#callum isnt listed despite being a murderous vampire n susannah is an angry spirit now but im sure thats understandable
tedrick · 3 years
worst ocs off the top of my head ranked
karma. criminally insane fallen angel demon corrupted entity hellbent on ruining lives for the pure fun of it. revenge and pain and hatred personified trapped in a delusional ig influencer weaboo girl
Maalik. dude psychologically torments ppl w the express goal of killing or corrupting them so he can use their soul as sustenance. and hes actually good at his job hes just lazy as all hell and does only the bare minimum. confirmed to have done this to thousands of people
evil ruby. an actual demonic force possessing a dead girl’s body in order to destroy a town. pretty icky.
corbin. serial manipulator who has dated/befriended/just stalked and killed multiple ppl purely bc he has a power complex. killed susannah after emotionally abusing her for weeks and then simply carried on to find his next target.
christian. kidnaps and tortures an actual angel with no mercy and actually finds it enjoyable. evil scientist who wants to figure out the secrets of angels/god/heaven/religion. doesnt value human lives at all, and has absolutely no problem torturing somebody and keeping them in captivity. he’d kill and dissect adrien in an instant if he wasnt useful as a lab rat by being the only one of his kind on earth and able to talk
Justice. Egomaniac who will do whatever and kill whoever she needs to in order to survive, and most importantly, control everyone around her.
corinne. long-time abuser. emotionally, physically, mentally and verbally. shames josiah for many things, including his fathers abuse, his abandonment of his mother, his medication reliance, his many past suicide attempts, his mental health, his emotional outbursts, his self harm history and continuation, his lack of success, lack of wealth, and suffering self esteem. constantly hits him and screams at him, taunting him to hit her so he’ll be like his dad and she’ll get him arrested, calling him weak and a coward when he doesn’t. hangs rent and his living situation over his head. doesnt have any sort of romantic feelings for him at all whatsoever anymore but keeps him around for the dynamic. threatens agnes as well, even when she doesn’t even know her. is generally all-around shitty, manipulative, and self centered.
chisme. kills ppl bc she has to. she also has a huge amount of fun doing it, but mostly because she gets to make ppl fucking lose it and thinks its entertaining plus she gets their souls when they become corrupted. not purposefully malicious, but is definitely self-aware
cecilia. murderer and liar. overall her reasons for killing stem from an inferiority complex that she percieves as a superiority complex and a higher sense of justice than everyone else. believes she does the right things, even if shes a bad person.
malady. house demon. just a really really angry house demon that wants to eat people. probably evil but eh
keith. not actually a bad person, he just does shit towards the end of it thats bad. abandons his boyfriend that he dragged into his search for an eldritch abomination, unwittingly becoming the real danger through his actions. directly leads his ex bf into the path of danger then SHOOTS HIM. and dies.
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