#called in a less than pleasent contact
ncat · 1 year
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Continuing this cuz its fun
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Literally in the first moments of her being introduced she gets involved in several traffic accidents, flying off her motor cycle into card, barely hanging onto said cars, and then being involved in a car accident and getting hit by a car. And she's also getting shot several times as this happens.
At the end of each fight she's either the closest to death, unconscious, or actively dying.
She's the one of two people in the party to straight up have died (though she came back (came back kinda wrong))
And it's also goofy that, this is a setting where replacing limbs, whether with mechanical or organic replacements, is common if not the norm.
And for the fun of it when making her I was like "Heh wouldn't it be neat to play someone with a code against doing any of that for combat honor reasons :3"
And as such, the person with the least ability to heal themselves from such injuries takes on the most injuries.
I mean it's sick af tho to be one of the few people if any to be rockin with an eyepatch 😎
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literary-illuminati · 2 months
2024 Book Review #35 – To Say Nothing Of The Dog by Connie Willis
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This was my second shot on reading something of Willis’, and I found it far more enjoyable than the first. Which is something of a feat, honestly – it’s a rare book that you can more-or-less accurately describe s a ‘cozy romcom’ that doesn’t make me recoil. But it was charming! And dated, but mostly only charmingly as well.
The story is the second in a series, which no one ever told me when recommending it because it does not matter in the slightest (at least, I had no issues at all following along with the story) – though it does mean that it hits the ground running and requires you to pick up quite a bit from context for the first while. It follows Ned Henry, a historian at the University of Oxford in the mid-21st century – a field that has been changed dramatically by the invention of time travel. For example, it’s suddenly in desperate need of particle-accelerator money, which is why and the entire rest of the department have been conscripted by an incredibly generous donor to help her reconstruct Coventry Cathedral exactly as it was before being destroyed in the Blitz. Exactly. ‘God is in the details’, and Henry has spent subjective weeks running himself ragged attending wartime rummage sales and sifting through bombed out ruins to try and verify the fate of a glorified flower pot mainly notable for being overdone and ugly even by Victorian standards.
After going through so many rapid-fire temporal shifts that the jump sickness leaves him waxing rhapsodic about the highway and falling in love with every woman he sees, he’s sent to Victorian Oxford to lay low and recuperate, and deliver a vitally important package to a contact already in situ. Unfourtunately that jump sickness means that he’s pretty unclear on the particular what and who. Really it’s remarkable that things don’t spin even more wildly out of control than they do (and there’s a period where he might have accidentally made the nazis win WW2).
So yeah, not what you’d call a serious novel. Most of the plot is sneaking around trying to make sure various members of the Victorian gentry fall in love in the right pattern to make sure someone’s grandson can fly in the RAF down the line and someone else elopes off to America on schedule (with drastically limited details and new information from back home changing things ever so often). Also sneaking a pampered rare-fish-hunting pet cat and slothful bulldog around before they arouse the wrath of their hosts. The apocalyptic threat that’s theoretically hanging over everyone never really feels real, and it’s all just pleasently absurd and enjoyable to read.
The comedy reminds me of early Prachett, in a way? Which like, a light comedy from the ‘90s in large part poking fun at English academia, of course there are similarities, but still. Not that that’s n insult. There’s plenty of absurd situations caused by miscommunication or desperately trying to work around absurd social conventions or personal foibles. Almost the entire Victorian cast (and a decent number of the present-day characters as well) are objectively ridiculous people, and the book has a lot of fun making do the literary equivalent of chewing scenery for the camera.
I call this a romcom, but I’m not ever sure that fits, honestly. It is a comedy with romance, between the two lead characters, whose dynamic with each other is the main throughline of the book. But it’s never really a source of drama? Or a motor of the plot. They are coworkers who end up working in close confines and get alone fine, who both awkwardly admit they find each other very attractive and start flirting and at the end they kiss and adopt a cat together. Least miscommunication- or conflict-ridden central romance in fiction you’ve ever seen. I don’t know enough about the genre constraints to determine whether it counts or not.
Part of the appeal of this was honestly the odd ways it came across as a bit dated? Not at all in a bad way but just, like – the fixation on the Blitz as the sine qua non of English history feels very 20th century? The references to the Charge of the Light Brigade and Schrodinger’s Box and Three Men in a Boat, combined with the felt obligation to step back from the narrative and explain what they were in case the reader wasn’t aware – just the idea that someone reading a time travel story won’t already be familiar with the concept of temporal paradoxes, really. It all added up to a reading experience that felt a bit off-kilter in a pleasing way.
This is obviously a story very fascinated by Victoriana – both the time period and the popular memory. Its perspective on the period is – I guess ‘affectionate contempt’ might be the best way to put it? It clearly doesn’t think much of the Oxfordshire gentry, the women shallow as a puddle and obsessed with marriage gossip and spiritualism, the men with their heads stuffed with some academic fixation and utterly divorced from all practical affairs, both obsessed with petty one-up-man-ship of their peers and casually abusive and callous towards the servants who run and organize their lives for them. But it all feels rather good-natured; not a trace of righteous fury or real class hatred is on display, the fact of the empire and the source of their fortunes is I think not even mentioned. One more way it feels a bit dated, I suppose, or maybe just a way my usual reading’s much more explicitly political about these things.
I’m also not sure if this is a matter of tastes or popular memory changing or just my impression of what the received common wisdom is being parochial or inaccurate, but – given the association of ‘Victorian’ with imperial grandeur, aesthetic superiority, eye-wateringly expensive historical real estate, etc, it is quite funny how the book takes for granted that to be ‘victorian’ means to be horrifically gaudy and over-designed, devoid of elegance or restraint, and to have probably ruined some real medieval beauty in its creation.
Anyway yes, you absolutely could dig into this book and write some meaty essays out of it, but I simply was not reading it closely enough to do so. It’s probably overlong and definitely meandering and unhurried, but I did find it a really enjoyable read.
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dnarez · 3 years
Giving Siblings To A Son
Shouto fights with his wife and is told to go to a Inn by his friends, the Inn is know to make wishes come true.
Shouto was happy with his life, he truly was.
He was the number 3 pro hero of Japan, had a beautiful wife, that is also a pro hero, no one less the Momo Yaoyorozu, who was his crush since 2nd year and girlfriend on his last.
A sweet son who had the name Shouya, that just completed 3 years, his gray hair, a mix of his white side with her black one was truly the cutest shit he's ever seen.
But now after his mother's birthday he was reminded of how good it was to have siblings, they were friends for your whole life, he wanted that his son would also have this, maybe someone to talk to when his son couldn't tell him or his wife, the image of both being friends brought warmth to his heart.
But when he thought about it, he realized his sexual life with his wife was dead, after having their son she simply stopped searching for him, and when he tried to she always had an excuse, Shouto had to "take care" of himself alone for a little more than 3 years, 4 if you count the pregnancy, maybe if he tells her that he wants another one it will help this problem that he discovered recently.
"You want another child?'' she looked at him through the mirror.
"Yes" he smiled a little shy''On my mother's birthday that was on the weekend I noticed how me and my siblings are close right now, even if we had a hard time showing affection before, now I know that they truly love me, I want Shouya to feel that, I'm not saying that I don't love him!" he said the ending quickly getting more and more embarrassed, to the point that his ears and cheeks were pink.
Momo was silent for a few seconds, then she went back to putting makeup on "Shouto... how many do you want?" she looked at him apprehensive.
His blush covered all of his face "I want 3 more" he looked down to his hands.
"I can't believe..." she turned around, and he saw his beautiful wife angry "ARE YOU ALSO TRYING TO MAKE WEAPONS WITH OUR SONS!? I THOUGHT YOU WANTED TO BE DIFFERENT FROM YOUR FATHER!"
Shouto quickly got inside the bathroom and closed the door behind him when she started to scream "I don't know what you are talking about, I just want my son to have friends for the rest of his life, friends that will always have his back" he frowned, how could she compare him to the shadow of the man his father once was, not only insulting him but the good man his father is today.
Momo finish her makeup and goes to him, poking him with her pointer finger "Is that your excuse!? I don't want to end up crazy like your mother!"
"My mother isn't crazy! And my father is a good man now, what he did will never, and I mean NEVER be forgotten, but he did his best to be the better man he is today, why are you attacking me like that!? I love our son more than anything, even more than I love you!"
"Are you doing this because we aren't having sex anymore? Because if that's it I advise you to stop, I don't want any more children, and we won't be having sex anymore" Momo opens the door and put her red dress on "Now finish getting ready, our classmates are waiting"
As she walked away, leaving a heartbroken Shouto, she didn't even look back at him.
"I punched him straight in the face!" Bakugou said proudly.
"What else wound you do?" Kaminari pointed out.
"Probably make the villain fly after being barbecued" Sero joked, making the whole table laugh.
Shouto smile at that, but he wasn't paying much attention to the guys, even if their table had only guys, and by the looks he was receiving from an ash blond and a green haired dude, he guessed that some of his friends noticed it too.
"Okay, what the fuck happened? Why do you look like some dog that was kicked from the moving van?" Bakugou asked his friends as the three of them were alone on the parking lot.
"I had a fight with Momo before coming to this party... she said some pretty... aggressive things..." Shouto looked down to his glass of wine.
"Like what?" Izuku got closer with his on glass of wine in hand.
"... Like my mom is crazy, and compared me to how my father was before..."
"Why did she say that? What were you two talking about?" Bakugo nudge Shouto with his elbow.
Shouto gave him a small smile, after so many years Bakugou still had a hard time with showing emotions, but he did little things to show that he was trying to comfort his friend. "I told her that I would like to give brothers and/or sisters for Shouya... she accused me of wanting more children to be weapons for me... And that it was only an excuse to have sex"
Both Bakugou and Izuku looked at him shell shocked.
"THAT BITCH!" Bakugou received an angry glare from Shouto at that "DON'T YOU DARE LOOK AT ME LIKE THAT!!! IZUKU HELP ME!"
"This is kind of an intimate question but... how long has it been since the last time you two... you know..." Izuku blushes
"Kacchan no!"
"Since she got pregnant with Shouya"
"WHAT!?" both screamed at the same time.
"Isn't it normal?" Shouto tilted his head
"NO! IT FUCKING ISN'T!!!" Bakugou shouted.
"Shouto, do you do any type of skin ship with her? I know that you do like physical contact more than any other type of demonstration of love" Izuku put his hand on his friend's shoulder.
"No, she doesn't let me hug her, and I can only kiss her cheek before going to bed, and only in front of our son"
"You don't even fucking cuddle when you sleep? Even I do that with Eijiro" Katsuki crossed his arms, looking more pissed than normal.
"She sleeps in a separated room since getting pregnant, I didn't want to stress her when pregnant, so I didn't ask for her to explain, and after our son was born I step up to taking care of him more than her, since she always looked so tired..."
"Oh my god... you are literally the perfect husband and she simply- okay fuck her, you need to divorce her"
"Kacchan! Don't say that! This is his relationship, you know how Shouto his influenceable, don't put those ideas on his head!" Izuku slapped Katsuki's shoulder.
Bakugou huffs but nods in understanding "Maybe you should do something for her to notice what she's loosing"
Izuku put his hand on his chin and nods "That is a better option, you cook her meals every day, also does your son's bento, clean the house when you can, always lend her your ear for her, when she's tired you play with your son and don't let him close to her to let her relax..."
"I know a good place, since you like traditional Japanese style, It's a place with a lot of hot springs, I think you will like it, no... I'm sure of it, Me and Eijiro went there when we got time last winter" Katsuki took his cellphone from his back pocket and after a moment Shouto felt his vibrating.
"Hot Spring of Wishes" he read it out loud.
"Oh! That place is very well know for its secrecy, they can grant wishes by a price, but no one tells who grant their wishes, you said you went there, why is it Kacchan?" Izuku looked from Shouto to Katsuki.
"It was last year winter, when the biological family of my daughter wanted her back, they had a firm case, and the judge was known to not support gay marriage, much less adoption, so we both went there and made our wish" Katsuki looked up to the moon and sighed "We wouldn't have won if it weren't for that place, I'm sure of it, I can guarantee that your wish will be granted... well if you can pay the price"
"What was the price?" Izuku asked.
"I can't say, one of the gueixa that works there has a quirk called Seal, they will know when you broke the promise to not say specific things about that place, they say that if you break the promise the person that realize your wish will come to you and get what you wished for back to them" Katsuki frowned and looked at them nervous "If I tell you something like, who granted my wish, what the price that I paid was or one more thing that I can't even tell you, that person will come to my house and take my daughter with them"
"But you are the number 2 hero, how could them do that, it isn't even legal, and you should be able to spot it... right?" Shouto asked looking apprehensive.
Katsuki shook his head "No, that person is strong enough to take over the world, they don't do it because they don't want to"
Izuku and Shouto looked at him alarmed "So what does it stop some villain to go there and wish for the worst??" Izuku asked while flailing his arms around, almos spilling his drink.
"They have to accept your wish, after you go there, you are sent to your room, and while you take a bath at the hot spring, a woman will come to you and ask what do you wish for, after you tell her, she will go back inside and talk to the wish granter, they decide if your wish is good enough for them, they like the way things are, and they also have rules for wishes, you should go there and ask for your wife to appreciate you more, maybe ask for her to agree to have another child with you"
Shouto nod and look back at his phone, the pictures of that place were beautiful, and taking a break did sound good. "I have accumulated sick days, I will spend a week there."
Bakugou nods "Just make sure to leave enough bentos to your son for the whole week, your wife won't remember to do his lunch every day"
"But I do his every morning to be fresh and tasty... I don't want to send him with just a sandwich, a pack of grapes and a juice box, I like to cook him a proper meal every day... this is a problem..." Shouto frowned at his cellphone home picture, of him and his son smiling at the camera.
"I can do it for him, just tell me if he doesn't like something" Katsuki evade Shouto's thankful look.
"Thank you, you are a good friend" Bakugou nods at him, blushing.
The car trip was good, but exhausting, Momo was glad... too glad that he decide to take a one-week-long break.
"Welcome, I hope you have a very pleasent stay, and that all your wishes come true" a woman in a white kimono and with an empty white mask appears in front of him, her hair was the typical black japanese hair.
Shouto had reserved the whole inn for himself, being a top pro hero can be tiring, so a place like this where he could do as he wished with no worries was relaxing. "Thank you, please lead me to my room"
The woman took him to his room "Diner will be ready at 21h, the hot spring is always open, since it's only you this whole week, you can feel free and walk around freely, the hot spring has an area where the water is blood red, please don't go there, only if you are invited you can go there" The lady say as he goes into the room with his bag in hand.
"Thank you very much" he bows and she bows back.
The hot spring was perfect, as he let his muscles relax inside the hot water he started to hear someone walking to him.
Shouto looked atound and saw a woman with a black kimono, a black veil, but he could see the e/c of her eyes, her hair was down, the humid air didn't seem to change anything on her.
"What do your heart wish for?" She said by his ear, giving him goosebumps all over.
"I would like for my wife to agree to have another child" he looked at her eyes, but the veil was obstructing his view of the rest of her face.
"Just one more?" The woman tilted her head to the side.
He shook his head "No, I want three more, I already have one"
"Hmmmm... a lot of people come here for infertility, other people come here to try and find love, and you have money, power, a powerful quirk, a lovely wife and a healthy child, tell me, why should I accept your request?" She put her hand on his shoulder.
"Since I have everything else I can give you anything, it doesn't matter the price" Shouto's were filled with determination.
She chuckles and shakes her head "I don't need money, this inn per night is pretty expensive, I don't want power that is unnecessary, I don't need love my servants will always follow and obey me with their own free will" she gets up.
"Wait!" He also gets up not carrying for his nudity "please! I really want to give siblings for my son!" She stop and look down to his dick.
"Big..." she looks back at his face "I will accept ypur request, the price will be for you" she points at him "to impregnate me" she puts her hand on her chest.
"WHAT!? I will not cheat on my wife!" He took a few steps back.
She bows to him "Then have a nice stay mister Todoroki, your wish was denied for not being able to pay the price, if you change your mind go to the other hot spring, the one with red water" she goes inside the inn again leaving him alone.
You knew he would come to you, they alway come to you.
After the dinner you went to your spot on the bloody hot spring.
The thick water was scary for other, but you knew it was just the trees that had roots inside this pond, which made the water red and thick with it's sap.
As you relax in the water you hear steps coming to you making you smile "I didn't think you would come"
Shouto stop a few feets before the water "I don't have other choice... do I?"
You look back at him, and seeing your face makes him shy, you were beautiful, your lips curving into a sly smile, your eyelashes, your cheek bones, everything in you was attractive to him.
As his eyes went down accompanying a drop of water that went from your cheek, down to your neck, then your collar bone, going around your right breast until your nipple where it stay hanging, but his eyes went further down, stopping at your hips, the thick red water didn't allow him to explore more with his eyes.
You did the same, exploring him with your eyes, he had afew scars on his body, fine legs and body, but a certain feminine touch on his face, just like a doll, his dick started coming to life from seeing your body, and you could feel your core pulsating with need. "Let's go to my room, it will be better than you coming into my water" you got up and stepped out the hot spring reveling the rest of your body to him.
You see him gulp and his dick pulsate once, all to your eyes, you lick your lips and go to him "say, do your wife have big breasts? Would you prefer if mine were bigher like hers?" You say as you press then on his chest.
Shouto shook his head "too big, can't grab it all... it's annoying" he doesn't take his eyes off of gour body.
"Hmmm... so you prefer the normal sized cup, that's good, would you like to take a hold of them? Since you said that hers was annoying, I hope that I can satisfy you"
He nod and you take a step back, letting him grab your chest.
Shouto looked to be hypnotized by your body, you were smaller than Momo, also had smaller chest size, which is probably the normal size, your eyes looked at him with desire and want, something that he never saw in Momo's eyes.
You sigh aroused by the way he squeezes and pull at your breasts.
He watches tour facial expressions and massages your chest the way it gets more reactions from you, having you whimpering and giving small moans "Shouto... more"
Hearing you say his name and ask him so lovely, has him succumb to his desure as his head goes lower and he start to suck on your nipple.
"Aaaah!" You shout surprised "I told you we were going to my room!" You blush from his sudden advance.
'So many pretty faces, her sounds are extremely addictive... more... I want to see and hear more' Shouto close his eyes as he lightly bites on your right nipple and pinches the left one.
"Can't you- ah... wait? Just a little?" You pit one hand on his shoulder and pets his hair with the other "my workers will see us if we do it here"
At that Shouto releases your nipple with a wet pop, and lick his lips "Where?"
You sigh and nods to the inn "the red door"
He picks you up suddenly making you yelp surprised, but he just start to walk in to the inn... naked.
You whistle in a loud and long way, and hear a lot of doors closing to the way he was going.
"Was that a order?" He looks at you for a moment and then looks back at front.
You nod "It is, this way I ordered them to go to their roomsand not come out until further notice"
"And why did you do that?" You hug his neck to stabilize yourself, which makes your chest brush against his.
"We are both naked and walking to my room, I have enough jokes going around on my inn, I don't need anymore"
He nods and give you a small smile "let's finish this"
Shouto takes you both to the red door, which is where he puts you down, you open the door and let him in.
Your room was the only one with European style, the rest of the inn was in traditional Japanese style.
You walk to your bed and open your arms to him "come here, let's have some fun~♡"
Being called to have sex in a cute way, your open arms ready to embrace him, this is everything he wants to do with Momo, the reactions you give, the moans, he wanted to be his wife that embrace him fully, but instead he has to search for affection in another women's arms "Can you-... "
You watch him going back to being shy and tilt your head to the side, but don't lower your arms "do you want to request something?"
"Would you please call me Sho? And... what do I call you?" He looks away from you and tries to cover his dick with his hands, which he fails.
"You can call me anything you like, my name doesn't matter, okay?... Sho"
He blushes and nod as he stop covering himself and walks to you.
You put your hands on his chest and the back of his neck "Please kiss me Sho"
He grows and kiss you, his hands explore your body slowly, going to your hips then to your butt where he gives a squeeze, then back at your breasts where he goes back to massage it.
You lick his bottom lip and he open his mouth to you giving you access to his tongue.
The feeling of his slight cold hand going around your warm body making you go crazy with him.
Your tongue tasted sweet on his mouth, Shouto lays you down on the bed slowly, not stopping his hands, but breaking the kiss to breath.
The scenario in front of him has his dick pulsating and dropping precum on your thigh 'she wants me like I want her, so pretty, what do I call her? I want to mame this person so that she can temporarily be mine, just for this week...'
You put your hand on his cheek "what will be my name Sho?" You ask sweetly, as your hand goes and grab his dick "Sweetie? Maybe Honey? Dear? Or your wife's name? You can call me anything that you want"
"T-then..." his hips jerk on your hand as you slowly start to masturbate him "Love..." you look at him surprised and smile "Yes... you are my love"
He close his eyes and kiss you again, going straight for a small tongue fight, that he won easily.
Your hands, both go down, one of them jerking him off, and the other fondling with his balls.
Shouto moans into the kiss 'Momo never did something like this every time we had sex it was about her, she didn't let me fondle with her breasts, or explore her body with care, she would just use lubricant om herself, I would fuck her, and after I came she would take care of herself, not letting me touch her anymore'
You break the kiss and push his shoulder until he was laying down on the bed, you got yourself between his legs and licked his balls, yoi see the goose bumps on his legs, and just now notice that his pubic hair is also half white and half red.
He watches you with a lot of interest 'Momo only went down on me when I begged her to, and would always look disgusted, I would feel very unwanted and gross after, but... she is-!' Shouto's thoughts were cut by your mouth wrapping around the head of his dick.
He groans as you take more of him on your mouth, you facial expression shows pleasure, like you are sucking a delicious lollipop, and it makes him feel wanted, like you want to taste him and give him pleasure.
You bob your head up and down, taking more of him each time, being careful with your teeth and brushing your tongue on his more predominant veins, which hives you more breathy moans and groans.
He fit so well on your mouth, and his moans plus his dick om your mouth has you aroused to the point of feeling your slick on you lower lips.
Shouto trows his head back when your nose brush against his pubic hair after taking all of him in. "LOVE! My love! I'm gonna cum!" You quickly take your mouth off him which he whines at the cold air and the way his sick slap against his skin, all wet with your saliva, but the way you looked at him, like you were famish, made his dick throb in want.
You lick you lips and raise to your knees, you incline yourself a little backwards and open more your legs "Can you help me get ready? You will be the biggest I ever had" you open your lower lips and gives him a little show, your slick all ovee your thighs, showing him the effect of sucking him.
Shouto eagerly nods and give you his hand "sit on my face, please"
You do as told and as you sit on his face he starts immediately.
Circling your clit with the tip of his stiff tongue, then he relaxes it and goes in circles again around it, going from slow to fast, to slow again, loving the way your body flexes and relax under his treatment.
"Sho! Your so good at this!" Hearing you compliment him makes Shouto wants more of it, of everything you can give.
Your taste is intoxicating, so different from his wife, you taste sweet with the normal bitterness of the human fluid, since he wanted more of it he put his tongue inside you and moved it around collecting moew fluids as you moan throwing your head back and calling his name in such a lovely way.
You wiggle your hips trying to feel more of him, Shouto had an idea, he cupped both your clit and your entrance with his mouth and sucked on it, making you moan loudly and your body shivers from the sensation.
"W-wait! If you do it like that I will come!" You say trying to raise yourself from him, but he hook his arms around your thighs and pull you closer, now he was sucking only on your clit and he started circling it with his relaxed tongue.
It was too much, thhe sucking, the licking, so much so that he made you cum on his tongue, and as you did it, he lapped on your juices drinking it all, until you were too sensitive and was constantly trying to get out of his grip.
Shouto releases you and you fall back on the bed "Your wife is really lucky, you do an excellent job with your tongue" he hovers on top of you and smiles at you.
"Yes, you're really lucky my love, but I'm more, since I have you all to myself" the way he caresses your face makes you realize that he wants to act like you are his wife, not his actually wife that gave birth to his son, hut it's as if he wants to pretend just a bit, that he isn't neglected by the person he loves, so you let him.
You smile back and nuzzle his hand "We are both luck my husband, my Shouto" you hug his neck bringing him in, and you feel tears falling on your face as he passionately kiss you.
He holds you close and dearly as if you are very delicate and precious "my love, I know this is sudden but... let's have a child, one of our own, they will have your beautiful hair, my eyes, maybe a mixture of the two of us, how about it?"
You nod playing along "Then today is a good day, let's have a child that has your hair and my eyes, let's build our family Sho!" He sobs at that and nods opening your legs and trusting his hips against yours, making the head of his dick press against your entrance.
You hug his waist with your legs and pull him, the head pops in and you both shiver from it "More... Sho" you bring his face to yours and kiss his scar "please Sho, I want more of you" he looks back at you like you are a goddess and kiss you passionately while lightly trusting into you, until he got totally inside of you.
"There... but... you are so tight! I won't be able to hold back for long, my love... I'm sorry"
You shook your head "it's fine, this way we can build our family sooner, please Sho, I need more" you wiggle your hips up, and sifhs at the sensation of being full.
He nods and start to move, the feeling of your walls squeezing him, and how hot and wet you were, so perfect, so sweet, just for him, so he takes what he wants, and trust into you making you moan at him.
Again... and again, he went deeper and faster with each trust, his arms got tired from holding himself up, so he let his face fall between your breasts without stopping his hips.
You carve your nails into his back and moans sweetly in his ears, nothing fake and loud, just quiet but showing that you loved the feeling he was giving you.
You feel him biting down on your neck and that make you yelp, but it turns into a moan when he brush against your G-point making your whole body shudder.
"Here?" He trust against it again and draw blood from his back with your nails "ah, you do like it here, go on love, feel all my heart and soul being poured into you" he nibbles on another place and keep trusting there.
As your pleasure rise you aslo bite and mark him all over his body "Sho! That way you will really get me pregnant!"
"But... that's the point... right?" He goes deeper with a strong trust and hits your womb, it hurts but it's the kind of pain that you like it.
The pleasure keeps building up, to the point that a little more will make you cum, and you do when you feel his mouth around your nipple.
Your back arches but he doesn't release you, but instead keep trusting, hearing you moan and quenching around him is driving him crazy.
Shouto frantically trusts into your sensitive pussy without a break, feeling so much off you, your smell, your taste, your sounds, how you wrap around him tighly like you don't want him to go, so perfect, his wife... is really perfect.
He cums inside of you, but keeps hiving shallow trusts into you.
You sigh relaxed and he gently lay you down on the bed, but doesn't pull out, instead you feel his shoulders trembling and feel your chest getting wet, you look at him and raise his face to yours, you see him crying and sobbing. "Hey! What's up? What happened??" You pet his face lovingly and caresses his cheek under his scar.
"Momo... I'm sorry! I'm an awful husband! What the fuck am I doing??? I-I just- please don't let go off me... please" he buries his face on your chest once more and you pet his head.
"Don't worry, it will be our secret" you kiss the top of his head and keep petting him.
The other workers giggle, both pregnant with the last winter wishes, glad to have another powerful child on their way.
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larissaloki · 6 years
Abusive relationships,
Yes another one of these, ths my own personal experiences with a relationship that ended nearly two years ago. I’ve only just gotten the confidence too share as to this day, my son is still negatively affected by the aftermath.
Thankfully my relationship only lasted 2 months before i wised up and kicked his ass to the curb. These kinds of relationships can happen to anyone, not just women, so this post will hopefully serve as a warning for everyone on what to look out for.
Before i continue i will warn that content can be sensitive for some (obviously) but also mentions of a bdsm esk lifestyle. Not overly explitic but it’s still there. Also I am just writng out as it pops into my head so bare with my ramblings as this hard to get out.
To start off with, I am a single mum living in a flat and at the time i was working part time (18 hours a week a the time) with a 2 year old toddler and 22 years old. Despite having a son I was lonely a lot as a lot of friends stopped contacting me and my weekly dnd group was disbanded so my human interactions where limited and lets just say retail doesn’t equate to good human contact.
Fast forward because you don’t want to hear about my struggles wth dating as humourous it is. I met (lets call him D) D and as always, things see well- D was sweet and charmng and was seemingly ok with me having a toddler. Brillant! i thought i had hit gold with this guy.
This how abusers are, they make themselves seem to sweet and amazing that you become blind any faults. You know that saying “I’m not like those guys, not all guys are like that” D used these words when describng himself and in conversations. in my experience with him and a few other people, people that have used these sentences are often exactly like the ones they say they aren’t.
So far everything he’s done is present a pleasent package that sound and looks trustworthy and a nice guy. Making the bad traits come across as just mere off days. I was so blinded by the fact that he seemed to sweet and nice that i didn’t realise exactly what he was doin for a mere two months. thankfully talks at schools and thing’s I’ve read online and family members helped me clock onto his games.
ALWAYS LISTEN TO FAMILY! i say this because they noticed within weeks what he was doing and were trying to find ways to warn me. He seemed hesitant to meet my family after a month of dating which for my family is odd, as we are a pretty tight family more or less at the times. My mum met everyones partners quickly as we all visited each other a lot at the time.
when she did meet him a month into dating and was talking to him, D admitted that he would read my phone over my shoulder ALL.THE.TIME. This is not good, nothing i thought was private actually was. But his own phone was protected like it was the holy grail of all holy grails. I never actually asked to see his phone but it’s somethin i noticed after we broke up that he would always hide the screen from anyone in the room. He would try and create arguments over anything with my mu and sister when they were at my home while i was working, watching over my son. At this pont i wasn’t still comfortable enough for D to be along with my son.
When i then got home, my mum and sister would leave quickly unable to stand being in D’s presence. this made me think they simply just didn’t like him, so when it annoyed me, D would jump onto my rants and feed them. Make my anger at my mum and sister worse by telling white lies, basically fanning the flames. People, if your partner does this- take a step back and wonder why.
D was purposefully driving wedges between me and my family and later my best friend by complaining about each and trying to get me to join his point of view. Tryng to get me to view them as hinderences rather than support. Driving me to focus on him completely and not them. Do not let anyone destroy your family ties, especially ones with your closest family.
then theres the other little things, like comlaining how i wash my hair and which products i use saying i was damaging myself. everything i used was of good value and methods professional hairdressers adviced me to use. But apparently a guy who doesn’t even condition and had short balding hair had better knowledge then me. this is another form of control, trying to tell me how to do things. same with cooking, I’m not a bad cook i can make somegood meals but he insisted on cooking saying he’s amazing at cooking. He would often put in way to much garlic and onion making the meals he made full of to much flavour and would get upset when my poor 2 year old wouldn’t eat or I wouldnt. Even when i told him not to put so much he would snap saying he knew what he was doing.
Then theres the guilt tripping and telling me how to raise my child. A person who has no children was apparently more knowledgable than me who read articles and books and have a mother who’s had 4 kids herself. When out and about he would get annoyed when my 2 year old had a tantrum and play up.
saying that my son was being a disrespectful shit to me and would publically shame me for ignoring or trying to appease my son depending on what the tantrum was over. RED FLAG! A 2 year old cannot be disrespectful, my son struggles with speech to this day due to D demanding my son uses his words and not cries to display hs wants. D’s view was that kids should be perfectly articulate at 2 year old and understand all these adult social cue’s.
Then at bed times, D hated that i cuddled my son till he slept and that my son came intomy bed halfwa through the night for comfort reasons. So he demanded i changed the night routine to involve maths for my 2 year old and a story while my son was in bed then just walkout of the bedroom. leave my son alone regardle if he was upset, my heart broke at my sons cries as D scared my son back into bed and kept leaving him. Ignoring my concerns with this method saying it wht he read online and eventually my son will sleep. worst two weeks of my life until i broke the cycle as I just couldn’t allow it to continue.
i was fas growing afraid of D at this point. One night he flipped his shit as i turned over in bed declaring it was to hot to share the bed due to my memory foam topper and that he runs hot anyway. he threw his phone at the wall over it. Another time he yelled at me for not trying a certain stores jellybabies when i said. didn’t like jellybabies, saying that i was being stubborn as this stores jelly babies were delicious. i promised to try them later- when he was out i threw them away and just told him that yes they were ok.
He mocked the games i played and liked, i love final fantasy and rpg games a lot. i find them entertaining but he mocked them saying i should play more fighter interactve games. he made me play one that i just found dull and did not like at all.
After this he was also scaring me with his bsm ettiquette, anyone in bdsm know that you respected your partners limits and repected their safe word and what they tell you the are ok with and what they aren’t ok with. A few times he violated this. He liked to give pain and i liked mostly pleasure and rope play. A hard limit for me was belts- i was not ok with them at all, he used one one session and i had to safe word out quickly which he found fuckng funny. This is not ok. Another time we wanted to try a new pose with ropes and the position i was in was making me feel ill half way through beng tied, so i safe worded and asked me to get me out as i felt sick.
If your partner is in rope and feels unwell or safe words out- get them out fast! Cut the ropes if you need to you can always buy more ffs. But D didn’t, he sighed and slowly untied me. No matter how much i begged him to hurry up he went at his own slow ass pace. Do not do this as something someone once found enjoyable suddenly no longer is.
And lastly, do not snap at your sub if your rope plans dont go to plan. Do not make them feel bad if something doent work. I was snapped at when ties he was tryng for the first time weren’t working, nothing i could help.
towards the end he told my mum when they again where at mine alone that he would be moving in in 6 months time so she had best get usedto him being here. we had only been dating at this point for less than 2 months. I have a rule that i don’t move in with someone unles i’ve been with them for more than 2-3 years at the minimum.
the event that pretty much spelled the end for this? was my sons bday and D turned up after eveyone had gone which fair enough, lots of kids wasn’t his thing. I had some alcohol and energy drinks as well, he offere weed which i had had before unaware of him slipping me ectasy as well.
All of these things did not respond well to me, hours later in the next morning as i had this 9 pm the night before, by 10 am D left to go home and i was dealing with what i think was the come down. Badly. Ikept having panic attack and was not right for two days after. My heart kept going dangerous speeds that i had to call my mum and sister for help as D said he woudlnt come over as i wa just beng silly and that it would pass. I was worried for my son if something was to happen to me over it.
After this i talked to my mum and the truth was coming out in small bits. I stupidly was on the fence about what my mum was telling me as i was reliant on D’s affection and we i went to get a coil (birth control device) and D hated that i was going with my mum and that i had been talking to her.
He got defensive and was telling me i didnt need my mum in my life. His mum wa dead and he was doing well, so i didn’t need mine in hs eyes. This is maniplative as fuck and he was an asshole trying to use this. By thi point. Was wising up to his tactics and games with teh help of my mum exposing what he hadsaid to her and i dumped him.
He tried to then play around with getting his things back and tried to arrange it when i would be alone. Never meet an ex like this alone people i beg you, i got my mums bf to wait for him instead,and i prepacked his stuff so he couldnt possibly steal anything. When he saw my mums bf his aggressive pose he had at the door dropped away. He was suddenly polite and cordial and left with little fuss once received his things. Never meet an abusive ex alone.
After he left my life i found out he had gotten onto my computer that was a christmas gift and had wrecked it beyond usable it quickly broke and i lost everything on it. All my musc and pictures and works. My computer wa my escap and coping mechanism for depression and anxiety. Same as my music. Im still struggling in life around men due to this and my son is strugling to learn to speak still.
Please be careful and never cut out people from your life because a partner says so. Friends and family mean more than someone you just met.
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