#can i not have my magic witch fantasy horror show with poly FOR ONCE
female-overlord-3 · 2 years
I have lost another show 🥲
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Hi Again, Please Take Me Back? :)
Um. Hi, writeblr? *waves awkwardly*
I know it was... um... weird of me to make this account, start interacting and promise to be active only to disappear almost immediately for like 3 months. In my dubious defense I can say that I had a very difficult period in terms of mental health first, and then money problems, and then my dog got terribly sick, which led to more money problems and more mental health stuff, and idk, it was just a very tough end of spring and first half of summer. So I had very little energy to do things, and when I did have energy, I tried to put it into writing first and foremost, because writing at times seemed like the one thing that gave me a sense of control and purpose.
But things are better now, and while I won't promise to be consistently here, for fear of breaking that promise, I do hope to be here a lot more. You all wonderful writers were so welcoming and friendly when I made this blog. I hope you'll be able to welcome me back once more. :)
For a better sense of perspective why I didn't have the energy for anything but writing, just for my own reference and for anyone who might be interested, I put a list of my current WIPs below.
First Drafts in Progress
1) Tales from the Witch House This used to be my main project back when I made this Tumblr, and it still remains such, more or less. It's a future web serial that I hope to start posting online some time this autumn. It’s a story about a number of witches, shapeshifters, vampires, friendly neighborhood lovecraftian monsters and other supernatural beings squatting in a semi-abandoned house together. It’s new adult slice of life urban fantasy, very queer, very character-driven, and unapologetically full of all my favorite tropes: a lot of found family goodness, a poly relationship that combines friends to lovers with enemies to lovers, and more  It’s also a story of growing up, searching for independence, getting to know yourself, other people and the world around you, and the perils of sharing a kitchen with a werejaguar who is a total slob.
Tag: Tales from the Witch House
2) All The Roads that Led Us Here (working title) My current Camp NaNoWriMo project for July. It's a friends-to-enemies-to-lovers m/m romance masquerading as a high fantasy spy novel, full of tragic misunderstandings, bold attempts on political intrigues, and all of my favorite tropes I could think of. It's the story of Elthani Daicel, a mage working for a spy organization that serves the crown. He is sent undercover into a group of magically gifted rebels threatening to disrupt order in the empire and usurp the throne. The leader of the rebels is Elthani's former best friend, a traitor to the spy organization Elthani's working for.
Tag: The Fantasy Spy Romance
3) One Pill to Make You A weird horror/urban fantasy story where cults achieve powers and recruit new members by using pills made of demon blood and bone. Allen, the MC, doesn't know the first thing about this and if he did know, he wouldn't care, because he generally isn't into the habit of caring about anything other than himself. However, when after a night out his roommate Paul starts exhibiting weird powers and making weird friends, it disrupts the rhythm of Allen's own life and thus leads him to investigate. Which is, of course, why he accidentally travels far down the rabbit hole and into the depths of the demonic occult underground.
Tag: One Pill to Make You
WIPs in Revision, First Drafts Complete
4) The Untitled "Superpunk" Novel The setting is a classical bleak cyberpunk corporate dystopia, but with superheroes. Or, well, with mostly morally grey superpowered individuals. Some of them work for the corporations. Others are freelancers, also known as criminals, also known as villains, also known as rebels and liberators. Oh, and there are also people who refuse to use that serum that can either give you superpowers or kill you, but who still work closely with the not-quite-heroes. In this world, three young women learn that a very dangerous man who once held all of them hostage isn't quite as dead as they thought. Which means it's time to team up and get ot him before he gets to them.
Tag: The Main Superpunk Novel
5) The Mask You Wear (very working title). Side-story to the previous untitled one, set in the same "Superpunk" 'verse. Keith has spent most of his adult life defending the innocents of Delta-City as a proud member of HeroCorps. Or so the representatives of the HeroCorps told him two years ago, when he woke up in the hospital with amnesia after a very bad fight with a very bad guy. Keith sees no reason no to believe them. He likes his life. He likes helping people. He likes being a superhero. His aversion to the very idea of getting his memories back is completely normal; the doctors told him so. And HeroCorps employs only the best doctors, so everything`s definitely fine. Except now there's a new supervillain in town, and his very existence causes Keith to start asking questions he didn't know he had and looking for answers he isn't going to like.
Tag: The Secondary Superpunk Novel
6) [Still Searching for a Title] This is a really weird one that needs to be not so much revised as completely rewritten. I finished the first draft/draft zero a couple of years ago when I was in a really dark state of mind, and it shows both in the very dubious quality of writing and in the plot. It's an urban fantasy where going through severe trauma and developing mental problems as a result also might give a person magical powers. The powers fade if the mind is healed, so a lot of the magicians who grow used to depending on their powers are always searching for the delicate balance between being sane enough and powerful enough. I'm not sure this story could pass all the sensitivity checks and not offend anyone by its existence. For me, though, it's kind of really therapeutic, and I also love the three characters it focuses on, and I really want to make something coherent and hopefully coherent out of it one day.
Tag: The Untitled Urban Fantasy
WIPs in the Very Early Stage
7) My People's Keeper This is still more of a plot bunny than an actual WIP, although I do have a handful of scenes written for it and a rough outline. Theoretically, it's the first book in a trilogy full of characters I already love, my favorite magic system I've created to date, and lots of worldbuilding bits and plot points I'm very excited about. But I'm really wary of actually writing it, because, well, the plot revolves around an empire colonizing smaller countries and sort of expects the reader to empathize with the main characters from that empire, and once again, I'm not certain if the result wouldn't turn out offensive for a number of future potential readers, so I have a lot of doubts.
Tag: My People's Keeper
8) Sunlight in Shadow / The City of Gods and Monsters (two working titles I'm trying to choose between) It's currently in that stage where I have a lot of ideas, a lot of worldbuilding and a number of characters, but no real actual story. Once I have one, it's going to be about a continent-sprawling post-apocalyptic fantasy city, lots of religious tension and gods reincarnated as not-quite-mortals, searching for each other in the dark.
Tag: The City of Gods and Monsters
9) Burning Things Based on an old NaNoWriMo project that had some good stuff in it, but it got buried under lots and lots of boring and making less than enough sense stuff that somehow seemed exciting at that time, and then I kind of lost the story underneath it all. Once I figure it out properly, it's going to be a young adult novel about very troubled teens in a magical school and all the awful things teens do to themselves and each other just because they're hurting. Especially when you give them magic.
Tag: Burning Things
10) The Untitled Little Mermaid Retelling What it says on the tin. Once I figure the plot out entirely, it's going to be very political, sort of "a cold war story in a fantasy kingdom," and with a queer romance at the center, because who needs Prince Charming for the mermaid when you can have Princess Sarcastic instead?
Tag: The Little Mermaid Retelling
11) The Race Against the Prophecy (very working title) Something I'm developing in collaboration with Val, my friend who's not currently on Tumblr as far as I know. When a family learns their adopted is the Chosen One destined to fight and kill the Fallen God (who needs a better name/title) when she turns sixteen, all three of them are appropriately horrified. Because honestly, who'd want a fate like that for their kid? So, of course, they gather some friends and head to get rid of the Fallen God themselves.
Tag: Against the Prophecy
Yeah, I know. That's a lot of WIPs. Which is exactly why, when life leaves me with little free time, I have no time at all for anything other than writing. :D
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