#can do any cosmere with any cartoon
chumsterfire · 1 year
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"A Bad Run for a Bad Plan"
Way of Kings: Chapter 62 Three Glyphs
Kaladin, Rock, and Sigzil hearing the horns and knowing its time to test a risky plan.
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sandrune-art · 3 months
Hi! I'm Ermes, a 21yo artist and design student who wanted to make a small post to introduce theirself :)
I like the color green, pirates and vampires and eldritch horrors and robots and any kind of fantasy stuff. I love drawing and making stuff with my hands and thinking about how awesome my friends are.
I usually use my main blog to post my drawings and my sideblogs to reblog fanart ✨
(More info under the cut <3)
(images are the artvsartist I made for 2023 and 2022)
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I really enjoy watching and talking about fantasy shows and queer media! Some fandoms I'm in/I've been into:
☆ ofmd
☆ tma
☆ the mechanisms
☆ outer wilds
☆ vocaloid
☆ A lot more I'm too lazy to list now :')
(like wwdits, the penumbra podcast, toh, satpop, camp here and there, hamilton, good omens, hannibal, cosmere, the locked tomb, atla, disco elysium, tmnt...)
Tho I'm not very active on tumblr I have a few sideblogs where I (sometimes) repost stuff!
★ On sandrunelovesart I reblog fanart and art in general
★ On ceaselessmechanism I reblog stuff about podcasts
★ On wildwitchstorm I reblog things about cartoons
★ On ineffablevampirates I reblog stuff about series I like
★ On booksandbonesworm I reblog things about books I like
★ On vampireswonthurtyou I reblog mcr stuff (I have this one abandoned)
★ And on queersand I post and reblog things about being queer, mostly about being nonbinary and aroace. Lots of stuff about voidpunk and polyamory too.
And that's all for now! this is getting long. I made the mistake of not having a tumblr account when I was a young teenager and I'm fixing that now. I'll mostly post my drawings on my main and once in a while interact with other stuff, because sometimes I forget that the Internet is a real place with real people in it
(if someone has gotten this far reading here you have a cookie 🍪)
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kinsey3furry300 · 3 years
Three awesome post-GoT series I would commission if I owned any of the Big three Streaming platforms.
Yo! Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+, you have a problem: there are nerds like me who want to give you even more of our time and money, but you’re not making the stuff you should be.  Following the hugely disappointing end of “Game of Thrones”  there are a huge number of sci-f and fantasy nerds who are currently not getting our fix of epic adventure, and rather than commission a whole bunch of cool series that are just begging to be made to cash in on this, you’re all just sort of doing your own things. And that’s Cool, I’m loving the Netflix Witcher series and Disney’s Loki, and looking forward to the Amazon Middle Earth series with a mix of hope and trepidation (please be good), there are, however, a whole mass of cool book series that are just begging for release in an episodic fashion, and what’s more, I can think of which series plays to which streaming platforms strengths. And unlike Game of Thrones, there are series where running out of source material to adapt shouldn’t be a problem.
So, three sci-fi or fantasy series that play to the strengths of the big three Streaming services, as suggested by me, a big ol’ nerd. One: Amazon Prime. Strengths: successfully adapting darker comic-book or Urban fantasy works Like Preacher, the Boys, Good Omens and American Gods and making a profit. Weakness: has never successfully pulled of a big Grimdark fantasy series, despite having all the talent to do so because they’re working on the Middle earth series, which doesn’t seem a good fit for their brand image as the place you come for for comically dark works, and all their adaptations are too much of a slow burn, which necessitates padding the source material (look at how little happens in any episode of Preacher or the Boy vs the insanely fast pace of the comics). Solution: Malazan, book of the fallen. A deep, insanely dark, insanely Epic story that would actually lend itself to a slow burn and the grim-dark over the top violence of other Amazon shows, and fill the “Tit’s and monsters” gap left by GoT in many of our hearts. And unlike Tolkien, I have faith that the studio that cast Sweary Karl Urban as Billy Butcher could actually pull this off with the correct tone and feel. This would have the Witcher fans from Netflix defecting in droves, and could also pull in some new viewers who might enjoy the anthropology and political intrigue of this complex, multifaceted world.
 Two: Disney+. Strengths: near infinite money and ambition, the production team behind The Mandalorian and the MCU, great Hollywood clout to draw in big name stars, but willing to cast talented unknowns, the best mix of live action and CG in the business. Weaknesses: It’s Disney, so they can never go full grim-dark: they can imply or infer dark acts, but need to keep what’s shown on screen PG13 to fit their brand, which rules out a lot of modern fantasy. And they have no true fantasy serries in their stable.
Solution: Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn, and other Cosmere works.  A rare example of an excellent current fantasy and sci-fi writer who isn’t grimdark as heck, and manages to convey dark and adult themes by implication and hints rather than outright showing them, this is pretty much the only big fantasy series out there that is aimed at and enjoyed by adults but remains consistently PG13. It’s also so epic and super-hero-ish in this various magic systems, that I can’t see anyone other than the team behind the MCU pulling off a live-action version of this that doesn’t suck. In addition to this, the logical starting point for this, Mistborn, is by far the safest and most marketable, coming the closest of any of his works to a standard young-adult plot with Vin as an easily sell-able character to studio brass, being to all intents and purposes Katniss Everdeen with super-powers, which could get a big studio invested  and convinced this is a good idea before we get to all the “lets kill and replace god” stuff. If Mistborn was successful, other Cosmere works could follow, and I could see something like the Stormlight Archives working really well with the MCU effects team behind it, so long as they don’t white-wash it: No one on Roshar is white other than in Shinovar, and half of the cultures are based on either Polynesian or far eastern traditions, so cast Hawaiian, Māori, native American and east-Asian actors, and it could be both a great series, and also the most diverse Disney has ever done. You want a new, easily marketable but epic scale franchise, Disney? It’s right here.
Also for the love of god, do Wax and Wayne. I just need this, okay?
 Three: Netflix. Strengths: good at tapping into the prevailing nostalgia of Millennials and producing works that speak to them on a relatively small budget (see Stanger Things) and good at grabbing the rights to adapt good but slightly obscure works cheaply. Good working relationship with a ton of Japanese Anime rightsholders. Weaknesses: By far the smallest budget of any of the big three. Tends to produce awful live-action adaptations of beloved works (to the point that the Witcher was a pleasant surprise), but has good relationships with lots of animation studios.
Solution: Animorphs, but do what they always should have done and animate it. It boggles my mind that anyone would every try to pull this off in live action, as the transformations, which are the heart of the series, would be so hard to pull off well (look at the 90’s series). And yet, I’m aware they’re making a film, but dear god, why, when K A Applegate said form the get go that this series of books were written specifically as if they were a 90’s Saturday morning cartoon. This was always meant to be adapted as a series, not a long form film. So, don’t try to modernise it, or relate to “The kids” don’t whitewash the cast, don’t edit out the gore and body-horror, but lean into the 90’s and early 2000’s angst of it, and go balls to the walls insane with the concept. What music do you have playing for this scene? Is it Every day is exactly the same by Nine Inch Nails, and if not, why not? Do the transformation sequence genuinely scare you? No?  Then you’re doing it wrong.  Is that a happy ending? Get that the hell out of there. Go for the original time period and concept, and go hard, and if you do it now, you’ll just hit that sweet spot as the rolling 30 year nostalgia cycle moves out of the 80’s and into the 90’s. And as an apology to all the bad live-action Anime you produced, Netflix, get a Japanese studio to animate this: the Animorphs books were popular in Japan, with wonderful hand drawn illustrations throughout. Get Studio Orange on this: Beastars proved they can do flowing, fast-moving combat well, and make animal and other non-human characters look good, and what’s more they’d probably be up for it: Animorphs is basically a western Shōnen,  so the market for an Anime of it would exist in Japan.
 So there we go, the three series I would commission if I ruled the world of streaming sites. As ever, tell me why I’m wrong below, and have a great day!
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thehanniecorner · 4 years
Okay, I realize this wrap-up is super late.  As it turns out, the world is falling into chaos and it’s been a bit difficult to keep up with writing.  That said, however, I still wanted an opportunity to wrap up everything that I read in February.  I’ve had a decent reading year and I’m finding all kinds of new favorite books, so I want to make sure that everything I have been loving ends up mentioned in my blog.  Therefore, here is a brief overview of everything that I read during the month of February.
This Is Where It Ends – Marieke Nijkamp
Rating – 1 Star
It’s never a great sign when my month starts off with a one star read.  I have wanted to read This Is Where It Ends since I was a teenager, and honestly, I probably would have enjoyed it if I had read it back then.  Unfortunately, this didn’t work for me as an adult.  It was far too short for the number of plotlines that were weaved in, and I didn’t feel like the central topic, a school shooting, was adequately handled with the level of sensitivity that was needed.  At best, the characters in the book behaved unrealistically, and at worst, they behaved in a way that would actually put real-life teens in danger if they were to try and imitate what is portrayed in the story during a real shooting.  Overall, I didn’t enjoy this one at all and wish I could unread it.
An Absolutely Remarkable Thing – Hank Green
Rating – 5 Stars
I put off reading An Absolutely Remarkable Thing for the dumbest reason:  I don’t like John Green’s writing style.  After a while, I realized that there is no reason to believe John and Hank write in a similar manner, so I decided to pick up this science fiction title.  Given my five star rating, I am incredibly happy I gave this a try.  The central mystery surrounding these strange statues that pop up, trying to figure out what they do and why they exist, is compelling and kept me engaged from the very first page.  There is a sequel coming out later this year and I will pick it up on day one, for sure!
Solo – Kwame Alexander
Rating – 3 Stars
I tend to believe that three star ratings are reserved for books that I enjoyed, but don’t necessarily think I will remember in great detail after reading.  Solo turns out to be a perfect example of this, as I could barely remember what it was about immediately after finishing it, much less several months later.  This is a young adult novel in verse, and while I think Kwame Alexander is a talented writer and I would like to pick up more from him in the future, this story did not engage me in any way.  In particular, I was not invested in any of the characters, and as a character-focused reader, this is not a good sign for how much the book will resonate with me after finishing it.
Down Among the Sticks and Bones – Seanan McGuire
Rating – 5 Stars
I read several Wayward Children books this month, as this wrap-up will show, but Down Among the Sticks and Bones is my favorite entry in this portal fantasy series so far.  This title is a prequel that details the background of two characters from the first book, Jack and Jill.  While technically the second entry in the series, this can be read standalone if Every Heart a Doorway doesn’t interest readers.  Personally, I find that the series alternates between an ongoing narrative in odd-numbered titles and backstory prequels in the even-numbered titles, and I find the backstories to be far stronger than the primary narrative.
Beneath the Sugar Sky – Seanan McGuire
Rating – 3 Stars
Immediately after wrapping up Down Among the Sticks and Bones, I moved onto book three of the Wayward Children series, Beneath the Sugar Sky.  As I stated above, this continues the main narrative from the first book in the series, and this is probably the weakest entry for me so far.  I didn’t find the characters introduced to be interesting, and the primary world that the characters visit wasn’t particularly engaging for me, as it just felt like a less interesting Alice in Wonderland.  Since these books are really short, I keep reading them, but I could see a point in the future where I stick to just reading the backstories and skip the ongoing narrative entries.
Elantris – Brandon Sanderson
Rating – 5 Stars
I have done it.  After staring at Brandon Sanderson’s books for years and working up the courage to pick up his massive tomes, I finally finished one.  This was, by far, my favorite read of the month, so it did not disappoint.  I’m participating in a year-long journey to read the majority of Sanderson’s Cosmere universe, so expect many more Brandon Sanderson reads to come in my future.  Overall, I know a lot of people said that this standalone fantasy is a bit of a rough work compared to the author’s later novels, but I still really enjoyed every aspect of this.  The plot kept moving constantly and had some great twists and turns, every major character was well-developed and engaging, and the setting and atmosphere almost reminded me of a horror novel.  Overall, I’m glad I made the choice to read more of the Cosmere this year because I am just devouring Sanderson’s works.
In an Absent Dream – Seanan McGuire
Rating – 4 Stars
This is the final Wayward Children book that I read in February, and this entry returns to the backstory formula, telling the story of Lundy and the fantasy world that she walked into as a child.  While I will admit that I wasn’t interested in the overall premise of the Goblin Market, this book surprised me with how interesting I found the overall story.  Again, I feel like a broken record here, but the fact that I still haven’t picked up book five to this date just shows that I have a strong preference for the backstory books in this series.  Maybe book five will prove me wrong, but I’m not hopeful.
The Hope of Elantris – Brandon Sanderson
Rating – 4 Stars
Immediately after finishing Elantris, I knew that I needed more from this world.  While sequels might be coming out for this current standalone in the future, for the moment, all I could do was pick up The Hope of Elantris and a separate novella (stay tuned for a future wrap-up to hear about this one) to learn a little more about the universe.  This is a really short story that gives a little more context to an event that happens partway through the novel, so there isn’t a lot that I can say.  Is it anything super special?  No, but it was a lot of fun and I had a huge smile on my face for the whole time that I was reading it.
Pumpkinheads – Rainbow Rowell
Rating – 4 Stars
Finally, to wrap up the month, I read Pumpkinheads, which is a young adult graphic novel about two teenagers who work at a pumpkin patch on their last day of work before they go off to college.  The artwork here is the highlight of the book, as it has a cartoon-style feel that is really engaging and fun to read.  It definitely has some emotional moments, but also a lot of comedic adventures that kept me smiling.  I flew through this graphic novel and had a ton of fun with it.
That’s it for my February 2020 wrap-up!  Once I’m caught up to the current month, I hope to start putting my wrap-ups out closer to when I initially read the books, since that will make for better overall reviews.  As I venture out into adult fantasy a little more, I would also like to make more dedicated reviews with spoiler and non-spoiler sections, as I think it could be fun to discuss some of these huge tomes in greater detail.
Have you read any of these books?  Let me know in the comments below!
February 2020 Reading Wrap-Up Okay, I realize this wrap-up is super late.  As it turns out, the world is falling into chaos and it's been a bit difficult to keep up with writing. 
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greatshell-rider · 5 years
1, 2, 12
1. if someone wanted to really understand you, what would they read, watch, and listen to?
hhhhh listen to httyd and spirit stallion of the cimmaron soundtracks, brother bear soundtrack, narnia, tron, lotr, kung fu panda . . . most of what i listen to is movie soundtracks so that’s a solid start. also cartoon/anime soundtracks, like atla, su, otgw, and fma. pianoguys is good, starset is good, and also twrp.
for reading, cosmere stuffs obviously, the summer king chronicles by jess e owen (not the most mind-blowing or ingenious series out there but it got me through middle school how can i complain. also the writing style is,,,,,,very good im love), and probs fma and mp100. this is quickly turning into a favorites list oh no
for watching i really like studio ghibli films, older disney animated films (atlantis, mulan, lilo and stitch, emperor’s new groove), lotr. oh you know what i really like? secret life of walter mitty, into the spiderverse, october sky, and the princess bride. pls watch su
i don’t know how else people would understand me other than knowing what my favs are so here yall go!
2.  have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who?
uhm not any that i can think of thinking “just” like me (im dumb and the authors of the books i like generally are not) but if you want good YA read the six of crows duology by leigh bardugo, the strange the dreamer duology by laini taylor, and the folk of the air trilogy by holly black they’re all really good.
this has turned into a recommendations thingy huh. what is my identity but the media i consume to fill the void of my being
3.  dog person or cat person?
im much more of a cat person because dogs exhaust/overwhelm me after a while but i still do like dogs!!! i prefer bigger dogs but not if they bark :( if your dog doesn’t bark much i will be their friend
cats are so good tho i would die for any and all
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heoneyology · 5 years
50 questions tag
yay I found one of the things I was tagged in!!! by a lot of people!! before it gets too lost in my favorites!! so I think @helloicarus, @youremytreasure98, and @parkseonghwa are all the people who tagged me?
1. What takes up too much of your time?
work, first and foremost...
2. What makes your day better?
my cats, my boyfriend, jooheon’s dimples, the photocards of jooheon and hongjoong I now have in my phone case, tacos, and naps!
3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today?
my boss told me I could have the day off... but then I realized I wasn’t going to have back-to-back days off this week alkdjfksdk
4. What fictional place would you like to go?
uhh anywhere high fantasy tbh? chromeria (brent weeks lightbringer series), the known world (game of thrones), cosmere (brandon sanderson’s stormlight archive and more), middle earth (the hobbit), uhhh also harry potter?
5. Are you good at giving advice?
I try but??? I personally don’t feel like I am
6. Do you have any mental illness?
generalized anxiety
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis?
once when I was a kid, I literally had no idea what was going on I was so young, and it scared me half to death. I begged my mom to sleep in the living room with me that night and we watched late night cartoons together until I was convinced it was safe to fall back to sleep.
8. What musician inspired you the most?
linkin park and chester bennington. also block b, and zico.
9. Have you ever fallen in love?
yes! and I’m still amazed some days he puts up with me, but he’s my best friend
10. What’s your dream date
staying in bed all day and reading or watching a movie and cuddling, or hiking and tacos after we finish the hike (this is our go-to date actually lol)
11. What do other people notice about you?
I get told a lot that it’s my smile?
12. What is the annoying habit you have?
when I’m anxious or not keeping my mind occupied I have a habit of either chewing my lip until it’s bleeding or subconsciously scratching at my arms or forehead :’))
13. Do you still talk to your first love?
yeah, I live with him my boyfriend is the only person I’ve seriously been in a long term relationship with and I don’t consider past dates or crushes 
14. How many ex’s do you have?
none, I don’t consider the people I went on a lunch or dinner date with a couple times as serious relationships, so...
15. How many songs are on your playlist?
I don’t know akljdf;ljsdf I switched to using spotify and things aren’t exactly organized over there...
16. What instruments can you play?
none now but I used to be able to play the flute
17. Who do you have the most pictures of?
my cats and.....
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18. Where would you like to go before you die?
new zealand, south korea, and japan!
19. What is your zodiac?
libra sun (gemini moon and libra asc)
20. Do you relate to it?
a decent amount for certain personality things, but for like my mindset I think I relate more to my ascending libra and gemini moon than I do my sun libra?
21. What is happiness to you?
wherever you feel at ease, and whatever fills your heart with an inexplicable warmth
22. Are you going through anything right now?
not... in particular...?
23. What is the worst decision you’ve ever made?
when I finally put my first cat, who grew up with me all the way to me turning 18 years old, down because he was old and at the end of his life... I just turned him over to the vet because I couldn’t handle staying in the room with him, and I hate myself to this day for it
24. What is your favourite store?
the internet...
25. What is your opinion on abortion?
your body, your choice
26. Do you have a bucket list?
kind of? it’s more like just a travel bucket list, there are just places I really want to go someday
27. Do you have a favourite album at the moment?
take 1. are you there (monsta x), treasure ep 1 & 2 (ateez)
28. What do you want for your birthday?
to move out of this city/state... I’m kinda over it now lol
29. What are most people’s first impression of you?
uhh... no idea :’))
30. What age do you seem according to most people?
well when I was younger, everyone kept telling me I was older. now that I’m older, everyone keeps telling me I seem younger like I’m 21 alkdsjfk;lsdj
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping?
nightstand next to my bed
32. What word do you say the most?
33. What’s the oldest age you would date?
probably someone around 10 years older? so someone close to 30? age gaps kind of start to mean less the older you get...
34. What’s the youngest age you would date?
5 years (20) is the cutoff for someone younger
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you?
doctor or nurse
36. What’s your favourite music genre?
everything akldjfksdf.... rock, alternative, kpop, edm... even country since I grew up with it
37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be?
somewhere with better health care please
38. What is your current favourite song?
I suck at choosing favorites of anything so I’ll pass on this alkdjfksdf it depends on my mood LOL
39. How long have you had this blog for?
8 years!!
40. What are you excited for?
monsta x in august!! lowkey mostly meeting jooheon aklsdjfkslj
41. Are you a better talker or listener?
42. What is the last productive thing you do?
nothing. I did absolutely nothing productive today.
43. What do you want for Christmas?
to move somewhere new lmfao
44. What class do you get the best grades in?
when I was in school it was english/literature
45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling rn?
46. What can you see yourself doing In 10 years?
I don’t know cries it’d be nice to be living somewhere else?? close to friends, with lots of cats and pets like I’ve always wanted, maybe finally having a book published akdjflksdf and traveling a lot
47. When did you get your first heart broken?
when I put aforementioned cat from a few questions ago down
48. At what age do you want to get married?
no time constraint, I don’t really care either way
49. What career did you want to have as a child?
50. What do you crave now?
hot wings, and to live somewhere that isn’t where I live right now
I’m not tagging anyone because I’ve lost count of how many people have done it!!! but if you see this and want to participate tag me so I can see you did it c:
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letshidetogether · 7 years
I was tagged by @theweirdgirlthatlikesmetal to answer some questions, thank you so much for tagging me again :D
1. How tall are you? about 5 ft 7 I think
2. What color and style is your hair? Dyed black (gonna dye my roots red in a bit though) it’s kinda wavy and frizzy. There’s nothing I can do about that.
3. What color are your eyes? grey/blue
4. Do you wear glasses? Not yet but digital art is ruining my eyes so probably soon
5. Do you have braces? no, but my teeth aren’t the best
6. What is your fashion sense?   Black clothes? Black everything. Haven’t reached my Goth goals quite yet.
7. Do you have any siblings? Yeah! 3. 2 brothers and a sister
8. What kind of student are you? Quite hardworking but also quite burnt out and tired and waiting for it all to end. (SOON)
9. What are your favourite subjects? Art! Medieval History, Classical Civilisations
10. What are your favourite TV shows? Gotham, Lucifer, Supergirl, Buffy, Constantine, The Mentalist, Anything DC animated (BATMAN BRAVE AND THE BOLD) I watch loads of cartoons tbh. I don't have much of a life.
11. Favorite books? Lord of the Rings trilogy, Millennium rule, Brandon Sandersons Cosmere books, Everything by Robin Hobb just everything. There are so many but I always forget when asked.
12. Favorite pastimes? Reading, playing video games, Drawing and doing art in general, watching cool shows, reading comics,
13. Any regrets? Not doing a game art course instead of Illustration, Not going to Lincoln Uni. Most of my regrets are Uni related. 14. What is your dream job? Concept art for Video Games or just art for games in general. If not then comics
15. Do you want to get married? Yeah definitely. Marriage isn’t for everyone but I would LOVE to one day be bonded to my best friend forever.
16. Do you want to have kids and how many?   Not really. I have an intense phobia of being pregnant. It fills me with panic and fear
17. How many countries have you visited? not sure exactly. 8 I think. Mostly European countries.
I shall taaaaag @leprozorium @ofhumannoise @nymerasnightmares @kaisooranger @sci-fiandentropy @laultimalobasolitaria @thoughts-of-an-x-factor​ idk who else. If you wanna chat with me then do it and tag me i’d love to see :)
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chumsterfire · 1 year
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Words of Radiance: Chapter 74 Striding The Storm
"Eepy Secret Radiants"
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chumsterfire · 1 year
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Younger Kaladin and little Cenn.
Way of Kings: Chapter 1 Stormblessed
here's shorter-haired kaladin in sadeas' colors
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