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yournaothings · 10 months ago
***Please be aware; there is violence and mentions of death in this chapter. After all, it's the Murder Time Trio.***
Yo! Here comes another chapter!  Reader, you have a nickname. Also, remember! These murderous skellies are based off of CJ_Does_VA's Killer, BlankSceneVA's Dust, Anger_Is_Flawed's Horror, and CallmeSlate's Nightmare.
With that being said, please be aware of the original creators of these characters. I forgot to mention them in the first chapter, whoops.
Killer Sans: Rahafwabas Dust Sans: Ask-Dusttale Horror Sans: Sour-Apple-Studios Nightmare Sans: Jokublog
After the three murderous skeletons had their laugh, Horror was nice enough to help the human back up onto their feet. "Hehe, that looked like it hurt! Here, let me just-" He reached closer with a hand towel he had grabbed from the counter and helped clean the blood off of their face. The human's face contorted in pain as Horror wiped away the blood, their face sore from hitting the tiled floor so hard. "Thanks, Horror." They sighed once he was finished. "I appreciate it." 
"It's no problem, heh." Horror tossed the now dirtied hand towel behind him, landing on top of Dust's head. The bloody part of the towel slapped him in the face, while the rest rested on top of the hood that covered his skull. "Ugh! Horror! What the fuck!" Horror hummed as he turned to see why Dust was so upset, only to laugh at Dust. "Hah! That's hilarious!" Dust glared at Horror as he tossed the towel aside. "I'm going to kill you." Horror tipped his head towards Dust while pointing at him with a wide grin. "You can try, buuut~ You won't be able to." 
The human laughed softly while the two bickered back and forth, their hand raising to hide their smile. Killer chose that moment to steal his human's guest's attention away from the others.  "So, now that that's over with! I never asked! What's your name, human?" 
"Oh," The human smiled at Killer, easily forgetting that he had just been holding his knife way too close to their face several minutes ago.  They introduced themselves.  "It's nice to finally meet you, Killer. Regardless of how it all started, I'm very excited to be here." Killer's grin widened, giving off such a mischievous look.  "It's nice to meet you too, toots. But, I think the name Angel is much better for you." He grinned at them. "Anyway! Like I said before, be aware of your surroundings and you'll be juuuust fine. Or not. You can never know when it comes to me~"   Despite the warning yet again, they smiled.  "What did you have planned for the day anyway? Anything in particular?"  "I'm glad you asked!" Killer grinned at them gleefully, before grabbing their hand and started to drag them out of the kitchen and towards the back door. Angel eagerly followed, hoping whatever Killer had planned was going to be exciting! 
The other two skeletons finally stopped arguing with each other as soon as Killer left the kitchen. "He's going to kill them." Dust states as he and Horror watch Killer drag the human guest out of the house and to the backyard. "Yeah, probably." Horror hummed. He turned to glance down at Dust then to the back door before deciding to follow after their chaotic skeleton buddy. Dust sighs from exhaustion, before he too followed after the others. 
Killer placed Angel in front of a tree that clearly has been used as target practice with very sharp objects. "I really don't think this is a good idea, Killer." Angel said, feeling themselves sweat nervously and giving Killer a fearful look. "Ah, you'll be fine~! I never miss~" 
Angel fidgeted in place while they waited for Killer to prepare. Killer grinned mischievously, spinning his knife around expertly. He turned around to adjust his camera, grinning to his audience. "Are you guys ready to see something great?"  Just as Killer turned around and prepared to throw his knife, Nightmare wrapped his tentacle around Killer and lifted him off of his feet before he could do anything harmful. 
"What are you idiots doing now?" Nightmare asked, annoyed with Killer. He glanced back at the human-  "Oh, I forgot about you." He turned fully towards the human, frowning.  "Really, boss?" Killer asked as he spun his knife around and stabbed it into Nightmare's tentacle. Nightmare's expression shifted from annoyance to an irritated glare and he tossed Killer back towards the house and out of frame from his audience. Killer screamed as he flew and crashed into the porch; Horror and Dust finally stepped out of the house. There was silence for a good solid minute before Dust leaned over, pointing and laughing at Killer's pain.  
"You fucking idiots." Nightmare sighed heavily in annoyance. He pinched his nasal ridge, his one eye socket closing as he felt a headache coming on. "I don't know why I still keep you three." At the sound of the human's snickering, Nightmare straightened his posture and shot them a glare, making them press their lips into a thin line and straighten up. He could see the grin they were trying to hide, as well as feel the bit of fear they had. 
"I never get tired of watching Nightmare toss you around like a ragdoll." Dust said as he started to calm down from his laughing fit.  "That was pretty funny."  "What did you do this time, Killer to make Nightmare throw you?"  Dust asked, all three clearly ignoring Nightmare, who remained in place.  "Well, he popped in right before I got to show off my nice knife skills to Angel and the audience. I may have stabbed him a little too hard~" Killer grinned excitedly; he wasn't fazed by Nightmare tossing him. 
"You idiot." Dust huffed out, before returning to his usual calm and volatile self. "Heh-" Horror snickered before turning his attention to his boss. "Oh, uh, hey there, boss!" Nightmare sighs, rolling his cyan eye light. "Get the fuck over here, idiots." 
Angel leaned against the tree while Dust and Horror made their way closer, Horror moving to check on them. Angel smiled reassuringly up to Horror. All the while, Killer struggled to get himself unstuck from the outdoor furniture he got trapped under. 
Killer dusted himself off before teleporting over to stand beside his boss.  "So, what's going on, boss? I thought you were busy with work?"  Nightmare glared haphazardly at Killer, then Dust. "Come on, you're a part of this now, too~" Horror told Angel, as he placed a hand on the back of their neck and firmly nudged them towards Dust's side- Killer was on Dust's other side. Nightmare remained in front of the four.  
"I have a mission for you all. One of my conquered AU's is being overtaken by my brother and his stupid Stars. I need you three to go and cause more chaos and negativity." Killer pulls out his knife and spins it expertly while giggling with excitement.  "I'm game~"  Dust shrugged; "Sure." Horror grins and summons his axe.  "Sounds like fun~!" Nightmare relaxes his tense shoulders, before gesturing towards the human.  "Take the human with you." Killer grins and salutes his boss. "You got it, boss!" 
Nightmare rolls his singular eye light before telling them which AU they were going to, before melting into a puddle of goo and disappearing. Killer giggles as he teleports beside Angel and wraps an arm around their shoulders.  "You're gonna love this! Oh!" Killer perks up and turns to his discarded camera. He walks over and picks it back up, booping his audience.  "Heheh~ don't worry, everyone. I'm bringing you along, too~" 
"Which AU are we going to, anyway?" Angel asks, smiling; however, it didn't quite reach their eyes. They were a little worried. Actually, worry didn't begin to cover how they felt. They were afraid. What if they got hurt? What if the three murderous skeletons left them behind? They fully expected to go home after their time with the Murder Time Trio. 
"It's another Classic AU, but the humans made it a game to hunt and kill monsters." Killer explained, grinning. "If Dream and his Star boys have been meddling in that universe, then the humans and monsters may have found peace. Which means, we get to kill whoever we want and blame it on the opposite side!" Killer laughs as he spins his knife once more, before finally pocketing it and preparing to teleport to the AU with his team.  
Horror pulls Angel close, his larger arm wrapped around them, as Killer gripped their hand, his other hand gripped Dust's hand. Dust shot Killer with a small glare, before he took Horror's other hand. "Let's get this over with." Dust huffs. "Aw~ Don't sound too excited, Dust~" Killer snickers. Dust stares straight ahead- right at Angel and grins.  "Try not to get yourself killed, human. I suggest you find a hiding spot until we've finished." Angel tensed, their heart racing within their chest; this was a really bad idea. "I'll do my best to stay alive. Don't leave me behind, though, okay?"  Dust grins underneath his hood, yet his two colored eye lights glowing ominously.  "No promises~" 
There was a heavy atmosphere of negativity that seemed to be slowly lifting away and being replaced by what Angel would describe as positive energy. 
"Ugh, you can definitely feel Dream's magic here." Killer grouses as he watches the mayor speaking to the group of humans and monsters just ahead of them. The young human ambassador was making a speech with the King and Queen of the underground; they were indeed making a truce. A deal of peace. 
Thanks to the strange trio of stars, both humans and monsters have seen eye to eye and wished to bring this unnecessary war to an end. 
"Alright, boys." Killer grins, his liquid hate dripping much faster from his eye sockets. His grin was sharp and dangerous, his eye sockets narrowing in a predatory glare. He was ready to go! "Remember what Nightmare said. We've got to get rid of Dream's positivity." 
"Yeah." Dust nods as he adjusts his scarf around his neck.  "It's about time to gain more LV." He glances back at Angel, notices how they grew even more tense since they arrived.  "Hey, I'm serious. Don't get yourself killed. Find a hiding spot and we'll come find you later." Angel frowned, they kind of wished Nightmare didn't make the trio bring them along.  "Okay." 
"Actually," Killer interjects as he continues to watch the ambassador, the king and the queen on the stage.  "I've got a little job for you."  Horror and Dust turned to look at Killer, curious as to what he had in mind.  "Break up their little meeting, you can do whatever you'd like. Make them scared, so they can start scattering like frightened sheep." 
Angel looked surprised, then uneasy. "Um, are you sure, Killer? What if something bad happens." Killer glances at Angel, his grin sharpening. "Don't worry, Angel~ We've got your back~ I know you'll do great out there." "Heh, yeah! We won't let any of these losers hurt you. All ya gots ta do is scare the crowd. We'll do the rest." Horror explains to Angel, his own grin wide and dangerous. Angel stood before the three skeletons as they stood at the ready for the attack. 
They knew these skeletons were murderers. They knew this, yet they followed Killer's streams and other servers. During the streams, Killer was a lot of fun to interact with, to watch and play games with. It was so easy to forget that he was a, well... Killer. Now, standing before him and his teammates, the reality settled in. Today should have been a fun day hanging out with the Murder Time Trio. They were supposed to go on fun trips, or play video games! Not... Not this. 
Killer isn't asking for you to kill anyone.But, he wants me to be a part of this mission. Which will lead to so many individuals' deaths. Would you rather run and hide, or show the three skeletons that you're up for the task? You're brave, after all, right?Right... I.. I can do this. They said that they wouldn't let anyone hurt me. Right, I can do this.
Closing their eyes and taking a deep breath in, Angel prepared themselves for their simple task of scaring the crowd. The rest would be up to the murderous skeletons.  Angel exhaled and opened their eyes, nodding to the three. "Okay, I'll do it." 
Killer's grin widened, his grip on his knives tightening.  "I know you'll do great!" He encouraged them, then gave his signature laughter.  Angel couldn't stop the grin that lifted their lips. His laughter was contagious, and surprisingly helped calm their anxious nerves. Turning towards the crowd, Angel breathed in deeply once more, held it for a few seconds before releasing it.  I just have to scare the crowd, then go find a safe place to wait out the rest of the mission. With their task in mind, Angel hurried towards the crowd. 
"They're something else, eheh." Horror chuckled, his grip on his axe tightening as he readied for the attack. "You shouldn't have included them." Dust said to Killer, the hooded skeleton's gaze remained on their human guest  before looking at the crowd- specifically on one individual.  "They're going to get hurt."  "Aw," Killer's usual gruff voice was mixed with bloodlust. He was going to let his audience watch him and the boys in action, but there would be too much going on that would trigger his viewers. He may be a murderous monster, but he was careful with those he enjoyed having around; therefore he wished to protect them if he could.. Sorry, audience. There won't be any cool fight scenes this time. 
"From this day forward, there will no longer be any more violence between mankind and monsters-" "It's a lie! While the ambassador, king and queen were speaking, they had monsters set out to kill innocent humans!" Angel shouted, startling the crowd and upsetting the King and Queen.  "What-? That's not possible. Everyone is here-" "Then why did the monsters try to grab and kill me?!" Angel pointed to their still sore face, (how did they not start to bruise from their fall this morning?)  "They're on their way here! I managed to escape them to warn you!" 
"There are no monsters attacking humans! If you're just trying to start something-" The Undyne of the AU stepped forward, trying to stop the panic before it caused chaos.  
"Oh no!" 
"I see them! They're here!"
The humans began to scatter like startled mice escaping their predator. Many humans shoved monsters out of the way, some even started to fight the monsters. The humans didn't play fair, either. Attacking the weaker monsters, while others didn't mind attacking the stronger ones. 
The Queen called out to everyone, trying to get everyone under control again, but it was already too late. She gasped when she saw a monster jump into the frightened crowd, knife raised high above his head and landed on top of a monster. A blast of magic caught her attention, followed by painful and horrified screams. The Queen covered her mouth with her furry paws, her soul aching with dread and sadness as she watched not only the monsters, but the humans be slaughtered by these strange monsters. The bodyguards and security were quick to usher the King, Queen, and Ambassador off the stage and to a private black in color vehicle. However, before they could climb into the vehicle, a large and heavy axe came crashing down onto it, destroying the front end of the vehicle. Another monster stood before them with his dangerous and predatory grin.  "Heh, no one's leaving, 'm afraid." 
Chaos flared around the stage. No one bothered the retreating human as they hurried to a safer place and waited for the boys to finish. Honestly, Angel didn't really want to watch. As much as they enjoyed watching the boys playing their violent video games, Angel wasn't one for a front row seat to real violence. In fact, they could feel their heart racing with anxiety. They had to get to a safe place, where they could calm down and not think about what their favorite streamers were doing. 
They didn't get very far when a familiar skeleton cut off their pathway to an empty shop. Angel struggled to stop before they ran into the skeleton. "Oh shit!"  "heh, you're right. oh shit is right." This AU's Sans wasn't happy at all. Instead of going after Killer, Dust, or Horror, this Sans came after them.  "got a question for ya, kid. you wanna have a bad time?" Angel tensed, but stood their ground. They straightened up their posture after having almost run right into Sans. They knew there was no lying their way out of this. It was Sans, after all. Hell, even if they told him the truth, Sans would still try to fight them. They were sure of it. 
"I'd rather not have a bad time- Shouldn't you be trying to help your monster friends?" Angel asked, yet was shocked when Sans didn't get angry with them, or at least more than what he already was with them.  "shouldn't you be helping your monster friends? where exactly did you four come from? i knew it wasn't a good idea to let those others stay."  "You mean Dream and the Star Sans'?" As soon as they said it, they regretted it. Stupid! Why did you say that?! Sans narrowed his eye sockets, his grin tightening with uneasy and distrust.  "you know them? are they a part of your team as well?" Angel thought about this for a moment, thoughts whizzing through their head as they thought their options over.  
"I know of them, but I've never met them before. Dream is not on their team-" Angel started to explain. Sans cut them off, immediately.  "whose team are you on? and don't think about lying to me, kid. i'll know if you are or not."  Angel felt nervous, but they would be okay. The boys said they'd keep them out of harm's way. They just needed to get away from Sans, or at least distract him.  
Killer's cackling echoed from the stage. Screams were heard, kids crying, and yelling as some humans and monsters fought against the Murder Time Trio.  Angel turned to watch them. They left the young children alone, but killed the parents. Angel's heart squeezed in heartache for the children.  The Ambassador would probably reset again, and judging by Sans' skull dripping with sweat, he didn't want that. Just thinking about it was making Angel regret their decision to help. This AU was finally getting to a happier chapter, and the Murder Trio swept in to tear away that peace. And worse of all, Angel had helped them with it.
Sans noticed the hesitation in Angel, the guilt and regret were written clearly on their expression. This AU's version of Sans was quick to summon a bone attack, aiming it right at Angel. An attack that was meant to strike down the enemy was wasted when Angel snapped out of their thoughts and dodged the sharpened bone. They stumbled on their feet and paused to look at Sans in shock, before they provided themselves a quick getaway;  "I wouldn't waste my time with me. You better go check on your brother, instead." 
This didn't help them in the least. Sans pretended to be relaxed, and unbothered at the idea of his brother being hurt. His grin grew tight from this intense situation. His eye lights were only white dots within his darkened eye sockets.  "my brother can take care of himself, kid. you should worry about yourself instead."  With this being said, Sans pulled Angel into an encounter. They hadn't thought about this happening, what if they weren't able to run away? What if Sans actually hurt them or worse? Angel took a deep breath, willing themselves to relax. 
"I don't want to fight you." Angel said, refusing to fight and instead tried to reason with him. Sans chuckles once it was his turn and attacks them again.  "sorry pal, i don't see eye to eye with you." He says, closing his right eye socket, while his left eye light ignited with his magic. Angel was able to dodge most of the bones sent their way, but got nicked in the arm a few times. Hissing in pain, Angel took a moment before they made their next move. Again, they refused to fight.  
"Please, just let me go, Sans. I don't want to fight you. Go protect your brother and everyone." Angel told him. Sans' grin tightened, his eye sockets narrowed. "i never told you my name, kid." Angel froze, their eyes widening once he pointed out their mistake. Shit.  Sans prepared his attack and sent a cascade of bones at them. This attack was harder to dodge, but Angel did their best to avoid getting too severely injured. They received several cuts, most were shallow. They knew they were going to be bruised up badly. One bone shot up from the ground and pierced through their left calf, tearing through skin and muscle. Angel cried out in pain as they fell to their knees once the bones disappeared. 
Angel had a hard time catching their breath, the pain made it hard for Angel to focus on Sans. It was their turn now... They raised their head, shaking from the pain, and looked Sans directly in his eye lights with a look of determination.  "I'm not going to fight you, Sans." 
"jeez, kid." Sans chuckled, sweat dripping from his skull, unnerved by the stubbornness and determination this human had. "what's your deal, kid?" He chose to not fight this round, unsure if that was the right decision or not. Angel sighed and finally was able to spare Sans. "I wasn't lying when I told you that I didn't want to fight." Sans stuffed his hands into his jacket pockets, feeling uneasy about letting the human go.  "I just don't understand you, kid." Sans sighs as his shoulders drop from the tension before walking over to the human and reaching out a skeletal hand to help them up. 
Sans and the human jolted at the dark and murderous voice and looked over to see Dust standing nearby with his Gaster Blaster preparing for an attack.  "Don't touch them." Angel bit back a scream, afraid that they'd be hit by Dust's attack. However, Sans had teleported away, only for Dust to already be two steps ahead of him. His Gaster Blaster shot the energy beam, decimating this AU's version of himself. 
"Oh shit, Angel!" Killer was suddenly beside them, helping them to stand up.  "That's a nasty wound there." The human released a heavy sigh, letting the tension fall from their shoulders.  "It hurts like hell." They were still bleeding, but they were glad to see that Sans had missed hitting an artery. "Oh man, little one." Horror grumbles as he finally joins the two skeletons. He gave them a worried look, from their injured body to their contorted painful expression. "You alright? Lookin' pretty beat up there."  The human nods.  "You can say that again.. But, I think I'm alright. I just need to be taken to a hospital-" 
"We can't do that, Angel. Thankfully! We have Cross! He knows a little about healing humans. Come on, let's get you back to the house." Killer said and gestured for Horror to pick them up. They yelped when they weren't quite prepared to be moved so suddenly, but relaxed in Horror's arms. "Don't worry, little one! I'll be gentle with ya. Good ole Cross will take care of you when we get back." Angel peered over his shoulder to see piles of dust and humans laying around. "You're all finished..?" They asked, feeling a little sick to their stomach.  "Yeah," Dust responded first, his gaze fixed on the pile of dust from this AU's Sans, before turning to look at the human.  "Sorry for not getting here sooner."  The human slowly blinked before offering Dust a smile.  "Don't worry, Dust. You made it over just in time. Thank you." Dust hummed as he looked away.  
"Okay, seriously guys. Let's get our human home." Killer said, as he prepared for all of them to teleport home. He squeezed Dust's hand a little too tightly, letting Dust know that he was upset that the human was still showing favoritism towards Dust rather than Killer.  Dust glanced over at Killer and grinned slyly.  "They still like me better."  "Ugh! Shut the fuck up, Dust!" Killer snarled as they teleported out of the AU. 
"What did you guys do to them?" Cross asked, sounding exasperated as he looked over the human's injuries. They sat on the counter yet again, where Cross carefully looked at the injuries.  "Dude! They fought a Sans, and won!" Killer exclaimed with his usual excitement.  "Can you fucking believe it?! This amazing human fought another version of us and won!" He grins at Angel, nudging their side.  Angel jolted from the bit of pain that came from his elbow pressing against their sore side. Yet, they laughed softly and felt their face flush from receiving such praise.  "I actually thought I was going to die." "But, you didn't!" Killer's voice raised as he hyped them up. He suddenly turned towards his camera, his audience finally back to see the aftermath of the mission.  "Did you hear that?! Angel fought against a Sans and won!" 
Cross simply ignored Killer's excitable energetic self while he carefully rolled up the human's pant leg to get a better look at their wound.  "This doesn't look too bad, but we do need to clean it. I don't think the Boss has anything for that, so I'll go grab some supplies from the store." He glanced up at the human, looking perfectly serious, just how he always did.  "Stay put, I'll be back." Angel nodded and blinked a few times when Cross suddenly disappeared from sight. 
Killer was busy talking to his audience, explaining to them how the mission went and the aftermath of his human's fight with that AU's Sans. Horror was busy cooking up some food, claiming that the monster magic will help with Angel's healing. Dust was already sprawled out on one of the sofas and snoring. Angel heard a noise and glanced over to see Nightmare slipping out of the shadows of the hallway and walked into the kitchen, his expression contorted to one of disgust.  
"What the hell happened to the human?"
"Boss, Boss!" Killer spun around so quickly, Angel wondered if he gave himself whiplash. Did skeletons get whiplash? Hm, I wonder.  "Angel fought a Sans and they won!"  "Who the fuck is Angel?" Nightmare sneered, glaring at the energetic Killer.  "Silly! It's our human here!" Nightmare's gaze left Killer to look at Angel.  "Oh, uh. Good job." Nightmare pat their head, before noticing the nasty wound on their leg.  "Why are you letting them bleed out in my kitchen?" Killer chuckled before turning to grab another towel to lay under Angel's leg. "This isn't really your kitchen, boss. Remember? It's CJ's." Nightmare sent a half-hearted glare to the annoying skeleton.  "I don't care, you're allowing blood to containment the area where we cook." He then glanced over at Horror and narrowed his eye socket at him. "I'm surprised you're not getting upset with Killer for this." 
"Hmm~ Huh? Oh, yeah. It's not sanitary to have blood near the food- but, it's okay, Night. We'll clean everything up!" Horror said before going back to humming while he finished up the little snack he was making for everyone. "Oh! Annnd~ Here we go!" He used his magic to summon the plates and silverware, placing the food on each plate before sending them to Killer, Angel, and Dust. Killer caught his plate, his food shifting a little from the impact. Angel gently took their plate and thanked Horror with a smile. Dust's plate fell on top of his face, smashing against him before falling onto the floor and spilling all of the food. Dust snorted and sat up, looking around. "Who the fuck did that?!" He snarled, angry that he was awoken from his nap. "Aw, Dusty Rusty Mus-" Horror began to say, pouting a little from his delicious food being wasted.  "Finish that fucking name and I'll murder you." Dust threatened, his eye sockets narrowing as his eye lights went out. 
Horror only laughed and took that as a challenge, his good eye socket narrowing as well.  "Dusty Rusty Musty Poo~" Dust off the sofa in a split second, his Gaster Blaster summoned and ready to blast Horror away.  Nightmare sighed in annoyance and sent his tentacles to grab Dust and pull him away. "No fighting in the house!" Dust sputtered as he freed an arm and pointed accusingly at Horror, who stood in place, giggling and happily chewing on his food. "Horror started it! What the fuck!" "Yeah? Well, I'm going to finish it!" Nightmare raised his voice, threateningly. Dust sputtered a moment longer before giving up and fell limp in Nightmare's hold. Pleased with this, Nightmare dropped Dust onto the floor, where Dust just laid and pulled his hood over his head even more. A clear message to not mess with him any longer. 
"Okay," Cross appeared again, his arms full of human bandages and cleaning liquids. He dumped them on the counter beside the human.  "Just so you know, this is going to hurt." Cross warned Angel, before he acknowledged Nightmare. "Oh, hi, Boss."  "You didn't tell me you were back." Nightmare grumbled and crossed his arms.  Cross frowned and tried to hide his face in his scarf.  "I forgot..." Nightmare sighed as he pinched his nasal ridge. "Ugh, just don't let it happen again." Cross nodded as he got busy cleaning the human's wound. "Yes sir." 
Cross began to work on cleaning around the wound before carefully cleaning the wound itself. Angel hissed from the pain, but managed to sit still for Cross to finish.  The silly goofball of a skeleton known as Killer provided them with a distraction as he suddenly appeared beside Cross, his chin hovering just above Cross' shoulder.  "What're you doing, Crossy?" Killer asked in his gravelly voice. This surprised Cross, making him almost hurt the human. He glared at Killer before shoving him back.  "I'm taking care of your human. Why did you let them get involved in the mission? What would have happened if they died?"  Killer laughed. "Oh, Crossy~ I knew the human was going to be okay. But, that's not important. What is, is where you have been all morning! I wanna know!" 
Cross leveled a look at Killer from over his shoulder, before going back to fixing up the human's calf.  "Boss gave me a solo mission. It's none of your business." Killer grinned, yet it didn't reach his eyes- in fact, his bone brow twitched from the irritation Cross was causing.  "Aw, come on, Crossy~"  Nightmare's heavy sigh hardly caught Killer's attention, as always; Cross and Angel glanced over at Nightmare, watching him struggle with trying to remain calm from Killer's antics. "I gave him the solo mission because I knew you fuck ups wouldn't be able to complete it!" Nightmare growled, glaring at Killer and Horror- Dust was still on the floor, snoozing.  "Wait, what?" Horror asked, sounding a bit crestfallen. "Hey, that was really mean, Boss!" Killer playfully pouted, moving over to lean closer to Boss. "We didn't fuck up this last mission! We did exactly what you asked!" Angel frowned, their eyebrow raising in curiosity. "Nightmare wanted you to kill everyone?" 
Nightmare glared at Killer, his tentacles whipping from his irritation.  "We didn't kill everyone! Just the nobodies!" Killer explained, grinning at his Boss.  "If I find out that you idiots caused another reset in that AU, I'm killing you." Angel felt bad for saying anything-  "You're not really going to kill them, are you?"  Nightmare turned his glare at Angel. "No." He grumbled.  "I'm just going to beat the crap out of them." "Haha! I knew you cared, Boss!" Killer laughed, before he was suddenly tossed out of the kitchen by one of Nightmare's tentacles. "Whooa!"  
Horror snickered and started to make more food. After all, Dust had wasted his food- even though it was somewhat his fault. Besides! He was still hungry! Oh! And don't forget about the human! They needed enough magic to help that wound and their sore body! 
"There," Cross said as he finished wrapping their wound. He straightened up and offered a small smile to Angel.  "It's not perfect, but you'll be fine." Angel smiled as they finished their snack. "Thanks a lot, Cross! I appreciate it!"  Cross' face glowed from his purple blush, and he mumbled an embarrassed and quiet, "You're welcome." He hesitated for a moment before turning away and leaving to go spend his free time elsewhere. 
"I hope you've had fun, human. It's time for you to go home." Nightmare said as he stepped closer and gave them a small glare. Angel smiled at him, which perplexed him. They should fear him! Or at the very least be uncomfortable around him.  "I suppose I am ready to go home. Thank you for letting me come hang out with your boys. It was a lot of fun, even though I ended up hurt on a few occasions." 
"What?!" Killer was suddenly in the kitchen, pouting at his boss. "Come on, Nightmare! Please, please, please don't send them home, yet!" Nightmare turned to face Killer and frowned at him. "I'm not sending them home; you're going to take them home. Take Horror and Dust with you." Killer perked up, excited to see which AU his favorite human fan lived. "Wait, really?!" He turned to grin at Angel, Horror and Dust having turned their attention towards the human. "Hear that, Angel? We're taking you home! I hope you're ready for me to see where you live! Heheh~ I just might stalk you, too!" He laughed. Angel was excited, yet nervous. They lived with their friend, and they were sure their roommate was home. "I can't wait." Angel said and smiled nervously.
This might end up in a disaster... 
((Note from Author: I just want you all to know that literally half of what happened in this chapter was NOT on my plot list. -crying face-))
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snowangelkia · 10 months ago
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obsessed with @cj-does-va ‘s streams annnddd
So anyways,girlypop nm ftw.
Nightmare voice is by https://twitter.com/CallMeSlate
i have nothing to say for myself other than. i really wanted to draw nm as a discord kitten but decided not to sooo
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24 notes · View notes
yournaothings · 9 months ago
Watch My Boss Trend.
Killer is back at it with his usual mischief. He tries the online trend; "Watch My Boss". It doesn't go as he had planned.
“Hey Chat!” 
KIller greeted everyone after starting his live stream for the day. He grinned wide with excitement, his ideas for today’s stream was going to be amazing and he just knew his audience was going to love every second of the stream! 
“Hello, yes. Hi! Welcome to my stream. It’s been a little while, hasn’t it? We’ve been so busy fighting the Star Sanses and creating negativity for our boss, that I haven’t been able to actually stream for you guys! But, not to worry, not to worry.” His grin widened more, his void-like sockets crescenting.  “I have so many awesome things planned for today! But, first!” 
The audience asked what all Killer had planned, helpless to watch him obviously walking down the darkened hall and up to closed double doors. He paused and read what his chat was sending him with an excited grin. 
“What are you going to do today?”
“Can we see Noot Noot?”
“Dust? Where is Dust?”
“Alright, where is Horror? This isn’t okay, Killer. Show us the rest of the team!”
Killer laughed at all of the comments and questions he was receiving and moved in to boop the camera. “Not to worry, folks! We’ll see them soon enough, but first! Can you all watch my boss for me?” 
The audience chatted curiously at what Killer meant as they watched him open the doors and walk in without so much as knocking. The audience could hear Nightmare’s familiar annoyed baritone voice as Killer got closer. 
“What the hell do you want, Killer?” 
Killer snickers as he sets his phone down on the desk Nightmare sat at, propping it up so the chat could see his boss. Nightmare glared at Killer, then the phone. 
“Thanks, chat!”
He quickly turned and hurried away with silly little snickers. Nightmare glared after him before glancing at the phone facing him. He blinked once, twice, before he leaned closer.  
“What is this foolery? What is Killer up to now?”
The chat started to go crazy, greeting Nightmare excitedly and asking him all kinds of questions. His singular cyan eye light flitted over the text, annoyed at all the nice comments Killer’s audience was sending him. One particular message caught his attention and had him more annoyed than anything else;
“Guys, we’re supposed to be babysitting Noot Noot!”
“What kind of bull- I don’t need babysitting-! No, that’s it. Come with me, if I’m to be stuck with you idiots, then you will at least be put to good use.”
When Killer returned, he found Nightmare and his phone missing.  “Uh oh~” He laughed with amusement and left to go find where Nightmare had gone. He was surprised to find Nightmare in the gaming room, his phone set up to watch Nightmare expertly tapping away at the computer keyboard and mouse as he played one of his games; Rainbow Siege Six. 
“Whatcha doing, boss?” Killer asked, amused. He leaned against the desk as he watched between Nightmare’s game and his phone where his audience was going wild with their comments. 
“Showing these idiots what a real game is- You fucking- I’m coming for you, little shit!” Nightmare threatened as he hunted down the enemy and successfully took him out.  Nightmare grinned and cheered when that was the last of the enemies and managed to win that round.  “That’s how it’s done!”
Killer laughed as he moved to pick up his phone, but Nightmare stopped him with one of his tentacles.  “Leave it. They are watching me play.” 
“Aw, but boss-” 
“It’s your fault for giving me your little audience. They are going to be stuck here until I am satisfied with my game.”  One look at his chat, Killer saw how much his audience were excited to watch the powerful and scary Guardian of Negativity play video games and have fun. 
With a disappointed sigh, Killer gave in- he had so much planned for today���
“Fine, but I’m getting on, too.” 
“Better hurry, I’m about to start the next round.” He said with a grin. Killer was quick to find his computer and start up the game. He would show his audience who was the better player in the end.
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yournaothings · 10 months ago
"Hello, friends. It's me, Killer! Welcome to the next chapter to my story~ hehehe~ I hope you're having a good time because we're just getting started~" Killer chuckles. "Before we begin the third chapter, I just want to say how happy I am to see so many of you coming here just for little ole me~ I've seen you're comments, both good and bad~ Oh, yes! That reminds me!" He leans in closer to regard you- Yes! You! The readers.  "I may rizz the human during this silly little story, but my love only goes to my knives~ Oh! And Horror, too!" 
The author returns to the office to find Killer tapping away at her laptop- "What? Killer! Damn it! I told you not to mess with my computer!" Author is quick to shove Killer out of her seat, sending him a small glare.  "If you break my computer, I'll beat the crap out of you!"  
"Relaaax~ I was only sending my readers a messages." [He makes Author type that, since Author is a big meanie and won't let Killer touch her computer.]  
"Sorry, everyone. We're going back to the story now." Author says, sending yet another small glare towards Killer, who stole her damn snacks- what the fuck? 
The human's home wasn't bad. They lived in a complex apartment in a nice little neighborhood. The green lawns were freshly cut, allowing everyone to go outside and enjoy the beautiful day-
"Ugh- no one cares about what the outside looks like! Just tell them about what happens to my human and their friend! We've got lots to do in this story, Naomi! What am I paying you for?!" Killer shouts, interrupting the author from their storytelling. 
The author is so embarrassed for being called out like that, but she turns to glare at Killer.  "You don't pay me anything, Killer. What the fuck, man. Why are you still here, anyway?" Killer waves at her dismissing her question easily.  "Don't worry about it- just get on with the storryy!" He stomps his foot in a small tantrum before pulling out his knife, and gave the author a wry glare.  "Don't make me stab you." 
The Author wasn't scared; she only gave him a flat look.  "That's no way to speak to the person who is writing  "your" story."  Killer groaned dramatically and released a heavy sigh.  "Fiine! Please get on with the story. I want the readers to see what I do to the roommate-"  [He grins sadistically.]
"ACK! THIS IS A SPOILER FREE ZONE!" The author raised her voice in panic, quickly moving on to the story and stopping Killer from breaking the fucking fourth wall.  [Is this what you deal with, CJ? Crying face.]
---For real this time---
The human invited the three skeletons inside of their home, offering to make them some tea, or whatever they wanted.  Horror hummed curiously as he opened the fridge to see what kind of food the human had within. He was disappointed to see there wasn't much food in there, his disappointed groan caught their attention.  They walked over to peek under Horror's arm to see their fridge was almost bare.  "Oh yeah. I haven't gone grocery shopping yet." 
"So, you have a roommate?" Killer asks while leaning against the kitchen counter in the human's small kitchen and spun his knife around again- no wait, that was the human's knife. "Don't steal my knives, Killer. Please." The human told him while giving him a suspicious look. "I do have a roommate-" 
"What is going on in here?" Said roommate stepped in right then, having heard the strange voices in their home. They looked at the human and gave them an annoyed look.  "Where have you been? It's not like you to disappear and bring guys home? What's happening here?"  The roommate didn't seem pleased with the three skeletons presence in their home, or that the human had left without a word only to show back up unexpectedly.  
The human smiled to their roommate, clearly not bothered by the annoyed glare their roommate was sending them. Behind the human, Dust sat at the dining table. His hood pulled over his head as usual, his eye lights snuffed out as he watched the new human closely. He didn't trust them. Something didn't seem right and it had him on edge.
"Well, I won a contest, so I got to hang out with these guys. They uh, stream games and do other silly things. It was a lot of fun. But, I'm home now. They won't be staying long, so don't worry." The roommate regarded the three monsters before turning their attention towards the human.  "Why don't I make you some tea? I can make the others some, too."  The human smiled joyfully to their roommate as they thanked them.  "Do you want me to help?"  The roommate shook their head, and shooed them out, along with the skeletons.  "No, I've got it. Why don't you go show the skeletons around."  
Killer's grin widened in excitement.  "Yeah! You should show us around! That way I know how to get in easier when I stalk you later~" He laughs mischievously.  The roommate sent a disgusted look at Killer who caught sight of it, but didn't react to it. Dust on the other had did, his eye sockets narrowing. Killer gestured for his buddies to follow the human as they left the kitchen, preparing to show off their apartment. 
"This is where Nightmare ripped you out of your AU?" Killer asked as he pushed his way through Horror and Dust and into Angel's room. Angel stumbled over their words while trying to tidy up their room. They weren't expecting any guests and hadn't cleaned up before everything happened.  "Yeah, this is it." Angel replied nervously. They hurried over to Killer's side as he started to mess with their computer. While Angel attempted to keep Killer from messing with their personal computer, Dust remained in the doorway of Angel's bedroom. His mismatched eye lights glared down the hallway, suspicious of Angel's roommate.  
"What are you looking at, Dusty?" Horror asked with a hum. He stepped up closer to look over Dust's head.  "I've got a bad feeling about that other human. I don't trust them." Horror chuckles softly, his larger skeletal hand patting Dust's shoulder as he replies,  "You don't trust anyone, Dust."  Dust's only response was a small hum. His eye lights shift over to regard Angel, who was still trying to keep Killer out of their computer files. "I swear! I don't have anything worth looking at in there!" Angel cried as they lost the fight against Killer, who laughed manically while he dived into their precious files. "Let's see what you've got in here~ hehehe~" To his dismay, he didn't find anything suspicious, but did find some art they have done of him and the gang. He perked up while looking through Angel's collection, who started to get embarrassed from someone seeing their unfinished work. 
"Hey." Came Dust's rough voice, catching Angel and Killer's attention. The two glanced over at Dust, who looked tense. His blue and red eye lights spoke volumes of distrust. Angel started to fidget uncomfortably, worried that Dust was angry with them for whatever reason. "What's wrong, Dust?" Dust stuffs his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "Your roommate sucks." Angel looks surprised, their eyes widening in surprise that he would say that. Then, they smiled. "They're not bad. We just came in unexpectedly with no warning. I'm sure they were just startled."  Dust barked a humorless laugh, not believing any of Angel's explanation. "Startled. Right." 
"What's wrong, Dusty~ you don't like their roommate?" Killer asked as he stood from the desk chair he had been sitting in and walked over to poke fun at Dust. "I don't trust them." Dust grumbled as he glared at Killer. "You don't trust anyone." Killer repeated Horror's word from earlier. "How bad can they be?" Killer snickered. "They're not bad, I promise." Angel told the boys, giving them their usual smile. Dust's eye lights disappeared, his eye sockets as dark as the void. It gave him a scary look. "I don't trust promises." He says.  Killer pouted and pokes at Dust repeatedly. "Lighten up! You're being rude to Angel!" Angel laughed softly, shaking their head. "It's alright, Killer. Dust can have his own opinions." 
Dust's eyes lights ignited faintly while looking at Angel. "You're too nice." Dust said before slapping Killer's hand away from him, stopping Killer from repeatedly poking at him.  "Oh, thanks!"  Angel smiled widely-  "That wasn't a compliment. Seriously, you're too nice. That's a bad thing. Being nice will get you killed, Angel." Dust tells them. Angel was at a loss for words, their smile dropping from Dust's brutal honesty. "Aw, you made them upset, Dust." Horror told Dust, who simply turned away in time to see the roommate step into the hallway and make their way into Angel's bedroom with a mug in hand. They offered a smile to Dust, but he immediately knew it was fake. They slipped past Dust and stepped closer to Angel. Dust's eye sockets narrowed when he smelled something off about the drink.  
"Here you go. It's your favorite tea." Angel smiled and thanked them while taking the mug into their hands. "I appreciate it, thanks." 
"Didn't they say they would make us something, too?" Horror asked his two other skeleton buddies, a little disappointed that the roommate hadn't brought them anything. Or at least him. "Yeah, they did say they'd get us something, too." Killer huffs annoyed. The roommate acted strangely while watching Angel bring the mug closer to their lips, the rim pressing against their lips.
A bone suddenly came flying at the mug, smashing into it. Surprisingly, the porcelain didn't cut their lip when it shattered.  Angel was quick to step back so they wouldn't get burned by the hot liquid.  They turned to see both Killer and Horror startled, while Dust's eye lights burned with his magic. "Dust?" 
"They poisoned your tea." Dust said, his eye sockets narrowed. The roommate grew tense, their glare fixed on Dust. "I didn't poison it!" Dust gave a hostile grin. "I could smell it." 
Killer and Horror turned to glare at the roommate, while Angel turned their attention to their roommate, their expression contorted in a confused and hurt look. "You tried to poison me?" Angel asked, seeing the hateful glare their roommate, their friend gave them. "Why?" 
"You piss me off. I don't want to live with you anymore." The roommate started to explain, giving Angel an angry, hateful look.  When you didn't get the hint that I wanted you out, I decided to do something about it. Too bad that your stupid skeleton friend caught my attempt to kill you." Angel jolted as if they were just slapped. They might as well have been from the hostility in their roommate's voice. They were hurt, their heart throbbing in pain from betrayal. 
"That's not very nice." Killer said, his knife in hand and ready to stab. He was clearly not happy with the turn of events. "That's a shitty reason to kill them." Dust growled out. Horror summoned his axe, holding it in both his hands looking very menacing. His one good eye light seemingly glowing with anger. "That's unforgivable." 
The roommate sized up each skeleton, before they turned to glare at  Angel. "Didn't realize these three were your dogs." Angel gasped angrily, and shoved their roommate. "They're not my dogs! They're my friends! What the fuck?! I can't believe how awful you're being! You could have just said something to me! Why give hints that you wanted me gone? Is this just an excuse to kill someone and get away with it?" Their roommate had a burst of anger, their expression twisting in such a hateful and dark look before they shoved Angel against the wall. Their hands were quickly around Angel's neck and squeezing Killer teleported right beside them, his knife quickly making a quick slashing motion, effectively slicing the roommate's neck open. 
Angel gagged when their roommate's blood poured out of their neck and all over their front, they had to turn their head to the side to keep the blood out of their mouth. The roommate slumped down onto the ground, too far gone from being saved. Angel slowly turned to look down at their roommate in horror. After their mind registered what had happened, tears blurred their vision, they glanced up at Killer. The murderous skeleton spun his knife around, his grin wide and proud at his handy work.  "Problem solved~" He laughed and caught  Angel's tearful gaze. His grin dropped and he slipped his knife back into his jacket.  "Aw, don't cry, sweetheart! I did you a favor! They were trying to kill you!" 
"Y-You didn't have to kill them, Killer!" Angel cried.  "They.. They were my friend, I'm sure we would have been able to work through our problems without anymore violence."  Angel said with their voice raised. Dust huffed out a laugh and rolled his eye lights.  "This was an obvious, kill or be killed moment. You seem to forget that we're murderers." Killer grinned, though he was obviously irritated that Angel was upset with him for doing his job.  "Dusty Poo is right. I wasn't going to let some nobody hurt ya! They tried to kill you, so I killed them before they could do anything to you!" His grin fell again, his tone was irritated.  "You should be thanking me." 
Once again, Angel was reminded that these three were murderers. Their job was to kill.  Angel embarrassingly wiped away their tears and glanced down at the deceased body on the floor. Killer had killed them because they were trying to kill Angel. He was protecting them, and they repaid him by yelling at him. It made them feel worse.  "Shit, I... I'm sorry, Killer. It's just that... They were my friend."  "Yeah?" Killer asked as he nudged the dead body with his sneaker.  "They were a shitty friend." He perked up and grinned at Angel. He raised his hand and booped their nose.  "I forgive you~ Come on, let's get you home." 
"Huh?" Horror hummed in confusion. Dust also looked confused, then narrowed his eye sockets at Killer.  "The Boss is going to kill you."  Killer turned to grin at Dust.  "Nah~ He won't! I'll tell him what happened, and he'll let Angel stay!"  Horror grinned and chuckled. "Hear that, Angel? We actually get to keep you!" Angel looked nervous, glancing between Horror and Killer.  "Do I get a say in this?" "Nope!" Killer was quick to say and grabbed Angel's arm and tugged them towards Dust and Horror.  "You're one of us now!" Having said that, Killer and Horror began to chant; "One of us, one of us, one of us!" 
Dust wanted nothing to do with Horror and Killer's antics. "You guys are fucking idiots." He tells them as they prepared to teleport back home with Angel.  "You're just jealous that I took the EXP and you didn't~" Killer mocked, laughing at Dust.  Dust narrowed his eye sockets and summoned his Gaster Blasters.  Killer screamed as Dust fired his Blasters at Killer, destroying part of the house-  
Horror was quick to grab Angel before they could get hurt and teleported back home.  All the while, Dust and Killer fought against each other, destroying the entire house and all of Angel's belongings. Oops.
"Where are the other two?" Nightmare asked after Horror and Angel arrived home. Horror gave his boss a quick explanation of what happened, and judging by Angel's negativity, it was true. "Oh yeah." Horror laughed.  "Killer was teasing Dust that he took that human's EXP, and Dusty Poo got angry. They're fighting in Angel's AU now." Nightmare released a heavy sigh and pinched his nasal ridge. "Idiots." He grumbled. 
"EVERYTHING IS ON FIRE!"  Dust suddenly appeared in the living room with Nightmare, Horror, and Angel.  "What?! What's on fire?!" Nightmare asked, his annoyance growing.  "Oh shit!" Killer laughed when he appeared beside Dust. He held his middle and bent over as he laughed hysterically.  Dust grinned at Killer and chuckled.  "We set the neighborhood on fire. Oops." He laughed and shrugged. "What?" Angel asked shocked. "You fucking idiots!" Nightmare rolled his cyan eye light and turned away from his idiots, walking away.  "Help the human settle in, and leave me alone. I've had enough of you fools for one day."  Killer straightened up having calmed down from laughing so hard.  "You got it, boss!" He saluted again, before grabbing Angel and dragging them away to find them a spare room. Horror decided to go cook something up for the team; they deserved a nice meal after everything. Dust walked over and collapsed onto the sofa, yawning loudly before letting himself doze off. 
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