#call him 'my god' and 'wh0re' in the same sentence and he's yours
deathmcth-archived · 2 years
Anonymous asked: Y - Yes, Master (what kinds of names are used during sex? do they like being called master / mistress, daddy, etc…? what names do they call their partner?)
a-z smut headcanons
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             Ayalon adores being referred to as my lord/king, my god, and other similar titles during sex! He doesn’t mind ‘Master/Mistress’, but he might make fun of his partner a bit if they let that slip (his teasing won’t be too extreme though, promise!). Daddy/Mommy isn’t really his thing, but if his partner is into it he’ll let it slide. However, realistically, no one’s calling him lord or king or god, for that matter, in bed. Ayalon doesn’t hide what he is, but he also doesn’t go around telling each of his acquaintances what his deal is, so he hasn’t been called those titles in a long time, even though he likes them (whether it be in a sexual context or not). 
          When it comes to his partner, they gotta work hard to get ayalon to refer to them with similar titles. He can be prideful, he’s not into calling someone else ‘lord’ or ‘king’ unless they’ve earned it. But things like ‘darling, babe, dearest, love, beloved, pet’ are all things ayalon has been known to call his partners in bed. Unless there’s dirty talk thrown into the mix, and in that case, most of those cutesy pet names are thrown out the window LKJFKD
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