata met Naegi's intense gaze with a sigh, sounding almost mad that Naegi couldn't read his thoughts. "Of course, most of the Future Foundation doesn't want you to think that. Hope's Peak academy was never the shining beacon of hope it pretended to be, it's platitudes were just worthless lies told to deceive."
"That's terrible!" Naegi cried, slamming one hand down on the table for emphasis. "Though, now that I think about it it makes a lot of sense that Hinata didn't know everything. But he still orchestrated the first Killing game, right? Why would he have done that?" 
"Actually Kamukura Izuru was framed by Enoshima Junko." Munakata sighed in a pompous manner that reminded him all too much of Togami. "Unfortunately, he woefully succumbed to despair, though it was indeed Enoshima who led him down that path. The sheer amount of murder he did go on to later commit proves that in reality he isn't redeemable."
"Framed…? So it wasnt Kamukura who orchestrated the first killing game?" 
"Of course not!" The older man hissed. "Do you seriously just believe anything anyone tells you?" 
Naegi's breathing hitched in fear as the other slammed his hand down onto the desk with much more intensity than Naegi had earlier. "N-no… I'm sorry…"
Munakata slid back off the table, causing it to groan beneath his weight. "You should be more careful, Naegi Makoto. It's purely luck that that blind trust hasn't gotten you killed yet."
Next thing he knew Munakata was gone with a loud slam of a door. God that guy was hot-headed. 
But he was wrong, about Kamukura, that is. 
For some reason that experience was all Naegi could think about as he looked at Kamukura's back. Stiff shoulders hidden beneath the black fabric of his uniform, dark hair billowing in the wind. He created such an eerie silhouette against the golden sunset in the background, beautiful, yet filling the other with a sense of trepidation and fear.
The man Naegi had spent the whole day searching for, of course he was in the last place he looked. He could almost sigh at how awful his luck could be sometimes. His feet ached from searching all around Hope's Peak, between all the different labs and even that freaky hidden room beneath the statue of the founder.
"Naegi Makoto. The Super High School Level Hope, also known as the former Super High School Level Good Luck." A monotone voice that sounded too close and too far away all at the same time suddenly broke the silence. "You've come on orders to kill me."
All that trepidation was causing Naegi's hands to shake from how tightly wound up he was. The sound of someone else's voice made him flinch. "H-huh?! You know?" 
"Of course I do." Kamukura spoke again, now tilting his head to the side to glance back at Naegi. "It's not that I'm omniscient, I just bear the talent of the Super High School Level Analyst."
It was strange to have his mind read before he even got the thought completely through. Naegi squashed that feeling down, opting to focus on the task at hand.
He cleared his throat, attempting to still his nerves. "If you knew this, why aren't you running?" 
"Hm?" Kamukura turned himself around, now offering his complete attention to Naegi. 
Naegi shivered under those piercing crimson eyes, they bore an even brighter colour than that of Ishimaru or Celeste's eyes. They seemed to target him and lock on like a rifle, loaded and ready to fire at a moment's notice. 
"Do you honestly believe that you can kill me?" 
The breath seemingly disappeared from Naegi's lungs. He drew his hand over his mouth to muffle the faint whimper that escaped his lips. Kamukura's aura was overwhelming, an aura of pure superiority and death. 
This whole situation reminded Naegi of his own execution. The pure despair coursing through his veins. The way Monokuma grinned at him. The loud pounding of the press behind him that shook his body from head to toe. 
Ah, that was the sound of his own heart beating uncontrollably. 
"My presence is bringing back unfortunate memories for you. I apologise, I am aware that you are not here to actually kill me." As if sensing Naegi's fear, Kamukura spoke slowly and clearly.
The other boy nodded slowly, refusing to take the hand from his mouth as stinging tears threatened to spill from the corners of his eyes. His blood was rushing in his ears, drowning out all sense, overwhelming him with the pure power that was Kamukura.
Kamukura stepped towards him, a move that startled Naegi more than it probably should have. He stepped backwards in turn, but quickly set his foot down on a small and unstable piece of rubble. Instead of Naegi launching off to run, his ankle rolled at an unnatural angle.
Naegi yelped as he fell forward, his forehead barely grazing the dirtied ground. He quickly rolled over, desperately shuffling backwards and away from the older man whilst attempting not to hurt himself any further. 
"Hey, listen to me! Calm down."
His body froze completely upon hearing the command. Kamukura touched his own lips in thought, a little confusion at his sudden break in character. He briefly pondered if his past emotions were through from standing in the classroom of 77-B.
But he deemed the thought unnecessary, for now, instead focusing back on the boy in front of him. "You're here to offer a compromise, are you not?" 
Naegi sucked in a quick breath, grateful for the reminder of what he was actually here for. Unfortunately the pain from his ankle was really beginning to set in, he needed to make this brief. Nodding quickly, he attempted to regain his composure. "Yes. I know I couldn't kill you even if I wanted to. But I don't, you deserve a chance at redemption."
"I cannot be redeemed. I was created to be a tool, I have no free will and only act on the orders of others." Kamukura spoke bluntly, tilting his chin up a little. "Your redemption means nothing to me."
Naegi paused. He was expecting this kind of answer, the kind Togami gave him when Naegi said he forgave him for his actions in the killing game. 
"Huh? I don't want your forgiveness. My actions are always justified." He had said. The memory brought a little smile to his face. 
"Okay then." Tilting his head up, Naegi showed that smile off to Kamukura, as if showing him a sign of peace. "Would you like to know more about Hinata Hajime?"
"The previous inhabitant of this vessel? Why do you believe he would mean anything to me?" It was phrased less like a question, and more like an expression of confusion. As if Kamukura didn't really care about the answer, that he already knew the answer, he just didn't quite understand why Naegi Makoto, of all people, would have any interest.
"Because you're here." Raising his right arm, Naegi gestured vaguely around the room, before wincing and putting it back down. "Why would you come to a classroom full of students you didn't know to replace the flowers for Nanami Chiaki? The girl who was Hinata's best friend, the girl you murdered."
Kamukura's brow furrowed. He began to move in large calculated strides, right up to where Naegi sat, before leaning over him in a display of authority. "So you are smarter than you seem."
It was difficult to tell if it was Kamukura or Naegi who had let down their guard, perhaps a mix of both. But a small detail like that didn't bother Naegi, as his smile only widened beneath Kamukura's attempt of showing power. He had him, that much was obvious.
"Well, Kamukura-kun? Why are you here?" 
Kamukura pursed his lips for a moment, thinking to himself for a second, before answering the question. "Because being here makes me feel despair."
He curled his fingers into fists and glanced away briefly, sighing as he realised he would have to answer the inevitable question. "There are a few places in this world where I feel emotions. The classroom of 77-B, the Reserve Course building, and the third floor of the biology building."
"The third floor of the biology building?" As he thought to himself, Naegi unconsciously brought his hand to his chin. "That's oddly specific."
"The neuroscience institute." Kamukura elaborated. 
"Oh…" Naegi moved his hand up to his mouth again, feeling a mix of sympathy and horror. 
Of course he would feel despair there. After all, that's where Kamukura would have been made, where he would have been tortured and experimented on. Had his brain destroyed and enhanced over and over to produce the perfect hope. 
Where Hinata Hajime… died.
"It's an odd feeling, emotions. The emotions I experience from being in these places are perhaps the only reason I'm still here. That and the fact I have nowhere to go, no purpose left in a world without Enoshima." Kamukura began to mumble somewhat as he rambled on. 
Jeez, at least let Hinata rest in peace. 
Naegi bit back the thought, shaking his head and reminding himself of what he was really here for. "Come with me then. If you want to experience more emotions, then I can show you the Neo World Program." 
There was a slow blink as Kamukura processed the offer. "The Neo World Program?" 
"Yeah! We put it together using research from the Super High School Level programmer, therapist, and neurologist." Naegi grinned excitedly as if he was talking about how proud he was of his own child. "It's a simulation that allows people to live out peaceful days filled with hope." 
Kamukura blinked again. "The Super High School Level Neurologist, Matsuda Yasuke?" 
Those crimson eyes narrowed to near slits. "The childhood best friend and love of Enoshima Junko?" 
"Who developed the method that was used to wipe your highschool memories prior to the Killing Game?"
For a moment Naegi paused, unsure of how to answer that one. "I…guess so?" 
Crouching down onto his haunches, Kamukura leaned in even closer to Naegi. "So you are using memory erasing technology then?"
Naegi leaned back a little, uncomfortable as Kamukura's hair brushed against his face. "...Yes." 
"And, assuming you're placing all of Enoshima's protégé's in this program, you'll have about 15 students?" 
"Yes, if we manage to convince them all..." Naegi's a voice dropped a little, finding himself suddenly a little more insecure about his plan. "I don't mean to interrupt but… where are you going with this?"
Kamukura was almost shocked at how naive Naegi was, especially considering he had been the one to end Enoshima. Or was he just stupid? "I'm merely baffled that you would sacrifice your own health for the sake of people you don't know. People who are murderers."
It wasn't a complete lie, most people would not have such considerations for criminals, people who had committed crimes as heinous as the ones the remnants had committed. 
Naegi noted the lack of emotion in his voice. "You don't sound baffled…" 
Ignoring his comment, Kamukura nodded. "I'll participate. I'll make sure the others do too."
"Wait, you will?!" Whilst sitting up a little too excitedly, Naegi put pressure on his ankle, sending pain shooting up his leg. He winced and laid back again. 
"Don't do that. Your ankle is broken." Letting out a bored sigh, Kamukura straightened himself back up. 
"B-broken?!" Naegi's eyes widened to near saucers in shock. "I thought I just twisted it… Am I seriously that unlucky?" 
Kamukura began unbuttoning his black uniform jacket, earning a strange look from the other as he slid it off his shoulders. He then proceeded to fold it in half and kneel back down next to Naegi's broken ankle. 
The other boy watched in awe as he tied it tightly, using it as a makeshift splint to prevent Naegi's ankle from moving too much. "Y-you're too kind Kamukura-kun… much more so than I anticipated."
"I'm doing this purely out of necessity. Nothing more." Kamukura muttered as he tightened the knot, causing Naegi to hiss in pain. He then proceeded to slide his left arm under the boy's knees and right arm under his back, nestling snugly at the base of his spine. 
"Wait wait wait wait wait what are you-?" 
Kamukura lifted Naegi up, causing him to wrap his arms tightly around Kamukura's neck in alarm. "Y-you're carrying me?!" 
"It's not as though you can walk." Kamukura sighed exasperatedly. He was having no issues with Naegi's weight, his panicked yelling, however… 
"B-but I'm heavy…" Naegi refuted, loosening his grip a little when he realised Kamukura wasn't going to hurt him. 
"You weigh less than most girls, in accordance with your height." Kamukura spoke bluntly, scanning his eyes over Naegi's form. 
"You're easily flustered."
"Don't tease me!" with the heat rising in his cheeks, Naegi buried his face into Kamukura's chest in hopes of hiding his embarrassment. "I get enough of that from Togami-kun!" 
Kamukura shuffled Naegi in order to give himself a more stable hold before walking out of the classroom. Naegi grumbled into Kamukura's chest, pulling himself even closer.
"You're also easily placated. I do not understand how you've managed to survive thus far." Kamukura muttered, seemingly more to himself than Naegi. 
"You're not the first one to say that to me." Naegi whispered, voice muffled by Kamukura's shirt. 
As tempted as Kamukura felt to further tease Naegi, he decided against upsetting the boy any more than he already had. An emotional fallout would be annoying. 
They walked in silence for a few more minutes as Kamukura traversed the stairs of the building, holding Naegi tightly in order to keep him safe. 
It was near impossible to speak up over the overwhelming presence of the other, so Naegi remained still and quiet. Kamukura, however, was unafraid of breaking that silence, and suddenly piped up with a question. 
"Would the Neo World Program allow me to become somebody else?" 
"U-uh...I don't see why not? It might affect the results, however." Mumbling in thought, Naegi tilted his head up to look at Kamukura. "Do you wish to become a different person, Kamukura-kun?" 
"Well, I'm assuming you'll try to reverse the despair by reverting us to our pre-despair selves. However, I do not have a pre-despair self." Kamukura dug his fingers slightly into Naegi's shoulder, not hard enough to hurt, but enough for Naegi to see he was distressed. "Well, except for… him." 
Naegi pressed his lips together, trying his best not to be too creeped out by Kamukura's ability to predict exactly what was going to happen. "Well, that is what we planned to do. But I thought you were turned to despair by Enoshima?" 
"I was turned to spreading despair by Enoshima. However, from the moment I was created, I have been despair. There is no joy in an existence so boring." Musing to himself, Kamukura closed his eyes for a moment, still walking perfectly straight as he did so. "When a human is an expert at everything, there is nothing left to do, no goals left to accomplish. I can predict anything and everything just as it is going to happen. Nothing surprises me, nothing brings me joy. I no longer have the ability to feel human emotions."
"I see, that makes sense… even though it is really sad." Pressing his head closer to Kamukura's chest, Naegi pondered how it must feel to live such a life. He was finding himself rather upset by the prospect. 
Even if Kamukura didn't feel any human emotions, and his strength was beyond human, Naegi could hear his heart beating softly in his chest. There was no doubt about the fact he was human beneath that cold exterior. 
"You pity me?" Kamukura's tone was rather confused, even curious. 
No matter how much he thought about it, Naegi couldn't understand why exactly that warranted such confusion. "I… guess?" 
"Even though I bear every talent known to man?" 
Naegi shrugged. "It's lonely at the top."
Looking away, Kamukura took a moment to turn the phrase over in his mind. "You're quite intriguing, Naegi Makoto. Taking pity on terrorists and murderers. I wonder, what exactly led you down this treacherous path?" 
"H-huh? It's just common human decency…" As he stammered away, Naegi found himself fiddling with his hands against Kamukura's back. "You guys were normal teenagers once, it's not fair that you have to die just because your lives also got ruined by Enoshima."
"Many innocent people have died at both our hands and Enoshima's." It confused Naegi how Kamukura could confess such a thing so casually, so stone-faced. "It is only just that we pay for our crimes."
"That's why it should end here!" Naegi said that a little too loudly, too passionately. He adjusted his tone to be a bit more quiet. "A-And you guys should be allowed to have normal lives too."
Kamukura merely stared blankly ahead, lost in thought. "��You really are just like your sister."
Naegi suddenly gripped the fabric of Kamukura's blazer tightly, pulling himself up a little. "You've met Komaru?!"
"No." The words were curt. "Stop moving."
Naegi was confused enough by the response to decide it was best to stop talking. It seemed his weariness from being on his feet all day was starting to catch up with him, and the warmth from Kamukura's body wasn't helping his situation whatsoever. He allowed his eyelids to rest, relaxing to the tune of Kamukura's heartbeat against his ear and the rock of his movements. 
Kamukura found himself most unimpressed by this new burden. This boy had the audacity to not only break his ankle, but was now steadily shifting into REM sleep in his arms. The worst part was that ridiculously soft expression he was making, blushing slightly even in his sleep.
As Naegi mumbled sleepily, he relaxed his arms, opting to move them away from the other's neck and instead have them wrapped around his torso. Kamukura could rouse the boy, but he wouldn't dare. 
"Napping in the middle of the apocalypse in the arms of a terrorist?" Kamukura whispered to himself. "You truly are strange, Naegi Makoto."
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every1studio · 5 years
REQUESTED: “a secret within a secret” [ateez: seonghwa ft woosan]
(do not read if you are UNCOMFORTABLE with this type of content)
genre: SMUT
ficstyle: bulletpoints + series  [PART 1] [PART 2] [SPECIAL]
request: “ ARE YOU GONNA MAKE A PART THREE FOR THAT WOOSAN SMUT it’s ok if u don’t im just curious but wHEN I TELL YOU I LITERALLY C A C K L E D SO FUCKING LOUD BECAUSE I WAS NOT EXPECTING THE END LMFAOOOOO I WAS LIKE WHAT THE FUCKKKKK FJDJSBAJDNKSKAKS i was so surprised but it was so good !!! i rly rly enjoy that fic, i wasnt expecting a part two hhhdhdb “
note: THIS IS ALL A WORK OF FICTION AND ISN’T MEANT TO BE PORTRAYED IN ANY OTHER WAY + THIS WAS HIGHLY REQUESTED SO I THOUGHT I WOULD INCLUDE IT AS A SPECIAL + I’ll try to get to the requests in my inbox as soon as I can more ideas for them!!! 
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you didn’t know how to enter into your classroom the next day 
was it because you couldn’t look at your teacher’s desk knowing what you did San and Wooyoung?
or was it because your young and hot teacher found out that you were fucking with other guys on HIS desk?
all of the above; would be the right answer 
you were usually the first one in class but you couldn’t be alone in the same room with your teacher after what he told you yesterday 
you stood outside the classroom waiting for more of your classmates to walk into class before entering 
San and Wooyoung cocked a smile when they saw you
“hey there, kitten”
“hey there, baby girl”
they both said at the same time, causing them to look at one another 
“kitten fits her better!”
“Y/N told me that she likes baby girl better than kitten!”
they started to yell; causing everyone to look outside to where you were, including your teacher, Mr. Seonghwa Park
you tried to quiet them down before your teacher could step outside your classroom
Mr. Park placed his hands on their shoulders, “I’m sure you don’t want the whole school knowing what you call Ms. Y/N, right? you should get to your class on time~”
the boys rubbed the back of their necks in embarrassment
San pinches your cheek before leaving, “see you after school~”
Wooyoung had to 1-UP San so he pecked you on the cheek before dragging San by the arm
“polyamory relationship, Ms. Y/N? you don’t strike me as the type..” your teacher speaks softly only for you to hear as he shoos your classmates back into class 
“I’m not in a relationship...” you murmured; it was said out loud but you weren’t expecting your teacher to be so interested in your love life
Mr. Park turns to cock a brow at you, “interesting..”
and with that, he started class and you had to push any unnecessary thoughts aside to focus on school 
every time that your mind was clear from all distractions, you would catch your teacher staring at you
you nervously look away when he would lick his lips as he kept eye contact with you; he’d pull out his chapstick so other students wouldn’t suspect any reason for him to constantly lick or bite his lips other than having “dry, irritated” lips 
it was like you were ready for that bell to ring for lunch; the moment you heard it you tried to bolt out of your seat and out the door
“Ms. Y/N, please come meet me in my office please,” Mr. Park announced 
you furrowed your brows as you sighed in compliance 
Mr. Park’s office was on the third floor at the end of the hall
you had 60 minutes of lunch; it took less than 2 minutes to get there 
you felt chills sent down your spine as you heard your teacher lock the door behind him
his room was dim from the curtains that shield the place from the light outside; it was fairly organized
“so, Ms. Y/N, what will you do for me?” he asked as he grazed his hands on his desk 
“I-I’m not sure what you mean, Mr. Park..” you lied
your teacher waves his phone in your face, “you know exactly what I mean..”
you tried to take it from him but he raises his phone over his head, way to high for you to reach without getting on the table 
“we shouldn’t even be doing this.. you’re my teacher...” you couldn’t hold eye contact with your teacher 
true; it was extremely good-looking and you weren’t the only one who had secret fantasies with him 
but he was a well-respected teacher; one of the youngest teachers in the country; he was at most only a couple years older than you 
he leans forward so that he’s face to face with you, “so are you saying that you’d be okay with it if you weren’t my student?” 
you couldn’t help but keep silent 
“I guess I’ll just turn it in to the board then..” he shoves his phone in his pocket before walking to the door 
you grabbed onto his sleeve with teary eyes, you were scared, “please don’t..”
Mr. Park sighed before turning to you, “maybe I’m just being selfish.. I grew up too fast, excelled in academics without living through school for the experiences.. so when I saw those heartbreaking troublemakers take you away from me, I just got jealous....”
you couldn’t believe what you just heard, “take me away from you?”
your teacher kept his eyes on you as he cleared his throat, “I’ve always noticed you..I was the one to notice you first.. but you always saw me as a teacher and only a teacher..and you know..”
he closes in the distance between you and the wall behind you, “I’m not that much older than you.. and if any of this really bothered you, you would’ve made a scene against me..”
he tips your chin up to look at him, “can I show you how much I’ve wanted to be with you?”
you didn’t know what to say or do; you started to tremble with confusing fear
“I never want to make you uncomfortable, I just let my jealously cloud my-” you interrupted him by pulling his lips onto yours by his tie 
he was quick to return the action by pushing his tongue into your mouth 
neither of you frantically wrestled to take off any clothes that were in the way 
your teacher peppered a constellations of kisses from your lips down to your faint love marks from Wooyoung as he took the time to unbutton your uniform
“M-Mr. Park-”
“Seonghwa,” he said, returning his lips onto yours, “call me Seonghwa..”
“Seonghwa,” you mewled, “ we don’t have a lot of time-”
Seonghwa smirks at what you were trying to get at, “I bet I can finished what I started.. if not, I still have all the time in the world after school~”
he picks you up and places you, back flat, onto his desk
he pushes you skirt up, leans into your pulsing heat
at this point you were impatient for any attention for pleasure, you were sure that he was going to rip off your panties and dive his tongue right into your pussy 
but he catches you by surprise
you could see his bare his teeth to nip your panties
you could hear him take a big whiff of your essence as he pulls off your panties, by the teeth 
he lets the panties fall from his mouth and shoves it into your mouth 
“you’re gonna have to try to be quiet if you don’t wanna get caught,” he leans in next to your ear; not taking the time to warn you that he’s going to shove his fingers into you at a rapid pace
your sounds were kept to a muffle because of your makeshift gag
your hands held onto his wrist to at least slow him down, but he wouldn’t budge by your touch 
his fingers were scissoring into you as he uses his thumb to apply pressure to your clit 
the moment Seonghwa catches you throw your head back and clench around his fingers, he pulled away
you started to tear up from the dissatisfaction of not being able to cum 
Seonghwa licks your tears off of your face, “you’ll get there, I promise you..”
he looks up at the clock, “I got more than enough time to get you there..” he sucks on his fingers that were covered with your wetness, “okay?”
you nodded, but you were still impatient, so you pulled him into you by wrapping your legs around his waist 
Seonghwa unbuckles his belt and leans forward to tighten it around your wrist, “I know how much you love to act like you’re in control, but that’s not what I’m gonna let you do today. you’ve been quiet a tease, kitten.. or should I call you baby girl?”
you shivered at your pet names as Seonghwa pulled out his cock
if it weren’t for your gag, your drool would’ve been escaping the corner of your mouth 
it was a heavenly combination of San AND Wooyoung’s cock combined; long, thick and veiny 
you could feel your eyes roll back as he pushed his way into you 
“I should call you a slut for all those guys that you used for pleasure, huh?” he grunted as he gained speed, filling the room with repetitive, lewd sounds   
Seonghwa didn’t give you time adjust as he began rut in and outside of you 
he didn’t even falter when you began to clench around him
it caused to you cum before he did; your body shook as waves of orgasm hit you and rippled through every nerve of your body 
but Seonghwa didn’t stop, causing you to wring by overstimulation 
he saw that, he truly didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, so he leans into the crevice of your neck as he continued to jackhammer into you
“ju-just hang in there.. I’m almost-” as if he couldn’t go fast and harder, hitting your g-spot every. single. time, he went past that point you thought was his limit 
you clenched around him once again; felt him bring you over to another round of cumming 
Seonghwa pulls your panties from your mouth and latching his lips onto you, “you’re so perfect, princess.. you’re everything a man ever needs-”
you tear up from cumming quickly for the second time
Seonghwa was so distracted by pumping his overflowing cum into you to realized that until he opened his eyes 
he slows down his heavy breath as he rides out his orgasm; smirking as he sees the damage he’s done on you, “you want to tell me, princess, could San or Wooyoung satisfy you like I do?”
you bit your lower, swollen lip as you shook your head, no
“so,” he pulls you up so that you’re sitting upright; he’s still inside of you, “what do you want?” 
you drew small circles on his chest, not being able to look up at him, “I don’t know..”
Seonghwa scoffs
“how about this,” he pulls out of you and walks to the drawers of his desk, pulls out a pair of panties, “you wear this, since your other ones are completely soaked, and tell me what you want after school, in the classroom?”
you compliantly put it on; you felt like there was something different about the panties but you didn’t think about it 
Seonghwa helps tidy you up; making you look like the perfect student everyone thought you were 
“I’ll see you in class, Ms. Y/N..”
and you were right
the moment Seonghwa returned back to the classroom after lunch, you felt volts of vibrations coming from your panties
you had to lean on one side of your chair to keep it from vibrating against the chair 
Seonghwa had his left hand in his pocket for the whole duration of class; fluctuating the levels between low and high, keeping deprived of a release 
you would look up at him with desperate, teary eyes but he wouldn’t even take a glance at you 
you looked up at the clock and cursed under your breath, “you’ve got to be kidding me..”
somehow you managed to pull through to the end of the day without getting any sort of release      
“see you later, Y/N! hope you feel better!” your classmates waved good-bye as they knew they had to leave you to do classroom duties 
that was when the vibrations stopped; you were finally able to catch your breath 
“kitten~ did Seonghwa-hyung play with you too roughly?”
your eyes widened, you knew that voice 
you looked up to see Wooyoung sit in the seat right in front of you, “I knew I chose the right toy to use on her, Seonghwa-hyung..”
you shook from fear as you looked up at Seonghwa, “wh-what’s going on?”
Seonghwa tosses the remote to San, who turned it up the a relatively high level, “Seonghwa-hyung caught us fucking you on his table over there and got jealous~”
“and so we told him that, we’ll share you..” Wooyoung wipes the drool coming from your lips
“even though I saw you first,” Seonghwa announced as he wrapped his arm around you 
“okay but we fucked her first!” Wooyoung snapped back
“w-wait ho-how did you all-”
San turns up the level up to the highest setting, as he smirks at Wooyoung and Seonghwa
“you wouldn’t know this but.. we’re all brothers,” Wooyoung’s lips traces over yours
“we’re okay with sharing you, but are you alright with being with all three of us, kitten?” San holds you hand and starts to kiss each and every finger
Wooyoung pulls away to glare at San, “she likes baby girl!”
Seonghwa furrows his brows at the younger kids, “she’s a princess and that’s that!”
you were irritated that all of their attention wasn’t on pleasuring you 
you pouted as you spoke up, “you guys talk too much...”
they took that as a cue that you were willing to be shared as long as you were satisfied
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Ali & Carly
Ali: Worth leaving your park for? Carly: fun Carly: he likes you more but its k cuz so do i Ali: nah Ali: he was so 😍 for the whole sitch I thought he might genuinely explode on sight Ali: it was fun tho, you were so good Carly: that would've been disappointing Carly: he was better than i thought hed be Carly: lads that cocky dont usually come through Carly: youre always good Ali: yeah, i'll give him that Ali: obviously overhyped himself but all lads do Ali: worth it to see my baby work it Ali: and i hope not 😉 Ali: though u can tell my Ma that, get me off the hook, like Carly: not just lads me too Carly: never seen you play someone like that before tho Carly: we gonna try this on caleb next or Carly: she scares me more than your ex but still would Carly: for you my baby Ali: how can you, you're perfect Ali: i know, crossing lads but not each other back then, babe Ali: not mad, not exactly my finest hour but wouldn't hate having met you sooner Ali: idk if it'd work on him Ali: he's not as dumb as Drew, bless him 😘 Ali: felt weird being at his house, woulda died if any of them had come back, like 😂 Ali: never mind my Ma, have you ever seen his? Carly: you're too sweet Carly: i kno cuz you wanna treat him nice like you do me Carly: not how you did drew hot as that was tho Carly: nah thats the first time ive been there & mas w sons give me space like Carly: sorry we should have brought him back to here my bad Ali: blah shut up 😏 Ali: obvs I wanna ride him too but idk Ali: gives off #loyal vibes to me so probs not a goer Ali: Well you know, had to show you what a real girl on girl on boy threesome was all about, boo Ali: nah, it added to the experience Ali: whatever it was, it wasn't boring Carly: i kno that he gives off 😍 for you Carly: & you like him Carly: catch you in his room collecting hair or w ever to put a spell on the boy Carly: when you could just do it the easy way Carly: aw never boring when im w you girl Carly: youve shown me a lot Ali: There's definitely attraction but I don't really know him Ali: Only see some people at parties, he's one of 'em Ali: like you said, we didn't properly SEE each other 'til now, did we? same kinda vibe Ali: my rep proceeds me 💀 Ali: where's the fun in easy? Ali: besides, I'm with you, and you're so fucking cute Ali: who else I need Carly: k but if you want him to see you you've gotta get out there Carly: if you can turn me you can make him forget your rep Carly: got the magic baby you kno Carly: you're cuter Carly: making me blush Ali: you're right Ali: work on being MORE extra Ali: the world ain't ready 😉 Carly: me either Carly: you're also so hot Carly: unfair Carly: if you get more Ali: baby Ali: making me miss you already Ali: that's what's unfair Carly: can i be at yours later tho Carly: my parents are fighting about me & think idk Carly: bitch its a caravan Ali: That's fun Ali: about parenting styles or? Ali: Of course you can Ali: I share a room with Ro though remember, so, best behaviour Carly: ha Carly: theyve got no flair Carly: about to throw this washing up bowl at my ma as my contribution to the convo Carly: shit i forgot Carly: maybe i shouldnt come over then Ali: trying to think of a witty one-liner for when you do Ali: all i've got is 'this convo is as dull as dishwater' lemme workshop it, hold fire boo Ali: nah, please come Ali: lmao, flashbacks to Drew there but forreal Ali: we can sleep on the sofa if needs Carly: lads are so funny Carly: i thought he was gonna cry w he thought we'd changed our minds Carly: good stash tho Carly: only reason my ma still running her mouth about me Carly: well zen Ali: another night crywanking Ali: gutting Ali: yeah, and you see all that fancy shit in his room, clearly on his big badman hype Carly: cant ever bring him here Carly: never hear the end Ali: gonna have trouble keeping him away now, babe Ali: 💦 Carly: only if youre here Carly: you speak the local lingo yea? Ali: Gabh mo leithscéal? Ali: 😏 Carly: wtf Carly: you could've just said yea babe Ali: could've but i'm a showoff Carly: cant act like i dont love it now Ali: can but it'd be a blatant lie Ali: right tongue workout, Gaelic, like Carly: thatll be why you bothered & i never Carly: very gay of you Ali: odds already stacked against me being 50% scum Ali: had to do what i could, babe Carly: help me out then Carly: my da's trying to start a fight w ronan's da who dont even speak english Carly: funny or fucked that he thinks thats where i go Carly: guaranteed his da is calling me a slag while my dad does the same Carly: ha Ali: 😒 Ali: fight for your honour or gtfo Ali: So stupid Ali: want me to rock up translator cum where you've been wasting your time? Carly: i told em all ive been too busy having 3ways w you & the golden god but they aren't having it Carly: gonna have to give you all a show, am i lads that aint what you want da but its what ill do k Carly: walking away before they start kissing themselves Carly: the tension Ali: Oh, middle-aged straight men Ali: never far away from a crisis or homoerotic awakening Ali: Join the club Carly: grab another beer lads itll be alright Carly: im not knocked up or running off with your lad Carly: do wanna get out of here tho Ali: Oh he is not potential baby daddy material at all Ali: Please Ali: come over or you wanna go somewhere else Ali: think my Da is firing up the BBQ, another staple of manliness Ali: sure we can keep him from brawling and strictly on the burgers tho Carly: who is Carly: get me on the ferry before you get me down the aisle Carly: k im walking Carly: keep me company babe Ali: valid Ali: benefits of being a gay is no awkward hush hush trips to England Ali: of course Carly: if only my parents believed i like you Carly: get back to slagging me off for other shit Carly: irish at me again. i liked it Ali: Bit offended, like, have you seen me guys? I'm a sensation Carly: i dont think they know who you are sorry Ali: Tá tuillte agat ar fud an domhain, Carly Walsh Ali: at least I can dramatically ask 'em then and really fucking mean my shock horror Carly: if you don't live on site you don't exist Carly: do i need to be offended at what you're saying about me in that gay tongue twister Ali: everyone got their own bubble Ali: i found out the world extends beyond the end of my street tho but you do you lads, it is easier that way Ali: tho not safer, ask ginge 😈 Ali: i hope not Ali: was nice, promise Carly: i wanna see more of it than this Carly: like you said wheres the fun in easy Carly: shit yea shes your ronan like Carly: she gonna show herself at the bbq Carly: i believe you, you don't kno how to be anything else to me even if you should Ali: You will Ali: Make sure of it Ali: I've shown you the stars, gonna show you the wonders on this world too, scout's honour Ali: omg, so is Ali: although she doesn't occasionally come by when she's horny Ali: so we're safe Ali: she'd never trust me serving her a bevvy, like 🧙‍♀️ #witchesbrew Ali: why should I? don't be telling me what to do woman 😜 Carly: maybe she should Carly: she might be less sad and mad once she's had a ride w you Carly: you gonna play like you don't like it now Carly: just in the bedroom k hear you Ali: I'll put it out there Ali: get ready to cover my bruises this time Ali: 😏 Ali: time and a place, baby Carly: if you're showing her what real magic is she can't be mad Carly: but if she is she can go through me i got you girl Carly: wont beat me a second time like Ali: my lil million dollar baby Ali: into it Carly: your sister would be too Carly: not in the same way but would get her on side Ali: she's so on side Ali: now she knows you ain't tryna be my bosom bud like that Carly: she still dont vibe w me tho Carly: i kno it wasnt just that Ali: she's just shy, don't worry Ali: no one out here you need to impress but me and i already am Carly: what about your ma and da Carly: i kno they arent shy Carly: how do you want me to play that Ali: just be you you don't gotta do anything more or less baby Carly: im scared Ali: you don't have to be, I swear, Ma's not as bad as she 👀 and my Da's a big softie Ali: you can just come as my friend, they aren't gonna pry Carly: k Carly: i trust you Carly: itll be fun yea Ali: s2g Ali: you can meet Tommo, you'll like him Ali: and your fave will be dying for your attention, obvs Carly: mystery boy Carly: is he hot like your other brothers Ali: i'm not gonna confirm or deny 'cos bit weird Ali: also potentially rude if I nah it 'cos I reckon he ain't your type Ali: I cannot promise hot brothers making an appearance but you might get 🍀 Carly: hot sister then Carly: I dont mean my fangirl but the older one Ali: package deal with the freckly one Ali: not rock, weirddd Ali: but see, so ready with the compliments they're gonna 💚 u Carly: he's hot too Carly: & you kno i think the littlest is such a cutie Carly: but i dont wanna compliment anyone but you Ali: I'm not gonna complain about that Carly: better not cuz im almost at yours Carly: its too hot to turn around & walk back Ali: yay! Ali: lemme come get you Ali: i wanna kiss you before we have to be social Carly: i want you to kiss me whenever you feel like it Ali: might just take you up on that Carly: do cuz it means i can too Ali: deal 💚
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