#can we talk about the Alf costume in his closet next?
eddiemunsonstrojans · 2 years
"Eddie Munson fucks. He's got condoms on his nightstand."
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He might, and he does, but those condoms are not current (from 1986). Either the set design people made a little gaffe with the design of that box... or they've got a different idea for what's going on with it.
The TrojanENZ Lubricated condoms on Eddie's nightstand most resemble designs from the 1970s, not '80s.
Eddie's box: Trojan-ENZ Lubricated
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The box is one flat color, with the condom variation printed plainly on the front, and a Trojan icon in the upper right of the logo. Much like:
Example One: Trojan-ENZ box from 1976
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(Source: What Will 44-Year-Old Condoms Look Like?)
Example Two: Trojans box from 1972
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(Source: This eBay listing)
Example Three: Trojans Plus ad from 1973
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(Source: This eBay listing)
Season 4 of Stranger Things is set in 1986. These days, condoms expire after about 5 years (3 with spermicide). So Eddie's box would have to be from 1981-83 to just barely meet standards of not expiring - provided they could last as long as modern condoms. (Trojan-ENZ have spermicide now, and might have then, so 1983 is probably the most accurate.)
In the 1980s, the box design just did not match the ones in Eddie's trailer. As early as 1981, the Trojan-ENZ Lubricated boxes were wider and featured a couple in silhouette. They did not seem to go back to an earlier design by 1986.
Example One: Trojan "Rest Assured" print ad from 1981 (ENZ Lubricated pictured on the left)
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(Source: This eBay listing)
Example Two: Trojan-ENZ Lubricated Print ad from 1983
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(Source: This eBay listing)
Example Three: Trojan print ad from 1986 (ENZ Lubricated pictured on the bottom right)
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(Source: This eBay listing)
Eddie Munson's condoms are expired. If Eddie does fuck, he's either using someone else's condoms or being irresponsible about it.
Credit to SPIDERPXNK on Twitter for finding a match for the box design (and a bunch of other cool shit in Eddie's room).
I just went down the rabbit hole because it hit some special interest points (graphic design and set design).
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