#can we bring back goofy costumes for re characters
buffapeaks-tmblr · 29 days
I was looking around on Pinterest (as one does) and stumbled across these
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I kid you not I was on the verge of tears from laughter because WHY did they make Chris a can of explosives. Why is he a skeleton. We were robbed of explosive can Chris Redfield
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
how ab a headcanon where the avengers all take a trip either to disney world or on a disney cruise? i’m a whore for the idea of everyone, especially peter and y/n, just acting like kids again
pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
a/n: i like this prompt so much!! i’ve never been to disneyland, but i hope this is accurate enough lol. i also turned this into a vlog bc someone had to record this mess and since it can’t be me, i’m giving filming privileges to bruce
              ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
the avengers in disneyland
everyone is very very excited and the days before they leave pass in a flurry of excitement, but peter has never been to disneyland, so he’s THRILLED beyond means
peter’s jumping up and down while everyone’s loading the van and he keeps asking them if they’re ready for this “life-changing field trip?????”
sam is genuinely afraid that if peter jumps any higher he will bounce off earth, so he grabs peter by the middle and carries him horizontally into the car
steve gave a whole lecture on not getting lost the day before and since tony couldn’t resist it, he is dressed head to toe in neon yellow and grinning cockily
nat steps into the van, sees him, and turns around with her hand over her eyes like she’s been blinded
bruce brings his video camera with him and records everything. first thing they do is hit up a gift shop and it is better than any oscar nominated movie
everything they pick up is subjected to a thorough label reading and some kind of commentary
“steve, show them what you’re getting!!” “slippers” “what kind of slippers” “uh...soft”
thor on the other hand takes it very serious and his commentary ends up being very ~shakespearean~
peter and y/n get matching friendship bracelets for everyone
loki: “i’m not wearing that”
y/n: “that’s alright-“
loki: “no tie it on for me”
bucky wouldn’t have come along if it weren’t for steve and sam, but now he’s taking it upon himself to make sure that everyone stays in good condition so they don’t miss out on training
the whole team gets hourly text messages from him in the group chat
bucky: “There’s a water leak in Mickey’s Toontwon. If any of you slip and hurt yourselves I will kill you.”
y/n: “love you too buck”
(they know it’s his way to express his love for them so every message almost makes them tear up)
loki really wants to go on splash mountain but since he doesn’t want to get his clothes wet, he asks the guards how ~splashy~ splash mountain gets
they don’t take him seriously and it infuriates loki because it’s a perfectly reasonable question but it quickly turns into a passionate argument that holds up the entire line
*cue y/n and nat dragging him away while bruce runs after them to zoom in on loki’s pouty glare*
they get him a green rain poncho with black polka dots from one of the gift shops, and he’s still glowering but he puts it on without protest before each ride that involves water
normally the avengers would easily get recognised but since everyone is walking around in costumes, people approach them for several other reasons
thor is just peacefully standing in life, staring at the incredicoaster like it’s the love of his life, when a little kid tugs at his cape
“excuse me sir, why are you so tall?” “good question, why are you so short?” “hmm” “hmm”
they find a micky mouse whac-a-mole and everyone is having Fun but something possesses tony and clint and they are really going for it
tony is a 5 foot tall ball of stress and competitiveness and he is yielding that plastic hammer like it’s the last thing he’ll ever do
clint on the other hand is starting to feel the numbness in his arms
y/n, with sarcasm: “you can do it, clint!”
clint, with spite: “i cannot do it, thanks”
*y/n stares into the camera*
they also make up a rule that if you are in a 5 meters radius of one of the theme park characters, you HAVE to snap a picture with them
steve, who gets constantly shoved nudged by bucky into some character’s path, ends up taking a picture with almost every single disneyland character
at some point, he’s just downright sick of it and there’s a 7 min video of steve zooming across the lot while goofy and woody run after him with wide open arms
bucky is doubled over with laughter in the background while sam is standing beside him and wiping away his own tears
the avengers also buy all the pictures that are taken of them on the rides and even stop at some photo booths so they can send them to wanda and vision who are both vacationing on hawai’i <3
thor, peter, and y/n run themselves ragged and their legs almost give out but they will not stop until they have been on every ride that disneyland has to offer
the others think it’s obnoxious but they follow and join them without hesitation
tony is secretly trembling with fear. doing loops in the air at the speed of light is fine and so is battling aliens, but getting on a rollercoaster ride is just heart-stopping horrifying
it’s not that he doesn’t like rollercoasters, (that man has no self-preservation skills, anything that resembles plummeting to death will be gazed at with big heart eyes) but he just doesn’t trust them
if he didn’t build it or prove it, he doesn’t trust it. period. but the avengers are just so excited and happy that he can’t find it in him to sit out
that quickly results in thor and tony re-enacting very impressive Shouting Contests on each ride without fail
tony is screaming and clinging onto whoever is sitting next to him for dear life because he’s Petrified™️
and thor is screaming, because he’s having The Time Of His Life
he’s feeling the wind in his hair, his heart in his throat, and if he’s not shredding his vocal chords and flinging his limbs around, what’s the point of it all
after 20 different rides, tony is sick of pretending and just trudges through disneyland, the happiest place of earth, like it’s the sole cause of all suffering in the world
nat rejoins the group after she mysteriously disappeared for a moment and her hair is tossed, there’s ash on her face, and half of her clothes are wet
bruce, startled: “where have you been??”
nat, beaming: “there was a ride that spat fire from all sides and people jumped out of nowhere to scare you while the whole place was filled with hot water!!!”
bruce, concerned, zooms in on nat’s excited face
“nat i think you went to hell”
sam is big on merry-go-rounds so he drags everyone with him and while some one them first don’t seem to enjoy it, they change their mind once they see bucky’s little smile
(they go on at least ten more rounds until it starts to get dizzy)
a little girl trips over her princess gown and falls close to where steve is waiting in line, and steve immediately abandons his spot to rush over
bruce zooms in on them bc steve has always been kinda awkward with kids, but here he is, crouching down and comforting that little girl, and it’s so unashamedly soft and sweet
they can’t hear what steve is saying but she’s BEAMING now and even giving him a wobbly courtesy while he claps proudly
bruce turns the camera around and both he and clint are lowkey in TEARS like “why are we crying?? we didn’t even fall down” “i KNOW!!”
nat gets a hold of the camera and she’s on a mission to get the most embarrassing greatest footage possible
“bucky, go stand next to moana” “why?” “it’s moana go stand over there” “but i don’t know-“ “bucky.” *cue bucky, awkwardly standing next to moana while nat grins broadly*
when he’s back with the team, sam just stares at him blank-faced, clearly waiting for bucky to ask why he’s looking at him
eventually bucky caves in with a long sigh
“what” “i can’t believe you don’t know who moana of montunui is. she restored BALANCE to the WORLD. put some RESPECT ON HER NAME”
no one knows why but there’s footage of y/n, thor, tony, and loki strutting up and down in the middle of the lane in minnie mouse plush shoes like it’s a catwalk
sam, bucky, and nat are holding up their fingers to score them while steve is staring at them like he’s analysing their fighting stances
bruce, clint, and peter are standing on the sidelines and cheering them on as they should be
they end their day by digging into an unholy amount of fries that even steve can’t resist because they’ve been walking the whole day
a questionable amount of cotton candy also end ups in their possession and the footage of that is just mostly everyone trying out each other’s cones while the camera is passed between them
soon after, the avengers are back in their van to drive home and bruce zooms in on the row of seats where y/n has her head on peter’s shoulder while the others are also half-lounging on each other, and everyone is asleep <3
* * *
guess what i’m about to say?
stay hydrated pals
hc masterlist
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buzzdixonwriter · 4 years
Tears In The Rain
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe…All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”
-- Blade Runner (David Peebles & Rutger Hauer)
The radar screen manufacturers -- RCA, GE, and others -- started jonesin’ for cash when the end of WWII dried up all that sweat & easy military materiel money.
Commercial consumer television existed before WWII in England, the UK, and Germany but it was a super-expensive technology confined to a few very wealthy homes in a few select markets or in Germany’s case, public venues such as beer halls.
Radar screens and TV tubes were basically different applications of the same thing, so the radar tube manufacturers shifted their production to TV sets pitched to post-war consumers as the must-have status symbol.
Problem: Said TV sets needed something to show and while there was live national network and local programing, most early stations filled their air time with old movies / cartoons / serials / comedy shorts.
That was the cultural gestalt I and other boomers grew up in during the 1950s, an era when much of the on air media dated back to the 1930s.
I’ve always been more culturally observant and curious than others in my generational cohort, and while they blandly / blindly watched Bugs Bunny and Popeye and Betty Boop and Our Gang, I was asking my parents and grandmother and aunt about the odd details I saw in old media (it didn’t hurt that we had a beautiful art deco edition of Collier’s Encyclopedia that my grandparents acquired in the 1920s in the house as well).
As a result I knew far more about the Depression and Prohibition and war rationing and other major cultural events and touchstones prior to our generation than did most other boomers.
When our history and social studies textbooks finally introduced these topics in junior high and high school, I was already intimately familiar with them.
As a result, I fell in love with the Marx Brothers and continue to love them to this day.
And while I watched and re-watched The Three Stooges, once I discovered Laurel and Hardy I left Larry, Moe, Curly, Shemp, Joe, and Curly Joe behind.
But the thing is, to fully understand and appreciate and know and love the Marx Brothers, you have to understand the pop culture of their era.
The same applies -- to a lesser degree -- to Laurel and Hardy.
The key difference is that The Three Stooges are pure physical mayhem:  There is nothing to understand.
They are imbeciles who inflict pain on themselves and one another, and while far, far inferior to Groucho / Harpo / Chico or Stan & Ollie, they will outlast them.
Anybody from any era or any culture can access The Three Stooges, but if you don’t understand a “gat” (short for gatling gun) is 1930s slang for an automatic pistol, then Groucho’s line upon seeing a automatic in a drawer with a pair of derringers -- “This gat’s had gittens” -- is absolute gibberish.
Likewise Laurel and hardy require some understanding of how American cultural values functioned in the 1920s and 30s; if you don’t get that, a lot of their humor is lost.
Our Gang / Little Rascals ages better because kids are kids and much of what they do is universal.
But even there much of their references have to do with the Depression or WWII rationing and scrap drives and if you don’t grasp that then those jokes zoom past you.
The situation isn’t confined to pre-WWII media, either.
The Marx Brothers and Laurel & Hardy might possibly be recognized by the current generation as something their parents and grandparents watched, but the Ritz Brothers are forgotten by all except those who specialize in comedy / pop culture history.  Wheeler & Woolsey are even more obscure, and Olsen & Johnson obscurer still, and if you’ve ever heard of Lum & Abner my hat’s off to you.
And holy shamolley, those are just the comedians we’re talking about.  There’s a whole universe of pop culture lost as fans of old B-Westerns die off, not to mention minor pop stars of music and small movies in the 1930s / 40s / 50s.
Silent movies have virtually disappeared from pop culture today; they are things of the past, historical artefacts.
Thanks to the Internet Archive and Project Gutenberg and Comic Book + and Digital Comics Museum and other sites, literally tens of thousands of hours of old radio shows and countless pulp magazines and comic books and other media are available, but who accesses them today except the truly die-hard genre fans or the pop culture historians?
Why morn their passing?
As Theodore Sturgeon famously observed, isn’t 90% of everything crap?
Yes, it is.
But that doesn’t make it any less of the cultural gestalt, the zeitgeist of the era than the few timeless gems that shine through.
. . .
As pop culture historian Jaime Weinman points out, the boomer generation -- the late 1940s to early 1960s -- offered a particularly fallow time for pop culture.
We enjoyed access to previous generations of pop culture, brought to us in curated form.  Even if those curators were costumed local cartoon show and horror movie hosts, we got at least some understanding of what led up to our own generation.
Weinman observes that because of technical broadcast reasons, only a few avenues fell open to new programming -- and that new programming could be rerun again and again to fill in gaps in local stations’ air time.
It created a generation with remarkably deep pop culture roots, even if relative few members of that generation were aware of them.
We were, to some degree or another, aware of a vast library of older pop culture media and icons and idioms.
Ironically, this began changing in the late 1960s, slowly at first, but coming full flower in the mid-1970s as music cassette recordings allowed us to create our own playlists off radio shows and record players, and cable TV stopped being something for the hinterlands and started penetrating urban markets, thus literally uniting the country with first dozens then hundreds and a virtually infinite number of channels and streaming options.
But the real nail in the golden age of pop culture’s coffin was the introduction of home TV recordings and time shifting, meaning we no longer needed to wait for curated programing but could watch what we wanted when we wanted.
Despite a wider range of options, older material became less and less popular, and the lack of curation is a big part of that.
With nobody to supply some sort of context -- even goofy horror host context -- older examples of pop culture became less accessible.
The newer generations look less to the past, more to the future.
. . .
As I’ve written before, endings fascinate me.
Right now I’m seeing a generational shift with the boomer generation’s pop culture rapidly fading to be replaced by Generation Z and the generations to follow them.
I look at the boomer era and wonder how much will survive.
Very little, I’m afraid.
And that includes losing some of the best our era had to offer.
For example, how many people today know of The Firesign Theatre?
In the mid-1960s through the early 1970s, they performed absolutely brilliant satirical comedy on radio and recordings.  Their album Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me The Pliers received a Hugo nomination for best sci-fi drama presentation of 1970.
I still laugh when I hear their recordings -- but I laugh because I lived in that era.
Their humor relies heavily on topical subjects and the counter culture of the late 1960s-70s.  They were very much a Southern California phenomenon…and thanks to radio and TV and movies of that era, that culture permeated the entire country.
But that era is gone, and now when I listen to them I laugh, but to use a specific example I laugh because I know who Ralph Williams was and what he meant to Southern California pop culture in that time.
You don’t get that, you don’t get the joke, and the brilliance of The Firesign Theatre’s humor is lost.
Like tears in the rain.
. . . 
Cheech y Chong will survive, because like The Three Stooges, their appeal lies in their basic stupidity.
True, many of their routines make contemporary pop culture references, but material like “Dave’s Not Here” is timeless.
You don’t even have to get the drug references to find it hilarious.
Conversely, the Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers will fade.
As characters, they are of a particular time and place:  Hippie dippie San Francisco.
They can’t survive transplantation, as was demonstrated in their last few stories.
Now there’s an animated series that brings them from the swinging 60s to to Trump 20s and it just doesn’t work.
The creators Don’t Get The Joke.
I don’t blame them for failing to get the joke, but updating the Freak Bros. would be like updating the Marx Brothers.
It can be done, but only badly.
. . .
Music will always have musicians and buffs who will track every obscure item they can find, but a lot of the best and most innovative work will be forgotten by mainstream culture.
This is because in many case, the best musicians are way ahead of the rest of their field, and their innovations are only made palatable by others who take them up and reinterpret them in a way to make them accessible to contemporary audiences.
Frank Zappa, as much as I personally love him as a cultural icon, will fade fast after the last boomer dies.
Basically, he didn’t make singable music.
There are a lot of brilliant innovations in his work, but his lyrics are so idiosyncratic as to be impossible to cover.
That, and a lot of his lyrics and subject matter would not be comfortably acceptable today.
Yeah, when he did it he was trying to make a satirical point, but when modern audiences hear it, they don’t hear the sharp commentary on the culture of his time, they hear songs that seem to glorify sexual violence and racial bigotry.
Most of the people who decry so-called “cancel culture” today are hypocrites trying to justify their own offenses, but there will be creators and components of pop culture who simply aren’t going to make the cut.
I can show you on paper why radio’s Amos And Andy was a brilliantly written show.
You’re not going to get modern audiences to accept white actors doing blackface…or black voice.
Zappa is acceptable today because there are still enough people who get the joke.
When we’re gone, so are most of his songs (his instrumentals hopefully will live on).
. . .
Quentin Tarantino’s star is already starting to set.
His copious dropping of the n-bomb seemed daring and edgy in the early to mid-90s now seems boorish and tiresome.
People don’t want to listen to that, and how can you make them watch what they don’t want to watch?
The Hateful Eight might endure since it gives a sorta context for its racial animosity, ditto Django Unchained, but even they will be problematic due to Tarantino’s Red Apple universe -- a world similar enough to ours to be mistaken for it at first glance but ultimately completely different.
Inglorious Basterds will ultimately fail the history smell test by audiences who will perceive it as wildly inaccurate.
Once Upon A Time In Hollywood probably has the least problematic elements in it, but it too is so firmly set in a specific time and place that only those who lived it can truly appreciate it.
When we’re gone, who can follow the pop culture breadcrumbs that lead us through the movie?
Tarantino is a brilliant writer / director, and film students in the know will study his movies to see how he pulled them off…
…but they’re going to move far past him.
(He may enjoy a revival 50 years from now, the way certain film makers get rediscovered a half century after their deaths.  If so, it will be by people able to see past the pop culture references to the real story beneath.)
. . .
Roger Corman and other exploitation film makers aren’t going to as welcomed once the boomer generation departs.
Boomers see them as transgressive artists, tweaking the nose of so-called respectable society.
New generations will see they as creeps who exploited violence and sexism.
(And we shouldn’t mourn its loss; most of it is soft-core pornography.  But there were a few shining moments that shine only if you know the context, and that is fading fast.)
. . .
Superheroes probably won’t die out just as Westerns never completely died out, but like Westerns their audience is rooted in a very particular time and place.
I mentioned B-Westerns earlier; once upon a time there were literally dozens of B-Western stars, each with their own face base and merchandising and movies…
…and now there are no more B-Westerns.
We remember Roy Rogers because he’s culturally referenced elsewhere (and Gene Autry because he left a great big museum in his name).
B-Westerns’ success was based on fulfilling audience expectations, essentially giving the same thing they’d seen before, only slightly different.
Superheroes have degenerated into that.
In their current form, they’re deconstructions based on what a previous generation’s pop culture produced.
The superhero market has been supersaturated in the past and collapsed before.
This time when it collapses it will take along countless near-identical characters and storylines.
What emerges from it will be as different from the current iteration of superheroes as The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly was from My Pal Trigger.
. . .
Likewise, if James Bond is to survive, there will be a drastic retooling of the property.
It is possible; Sherlock Holmes has been retooled often.
The original Connery Bonds, the ones we consider to be “iconic” will eventually be viewed as an embarrassment.
The world and its attitudes are changing, and while there will always be room for heroes, audiences will be a bit more discerning about which heroes they want.
The attitudes of the original Bonds will not fly with future generations.
. . .
Finally, one prospect that will make it into the future, though not necessarily on its own strengths, no matter how significant they are.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 has skewered pop culture via bad movies since 1988.
Supported by a legion of fans, there are several books and websites that annotate all the references found in the various MST3K series.
Scholars 500 years in the future will thank these fans and researchers for their efforts.
Mystery Science Theater 3000 and its various annotated spinoffs will be the Rosetta stone of 20th century pop culture.
It will provide a context to make the jokes understandable, but more importantly than that, it will open a window into what people were thinking and feeling in the last decade of the 20th century.
It and the films it spoofed will be studied with near Talmudic intensity (you think I jest; I do not).  They’ll provide insight that will help future generations and cultures understand this one.
  © Buzz Dixon 
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crushzone · 4 years
Haikyuu!! Characters As A Film Crew (Pt. 1: Pharmacy Commercial for Gardening Tools
NO ONE asked for this, but I felt a strong urge to bring it to existence. 😂
Will probably be a multi-series because I breath, eat, and sleep on film sets, and even if they are the same crew positions, they all got different styles and reactions based off the premises.
Also, not all positions will be included. I’m only typing the specific ones where Haikyuu!! characters occupy.
So consider each of these headcanons as one film shoot. And the next part as a different shoot. Some characters might get called back to be on future shoots, so expect some reappearances.
And if you have a goofy idea for our next premise, we might be able to open a lil brainstorm pool.
The crew gathers, bright and early, on a commercial shoot for a pharmacy store. They’re trying to promote their newly stocked Spring gardening products where a shopper browses through the aisles, then a group of dancers and a leaf mascot emerges and begins dancing.
1st Assistant Director - Sugawara Koshi
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He’s so happy to be here. When he hears that there will be dancing involved, he gets SO excited.
When the shot is rolling and people are dancing, he will be right by the director, swaying happily to the songs that they are dancing to. By the end of the first day of filming, he’s already remembered all the dance moves.
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Because he enjoyed the fun dancing so much, he gets too distracted to...you know....actually do his job.
Is the main reason why the film shoot goes overtime; because he forgets to keep the director’s and cinematographer’s time in check.
He’s also not very harsh when it comes to putting his foot down and telling the cinematographer that this HAS to be the last shot before they  move on.
When the cinematographer kinda brushes him off, he will pout a lil, and mentally settle on allowing them 2 mores shots just cuz the dance is so fun in this. And same goes for the other shot, then the other...holy crap we have to be out in 15 minutes?! Where did the time go.
If they need more extras to dance, he low key wishes that he could hop in and help out. And when they let him, he is freaking happy.
Is very kind to any production assistants who may be new to the gig.
Makes every instruction sound like a very polite request.
All production assistant interns have a crush on him, and they keep trying to bring him fruit snacks from crafty.
Cinematographer - Tsukishima Kei
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The wrong man for this particular shoot
He’s low-key a little embarrassed that he is going to be filming a bunch of people dancing and being happy.
While everyone is happily dancing along, he just glowers by the camera when some dancers can’t seem to hit their mark right. They’re not going to get the perfect spotlight he’s designed for them, dammit!
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Gets a little annoyed by how Suga is so excited about the dance.
Also hates the fact that there are so many actors, it’s making him a little anxious about any background actors knocking on his lighting or camera equipments. 
Needs to sip on some Caprisun to calm his nerves, asap.
Will never tell his brother, Akiteru, how his shoot went when he gets home. That, or he’ll make it up, that he actually shot a horror film or something less “lame”.
Will eat the catering meals that are provided, but will silently judge how stiff the chicken is, or how overcooked the pastas are.
The kind of cinematographer who always remains by the camera, and doesn’t really help lighting and grips much when they need it. (It’s a very small crew, so some people are doubling duties.)
Will also leave most of the work to his camera assistants, treats this commercial shoot with the standards of a feature film, and will get kind of annoyed when his expectations are not met. However, if someone asks him if he’s okay, he’ll just smile and say that it is all dandy.
Wouldn’t even accept fruit snacks that his assistant camera brought for him, in an attempt to lighten his mood.
Sodium levels are very high.
Lighting - Wakatoshi Ushijima
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Just general really quiet and stoic
No one really notices him, but even before the cinematographer can figure out how to describe the way they want the shot lit, he’s already had a massive light set up on stand by and is ready to go.
Also freaking strong, while the other electrics are figuring out a way to carry this lighting contraption across the pharmacy, and up the stairs wit no elevator, he’ll just say “Let me try”, picks it up, then walks out there alone like he’s holding a feather.
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Him and his big lights lol
Somehow, his hands are heat resistant? He tends to lose his leather gloves when he lends it out to someone who needs it. So he just uses those cheap, thin gloves from expendables to adjust some hot lights, and he never flinches. We will never know if it actually hurts him or if he just doesn’t react, even when we can clearly see the smoke coming from his melting gloves.
Doesn’t know anything about voltages though, if there is an outlet, he will plug. Keeps blowing the fuse, and while some people are afraid to mess with the pharmacy’s breaker, it doesn’t bother him. Flips EVERY switch till it works, without reading the labels. definitely gave locations a heart attack.
Never complains about poor catering, but he will bring his own healthy lunch and breakfast.
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Though he’ll occasionally snack on fruit snacks from crafty. However, if he got the last packet of fruit snacks available on crafty and someone wants it, he will give it to them in a heartbeat.
Makeup - Satori Tendou
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There will be people dressed as leaves and trees? Some farmer-themed costume? DANCING?! He’s DOWN.
He probably had no makeup experience, but he found a way to fake his resume, so that he can put in all of his acrylic finger painting “experiments” as his experience.
When he gets there, his eyes sparkles at ALLLL of the people who are waiting for him to turn them into something.
Doesn’t really listen to what he was instructed to do, so some of the customers who were suppose to have some natural makeup, got turned into a tree as well. Fortunately, the director was able to work around this error, but now they are very short on human-looking actors.
Surprisingly not as awful with his body painting as he could’ve been? Not the best, but he’s not too shabby.
Started off doing the actor’s makeup with one of his original random humming, but when he steps outside to see some of the dancers practicing their moves, the song instantly got stuck in his head, and he CANNOT stop singing it. It’s beginning to drive some people insane.
He will be by the monitor, wiggling his lil hips and humming to the song. He had to be hushed by the Assistant Director Suga a few times, but he can’t help it, music just kind of rumbles out of him like breathing. Also, it’s not like Suga is so harsh about his hushing to begin with, but it did annoy Tendou for a hot sec, before he disregards him since he also notices him dancing next to the director.
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Terrible at sanitizing his brushes. Will use the same brushes on different actors (gross). When an actor complains about sanitization, he just pretends like it had JUST occurred to him that they are right. Then he would set the brushes down and go at it with his freaking fingers.
Tilts his head like an owl and steps 10 steps back to study how his makeup job looks, before coming back to examine up close. Just really not subtle about it.
Grip - Keiji Akaashi
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This man is a grip i would HIRE in a heartbeat.
Just like Ushijima, people don’t really notice him, per say, but in a way, you also can’t help but notice how he’s always shadowing the cinematographer so he can get a head start on instructions and problem solving.
However, he is very methodical though. Never just asks his team to grab a gear until he is sure it will be used. He just understands that most equipments are freaking heavy, and he never wants to overwork his crew.
Always hella crafty; need a dolly shot, but you couldn’t rent one? Here’s a shopping cart lol. Sound department misplaced their dead cat? (It’s a fluffy thing that you put over the microphone to prevent wind sounds), just let me buy a teddy bear from the kids section and make one for you. His rigs definitely makes it to shittyrigs Instagram page often.
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But you have to admit that his shittyrigs are pretty impressive AND actually secure.
Ended up getting pulled into the commercial to be one of the costumers, since they were short on actors (Since Makeup Artist Tendou kept turning actors into trees). He barely reacts to anything so they had to pull him back out.
Because his roommate, Bokuto, is taking the role of the main leaf mascot, he cannot wander off to rest between takes because Bokuto keeps looking to him for approval haha.
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Really quiet, but when anybody comes up to him for some advice, he never hesitates to share what he’s learnt from his experience.
Lead Actor (Mascot) - Kotaro Bokuto
Is Akaashi’s roommate.
One day when Bokuto returns home, all pouty, because he decided to quit his job, Akaashi tries to think of a way to get this man a job that he would enjoy.
Then when he tells Bokuto that he’s hired for a commercial shoot as a Grip, Bokuto basically threw him a little ice cream party (he probably throws Akaashi a little celebratory party every time he gets a gig, and he is an experienced regular who gets gigs ALL the time.) but he did sensed something wrong: As happy as Bo is for one of his many grip gigs, there’s an underlying atmosphere of sadness that he can’t brush off.
“How do you feel about potentially dancing in a leaf mascot costume for a commercial shoot?” And at that question, Bo’s eyes sparkle ✨
Seeing as Akaashi had worked with this advertising company as a freelancer for a while, he put in a good word for his friend.
When Bokuto shows up for audition, the casting directors LOVE him. Gets the role right away, and from that day on, this company keeps re-hiring him as their different mascots.
The crew loves him, the client loves him, and the casts love him. This man is THRIVING.
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Not the best dancer, but he’s energetic enough that it’s just endearing in his own way.
When he gets handed the leaf costume, he’ll accepts it as if someone’s handing him a sword.
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Just stomps around the pharmacy as a lil leaf, the heat of the suit doesn’t even bother him when he could look this cool. However, he’ll trip on his costume A LOT, but he’s fine because it’s actually pretty cushiony.
In one of the shots, he tripped on his costume, and simply stands back up to continue dancing like nothing’s happened, cuz the show must go on. That was the shot that made it to the final commercial.
The choreographer actually tried to teach him a dance, but because he’s pretty bad at learning dances, they just let him do his thing.
Boom Operator - Lev Haiba
This tall boi is BORN to be a boom operator.
Due to his naturally friendly demeanor, a lot of background and dancers thought that he is flirting with them. However they later realize that he’s just friendly when they figured out they were all swooning over the same person.
Can hold boom poles very high, like he can hold it over the aisles without a ladder sometimes.
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This is his first gig, so he doesn’t really know tricks to hold the boom pole for an extended amount of time.
So his arms will probably tire out real fast. And sometimes you can turn around mid dance to see that he has his eyes closed and his arms are TREMBLING. (Poor boi, but please keep your eyes open when the camera is rolling lol.)
And when the shot is cut, he will bring his arms back down and smile SO big cuz he gets to relax. But will cry when they have to go again.When will this shot cut omg. The dance sequence is so long.
Because he keeps his eyes closed, he always accidentally dips the microphone in frame. I can assure you that you will hear “BOOM IN FRAME” about a 100 times on this shoot.
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When the director views their favorite shot, they realize the microphone is in frame, Lev would smile VERY innocently when the director groans.
Trips on his own microphone cable. Akaashi had to come up with a contraption to save him from tripping.
No idea how to coil cables, so it’s always just a big spaghetti mess.
Always eats SO much during lunch.
Always bumping into shelves, counters, fridges. If you hear the sound of 30 cans falling from a distant aisle, it’s probably Lev and his boom pole. Will also give locations a heart attack.
Same goes for if you hear “OW!!” it’s probably him too, but this time he is tripping on his cable, before the pole lands on someone’s head.
Just overall a very chaotic and dangerous boom operator.
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Transportation - Hinata Shoyo
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Honestly has no idea what he is doing. JUST learnt how to drive recently, so he figured, he’d make some money.
Can’t even follow the GPS so well. GPS: turn left at Baker St. Hinata: BUT WHEN?! Is it this street? Whoa, this car is coming out of the street...oh...that was Baker St. uhh, I’ll do another loop. Actor: this is your 4th loop!!
Gets kind of overwhelmed by how many actors he had to pick up. This is a pharmacy commercial shoot right? Why are there so many actors?!
Just gets really awkward when there is no one to transport though. Like what else is he suppose to do now?
Would just hang out around crafty and stress snack. Then he’d have to run to the bathroom often cuz he ate too much.
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Because of that, you can’t really find him when you need him, sometimes. He’ll have to keep responding to his radio while in the restroom.
Totally thinks that the distortion of the radio will mask his flushing. But he is WRONG.
Dancer - Terushima Yuuji
Is actually a pretty great dancer. He gets to be one of the dancers who get the most screen time.
The choreographer loves him, he even asked if he can please add his own flair to it, and when he attempts some free styling, the whole team is impressed, some even swooned.
Found a way to convince the director to have him wink at the camera, and that may or may not be why the pharmacy’s gardening products were nearly all sold out the moment the commercial aired. Never knew gardening could be this sexy, did’cha? *winks*
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Playboy af. At the end of the shoot, he’s got 10 new numbers from cuties on set, can’t even decide who he should hit up first. Some of these numbers, he got them from crew/cast members who genuinely thought his cocky behavior’s pretty hot, but a good half of it also came from his persistence.
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Demands some fancy snacks for crafty, but when the crafty person leaves to go find that snack for him, he quickly shoves a handful of some junky candy and cheetos in his pockets. 
And those snacks will probably be his dinner tonight.
Is a little bit of a jerk to “newer” actors. Like bruh, this is not even a film shoot for a movie, it’s just a commercial. 🤷🏻‍♀️
REFUSES to be turned into a tree. He will maintain his sexy human form, please, and thank you. But sexy farmer is fine, I guess.
Background Actor (who dances too) - Kageyama Tobio
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Shows up thinking that all he has do is to just push shopping carts around in the background.
He didn’t know he had to dance too. And suddenly all blood drains from him.
What is he going to do?! He was already in 2 of the shots, he can’t back out now.
When it comes to the dancing part, he is as stiff about it as you can expect.
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Why are there no yogurt or milk at crafty? :( He needs it now more than ever, to calm his nerves.
But when he did get it, and drank it, it didn’t seem to sit too well in his tummy when he dances. He’s confused.
Freaking transportation guy keeps occupying the bathroom. His name is Hinata? He knows because he can hear Hinata’s name being called through the walkie while he is in the restroom.
A/N This is my first headcanon, so please let me know if there are things I can improve on! 🥰
Taglist (open): @shhhlikeme @ceo-of-daichi @karasu-hoes @super-noya @nonexistent-social-life
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arkus-rhapsode · 5 years
My Hero Academia Chapter 223 Review
Well, I’m back! Yeah, if you wanna know why I took a break it was because whenever there is a villain centrist chapter it is usually pretty good. But it seems I underestimated Horikoshi and this isn’t a mere chapter. No, this is basically like the pro hero arc and that it will focus on the villains as protagonists for a little while.
So without furthur ado, let us begin.
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We open on the current time with Shigaraki fighting against Gigantomechia. And as expected, they aren’t doing so good. We get some narration from Spinner on it.
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We also see that just a flex from Gigantomechia’s arm causes a burst of power.
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Though that seems to just be a portion of his abilities. As it seems this guy can fight for more than 48 hours before needing rest and recharge. And even in his sleep he���ll be able to attack you. He also grows larger in battle, though no word if it has like reset after awhile. With what the doctor said about Gigantomechia, I’m wondering how much of this is a quirk or just strange physiology.
We see that Shigaraki is the main target and the others can tag in and out.
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I kinda love this moment as we learn that the doctor gave them some money and Toga went and bought a new coat with it. I don’t love it because the joke, I love it more in the context of Horikoshi being like “I need an excuse to draw Toga in something cute.” Even though her primary clothing was sweater.
Its not a nitpick, so much as it, just one of those moments that makes you laugh when you think about it. Though, Spinner brings up this important point that Toga had joined for Stain and there is almost nothing about Stain left. Accentuating that point is Spinner not wearing his stain costume (Yet). And remembering the highway chapter, Spinner is the most introspective and one holding Stain to the highest belief.
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And here is where we really see the point of this mini arc and that’s basically the parallel of Izuku’s journey. When Shigaraki takes a break from fighting and we see him all battered and bruised,he’s equated to a young boy chasing his dreams. And considering the reckless self destruction Izuku subjected himself to, we see Shigaraki doing the same. While his wounds aren’t self inflicted, he is still throwing himself at something that, in pure power, he is outclassed and will get hurt.
And yet he’s not stopping. Shigaraki’s dream matters more to him than by his physical health.
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We get a funny as hell scene with Twice and Compress when Twice gets called by Giran. However, on the other line is the CEO that was torturing Giran. He tells them to check the news.
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We see that severed fingers have been placed around Japan in places where the League of Villains have operated. I also would like to take this moment and acknowledge the All Might Statue in Kamino. That’s a really nice touch.
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We see the CEO and I’m skipping ahead and we find out his real name is Rikiya Yotsubashi (I’m wondering if he goes by that name or if he uses an alias as Destro’s last name was Yotsubashi and it would be telling if you shared a name with a guy who was the leader of a people’s army.). His villain name is Redestro. Which is kinda lame. Maybe its suppose to be like “Reborn Destro,” but the extra ‘Re-’ just makes it sound a bit goofy. Maybe if it was like Destro the second or something. Wait where was I?
Oh yeah, we see Redestro with the hostage Giran and he explains his view point. Tearing down society and rebuilding it in a way that allows people to utilize the full power of their abilities. This really sounds like he wants to be Armstrong from Metal Gear and make this sense of “true freedom.”
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Shigaraki tries to brush them off, seeing it as just another Overhaul. But unlike Overhaul they don’t really have anything like the quirk bullets that will make it worth teaming up with.
But they find out that Giran was tortured, those fingers at the sites of their crimes are Giran’s, and he tried to erase his client data and wouldn’t give up the villains after everything. However, the liberation army was able to restore the data thanks to the help of a member of the liberation army is an IT guy. Speaking of we get our intro to all the heads of the liberation army.
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Yeah this is bad. I’ll talk about this later, but these guys are far different from Overhaul. Not just in power and motive, but scale. Also lets look at each member individually (Mainly cause I want to get a bit of snark in).
Tomoyasu is the head of an IT company called Feel Good Inc. Which I really hope is a Gorillaz reference.
Hanabata is a politician, though that would make sense. If they’re trying to regain control of society, best have someone in a position who can affect laws. Also his party is called Heart Seeker, and I really hope that doesn’t allude to the idea that because he’s hot, people voted for him.
Kizuki is the head of the publishing company printing the Destro books. Also, I knew about Shueshia being the company that published Jump beforehand so this parody got me when I first read it. Also, with the fact she’s selling the books and that an arc ago we had Hawks saying he wasn’t happy with the idea of someone profiting from it. So did Hawks ever interview Kizuki? Hori get on the canon version of that and fanfic writers get on the smutty version of that.
And while Redestro is obvious, I will at least take this moment to say, I like his design. While Overhaul had that cool aesthetic with the plague doctor mask, Redestro looks like a middle-aged business man. He’s not drawn as some super hot, Light Yagami looking guy. He look normal and a bit unattractive. Its unique I feel. Usually that kind of character design is the one assisting their Bishounen bosses.
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We see that Redestro has satellite cameras on them and that he could sick the heroes on them. But we get a bit more insight into him. The one who must lead the way is Destro and it seems the League after they forced All Might into retirement are the face of evil to the world. As such, Redestro must destroy Shigaraki himself.
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While this seems lik one of those cliche “I’ll do it myself moments.” I actually think from the way he speaks, Redestro really does have his dad’s philosophy ingrained in him and he wants to show of the extent to which it grants. Also he probably has like a trap set.
Our chapter ends pretty well actually and I’m hyped.
Post Chapter Follow Up: There is really no negatives in this chapter aside from not much action and maybe one of two pages that feels like filler. But as a whole, its good.
The biggest strength of the chapter is Shigaraki’s journey. Again, as spelled out last week, the whole point of this is that Shigaraki must surpass all for one. Just as Izuku must surpass All Might. As Izuku grows stronger, so to must Shigaraki grow as a villain. He betrayed and outplayed the Yakuza, but he did it with the help of the heroes targeting Chisaki. But now, now he has a beast that won’t recognize him and another beast declaring war on him.
It doees sem like this arc will end with Shigaraki earning Gigantomechia’s respect by beating Redestro. But I’m very curious to see how that goes. As we see, Redestro is a far different villain from Overhaul. Overhaul was calculating and strategic, but he was just as underground as Shigaraki. He had men and disposable equipment, but he was still pretty small. Just a piece in a growing underworld.
But Redestro is actually far larger. Not only does he have more money, but more influence on the public as saw with his choice to go into support tools. He however waits in the shadows a lot more. Which you would have to do as a public figure.
Also we see how much more different than Redestro is in his goal. Like Shigaraki and Overhaul, he wants to change society, but he’s actually far closer to Shigaraki than Overhaul a Overhaul wanted to control societ. He was trying to refit the concept of the Yakuza into the modern age and make a way where he controls both crime and society. Basically making him the “Overlord” or “Godfather.” But Shigaraki and Redestro want to destroy current society. They likely wanna lead it, but they are going to literally change the fundamental structure and replace it with a new one. Shigaraki is just being more open about it.
So yeah, this’ll be Shgaraki’s moment. If I had to predict, if he beats Redestro, it’s likely that he’ll take all of his Liberation army and his support tool manufacturing centers. So this is Shigaraki looking to profit big time off of this.
Also, I love all the small touches in this chapter. From background detail to dialogue, there are the little bits of visual storytelling that I love.
Final Verdict: 9/10
Good buildup
Great characterization
Really makes you think about the complexities of the villains in this world
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girls-scenarios · 5 years
The Silenced
Idol: Doyeon (Weki Meki)
prompt: please do a doyeon scenario where she gets casted in a drama but she needs to kiss a girl (reader). She hates it at first but then gets feelings for the reader. (Doyeon from Weki Meki. Ps. Please make it fluffy 💕)
Writer: Admin Lee
A/N: the drama that the reader and Doyeon are cast in is similar to The Silenced (a really good SK movie!!), however, in this tv-remake the title also serves as an allegory for South Korea’s treatment of the LGBT community (in general). Doyeon doesn’t know much about the plot other than the fact that it is a thriller series. Your character: Juran & Doyeon’s character: Yeondok. I’m so sorry it’s been so long since I’ve last posted :( I’m about to graduate from high school, so finals and AP exams have been keeping me busy.. I hope you can all understand! Anyways,I had a lot of fun writing this scenario! The Silenced is by far one of my favorite films, and I thought it’d be cool to put it in a sort of series-form for this request. Hope you enjoy!
Warnings: Internalized homophobia, angst
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A few weeks after Weki Meki’s Crush promotions were finished, Doyeon had discovered that, after meeting with the CEO of Fantagio, she was to be cast in an upcoming drama. Specifically, a series remake of the 2015 movie, The Silenced. She remembered bits and pieces of the film, as she had seen it shortly after it was released. Needless to say, she was excited to act in something other than a rom-com, as many other female idols have done in the past.
Conversely, you were cast in a rather unconventional way. It wasn’t really a “official” audition, but apparently some employees sent out by the production company had attended a short film festival held at your university, and consequently saw your acting in one of the films. They were thoroughly impressed, and had contacted you a day or so later, asking for your interest in the project. You were quick to agree, of course, as this could be your big break in the acting industry, especially since you hadn’t yet decided to audition for an entertainment company.
So, without either of you knowing you would be side-by-side for the next few months as you filmed the first and only season of the drama, you and Doyeon went on preparing for the roles ahead of you.
It was nearly two weeks before the filming was scheduled to start, and you were called in for a script-reading of the first episode with the whole cast, as well as a costume fitting to ensure that everything was as good as it could be before the real work begun.
You arrived at the building and found the correct room without a hitch, and upon entering, were greeted with the director, writer, and one of the producers. They introduced themselves, let you know how excited they were for you to be involved in this project of theirs, and handed you the script along with a good-luck wish for your first big production. Then you made eye contact with Doyeon. You knew of her, of course, Weki Meki had been a group you followed and enjoyed listening to. Your face flushed and your eyes darted away, looking down at the script you had been handed moments ago. It was almost surreal to be this close to someone you admired - a celebrity at that. She, on the other hand, looked nonplussed.
Thankfully, the director clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention, and beckoned the actors over to the table nearest to him. Everyone then took their seats and buckled down for the reading of the pilot episode.
It was nearly a month into filming; three episodes down, and fortunately your relationship with Doyeon was improving quickly. Filming side-by-side proved to be a good catalyst for the betterment of your chemistry both on-set and off. You had discovered that the cold-looking idol you had met on the reading day was nothing like the Doyeon you knew now. Her façade was now thoroughly broken through, and it gave way to a bubbly, goofy, laid-back girl who always knew what to do to make someone laugh. She relaxed you, and you did the same for her. The dynamic shared between the two of you allowed a sense of peace whenever filming a particularly tough scene, and you were grateful for it.
At the end of this past episode, your character - who was struggling with tuberculosis - had been making strides in her recovery due to the medicine she was being administered. Doyeon’s character, at first a serious, speculative girl, had now opened up; even going as far as breaking the rules to bring your character outside of the confines of the manor they were living in for a breath of fresh air and an adventure through the forest surrounding the area.
Today, the filming for the fourth episode had begun.
Just before you were to begin filming, the director had approached you about a twist he had wanted to put on the series.
“(Y/N), I know I haven’t talked to you about this before, but I’ve been mulling it over for a while… I want to add a little more to the girls’ relationship, you know? When I was going over the original movie, the undertones - intentional or not - that their dynamic has makes me think that they would work really well as ‘more-than-friends’ if you get what I’m saying. It’s be a really fresh perspective to get out in the mainstream media, don’t you agree?”
At first, you were taken a bit aback, but within seconds everything sort of clicked. After taking take outside of work to watch the movie yourself, you could now look back and completely see where the director was coming from. And though he had phrased it like a question, you had realized that it would be in your best interest to comply. However, this was not to say you weren’t happy to do it, this could be a huge step in the right direction.
“Yes, completely. I’d be more than happy to do it! Have you talked with Doyeon about it?”
“I’m just about to bring it up with her. I’ll see you on set!” He replied, leaving you to finish getting ready.
The scene began in a room tucked away from most everyone’s eyes at the boarding school, and it was you and Doyeon’s characters who sat together under the dim light of an old lamp, sitting close together on a quilt.
“I’m getting better,” you began with a hopeful tone, nudging the other girl with your elbow. “Maybe I’ll be picked to go to Japan with you when the examination comes. Everyone knows it’s a given that you’ll go.”
Doyeon’s character stayed silent, picking at one of many red flowers that sat in a vase in front of her.
“Wouldn’t that be fun?” Your character continued, prodding the other again.
To this she nodded, yet her focus was diverted to the petal she clutched between her fingers.
“Yeondok.. Is something bothering you?”
“No, not at all,” She replied with a light lilt to her voice, looking at you with a soft expression as she brought the petal to your lips. “It’d be great to go with you.”
To this you moved even closer to her, intertwining your fingers while chewing on the petal thoughtfully. She turned to face you, looking into your eyes for a moment with a sense of nervousness you hadn’t seen thus far. Her hand now felt clammy as she clutched yours tighter, swallowing the lump in her throat. You knew it was in the script that she had to kiss you, but she wasn’t making any move to. So, to prevent having to re-film, you brought your free hand up to her cheek, stroking it with your thumb gently as you attempted to calm her down, hoping it would seem natural on-screen.
“Yeondok,” You began, your voice barely audible as you brought your face closer to hers. With your lips now mere centimeters apart, Doyeon seems to have finally gotten the nerves to take the reigns. She kisses you and your eyes flutter closed before she breaks it unceremoniously moments later. Doyeon stands and walks off-set without warning, giving no time for the director to properly cut the scene.
“Doyeon!” You called after her, but your voice fell on deaf ears as she stormed off.
It’s been days since that scene was filmed, you’ve attempted to talk to Doyeon multiple times about what had happened, but every time you had approached her, she somehow managed to avoid you each time. It eventually came to the point where your chemistry on set was being affected, so the director suggested that you both have a heart-to-heart for the sake of the show.
“Doyeon, please, I don’t know what I did wrong. If you’ll actually talk to me about it, I’m sure we can work this out and finish the show with no problems.. But I just need you to talk to me.”
She turned to you, expression unreadable.
“I- I don’t…I think I like you,” Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she stumbled over her words, and her voice was shaky. “But,” she continued. “My career, my family.. I can’t be a lesbian.”
“Doyeon,” You started softly, attempting to hide the surprise in your voice at her revelation. “There’s nothing wrong with how you’re feeling, you know that, right?”
She shook her head, not meeting your eyes. “I’m scared.”
Your brows furrowed as you frowned, reaching out a hand to rest on Doyeon’s shoulder. She flinched at this, and you almost pulled away, but she put her own hand on top of yours.
“It’s going to take time for me to figure all of this out.. Will you be here for me?” She asked you, her tone almost desperate.
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nerdtrash-iteration · 5 years
(Re)watching Doctor Who: series 7
Alright onto Matt Smith’s final series. I had heard a lot of complaints about this series before diving in but I wanted to keep an open mind about it. Let’s go.
Series 7 (Eleventh Doctor) Part 1 7.X1: The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe I honestly really like this Christmas special. It isn’t one of the better ones but I think it’s charming for what it is. I really like the forest setting and the digger crew, they had loads of personality. I love how protective the mother is of her kids. I really like the pseudo Time Vortex used at the end and the happy ending it brings. Yeah the kids aren’t amazing characters and the plot is a bit all over the place, but I still really liked it. Also the ending scene with the Ponds is really touching. 7.1: Asylum of the Daleks This gave me a bit of tonal whiplash seeing Amy and Rory broken up all of a sudden. And I was dreading another Dalek story. But I really liked it! I love the creepy setting, the interactions between Amy and Rory and this is the first time I’ve been excited about a Dalek story in ages. Loved this first version of Clara. The ending really surprised me and really got me emotional :( Overall a decent start to series 7. 7.2: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship Mixed but mostly positive feelings on this episode. I think the villain and the plot aren’t great and definitely could have done some tidying up. But I do like the goofy tone and the new characters we meet. Especially Rory’s dad, a legend. 7.3: A Town Called Mercy Ugggghhhhhhh. Again there’s that bias against stories set in America. I do like some things about it. Love seeing the Doctor angry and trying to enact moral judgment. Some interesting ethical stuff at play here. This guy is a doctor helping people but he is a war criminal. But I just found it mostly underwhelming. Didn’t care for the cyborg nor the setting. 7.4: The Power of Three Disappointed this wasn’t the 3rd episode in series 7, would have really been good timing. Anyway I’m very fond of this episode. Love Rory’s dad again, love the slow pace allowing the characters to have meaningful interactions. I like that it’s addressed that Amy and Rory really do have the ability to spend weeks away from their “normal” time apparently without missing anything. The ending is pretty weak but I have heard there were production issues around that so I’ll forgive it. This is a bit of a frustrating episode in the context of the next one when you look at the arc of the Ponds, but I do like it on its own. 7.5: The Angels Take Manhattan I remember friends of mine being devastated when this episode aired. So I know this is the last episode the Ponds appear in and I know what’s happens to them in the graveyard at the end. But I was really impressed with the use of time travel in the episode’s plot, especially how the novel predicts what happens. I was annoyed at how inconsistent the Angels were at times. In the scene before Amy and Rory jump, there were plenty of times where no-one was looking at the Statue of Liberty Angel. Why didn’t it take them then??? Also while I love the episode on its own, it is strange in the context of the Ponds’ arc. These last few episodes have had them conflicted on whether they should continue travelling with the Doctor. In the previous episode, they decide they will. And now they’re dead. Just seems a bit jarring with its pacing. But overall I do love this episode. Part 2 7.X2: The Snowmen Damn, do I have mixed feelings on this episode. I think I saw bits of it at the time of airing? Anyway I really don’t care for the Snowmen, the ice nanny nor the Great Intelligence. I only really cared for the Great Intelligence as a character in The Name of the Doctor. Most of the time I found him really boring. Anyway plenty of positive things in this episode. Love Matt Smith’s Victorian garb. Really like this new version of Clara and the use of the Paternoster gang, especially Strax. Also I will always be mesmerised by the scene where Clara ascends the spiral staircase through the clouds up to the TARDIS. The whole double life things she has going is a bit weird, didn’t really get that. 7.6: The Bells of Saint John Yiiiiiiiiiiikes. This single episode made it very clear to me why so many Doctor Who fans hate series 7b. This version of Clara really ain’t it so far, but I think that’s mostly down to this really bizarre script. Clara being someone in her mid 20s who doesn’t know how to connect to WiFi, Jesus Christ. I know it was 2013 but STILL.  Also she makes ONE JOKE about Twitter and the Doctor responds with “Omg you’re a genius now, how can that be”. I hated that. Had anyone in their mid 20s actually glanced at this script? I thought the WiFi plot was ehh. But it was quite chilling to see how it ended. With the villain being reduced to a child state, that was really sad. I also really liked the TARDIS appearing on a plane, with Clara still holding her cup of tea. And the Doctor cycling up the Shard. It’s unfortunate that Clara outsmarting the bad guys is nullified by the fact that her intelligence is not her own here. Anyway a very frustrating start to series 7b. 7.7: The Rings of Akhaten This episode was definitely an improvement to me over the very shaky start. Clara has a bit more to do here, we see some depth with how she feels about her mother’s death. I really like Akhaten as a setting. The monster is alright, not amazing but I’ll take it. I also like some of the interactions the Doctor and Clara have. Overall a decent step forward. 7.8: Cold War Oh no, here we go again. Nothing really glaringly bad about this episode but I just found it really lackluster and boring. I felt Clara went a step backwards here and didn’t have much to do. Setting didn’t really interest me. I did actually like Clara’s interactions with the trapped Ice Warrior. That was cool. 7.9: Hide This! This is a decent one for me in series 7b. I adore the authenticity with the ghost hunters’ costumes and equipment. I really felt like I was watching a 70s horror film. This is one of those rare cases for me where giving a sci-fi explanation to something supernatural makes it more interesting. I thought the pocket dimension was creepy and I loved the future-dweller’s use in the story. Few quibbles being I didn’t think the ghost hunters had quite enough chemistry. Also I found the rules of the episode a bit inconsistent. Apparently it’s near impossible for the TARDIS to survive long in the pocket dimension. And yet it gets in there twice? 7.10: Journey to the Centre of the TARDIS Another episode I have mixed feelings on. FIrstly I adore the setting. I love being reminded that the TARDIS is a truly complex and dangerous beast to be in the belly of, especially when it is being threatened. I liked that the Doctor and Clara have some solid interactions here, with the Doctor venting his frustration at her constant reappearances as different people. I really liked the group’s future selves being used as the villains. I thought the resolution was okay, could have been a bit more interesting. I didn’t super care for the three brothers in this storyline and thought lying to one about being an android really took me out of it. But decent overall. 7.11: The Crimson Horror Ahhhhhh, I really wanted to like this episode. I really like how it starts with the Doctor and Clara being absent for a while and seeing how the mystery unfolds. I like the Paternoster gang and I really think the villain’s plan is interesting. A religious cult foretelling the apocalypse and building a perfect town for select members. And then causing said apocalypse. But when the Doctor and Clara return it all goes to hell. I hated the Doctor kissing Jenny Flint, that was really out of place. As well as the erection joke, just why. I found the villain extremely cartoonish and not in an enjoyable way. She literally says “Die, you freaks!” towards the end. Also Clara really was not it in this episode. I thought the weird parasite thing was pretty cool though, right level of creepy. And I liked the scarred daughter getting her revenge. But overall a very frustrating episode. 7.12: Nightmare in Silver God, this episode annoyed me so much. I really wanted to like it. It had a really good creepy setting. Good way to bring the Cybermen back. I liked some of the side characters, particularly the emperor in hiding. But God, I hated the kids in this story. They just suck. Super annoying. Really didn’t need to be there. Also I wasn’t into the Doctor/Cybercontroller interactions. There wasn’t enough of a distinction for me to take it seriously. It just felt like Matt Smith talking to himself and trying to sound menacing. 7.13: The Name of the Doctor And we’re at the end of this strange series of Doctor Who! I think this is a pretty solid end. I was sick of Trenzalore being referred to and not making sense but I’m glad we got some clarity on it here. I liked the use of the psychic conference call and the Paternoster gang’s involvement. I thought the Whisper Men were decently creepy. Really liked the idea of the TARDIS’ exterior growing. And I was glad that Clara’s multiple lives were finally explained. And I felt it worked pretty well. And it was a lovely tribute to the series as a whole, seeing her with multiple Doctors. My main quibble is that Jenny was revived really quickly after the Whisper Men killed her?? That was quite frustrating. Overall I didn’t hate this series. But I did see why so many were frustrated by it. There are some decent stories in here but there’s also a whole lot of mess as well.
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ijustwant2write · 6 years
Sickly Love-Alex Høgh Andersen x Reader
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(GIF credit to @therealcalicali <-- Check out their work, it’s amazing!)
Summary: requesyed by @kaylantus : Awesome! I was wondering if you would do one about Alex? Where you are Marco's younger sister, by like a year, and you have a thing for alex but marco rarley if at all lets you visit the set because you have a very weak imune system so you get sick super easy, nothing terminal. A lot of fluff. Your writing is great by the way 😊😍
Characters: Alex Høgh Andersen x Reader, Marco Ilso x Sister!Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)=Your name
Warnings: I don’t really know an actual diagnosis for a weak immune system, but I won’t be going into much detail, some swearing too
“(Y/N), can you help me with my lines? I want to practice again before filming tomorrow.” Marco shouted to me from his room.
“Coming!” I yelled back, snuggling into my hoodie. 
He was sat cross legged on his bed, his script laid out in front of him. Sitting opposite him, I picked it up, scanning over the lines that weren’t highlighted.
“Hey, don’t read the whole thing!!” He teased, knowing I was a big fan of the show.
“But it’s so tempting!”
“Do you really want spoilers?”
“Yes. Well, no. But I do. But I don’t.” I battled with myself, ending up laughing alongside my brother, until it turned into coughing.
“You feeling sick again?” Concern was expressed on his face, immediately taking on the older brother role.
I cleared my throat, shaking my head.“No, it’s going away. I’m actually feeling really good.”
“Good enough to maybe come along with you to work? And see my friends again as well as be supportive for my brother?” the pitch of my voice got higher as I spoke, flashing a smile at Marco.
“No, you’re not fully recovered.”
I groaned.“Come on Marco, I miss everyone.”
“No, you miss one person.” he smirked, knowing that this would wind me up; he had overheard me talking (or as he said, ‘obsessing’) about our friend and his co-worker, Alex, as I watched an episode with my friend one night. Ever since then, he assumed I had a crush on him, and I kept on denying it, lying to him and myself. 
I scowled.“Would you stop? Look, I’m feeling so much better than usual, and being stuck inside all the time is surely not good for me. Plus, not seeing anyone could be effecting my mental state, which in turn will effect my health, and-”
“OK! OK, I get it. I’ll think about it.”
“Marco, please just say yes. Everyone has been texting and calling, wondering if you’ve locked me up in here.”
“We’ll see how this reading goes, then I’ll give you my answer.”
Later that night as I was getting ready for bed, I heard my phone vibrate, signalling that I had a message. As I picked up my phone, I felt a goofy smile appear on my face once I saw that Alex had text me.
From Alex: Hey stranger :)
He didn’t leave me much to work with. I always felt nervous around him, even though I considered us good friends, especially after all these years working with Marco. I quickly sent back an answer before I thought about it too much.
To Alex: Hi :) I promise I haven’t been ignoring you, just been ill recently :(
Oh no, was that too many emojis? Was I coming off as weird?
From Alex: Are you any better? I miss seeing you round set
He misses me? HE MISSES ME?!
To Alex: I’m actually coming down tomorrow! I’m so excited to see everyone :)
Marco had to let me go now. I couldn’t let Alex down now, could I?
To Alex: And I miss you too of course.
From Alex: Thank god, I don’t think I could stand another day without seeing you.
That text took me by surprise. It was so forward. Did he really mean it? Or was he just teasing? I pretended that he really meant it, knowing he only saw me as his best friend’s sister. Alex was that perfect guy; handsome, funny, talented yet so down to Earth. If you were scrolling through the explore page on Instagram and came across a picture of him, you would instantly think he was a model, and of course follow him. I had to accept that all that I could do was admire from afar, and be a friend.
Making sure I was up early the next day, I did my makeup for the day, before dressing in the outfit I had picked out last night (after a long two hours of debating). As I ate my breakfast, Marco sluggishly walked into the room, his eyes widening as he saw me.
“Why are you up so early?” he asked.
“Because I’m getting ready to go to set with you. You better hurry up, there’s not much time left.” I answered, munching on my cereal.
“I never said you could come.”
“You also didn’t say I couldn’t come.”
He furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head.“Well, seeing as you’re up and ready, I’ll let you come.”
I smiled at him.“Thanks Marco.”
“Just don’t get in Alex’s way today.”
The smile quickly vanished.“Please don’t tease me in front of him, you know I hate it.”
“I’m your big brother, what else am I supposed to do?”
It was still very early in the morning when we left for set. The sun was only just coming up, I was already tired, and I knew how long this day would be. Nevertheless, being on set was exciting. I loved seeing how things worked behind the scenes, as well as seeing my brother doing what he loved. But there were also nerves, making my stomach feel worse; I hadn’t seen anyone in such a long time after falling ill. I hated that my immune system was weak, it stopped me from socialising, making me feel somewhat lonely at times. Marco was great at looking after me, albeit he sometimes mothered me too much; my weak immune system wouldn’t stop me from living my life.
As I followed Marco to his trailer, I screamed as someone from behind swept me off my feet. Laughing as I was set back down, I turned around to see Alex, both of us grinning as we embraced. He was already in his costume for Ivar, minus the braces on his legs.
“Finally, you’re here! Marco, you need to stop locking up your sister.” Alex said as he threw an arm around my shoulder. 
“You know why she can’t come out all the time, I have no choice.” Marco wasn’t always open to people joking about my illness.
“Marco, just relax. Go get ready, I’ll stay with Alex.”
Marco huffed but smiled at us as he went to his trailer. Alex and I held back a laugh before bursting into giggles as he guided me closer to set. Georgia and Ida (Torvi and Margrethe) were up ahead, making me drag Alex towards them. They heard us approaching, only to hug me tightly as they realised that I was visiting today. Being stuck with your older brother was punishment enough, but not seeing your best girlfriends was torturous. Face timing just wasn’t enough, and even when we did, it wouldn’t last long due to my need for rest.
“I didn’t think you would be coming today of all days.” Georgia said.
“What? Why?” I asked, wondering if something important was happening, and that I shouldn’t really be there.
“Because we’re filming a battle scene, up on the hill. It’s going to be freezing, especially since it just rained last night.”
The cold, rain, snow and any other form of awful weather didn’t agree with me. I could easily get colds and coughs lasting for weeks. Stupidly, I hadn’t checked the weather, only bringing a thin coat for protection, though neither had Marco.
“Don’t say a word to Marco. He’ll have me cooped up in his trailer all day!” I begged.
Ida sighed.“But you’ve only just got better.”
“I’ll be fine.” 
We were distracted by one of the directors calling everybody to set, calling out instructions to his whole team. I stayed behind everyone, not wanting to risk ruining the day already. Just as I followed on, Alex called to me, taking off his big coat that he usually wore when he wasn’t filming.
“What are you doing?” I asked.
He wrapped the coat around me.“Overheard you guys talking about how bad the weather will be. Have this, I’ll just take someone else’s.”
I smiled, holding onto the coat that was huge on me.“Alex, you don’t have to-”
“Yes I do, otherwise I won’t see you for another three weeks. Look, I’ve gotta go, but promise you’ll be there for all my scenes.?”
He cheekily smiled before joining the rest of the crowd, being set to work with my brother. Slipping my arms into the coat, I chuckled to myself, looking silly as the coat swallowed me, making me looker smaller than I actually was. Forgetting all my thoughts about the weather, I followed my friends, happy to just be outside. 
As the day went on, I felt free, free from the confines of my bedroom. Some days I was just pure lazy, who didn’t love staying in bed and binge watching TV? But once you did it for weeks on end, it was like an endless cycle, so being able to go outside and enjoy days like this were wonderful. 
There were hundreds of extras lined up either side of the enormous field on top of the hill, the biggest battle in Vikings was about to commence. I sat amongst the directors, watching the acting from the monitors. Seeing all my friends as other people was amazing, I never got over how different they appeared when acting; however, I wasn’t focusing on them for long, feeling the cold creep up on me. I clung on tightly to the coat, beginning to shiver as the wind picked up. No, I had just got better, please don’t make me sick now. But I stayed on, wanting to battle against this weather like the actors before me. 
I hadn’t anticipated how long the scenes would take, sort of wishing that I had wrapped up even more. Trying to not show it, I remained where I was, putting all my attention back on the acting. Time slowed down extremely as I watched scenes be re-shot over and over again, the camera crew having to set up multiple times and costume and make-up tending to every actor. I was too shy and stubborn to speak up, ask if I could make my way back as to not cause disruption.
“Alright guys, that’s a wrap for today! You’ve all been amazing, thank you.” The director said into the megaphone, receiving cheers and hollers as a reply.
I practically leapt into Marco’s trailer when we arrived back. The heat was welcoming as I flopped into a chair, still holding the coat close to me as I relished the warmth. It would be a while until Marco was back, so I closed my eyes, letting all the tension out of my body.
“Sleeping Beauty!” Alex startled me, laughing as he saw me jump. He was out of his costume, now in a hoodie and sweatpants, though he still had fake dirt and blood on his face, as well as the braids in his hair.
“If I’m Sleeping Beauty then you must be the villain, because you’re still a mess.” I pointed out, pushing him away when he tried to hug me.
“Don’t you like me anymore? Why aren’t you hugging me?” 
I giggled, trying as hard as I could to not get any blood or dirt on me. 
He finally stopped leaning on the counter top in front of me.“What did you think of today?”
“You’re a bunch of amateurs I tell you, amateurs!” I dramatically said, waving my arms around like an angry director.
“Please, I really need this job!” Alex begged, playing along with it.
“I’m kidding, as usual, you were all amazing. I can’t wait for the new season.”
“Aw, I love that you’re my biggest fan.”
“Who said I’m your biggest fan?”
“I-I was just-”
I laughed, making him stop talking and groan as he ran his hands over his face out of embarrassment. 
“You’ve smudged everything even more on your face.” I pointed out, grabbing the makeup wipes.“You start taking it off and I’ll work on your hair.”
He took the wipes from me, sitting down in my seat as I stood behind him, starting to work on the braids woven in his thick, long hair. We kept on talking, catching up and discussing the new season. Once his hair was finally free, I subconsciously ran my fingers from them, earning a gasp from Alex; he reached up to hold my hands, his far more warm than my own. 
“Shit, (Y/N) your hands are freezing! Are you feeling OK?” 
“Oh, yeah. It’s just from standing outside for so long.”
“You should have said something, you could get ill again.”
“I’ll be fine, just don’t...” my words trailed off as Marco entered his trailer, seeing Alex and I holding hands.
“What’s going on here?” Marco asked as he slowly closed the door.
“(Y/N)’s just a little cold. She didn’t go inside when she should have.” 
“Marco sighed.“I knew I shouldn’t have brought you today.”
“It’s not that big of a deal, I’ll probably have a small cold or something, that’s all.” I defended myself, annoyed that Alex had told him.
“You always say this, and every time you get worse.”
“Marco, I’m an adult, I did this to myself.”
“Why didn’t you just walk off set-”
“Because I wanted to stay! People get sick all the time, I’m not the only person in the world to come down with a cold. Look, I’m not going to argue anymore, there’s no point. I’ll wait for you in the car.”
Before slamming the door behind me, I grabbed his car keys, storming towards the parking lot, and ignoring the looks from the workers surrounding the place. Although I wanted to say goodbye to my friends, I also didn’t want them asking questions, it would only upset me more. I got in the car, just sitting there as I tried to forget what happened. I hated arguing with anyone, especially my brother, but he was overprotective; and Alex shouldn’t have got involved, even though it was nice to see that he cared. Through the driver’s mirror, I could see Alex approaching the car. He swiftly opened the door and sat in the driver’s seat, his facial expression unreadable. I quickly turned my gaze away as his head lulled to the side.
“(Y/N), please can you look at me?” He asked, sounding sad.
“You shouldn’t have got involved.” I whined, caving in and looking at him. Goddammit, he was just so gorgeous.
“I had to. You’re my friend, and so is Marco, it would be unfair on him if I knew and he didn’t.”
“He doesn’t have to know everything about me. I wish people would stop seeing me as this sick, vulnerable child! Everyone gets ill, I just get it more often than others.”
“I realise that we treat you different because of it. But it’s-”
“Only because you care, I know.”
“(Y/N), please, I’m just trying to say sorry. I hate it when I can’t see you for weeks because you’re ill, and the fact that I can’t help you upset me.”
“Alex,” my voice got quieter, effected by what he said,“I’m touched that you feel that way. But don’t beat yourself up about it.”
“But that’s the thing, I can’t stop. The amount of times I’ve wanted to message you, or personally ask you to go places with me is uncountable; but each time I grow the balls to ask you out, I find out that you’re unwell, and I’d feel like an ass hole if I made you feel like you had to come out instead of resting.”
My heart was beating so loud that it was pounding in my ears, and I could feel myself blushing furiously,“Y-you should have just asked anyway. If I hadn’t been stubborn enough to go out, we could have planned something.”
“Really? I didn’t think you would say yes.”
“I didn’t think you would ask.”
We stared at each other for a few seconds, slowing breaking into smiles. It was a cute, almost romantic moment, until my brother interrupted by knocking on the window harshly. I rolled my eyes, locking the doors before turning back to Alex, drowning out Marco’s complaining from outside.
“What about this weekend?” I implied.
“Let’s go somewhere, anywhere. I just need to get out of that apartment.”
He grinned, nodding slightly.“I’ll make a plan then.”
“Better not tell Marco, he really won’t let me go if I’m going on a date with his best friend.”
“Well, he’ll just have to get used to it, because I’m making up for lost time.”
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banndsand · 6 years
If there’s one thing I’ve learned
it’s that I can’t manage to stick to one hobby for long. So why not just make a variety blog?
Today’s theme:
Or more specifically, fall 2018 anime. What’s been good? What’s been meh? What’s been just awful? (Just kidding we don’t talk about that last one.)
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Run with the Wind
I knew this would be near the top of my list in the first few minutes of the first episode. When Haiji asks “Hashiru no suki ka?” and Unison Square Garden takes it away... I just, oof. I knew I’d watch this one to the end.
But for those not immediately sucked in by the first 2 minutes, what the heck is it?
Run with the Wind is a show about a rag-tag group of college guys who have been gathered together in a mad attempt to run the Hakone Ekiden, a big ol’ relay marathon type race in Japan which afaik is a Big Deal TM. These dudes generally have little experience running, so it seems ludicrous that they could accomplish such a feat, but that’s honestly not what matters.
Like running itself, it’s every step you take along the way that matters, not the finish line. These are good boys (plus one very good dog) who are just doing their best to improve. Skepticism gives way to hope as you see these boys progress and come together as a team. There are of course challenges along the way, clashing of ideas, and even rivals and potentially some big dramatic twists. That last part I just figure is coming based on what I’ve seen so far.
Of course the show also looks great. The style reminds me a lot of Haikyuu which I super enjoyed (it’s actually the show that got me into sports anime)! Sometimes you can tell CG models are used, such as when there are just way too many runners on-screen at once, but tbh they look fine. CG has come a long way and the technique is used pretty sparingly in this show.
The characters are great. Everyone’s got motivations for taking part (or not taking part) in this race. They’ve all got their own personalities and struggles in this, and you can probably find yourself in at least one of them at some point in the show.
So yeah, Run with the Wind. I highly recommend it.
Next up...
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That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime
Oh no, another isekai?! Oh yes, another isekai!
Lately I’ve been giving a lot of isekai shows a chance and have been pleasantly surprised on numerous occasions. I quite enjoyed Overlord, though I came close to dropping it a few times. I found How Not to Summon a Demon Lord uh... fun, if only in the way where you can just turn your brain off and try to laugh at the ridiculous fanservice. These shows where the protagonist is OP as heck have regained some freshness after the likes of Konosuba and Re;Zero have redefined the genre by turning it on its head.
You may be asking yourself “so what’s this got to do with Slime show?”
Yes, yes, I’m getting to that.
In That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, the titular Slime character (who I will refer to as Slime-san) used to be a regular human, until he went and died. His dying words were used to generate his new form in a new world. But people say weird stuff when they’re dying, don’t they? Oh yes.
Slime-san us the result of some borked interpretations of regular, if slightly odd, statements. Making far-flung interpretations is the kind of thing that I love to do just as a mental exercise, and is thus a great start. This was probably the lure that brought me to the hook.
Awoken in this new world, Slime-san does what any person in a strange world would do, they interact with their environment in the only way they can, by absorbing stuff in their slime body. This leads to the character combining more weird stuff together to get weird results in ways that take me back to the days of Kirby 64, where combining abilities was amazing and novel. Oh yes, this hook looks tasty.
And of course, the art style is great. Even in a cave, with a character who is for all intents and purposes just a soft orb of slime, this show looks great! Every episode I am again floored by the wonderful art style and animation bringing this world to life.
And you know what’s the best part?
For the first month or so of watching, there were almost no boobs in the show at all!
Now, don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with boobs, but in this day and age of isekai shows that are more fanservice and self-insertion than anything, I am so freaking ready to have a break from the squishier parts of female characters. We have our squishy main character, Slime-san, so why should we need anything more?
(Of course there are some more fanservicey characters and scenes later on, but it feels a lot more manageable and not just forced on the viewer from the start.)
The one flaw I hear often for this show is that the main character is overpowered, so it gets boring after a while. I can see how folks would come to this conclusion when reading the manga, but when watching the anime week after week, it feels like there is still enough tension and/or uncertainty for things not to get stale, especially when you take into account the show’s other redeeming factors. ...Plus I’ve seen plenty of shounen series go on forever with undefeatable main characters (I won’t point any fingers) so I’m not really sure what people are expecting.
All in all, if you feel you might get tired of that kind of thing, then it might be worth skipping That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime, but I honestly feel like the show has so many redeeming qualities that I just can’t seem to get tired of it. I look forward to seeing how far this series may go before that happens.
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Zombie Land Saga
Hey do you like idol shows? No? Well how about giving this one a spin anyway?
Honestly, I have to watch more of this show. The main thing holding me back is the fact I like it so much that I want to share it with people, and then scheduling problems get in the way.
This show is absolutely hilarious. I don’t know if the plot will ever make sense, and I honestly don’t care. I just want to see these zombie gals try their best to make sense of this situation they’re in. And of course I want to see the manager shout. I just need more of manager man’s shouting in my life. I don’t know why.
The characters are funny and endearing, all exceptionally cute waifu material, and they’ve all got their own background (i.e. previous life) to grapple with before they can really shine as idols. Their goofy antics as a group make for some really crazy shows, which is refreshingly different from (as far as I know) just a bunch of CG idol girls jumping around in fancy costumes for 4 minutes per episode.
So just give it a look. If you aren’t into it after an episode or two, that’s fair. But otherwise it is way too easy to overlook this crazy rollercoaster ride of a show.
this post is getting obscenely long, I’m gonna wrap things up and say to go check out these shows. I think when the season ends I’ll try to put together a more cohesive overview of the season’s anime. I’ve got a few ideas.
Of course I also want to hear what y’all have been watching in the comments below. I am always down to check out any shows I may have overlooked! That’s usually how I find my favourites. So don’t be shy!
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