#can u tell i love wax seals lmaoo
carbonarafootprint · 4 years
frick it kurtbastian hogwarts au on the dash
(just a quick note it started as kurtbastian and does mention them a lot but also a lot of it is kurts friendships and the glee characters in hogwarts in general lol)
- sebastian is a slytherin and so is santana- his frenemy
- kurt is a hufflepuff (loyalty to his friends and whatnot)
- but all of kurts friends (britanny, mercedes, quinn, goth tina) are ravenclaws
- sebastian likes quidditch and defense against the dark arts the most
- no really
- he definitely doesnt enjoy potions
- hes not a nerd
- kurt likes muggle studies mainly bc of all the old films they get to watch (and partially bc burt is a muggle so he tends to excel)
- sebastian, on the other hand, thought a microwave was just a term to discuss the ocean on a calm day
- the only class they share is defense against the dark arts
- sebastian likes the really dramatic spells and tends to get carried away especially bc hes a slytherin- of course he wants to win
- kurt is a pacifist and finds it implorable that this class is still mandatory (although he excels in it) bc didnt harry potter kill voldemort like 20 years ago?
- kurt and brittany go down to the kitchens a lot; brittany has made friends with the house elfs and kurt enjoys cooking. they also both question the claims that the house elves “enjoy” being servants
- they decide to question this publicly and try to campaign for the rights of hoyse elves- not to stop them from working entirely, but to give them wages/ workers rights and the option to leave their “families”
- mercedes favourite lesson is astronomy and she is often found hanging out at the astronomy tower late at night and quinn tends to join her
- sam thinks french is a dead language
- brittany has never met a muggle in her life. she is also hagrids favourite student.
- unique transfers from beauxbatons in her fifth year and magic has made her transition a lot easier physically although she still has her struggles
- she quickly makes friends with kurts group, specifically kurt and mercedes, and joins their weekly sleepovers
- wes is a ravenclaw and head boy, and mcgonagall may have somewhat taken him under her wing
- sue coaches the slytherin quidditch team (sebastian and santana are beaters). there are rumours that voldemort was more afraid of her than dumbledore, he was just nervous about her reaction if he said it aloud.
- there are also rumours that she was a muggle and just showed up one day. nobody has ever seen her use magic.
- will is in azkaban. no one knows what for but no one disagrees that he belongs there.
- emma is the charms teacher and cleans her classroom the magic way then the muggle way just to be sure
- kurt mercedes and tina alter their robes so that they can lace ribbon through them for the aesthetic
- mcgonagall hates the lack of tradition but reluctantly respects the drip
- kurt wears velour/velvet robes on occasion. he has never once followed the uniform and as such spends far more time in detention than his attitude would suggest
- consequently most of his house hates him (except for mike who knows him through tina)
- kurt and sebastian get put in detention on the same day (sebastian and santana got into an argument which they had already forgiven each other for, but the property damage had not yet forgotton. kurt wore constellation patterned robes to his astronomy lesson and, when he was asked to change, told his professor she was the sole reason that witches were portrayed as old hags in fairy tales.)
-they form a reluctant friendship built on bullying the astronomy teacher and theorising why will was in azkaban
- they begin partnering up in defense against the dark arts
- kurt still thinks its useless but secretly looks forwards to the lessons with his friend
- santana is a little furious that she lost sebastian, her usual partner in the lesson (the teacher is quietly thrilled, as far fewer walls have been broken since this development)
- kurt and sebastian both slowly fall for each other, documenting it to moaning myrtle who is far too invested
- sebastian, unsure of how to express his affections, remembers kurts fondness of muggle studies
- as such, he learns about how plants tend to be a romantic gesture in the muggle world. he doesnt get it at first, giving kurt mandrakes that scream at him and make him think hes done something to upset sebastian
- he eventually gets the hang of it though, giving kurt small flowers like lavender and daisies which kurt is far too happy to tuck into a safety pin and wear like a brooch
- they eventually decide to go out together to hogsmede and spend the afternoon at madame puddifoot’s (kurt thought the decoration was tacky but missed tea parties. sebastian was just happy kurt was happy and if they spent 2 hours in dervish and banges thats his business. he also tries not to think about how kurt manages to spend so long in gladrags wizardwear)
- after they decide to go steady, they realise that santana is looking a little lost without sebastian
- they also notice that she was oddly supportive of kurt and brittany’s attempts at house elf rights for someone who hardly seemed to care about people
- they decide to set brittany and santana up
- mercedes helps bc she loves a bit of romance (especially since sam from gryffindor has started leaving notes on pieces of parchment in her defense textbook, but thats her business)
- tbh their plan is very simple they just tell them both that they are setting them up on a blind date and the work does itself
- mercedes finally responds to sams notes with one of her own, asking if he’d like to join her by the great lake
- he agrees and they spend the night with a picnic as mercedes points out the different constellations
- quinn watches from the astronomy tower, slightly solemnly
- when mercedes asks her opinions on sam, she tells the truth; he seems like he really likes mercedes and is good for her (she doesnt mention how much better she thinks could be for her)
- the smythe family has a family crest which sebastian has as a wax seal stamp
- he uses it on every letter he sends with emerald green wax, except for the ones to kurt which he uses navy blue wax and a badger seal (until later, when he learns just how deeply kurt enjoys fashion at which point it becomes a lavender wax with a stamp that shows a pair of scissors)
- as life goes on, the letters that kurt keeps have a rainbow of different seals and sebastian has a full drawer of stamps (so what if he likes to see kurt smile thats his business)
- kurt designs formal robes and has a band in his spare time with elliott, who uses every excuse to wear kurts robes onstage
- sebastian becomes a lawyer and ends up notorious for legally permitting house elves workers rights
- mercedes and sam live in the countryside where they can watch the stars without any form of pollution, but close enough to the city that mercedes can go to all the fashion shows that she can stand and sam (a pureblood) can be introduced to the cinema
- quinn and mercedes stay best friends and quinn eventually gets over her crush to the point that they can laugh about it together. she meets a nice girl and they work on making new products for weasley wizard wheezes
- santana and brittany become dancers and tour the world with that, although santana will preform with kurts band when shes in the uk
- sometimes sebastian will press flowers and stamp them into a wax seal when hes away from kurt and recieves a particularly sad letter
- eventually kurt and sebastian move to france (dont worry, burt isnt left alone as the schools nurse, carole, had taken a liking to him and it had absolutely nothing to do with kurt- plus, the floo network was something he’d finally got the hang of)
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