#calliope navarro
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fanart i drew of arthur dying in a glue trap
fanart i drew of fritz dying in a glue trap
fanart i drew of calliope dying in a glue trap
fanart i drew of isa dying in a glue trap
fanart i drew of ether dying in a glue trap
#they are all glue trapped#fanart i drew of dobby dying in a glue trap#dobby dying in a glue trap#oc#oc doodles#oc meme#arthur chase#fritz von voltić#calliope navarro#isabela romero#ether aphelion#birchbroke heights
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a COMPLETE MASTERLIST of all the fanfiction original characters created by DUNBONNETS, what fandom/fanfiction/series they belong to, their ships, and where you can find edits specifically made for them.
sonja smith from of dreams and freedom, an attack on titan fanfic. ( armin arlert ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
sayuri kameda from gilded lily, a demon slayer fanfic. ( giyuu tomioka ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
misaki kobayashi from blood red sun, a demon slayer fanfic. ( tanjiro kamado ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
brian randall-fraser from deep heart's core // the sands of time saga, an outlander fanfic series. ( oc pairing ) ✶ character tag. ship tag. ship tag.
reiko matsuda from until i found you, a demon slayer fanfic. ( inosuke hashibira ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
vetra stormont from weather the storm, a black clover fanfic. ( finral roulacase ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
reva nebbia from electric love, a black clover fanfic. ( luck voltia ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
moira hawethorne from deep heart's core // the sands of time saga, an outlander fanfic series. ( oc pairing ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
katherine johanson from deep heart's core // the sands of time saga, an outlander fanfic series. ( oc pairing ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
marjorie graham from where the heart is, an outlander fanfic. ( fergus fraser ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
lady juliette lockhart from steel magnolia // love is a garden series, a bridgerton fanfic series. ( anthony bridgerton ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
lord ambrose bridgerton from paper rings // a series of love stories, a bridgerton fanfic series. ( oc pairing ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
lady clara whittemore from paper rings // a series of love stories, a bridgerton fanfic series ( oc pairing ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
zakaria zatara from mystical bond // the divine justice saga, a young justice fanfic series. ( conner kent ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
zeppelin zatara from mystical bond // the divine justice saga, a young justice fanfic series. ( cassandra sandsmark ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
giovanna zatara from mystical bond // the divine justice saga, a young justice fanfic series. ( oc pairing ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
spencer barnes from follow your arrow // the divine justice saga, a young justice fanfic series. ( artemis crock ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
virginia adler from out of time // the earth-5871 series, an mcu fanfic series. ( steve rogers ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
astrea voss from infinite galaxies // the earth-5871 series, an mcu fanfic series. ( peter quill ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
viper/madame hydra from viper // the earth-5871 series, an mcu fanfic series. ( tony stark ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
edwina brock from symbiosis // the earth-5871 series, an mcu fanfic series. ( hope van dyne ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
ares from catch the wind // the earth-5871 series, an mcu fanfic series. ( sersi ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
alan milne/christopher robin from the weight of us // the heart of a hero series, a once upon a time fanfic series ( emma swan ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
princess gilrien from ephemeral // the maidens of middle-earth saga, a the rings of power fanfic. ( elrond ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
lenore gilbert from broken wings // the bloodlines saga, a the vampire diaries universe fanfic series. ( stefan salvatore ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
erika mikaelson from cursed, a the vampire diaries universe fanfic. ( elijah mikaelson ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
calliope gomez from my bloody valentine, a post-teen wolf au fanfic. ( stiles stilinski ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
maris navarro from siren song // the monsters & myths saga, a teen wolf fanfic series. ( scott mccall ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
keelie kepner from bad moon rising // the children of the moon series, a teen wolf fanfic series. ( stiles stilinski ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
sophie torres-kepp from somewhere only we know, an the umbrella academy fanfic. ( diego hargreeves ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
anita levine from no time to die, a mission impossible fanfic. ( ethan hunt ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
maude fletcher from genesis, an inception fanfic. ( eames ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
jean abbott from downward spiral, a true detective fanfic. ( rustin cohle ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
freya oleson from dark days, a 30 days of night fanfic. ( eben oleson ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
heather macher from everybody dies // the hereditary horrors series, a scream franchise fanfic series. ( sidney prescott ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
kiara goldstien from die for you // the hereditary horrors series, a scream franchise fanfic series. ( tara carpenter ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
reagan strode from the devil walks amoung us, a halloween franchise fanfic. ( oc pairing, corey cunningham ) ✶ character tag. ship tag.
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Damaged - Onley James (Necessary Evils, book 3.5)
The first time Dimitri Castallanos experienced obsession, he committed a felony. He was five. Dimitri is a psychopath. And he’s still obsessed with just one person. Arlo Miller was born a victim, raised as his father’s punching bag and his mother’s scapegoat. Dimitri was his only protection, and they took him away.
As children they clung to each other. As adults, they pretend neither remembers, while both harbor secret crushes. Dimitri hides his feelings behind a mask of indifference. Arlo hides his by falling for very bad men.
When one of those men confronts Dimitri, this time Arlo commits a felony. Murder. But Dimitri won’t allow Arlo to take the fall. With the help of Dimitri’s mother and seven psychopaths, they now have twenty-four hours to fake an alibi, hide a body, and confess their true feelings for each other once and for all. Which is harder? Falling in love or getting away with murder?
NOTE: This can be read as a stand-alone but these characters do make a cameo in Headcase (Necessary Evils, #4).
My Thoughts
In Damaged, we see a snippet of the life of Calliope and her son, Dimitri. We know Calliope as the wizard behind the curtain – the woman who can hack any and every system possible. She is a huge part of the success behind Thomas Mulvaney’s extracurricular activities. And her son is a psychopath.
Dimitri and Arlo really are adorable in their own way – as much as they can be when they’re trying to get away with murder. But what starts as a life or death situation turns into Dimitri and Arlo establishing their relationship. And that, in turn, leads into what appears to be a snapshot of things to come.
The rest of this series is going to be a wild ride, and I’m quite excited to see how Dimitri and Arlo fit in with the rest of the rag tag Mulvaney/Navarro vigilante crew.
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tag dump part one. ( a - h )
#character: alexander wakefield.#character: alina carroway.#character: anthony wang.#character: aspen liu.#character: astrid wu.#character: benjamin vinchhi.#character: bethany harrington.#character: calliope lancaster.#character: camille abernathy.#character: cassie yang.#character: cecilia mulligan.#character: on chaeyeon.#character: chloe zhang.#character: colin atwood.#character: cordelia reed.#character: daniel ahn.#character: kang dawon.#character: nam daejung.#character: elena navarro.#character: elsie bennet.#character: matsushita emi.#character: han eunchae.#character: min eunhye.#character: bae eunmi.#character: evelyn north.#character: gareth dawson.
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claimed. my muse reacting to getting hickies from yours. fb pro pós camp hehehe
A chegada de Riley no apartamento não havia sido tão silenciosa quanto desejava graças à mochila extremamente pesada que carregava nas costas e aos latidos saudosos de Luka. A pressa que tinha de entrar no próprio quarto era visível pela forma como fugia dos detalhes ao responder algumas das diversas perguntas curiosas e suspeitamente amigáveis de Jade, porque não só existia o receio de acabar soltando alguma informação contraditória com as mentiras contadas por Calliope sobre o acampamento entre amigas como também estava tão sobrecarregada de emoções que sua vontade era de ter privacidade para surtar sem ser incomodada. O que havia vivenciado na noite anterior havia sido demais para si mesma e quanto mais tempo ficasse diante de sua mãe, maiores seriam as chances de ser descoberta, afinal, não era todo dia que Riley sorria abertamente por aí. Felizmente, a mulher não insistiu para que a filha se sentasse para acompanhá-la no café e a garota pôde ir à sua caverna.
Trancando a porta atrás de si e se livrando do peso da mochila, o corpo feminino permaneceu imóvel por um longo minuto para conseguir processar cada pequeno detalhe daquele passeio tão caótico. A sensação quente que preenchia seu peito e a falta de ar não simbolizavam pânico e muito menos medo, na verdade, encontrava-se tão aliviada e leve que nem sequer reconhecia a si mesma. Havia conseguido falar o que sentia. Agora Dick sabia o que sentia. Claro que não se orgulhava do quão atrapalhada havia sido e no estrago que havia feito antes de se acertarem quanto aos próprios sentimentos, mas em momento algum Navarro acreditou que conseguiria chegar tão longe, especialmente se tratando de um garoto que possuía opções melhores. Até poderia entrar num modo auto sabotagem e se meter numa espiral, porém qualquer pensamento minimamente negativo se encontrava longe de seu alcance e a imagens do garoto a tocando carinhosamente e a beijando eram suficientes para que seu rosto se tornasse quente e um sorriso bobo o decorasse. A gente vai fazer dar certo, aproveitaremos o tempo que temos e quando esse tempo acabar a gente pensa no futuro, ok? Tais palavras não saíam de sua mente desde que proferidas pelo maior e elas serviram com um verdadeiro calmante ao seu coração ansioso.
Por mais que seu estômago ainda estivesse zoado devido ao excesso de bebida, o corpo de Riley parecia bem mais resistente quanto a balançados, porque a maneira como ela esperneava e gritava silenciosamente na cama definitivamente teria sido acompanhada de um belo vômito caso não tivesse colocado tudo para fora mais cedo. Ah, era tão estúpida... Por que tinha que passar mal logo na frente de Dick? Ele com certeza estava a achando um pouco mais idiota do que já deveria achar. E a garota não sabia se ria ou não do próprio azar, mas uma careta rapidamente tomou conta de seus traços ao se dar conta de uma coisa. Ele havia a beijado na despedida — depois de ter passado mal. Okay, foi um selinho, mas... Ew! Ele vai odiá-la! Cobriu o largo sorriso divertido com as mãos. Será que era muito cedo para zoá-lo por isso? Ou talvez seria um tiro no próprio pé? Encarando o celular por alguns instantes na expectativa de alguma mensagem dele, Riley simplesmente decidiu que o melhor a se fazer era escovar bem os dentes e tomar um banho digno para voltar à cama.
Ainda com as digitais sobre os lábios, Riley simulava delicados selares no intuito de voltar no tempo em que tinha os lábios masculinos colados nos seus, porém foi inevitável achar que estava overreacting ao se ver no espelho com os olhos tão brilhantes. Entretanto, esse estava longe de ser o reflexo que a surpreendeu de verdade naquele banheiro. A garota sempre evitava se olhar no espelho ao retirar a camiseta, pois já estava acostumada a não gostar muito do que encontrava e detestava ter seus olhos fisgados na própria imagem em busca dos mínimos detalhes para odiar, porém passar os olhos rapidamente na superfície reflexiva também era regra dentro de um banheiro tão pequeno — e as diferentes cores que decoravam sua pele ao olhar de relance foram as responsáveis para fazer o que a deixava desconfortável. Com o cenho franzido em confusão, os dedos femininos passearam pelas marcas com assombro, afinal, não conseguia lembrar do que aconteceu para estar aquela forma: não era um simples chupão na curva de seu pescoço, mas uma trilha que percorria as áreas julgadas como proibidas de seu corpo — as do seio fazendo a leveza que sentia se tornar um novo peso e seu estômago se revirou em tensão.
Alguns suspiros fora de lugar ecoavam por sua cabeça, mas nada que fosse o bastante para reconstruir uma imagem ou as sensações que a preencheram no momento esquecido. Por mais que se esforçasse, Riley só conseguia se recordar de pedaços soltos do quebra-cabeça — e até algumas coisas passaram a fazer sentido ao notar que parte de sua memória do que considerava ser a noite mais emocionante do ano foi apagada com o álcool. Todavia, isso não deixava de ser extremamente assustador. Não que não confiasse em Dick, pois confiava, mas as marcas que agora decoravam seu corpo demonstravam que a garota o entregou uma liberdade que não correspondia com a realidade. Com o que ela podia entregar sóbria. Esse vão era importante para si. Tê-lo deixado adentrar suas vestes com seus toques era importante para si. E não lembrava de nada.
Merda, merda, merda. O que havia acontecido? Até onde chegaram? Haviam transado também? Sua vontade de vomitar voltou com tamanha frustração. Deveria lembrar... queria lembrar.
E como falaria isso para Dick?
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Welcome, one and all, to the Chicago Day of Giving, hosted by the ever benevolent Washington family. Treat yourself to a night of luxury with wine tastings, an art and people auction, gift bags, photo booths, dancing, and, of course, a four-course meal catered by Alinea on North Halsted. Naturally, this night is all about giving, so feel free to offer donations online or at the door. As for the dress code, this is a black tie only event, so don your most expensive gowns and that suit you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Let’s make sure tonight will be a night to remember !
( Feel free to create a moodboard for your character’s outfit and post it on the dash, as well as the gala chat on Discord. )
It’s time to be an upstanding citizen by providing support for your city, and the Vasiles, Fausts, and O’Sheas all have some standing up to do. Each family has contributed a hefty donation in hopes of turning the Washingtons to their favor so they may be de-demonized in the crimson city. It’s time to play well with others. Your characters will be free to roam where they please until 10 p.m. EST, when it’s time to settle down for dinner. During dinner, characters will be randomly assigned a seat at a table that could be packed with enemies. Keep smiling, though, the cameras are watching.
Part one of the Chicago Day of Giving starts now and ends on Wednesday at midnight EST. Challenge yourself to write with everyone at your table, and let’s spread the love a little bit ! You know, before...never mind.
Under the cut, you’ll find your groupings for dinner. Reminder, dinner starts at 10 p.m. EST tonight and will end at midnight on Wednesday, May 27th, at 11:59PM EST.
TABLE 1 — Audric Noire, Christian Yi, Fletcher Hargrave, Rosalie 'Rosie' Halliday, Jacob ‘Thorne’ Louthorne
TABLE 2 — Andrea Reed, Christopher 'Chris' Evans, Griffin Dyer, Kitty O’Shea, Xavier Harris
TABLE 3 — Alon McCarthy, Daniel Adler, Gerald O’Shea, Nova Devereaux, Rosalia Leon
TABLE 4 — Allegra Cooper, Darren Murphy, Joel Maddison, Orion Anderson, Shawn Morgan
TABLE 5 — Asher Vasile, Esmeray Demir, Hana Faust, Koa Naihe, Sebastian Hargrave
TABLE 6 — Adrian Brooks, Davut Demir, Juliet Leon, Levi Bohan, Roman Guerra
TABLE 7 — Audrey Rousseau, Celeste Leon, Irina Koshkin, Oliver Faust, Zedekiah Vasile
TABLE 8 — Amelia O’Shea, Effie Faust, Grayson Beckett, Ophelia O’Shea, Veronica Pierce
TABLE 9 — Angelique Calore, Edith Cohen, Hayden Dixon, Kian Hannigan, Peyton Bridges
TABLE 10 — Angelo Madden, Clara Davila, Isaak Peters, Tia Valentine, Tyson Kane, Milena Washington
TABLE 11 — August Brooks, Calliope Lane, Ingrid Vasile, Logan Washington, Travis Vasile
TABLE 12 — Autumn Dawson, Cecilia 'Cee' Cavendish, Igor Vasile, Milo Arrington, Teagan Michaels
TABLE 13 — Amara Ricci, Eli Vogel, Evelyn "Eevee" Navarro, Katarina Vasile, Summer Moore
TABLE 14 — Caleb Duval, Eva Clarke, Faith Williams, Leslie Adal Galahad, Richie O’Shea,
TABLE 15 — Calhoun O'Farrell, Erin Cerci, Gemma Faust, Nathan Anderson, Sasha Vasile
TABLE 16 — Asli Demur, Charlotte O'Day, Gabriel Hill, Maisie Kane, Samuel O’Shea
TABLE 17 — Arielle Hernandez, Diamond Washington, Holden Mercer, Penelope 'Poppy' Levenberg, Ren Daae,
TABLE 18 — Blair Faust, Edgar Ortega, Giovanni Rossi, Mikhail Morosov, Vivian Sinclair
TABLE 19 — Brayden Adler, Darcy Faust, Evvie Martin, Liam O’Shea, Sawyer Nichols, Maggie Lee
TABLE 20 — Blake Faust, Evander 'Evan' Montague, Henry Davis, Mathias Attano, Wynter Ellis
TABLE 21 — Barnaby Eaton, Rylin Dixon, Harley Kincaid, Maeve O’Connell, Teddy Cohen
TABLE 22 — Alexander Washington, Dawn Montgomery, Isabella Rossi, Lev Vasile, Andromeda O’Shea
TABLE 23 — Andrew Whitmore, David Sharpe, Jace Dubois, Lenny Navarro, Rahi Kumar
TABLE 24 — Abel McCoy, Dominic Murphy, Julianne Hellthorpe, Katia Vasile, Sloan Washington, Wesley ‘Wes’ Ahn
TABLE 25 — Aurora O’Shea, Caroline Shepherd, Jesse Valencia, Titus Lei, Zoe Washington
TABLE 26 — Avery Simmons, Constansia Fournier, Genevieve Bisset, Monika Adler, Vitomir Kipriyanov
TABLE 27 — Birdie Mendoza, Chaeyoung Moon, Lorenzo Blackshaw, Zane Washington, Alaina Castillo
TABLE 28 — Blue Daniels, Cassandra Harris, Jackson Marston, Marizia di Greco, Violet Madden
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Main muses at the moment are my Good Omens muses
side blog to @kaylathebitch30
Good Omens Muses: Thread Trackers
Crowley (Reverse AU)
Demon Aziraphale
Humanized Bentley
I really don't tag triggers unless we interact in some form and you ask me to, I just don't see the point if we don't interact bc you can always unfollow.
Reblog memes from me, idc 😌
Don't be a bitch
Sandman Muses:
Johanna Constantine/Reborn Jessamy
Morgan Stark(info to come)
Lord of the Rings:
Oronlótë Maetharanel Galaduil
Angela The Wise
Elva Silverbrow
Sylvia Waters
Spirit Riding Free:
Fortuna Esperanza Navarro ���Lucky” Prescott
Once Upon A Time:
Wendy Moira Angela Darling
Jennifer Mason
Kieran Marcellus Mikaelson
Supernatural/TVD Crossover:(the Nephilim information for the characters below was thought up before Jack was introduced)
Rebekah Mikaelson
Zuriel Briantson
Carmon Daniel Briantson
Dina Briantson
Miriel Asmodeus
Leo Platt
Lyla Wilde
Shadow Hunters:(TV show is what I know)
Sara Abigail Lightwood
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tag drop: Bradley (pt. 2), Cadence, Calliope, Catalina
#headcanons | bradley#closet | bradley#origins | bradley#the sweetheart | cadence brielle#musings | cadence#music | cadence#loves | cadence#bait | cadence#wants | cadence#headcanons | cadence#closet | cadence#origins | cadence#the creator | calliope navarro#musings | calliope#music | calliope#loves | calliope#bait | calliope#wants | calliope#headcanons | calliope#closet | calliope#origins | calliope#the isolationist | catalina castillo#musings | catalina#music | catalina#loves | catalina#bait | catalina#wants | catalina#headcanons | catalina#closet | catalina#origins | catalina
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