#can we get more playable reader asks pls
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fatuismooches · 7 months ago
More Dottore and Fragile Reader voice lines, except it's your turn this time. A part two to this. Previous voice lines are here.
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About Prime Dottore:
"Zandik. My one and only… words cannot express my tenderness and love toward him. I refuse to forget any moment I've spent with him. Not once has he given up on me, despite the times I’ve given up on myself. And he has always taken care of me, not once faltering in over four hundred years. I- I don’t know what to do sometimes when faced with that information. I wish I could be… less of a burden on him…”
About Omega:
"Omega, huh... he is the only segment where I always spend time with completely alone. See, he's not prone to sharing, just like Prime. I don't mind much, honestly, it's nice to get away from all of the noise and be with him. He always coaxes me to be more selfish too... is it a good or bad thing he's influencing me?"
About Alpha:
"Yes, the grumpy cutie I met all those years ago, the start of it all. He says that my presence is a hindrance and it only disrupts his work, but we both know that's false. Often, I like to sit by him as he writes his notes, pointing out all the errors caused by the atrocity of his handwriting... Sometimes, I feel bad using him as a reminder of the past."
About Beta:
"It always baffles me that Beta was once how Dottore acted. I mean, have you seen the difference between 'Mega and Beta? Anyway... he's always such a fun segment to hang around! Even when his assistants cower behind me in fear! Oh, and whenever he goes 'he-he-ho-ho', it always makes me giggle. Please don't tell him I did that impression of him though."
About Delta:
"Oh, Delta's... pretty mean. A really big meanie, if I do say so myself. He never laughs, never smiles, never entertains my shenanigans, always sees right through me... so rude. Huh? Don't worry about me, I'm allowed to talk about him like this. I still love him, after all."
About Zeta:
"Zeta's always so elusive! It was such a pain to track him down at first, he was always avoiding me. I thought he hated me... but once I got a hold of him, he is always so attentive to me! However, it greatly saddens me that he thinks he "failed" me... and yet he doesn't know how much it hurts me more that I've caused him to be like this."
About Zandy:
"Have you met my son? He's the sweetest little thing, isn't he? I remember how shy he was in the beginning, but he quickly grew to be such a dear. Always so excited and eager for attention. I can't help but wonder if Dottore's life could have been different if more people were kinder to him as a child."
About Pierro:
"I will always be indebted to him and Her Highness for taking me in. He is pretty scary to be around, but I feel sort of bad for him. I can't imagine how much responsibility he has... I once promised him I'd work for the Fatui once I'm better, but he didn't react much. Hmph, I'll show him how much I can boost Dottore's efficiency!"
About Capitano:
"The only thing I really know about him is that he's incredibly strong and well respected, at least from other people. The single time I met him, I also learned he was quite well liked by animals too, but it's hard to get any more information when he's so quiet..."
About Columbina:
"Bina is the best friend I've always wanted. I'm glad she's always there for me whenever things go bad. Although I can never predict what she's going to do or say, which is pretty strange, considering who I'm with, that makes her company all the more fun. Still, the amount of embarrassing situations she's tricked me into with Dottore... makes my head hurt."
About Arlecchino:
"I wish we could be closer, but I don't think it'll ever happen. I can't really blame her though, the relationship between her and Dottore is... not the greatest, for reasons I understand. I wonder what she thinks of me, the person who still stands by his side despite his sins?"
About Pulcinella:
"Oh... the little grandpa? I've always wondered how he's the fifth rank, but there's probably more to it than I know. Regardless, I didn't expect him to be so kind to me. I only see him once in a while, but every time he seems to know how I'm doing. And then, he proceeds to give me the best advice, exactly what I needed to hear at that moment, even when it has to do with Dottore. It's kind of scary..."
About Scaramouche:
"Ah yes... the Balladeer. He always wants to start up something with me whenever we cross paths, which is why my patience runs very thin around him. I hope the next time he goes into the Abyss, he gets stuck there."
About Wanderer:
About Sandrone:
"Her research sounds so cool! I've seen some of the things she can create, and it's completely fascinating. I too once had a love for machines back when I was a student. It's just a shame she never comes out of her lab... there are never any chances for me to talk with her. Well, I can always talk with Alpha and Beta about their research at least."
About La Signora:
"I've barely ever seen or spoken to her, but she has my respect. I heard what happened to her husband. If I ever lost Dottore, I'm not sure if I'd be able to go on... or at least be as half as strong as she is."
About Pantalone:
"Oh, Lone's one of my good friends! He always has such unique ideas for me to get back at Dottore, and listening to him talk about his theories quite reminds me of listening to Dottore. He's helped me a lot, dealing with this man. Still... as he does with everyone, I'm kept at arm's length. It doesn't bother me, but I wish I could help him in some way. But I know that'll never be possible."
About Childe:
"Despite being a Harbinger, he's a lot nicer than you'd think. Well, especially compared to the others in the Fatui. He's great at conversation, his family is the sweetest... and he always promises to spar with me once I'm no longer sick. Truly great company. Too bad Dottore's attitude toward him is... less than favorable."
About Furina:
"At first I hated her just like all the other Gods, but after learning the truth, I can't help but greatly respect her. To take on such a burden without having a single shoulder to lean on and succeed in the end... I think I've been through a lot of pain, but at least I've had Dottore and the others to ease it even just a bit. But she had no one, and I admire her will."
About Nahida:
"I try not to waste my time on things that upset me. It's not good for my health."
Sprint Start:
"No, no, I am not running at all. Look, if I get hurt and Dottore finds out it was your fault, you'll be the ones strapped to the table, not me. Hey... I wouldn't mind being in that position, actually."
Chat - Worry:
"I hope that one day he can make peace with himself."
Chat - Old Times:
"Sometimes I wish I was just a simple student again, having no worries other than my grades and pulling all-nighters with Dottore. Actually, that doesn't really sound relaxing, does it?"
Chat - Idling:
"If you're just going to stand here doing nothing, then I'm going to take a seat over there."
When it Snows:
"Would you be willing to distract Dottie so I can chuck a snowball at him? No? How boring."
When the Sun is Out:
"It's a perfect day to have a picnic and listen to him rant again."
In the Desert:
"... Omega, Beta, Delta, I don't care which one of you does it, get over here and make your hands completely ice cold before I faint."
Something to Share - Talent:
"If you ever need help writing something, you can ask me. I wrote some pretty good essays back in the day, you know. Dottore once said I should even write a book! I thought he was bullying me, but he was actually serious, for some reason. Maybe I should get Zandy to draw some pictures?"
Something to Share - Secret:
"Dottore actually has quite a sweet tooth. Well, this probably isn't much of a secret anymore because I accidentally spilled it to the agents, but it would do you good to keep this in mind."
Interesting Things - Foxttore:
"This little guy here? He'll do you no harm unless I say so, so don't worry. He was one of Dottie's failed experiments roaming the lab until he gifted the creature to me! These pufflings too, surprisingly they help me a lot more than you'd think. They're pretty strong, carrying all my things."
Favorite Pastimes - Meals:
"It's time to eat already? No need to worry about me, I'll just wait for a segment. See, it's best for both of us if I have company while I eat. My hands... aren't the most reliable."
"I am very happy that they have a good place to conduct all the research they want, but I wish they paid some more attention to me sometimes. Voicing this complaint over and over again, however, is too exhausting."
"Dottore's fan club never ceases to amuse me. I know every Harbinger has one but... it's completely hilarious. To go so far as creating a handbook about the two of us... well, I appreciate the dedication and the laughs, especially when I update Dottore on their activities. He may not care, but I support them!"
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selfaware-bungou-stray-dogs · 10 months ago
Heyya! It's me again! 🌙! Been a while since I asked a question:3 btw hru? Love your new fics! And also concerned on how many requests you have. Pls do take your time on making them you could (or have gone) burnt out if you rush. Do take a break from time to time <3. Here are my questions!
Questions for both Sagau x bsd and self aware bsd
1. Did you mention Verlaine in SAGAU X BSD?
2. Where are all the other good genshin characters stay in GL world (like nahida, scaramouche, citizens, etc.) ?
3. Does Nahida and Furina move their people in the real world too?
4. Is Fitzgerald basically the richest person in the world?
5. In the real world, is the government suspicious of Fitzgerald like- suspicious if he is the richest person in the world.
Hello, 🌙 Anon! Long time no see.
I am doing great. Glad that you liked my last fics.
And thank you for your concern. I am doing requests in my own pace, taking enough breaks.
And to your questions.
1. Verlaine was mentioned in this post and in this post. He also has one SAGAU themed meme, and he was requested in Event.
He didn't appear in the fics, for now. I am planning to write about him saving Furina and Melusines from Fortress of Meropide, but, it still in planning.
Can share some plans for future SAGAU x BSD AU Crossover fics
(Right now I am talking about original fics, not including requests and event!)
Fukuzawa and Fukuchi fic. - "A step back". Set right after Reader returned from Teyvat, but before Capitano got into the Real World to capture Reader. About Fukuzawa and Fukuchi taking care of a still almost broken Reader.
Mori, Elise and Zhongli fic. - Mori vs Zhongli
Verlaine and Furina fic I mentioned above
Maybe? An Arlecchino focused fic. A scene, where Arlecchino came to Reader to negotiate about benefits she will get from helping Reader. Will I tie it to BSD Character? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ We will see.
Mitchell and Venti fic. Venti, after confronting Fake Creator, is forced to be loyal to them, otherwise they will execute everyone in Mondstadt. He gets an earful from Mitchell.
Another Fukuzawa fic, possibly? Something with Fukuzawa act as an assassin again. Perhaps with Rosaria and Eula, or Lawrence Clan.
Saving Nahida and Aranaras fic. Chuuya? Perhaps Adam and Lucy.
Fake Creator focused fic. About their past, and why they decided to pretend to be a Creator. Possibly with Ayatsuji.
Atsushi fic. Something soft, Atsushi bringing tiger cubs to Reader for petting them.
BEAST Spin Off. Semi-canon for the main crossover. BEAST Characters get into the Real World after Reader returned from Teyvat and BEAST! Mori accidentally scared Reader with his voice.
What if. What if Reader get into Teyvat before BSD Cast got into the Real World and during execution Reader, instead of returning to the Real World, got teleported into BSD World.
2. In BSD Manor. It's big enough to house few more people. If needed, Fitzgerald might order to build one more house (he was planning to do it anyway, in case more BSD Characters appeared in Real World).
Kids helped Aranaras and Melusines build new villages for them.
3. Does Nahida and Furina move their people in the real world too?
It will depend, if most of their citizens will be in danger (example: If Fake Creator ordered Apep to "unleash" jungles on Sumeru, or Neuvillette decided to drown Fontaine), Furina and Nahida will demand for their people to be moved.
Otherwise, if their people aren't in danger, they will see and wait.
BSD Cast, while angry, aren't unreasonable. They understand, why common people chased after Reader (fear, religious beliefs). Their revenge are mostly focused on "playable characters". People in power, who ordered to hunt Reader.
They will try to keep permanent damage to the normal citizens as low as they can.
4. He is quite rich. I won't call him the richest, but he is wealthy.
5. Even if they are, they won't find anything. Fitzgerald is financially clear. For real world, he was just a cosplayer, who decided to play on the stock exchange (Fitzgerald and Alcott) and get a jackpot from online casino (Sigma, Fyodor, Dazai). There is no tax evasion, Fitzgerald is just a very lucky person.
BSD Cast prepared, before going to the real world.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters @nervousinfluencertidalwave @ayameshu
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heartcal · 4 years ago
“who do you believe?”; l.h.
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Disclaimer: i didn’t want to write sierra as a bad person because i personally cannot see that, and i know there’s some discourse about her within in the fandom but i don’t want any of that here! so i named the girlfriend after a girl who bullied me in elementary school lol (but another disclaimer: i do not want to see any hate towards the boys’ s/o! pls don’t send any asks that talks bad about them, i will not answer them!)
thank you for requesting! :^)
a/n: while transfering this from microsoft word, the formatting kept screwing up for some reason so if there are some janky paragraphs, i apologize! not too comfortable with this one compared to my previous fic (this feels rushed) but it is long and i did not mean for that to happen lol. enjoy!
if there are any mistakes, please tell me!
pairing(s): not really a mention of luke hemmings x reader but it’s mostly luke hemmings x named gf (rachel/oc) (gender neutral but if i slipped up, please let me know!)
summary: having known luke for years, it was bound to happen eventually. the crush you developed happened before you could stop it, and you did your best to keep it a secret. you told no one, did your best not to show it, so what do you do when his girlfriend finds out?
genre: angst, and mostly angst >:^)
warnings: swearing, luke’s gf being mean, bullying?
wc: 4,057 (she’s a long one)
my masterlist!
You don’t know when it happened, or frankly how it happened, but one thing is for sure: you don’t want to feel this way.
Was it when he bought you a stuffed animal version of a pet you had as a kid, one that you remember so fondly and still tear up about it to this day? Or was it when he would always bring back a certain candy you can only find in its country of origin, and bring as much as customs would allow? Maybe it was when he printed out every photo he could find from the beginning of your friendship to the present day (at that time) and made a scrapbook for your birthday since you cherish memories?
Whatever memory it was, you want to track it down and destroy it. It wasn’t fair that you developed such strong feelings for your best friend, knowing he doesn’t feel the same since he’s taken.
It’s not that he isn’t attractive – far from that because if anything, you wish you could draw just so you can draw him because there’s no way someone can look that good – but it’s more of the fact that he’s your best friend, someone you hold dear to you.
You two grew up together; saw each other’s worst phases, styles, and embarrassing moments (it was well documented towards the middle of the scrapbook). He was with you when you went through bad break-ups, and you with him. Throughout school, you two were inseparable, and when the band got big he made sure to keep you close and to never lose contact. It was hard in the beginning but you two managed.
Now finished with college, you’ve taken on the role of working with the team when they’re on tour and helping plan aesthetics for the next album. He offered the jobs after you struggled to find a job after graduation, and in the end, you enjoyed being with the guys and doing the tasks needed.
Tonight, the band was set to play their new album to an intimate crowd. It was to welcome back old fans and welcome new fans, introducing both sides to a new sound they worked hard on. You couldn’t be any more proud.
You sat on the couch as the guys walked around the room, pepping themselves up and hyping each other. You had finished doing your tasks with the crew and spent your free time watching the band prepare as the audience began to fill in the theater seats.
A nudge on your arm makes you direct your eyes from Michael styling his hair with a nervous expression to the person on your left.
“What’s up?” you asked, smiling at the curly-haired individual.
Luke shrugs, glancing around the room before his eyes land back on you. He has a small smile on his face as he leans back onto the couch, “Nothing.”
You scoff, shaking your head with a smile, “Yeah, sure, ‘nothing,’” you mimic, tilting your head to the side, “I doubt that.”
“What do you want me to say?”
You give him an incredulous look, crossing your arms as you turn to face him. You can tell he’s nervous, like the rest of the team and the band, but he won’t admit it. He’s always wanted others to view him as strong and unbothered, especially when those around him feel off.
He mirrors your position, a smirk on his lips because he knows you’re about to lecture him.
And he’s right.
“Your band has a new album out in a couple of days—an album you guys have worked hard on even when your management gave you shit, mind you—and you’re about to perform a majority of the songs in front of 500. Are you not nervous?”
He shakes his head, smugly smiling as he returns to his position leaning against the couch, watching Ashton dry the wet ends of his hair.
“Liar,” you mumble, uncrossing your arms and taking your phone out to check the time.
“Alright,” Luke sighs, giving in, “maybe I’m a little nervous, but I’m not a wreck.”
He’s still a liar. The success of their last album was astounding, so creating an album to reach that level and hopefully top it was hard enough. Playing it in front of an intimate crowd who may or may not like it was tough.
Luke isn’t cocky. He’s a humble man, but he likes to joke around in stressful situations. He’s used to concerts, so he doesn’t have any anxiety when it comes to performing. But when he is nervous for any reason, he won’t show it. He’ll act cool, completely collected with his head held high in confidence. If he needs to relieve the stress, he’ll either do it himself with a strong pep talk, or he’ll go to you.
“What are you nervous about?” You ask, wanting to make him feel better.
“Will they like it? Will it even chart? Is it too bold?” he continues listing out his insecurities about the album and the performance, finally lifting everything off his chest.
And you listen. The way his eyes stare into yours with slight confidence, covered by worry makes your heart sore. Luke’s kept everything inside and now that he’s listing his grievances, it makes you wonder just what else you can get out of him that he’s kept buried inside.
However, before you can give him your insight on this particular problem, “Luke!”
His head immediately turns to the door, the worry in his eyes fading out into sheer happiness and adoration. Something you’ve always wanted to see directed towards you.
Luke stands arms wide as he captures his girlfriend in his arms for a hug. Her arms wrap around his waist as his arms go around her shoulders, dipping his head down to kiss her on the head.
“I can’t believe you made it!” you hear him speak with excitement, expressing more words of happiness as he guides her to another part of the room.
You don’t miss the way her eyes glare in your direction, and you’re not afraid to give her a look back.
Rachel was nice when you met her. You actually liked her, despite your crush on Luke, and you were rooting for the two. But, a couple months ago during a stressful week, she turned on you. Her attitude towards you shifted, almost as if you had disrespected her and her bloodline. She would always act as if you weren’t in the room, and when plans were made with the boys, she would “accidentally” leave you out. It was embarrassing for you when you’d find out your friends went out, calling you to find out why you didn’t come. Due to the embarrassment, you would go along with it, making up some excuse as to why you were absent.
None of the boys, to your knowledge at least, have caught on to her antics, and you honestly hope they don’t. Whatever it is you did to her, you want to find out for yourself so you can fix it.
With a sigh, you stand from the couch, stretching your arms briefly before wandering to Calum, who stood in the shower room connected to the dressing room.
“Hey,” you greeted him with a warm smile.
He smiles back, finishing his drink before tossing the plastic cup in the trash. He grabs his bass, which was placed on the counter, and holds it out to you.
“You want me to see if it sounds out of tune?” you jokingly ask.
He nods, “Yeah, I feel like one of the chords might be flat.”
You chuckle as you pluck a random chord. His instruments are always tuned before it’s time to play. One of his pre-show nervous ticks was the constant doubt of his instruments being playable.
“It’s fine, Calum.”
The doubt shows on his face as he brings his guitar back to himself, putting it on and checking the chords himself, but it doesn’t last long as Ashton’s voice calls everyone to the center of the room.
Walking with Calum to where the rest of the crew was, you notice how attached Luke was to Rachel. Joint at the hip, arms wrapped around each other; it was annoying.
“Show starts in ten,” Ashton gains your attention, holding up a cup as Michael hands Calum a similar cup before doing the same to Luke. The three follow the drummer’s action as he continues, “let’s make this show fuckin’ awesome.”
The crew cheers, dying down quickly as Michael gives his thoughts, “We worked our asses off for this album, I don’t have any doubts about it. We got this, guys!”
The cheers resume as those with a drink take a celebratory sip before placing their empty cup on a surface near them.
Calum leaves your side to join Michael while Ashton heads to you.
“You excited?” he asks, putting his right arm around your shoulders with a large smile.
“Yeah!” you return the smile, “What about you? Nervous like the others?”
He shakes his head, crinkling his nose, “I’m not too nervous. I’m just happy to play again.”
You’re about to ask him what song he was the most excited to play, starting to get into the conversation but yet again you are interrupted by Rachel.
“Hey, Ash,” she greets him, Luke following close behind her as his arms make their way back around her shoulders again.
“Hi, Rachel,” Ashton nods his head at her – his eyes dance to Luke briefly before returning to Rachel’s, “didn’t think you’d make it.”
“Couldn’t miss your big show,” she smiles, looking up at her boyfriend as she pats his stomach.
Luke laughs, gently pushing her hand away from him, “I’m surprised, too—“ he grabs the guitar a crew member hands him, left arm lifting itself from Rachel’s shoulder as he slips the strap over his head, “—because her schedule did not look clear enough, but here she is.”
“Three minutes,” a different crew member rushes out, patting Luke and Ashton’s shoulders before rushing to tell the others.
“See you after,” Luke shifts his guitar away from Rachel before leaning down to kiss her on the lips – something you wish you didn’t see – and turning around to head out of the dressing room.
Ashton gives you a quick hug, “Excited for the lights,” he mumbles in your ear before turning to Rachel to give her a side hug.
It doesn’t go unnoticed how Rachel’s eyes glared at you by Ashton, but he doesn’t mention it as he heads out with the other guys towards the stage.
As a majority of the crew follow them out, you stay behind to clean up the empty cups and other trash, trying to occupy yourself as Rachel too stayed behind.
Her eyes followed you as you moved about the room, carrying the small plastic bag with you as it fills up with cups and wrappers. You could feel the glare burning into your side and back as you paid her no mind.
When it was just you two left, the bass from their opening song was heard and felt as you finished picking up the garbage.
“For how long have you liked Luke?”
You froze. Your head whipped towards Rachel, wide-eyed as you glanced around the room to make sure it was just the two of you.
“What…what are you talking about?” You can feel an extreme warmth rising up from the bottom of your back, all the way to your face, nervousness clouding your brain as she stares you down.
“Luke—,” she crosses her arms and moves to the couch, “how long have you liked Luke?”
“I don’t—I,” you stutter, your stomach dropping as you realize you’ve been caught.
His girlfriend knows you like him.
“Cut the bullshit,” she spits, “I can see it. You’ve been friends with him for years, you obviously caught feelings for him.”
You shake your head, standing up straight to give off the illusion of confidence. Turning your back to her and towards the door, “I don’t have to talk to you.”
You opted for walking out of the dressing room and go watch the band from the side of the stage, but you made a quick stop in the bathroom to splash cold water on your face.
You did what you could to avoid her during their performance. You knew she was watching you, seething at how you ended the conversation so fast.
Rachel wanted to break you down, find the reason why you like him and separate you two for as long as it takes to make him fall in love with her. She finds you a problem in their relationship because of how close you and Luke are, because of how long you’ve known each other. A threat to her and her relationship.
An hour and a half later, the show is finished and the whoops and cheers from the crowd indicate the album was very well received. That thought swept the interaction with Rachel from earlier under the rug as the boys’ adrenaline spread throughout the crew.
Ashton was first to greet you, sweaty and ready to envelop you in a hug but you’re quick to avoid it, ducking down just as his arms closed around the space where your head was. He laughs it off, heading for his next victim.
Next was Calum, who grabbed a drink from Andy and gulped it down. He had a smile on his face after, only growing wider when he saw you. “I think they liked it!”
“Bass in tune, huh?” you return, patting his back as he passes you to go to the next person.
Michael is the third, taking off his hat (which made you question why he was so worried about his hairstyle that he spent at least fifteen minutes playing with before the show). He stops in front of you, phone in hand as he takes a picture of the two of you: a tradition he started a few tours ago as a joke.
Finally, Luke makes his way towards you, ready to ramble about the show but is brisked away by Rachel. He doesn’t even glance over at you after he’s taken away towards the hall.
Entering the dressing room where the rest of the boys sat, you saw Michael talking animatedly on the phone, Calum laying across the couch with an arm over his eyes, and Ashton wiping off excess sweat with a towel. He was the first one to notice you.
“Ready for that hug?” he asks as you approach him.
“Why not.”
You hug each other, smiling as you pulled away. In the distance, over the cool-down music, you hear Luke’s laughter in the hall. Knowing he’s with Rachel makes you wonder if she’s told him about her suspicions, and that thought alone makes you clam up all over again.
Ashton immediately notices, tilting his head as he asks you what’s wrong.
“Nothing,” you quickly reply, eyes focusing on him.
He notices how jittery you seem, but he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable so he says nothing.
“Guys,” Andy comes in with his camera in hand, “we need to take a few photos.”
The three agree and follow the photographer out. You move to the snack table for a bottle of water, but before you can take a sip, someone clears their throat in the doorway.
You roll your eyes immediately because you know who it is. You don’t pay her any attention and instead take the sip of water you need.
“We need to finish that conversation you oh-so rudely ended,” Rachel moves into the room, keeping her voice down as she crosses her arms.
“We don’t need to finish anything.”
She scoffs, “I asked you a question, and you were so quick to avoid it. I think you’re proving a point.”
“What point?” you turn to look at her, “I know you don’t like me but I don’t know why, can we start with that?”
“Like I said before, I know you like Luke. He’s my boyfriend, and I don’t like how he’s close to you.”
“We grew up together,” you state, standing tall as you glare at her, “of course we’re going to be close.”
“Well I don’t like it,” she huffs.
You shake your head with a sigh, closing the lid to the bottle as you turn your back to her. You were getting angry at the fact that someone who didn’t know Luke as long as you did was hinting that you should stay away from him.
“Stop hanging out with him.”
A curt laugh escapes you before you can stop it, “Are you jealous of our friendship?”
“No,” she smirks, “but I know you’re jealous of our relationship.”
She’s right; you’re only a little jealous of their relationship, but it’s not something you want to risk your friendship with.
You open your mouth to defend yourself, but you’re caught off-guard when nothing comes out. The one opportunity to make her believe you don’t like her boyfriend and you can’t say anything.
Giving up with sinking shoulders, you glance at the door before looking back at her. Grimacing at her knowing smile, “How did you find out?”
She hums, “It was easy. I love him, so I know what it looks like to look at someone you love. You made it so obvious, I’m surprised no one else found out!”
You grit your teeth. You did your damn best to make sure no one, especially Luke or Rachel, know how you feel about him.
“I’m not intimidated by you,” she walks closer to you, arms uncrossing as her hands move to her hips, “but I won’t deny the fact that you and Luke have chemistry.”
“What will it take—” you place the bottle back on the table, “—for you to leave me alone?”
“Do the same to him.”
“Leave him alone, unfriend him,” she shrugs, “simple as that.”
“That’s ridiculous,” you walk around her to the door, ready to end the conversation.
“Do that or I’ll tell him,” with a harsh tone she walks towards you, grabbing your arm to stop you from walking.
“You wouldn’t.”
“Okay,” another voice from the doorway makes the two of you jump, “that’s enough.”
Ashton walks into the room, grabbing Rachel’s hand and removing it from your arm.
“W—” she stutters out as she watches the tall man move to stand in front of you.
“I came back for my drumsticks—” his eyes shift to the object sticking out of his bag before dropping down to Rachel, “—but instead I find you, what, threatening a good friend of ours?”
Rachel is speechless while you’re frozen. It was embarrassing enough for one person to find out about your crush on Luke, but now Ashton might know and you want to go into hiding.
“Let it go,” you tug on Ashton’s shirt to get his attention but he doesn’t move.
“Telling someone who’s known your boyfriend longer than your relationship to just abandon him is low, Rachel. Don’t think the way you’ve been treating our friends has gone unnoticed.”
You hear more footsteps approaching the room, and now you wish the ground can swallow you up. You don’t want all this attention on you.
“What’s happening here?” Michael says as he peeks into the room, Luke behind him as Calum leans against the other side of the doorway.
“Nothing—,” Rachel tries to deflect but with four pairs of eyes on her, it becomes too much. Tears start pouring out, and you’re in disbelief.
How can she be the one crying after she was the one who was rude to you?
Luke immediately rushes in, creating a beeline right to her side to wrap her in his arms.
His eyes dart to yours, an emotion on his face of something you’ve never seen, but you know it’s not good.
“What did you do?”
You’re taken back by his tone and the way his angry eyes stare you down. It hurts because instead of staying neutral and finding out what exactly happened, he immediately chose a side: a side of someone he’s known for only for a short amount of time.
“Mate,” Ashton speaks up for you, “I think you’re asking the wrong person that.”
“No,” Luke’s voice raises, eyes moving from yours to stare into his band mate’s, “I’m asking the right person.”
You swallow the lump in your throat, your eyes welling with tears as the weight of everything happening within the last ten minutes starts to bring you down. Your eyes move away from the ones boring into yours, and with a tremble in your voice, “I didn’t do anything. She’s the one who started—.”
“Bullshit!” Luke’s roar cuts you off, “Absolute bullshit, because if she started it, then why is she the only one crying?!”
The two other guys move in to the room to mediate the situation.
“Luke, calm down,” Michael’s hands raise to the motion of ‘calm down’ as he tries to get Luke’s attention.
“There’s gotta be more to the story,” Calum moves to your side, checking on you briefly.
“Don’t,” Luke states as he watches Calum grab your shoulders to move you out of the room.
“Don’t you think you’re overreacting?” Ashton questions. He watches Luke soothingly rub Rachel’s back, wiping her tears with his free hand.
“My girlfriend is crying and you two were the only ones in here,” Luke replies, gently grabbing Rachel’s arms so he can look directly into her eyes, “what happened, babe?”
“I asked them—,” Rachel sniffles, continuing her façade, “—if they needed any help cleaning the room earlier and they yelled at—at me and told me to go away. Then after the show when you guys went for your photos, I came here to apologize to her, even though I didn’t do anything wrong.”
She was selling it; the tears, the sniffling, the stutters, and hiccups. A great actress who knows what she wants.
“That’s not true,” you inhale, your ears feeling warm and ringing, “she has had a problem with me lately and I don’t know why!”
Luke scoffs, shaking his head, wrapping Rachel in his arms again.
“C’mon,” Michael mumbles, wanting to leave the room.
Ashton turns around, watching your face go from pleading to blank as the tears fall from your eyes. He turns his head to face Luke, “You’re unbelievable,” he grabs your shoulders and starts to move you out of the room, “let’s go.”
Michael is already out of the room, the tension too much for him and ruining the after-show vibe. Calum is waiting by the door ready to help lead you out. Ashton has you turned around, pushing you towards the door.
“Wait, Luke,” you mumble, getting out of Ashton’s hold and turning back to face Luke.
He doesn’t look at you, sighing as he rubs Rachel’s head as it’s against his chest.
“Please,” you plead, begging him to look at you and when he does, you ask, “who do you believe?”
“Who do you believe, Luke,” you gulp with a sniffle, “me or her?”
For a moment, you think you see hesitation. His jaw tenses as he stares you down, his best friend for years and someone he turned to when times got tough. He then looks down at the girl in his arms, someone he loves crying into his chest.
He sighs again, this time soft, before looking up to meet your eyes. He does notice the tears, the pain etched on your face as his other best friends watch them. “I believe Rachel.”
“This is fucking stupid,” Ashton mutters as he gently grabs your shoulders again to lead you out of the room.
You let the tears fall freely, not meeting any of the boys’ eyes as you kept your head face down.
You’ve lost your best friend. He chose someone else over you, a lie he chose to believe.
Whatever it was that made you catch feelings for your best friend, you wish you can find it and destroy it, along with any other memory you’ve made with him. After tonight, you want him erased from your cherished memories.
part two!
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fabricated-misslieness · 5 years ago
Jesse McCree x ex!deadlock gang!male reader
Jesse reuniting with his ex (technically not an ex, they never broke up but Overwatch captured Jesse and then recruited him) who got captured and recruited by Overwatch.
United AU where every playable character in the game is part of the Overwatch organization, post initial disbandment.
Requested: No
Word Count: 1,730
Warnings: slightly angsty, swearing, suggested sex, whorknee for no reason
“Jesse?” (y/n) muttered. He was being manhandled by this guy wearing a weird mask and a large black cloak, hiding any skin from anybody looking. His hands were cuffed behind his back and there was visibly no way of escape. The guy with the mask looked down at (y/n), confused as to what he’d said, before he looked back up, brushing it off. Jesse didn’t seem to have taken a notice of (y/n).
“Hey, Reaper, you’re back. How was the old gang going?” He jogged over, mainly looking at Reaper.
They talked for a bit before Jesse finally looked at him.
His eyes shined with recognition and instantly, his lips tugged into a scowl. “Something wrong, McCree?” The guy with the mask, Reaper it seemed, asked.
“No, nothing.” Jesse replied. His eyes lingered on (y/n) for a while before they turned back to Reaper.
“Just the one?” Reaper grunted a yes in return.
“So what’s in it for this guy?” He smiled again, playfully hitting (y/n) lightly on the shoulder.
If it weren’t for the blind on his mouth, (y/n) would’ve started cursing them both out.
“I’ll tell you later.” Reaper replied, pulling (y/n) along the Overwatch headquarters.
Reaper and Jesse engaged in small talk, both purposely avoiding the topic of the Deadlock member currently being held captive by Reaper. The conversation was mainly Jesse telling Reaper events that had happened while he was gone, Reaper not really incorporating into the conversation.
(y/n) was led into this room with a one-sided window on one of the walls. There were two chairs in front of each other and a table in the middle. The room was definitely an interrogation room.
Reaper put him down on the chair, cuffing his arms to the table, and then he left, shutting the door behind him.
Ten minutes later, the door opened, and Jesse came in. He sat down in front of (y/n), wearing some strange blue-tinted glasses.
“The name’s McCree. What’s yours?”
(y/n) raised an eyebrow, using his fingers to point at the mask covering his mouth. Jesse let out a hearty laugh, “Sorry.” He took the mask off (y/n)’s face.
“Can’t you tell, McCree?” (y/n) asked, scowl on his lips. His tone was bitter and his brows were furrowed.
Jesse’s lips pulled into a playful smirk, “I’m sorry, were you some Deadlock grunt I didn’t know?”
“Don’t tell me you--” (y/n) interrupted himself, feeling deadly close to crying.
“What was that, darling?”
That nickname. It was something Jesse always called him, but then again it was something he always called everyone as part of his accent.
(y/n) grunted, gulping down his feelings. “(y/n).”
“You see, darling? That was a nice start.”
Jesse interrogated (y/n) as if they didn’t know each other, as if they hadn’t dated before, as if they hadn’t promised to spend the rest of their days together, however long they had left.
(y/n) didn’t let out any hints or anything when Jesse asked, he didn’t let a single word spill from his lips.
Jesse sighed, eyes locking with (y/n)’s. For a second, (y/n) thought they were full of love and longing. Maybe he did remember him after all.
“Is it because my friends are behind that window?”
(y/n) only raised a brow. Jesse sighed once again, sending a gesture towards the window. “Ok, they’re gone.” He said after a few minutes.
(y/n) finally spoke, eyebrow still raised, “How can I believe you?”
“Baby, I’m not lying.”
Ok, that nickname wasn’t a part of his accent, but it was still plausible that he was just calling him that to ‘loosen up’ or something else.
(y/n) frowned, his emotions were starting to show in his eyes.
Two minutes of awkward silence ensued. Jesse held a pleading face, staring at (y/n) with the eyes he fell in love with.
“I love you.”
Tears pricked (y/n)’s eyes, and he tried blinking them out.
Those three words were full of emotion, full of the love that never faded in those years they spent apart.
“Jesse, I--” (y/n) started, but he was interrupted by Jesse pulling him into a kiss over the small table. The glasses nearly crashed with (y/n)’s face but they hung just a few centimeters away from him.
When they pulled back they both had to take a sharp breath. The kiss was longing and passionate, full of the love that never faltered over the years.
“Are they really-” (y/n) was interrupted again by another kiss, one much shorter and less breath-taking but still as loving and passionate.
“Yeah, they are.” Jesse stated, pulling off the blue-tinted glasses.
(y/n) assumed their purpose was for him to be able to see through the one-sided window.
“I..” Jesse started, but he cut himself off by kissing (y/n) again for a bit of courage. It was a kiss the other could barely respond to as he’d pulled back so fast. “I missed you.. so much, but let’s keep our vows for later.” The cowboy aesthetic laughed nervously before continuing. “Reaper said you have the option for him to recruit you and have you work for us, Overwatch, rather than have you thrown into a high-security jail. What d’ya think?”
“Of course I’ll take that option.” (y/n) replied with a small laugh.
“So for our vows…” Jesse trailed off, signalling for (y/n) to continue. He looked at the other expectantly.
“I love you, Jesse.” (y/n) started. “The gang thought you were either dead or in prison. Then you show up out of nowhere, with a metal arm no less, and steal Echo from us? I didn’t know what to think.” He shook his head, trying to think of words to say.
“Well,” Jesse took (y/n)’s hand in his own metal one and fiddled with the other’s fingers, making (y/n) shudder at the coldness. “..what do you think?”
“My opinion hasn’t changed.”
Jesse smiled, fully intertwining their fingers now.
“But, Ashe has been a total bitch since you were gone. She said you deserved it. I was planning on leaving the gang with some grunts but then Ashe got captured and I became the commander.  We formed a family, Jesse. The other founding members were either gone or dead. I couldn’t just leave after that.” (y/n) sighed, thinking about the rest of the members he’d be leaving behind. “I wonder what they’ll be doing now.”
His eyes drifted off away from Jesse’s face as he thought.
“Doesn’t matter now darlin’. We’re the good guys now.” Jesse cupped (y/n)’s face with his other hand and pulled the (h/c) haired man to look at him.
They laughed a small bit before Jesse continued. “Guess what?”
“They got Ashe too. She’s here.” (y/n) frowned and his eyebrows furrowed.
“I really don’t want to be here now.” He said, making Jesse laugh. Jesse shook his head, waving a dismissive hand.
“She’s much nicer now. Maybe not all that much to me, but I’m sure she’ll come ‘round.” (y/n) grimace at the thought of a nicer, less sassier Ashe.
“So for my vows,” (y/n) snapped back to reality, looking up at Jesse now. “I’ve missed you a whole lot. I even dropped my flirty tendencies. I just couldn’t stop thinking about you. Ashe was really surprised when I didn’t drop any flirty comments when I saw her. I asked her about how you were doing and Ashe just said that you were doing fine. That put me in a worry cause darling, you’re never just fine!”
(y/n) laughed, raising a playful brow.
“How did you handle the gang?” Jesse rubbed circles on (y/n)’s cheek, making the other lean closer into it.
“They complained about me not doing as many heists as before but they never said it to my face. We raised some cowards, Jess. Well, no. We raised them up and then Ashe put them back down. Her rules were hard, either you pay attention to her or you’re thrown out. She took absolutely no feedback.”
“Can’t imagine how hard that would’ve been.” Jesse muttered before taking (y/n)’s lips in his own again.
In the midst of their kiss, both of them heard a cough coming from the window. They turned to face Reaper, tapping his foot on the floor with arms crossed. You could just feel his raised eyebrow and frown. Reaper wore a microphone, (y/n) assumed that was what allowed the cough to be heard.
Reaper gestured for Jesse to leave and come to his room, making Jesse smile nervously. 
Jesse turned to (y/n), shrugging his shoulders and letting go.
(y/n) watched as he left the room and then to Reaper, who was still staring at him. A few minutes into the staring contest the window turned back into one sided.
“What the hell was that?!” It seemed he hadn’t taken off the microphone.
“Reaper, you got a little somethin--”
“You better get to explainin’, McCree.”
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“Reaper told me to lead you to your new room, but..” Jesse gestured towards his room, giving (y/n) a wink. “I feel yours is a little too empty at the moment.”
Jesse opened the door, bowing in front of him as a gentleman would for a lady after opening her car door. “Feel free to call it home.”
(y/n) laughed, stepping in and pulling Jesse in behind him. “We could’ve decorated mine with your clothes.. on the floor.” He replied.
“Are you insinuating we would’ve done the dirty deed, darling?” Jesse said, making (y/n) raise an eyebrow.
(y/n) shrugged, laying down on Jesse’s bed, head relaxing on his hands, after taking off his shoes. “I don’t know, think what you want to think, Jess.”
“I think,” Jesse started, straddling (y/n)’s hips. “.. you weren’t the only one who missed me.”
(y/n) raised an eyebrow playfully, hands automatically moving to hold Jesse’s hips.
“But your little friend down there..” He grinded down on (y/n)’s crotch with his ass. “.. did too.”
“You weren’t wrong.” (y/n) smiled, pushing the other down lightly to lay down on his chest. “But do we have the time?”
“There’s always time for a little quickie. But we'll be welcoming you officially tomorrow so we have plenty of time for more than that. We’ve got plenty for something a little more.. intimate.” Jesse leaned down to press a teasing kiss to the corner of (y/n)’s lips.
“The rooms are soundproofed, darling.” He whispered.
“We’re having plenty of fun then.”
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theyanderespecialist · 5 years ago
Don't Say No To Whitney (One Shot) Whitney X OC (Degrees Of Lewdity)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, I am here with my sexy co author, this is her OC basically her and Whitney X Marie since the one to request this did not say gender, gentailia, or breasts sighs me and my co author agreed on Female Whitney with Huge Penis and Modest Breasts for those who do not know you can chose the gender of the non playable characters their gentalia and breasts size from flat to large Marie in the game of her characters is Huge/thick ass, Enormous breasts female.
Here we will also do futa characters and OC of Marie and Mark So comment if you want more of this or Marie and Mark with characters animals or even spiders XD Cause yes you can get fuked by spiders in the game XD this I am so thankful to the person who request this: Allyson46073 
(Marie's pov)
I look at Whitney unimpressed. "No."
"What?" "I said No Whitney. You bully me all the time, I'm not going to the dance with you so forget it." I said as I left for the girls bathroom as I left her there standing.
I pulled up my panties and flushed the toilet as I left, walking out of the school.
"Hey, I was talking to you. I didn't ask, I said you'd go with me " I hear as I roll my eyes before letting out a scream when my arm was grabbed as she covered my mouth dragging me into the alley.
"You don't get to say no to me you slut." She said as she gripped my hips pushing me against the wall.
"Whitney--" "shut up, you're going to go with me. There's no excuse for you to not." She said as she kissed my neck, grinding her hips against mine as I bit my lip.
She grind her cock into my ass and lift up my skirt. It was the short skirt as I could not afford the long or regular school skirts.
"Lace panties~ Lewd but classy~" She purrs.
"I like how they really seem to cup your ass~ you're really begging to be taken advantage of dressed this way~"
I blush and looked away as She pinned me into the alleyway and she tore my panties off.
I let out a shocked cry as I heard them rip and hear her lifting up her skirt.
"Come on, beg for me..~ beg for me to Rape that fat ass of yours~" she said but wasn't moving to actually harm me.
I blushed and shake my head. She is my ex and I would still be with her but she was so controlling.
She would have me wear what she wanted, go where she wanted, eat with her instead of my friends..I never told her how it felt but I didn't know how to.
"You won't huh? Then.. I'll just use this other hole." She said angling down as my eyes widen.
"N-No N-No I-I really want to keep that until marriage!" She said
"Then beg~" She says and I blush. "And call mistress."
"Pl-Please Mistress fuck my ass." I say looking at the wall.
"You should put more effort into it... but I guess that's sufficient." She said smirking as I was suddenly pushed against the wall more as I feel her push herself inside as I cried out as I was being stretched out.
"So tight..but I'll have plenty of time to break your ass in." She said as I let out a shaky moan.
"J-Just hurry up... so-someone might see.."
"I bet you would like that someone catching me pounding you virgin ass~" I say. "Or former virgin ass."
I let out a shake moan. "N-No I wouldn't. .that's wh--" I was cut off by a slap to my ass.
"I didn't ask bitch." She said as I bit my lip trying to not moan more than I already had.
She pulled out a marker and flick the cap off as she bit my neck all the while fucking my ass.
I cried out as I moaned looking back at her. "W-What are you doing!?"
She smirked and wrote something on my back. I did not know what it was but I shudder in unwanted excitement. That is when I hear students walking by the alley detention must be getting out.
My eyes widen as I looked at her. "N-No stop, stop until--Oh! MMH!" I let out a loud moan with another slap to my ass and her thrusting all the way to her base.
"What is going on over there?" One kid asks.
"Is she getting fucked?" A girl asks.
"What a slut."
I blush and they started to crowd to get a better view.
I managed to regain some decency by covering my face with my arm as Whitney just chuckled
"Who wants a photo of this slut getting fucked!?" She asks.
My eyes widen as I thrust back in a way to say no before realizing it wouldn't be precived that way. Everyone gathered around as I hear phone cameras clicking.
"I got a great shot of her thick ass bouncing on that dick!" A girl says.
"Damn look at her face~ Smile girl~"
"I can't wait to show this to my friends~"
I blush more and try to tune them out and whitney moves me to all fours.
"Breed that bitch!" The crowd cheers.
I blushed even darker as I was unable to hide my face now.
"Come on bitch, smile for their photos. Maybe give them a bark."
"Yeah Bark!"
I hake my head but she began to spank me. "Bark!"
I let out a yelp as I clench around her letting out a very soft bark, I felt like I would die. ..yet I also was so aroused..
"More~" she orders and grips my hips.
I let out a louder bark as the crowd cheered.
I blushed more and continued as Whitney thrust even more
"Om getting close, I'm. Going to cum~ make sure you give them your best orgasm face." She said tanking my hair up so that I had to look at the phones as I feel a sudden warmth filling me as I cry out and cum myself moaning as my eyes rolled back slightly.
"She is so pretty when she cums~"
"Look at that mouth a perfect o for fucking~"
"How about a round two?~ everyone get in a line~"
[End of Part One We hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy]
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