#can he stop posting his bloody tongue on snapchat
phoebesbridgers · 7 months
travis’ subplot while mark and tom make dick jokes and grope each other on stage
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Seventy-Three
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You were stressed to the max, and to top it all off you had your period. Harry’s studio opening was just a couple of days away. He was stressing too, working late getting all these little last minute touches together. You were spending all your free time promoting the opening on social media, watching the analytics, responding to comments as they came in. It was like you were working two jobs, but it was all worth it to see him happy and put him at ease for a bit. The website you designed was immaculate. Harry was incredibly impressed with what you put together.
“Babe!” He calls for you from the bedroom. You and Buster come running in.
“What is it…holy shit! What happened in here?!”
Your bedroom was in complete shambles. Harry’a clothes were all over the place. His hair was a mess from tugging at it.
“I have no idea what to wear tomorrow, and I’m freaking out!”
“Oh, Harry.”
“I mean, I feel like a suit is like too fancy, cause like, the place is going to be really chill, but I don’t want to wear jeans, even the black ones, that’s like too chill for a party, and then there’s the shirts! I have silk shirts, button ups, polos-“
“Harry, Harry!” You put your hands on his shoulders. “Please, take a deep breath.” He looks at you and sighs. “We’ll find you something to wear.”
You go through the piles of shirts first. Pants would be easy enough to pair later.
“Do you want to be covered up, or unbuttoned?”
“Think I’d be more comfortable unbuttoned, you know, so everyone can see my necklaces, and the tattoos. I really wanna look like myself.”
“But like…also cool.”
“Yes! I want to cool, collected.”
“Harry…you could wear a paper sack and you’d still look cool.” He smirks at you and shakes his head. “Oh! How about this one?” You hold up a black button up with white polka dots on it. “This would look really nice.”
“You think so?”
“Sure! You could dress it up with a blazer if you want for when you first get there, and then take it off later.”
“Yeah, actually, I could see that, let me grab my black suit jacket.” Harry digs it out of the pile and puts them together. “What about pants?”
“I really think your good black jeans, like the really nice pair, would look fine.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah! I know you haven’t really been doing the skinny jean thing lately, but I think if you wear that, and your beige Chelsea boots, you’d have a whole ensemble going.”
“I don’t know what I would do without you.” He smiles with ease. “Thank you.”
“Of course. Stop worrying, it’s going to be great. So many people are excited to come celebrate you.”
“WhaT are you goin’ to wear?”
“Not sure yet. I was thinking of my yellow dress, you know the one with the short sleeves and the open back? Know how much you like yellow.” He wraps his arms around you.
“Can we have sex?”
“M’all bloody…” You whine. “Can you put all these clothes away?”
“On it.” Harry rushes around hanging all of his things back up, and putting other pieces back in his drawers. He turns to see you walk into the bathroom. “Shower?”
“Yeah, just give me a couple minutes to like…clean up.”
After about five minutes you call for Harry. He comes in, already naked, and gets under the water.
“All set, angel?” He asks, kissing on your neck.
“M’just so stressed, need to take my mind off things.” He starts kneading your breasts. “That okay?” You nod your head yes. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You wrap your arms around his neck. “Now fuck me.”
“Okay, great, You’re the best! Seriously, thanks again. We’ll see you guys soon.” You hang your phone up, and put it down on the sink counter. You put some red lipstick on and smooth out your dress. You were thankful it wasn’t a humid evening so you could wear your hair down. “Buster!” You yell as you walk out of the bedroom. He comes running to you. “Come on, we gotta go meet daddy before everyone arrives.”
You leash him up and get him down the stairs. Mariah and Isaac weren’t there yet. Harry was upstairs getting dressed in his office, He nearly spent the entire day making sure everything was perfect. You and Buster greet the waiters that had started to set up. You go upstairs and knock on his door.
“Babe, it’s us!”
He opens the door immediately and yanks you inside, closing and locking the door.
“Oh my god, you look stunning.” He smiles. “How do I look?” He turns around for you.
“Absolutely incredible.” Buster sniffs at his feet.
“Hey buddy.” He pets the top of his head. “I’m freakin’ out, Y/N, and I never freak out. Okay, I do, but not like this!”
“Harry.” You tug at his suit jacket. “Look at me. It’s going to be great. You have prints available for purchase, a ton of booklets for people to look through, and Isaac is going to be walking around with a tablet to book appointments with people. We have a geotag set up through snapchat and insta, and we have a hashtag ready to go. I’m going to be taking pictures and videos all night. Everyone here is here to su-“
He cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you, smearing your lipstick. Your tongues mold together and you pull him closer to you. He lets go of you just for a second to get some air.
“Sorry, I-“
“Sit down.”
“We have like fifteen minutes before Mariah and Isaac are going to get here. Sit down.” Harry sits in his desk chair, and you grab the throw pillow on the little couch he has in his office, putting it on the floor.
“What’s happening right now?”
“I’m going to give you something you’ve been asking for, for a long time.” You get on your knees in front of him.
“Buster, go sit on the couch.” He does as Harry says and looks away from the two of you. “You’re serious?”
“Yes. I want you to be as relaxed as possible. And I know how much you love it when my lipstick gets all of your cock.” You smirk.
You undo his pants and tug his hardening cock out. You pump it a few times, and rub your thumb over his tip. You lean forward and lick the underside of his shaft. You lick of his tip, flicking back and forth on his slit.
“Shit.” He breathes, gripping the armrests of his chair.
You suckle on his tip before taking more of him. You bob up and down slowly, and he bucks his hips up. You let him hit the back of your throat. You’re desperately hoping your eyes don’t water so your makeup doesn’t get fucked up. You swallow against him, making him grit his teeth. He’s trying so hard to be quiet, how cute. You bob up and down on him faster, hollowing your cheeks.
“Fuck, Y/N, I’m gonna come.” He feels his stomach tighten.
You groan against him as it shoots into your mouth. You take all of it, careful not to make a mess. You swallow and slowly stand up. He looks at you and tucks himself back in.
“Do you have any water?” You ask, wiping the corners of your mouth. He points to the bottle on the side table next to the couch.
You grab it and sip on some, swishing it around in your mouth before you swallow. You grab your lipstick out of your purse and touch up your mouth. Harry slowly stands up. You straighten out his clothes and smile.
“I feel…much better. Thank you.” He presses his forehead to yours.
“My pleasure.” You smirk. “Buster, come on, we need to go downstairs now.” He hops off the couch and goes to your side.
Harry follows you out of his office, and perks up even more when he sees all of the food and drinks set up. Mariah and Isaac just walk in as you and Harry come down the stairs.
“It looks amazing in here!” Mariah says as she gives Harry a hug.
“Let me take a picture of you three, it’ll kickstart my posts.”
The line up and all make pouty faces.
“Jesus, you all should just be models.”
“Y/N, let’s get one of you and Harry.” Isaac snatches your phone. Harry hooks an arm around your waist and you place a hand on the exposed part of his chest. “You two are so cute, it’s ridiculous.”
“When’s Rach getting here?” You ask Mariah.
“She’s coming with Niall and Sarah.” She smiles.
A little while later, the party gets started. Niall, Sarah and Rachel all walk in. They each hug Harry and Mariah and start walking around to check the space out. More and more people trickle in. Past and current clients of Harry’s. He mingles with a ton of people, nursing a glass of wine. You go around taking pictures, monitoring mentions. Erica, your mom, Bridget, and Kyle all show up to support as well.
Your eyes keep watching the door. You needed Louis and El to get here before Harry made his speech. People were starting to circle up as it was starting to be that time. Just as Mariah was starting to clink her glass, the doors fly open, catching everyone’s attention.
“Mum?! Gem?!” Harry’s eyes become glossy.
“Harry!” They both say in unison. Louis and El walk in behind them and you feel a giant wave of relief.
The three of them all run towards each other and hug. You squeeze Louis’ shoulder and smile.
“Sorry, they insisted on freshening up, and it took them way longer than we thought.”
“I tried rushin’ ‘em…but they wanted to look around the place too.”
“Of course they did.” You sigh. “It’s okay, they’re here now.”
“You two suck! You said you couldn’t make it!”
“We lied!” Gemma says. “Y/N arranged the whole thing.” Harry looks over to you. Before he can come over Mariah clinks her glass.
“So sorry to break up the family moment, but in order to enjoy the entire evening, we have to get this crap out of the way.” The crowd laughs. You were grateful you thought of microphones. You start filming Mariah for a live video. “Three years ago I started working at this great place where I got to take pictures of plants. About a month in they hired another photographer. This guy who kept to himself. Once in a while he’s laugh or even talk. We later found out he was from the U.K.” The crowd laughs. “Little did I know that not only would this guy become one of my best friends, introduce me to my girlfriend, hey babe,” Rachel blows her a kiss. “But what I really wasn’t expecting was for him to ask me to leave the comfort of my job to come work with him.” She looks at Harry. The two are glossy eyed. “Thank you for being one of the most amazing people I know. I’m honored to do be in this with you. Ladies and gentlemen, Harry Styles.”
The crowd claps as Harry hugs Mariah, and takes the mic from her.
“Thanks, Mariah. I never thought I’d need a work partner, especially since I think my way is the right way.”  The crowd makes noises in agreement at Harry’s arrogance. “Yeah, yeah, thanks. Anyways, I wouldn’t be able to do this without you, so thanks.” He clears his throat. “I wanna thank you all for comin’. It means a lot to be supported by so many familiar faces, and some new ones. I love taking pictures, I always have. I’ve been there during some really beautiful moments for a lot of you, and I’m excited to be able to continue doing it full time. I want to thank Isaac Matthews for also leavin’ his comfortable job.” The crowd claps for Isaac. “There’s no one else I’d trust to book appointments for me. Speakin’ of which, he’ll be goin’ around all night with that tablet he’s holdin’, so you know, don’t be shy.” He smirks. “I want to thank my friends for bein’ here tonight to support me, as always. I’m fuckin’ annoying, I don’t know why you all put up with me, but I’m grateful.” They all laugh. “Mum, Gem, this is the best surprise ever. I’m so glad you both are here. Wouldn’t have felt right without you.”
“We love you, honey!” Anne shouts.
“Lastly…” Harry looks over aT you, who was intently filming him. “Y/N.” You look up from your phone as you continue to film. “I wouldn’t have been able to do this without you, I mean it. I never would’ve found the guts to finally build my business up. You make me better every day.”
“Oh my god, do you think he’s going to propose?” Sarah whispers to Niall.
“No way, he wouldn’t do that tonight.”
“But her family’s here.” She points to your mom and siblings.
“No…he…has a plan. He wouldn’t…”
“Can you com here?”
You shakily pass your phone to Louis so he can keep filming the live video. Harry wraps an arm around your shoulders.
“Not many people know this, but Y/N is really good at social media marketing. She planned this entire event so I could focus on renovatin’ this place. She got her dad and brother to help me out with that. She built the website so many of you have started to use, and she’s been postin’ pictures all night.” The crowd cheers for you. “Y/N, I cannot say thank you enough. You’re the love of my life, and I couldn’t feel more lucky.” He kisses you and everyone cheers. You beam at him and wipe a few tears from your eyes. “Alright, enough of that. We have prints of sale and lots of booklets to go through. So please, keep supportin’ me and spend some money.” Everyone claps and Harry hands the mic to a waiter. The crowd goes back to mingling and checking everything out. “You got my mum and sister here.”
“I got your mum and sister here.”
“You got them to lie to me.”
“I got them to lie to you.” He hugs you and kisses you again.
“You’re amazing, I love you so much.”
“I love you too. I’m so proud of you.”
“Harry?” A woman asks. “Do you take senior photos? My daughter is graduating this year, and we don’t care for the photographer the school provides.”
“Yeah! Let me show you some samples, actually.” He walks with the woman over to one of the booklets.
You go over to Louis to take your phone back.
“I stopped the livestream, but didn’t post anything.”
“Thanks! I wasn’t expecting him to do that.” You giggle. You walk away and Louis turns to Niall.
“Thought he was goin’ t’bloody propose.”
“So did I for a second there.” Niall says.
“Wait, you said he has a plan for that.” Sarah says.
“When exactly is he planning to do it?” Rachel asks.
“Girls, would you like to come with me the loo?” El asks.
“Oh sure!” Sarah says. El winks at the boys as the girls follow her to the bathroom.
“We can’t tell them what he told us. I don’t want any of it to be spoiled.” Niall says.
“Niall!” Erica says to him.
“Hey!” He gives her a light hug. “Hey guys, glad you could make it. Lou, this is Y/N’s sister Erica, her brother Kyle, her other sister Bridget, and her mum.”
They all introduce themselves to Louis.
“Thought he was going to ask her to marry him for a second there.” Your mom says.
“Yeah, that would’ve been crazy.” Louis laughs.
“They’ve been together, what? Almost ten months? He said she was the love of his life, that’s wild.” Bridget says.
“Well…not totally wild. I mean, we’ve both known Harry a long time, he’s never said that about anyone he’s ever dated.” Louis says. “And didja see how happy they were? They have this little life together.”
“Yeah, and what would know anyways?” Niall says. Both of Bridget’s eyebrows raise and Kyle nearly bursts out laughing. Erica’s jaw drops, and your mom bites the inside of her cheek. “You should be happy your baby sister is with someone that cares about her so much.”
“Especially by someone as great as that lad over there.”
“And had he proposed tonight, she would have said yes without hesitation.”
They all look at Niall and Louis.
“Mom!” You yell. “Come here, I want you to meet Anne and Gemma.” You look at your siblings. “Well, I suppose you all can.” You wave them over and they walk towards you.
The girls come back over to Niall and Louis.
“Anne, Gemma, these are my siblings and my mom.” They all introduce themselves.
“You must be so proud of your son.” You mom says.
“Oh, I am. He never ceases to amaze us.”
You leave your family to get to know Anne and Gemma so you can continue doing your thing. The night goes really well. A lot of people buy prints, and Mariah and Harry’s calendars fill up with appointments. You were exhausted, and so was Buster. Harry had to carry him out to your car for you.
“I’ll see yeh at home. Mum’s gonna ride with me, and Gem said she’d go with you.”
“Sounds good, see you soon. So proud, tonight was amazing.” You kiss and get in your cars.
“Your mum is really nice.” Gemma says.
“Oh good, they weren't rude?”
“Not at all! They were lovely. It was so nice to meet all of them. The party was amazing. I can’t thank you enough for pushing him to finally do this. He’s so happy.”
“You know what the funny thing is? I never once asked him to do it, never told him to. One day he sort of just brought it up. I supported him on it.”
“That’s all he needed. That reassurance that he could do it. And you dove right in to help. That website you built is incredible.”
“Thanks, that means a lot.” You smile.
You put Buster over your shoulder and you and Gemma head up to the apartment.
“Harry…” Anne says on the ride back.
“Yeah, mum?”
“I’m so proud of you. So many people showed up for you tonight.”
“I’m still in shock. I’m really glad you were there.”
“You frightened me for a moment.”
“When you gave your speech, and called Y/N over. My heart nearly stopped.”
“What?” He laughs. “Why?”
“I thought you were going to propose.”
“Mum…I would’ve told you if that was my plan.”
“Would you have?”
“Of course! I tell you everythin’ don’t I?” He sighs. “I am plannin’ on it though, but not for another few months.”
“Harry, you really think you’re ready for marriage?”
“Mum, I wanna spend the rest of my life with her. Why not get engaged?”
“She feels the same way?”
“You’ve had that conversation?”
“Of course we have.”
“And what about children?”
“Talked about it.”
“How will you raise them? She’s Jewish, you’re not. Will you stay in the city for a few years? Move out to the suburbs? What would that mean for your business?”
“Mum, please!”
“I’m sorry honey, I just need to make sure you’ve thought these things through! This is a huge life decision!”
“Duh! And yeah we have talked about those things. We’d raise ‘em Jewish, but still have Christmas and Easter. Neither of us wanna move out of the city yet. She doesn’t even want to have kids for another couple of years anyways.”
“Good, the dog’s plenty for now.”
“I agree.”
“You really love her that much?”
“I really do, mum.”
“Alright, well not that you need it, but you have my blessin’.”
“Of course. She’s lovely, and I think she fits right in with us.”
“How was meetin’ her mum and siblings?”
“Oh it was great! I think her mum and I are gonna have lunch while Gem and I are here.”
You and Gemma were sipping on tea when Harry and Anne get up to the apartment.
“Well, I don’t know about you all, but I’m pooped. Breakfast tomorrow?”
“Yeah, mum. We’ll go to Rick’s.”
“Alright, goodnight sweet pea.” She looks at Gemma.
“I’m gonna stay up a bit, finish my tea.”
“Okay, goodnight, night Y/N.”
“Night, Anne.”
Harry plops down on the sofa next to you. Buster was in his bed fast asleep. The three of you stay up chatting for a bit until you all decide to call it a night.
“Is Aunt Flow still in town?” Harry whispers.
“No she left this morning.” You whisper back. “I can’t have sex with you. It’s one thing with friends, but your mom and sister?”
“Come on, we’ll be quiet.” You look at him. He looked so fucking good, and you were still riled up from giving him a blow job.
“Okay…in the bathroom, with the fan on.”
“Who did it, Professor Plum?”
“Harry!” You laugh and cup a hand over your mouth and shuffle into the bathroom.
He peals your dress off and it pools at your feet. He lifts you up onto the sink counter. It’s cold against you and you wince.
“Don’t worry baby, I’m gonna warm yeh up.” He takes all his clothes off. He reaches between your legs and slowly fingers you.
“Ugh, Harry.” Your head rolls back. You loved when he did this. Deep and slow. His fingers curl up inside you. “Shit.” You moan.
“I love you so fuckin’ much.” His lips connect to yours, and he swallows your moans as he pumps in and out of you, knuckles deep.
“Harry.” You groan. “I love you too.” You press your forehead to his shoulder. “Please, fuck me with your cock.”
He pulls his fingers out of you, and pumps himself a few times before lining up with you. He pulls you closer and thrusts into you. You wrap your legs around him and your arms go up under his so you can grip his back easier. He rocks in and out of you. His teeth sink into your shoulder so he won’t be too loud. One of his hands moves between the two of you so he can rub your clit.
“Fuck, oh my god.”
Harry crashes his mouth to yours. You knew you needed to be quiet and this was the only way to do it. You panted into his mouth and bite harshly on his bottom lip when you come. Once you catch your breath you bury your face in his neck. He fucks you hard and fast until he’s filling you up. You both stay there for a second, just holding each other. He pulls out and helps you down. You use the toilet while he brushes his teeth. You wash your face and brush your own teeth.
You both crawl into bed. He rests his head on your chest and you play with his hair.
“My mum said she’s going to have lunch with your mum sometime this week.”
Harry looks up at you. You kiss each other again and he lays back down. The party was perfect. You knew Harry would start to get busier than ever. But right now, he was in your arms. Right now you were engulfed with each other. Right now, nothing else mattered.
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
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Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 3k
Warnings: swearing, mild smuttiness
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 9 Part 11
Part 10
We eventually got up. We showered and dressed. I fed Perrin, and we ate breakfast. I asked Liam what his plans were for the day.
"Not much. I thought I would stay with you until you kick me out." He winked. "What are your plans?"
"Well, I have to kick this guy out..." I said with mock agitation. Liam feigned a look of hurt. "Not much until tonight. I'm going to Dave's house for dinner. I'll see my nephews and niece, which will be good. My Mum too, I suppose."
"Dave's your brother, right?" I nodded. "You haven't told me much about your mother. I think this is the first time you've mentioned her."
"We don't always get along. Mum's mellowed as she's gotten older, but she was a bit of a tyrant when I was growing up. She didn't like Andy. Well, she didn't like any of my boyfriends. She always judged them based on their jobs like she wanted me to end up with a doctor or lawyer or something like that. It's like she thought she'd wasted her money sending me to a private school because I found myself attracted to tradies."
"What's a tradie?
"A tradesman."
I laughed at a memory. "I used to tell my friends that if a guys hands weren't calloused enough to cause a run in my stockings, then he has no business touching my legs."
Liam burst out laughing. "Are you serious?"
"What can I say? I like a man who is good with his hands." I shrugged before continuing, "anyway, that's one reason why my mum and I didn't get along."
"What about your Dad?"
"He passed away three years ago."
"I'm sorry."
I didn't say anything for a while. I played with the crusts of my toast, breaking it into little crumbs. I think Liam sensed my mood and changed the subject. "You went to a private school?"
"Yeah," I said. "An all-girls, Catholic one at that."
"Well, that explains a lot." Liam quipped, his tone very serious, but his twitchy lip gave him away.
I narrowed my eyes and frowned. "I hate you."
Liam ignored me and cupped my face with his hands. "Kiss me." He ordered. And I did.
We spent most of the morning sitting together and talking. We spoke about the books we were reading. We found that we had similar taste in books when we talked before we met. Liam had recommended a book to me, and I had finished it a few days ago. I showed him my bookshelves, and we compared which ones we had read. He asked to borrow a couple.
Later we just sat on the lounge. We talked, held hands, cuddled, kissed, had coffee, and then some tea. We took turns patting Perrin, who had taken to Liam really well.
It got close to lunchtime, and it seemed like we were both trying to work out a way to avoid the inevitable parting. Neither of us had brought it up since breakfast. Eventually, Liam asked, "when can I see you again?"
Liam was sitting up, and I was laying on my back with my head in his lap. Liam was stroking my hair, sometimes taking a curl and twisting it around his finger. I smiled when I saw him do that since I had done the same to him earlier.
"As soon as possible," I replied. "I'm going to miss your pretty face." I reached up and patted his cheek patronisingly.
He gave me a small smile but didn't say anything. Then his god damned lip twitched.
"What are you thinking?" I asked. "I can tell when your lip twitches that you're thinking something naughty or you know something I don't know."
"My mother tells me the same thing." His lips stretched into a full grin, revealing his Hollywood white teeth.
"Well, I'm not your bloody mother, so tell me."
"I was just thinking about all the parts of you that I'm going to miss."
"You're very cheeky."
"Unfortunately for you, my mother tells me that too."
"You're a fuck knuckle," I said, smirking. "I'll bet your mother doesn't tell you that."
Liam's eyes went wide. "Bloody hell, Sweetheart. Anyone would think you didn't like me." He was smiling though.
"It's because I like you that I insult you. I'm very polite to people I don't like." I said, putting a sickly sweet smile on my face and batted my eyelashes at him.
"You're lucky you're cute." Liam leaned down and kissed me. "You haven't answered my question. When can I see you again?"
"Well, we both work all week. I guess that means we will have to wait until Friday night."
"Do you want to come to my place on Friday after work? Spend the weekend with me?"
"Ok. I'll ask Dave when I see him tonight if he will have Perrin for me. But it shouldn't be an issue."
Liam's face was unreadable for a moment. Then he smiled and kissed my forehead. "I'm already looking forward to it." He sat back and said, "well, I suppose I had better call an Uber."
I sat up and waited for Liam to book his ride. When he had finished, I said, "Call me tomorrow night. After work?"
Liam nodded. He scooped me up and sat me on his lap. "Don't worry, Sweetheart. You won't get rid of me easily." He smiled and caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers. "Now, kiss me."
I threw my hands around his neck and kissed him hard.
Liam kissed me back, his arms wrapped around my waist, and he crushed my body into his. Our kisses became ardent, and I squirmed on his lap. I didn't want to let him go. Not ever.
I wanted him again now, and I cursed myself for letting him call for an Uber. I felt like he was part of my life like I had already given let him into my heart when I let him in this house. This sacred place. Mine and Andy's place. It seemed as though he had just blended into my life and any thoughts of the future now included him.
But I also knew enough to hold back, to remember I didn't really know him. The weekend wasn't real life. It was an illusion. It wasn't the daily grind of work, come home, sleep, do it all again. To make it worse, Liam's life wasn't normal. Would I adjust? Could I adjust? Did I even want to try?
I knew I did want to try, at least. Liam seemed worth it. Worth the risk of another broken heart, another love snatched from my grasp. If I didn't try with Liam, then who would I try with? And if I never tried, then love would be gone from my life forever.
Liam pulled away. "I had better go now, or I think I'll never leave." We got up just as his phone alerted him the driver was less than a minute away. He grabbed his bag, and I walked him to the door, and he followed behind me up the hallway.
We got to the door, and before I could open it, he turned me around and pinned me to it with his whole body. His forehead pushed against mine. He kissed me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He ground his body against me. "Lana," he breathed. "Lana, I..." He stopped talking, kissed me again softly then pulled away.
I didn't know what to say. I didn't want Liam to stop. "I'll call you tonight," I said despite our plans to call tomorrow night. I knew I wouldn't be able to wait until then. I opened the door for him.
As he walked out the door, Liam put his hand on the back of my head. He brought me to his face, and he kissed the top of my head. "As you wish." He winked and pulled the door closed behind him.
The rest of my day felt lonely. I moped around for a bit. I threw Perrin the ball for a while. He was too old these days for more than a few runs, but he still loved it. I did some washing, cleaned my bathroom and put my Ben and Jerry's tub in the bin. I painted my nails.
When the afternoon wound down, I called Riza.
"Hey, Slut!" She said when she picked up.
"Piss off," I said back.
"Well, don't keep me in suspense. What the fuck happened?"
"I don't even know where to begin."
"Well, did you fuck him?" I shook my head. If Liam thought I was direct, he should talk to Riza. I didn't say anything. She knew me well enough to know what the answer was by my silence. "'Bout fucking time." She said, and I laughed. "So tell me about him. What's his name? What does he do for work? Where does he live? Boxers or briefs?"
"Uh, his name is Liam. Liam Cross."
"Like the actor? Man, that's weird. I knew a girl once whose name was Indiana Jones. I couldn't do it cause I kept thinking about Harrison Ford."
"No, Riz. Not like the actor, he is the actor."
Stunned silence. Then, "you're shitting me."
"Serious as a heart attack."
"Why didn't you tell me before?"
"I didn't know who he was," I told Riza about the Will/Liam thing.
"You're really not joking. Send me a pic."
"I didn't take any."
I swear I could hear Riza roll her eyes. "Of course, you didn't. You never do!" Then she shouted, "Hey Jen! Lana..."
"Riza! No, no, no!" I shouted.
"Fucked Liam Cross," she finished.
I hung my head. Fuck. I could trust Riza, but Jen, I wasn't sure of. She spent all day on Instagram and Snapchat. I didn't know if she could keep quiet.
"You there, Lansey?" I heard Jen talking in the background. "Hang on a sec, what's that, babe?" More Jen talking. "Oh shit, you looked good on Friday night Lans, no wonder you got fucked."
"How do you know what I wore Friday night?"
"Jen found pics."
"That quickly?"
"Yeah, they're everywhere. Some of you guys at a shop too. Hey, that's the shop near Mike the Butcher, right?"
This was news to me. I knew they took pictures, but I didn't think they were posted. I should have though. Why wouldn't they be? "Fuck."
"Did you just meet him? On Friday?"
"Yeah, why?"
"There's this one picture of you two, and he's touching your cheek. You two look like you're in love," she teased, making love sound like llllooooouuuuv. "Ha! There's Perrin!"
"Is my name mentioned? Do they know who I am?"
"Doesn't look like it. You two look perfect together."
"Tell Jen not to say anything. Please?"
"Yeah, yeah, no worries."
She kept talking, but I'd had enough. "I've gotta get going," I said.
"Lans, you ok?" She knows me too bloody well.
"Yeah," I bit my lip and took some deep breaths. "It's a lot to take in, you know. He's bloody famous, it's like, I don't want that shit in my life."
"Is he worth it?"
"I think so. I mean, he's a sweet, kinda daggy guy who happens to be built like Hercules and sexy as fuck. What's not to like?"
"I always thought he was gay."
Before I could stop myself, I said, "He's definitely not gay. I'd never believe a gay guy could growl a girl out like he does." I've got to learn to keep my mouth shut.
Riza yelled, "yas girl! You got a keeper!"
I laughed. "Fucking hell. Alright, Riz, I've really got to go. Say hi to Jen. Don't say anything!" Riz agreed, and we hung up.
Dinner at Dave and Lucy's was mostly uneventful. I jumped with the kids on the trampoline and played some wrestling on the PlayStation. My mum wasn't too much of a bitch. I forgot about the pictures and didn't think about Liam for a while. I needed that. I felt like the weekend was such a whirlwind and so much happened I needed some time to get back to normality, something familiar.
After dinner, Mum went home, and the kids wanted to watch a movie. I got on the lounge with the two older ones, Charlie and Harry and went through Netflix. Lucy had taken Lilly to bed. I saw Liam's face in one of the movies thumbnails, and I groaned. It was the one where he was a superhero. It was nearly ten years old. Though it didn't seem possible, he was even more handsome now. I quickly flicked past it.
"No, Aunty Lanny, I want to watch that one," Harry said.
"Isn't it too scary?"
Dave called out from the kitchen, "it's their new favourite. They've been watching it all week."
"Then we can watch something else," I said.
Both boys protested. I half relented. "Have you seen the sequel?" It had much less screen time for Liam since he had teamed up with a couple of other superheroes in that one.
"There's a sequel?" Charlie was excited.
So we watched the sequel. I'd seen it before, but it was weird watching it now. I actually enjoyed it more than I thought I would. Although it was obvious that Liam was the actor, it was surprisingly easy to forget him and believe he was really the character.
He looked different to the Liam I knew. His hair was lighter, he was clean-shaven, and even the way he held his face was different. The way he moved and mannerisms weren't Liam's either. His voice was different too. The most apparent change there was the accent. Those harsh American tones seemed so strange after hearing his soft Queens English ones. Although, scenes with his shirt off still made me think of Liam.
After the movie I said goodbye to the kids, and they went to bed. I asked Dave if he would watch Perrin next weekend. I tried to sound casual about it, but Dave knew me better than that.
"Girls weekend?" He asked. I tried to say yeah, but I blushed, and he knew it wasn't a girls weekend.
Dave was eight years older than me, the same as Liam. I adored Dave. I remember following him around as a kid, wanting to do everything he did. As we got older, I watched the same movies he did, read the same books he did and listened to the same music, which is probably why I prefer 90s music to 2000s music.
He was sweet about it for the most part. He even got me alcohol a few times when I was 17 and took me to the pub with his mates when I was 18. He was protective though. Not one of his mates was allowed to touch me. It had made me mad at the time, especially when I had the hots for his best mate Chris since I was 12. So when he worked out that I was probably going to be spending the weekend with a guy, I expected him to freak out. He didn't.
"Is he a good bloke?" Dave asked. "Treating you well?"
"Yeah, he is." I couldn't help but smile.
Dave grunted, "I can tell by the look on your face, you are smitten. Alright then, Perrin can stay."
"Thanks, Dave. Don't tell mum."
"Yeah, Nah. I'm not stupid."
I went home and got ready for bed straight away. I was mentally exhausted, but I still called Liam. Not only because I said I would. I did miss him in my bed already. I felt lonely again. Of all the things about being married I missed, sleeping with somebody else in the bed was high on the list.
When I went to call, I was confused for a minute because I couldn't find his number. Then I remembered he was in my contacts as Will. I changed the name and called him. I hoped I wasn't calling too late.
"Hello, Sweetheart." Liam's voice sent a ripple of excitement through me.
"Hey," I said. "How was the rest of your day?"
"Good. Do you want to FaceTime?"
"I'm in bed."
"Me too." He said, and I heard the ring of FaceTime come through the phone.
I answered. Liam's face appeared. So did his naked shoulders. Sweet Jesus, he couldn't fit in the frame.
"Much better," he said, smiling. "How was your day?"
"Ok, I just hung around at home then saw the fam. Dave said he would have Perrin next weekend," I got flustered thinking about it. I cleared my throat. "So yeah, that's sorted."
"Excellent. I'm really looking forward to it. How was the family? Was your mum ok?"
"Yeah, she was good. The kids are fans of yours, by the way."
He gave a short laugh at this. "Really? Did you tell your family about me?"
I said I didn't and told him about the kids and the movie. "They loved it. I liked it too." I told him about how it was strange to watch him act after actually knowing him, and for a lot of the time, I had forgotten it was him. I just believed the character and enjoyed the story.
"Thank you." Liam seemed genuinely pleased. "That is the aim of what I do."
"I did tell Riza about you. Her wife, Jen, found pictures of us almost immediately."
"Did you see the ones from yesterday?"
"She told me about them, but I've not seen them."
"You ok?"
I shrugged, "it is what it is. I asked them not to say anything about us."
Liam changed the subject and showed me he had started one of the books he had borrowed. Once again, I was grateful that he seemed to know my mood and not push me.
We talked for about ten minutes before I started yawning.
"I better let you go. You're tired, Sweetheart."
"Yeah," I said as a yawn overtook me. "I think you're right." I blinked several times, my eyes watering from the yawns. "Call me tomorrow night?"
"I definitely will. Goodnight, Sweetheart."
"Night, Liam." I fell straight asleep.
Part 11
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asphalt-cocktail · 5 years
For the Sake of Content- Chapter 6
Chapter 6: $2 Beers and Ghosts
Summary: After walking in on your long-term boyfriend, Harrison, cheating on you and then losing your job the following day; your find yourself broke, jobless, and single for the first time in a long while. In order to make ends meet, your best friend since college, Freddie, suggests you start soliciting explicit photos of yourself, not only to help boost your confidence but to help pay the rent for his band mate’s apartment you just moved into.
A/N: Welcome to the chapter that has finally forced me to change the warnings. I hope you all enjoy it; it’s super long and a I’m pretty proud of the chapter overall! Thank you for all of your kind words and messages, asks, likes, reblogs, everything because I seriously love seeing all of those things in my notifications they all make me super happy! I haven’t started the next chapter so I am super behind but I am hopefully going to get started sometime this weekend. Since school started back up I will go back down to a once a week posting schedule unless I can squeeze in more!
Pairing: Roger Taylor x F!Reader
Warnings: Language, mentions of sex work, smut, angst, fluff, some friendly banter between roger and reader, alcohol, cigarettes i think?, not proof read
Word Count: 6.2k back on my bullshit
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18+ if you are a minor do NOT interact with this post. This is fictitious content and I own nothing.
A week had passed, and you and Roger still hadn’t had sex, but you did note that he was still actively watching your premium snapchat story which was an interesting observation.
Today, like most days, was spent lounging in your room while mindlessly scrolling through your social media feed with Netflix just making noise in the background.
“[Y/N]!” Roger’s distant and muffled voice almost blended in with the episode of Bob’s Burgers you had playing in the background.
“What!” You called back hopefully loud enough for him to hear.
Your call either went unheard or he chose to ignore it to get you out of the confines of your room. You groaned and pulled yourself from your bed, clad in only a pair of panties and an old faded tee-shirt and made your way down the hall.
You stopped mid step and noted the bathroom door ajar, “[Y/N]!” Roger’s call rang against your ears and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m right here, you daft asshole.” You snapped, pushing the bathroom door open and taking in the scene.
Roger was very obviously dying his hair, you didn’t know why but decided to not ask questions. Pieces of Roger’s hair were clipped and tied up, he had around half of his hair dyed, “Can you help me with the back?” His voice sounded close to a pleading whine, but you found that that was just how he asked for things.
You looked at the bottle in his gloved hands and frowned, “Don’t I get a pair of gloves?” you asked, your eyes narrowing and arms crossing over your chest.
Roger let out a soft sigh from his pouty mouth and rolled his eyes, “It’s just bleach.” He mumbled.
You scoffed, “Just bleach! You trying to have my skin melt off?” You grabbed the box of hair dye and tipped it upside down, directions and the packets of shampoo and conditioner tumbled out onto the counter, “Give me your gloves, why do you even need to bleach your hair? Aren’t you blond enough?” You frowned taking Roger’s wrist in your own and slipped his glove off before putting it on your hand and frowning at the residual moisture that coated the inside before Roger handed you the second one.
Once your hands were properly covered you grabbed the bottle and started squirting the liquid into his hair, saturating his natural dirty blonde roots. “You never answered my question.” You pressed, kneading your fingers into his scalp.
“What? Oh, about the bleaching?” Roger asked, his wide blue eyes peering at you through the mirror. He shrugged absent mindedly and licked his lips, “Dunno, I just like it better.”
You hummed in response, the answer didn’t satisfy you at all but you pushed the gnawing feeling in your gut aside and focused on coating Roger’s darker locks with the pungent smelling liquid, “You should really get ammonia free stuff,” You mumbled scraping your fingers lightly against his scalp. You couldn’t ignore the visible shutter that ran through Roger as he reacted to the pressure your fingers provided.
There was a moment of tension filled silence in the room before Roger broke it, slicing through it with a knife “So, why were you kicked out your old place?” He asked, suddenly the room was filled with more tension, welding it back up tight.
You swallowed thickly and let out a sigh “Well, I was sort of… I mean I offered to leave, I wasn’t kicked out.” You mumbled trying to find your words to best explain the situation, “I… uh… I walked in on my ex cheating on me.” You felt a sudden surge of suppressed emotions threaten to break through the wall you had built up. You let out a bitter laugh at the memory if it, “He told me I was boring,” the cursed word dripped off your tongue like poison.
Roger could sense the resentment, “Sorry,” He said softly, avoiding your gaze in the mirror “I shouldn’t have asked.”
You shrugged, “It’s fine, bound to come up.” Your melancholy hung in the air uncomfortably, “I’m finished.” You said giving his head a light pat before tossing the gloves and bottle of bleach onto the counter, “If you need me, you know where to find me.” You said throwing him a quick smile and slinking back into your room.
Between the time you entered your room and now, you ended up falling asleep. The pounding on your bedroom door woke you up, your throat and sinuses felt gummy from the dry air that consumed your apartment; Jesus, you and Roger really needed to invest in a humidifier. “What!” You croaked, pulling your blanket like a hood around your ears to shield yourself from the intruder.
Roger barged in “Put your boots on, we’re going out!” He said throwing the blanket off your sleepy form, “You know, those heeled ones that Freddie likes.”
You groaned, “I don’t wanna go out, Rog, I want to sleep.” You protested, curling into your body and shielding your eyes from the light he turned on.
“Shut up, you’re just sulking.” Roger said bluntly while throwing your closet open and looking through your clothes, “Christ, Fred was right, you have a drab wardrobe.” He frowned before he pulled out several articles of clothing and threw them on your tee shirt clad body, “Come on, I told you we’re going out.”
You sat up and frowned at Roger, “I don’t want to go out,” You protested, looking down at what you assumed would be a tacky outfit he picked out for you. You couldn’t help but allow a smile to creep along your features while watching him frantically buzzing around your room.
Roger sat on the bed, forcing himself next to you and playfully leaned into you, knocking your shoulder with his, “Come on, I want to show off my touch up.” Roger said running his hand through his freshly dyed and washed locks.
A laugh bubbled out of you and you flopped back onto the bed with your arms spread out like a starfish, “Fine, I’ll go out.” You said, “Get out so I can change.” You said playfully shoving him.
Within the hour you found yourself with Roger in the back of a too crowded bar clutching $2 beers. You were pressed uncomfortably close to each other and breathing recycled sweaty air, but Roger was in his element. He mingled with the other patrons that frequented the dingey space while you hovered close behind him, averting your gaze from the strangers because you simply did not want to put forward the effort that was required for meet new people.
It wasn’t a surprise when you noticed several girls approaching Roger, hooking their arms around his waist, and whispering suggestive comments into his ear. But, to your surprise he politely put his hand up and rejected their advances, which in turn earned you a glare from the women.
“Roger if one more woman looks at me like that, I’m going to throw hands.” You muttered, crossing your arms over your chest.
Roger grinned at you, “Feeling jealous?” He asked quirking his head at you with a boyish grin plastered on his face.
You grinned, “No, you didn’t pay those girls $65 to see their nudes.”
Roger gaped at you, his face flushing to the tips of his ears before he broke out into a fit of laughter that you couldn’t help but join.
Your fleet of laughter was cut short when your stomach knotted up and a feeling of nausea washed over you. “Rog,” You whispered digging your elbow into his side.
“Ow,” He mumbled, still trying to curb the little chuckles that left his mouth, “What?” He asked following your gaze.
You reached down and gripped his hand tightly in your own, your palms were coated with a layer of nervous sweat “That’s him.” You whispered nudging your head towards your infamous ex, Harrison.
Roger scoffed, “Him?” he shook his head, shaking his hand from yours and wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you flush against him, “That’s the guy that said YOU were boring?” You shivered feeling Roger’s thumb rubbing at the small sliver of exposed skin, “He looks like a bloody accountant. Should we go over?”
The devilish glint in his eye should have made you uneasy; however, much to your surprise you found it had the exact opposite effect, but stilled allowed your intrusive thoughts get the best of you. “I don’t know Rog,” You shifted, looking down at your feet.
Roger’s face softened, “Come on, it’ll be fun, we can make fun of him.” Roger said in a sing-song tone and leaning into you.
Your face flushed with heat and you averted his gaze to try and hide the smile that was threatening to crack the surface, “Fine.” You mumbled.
Roger grinned and pulled you by your waist through the crowd in the direction of Harrison, but suddenly stopped, “Go over there, I’m going to get a refill,” He said pulling away, letting his hand drag across the swell of your ass, “Just follow my lead.”
You don’t know why, but for some wild reason you trusted what Roger said, giving him a curt not before watching him leave for the bar. You approached your ex and your stomach began knotting up with nerves. Maybe trusting Roger and following his lead was a mistake?
You inhaled deeply before tapping his shoulder lightly, “Harrison!” You said greeting the man with a fake smile once he turned and faced you.
Harrison’s eyes locked at you, wide with shock and he drank in your figure “[Y/N] …” He said trailing off, “Wow, you- you look great.” A small smile played on his lips, “How have you been?”
You felt your stomach clench both with sentimentality and a weird tinge of nausea, “I’ve been fine, how have you been?” You asked, suddenly very focused on your can of beer
“Oh well, you know,” He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“No, I don’t know,” You answered, clenching your jaw after you spoke from pure frustration, the nerve of this asshole.
Harrison let out a deep sigh, “It’s been okay, I miss you around the house.” He sounded… sad, you almost caught yourself caring for a brief moment.
That moment left your head as soon as Roger walked up to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and quickly butted into the conversation, “Who is this, love?” he asked, his hands firmly gripping you  as he buried his face into your neck. Humming affectionately, Roger buried his face into the crook of your neck and smirked before he began to lick and suck on your soft skin.
You clutched Roger’s wrist tightly, “Rog, this is-uh,” Your mind was nearly wiped blank when you felt his hands begin rubbing up and down your sides and inching forward, threatening to caress the underside of your breasts. Your eyes fluttered and you fought to keep them open, “Oh right- sorry,” you said, suddenly remembering Harrison standing right in front of you. You tapped Roger’s wrist lightly and he pulled away from your neck for a moment, “Rog this is my ex; Harrison, you know the one I walked in on cheating on me.” You added the last bit and secretly hoped it hurt him as much as it hurt you.
Harrison pursed his lips and reached his hand out for Roger to shake, but was ignored, “Is this your…?” He trailed off, leaving the question open for you to answer.
“Roger?” You purposefully ignored finishing his sentence with a fulfilling answer, “He’s in Fred’s band.”
Harrison scrunched his nose up, he never liked Freddie and therefore didn’t like anyone he associated with, “Right, well I’m hope whatever this is goes well.” He said motioning between you and Roger.
Roger grinned up at Harrison, flashing his dazzlingly straight teeth “It’s going great, mate.” He answered, “I don’t know why you’d ever call her boring, you ever feel that little thing she does with her tongue where she- ow!” You quickly pinched Roger’s forearm, causing him to jump.
“Are you still with that girl you fucked in our bed?” You didn’t know why you asked, you really didn’t want to hear the answer to the question.
Harrison was uncomfortable; Good, you thought, Fucking prick. “Yeah, actually I am. She’s in the toilet right now.” He said nodding his head towards the bathroom.
You glanced over at Roger and noticed the frown on his face, “Right,” Roger mumbled, abruptly nuzzling his nose into the side of your cheek, his skin was soft, and he smelled like high end cologne and beer. The scent was surprisingly comforting, and you felt yourself relax into the grip he firmly held. You turned your head to face him and made eye contact. You locked eyes with his, despite the dimly lit bar Roger’s eyes seemed brighter than ever and they darted from your eyes, to your lips, and back up to your eyes before he leaned in.
Your lips touched and you let out a sigh, feeling his soft lips against yours. Your hands came up and lightly rested on his cheek. His mouth molded against yours and it was as if every movement he made was well thought out and had a purpose. Roger’s tongue swiped across your bottom lip and you sighed, opening your mouth and allowing his tongue to rub against yours, he tasted like cheap beer and Marlboro Red cigarettes; a taste that was somehow only unique to Roger.
Roger pulled back and he smirked at you with kiss swollen lips when he heard Harrison clearing his throat, reminding the two of you that he was still present, “We’ll we’re going to leave and have hot passionate sex back at our apartment, so have a good night I suppose.” He flashed a cheeky grin and waved at Harrison before pulling you through the crowd with him.
When you arrived at the apartment you crossed your arms over your chest, flicking the light on and looked at your neck in the hallway mirror “What the fuck, Rog,” You hissed, craning your neck to get a view of the big obvious mark he left on your neck.
Roger grinned, approaching you from behind and wrapping his arms around your waist, just like he did in the bar, “What? Think it made him jealous?” He asked, his hands rubbing against your sides and tummy caused you to shiver.
You turned, looking over at him and hummed, “What you mean you hanging all over me like a horny teenager?” You couldn’t help but laugh, “I don’t know, but I thought it was funny.”
And I want you to kiss me again
You silently cursed your intrusive though and the throbbing between your legs you had been able to ignore since your brief kiss at the bar. Roger’s eyes looked hazy and glazed over, “Yeah?” He asked, his voice slightly breathy. It made your stomach clench and suddenly the air felt hot and you tugged at the collar of your shirt and shifted your stance, trying to do anything to prevent you from being awkward in this situation.
When you shifted you felt Roger’s body go ridged while his light breaths hitched in his throat, “What did you think was funny?” His voice was unsteady and soft, almost like he didn’t trust how his tone would hold in your shared apartment.
You looked at him in the hallway mirror, “Did you see his face after we kissed?” You couldn’t help but bring it up, the memory playing in your brain while you turned around to face Roger, your hands resting lightly on his hips.
A small laugh bubbled out from him and he looked down at you through his thick eyelashes, “What if… What if we did it again?” he asked with a boyish grin splayed across his face.
You felt heat crawling up the back of your neck and spreading across your cheeks and the tips of your ears, “Like kiss again?” you swallowed thickly and found yourself breathing heavier, “Yeah, that… that would be alright.”
Roger inhaled deeply “I’m going to kiss you, okay?” He asked, cupping your face softly in one hand and keeping the other firmly planted on your hips. You nodded, your eyes searching his face for any sign of emotion; for once he wasn’t the smooth rumored philanderer that ate your Golden Grahams and changed his outfit three times a day; he was just Roger, a nervous and wide-eyed man about to kiss his roommate in their dark apartment.
He slowly tipped your chin up and licked his lips nervously before he finally closed the gap. It was even more electrifying than the first kiss you shared in the bar. The darkness of your apartment swallowed the two of you whole like an abyss and the impossible silence caused your light pants and gasps to hammer against your ears. Your hands reached up and you ran your fingers through Roger’s messy long hair and let out a soft moan as he sucked on your lower lip, dragging his teeth across it as he pulled away.
Roger stepped back, lightly pushing you by your hips against the wall and rested one of his hands by the side of your head while he began to kiss along your jaw and trailed down to your neck, lightly sucking and biting at the mark he left earlier and leaving a trail of new ones in his wake. His knee pushed itself between your thighs and you jumped at the sudden pressure between your legs before you pressed down, grinding hard against him.
Your head tilted back against the wall and gripped Roger’s shoulder tightly while he gripped your hips and held you firmly against his leg, smirking against your neck when he felt you wantonly moving your hips against him. Roger’s hands rubbed along your sides, tugging on your shirt and sliding it up with his hands. His fingers felt cold and rough against the smooth skin of your stomach and the two of you briefly pulled away for him to pull your shirt over your head and toss it to the floor. Thankfully, Roger’s shirt already had most of the buttons undone, so your fingers fumbled with the remaining three and slid them down his shoulders.
You pulled away for a moment and rested your hands on his chest feeling his heart hammering against your fingers. Roger’s lips were red and swollen and his eyes were glazed over and held a dark glint behind them, “Are…um… are we going to fuck?” You asked, bashfully averting your gaze.
Roger’s thumb caressed your cheek and then traced over your bottom lip while his other held the small of your back, “If you want to, we can.” He had a small, soft smile spread across his soft features.
You couldn’t stifle the surge of deviant energy that bubbled through you, “You did say you wanted to see me bouncing on your cock.” You walked your fingers up his chest as you spoke before you traced your finger along his collarbone causing him to shiver.
Roger hummed, the rumble of his chest lightly vibrating against your fingers, “True,” He pointed out, “But, I have a feeling, Harrison wasn’t a very skilled lover” His tone was playful and light, but his words sent a contrasting shiver down your spine.
Your fingers couldn’t help but trace the top of his jeans with light feathery touches. You smiled feeling his stomach twitch against your touch before you let out a small huff of laughter, “What gave that away?” You quipped.
Roger leaned down, trailing wet mouthy kissed along your jaw and neck, sucking and dragging his teeth along the sensitive parts, “Could tell just by seeing that starched white shirt and shoes.”  
“A starched white shirt told you all that?” You mumbled, leaning your head back against the wall and fumbling with the buttons on his pants.
You felt Roger swallowing thickly as you let out a breathy sigh and ground against his leg once again. Roger’s hands ran over your clothed breasts, his thumbs flicking over the hardness of your nipples before he kneaded them in his hands, “Bet he was one of those guys who could only get you off with his mouth.” He huffed out, “I’m not though, so good thing for you.” His confidence resurfacing once again.
You shifted and palmed him toughly through the tightness of his jeans and he hissed in response before he continued kissing down your neck and buried his face between the valley of your breasts, “Prove it then.” You tried to sound intimidating, but your words morphed into a breathy sigh.
You could feel Roger smirking against the skin of your breasts before he sank down to his knees, tugging on your pants and sliding them down your legs, “I’m going to make you come with my mouth and then after I’m going to take you to my room and make you come again from my cock.” His tone was matter of fact as he nuzzled his face against your cotton panties, inhaling the natural scent of your arousal.
You looked down between your legs at Roger and your hips bucked, feeling his fingers pushing your thighs apart, he kissed along the plush skin, sucking and lightly biting as he trailed his way back up to your core. He rubbed you through your panties and you swallowed thickly, closing your eyes and resting your head back. You felt your heart hammering against your chest with anticipation and Roger’s hands tugged your panties down your legs and helped you step out of them before lifting on of your legs over his shoulder.
Roger’s finger swiped between your folds and you sharply inhaled at the feeling; Christ, it’s been way too long since someone has touched you. “Jesus, [Y/N] you’re already soaked.” Roger grinned and used his thumb to rub harsh circles around your clit before inserting two long fingers into your core. He pumped them in and out at a deliberately slow pace while his thumb worked against your clit at an equally agonizing rhythm. His mouth continued to lick and kiss your thighs, each time getting dangerously to your core and then trailing back down. Your legs practically trembled as you laced your fingers in his hair, desperately searching for something to anchor yourself onto.
“Rog, please,” You whined, dragging your bottom lip through your teeth and lightly bucking your hips against his hand.
He didn’t respond but answered by moving his fingers ever so slightly fasts and hooking them against your tight walls, “You hear that,” Roger’s voice sounded rough and your lust foggy brain could barely make out the lewd squelching noises that came between your legs, “You’re so wet for me, love.” He practically panted his words out.
You clenched around his fingers; your mind going blank from his fingers scissoring against your velvety walls and let out a breathy sigh while lacing your fingers through his hair. It was soft, but still stiff from the product he put in and the recent bleaching, but you didn’t care. “Please,” You whined.
Roger looked up at you and smirked, “Please what, love?” He teased.
You eyebrows furrowed and you nearly sobbed in frustration, “Touch me more,” You said wiggling your hips in hopes for him to finally burry his face between your thighs. Roger grinned triumphantly, you could feel it against the soft skin of your thighs as he once again began to kiss and lick the skin at the sides.
With each kiss he inched closer and closer to your dripping core, still moving his fingers deliberately slow. When he finally reached your core you gasped, feeling his hot breath against your entrance. “Roger,” You let your head fall back against the wall, eyes deliriously looking up at the ceiling.
He finally buried his face between your legs and flatly laid his tongue against you, dragging it across. Your knees would have buckled if it weren’t for Roger holding you tightly by the outside of your thighs and pressing hard against you.
Your skin felt like it was on fire and your chest heaved as Roger’s tongue expertly explored every sweet inch your body had to offer. Your soft breathy moans echoed off the dark apartment walls. They provided to the ever-burning fire between you and Roger.
You roughly gripped a fist full of Roger’s hair and your back arched. His tongue flicked against your swollen clit. Harrison had never made you feel like this and he would have never though of taking you in the hallway. But you couldn’t focus on Harrison right now, your mind was only filled with thoughts of pleasure from Roger harshly sucking on your clit and pumping his fingers in and out of your wet hold.
“Fuck, Roger” You rolled your hips against his face and peaked down just in time to see his cheeks hollow as he sucked particularly hard, relishing the taste of your juices. Roger’s eyes locked with yours. They were dilated and uncharacteristically dark. Your forehead had little speckles of sweat that began to paste your hair to your skin and your mouth hung slightly ajar.
Your head rolled back, and your eyebrows scrunched together before groaning. Roger flatly licked at your cunt and you ground against his tongue, applying just the right amount of pressure. He gripped your hips tightly to still your movements. You lost yourself. Digging one hand into your hair while keeping the other’s in Roger’s, you clenched around his fingers and let out a loud sob.
His pulled his mouth away and began to move his fingers excruciatingly slow, curving and brushing against your walls as they pulsated around his fingers. He watched your chest heave and your legs began to shake as he prolonged and teased you through your climax.
Your head laid slack, tilted against your shoulder, and your eyes struggled to focus as they opened. Roger was still kneeling on the floor, looking up at you with a smug smile on his face “Should we move this to the bedroom then?” He asked, there was something about Roger’s confidence that made your skin feel hotter than it already did.
You nodded your head before you spoke, “Yeah,” Your voice was hoarse
Roger slowly stood up and laced his fingers with your own. They were still damp from your moisture, but you didn’t mind, “My room,” He said squeezing your hand in his own before pulling you to his room.
He shut the door out of habit. The two of you stood facing each other in silence, your eyes locked in a sexually charged stare off before you wrapped your arms around his hips, pulled him flush against you, locking his lips with yours once more for a needy kiss. His hands cupped your face and he began to push you back until your knees hit the back of his bed. You sat down facing, your eyes parallel with his belt buckle and boldly palmed the straining bulge in his jeans. Roger’s sharply inhaled and watched you as you tugged at his belt loop and opened it, tracing his erection.
Roger grunted and his hips lightly bucked against your hand before you finally reached up and unzipped his jeans, sliding them down his legs and watching them pool around his ankles. You kissed at his exposed chest and left little kitten licks near where the band of his briefs and his skin met. You liked feeling his stomach twitch against your mouth and hearing his shaky breaths.
Your mouth finally traveled over his briefs, licking and mouthing him through the cotton before you pulled them down and helped him out of them. You tightly gripped him in your hand, feeling the heat and weight as you gave him a few strokes and went in, licking him from base to tip.
A shiver ran through Roger’s body and he ran a hand through his hair “Fuck” He grunted feeling your wet tongue swirling around his head.
You wrapped your mouth around his cock, taking him in and bobbing your head, the whiney moan that left Roger’s mouth rang like bells in your ears and you hummed against him.
His hands buried themselves in your hair and tugged at your roots as he began to push your head down. He wanted to see how far you could go. To his surprise you made it far before you gagged, “Fuck, you look so good like this,” Roger mumbled and his mouth hung open when he felt himself probing and rubbing against the inside your cheek, “Oh, shit, we got to stop.” He sounded lightly panicked and pulled away from you.
You looked up at him, your face adorned with a coy smile. Roger gripped your hands in his. His grip was shaky, and his palms were sweaty. He pulled you up and his hand came up and rested itself on your cheek, lightly rubbing under your eye and he pulled you softly against his lips. His mouth moved against yours and his tongue traced your bottom lip.  You opened it and moaned feeling his tongue rubbing against yours and began to play with the short hairs at the back of Roger neck, “Bed?” Roger asked pulling away from you.
You swallowed thickly and nodded your head, crawling on the bed and laying against Roger’s plush pillows. Your level of nakedness suddenly flooded your brain. You felt self-conscious. Nervous even. Your hands came up and covered your expose chest while you pressed your leg’s together.
You looked at Roger, your face flushed. The camera you saw him on previously did not do him justice. His skin was stained with splotches of red and his lips were slightly swollen from kissing.
“You’re staring.” Roger smirked and straddled your body.
You spread your legs, allowing him to settle between them, “Sorry.” You mumbled feeling your face begin to heat up with embarrassment. Roger reached over to his nightstand and pulled out a bottle of lube and a condom, “Lube?” You questioned.
Roger looked at your curious gaze, “Lube makes everything better, trust me.” He said carefully tearing the foil package and preparing himself.
He looked up at you, “Ready?” He asked, a small smile playing on his lips.
You inhaled deeply and nodded your head, “Yeah,” You answered.
Roger’s slick fingers easily glided between your wet folds and he stuck his fingers into you briefly, lubing your entrance for good measure. Roger knelt between your legs and rubbed his painfully hard cock between your folds, teasing you, and hissing at the warmth. He pushed in, securely holding his bottom lip between his teeth. His eyebrows furrowed with concentration.
It was truly a sight to behold.
You stared at him your mouth hanging ever so slightly ajar, letting out a shaky breath as he stretched you.
Whatever thoughts you had about Harrison at this moment were now gone. Your mind quickly replaced them with fuzzy TV static and a feeling of bliss spread from your ears to the tips of your toes.
Roger let out a strained groan as he bottomed out into your wet cunt. He sat for a moment, allowing the two of you to gather yourselves. His stagnant body caused a knot of frustration to twist itself in your gut, “Fuck, Roger, please move.” You whined wiggling your hips.
He swallowed thickly and gripped your hips in his hands, pulling out until just the tip remained inside you and then thrusting back in forcefully. Roger’s eyes didn’t leave your body. Every snap of his hips had you twisting and contorting, tugging at the bedsheets, and filling the room with sinful sounds. It caused every nerve of his to stand on end.
“Ah,” You gasped, arching your back, “Fuck, Roger.” You practically purred his name before hooking your arms under his and pulling him forcefully against you. You sighed, feeling your bodies stick together, slick with sweat and frantically kissed along Roger’s jaw.
His scruff tickled against your mouth and cheek. Roger’s hips slapped against yours rhythmically and he buried your face into your shoulder. His soft breathy moans and whines filled your ears. They were sounds you wouldn’t soon forget. “Harder” Your whispered into his ear, dragging your tongue along the shell.
He shuttered and sat back up, pulling out for a brief moment and flipping you onto your stomach. You let out a surprised yelp when you felt him pull your hips up, so your ass was in the air. He quickly stuffed himself back inside you and pulled your hips against his, meeting his thrusts.
Roger’s hand slipped into your hair, holding your face sideways and pushing it into the mattress while his hands griped the soft skin of your thighs and hips impossibly hard.
Christ, was he trying to fuck you through his bed?
The way you bounced and jerked up Roger’s mattress was enough of an answer. Roger leaned over, pressing his back against you and moving his arm around your body to fondle your breasts. You sharply inhaled, feeling his calloused fingers pinching and twisting your nipples between his fingers. Your back arched into his touch and against his chest. “That feel good, baby?” He growled into your ear/
You looked up at him, your eyes hooded and heavy with lust. You brain couldn’t form words.
His hand harshly gripped your ass before winding up and smacking it, “I said, does it feel good?” He said thrusting and emphasizing his words.
The stinging on your hind end cleared the fog for a moment, “Fuck, yes.” You hissed, your eyes rolling into the back of your head as he angled his hips just perfect, hitting the spot inside you that made your toes curl.
Roger’s hand lifted your head up, forcing your back to arch as he continued to drill into you, hitting your spot several times. Your legs shook and you cried out. Your throat was sore. “Please, please, please.” You chanted in rhythm with his movements.
Roger let go of your head, and let it slump down to the mattress, “Please what?” He asked, kneading your ass in his hands. His hips staggered, he was beginning to lose rhythm.
“P-please, I…” you let out a harsh gasp when Roger’s pace slowed and his hand reached around, slowly grinding his fingers on your clit. The knot in your stomach was beginning to tighten “I… can I come, please?” Your words fell out like a prayer.
Roger smirked and began to pick up his pace once again, “Louder,” he ordered, his tone sending shivers down your spine.
“I wanna come so bad, p-please?” You sobbed out, feeling tears beginning to prick the edges of your eyes. Your stomach clenched and you squeezed your eyes shut.
Roger’s fingers messily moved back and forth on your clit, flicking the swollen nub, “I don’t know,” He purred into your ear, “It doesn’t sound like you want it bad enough.”
You could feel him grinning against your skin and your walls fluttered hesitantly around him, “Fucking Christ, Roger,” you practically yelled, “I want to come so fucking bad, please let me come.” You begged.
Roger cursed feeling your walls threatening to clench around him, “Fuck,” He cursed, digging his fingers into your hips, “Come on, baby, come for me.” He said thrusting into you and groaning as your walls pulsated around him, clenching his cock as he came.
The whine that left his lips as he slowly worked you through your climax was simply sinful.
You let your body go slack, muscles feeling tense and weak, as though you just had your very life force fucked out of you.
Roger laid on top of you, the weight of his body making you feel warm and secure as his arms surrounded you. You laid like that for a moment, listening to the sound of your breathing before Roger pulled out, tied the condom, and tossed it into the garbage can.
The side of the bed dipped as Roger climbed back onto it. You didn’t turn to look at him, you were simply too exhausted.
His hands came up, rubbing your shoulders and arms, soothing the ache that had begin to settle in them. “You good, love?” He asked, laying on his side and facing you. His fingers now traced aimlessly soft patterns on your back.
You let out a deep sigh, “Yeah,” You sounded drunk with left over pleasure as you turned and gave him a sleepy smile, “Great”
Roger couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh seeing your lazy smile. His hand brushed some of your damp hair from your face. The lull in silence wasn’t awkward, but it also wasn’t comfortable. You brain ran through a series of questions, unable to think of what to say or do next. You slid out of Roger’s bed and glanced on the floor, noting how your clothes became lost and mixed in his. That was a problem for later.
Roger sat up and looked at you with a confused expression, “Where are you going?” He quipped.
You stopped and turned towards your roommate, “I’m- uh- I’m going to clean up.” You said and pointed at your legs, “I’m covered in lube.” You tried to bite back a smile.
Roger watched you leave his bedroom and couldn’t help but feel a surge of pride seeing your legs wobble as you walked.
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Cut! (Chandler Riggs Imagine)
Word count: 2,098 
Requested by anon
Request: love your blog 😍 could you write something about Chandler and the character both acting on twd (bc carl’s death didn’t actually happen, I refuse to believe it) and they’re dating??
Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Oral (male receiving), Fluff
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"Wake up!" Chandler yells in my ear I open my eyes slapping him in the face "Ow!" He yells "What the fuck!" I yell back he starts laughing "Goodmorning." He says I roll my eyes laying back down. "We gotta leave in an hour." He says then kisses my forehead "Ok." I say I take my phone off the charger "Will you turn on the shower?" I ask "Yeah." He replies Chandler walks into the bathroom and turns on the shower I send my snapchat streaks then I get out of bed pulling my shirt off I wrap my arms around chandler's waist kissing his shoulder. "I love you." I say "I love you too." He replies then kisses my head. "What do you want me to get you for breakfast?" He asks I look up at him. 
"Starbucks!"I say grinning  he chuckles "Ok." He replies he grabs his phone and wallet "I'll be back." He says "Bye!"I say "Bye!" He replies then walks out of the hotel room I take off the rest of my clothes the hop in the shower I wash my hair then my body then condition my hair then shave my legs and under my arms, I wash my face with some skincare stuff. Then I rinse my hair and I step out wrapping myself in a towel. I quickly dry and blow dry my hair and throw on some sweatpants and a cropped hoodie I put on some moisturizer I grab my phone and go through snapchat and other social media I post a picture on my Instagram story and snapchat story with the caption "Goodmorning." then chandler calls me "I'm downstairs if you are ready." I throw on my Adidas and grab my purse with my earbuds, Charger, Script, Candy and some condoms...Just in case. I grab my phone and walk downstairs into the lobby I walk outside to see Chandler's car I get in the passenger seat "Hey." He says "Hi." I reply he hands me coffee I take a sip "We picking up anyone?" I ask he shakes his head then begins to drive it only about a 20-minute drive to set so I just plug up my phone to the stereo. "Any requests?" I ask he shakes his head "Whatever you want baby girl." He says I play my playlist Bellyache by Billie Ellish comes on and I hum along "What are your hours today?" He asks "Till 2:00 am." I say he chuckles "I get done before you I got 12:00 am" He replies I roll my eyes "That's no fair!"I say he chuckles "You got the scenes with andy and norman." He says I roll my eyes "Yeah I get hurt." I say he chuckles I lean back in the seat Chandler puts his hand on my thigh driving with one hand I play a game on my phone when I notice his hand moving closer and closer to my core I look at him and he smirks "Easy cowboy." I say he chuckles and continues driving Then I feel his thumb brush against my clothed core I glare at him he smirks but keeps driving his thumb keeps slowly brushing against my clothed core I bite my lip "Someone's horny." I say chuckling "Wouldn't be the first time I rubbed you in the car." He says chuckling I giggle "Later.."I say he moves his hand back to my thigh then pulls into the parking lot of the set before he opens the car door I grab his forearm "We have a two-hour break after our third scene and I brought condoms so...Use that information however you would like." I say then I kiss his cheek and hop out of the car he follows after me he intertwines his fingers with mine then we walk into the office and check in then we walk into the makeup trailer Norman and Andrew are already in there getting there hair and makeup on "Hey Y/n! Hey Chandler!" Greg says "Hi." Chandler and I say "Come here Y/n sit!" My makeup artist Kelly says I sit down the in the chair and Chandler sits next to me Immediately his makeup artist starts to fix his hair My makeup artist flat irons my hair "So Y'all have any plans for the weekend?" Kelly asks "Nope just sleeping." I reply she begins to french braid my hair into pigtails "Morning doll." Norman says patting my shoulder "Morning." I reply after she finishes braiding my hair Kelly fills in my eyebrows and puts some translucent powder on my face to mattifying my face then puts some clear mascara on my eyelashes then sets my face with setting spray "Alright go get changed girlie." Kelly says I get out of the chair "See ya there." Chandler says I peck him on the lips quickly then walk out of the makeup trailer I walk to my trailer an outfit is laid out for me on the couch A black tight crop top and high waisted jeans that are ripped at the knees and brown combat boots I quickly change putting on the jewelry laid out of some silver hoops and a diamond ring on a necklace I brush my teeth then walk out and walk over to the set "Y/n hop on!" Greg says he is about to drive a golf cart I get on "You are gonna put a flannel on too but those are at the house." Greg says "Alright." I say then Chandler, Norman and Andrew step out of the makeup trailer "Hurry up!" Greg says Chandler walks into his trailer and I'm guessing he quickly changes as Andrew and Norman get on the golf cart Chandler comes out and hops on the golf cart Greg drives to the house "Alright kids lets go." Greg says as we all get off After around 40 minutes they call for places I walk up the stairs 
Clover walks down the stairs putting on a flannel Carl sits at the island loading her gun "Hey." Clover says "Hey." Carl replies Clover kisses Carl on the cheek grabbing her holster and clipping it onto her thigh Carl puts the safety on her gun and then hands it to her she clips it into her holster Rick then walks out of his room "Hey. You ready?" Rick asks grabbing a water bottle from the fridge "Yeah!" Clover beams grabbing her backpack then grabbing a water bottle from her fridge Carl grabs her hand before she can walk out of the house then kisses her forehead "Be safe." He murmurs Clover kisses him on the lips  "I will." She replies then smiles then follows Rick out the door
"Cut! Great! Let's reset!"
4 Hours later A couple of scenes later it was time for lunch when Chandler and I sat down for lunch I gave him a wink he grinned then I noticed he started eating quicker I chuckled "What are you two kids doing this weekend?" Andrew asks "Nothing really." I say "I'm gonna head back to my trailer take a quick nap." I say getting up I throw away my food and I walk to my trailer I take off my flannel, Holster and boots I sit on the couch I went on my phone to check social media after a couple of minutes Chandler walks in once the door closes her practially ripping off his clothes I smirked "We got 10 minutes." He says I chuckled "Then sit down I'll give you a blowjob." I say grinning his face turns red he begins to unbuckle his belt then sits down next to me I kiss him as I pull out his erection he moans as I begin to stroke him I smirk I pull away I kiss the tip of his cock then I slowly run my tongue over the tip Chandler lets out a soft moan as I slowly let him into my mouth "Oh god.."Chandler moans I bob my head up and down running my tongue against his shaft "That's it baby girl." Chandler moans he throws his head back letting out a moan I bob my head faster I gag as his cock hits the back of my throat "Fuck!" Chandler moans there is suddenly a knock at the door I take him out of my mouth quickly and he quickly buttons his pants "Y/n! You're needed in hair and makeup!" Someone says I throw on my flannel, shoes, and holster "You're just gonna leave me with a boner!" Chandler says pouting "You got two hands and a phone." I say I kiss his cheek then wink and I walk out of the trailer shutting the door I walk over to hair and makeup Kelly is there waiting for me "Sit on down girlfriend." She says I sit in the chair and she immediately begins to make my face all bloody and she creates a gash on my forehead in the corner by my hairline "Greg what we doing for her foot blood?" Kelly says "Yeah add some blood on her foot because she isn't going to have her shoe on." Greg says I untie my right boot and I pull it off along with my sock "Make sure you get the arms." Greg says then walks out "Got it boss man!" Kelly says and begins to create the gashes on my arms and my foot "Sooo..." She says "Sooo..." I say she chuckles "Has Chandler put a ring on it yet?" She asks I chuckle "Nah..We are barely out of high school I don't think that will happen for a while." I say rolling my eyes she nods she continues working on my wounds she flicks blood on my clothes, chest, and stomach "Damn you look bloody!" She says chuckling "Alright boo you are ready!" Kelly beams I get out of the chair I walked out trying not to step on the rocks on the ground I walk over to the set of the gate a truck already there along with the cast and crew Andrew helps me in the truck as Greg gives me some notes about the scene Andrew climbs in the truck after me they cover a cloth in fake blood along with my ankle as it has to look like it has been gashed also broken "Alright Norman drive!" Greg says Norman slowly drive away turning around then stopping about 30 feet from the gate "Alright we ready!" A walkie goes off "Norman drive slowly when I say action speed up." The walkie goes off Norman begins to slowly drive "Action!"
The gate slides open are Daryl drive through he stops the car and immediately gets out "Someone get Siddiq!" Daryl yells Carl can hear Clover crying as if she is in pain he climbs from the guard post and rushes over to the car Daryl opens the bed of the truck "What happened!?" Carl yells taking Clover in his arms "She got trapped had to jump glass cut her ankle up." Rick says climbing out "You're ok baby girl it's gonna be ok." Carl says trying to soothe her "It hurts Carl." Clover cries "I know baby girl its ok." He says taking off his flannel and tying it around her ankle "Carl come on!" Rick says as he gets in the driver's seat he places Clover back down then climbs in Daryl closes the bed and Rick drives off
2:30 am I heard the sound of a door close I opened my eyes to find myself in Chandler's arms he gently places me on the bed "Shh go back to sleep." He says he slides off my shoes the gently slides off my sweatpants knowing I hate sleeping in long pants I prefer shorts he gently slides some pajama shorts on me I hear the sound of a package crinkling then the bed dips next to me and something wet begins to my wipe my face a makeup wipe he wipes my face and my arms and my foot getting as much fake blood off as he can he then tucks me into bed he turns off the lamp but leave the hall light on I hear the shower turn on and about 10 minutes later he climbs into bed with me he wraps his arm around my waist then kisses my shoulder I then drift off to sleep ready to do it all again on monday
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yndmxlfoy · 2 years
2:00 am Part 2
in which neville & the reader take their early morning escapade to the greenhouse. (AU with phones!)
warnings: nsfw, smut, swearing, pet names, spanking, unprotected sex, orgasm denial (lmk if i missed any pls!)
(PART 1)
Originally posted by lxngbottom
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“what the fuck am i doing?”
you asked yourself that question multiple times as your legs carried you all the way to the greenhouse. you had no idea why you had even agreed to this, no matter how turned on you were. but, you also couldn’t deny that you were well excited. it had been a while since you actually had sex, and you could no longer deal with your own hands.
but, even though you had no issues with neville, you didn’t really know him that well. he never gave you a reason to believe that he was a git, but talking to someone over text and in person was two very different things.
you made it to the greenhouse, your hands stuffed in the pocket of your hoodie. it was quite chilly outside, and the absence of light made the greenhouse feel like a freezer. how were plants even supposed to grow properly in these conditions? you also noticed that neville wasn’t here yet, which made you a bit more nervous.
you turned the flashlight on your phone on, the moonlight not exactly letting you be able to see everything. you would’ve felt awfulif you stepped on some second year’s herbology project. you plopped down on the table, your feet swinging as you waited patiently.
you went on your phone to pass the short amount of time neville was taking to get there,
my man dean thomas 🍻 is typing…
you furrowed your eyebrows at the notification. it was unusual for dean to be on his phone at this hour, only on occasions of him being at a party with you. dean was a close friend of yours, mostly a party buddy, but still a friend.
uh… why the fuck is neville sneaking out???
he woke me up from how loud he was being
you rolled your eyes as you began to text back, but let out a small chuckle,
how the bloody hell am i suppose to know? he’s your friend dean.
he was literally saying your name and shit
pls don’t tell me you guys are meeting up to FUCK??
that’s when you slid out of the chat, not wanting to deal with the shame. but, dean didn’t stop texting you. even texting you on your actual number instead of snapchat.
dean🍻: dude wtf
dean🍻: don’t leave me on opened y/n
dean🍻: jesus you guys are gonna fuck
dean🍻: y/n???? hello?????
dean🍻: jesus fine don’t let me be a fuckin cockblock or anything 🙄
that’s when you heard the greenhouse door open, and you turned on the flashlight once more, aiming towards the culprit. of course, it was neville, who’s eyes were now squinted.
“ah! that’s bright!” he announced, blocking the light from his eyes. you giggled and aimed the flashlight elsewhere, “sorry, longbottom. just had to make sure it was you…”
you didn’t know why, but it seemed as if the words that had just slipped out sounded so… seductive?
“oh—it’s alright, love…” he responded, making his way over towards you with a purpose. when his came to be in front of you, you felt the slight touch of the material from his sweater tapping onto your knee, signifying how close he really was to you.
your phone went off again,
dean🍻: okay well can you at least let me know that you got back to your dorm safe??? i won’t be able to sleep knowing you’re wandering around the castle all by yourself
neville noticed how you peeked at the screen, and he swiped your phone out of your hand, turned the flashlight off, and read dean’s text.
“did you tell him you’re here?”
you shook your head, an awkward, airy chuckle escaping your lips, “no… he um—he heard you sneaking out of the dorm, apparently… and he texted me about it…”
neville nodded his head, and set your phone down on the table, but his arms settled as well, guarding you from going anywhere.
“well… thomas is just a smart git now, isn’t he?”
he had a clear smirk on his face, and it made your face turn red. you saw his tongue swipe his bottom lip as his eyes glanced up and down, visibly studying your body.
“that hoodie suits you very well, y/n…” he complimented, tugging at the string for a moment. you decided to be bold once again, as that was something that seemed to get neville going through the text messages you had sent just earlier.
“thanks…” you smiled at him, “might look better on the floor… don’t you think, mr. longbottom?”
that was all the boy needed before he wrapped his arm around you, pulling you closer, and smashing his lips onto yours. you must admit, he was an amazing kisser. probably the best you’ve ever experienced. he seemed to know every part of your lips, as he kept nibbling at the bottom one, teasing his tongue with yours.
he pulled away, not even giving you the chance to breathe before he ripped the hoodie off of you. he chuckled when he saw the lack of bra,
“mhm… no bra, huh? what a slut.”
you felt the moisture in your panties increase as he attacked your neck with his lips, dragging his teeth along the soft flesh, kissing and sucking on your sweet spot until your head was leaned back, moans spilling from your mouth along with shaky breaths.
“god, you sound even prettier than i imagined, princess…” he cooed in your ear. you tried to respond, but once more he shut you down by moving his lips down to your breasts, kissing and sucking at your nipples. he had definitely been wanting to see them for a while now.
you finally interrupted his indulgence by taking his shirt off, his arms going up in the air, and you completely discarding the shirt elsewhere in the greenhouse. you began to kiss his jaw, quickly moving down until you were sucking at his collarbones, small groans leaving him. as you did so, he took the opportunity to draw light, teasing circles onto your clothed clit,
“nev…” you shuttered, having to pull away from his collarbone. he let out a deep chuckle, and continued to tease your clit with the pad of his thumb. “feel good, princess?” he asked in a teasing manner, which you rapidly nodded.
you two continued to kiss, he continued to tease, and the touches and grinding was becoming all too much for you.
“more, nev, please…” you pleaded, your pussy trying ever so hard to obtain more friction from the tent in his pants.
“well, how could i ever say no to that?”
he pecked your lips once more before sliding your shorts and underwear off at the same time, not even caring if they made it past your ankles. you began to fondle with the buttons on his pants, ever so desperate for his cock to retreat into the walls of your cunt.
when his cock sprung out, you were somehow surprised by the size of it. he noticed your wandering eyes, and the way you gulped at his length.
“think you can take it, princess?” he asked in a slight chuckle, “or… is it too much for you?”
you rolled your eyes at his cockiness,
“i can take it.”
he looked down at your dripping cunt before responding,
and with that, he flipped you over to where your stomach was laid on the table, but the lower half of your body almost to the floor. he spread your legs out with his knee, and his hand came down with a loud ‘slap’ to the ass cheek. you moaned at the sentiment, making neville do it once more, and again, and again… and again.
“fuck—nev—i can’t…”
“don’t worry, princess. you don’t have to wait anymore.”
suddenly, he slid himself into you, burying his cock into your tight hole. you had to muffle a scream as he began thrusting violently, not even letting you adjust.
“jesus—fuck—you feel so fucking good, y/n…” he groaned, relishing in the feeling of this whole experience. he had been waiting for this for a while, and he was proud of himself for actually accomplishing it. he would never regret sending you that snap earlier, that’s for sure.
“feels—feels s’ good…” you stuttered out. that’s when he wrapped his fingers around your hair, bringing you up just a bit.
“you’re so beautiful—fuck—so pretty, baby…”
you felt the knot in your stomach tighten, threatening to break free.
“nev—cum… please—i wanna cum…”
“not yet, princess.”
another slap to your ass cheek was given, and you almost let out a scream just from the feeling.
“can i cum on those pretty tits, baby? please?” he asked, his voice for the first time sounding more gentle. “yes!” you moaned in response, wanting nothing more just to be able to release, with or without him.
he flipped you over back onto your back, not even bothering to pull out. he continued to thrust into you, each one harder than the last it seemed.
“cum, princess. cum all over my cock…”
those simple words finally made the knot snap, and you let out a loud moan as your cum spilled onto his cock, which as well made him break. he groaned as he pulled out of you, his release going all over your stomach and breasts.
you both were still breathing heavily by the time the both of you came down back to reality, and neville let out a small laugh at the sight of you. you giggled as well, and ran a hand through his now disheveled hair.
“that was the best dick i’ve ever had, mr. longbottom…”
he smirked down at you, and placed a small kiss to your red lips,
“well… in that case, maybe we should do this again sometime, yeah?”
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orrangepoem · 7 years
little angel // h.s
author’s note: I’m currently working on part 2 of imaginary friend, but I thought of this concept earlier today, it’s just something quick to post 
w.c: 515
summary: Harry and his daughter. p.s. I couldn’t think of a good name for the daughter lol so I just used words like angel and little one so let me know your favorite girl names and I’ll use it next time! 
“I’m having your baby!”
“ ‘S none o’ your bus-y-ness!”
“That’s my girl! Gonna be a little rockstar huh?” Harry was talking to the small toddler standing in front of him, helping her get dressed for the day while singing his music, which was a part of their morning routine.
“I wanna be just like you daddy!”
“Is that so? Cause yesterday you said you wanted to be a princess in a big castle. And day before that, it was a secret agent,” he laughed softly to himself as he brought his little girl to the bathroom to fix her hair.
“Yeah, all those things too!”
“Well you can be whatever you want angel, mummy and daddy will be right behind you.”
Harry’s brows were furrowed and tongue poking out slightly as he tried his best to gather her messy curls into two pigtails. He was getting frustrated and mumbling to himself, because doing her hair had been his wife’s job, but now that he’s home, he insisted on learning. “This bloody hair…took after me with it, didn’t ya?”
“Ah! There we are, now what do we do next?”
“Brush teeth!” Harry couldn’t wipe the smile from his face as he grabbed her Cinderella toothbrush and the toothpaste from the top drawer, but before he could go any further, his daughter grabbed the items from him.
“I can do it daddy, I’m a big girl!”
“You certainly are, sweetie. You’re growing up too fast for me.” Though these moments were small and some may say insignificant, Harry always felt emotional. Y/N had gotten pregnant around the time of promotion for Harry’s first album and it’s been a roller coaster trying to balance his career and being a father. He hated being away from her, he felt as if he was missing out on her growing up.
Y/N stuck by him through it all, making sure he never missed a beat. Late night FaceTime calls because the little angel had to “see Daddy before I go to bed” even if it meant waiting for him to wake up while he was on the other side of the world. Sending selfies with the crazy Snapchat filters to each other and Harry screenshotting every one.
Harry had just finished up tour for his second album and was quickly working on his third, so he had time to spend with his wife and child. He hadn’t mentioned anything yet, cause he wants it to be a surprise, but soon his baby girl will be old enough for her and Y/N to join him on tour and he couldn’t wait.
“Yes, my love?”
“I’m glad you’re my daddy cause you’re the best in the world.”
“The whole world?”
“The big, whole, WIDE world!” Harry’s mini version of himself stretched her arms out to emphasize her point. He rubbed at his eyes to stop the tears from flowing.
“I’m glad you’re my daughter, angel. And I’m glad we have your mummy, I wouldn’t trade the two of you for anything. Let’s go and make mummy some breakfast, yeah? Think she deserves it.”
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conorpmaynard · 8 years
All Started With a Song Part 10 // Conor Maynard
Word Count- 2221
Summary- Conor sees your cover and contacts you
A/n- (feel free to change the friends name I was just too lazy to write y/f/n that may times) here it is! this is way longer than i thought it would be and i didn't get to half the stuff i thought i would. so i re-planned everything. there will most likely be 13 parts now! i hope you enjoy. 
p.s. nothing crazy happens, this is mainly a filler chap. sorry if you were expecting drama!
You guys headed to bed rather early that night. With all that happened and your plans for tomorrow, you guys needed the beauty sleep.
At 6 o’clock on Sunday morning, you three left the hotel and started your adventure. Alice had looked up a really nice café for you guys to have breakfast at. She got some pancakes, Olivia got an omelet and you settled for a bagel.
“So where are we headed to first?” you asked before taking a sip of your tea.
“I really really really want to go to the walk of fame.” Olivia pleaded. “Can we please go there?”
“Of course Liv!” you smiled. “We’ll head there right after we’re finished eating.”
She squealed and clapped her hands, causing Alice to snort.
“You are too awake,” she mumbles, taking a forkful of pancake.
“Hey, don’t judge me. I’m just excited,” Olivia frowned.
“Oh, you know I love you,” Alice laid her head on Olivia’s shoulder. You quickly opened the camera app and snapped a pic.
You posted it on your Instagram with that caption:
i have the cutest friends ever… btw expect lots of pic today and tomorrow #sorrynotsorry
“Awwww, Al look at what Y/n posted. She’s so cute!” Olivia gave Alice her phone.
“She’s so sweet, let’s post one of her.”
You laughed, “No, please don’t.”
“Aw c’mon. You’re adorable babe.”
“Fine, but I get to approve the picture and caption,” you emphasized the and.
“Deal! Make a pose!”
You rested your elbows on the table and your chin on your hands, flashing the camera a small smile.
After a few moments of intense typing Alice handed you her phone, “Is that okay?”
Cannot thank @y/i/n enough for this trip. Love you lots babe xx
“You’re so sweet Al,” you handed her phone back to her.
“Alright, here’s the bill. Are you ladies all finished up here?” the waiter asked as he handed you the receipt.
“Yep!” Olivia smiled.
“Do you think I could get a to-go cup for my tea?” you asked.
“Of course,” he turned to walk away when he stopped. “I’m sorry to bother you. But are you guys from the UK?”
You three started laughing, “Yes, we are,” Alice answered.
“Oh my gosh, really? Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?” he instantly took a seat next to you.
“Of course not, whatcha wanna know?” you smiled.
“Is it always rainy?”
This caused you three to erupt in laughter yet again, but stopped when he frowned.
“Oh love, we’re not making fun of you. It’s just cute,” Liv placed a hand on his and smiled.
“But to answer your question, no. Sometimes it’s really nice out. But most of the time yes, it’s rainy.”
“It’s not even always rainy, just really cold.” You added.
“I’ve always wanted to go to London,” he sighed. “Is it worth taking a trip to?”
“I can’t answer that without bias, but I think coming here was definitely worth the trip. If that helps.”
He stood up, “Well my name’s Clayton.” He pulled out a piece of paper and began scribbling. “If you girls need anything, here’s my number. I’m free whenever after noon.”
“Well thank you Clayton. That means a lot,” you smiled.
After that cute little meet up you girls grabbed an Uber and went to the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It was so much fun. You girls had races to see who could find this person first or who could find a ‘James’ or ‘Amy’ first. You may have looked crazy to others but you three knew it was all in good fun.
You were only here once, why wouldn’t you make the most of it?
After the Walk of Fame you three headed to any and every shop that the London didn’t have; which was a lot. You hit lots of clothes shops, make up shops, and so so many candy shops.
You picked up something for Alex and a few gifts for your mom. Alice got something for Brandon, but insisted it was for her friend that ‘you don’t know that well’. And Olivia, of course, got something for Sean.
After what felt like a lifetime you guys finally found an In-N-Out. You all had been craving it ever since Sabrina took you guys to it your first day in LA.
While you three munched on your burgers, you just chatted about anything and everything.
“What time is it?” Alice asked.
“Just past 11,” you clicked your phone shut. “So what’s next?”
“Honestly? I want to go back to the hotel and take a power nap,” Alice sighed, Olivia vigorously shaking her head in agreement.
“Okay, I’m down for a nap. Then the beach?”
They both smiled signally they were okay with that.
“Wake me up at two,” Olivia sighed, falling onto her bed. You laughed and watched as Alice copied her movements.
You walked out to the balcony and sat up against the wall. You were tired, but you didn’t want to sleep. You didn’t want to miss anything LA had to offer.
You knew you shouldn’t have, but you texted Anth. It was a low blow honestly. But you were bored and didn’t have any clue as to what to do. You opened SnapChat and clicked his name.
You sent a simple selfie with a caption:
any fun activates you know of in LA?
You scrolled through Instagram while waiting for a response. You noticed Conor posted a new picture.
You knew it would hurt, but you couldn’t not look.
It was of him sitting of the edge of a bench, it was nighttime. He was facing away from the camera.
He captioned it:
C’mon LA, you have yet to let me down. Please don’t change that.
There were hundreds of comments that ranged from ‘ARMS’ to ‘why are you sad :(’ to ‘i hate when he doesn’t tell us what’s going on’.
You were hesitant, but ended up liking the picture anyways.
SnapChat from anth.melo
He sent a picture of him in front of a mirror of what seemed like a gym. You could see Conor on the side, but it was only an arm. You cringed at the fact that you knew it was Conor simply by an arm.
His snap read:
sorry y/n, kinda busy rn.
You sent another selfie with a frown:
okay, but we NEED to hang out soon. i leave in two days :(
You closed your phone and went back inside. After sliding off your shoes and plugging in your phone, you slid into your shared bed with Alice.
A few minutes of shot eye wouldn’t hurt.
“Y/n!!!!” you heard someone shout.
You shot up from the pillow, “What?!” you shouted back, not having opened your eyes yet.
“Its 4:30!” a voice, you recognized as Alice sighed. “You had one job. One bloody job!”
“Oh, sorry. I fell asleep and forgot to set an alarm.”
“It’s okay, we can still go to the beach!” Olivia piped up from her spot in front of the mirror.
“I guess,” Alice sighed.
“Haven’t you always wanted to see a sunset on the beach?” you asked, getting out of the bed.
“Yeah,” she smiled. “Let me check when sunset is.”
You bent down and grabbed your shoes.
“It’s at 6:04, should we invite anyone?” Alice asked.
“Like who?”
“Clayton!” Olivia jumped up. “Please invite him!”
You smiled, “Okay, I’ll invite him. But i can’t promise anything.”
You sent him a text that read:
Heading down to the beach to watch the sunset. Care to join us?
You sat your phone down and began braiding your hair.
“Did he text back?” Alice asked.
“Check my phone, I’m kind of busy.”
She stood up and walked over to where your phone was sat on the bed.
“What’d he say?”
“Nothing, but Anth texted snapped you.”
“You can open it up if you want,” you said, closing your eyes to focus on the pattern.
After a few seconds you heard a gasp, “What’s wrong?”
“Look! “Alice shoved your phone into your face. On the screen was a selfie of him and Conor and it read:
Okay, we’re free tomorrow
He was smiling and Conor was sporting his signature ‘kissy face/pout face’ look.
You stared until it disappeared, then you let out a sigh.
“What’d he mean by that?”
“I asked him if he wanted to hang out,” you said, sticking out your tongue as Alice snapped a picture.
“Oh, well.” She smiled, helping you up. “Looks like we got plans for tomorrow!”
You three changed into your swimsuits and packed a bag. You were going to go to the beach no matter what, Clayton being there was just a plus.
Your phone dinged and the girls sat, eyes wide; waiting for a response.
Of course! Meet me here in 10 minutes.
The link sent you to your Map app. There was a blue line from the hotel to a beach about 5 minutes away. Due to it being so close, you three decided to walk. As you left the hotel you sent him a quick text back.
see ya soon xx
As usual Anth and Conor stayed up late doing whatever they do. Most of it was just joking around. But part of it, a very small part, was very deep.
“Mate, I gotta ask,” Anth sighed.
“I can’t answer it. I know what you’re going to ask. And I honestly don’t know. I was jealous and upset. I just-” he sighed, looking at Anth. “I messed up.”
“Well do you like her?” Anth asked hesitantly.
“Of course I do! I liked her before I met her. But I overthought everything. I assumed she didn’t like me, so I wanted to make her feel how I felt.”
“Do you want to be with her?” Anth questioned again.
“That’s the thing. Like, I don’t know her. But I want to. And I want to see what it could become, but I don’t want to give us a chance and it be awful and I have to break her heart again.”
Anth remained silent as Conor poured his feelings.
“I’m just so angry. At myself. But also her. And I know I have no right to be mad at her. But she’s just so perfect. And I want to hate her and just forget about her. But I can’t, because whenever I see a girl, I notice that she isn’t Y/n. But I don’t know if she’ll ever forgive me. And I just want to punch myself, every time I remember what I did.”
Conor knew there was more to how he felt, he just wasn’t ready to admit it.
Anth stood up and put his hand on Conors shoulder, “Well, how about you sleep on it. And tomorrow we go to the gym; work out all the anger. Then afterwards, you can talk to Y/n.”
Conor and Anth didn’t make it to the gym until a little before noon. Conor woke up to Jack spamming him. Jack lost the keys to his apartment so he begged Conor to tell him where his extra set was.
Conor really didn’t want Jack to be at his flat alone. Who knew what the kid would get up to? But after a few minutes of Jack begging (and almost crying, almost. it doesn’t count if the tear didn’t fall) Conor told him to message Alex.
After that, they were about to leave but then Anth realized he forgot that he planned to Skype his grandparents. Knowing he couldn’t let his friend not call them, Conor sat in the guest room while Anth chatted with his grandma and grandpa about various things.
After Anth’s grandma finally said goodbye, they headed to the gym. On their way they stopped to get juices.
“Mate, the Strawberry Mango is way better than the Green Machine,” Conor dragged on as he walked aside Anth.
“Stop playing dude, the Green Machine is the best!”
“You’re mad, y’know that right?”
“Nah man, you’re just stubborn.”
When they arrived at the gym, they both popped in their headphones and got to work on their preferred workout equipment.
Within the first thirty minutes, Anth could tell Conor was more upset than last night. He was lifting way more than his body could handle, but every time Anth would bring it up Conor would brush him off.
“Mate, your calves don’t need that much weight,” Anth chuckled, pulling out a headphone.
“Why come to the gym if you’re not going to push yourself?” Conor asked, standing up.
“If you say so,” Anth said, grabbing his phone to change the song. He scrolled through his notifications. He went to close it, but then he noticed your name. Why were you snapping him?
He walked over to Conor, opening the snap.
“Hey, look at this.”
Conor looked at the screen then turned around.
“So do you want to?” Anth followed him
“Not really,” he muttered.
“Okay,” was all Anth said. He sent a picture of him in front of the mirror.
A few seconds later Conor said, “I don’t know what to say yet. But tell her we’re free tomorrow.”
Anth just smiled. Conor was head over heels for you and him trying to hide it was so cute.
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sillyrabbit81 · 4 years
Her Heavy Cross
Tumblr media
Summary: Three years after tragedy hits, Lana she decides to start dating again. She meets Will through a dating app and they begin an online romance. After months of constant requests, Lana relents and agrees to meet and go on an irl date with Will. But is Will who he says he is? Lana is quickly pulled into an intense relationship forcing her to confront her tragic past. Will Lana face it or will she close her heart forever?
Pairing: OMC x OFC
Word Count: approx 2.5k
Warnings: Smut, swearing
Authors Note: The story started as a Henry Cavill fanfiction but I changed it to be an original character, but shades of Henry are still there. Hope you enjoy the story and thanks for reading.
Part 6 Part 8
Part 7
Liam's phone rang. He ignored it and let it go to voicemail. When it rang again, he made a noise of disgust and took his phone out of his pocket to look at it. "It's my publicist. I had better take this."
Liam answered the phone and went outside to talk. I turned the oven on and started to unpack the groceries. Then I got the roast, put it in a baking tray, poured olive oil over the top and seasoned it with salt and some pepper. I got out some onions and garlic and started to cut them up to place around the roast to give it some added flavour.
"That looks great," Liam said when he came back in.
"Thanks," I said, and I gave him a grin. I took the tray and put it in the oven. I got my phone and put an alarm on, giving myself time to cook the veggies before they finished. A thought came to me, and before I could bite my tongue, I said, "They do say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach."
"Really?" Liam licked his lips, looked down at his pants and said, "I'd say they were aiming too high."
It took me a minute to work out what the joke was. When I finally did, I couldn't help but laugh and hide my face in my hands.
"You've gone so red!" Liam appeared to be having fun with my inability to control my blushes.
"Oh, my God!" I said, still hiding my face and laughing. "Alright, that was funny."
It took me a while to stop laughing. When I did, Liam said sombrely, "Sweetheart, I have to tell you something."
"Uh, oh, it doesn't sound good."
"It's not bad. I don't know how you will feel about it." Liam then told me that his publicist had called to let him know there were pictures put on Instagram and Twitter of the two of us kissing at the pub last night. "Your name hasn't been mentioned, and the photos look to be shot from pretty far away on a mobile, so someone in the pub took the pictures. Sarah says they probably aren't going to tell who you are by the pictures unless someone who knows you well comes forward."
I think if my eyes bulged out of my head any further, they would have fallen out and rolled on the floor. "That quick?" It was all I could think to say.
"Yeah. It's hard to know what will come out and when. A lot of times I go out, and no one notices me, but other times I have paps or members of the public following me for hours."
"Who's Sarah?"
"My publicist." Liam reached across the bench and took my hand in his. "Are you ok?"
"You say they don't know who I am?" Liam nodded, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I wasn't happy but what was I going to do about it? I picked at my nails. I needed to paint them; the pale pink polish was starting to chip.
"You ok?" Liam asked again
I shrugged. "Your life is weird."
Liam chucked. "You keep telling me that."
"So, what happens now?"
"Well, usually Sarah would say to private all social media, but she had a look and said she could only find a Facebook profile for you which was already private. Do you have any others? Instagram? Twitter? Snapchat?"
"No. I have a YouTube account that I use to watch videos, but that isn't linked to my real name or email. Also, a Tumblr account, again not associated with my name. And no pictures of me."
"Tumblr?" He raised an eyebrow. His fucking lip twitched.
"I was a confused 22-year-old ok?" I said a bit defensively. "I haven't used it in years," I remembered then the dating site we met on. I quickly logged on and selected the options to hide the account.
"Ok, well, there's not much else right now. A few rags called Sarah for comment. She said the standard no comment and asked for my privacy to be respected. The rest is up to you."
"Up to me?" I asked, confused. "What's up to me?"
"When you want to confirm the relationship and release your name."
"Liam, I met you less than 24 hours ago and have known you only a few months. I'm not ready for that. I like you a lot, but maybe you pick your nose and eat it, and I'll have to dump your arse tomorrow and then it's been a big song and dance over nothing." I joked. The mood had gotten too heavy for me. I wanted to talk about something else.
"Sweetheart, I'd never do that." He smiled sweetly, "I'd make you eat it."
"Ewww!" I screamed.
"Get over here." He chased me around the bench, and after a few evasions and some more squeals, he caught me. Perrin came in through the doggy door and barked at Liam a few times. Our behaviour obviously scandalised him. "Perrin," I called. "Come here, boy."
"You think your dog can save you?"
"Of course, he's very protective of my honour."
"We will see about that." Liam bent over, and I thought he was going to tackle me. Instead of flying backwards, I was hoisted forward and found myself over his shoulder. I screamed as I heard a loud crack, my hands flying to my bum.
"Did you just smack my arse?" I must admit I was finding all the manhandling arousing. I wasn't going to let him know that, though.
"Yes, I did. Want another?" Liam was heading down the hallway, taking me to the bedroom.
I giggled. "No!"
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks," Liam quoted. Shakespeare sounded good with his accent. I giggled some more, and I got another one. Yes, very arousing.
Liam hummed. "I quite like the view here." He rubbed my bottom and took me into my bedroom.
I was very close to his round bum. "This view is not so bad either," I said and smacked his arse. Unfortunately, it probably hurt me more than it hurt him. His butt was tight!
Liam dropped me onto the bed at that point, and the look on his face was hysterical. I couldn't stop laughing, and tears were rolling down my face. Then I did the most embarrassing thing: I snorted.
That was it. Both of us couldn't stop. Every time I calmed enough to think I could speak, one look at Liam's face, and I'd be off again.
Eventually, we stopped, and I was able to say, "Oh my God, your face! That was so bloody funny." I wiped my eyes.
"I think that may have been the first time someone's done that to me."
"Really? Didn't you go to an all-boys school?"
"Yes, but it wasn't the US." Liam tried suppressing a grin as he said, "we got ball taps."
I tried not to laugh. I really did. "Oh, my God!" I was off again.
We watched the original Mad Max before I had to go and finish dinner. I was horrified when Liam said he hadn't seen it before. I immediately made him watch it. He said it was ok, the concept was great, but he didn't love it. I told him he needed a brain scan.
When I went to make dinner, Liam offered to help, but I told him not to be silly.
Liam sat at the kitchen bench chatting to me while I chopped and blanched the vegetables. After a while, he said he had to call Sarah and his assistant Ryan to make sure he had organised the dog walker to take Cole for a walk and play.
"Any update from Sarah?" I asked Liam when he returned. I feigned disinterest while I finished slicing the roast.
"All the same right now. Some sites have posted the pictures, saying I was spotted drinking with an "unknown female companion." The pictures have circulated a bit on Twitter, but it's mostly just by fans. They haven't hit the mainstream yet. It's all fairly standard, and it will go away by tomorrow by the looks of it."
"Good," I said. A look I couldn't interpret passed over Liam's face. He masked it pretty quickly. I opened my mouth to ask if he was ok but shut it again. I said, instead, "dinner's ready." I passed Liam his plate.
"Thank you," Liam said, leaning over to kiss me before eating. I watched as he cut up some beef and started chewing. "Pretty good. Almost as good as Mum's," he teased with a wink.
I elbowed him, and God bless him; he pretended it hurt.
We ate in silence for a while. I gave a few pieces to Perrin. He was so old, and I couldn't help but spoil him occasionally. He won't be around forever.
After dinner, Liam insisted on helping me clean up, and we stacked the dishwasher. Watching him bend over, his jeans straining as he put the plates in, stirred some feelings. Erotic feelings.
"Want to watch another movie?" He asked.
"Not really," I said. "I'm in the mood for some dessert."
"Ice-cream? I can't have any, but you can."
"Not ice-cream," I said, shaking my head. I looked at him with my very best bedroom eyes.
"What do you want then? Want me to go to the shops?" He said, not catching on. I put my arms around his waist. "If you let me borrow your car, I'll go. I can just go on my own."
"No, you wombat." I met his hips with mine, his eyes widened. "What I want is right here." I wriggled against him. Liam grinned widely, his cheeks creasing in such a sexy way.
"I thought you were shy."
"I am getting used to you," I said. "The real me is coming out." The truth of my words took me by surprise. I looked away, second-guessing myself. Why did I do that?
"I like her," Liam said hoarsely. If he hadn't spoken then, I think I would have stopped. But when his hands went into my hair, and he pulled, stretching my throat, I knew I wasn't going to stop. He kissed me there, and his teeth grazed my skin. My fingers reached under his shirt, and they gripped his back. My nails dug into his skin.
"Bedroom?" I whispered.
"Bedroom," he agreed and walked me backwards to my room.
"You promised me something earlier today," Liam said in between kisses. We were close to my bed.
"What's that?"
He stopped kissing me and cupped my face with his hands. "You said I could undress you."
Liam took hold of my t-shirt and waited. I nodded. He slowly lifted my shirt up and over my head before dropping it to the ground. He tilted his head as if contemplating and gently turned me around.
I felt Liam gather my hair and put it over my shoulder. He caressed my back with his fingertips, making me shiver with pleasure. I heard him give a satisfied hum before undoing my bra. He turned me around again and took hold of my bra straps, pulling them down my arms.
When I dropped my bra beside my shirt, Liam took a step back. He looked me up and down, his eyes hungry. I wanted to cover myself under his intense gaze, my earlier courage wavering under his scrutiny.
My arms started to move, and he gave me a stern look. "You're not thinking of hiding now, are you?"
I shook my head and forced my arms back by my sides. "Good, because I want to look. You're quite the sight." As if to emphasise his point, he adjusted himself through his pants. I felt a thrill of excitement flow through me and felt the familiar throbbing between my legs.
Liam got down on his knees and kissed my belly. His rough stubble tickled. "Your skin is so soft," he said in a low voice. He undid my jeans and kissed a trail down as he unzipped me. His breath was warm, and I felt it through the cotton of my briefs, his last kiss placed just above my slit.
It was almost agony. I moaned at his teasing breath and lips. Then Liam pulled down my underwear and kissed my mound. I felt his tongue part my lips, and when he found what he was looking for, he flattened his tongue and moaned into me.
I didn't know what to do. For a moment, I wanted to stop Liam, but it felt too good. I could feel my resolve waning. I didn't want to wait. Why should we wait? What was I waiting for? I had to stop thinking and go with it, enjoy him, enjoy the experience. I put my fingers in his hair as he licked and sucked at me. He seemed to remember what I liked, and soon I was close to my peak.
One of his fingers played at my entrance. I silently begged for Liam to put it in. My core was desperate to be filled. His finger slowly entered me, and I was lost. I needed him. At that moment, all I wanted was to feel more of him inside me, have him fill me.
I felt like this was the moment. If I don't ask Liam now, I probably never would. If I didn't want him now, why am I even allowing this to happen? I wanted him. He excited me like no one had done since Andy. He had knocked down the defences I'd built to keep myself alone. Keep me in my grief and guilt. I didn't want to be alone anymore. I wanted to feel desired again.
"Fuck me?" I asked. The words just tumbled out. I knew at that moment I would beg if I had to. "Please, Liam, I want you to fuck me."
I wasn't sure if Liam heard me. He increased his attention, and I felt the pressure building. His hand gripped my arse, his fingers digging into my cheeks as he pulled me closer to him. The short rough hair on his cheeks and chin tickled against my thighs. My legs buckled. I couldn't stand up anymore. He held me there while I panted and moaned, seeking release.
I felt my climax arrive like a bolt of lightning. It was sudden and intense. My body contracted as waves of pleasure exploded over me. Short, wordless shouts came from my mouth until it was over. I collapsed onto the bed.
I laid there a while, eyes closed, trying to catch my breath. Liam was shuffling around and heard his belt come undone. I felt the bed dip, and I opened my eyes to find Liam naked, climbing up the bed until his face was above mine.
Liam supported some of his weight with one hand and laid on me, our whole bodies skin to skin. He was warm to touch, and he almost felt hot to my now cooled skin.
"Ask me again," Liam said.
Part 8
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