#campus amiens
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lavieestbelle · 2 months ago
LE RELAIS DU CAMPUS | Bar | Amiens | Somme | Picardie | Hauts-De-France | France – Bar de quartier / Café expos / Café concerts / Qg des Artistes locaux / Point rencontres / 421 / Fléchettes
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business-made-in-france · 2 months ago
LE RELAIS DU CAMPUS | Bar | Amiens | Somme | Picardie | Hauts-De-France | France – Bar de quartier / Café expos / Café concerts / Qg des Artistes locaux / Point rencontres / 421 / Fléchettes
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realita-lampung · 1 year ago
Polri Campus Creator Competition 2023, Ajang Generasi Muda Berkreasi
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Kadiv Humas Polri membuka Awarding Night Polri Campus Creator Competition 2023 di Auditorium Mutiara STIK Lemdiklat Polri, Jakarta Selatan. Kompetisi kreasi digital ini telah diikuti oleh 147 mahasiswa dari seluruh Indonesia. Kadiv Humas Polri menyatakan, ajang ini di laksanakan salah satunya merupakan rangkaian Hari Jadi Ke-72 Humas Polri dan juga berawal dari kesadaran Polri akan ruang lingkup digital yang semakin luas. Oleh karenanya, ruang digital harus dimanfaatkan secara lebih positif. Sebagaimana arahan Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Polri tak hanya menjadi pengayom dan pelindung masyarakat, tetapi juga turut andil mewujudkan Indonesia Emas. Dalam mewujudkan hal itu, generasi muda menjadi penerus bangsa yang akan menggoncang dunia dengan kreativitasnya. “Dalam era yang serba digital saat ini, Polri terus berupaya untuk menyalurkan bakat-bakat digital yang dimiliki generasi muda melalui program-program positif, sehingga dapat membantu program pemerintah dalam menumbuhkan kembangkan sumber daya manusia Indonesia,” ujar Kadiv Humas, Selasa (3/10/23). Menurut Kadiv Humas, terlebih saat tahun politik ini, ruang digital harus dimanfaatkan secara positif untuk mencegah terjadinya perpecahan. Lebih lanjut Kadiv Humas menerangkan, kompetisi kreasi di ruang digital ini diharapkan dapat mengasah, meningkatkan, dan merangkul generasi muda untuk semakin membuat konten-konten kreatif. Tak dipungkiri, banyak gagasan yang hadir dalam ruang-ruang digital menjadi inspirasi Polri untuk lebih mewujudkan Korps Bhayangkara yang PRESISI. Kepada seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti kompetisi ini, ujar Kadiv Humas, apresiasi setinggi-tingginya dihaturkan. Diharapkan, dari sini lahir generasi penerus bangsa yang kreatif. “Saya berharap nantinya para peserta dapat terus mengisi ruang digital dengan konten-konten positif serta menginspirasi generasi muda lainnya agar ruang digital dapat terjaga dan terpelihara dengan baik,” jelas Kadiv Humas. Berikut pemenang dalam Polri Campus Creator Competion 2023: Juara I - Muhammad Dhanial Multazam Juara II - Jose Pedros Sare Mbake Juara III - Sufi Syafili Juara Favorit - Cindy Wulan Mustika Hadiah Hiburan - Rois Al Amien Abdillah - Jaka Purnama - Wilitama Tantosa - Benny B Hendri - Gloria Cindy Estefan - Muhammad Naufal Al Majid Kemudian diberikan penghargaan kepada juri, yakni: - Kendra Paramita (Ilustrator dan Desainer Senior Tempo) - Kadek Arini (Travel Vlogger) - IPTU Prisma Permana Pamin Bag PK Ro Mulmed Divhumas Polri) Read the full article
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ftbx · 7 years ago
Nothing But A Beat Down Spécial " Synthwave for the Masses "
Nothing But A Beat Down Spécial ” Synthwave for the Masses “
Jay FTBX à la tête de l’émission Métal HxC “Nothing But A Beatdown” diffusée sur Radio Campus Amiens et sur le web sort dans sentiers battus en proposant une émission #110 ” Synthwave for the masses ” la version gros son 10’s du synthé qu’on entend dans les films des années 80’s (vous aurez reconnu John Carpenter au passage) A écouter ICI Les anciennes émissions sont dispo sur Mixcloud (15…
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idracindia · 4 years ago
Become remarkable!!
IDRAC Business School India campus.
Choosing to attend IDRAC Business School also means choosing a different approach to learning and to meeting future career challenges. IDRAC Business School has campuses in 9 cities around France – Amiens, Bordeaux, Grenoble, Lyon, Montpellier, Nantes, Nice, Paris, and Toulouse. 
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djhmusic · 4 years ago
Listen to RADIO CAMPUS AMIENS (France) ... you can listen to my music, for example on September 2nd you listened to the EP of GREAT OCEANS!
https://www.facebook.com/Radio.Campus.Amiens/?ref=page_internal https://open.spotify.com/track/4sxSvgp1NLBBXz8bWcPTBh?si=3i4XPkeZQAa9ZwT4PyBngA
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tsis20 · 5 years ago
Throughout the week, I photographed in the style of the French photographer, Eugène Atget (1857-1927). Atget is known primarily for his cityscapes of Amiens, Paris, Versailles, and many other towns around France. Throughout his work, he uses a wide range of compositional techniques ranging from leading lines to symmetrical compositions to the rule of thirds. As I tried to photograph Atget's iconic style, I found it a bit challenging to transform simple scenes around campus into unique yet intriguing scenes. In terms of using my smartphone to photograph this week, I found it was not difficult at all to recreate Atget’s images primarily because there was not any special equipment needed such as external lighting. These days, our smartphones are so advanced that they do not have any difficulty photographing in poor conditions.
Eugène Atget’s work accurately reflects Szarkowski’s analysis of the photographic medium, as Atget aimed to use his photos to reveal the “Old Paris” before the new wave of Haussmannian architecture which is seen in today's Paris. Out of Szarkowski’s five characteristics, “the thing itself” is one of the most prevalent characteristics seen throughout his work. Atget’s wide collection of photos reveals the Paris of the past, showing the innocence of the “Old Paris” through the empty alleyways, abandoned residential building, and rundown neighborhoods. Even notable artists, such as Picasso, Matisse, and Man Ray, were all mesmerized by the Atget's compositions and how they unveiled the underlying truth of the gentrification that was occurring during the late 19th century. Despite the iconic architecture of modern Paris remain imprinted in our minds, Atget's photos continue to serve as a time capsules of the past.
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automaticvr · 5 years ago
FAMILY ROMANCE OR THE AUGMENTED REALITY, Ana Borralho & João Galante, 2019 Ana Borralho & João Galante are fascinated by the new communication technologies, not so much because of the increasingly impressive capacities that these have, or because of the attraction that each new gadget creates, but because of the way in which these technologies are transforming age-old social models and relations at an alarming rate. Whereas, until the twentieth century, audio-visual devices were designed for mass consumption, in the new millennium the focus is now placed on each citizen and their idiosyncrasies. The mass use of individualised digital equipment in every area is creating ways of life in which the notion of the social body has imploded and almost disappeared. Family Romance or The augmented reality looks at these symptoms through the use of recent technological devices. What are the psychic effects of extreme individualisation? Is the real world at risk of becoming lost in the virtual world? Together with a group of the local community members, Ana Borralho & João Galante invite us to explore a future that has already begun. Conceito, Direcção Artística e Espaço / Concept, Artistic and Space Direction: Ana Borralho & João Galante Co-criação, Actores / Co-creation, Actors: Ana Freitas, Cláudio da Silva Co-criação, Assistência de Ensaio e Performer / Co-creation, Rehearsal Assistance & Performer: Alface (Cátia Leitão), Catarina Gonçalves Co-criação, Assistência Técnica e Performer / Co-creation, Technical Assistance & Performer: Tiago Gandra Assistência de Ensaio e Performer / Rehearsal Assistance & Performer: Daniel Matos Performers: 10 participantes da comunidade local / 10 participants from the local community - Alexandre Crespo, André de Campos, Barbara Bruno, Beatriz Garrucho, Eva Fornelos, João Meirinhos, Luara Learth, Maria Lalande, Mariana Santos e Ricardo Vaz Trindade Dramaturgia, Colaboração Artística / Dramaturgy, Artistic Collaboration: Fernando J. Ribeiro Assistência de Encenação / Direction Assistance: Antonia Buresi Desenho de Luz / Light Design: Eduardo Abdala Banda Sonora Original / Original Soundtrack: Coolgate Desenvolvimento de Multimédia / Multimedia Development: ArticaCC Direcção Executiva e Administração / Executive and Admin. Direction: Mónica Samões Direcção de Produção e Difusão / Production and Touring Direction: Andrea Sozzi Produção Executiva / Executive Production: Joana Duarte Uma produção / Production: casaBranca Co-produção / Co-Production: Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos - Culturgest, Le phénix pôle européen de création décentralisé au théâtre de Denain dans le cadre du Campus Amiens-Valenciennes avec le soutien du programme Culture pour tous du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication Apoio / Support: Espaço Alkantara, Pólo Cultural Gaivotas, O Rumo do Fumo, Arisco - Instituição para a Promoção Social e da Saúde, Forall Phones, Pro.Dança-Escola de Dança e Produção de Espectáculos
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realita-lampung · 1 year ago
Polri Campus Creator Competition 2023, Ajang Generasi Muda Berkreasi
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Kadiv Humas Polri membuka Awarding Night Polri Campus Creator Competition 2023 di Auditorium Mutiara STIK Lemdiklat Polri, Jakarta Selatan. Kompetisi kreasi digital ini telah diikuti oleh 147 mahasiswa dari seluruh Indonesia. Kadiv Humas Polri menyatakan, ajang ini di laksanakan salah satunya merupakan rangkaian Hari Jadi Ke-72 Humas Polri dan juga berawal dari kesadaran Polri akan ruang lingkup digital yang semakin luas. Oleh karenanya, ruang digital harus dimanfaatkan secara lebih positif. Sebagaimana arahan Kapolri Jenderal Polisi Drs. Listyo Sigit Prabowo, Polri tak hanya menjadi pengayom dan pelindung masyarakat, tetapi juga turut andil mewujudkan Indonesia Emas. Dalam mewujudkan hal itu, generasi muda menjadi penerus bangsa yang akan menggoncang dunia dengan kreativitasnya. “Dalam era yang serba digital saat ini, Polri terus berupaya untuk menyalurkan bakat-bakat digital yang dimiliki generasi muda melalui program-program positif, sehingga dapat membantu program pemerintah dalam menumbuhkan kembangkan sumber daya manusia Indonesia,” ujar Kadiv Humas, Selasa (3/10/23). Menurut Kadiv Humas, terlebih saat tahun politik ini, ruang digital harus dimanfaatkan secara positif untuk mencegah terjadinya perpecahan. Lebih lanjut Kadiv Humas menerangkan, kompetisi kreasi di ruang digital ini diharapkan dapat mengasah, meningkatkan, dan merangkul generasi muda untuk semakin membuat konten-konten kreatif. Tak dipungkiri, banyak gagasan yang hadir dalam ruang-ruang digital menjadi inspirasi Polri untuk lebih mewujudkan Korps Bhayangkara yang PRESISI. Kepada seluruh peserta yang telah mengikuti kompetisi ini, ujar Kadiv Humas, apresiasi setinggi-tingginya dihaturkan. Diharapkan, dari sini lahir generasi penerus bangsa yang kreatif. “Saya berharap nantinya para peserta dapat terus mengisi ruang digital dengan konten-konten positif serta menginspirasi generasi muda lainnya agar ruang digital dapat terjaga dan terpelihara dengan baik,” jelas Kadiv Humas. Berikut pemenang dalam Polri Campus Creator Competion 2023: Juara I - Muhammad Dhanial Multazam Juara II - Jose Pedros Sare Mbake Juara III - Sufi Syafili Juara Favorit - Cindy Wulan Mustika Hadiah Hiburan - Rois Al Amien Abdillah - Jaka Purnama - Wilitama Tantosa - Benny B Hendri - Gloria Cindy Estefan - Muhammad Naufal Al Majid Kemudian diberikan penghargaan kepada juri, yakni: - Kendra Paramita (Ilustrator dan Desainer Senior Tempo) - Kadek Arini (Travel Vlogger) - IPTU Prisma Permana Pamin Bag PK Ro Mulmed Divhumas Polri) Read the full article
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artwalktv · 6 years ago
The coldest race on earth. A Short Animation by Hanne Berkaak. http://bit.ly/30AqSvd Always Last embarks on an adventurous marathon through the ice cold and mythic landscape of Lapland. But she soon discovers that the run is not going to be a straight line between start and finish. Finally, it is not about winning or losing. The risk is losing yourself. CREDITS Written and directed by: Hanne Berkaak Backgrounds: Hanne Berkaak, Magnhild Winsnes, Finnbarr Martin Animation: Josefine Hannibal, Narissa Schander, Ole Christian Løken, Adam Boklund, Hanne Berkaak Compositing: Harj Bains Effects animation: Narissa Schander Editing: Ulf Tønder Flittig Sound design: Jo Schumann, Trond Nedberg Composer: Jo Schumann Musicians: Erland Dahlen, Jo Schumann Mix: Trond Nedberg for Das Hit, Lars Jørgen Goberg Produced with the participation of Norwegian Film Institute, Fond for lyd og bilde, Sámediggi Festival distribution: Norwegian Film Institute http://bit.ly/2VBWxbU Producers: Lise Fearnley & Tonje Skar Reiersen Produced by Mikrofilm AS © 2015 http://bit.ly/30zobd1 FESTIVALS The Norwegian Short Film Festival 2015 The Norwegian International Film Festival 2015 Helsinki International Film Festival Love & Anarchy 2015 Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF) 2015 Anim'est international Animation Film Festival 2015 32nd Chicago International Children’s Film Festival 2015 Films from the South 2015 Fredrikstad Animation Festival 2015 Noordelijk Film Festival 2015 21st Festival on Wheels 2015 Hammerfest Kort & kald 2015 IndieLisboa International Independent Film Festival 2016 26th Tromsø International Film Festival (TIFF) 2016 Flickerfest, 25th Internatioal Short Film Festival 2016 Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2016 Anima, The Brussels Animation Film Festival 2016 Blon - Baltic Sea and Nordic Region Animation and Video Games Festival 2016 19th FIFEM - Festival International du film pour enfants de Montréal 2016 Tricky Women International Animation Filmfestival 2016 14th Plein la Boubine Sancy Film Festival for Young People 2016 Little Big Shots - Australia's International Film Festival for Kids 2016 34th Filmfest München Children's Film Festival 2016 18th Mo&Friese Children's Short Film Festival Hamburg 2016 Vilnius International Film Festival Kino Pavasaris 2016 7th BCN Sports Film Festival 2016 Filmkunstfest - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2016 Cinema in Sneakers Film Festival for Children and Youth 2016 Verdens beste barnefilmfestival 2016 Animation Night, KloosterKino & Cultuur op de Campus 2016 The 34th International Filmfest München 2016 The 20th International Umbria Film Festival 2016 T-Mobile New Horizons International Film Festival 2016 Run Nation Running Film Festival 2016 The 16th International Animation Festival Hiroshima 2016 El Meu Primer Festival 2016 22nd Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival 2016 Tenerife Shorts - Tenerife International Film Festival 2016 Festival international du film d'Amiens 2016 Grafixx 2016 KUKI - 9th International Short Film Festival for Children and Youth 2016 36th Amiens International Film Festival 2016 SCHLINGEL - the 21th International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience 2016 Reykjavik International Film Festival 2016 Uppsala International Short Film Festival 2016 Brest European Short Film Festival 2016 My First Festival 2016 Autrans International Mountain & Adventure Film Festival 2016 Femmina internasjonale filmfestival 2016 13th Animateka International Animated Film Festival 2016 Cinética 2017 Black Movie Film Festival 2017 IndieJunior Allianz: International Children's and Youth Film Festival of Porto 2017 European Youth Film Festival of Flanders 2017 Glasgow Short Film Festival 2017 6th Kiki International Film Festival for Kids 2017 PICURT - Mountain Film Festival of the Pyrenees 2017 The 35th Carrousel international du film de Rimouski 2017 TimiKids Competition of the Timishort Film Festival 2017 shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfestival 2017 Premiers Plans Film Festival (30th Angers Film Festival) 2018 http://bit.ly/30zobd1 http://bit.ly/2Vymn0p
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ftbx · 3 years ago
Rampage magazine nous rappelle via son Facebook que Jay ‘rambo’ FTBX aligne les bonnes musiques sur Radio Campus Amiens à base de métal HxC et Hip Hop US de la grande époque. Le numéro 264 aborde le hip hop tel qu’entendu dans les clips de skateboard des années 90 début 2000’s A écouter ici http://www.radiocampusamiens.fr/nbab-264-hip-hop-momo-sk8-videos-edition/ NBAB sur Facebook ici…
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automaticar · 5 years ago
FAMILY ROMANCE OR THE AUGMENTED REALITY, Ana Borralho & João Galante, 2019 Ana Borralho & João Galante are fascinated by the new communication technologies, not so much because of the increasingly impressive capacities that these have, or because of the attraction that each new gadget creates, but because of the way in which these technologies are transforming age-old social models and relations at an alarming rate. Whereas, until the twentieth century, audio-visual devices were designed for mass consumption, in the new millennium the focus is now placed on each citizen and their idiosyncrasies. The mass use of individualised digital equipment in every area is creating ways of life in which the notion of the social body has imploded and almost disappeared. Family Romance or The augmented reality looks at these symptoms through the use of recent technological devices. What are the psychic effects of extreme individualisation? Is the real world at risk of becoming lost in the virtual world? Together with a group of the local community members, Ana Borralho & João Galante invite us to explore a future that has already begun. Conceito, Direcção Artística e Espaço / Concept, Artistic and Space Direction: Ana Borralho & João Galante Co-criação, Actores / Co-creation, Actors: Ana Freitas, Cláudio da Silva Co-criação, Assistência de Ensaio e Performer / Co-creation, Rehearsal Assistance & Performer: Alface (Cátia Leitão), Catarina Gonçalves Co-criação, Assistência Técnica e Performer / Co-creation, Technical Assistance & Performer: Tiago Gandra Assistência de Ensaio e Performer / Rehearsal Assistance & Performer: Daniel Matos Performers: 10 participantes da comunidade local / 10 participants from the local community - Alexandre Crespo, André de Campos, Barbara Bruno, Beatriz Garrucho, Eva Fornelos, João Meirinhos, Luara Learth, Maria Lalande, Mariana Santos e Ricardo Vaz Trindade Dramaturgia, Colaboração Artística / Dramaturgy, Artistic Collaboration: Fernando J. Ribeiro Assistência de Encenação / Direction Assistance: Antonia Buresi Desenho de Luz / Light Design: Eduardo Abdala Banda Sonora Original / Original Soundtrack: Coolgate Desenvolvimento de Multimédia / Multimedia Development: ArticaCC Direcção Executiva e Administração / Executive and Admin. Direction: Mónica Samões Direcção de Produção e Difusão / Production and Touring Direction: Andrea Sozzi Produção Executiva / Executive Production: Joana Duarte Uma produção / Production: casaBranca Co-produção / Co-Production: Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos - Culturgest, Le phénix pôle européen de création décentralisé au théâtre de Denain dans le cadre du Campus Amiens-Valenciennes avec le soutien du programme Culture pour tous du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication Apoio / Support: Espaço Alkantara, Pólo Cultural Gaivotas, O Rumo do Fumo, Arisco - Instituição para a Promoção Social e da Saúde, Forall Phones, Pro.Dança-Escola de Dança e Produção de Espectáculos
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ozkamal · 6 years ago
The coldest race on earth. A Short Animation by Hanne Berkaak. http://bit.ly/2Q3WGnh Always Last embarks on an adventurous marathon through the ice cold and mythic landscape of Lapland. But she soon discovers that the run is not going to be a straight line between start and finish. Finally, it is not about winning or losing. The risk is losing yourself. CREDITS Written and directed by: Hanne Berkaak Backgrounds: Hanne Berkaak, Magnhild Winsnes, Finnbarr Martin Animation: Josefine Hannibal, Narissa Schander, Ole Christian Løken, Adam Boklund, Hanne Berkaak Compositing: Harj Bains Effects animation: Narissa Schander Editing: Ulf Tønder Flittig Sound design: Jo Schumann, Trond Nedberg Composer: Jo Schumann Musicians: Erland Dahlen, Jo Schumann Mix: Trond Nedberg for Das Hit, Lars Jørgen Goberg Produced with the participation of Norwegian Film Institute, Fond for lyd og bilde, Sámediggi Festival distribution: Norwegian Film Institute www.nfi.no Producers: Lise Fearnley & Tonje Skar Reiersen Produced by Mikrofilm AS © 2015 http://mikrofilm.no/ FESTIVALS The Norwegian Short Film Festival 2015 The Norwegian International Film Festival 2015 Helsinki International Film Festival Love & Anarchy 2015 Bucheon International Animation Festival (BIAF) 2015 Anim'est international Animation Film Festival 2015 32nd Chicago International Children’s Film Festival 2015 Films from the South 2015 Fredrikstad Animation Festival 2015 Noordelijk Film Festival 2015 21st Festival on Wheels 2015 Hammerfest Kort & kald 2015 IndieLisboa International Independent Film Festival 2016 26th Tromsø International Film Festival (TIFF) 2016 Flickerfest, 25th Internatioal Short Film Festival 2016 Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival 2016 Anima, The Brussels Animation Film Festival 2016 Blon - Baltic Sea and Nordic Region Animation and Video Games Festival 2016 19th FIFEM - Festival International du film pour enfants de Montréal 2016 Tricky Women International Animation Filmfestival 2016 14th Plein la Boubine Sancy Film Festival for Young People 2016 Little Big Shots - Australia's International Film Festival for Kids 2016 34th Filmfest München Children's Film Festival 2016 18th Mo&Friese Children's Short Film Festival Hamburg 2016 Vilnius International Film Festival Kino Pavasaris 2016 7th BCN Sports Film Festival 2016 Filmkunstfest - Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2016 Cinema in Sneakers Film Festival for Children and Youth 2016 Verdens beste barnefilmfestival 2016 Animation Night, KloosterKino & Cultuur op de Campus 2016 The 34th International Filmfest München 2016 The 20th International Umbria Film Festival 2016 T-Mobile New Horizons International Film Festival 2016 Run Nation Running Film Festival 2016 The 16th International Animation Festival Hiroshima 2016 El Meu Primer Festival 2016 22nd Encounters Short Film & Animation Festival 2016 Tenerife Shorts - Tenerife International Film Festival 2016 Festival international du film d'Amiens 2016 Grafixx 2016 KUKI - 9th International Short Film Festival for Children and Youth 2016 36th Amiens International Film Festival 2016 SCHLINGEL - the 21th International Film Festival for Children and Young Audience 2016 Reykjavik International Film Festival 2016 Uppsala International Short Film Festival 2016 Brest European Short Film Festival 2016 My First Festival 2016 Autrans International Mountain & Adventure Film Festival 2016 Femmina internasjonale filmfestival 2016 13th Animateka International Animated Film Festival 2016 Cinética 2017 Black Movie Film Festival 2017 IndieJunior Allianz: International Children's and Youth Film Festival of Porto 2017 European Youth Film Festival of Flanders 2017 Glasgow Short Film Festival 2017 6th Kiki International Film Festival for Kids 2017 PICURT - Mountain Film Festival of the Pyrenees 2017 The 35th Carrousel international du film de Rimouski 2017 TimiKids Competition of the Timishort Film Festival 2017 shnit Worldwide Shortfilmfestival 2017 Premiers Plans Film Festival (30th Angers Film Festival) 2018 http://mikrofilm.no/ http://bit.ly/2w1syQ7
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azveille · 6 years ago
Intérêt d'une appli mobile pour le maintien du sevrage tabagique
Une application mobile inspirée des thérapies cognitivo-comportementales semble apporter une aide à l'arrêt du tabac et au maintien du sevrage, selon les résultats d'une enquête présentés au congrès de la Société française d'alcoologie (SFA), en fin de semaine dernière à Amiens.
Le recours à l'outil numérique pour arrêter de fumer vise notamment à faciliter l'accès aux soins. De précédentes données suggèrent que les applis mobiles permettent d'obtenir un taux d'abstinence entre 13% et 24% mais il important d'évaluer leur impact sur le maintien du sevrage tabagique et la prévention de la rechute, indiquent Luz Bastamante du laboratoire de psychanalyse et développement (Clipsyd) à l'université Paris Nanterre et ses collègues dans leur poster.
Dans cette étude, ils rapportent les résultats d'une enquête menée auprès des utilisateurs de l'appli Kwit* conçue par Geoffrey Kretz initialement en 2012 et développée avec le Clipsyd et l'université de Strasbourg.
Cette appli est conçue pour le maintien du sevrage tabagique et repose sur les principes de ludification ou gamification et sur des thérapies cognitivo-comportementales (TCC), notamment le feedback et le renforcement positif, notent les auteurs.
Sur son site internet, la société explique que l'idée est de rendre l'arrêt du tabac "amusant" (passage à des niveaux supérieurs) et d'"induire des changements de comportement chez [ses] utilisateurs tout en les encourageant à rester déterminés". Le renforcement positif consiste à "encourage[r] les bons comportements sans critiquer les mauvais", à "valorise[r] [les] utilisateurs et renforce[r] leur énergie".
L'appli propose un tableau de bord personnalisé pour suivre ses progrès au quotidien, les jours passés sans cigarette, l'argent économisé, le nombre de cigarettes non fumées... En cas de tentation, l'utilisateur peut secouer son téléphone et l'appli délivre des conseils et des messages d'encouragement.
Pour évaluer l'appli, 255 personnes qui l'utilisent depuis trois mois ont été interrogées: 69,4% se déclaraient non-fumeuses et 77% estimaient ne pas avoir eu de rechute (16% entre une et trois, 3% entre trois et sept et 4% plus de sept).
Les utilisateurs qui paient un abonnement (fonctionnalités avancées comme accès illimité au journal de bord, plus de données et de conseils de motivation) sont plus nombreux à attribuer un rôle à l'appli dans leur sevrage: 40,5% considèrent qu'elle joue un rôle important et 16,5% un rôle déterminant, contre respectivement 29,1% et 14,9% pour la version gratuite.
Près des trois quarts (74%) des utilisateurs recommandent fortement l'application, le niveau de recommandation étant corrélé au rôle qu'ils attribuent à l'appli dans le maintien de leur sevrage.
Les auteurs citent par ailleurs de précédents résultats tirés d'une analyse qualitative, suggérant que les caractéristiques spécifiques de l'appli et l'aspect motivationnel notamment participent au maintien du sevrage et à la satisfaction des utilisateurs.
Des études menées aux Etats-Unis
Interrogé par APMnews sur l'évaluation scientifique de l'efficacité de l'appli, Geoffrey Kretz indique que deux études sont en cours aux Etats-Unis, menées par l'université de Pittsburgh, dont une est randomisée, contrôlée, avec le soutien du National Cancer Institute (NCI). Une troisième doit débuter prochainement chez des vétérans. Une quatrième pourrait être lancée chez des femmes enceintes.
En France, outre le partenariat avec les universités de Paris Nanterre et Strasbourg, il ajoute être en contact avec l'agence régionale de santé (ARS) Grand Est. Pour ce qui est de son souhait de faire reconnaître l'appli comme solution de sevrage par l'assurance maladie au même titre que les substituts nicotiniques, pour le moment, cette démarche n'a pas avancé "devant la difficulté de la tâche".
Disponible en 12 langues, l'appli a été téléchargée environ 1,3 million de fois dans le monde et 250.000 fois en France, poursuit le président fondateur de Kwit. Il n'a toutefois pas souhaité préciser le nombre d'abonnements payants, qui avait dépassé 1.200 en juin 2018, comme la société l'avait indiqué dans un communiqué de presse.
Kwit a par ailleurs des partenariats outre-Atlantique avec l'université de San Francisco, qui propose l'appli aux 13.000 étudiants et employés présents sur le campus dans le cadre d'une campagne financée par le NCI, et l'assureur canadien Sunlife, qui intègre l'appli dans son panier de services accessibles à ses 6 millions de clients. En France, des discussions sont en cours avec des entreprises.
La start-up avait notamment levé des fonds en juillet 2018 auprès d'Alsace Business Angels et de Yeast. Elle a été sélectionnée en février par le nouvel accélérateur de startups du Grand Est, Scal'E-nov, parmi 24 sociétés pour bénéficier d'un soutien sur 2019-2021, note-t-on.
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touralternatiba-blog · 7 years ago
Radio Campus Amiens - 15 Mai 2018
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automaticvr · 5 years ago
FAMILY ROMANCE OR THE AUGMENTED REALITY, 2019 Ana Borralho & João Galante are fascinated by the new communication technologies, not so much because of the increasingly impressive capacities that these have, or because of the attraction that each new gadget creates, but because of the way in which these technologies are transforming age-old social models and relations at an alarming rate. Whereas, until the twentieth century, audio-visual devices were designed for mass consumption, in the new millennium the focus is now placed on each citizen and their idiosyncrasies. The mass use of individualised digital equipment in every area is creating ways of life in which the notion of the social body has imploded and almost disappeared. Family Romance or The augmented reality looks at these symptoms through the use of recent technological devices. What are the psychic effects of extreme individualisation? Is the real world at risk of becoming lost in the virtual world? Together with a group of the local community members, Ana Borralho & João Galante invite us to explore a future that has already begun. Conceito, Direcção Artística e Espaço / Concept, Artistic and Space Direction: Ana Borralho & João Galante Dramaturgia, Colaboração Artística / Dramaturgy, Artistic Collaboration: Fernando J. Ribeiro Desenho de Luz / Light Design: Eduardo Abdala Banda Sonora Original / Original Soundtrack: Coolgate aka João Galante Desenvolvimento de Multimédia / Multimedia Development: ArticaCC Co-criação, Actores / Co-creation, Actors: Ana Freitas, Cláudio da Silva Co-criação, Assistência de Ensaio e Performer / Co-creation, Rehearsal Assistance & Performer: Alface (Cátia Leitão), Catarina Gonçalves Co-criação, Assistência Técnica e Performer / Co-creation, Technical Assistance & Performer: Tiago Gandra Assistência de Ensaio e Performer / Rehearsal Assistance & Performer: Daniel Matos, Antonia Buresi Performers: 10 participantes da comunidade local / 10 participants from the local community - (Lisboa) Alexandre Crespo, André de Campos, Barbara Bruno, Beatriz Garrucho, Eva Fornelos, João Meirinhos, Luara Learth, Maria Lalande, Mariana Santos e Ricardo Vaz Trindade Direcção Executiva e Administração / Executive and Admin. Direction: Mónica Samões Direcção de Produção e Difusão / Production and Touring Direction: Andrea Sozzi Produção Executiva / Executive Production: Joana Duarte Uma produção / Production: casaBranca Co-produção / Co-Production: Fundação Caixa Geral de Depósitos - Culturgest, Le phénix pôle européen de création décentralisé au théâtre de Denain dans le cadre du Campus Amiens-Valenciennes avec le soutien du programme Culture pour tous du Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication Apoio / Support: Espaço Alkantara, Pólo Cultural Gaivotas, O Rumo do Fumo, Arisco - Instituição para a Promoção Social e da Saúde, Forall Phones, Pro.Dança-Escola de Dança e Produção de Espectáculos
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