#call me heterophobic idc
sapphicyanli · 2 years
idk yall but i think shuri and riri can be girlfriends
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llycaons · 1 year
ep28 (2/2): you'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll sigh dreamily, you'll grit your teeth in hopeless anger....this one has it all
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the drama of the duel is kind of silly if you know it's a ploy so idc for it but this is very real hurt wwx is expressing and jc just doesn't care I guess!
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also why did he do this. just for the drama....
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oh my god so this scene had me sobbing. real tears. she was so happy to see him! her brother!!! but he's going away from them and it's breaking her heart and she's begging jc to do something but he's just standing there and wwx is getting smaller and smaller in the distance 😭 wwx people love you so much!!!!
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and this look afterwards...devastating
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oh shit did jc give him money? it's implied that lwj gives wq money but following that same logic, maybe jc did too. less in-character for him tho
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this is a joke im literally bisexual please dont come for me
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im such a sap for their romance...an arrogant rich boy getting into muddy water to personally build you a pond that reminds you of home so you won't be homesick...mud on his face and hiding the lotus behind his back as if he could hide it....I AM charmed!!! I am!!! he may not have any principles either but fuck if he doesn't love his wife!
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and she is CRYING!!!!! she misses her home!!! she wants to be with her brothers!!! this is hard for her!!!
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I love that the show teaches you how to watch it. they're saying, look at this romantic couple. jzx is committing to supporting and taking care of jyl. jyl is saying jzx's name with no formalities attached. they're staring deeply into each other's eyes. they're on a bridge (ahh!!! I just noticed!!!). this is what couples in this universe do! dw about kissing. staring intently at each other from an arms-length is the height of romance. and you know what they're right
not that I wouldn't kill for one good wx kiss in ep50. but they're right. sometimes romance is in all the littler things
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they call jc 'little' huh. to indicate his youth, and accentuate his helplessness and victimization? don't think that was his goal during the duel
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oh my god this scene is fucking hilarious. the poor 19 year old with zero history of working with kids. thrust into this position, a child wailing on his leg, beset on all sides by concerned well-meaning strangers. usually so poised and confident, he's shrunk into himself so much he can barely speak. HE DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL FOR THIS!!!! he doesn't know SHIT!!!
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and ofc wwx in the corner laughing at him
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that's like nine people...help
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this scene is ALSO funny bc wwx is obviously watching lwj for a minute before making his presence known to him and lwj lifts his head and it's pov now so he's suddenly all 🥺😍😮 but all in one face and the frames slow down as we go slomo and wwx looks so handsome and powerful walking over to rescue him from this disaster. his hero <3
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forgot he said this and then said he has a bitter expression. very xie lian to mq of him lol
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I love this moment bc it's one of the first gifs I ever saw and I remember the commentary was like 'lwj suddenly realizes he has a burning need to have a family with wwx' etc. etc. and they're right he does wants that desperately. sorry, lwj. give it 20 years
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this is rich kid behavior. I thought wx was being mean and teasing a-yuan, but he was just being practical. there are toys there, so he'll use them to distract and calm down a-yuan, then they'll leave. they don't have the money! and a-yuan isn't even that upset
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still, lwj 0.2 seconds after meeting his very first baby, can't bear to see one not spoiled. so we get this very cute scene
personal highlights
that first convo was so good but THEN I'LL BE THE PRECENDENT and then jc's monologue ough
wq returning the comb. sad but also lmao. fail jc moment
jyl's dream broke my little heart...
jzx all covered in the mud offering jyl a piece of her home he built with his own two hands (mostly)
lwj frozen and panicking and trapped by well-meaning nosy market-goers. because of a toddler
lwj reprimanding wwx for not buying all the toys. he is so silly
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yugiohz · 4 years
I know I sound like a hipster who cries about their Thing becoming main stream, but it will always bother me how cishet girls will call your style and interests weird until skinny white influencers do it, cishet girls will tell you that wearing wide jeans and bulky shoes looks ugly until Bella hadid does it and suddenly they all love to dress less gender conforming i guess 💆‍♀️ cishets have neither style nor experiment with their looks and think their opinion matters lol happy pride 🏳️‍🌈💅🏻
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omnigon · 7 years
So I’m following this fucking dolt, the name of whom I shall not speak lest she comes over here and blocks me for hurting her feelings but.........she pretends to do magic..... like on the internet. She also worships serial killers/ rapists and doesn’t care about the people they hurt and just goes on and on about how “hot” they are. But she’s also somehow a major SJW?? Not like “oh she’s otherkin” or whatever. She is like. The definition of SJW. The most stereotypical, with the most confusing “identities” I’ve ever seen. But she’s not a troll. No, I’ve seen her YouTube videos, God have I seen them...nothing but rambling and blue fucking lipstick for 50 minutes. Talking about her serial killer crush.
I’m saving her retarded posts to my drafts, and her videos to my harddrive, because I’m going to put all her idiocy in a pile in 1 video. IDC how long the video is, but I need to fucking make it. She is one of the worst, most obnoxious people I’ve ever followed. She constantly uses her “”oppressions”” as an excuse to be sexist and cisphobic/heterophobic and shit. TBH if if she sees it she will either ignore it or call me a cishet white male neo-nazi for disagreeing with her, then go on about how it’s okay to lust after a literal rapist if you’re not racist or whatever! She’s very predictable.
I just hate her SO MUCH. She needs to be put the fuck back in her place, along with the rest of the True Crime Cult retards. I’m so tired of those fucking degenerates. She’s 28. I thought she was like 16 when I first found her blog but shes’.............................. years older than I am. And she still believes in magic and ghosts. And she worships serial killers. She’s an adult and she posts pictures of magic symbols online with captions like “To keep all the anon hate away” or some dumb shit. God it’s so retarded. It’s almost physically painful to keep followeing her, I just get so pissed off by the sheer idiocy.
And I know the rest of her enabling cummunity is just as bad, but I have a special place in my hatred-parts for her and her....... caliber of pure ridiculousness. There’s just something about being attracted to and defending a literal rapist, while claiming to be “woke” and unproblematic, along with her other dumb childish things and her shitty fucking attitude. She’s unique, like Chris Chan. Or me. One of a kind cringefest, a lolcow or whatever. I hate her. She’s a good target because she really does claim to be SEXUALLY ATTRACTED to a RAPIST who killed and raped children.............like.........no sympathy tbh it’s not bullying if she really is a sack of shit.
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