silvasboys · 5 years
Matthew. Your friend is being stupid.
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hailprodigalson · 6 years
[honking] Come on, blondie, let’s go, I wanna get home already.
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agoldenlight · 7 years
//in Italian// I have all of these... protein shake things now that no one's going to drink.
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scxretxsettle · 7 years
You have a minute?
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lucksrunout · 7 years
Vico, birdie? Y’got a minute ‘r two?
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dexteramortem-blog · 7 years
Ludovico~ I have to thank you for the little specimen you brought me. Very cute. My security staff certainly thought so.
For your reward, would you prefer a breath mint, or a sanitary wipe.
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bloodredecho · 8 years
The Roulette
“It jus’ poses a very in-ter-es-tin’ ethical question, y’know?” Red said aloud as he prepared, dragging a chair across the room. “Y’know, like, who am I helpin’? Is this really about helpin? Was it ever?”
He paused, pondering that a moment before letting out a laugh.
“If everybody has a purpose, and yers is t’die in this room, well. Then the answer is easy. But the question’s so big, y’jus’ don’t want it t’be tied together all easy-peasy like that, yeah? I mean, I’m a simple, mm.. simple tastes, yeah, I got ‘em. I admit. Y’can’t be an enigma about it all, yeah? But sometimes-...” he trailed off, pouting towards the corner. “If only y’were wearin’ white. That’d be perfect.”
After another pause, he snickered again, shaking his head and scratching through his hair. “White’d be perfect. Ha! The irony. Y’fuckin’ listenin’ t’me, ‘cause I can’t, I crack myself up. Well,” He grinned. “Away with ya, then! Can’t spoil the surprise, an’ he should be nearly here...”
With that, Red finished shoving a Mr. Joseph Walling, heavily bleeding and letting out a small groan as his head knocked against the wall, into the closet and slapped the door shut, grinning as he spun around the empty room of the shack he’d found. 
“Oi! Sugar pill, y’better of got the new coords by now, eh??”
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technohavoc · 8 years
You know, I never can figure out just what it is you’re tryin’ to do.
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silvasboys · 7 years
Fuck. Off.
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agoldenlight · 7 years
Ah, I didn’t mean to listen in, but, I think I heard you say you speak Italian?
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scxretxsettle · 7 years
... Quick question.
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lucksrunout · 7 years
... Vico? .... .. .. D'ya think he'll ever come home?
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dexteramortem-blog · 7 years
Morning, Dallas! I brought more donuts
Hah… haven’t you tried the intercom? Won’t anyone let you up?
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il--dottore · 8 years
...Che diavolo...
...I didn’t buy that hosta.
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agoldenlight · 7 years
//in Italian// At what point is it not too soon to say I’d like to see you again?
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scxretxsettle · 7 years
.. [quiet sigh] Think I can talk you into a top-up on those migraine pills?
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