#call center outsourcing cost
fursasaida · 4 months
Though the Biden administration has frequently described its approach to labor policy as “worker-centered.” The African workers’ letter argues that this has not extended to them, saying “we are treated as disposable.”
“You have the power to stop our exploitation by US companies, clean up this work and give us dignity and fair working conditions,” the letter says. “You can make sure there are good jobs for Kenyans too, not just Americans."
Tech contractors in Kenya have filed lawsuits in recent years alleging that tech-outsourcing companies and their US clients such as Meta have treated workers illegally. Wednesday’s letter demands that Biden make sure that US tech companies engage with overseas tech workers, comply with local laws, and stop union-busting practices. It also suggests that tech companies “be held accountable in the US courts for their unlawful operations aboard, in particular for their human rights and labor violations.”
The letter comes just over a year after 150 workers formed the African Content Moderators Union. Meta promptly laid off all of its nearly 300 Kenya-based content moderators, workers say, effectively busting the fledgling union. The company is currently facing three lawsuits from more than 180 Kenyan workers, demanding more humane working conditions, freedom to organize, and payment of unpaid wages.
“Everyone wants to see more jobs in Kenya,” Kauna Malgwi, a member of the African Content Moderators Union steering committee, says. “But not at any cost. All we are asking for is dignified, fairly paid work that is safe and secure.”
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rjzimmerman · 9 days
The Carbon Footprint of Amazon, Google, and Facebook Is Growing. (Sierra Club)
Excerpt from this story from Sierra Club:
IN MARCH The Information reported that Microsoft was in talks with OpenAI, the creator of ChatGPT, about spending an eye-popping $100 billion on a gargantuan data center in Wisconsin dedicated to running artificial intelligence software. Code-named “Stargate,” the data center would, at full operation, consume five gigawatts of electricity, enough to power 3.7 million homes. For comparison purposes, that’s roughly the same amount of power produced by Plant Vogtle, the big nuclear power station in Georgia that cost $30 billion to build.
Stargate is in the earliest of planning stages, but the sheer scale of the proposal reflects a truth about artificial intelligence: AI is an energy hog. That’s an embarrassing about-face for the technology industry. For at least 20 years, American electricity consumption has hardly grown at all—owing in part, say computer scientists, to steady advances in energy efficiency that have percolated out of the tech industry into the larger economy. In 2023, according to the US Energy Information Administration, total electricity consumption fell slightly from 2022 levels.
But according to a report published last December by Grid Strategies, a consultancy that advises on energy policy, multiple electric utilities now predict that US energy demand will rise by up to 5 percent over the next five years. One of the chief culprits responsible for the surge, say the utilities, are new data centers designed to run AI. To meet the growing demand for power, those utilities want to build new fossil fuel power plants and to dismantle climate legislation that stands in their way.
For environmentalists, this represents a giant step backward. Artificial intelligence was supposed to help us solve problems. What good are ChatGPT and its ilk if using them worsens global warming?
This is a relatively new story—the AI gold rush is still in its infancy, ChatGPT only having debuted in fall 2022. But computing’s energy demands have been growing for decades, ever since the internet became an indispensable part of daily life. Every Zoom call, Netflix binge, Google search, YouTube video, and TikTok dance is processed in a windowless, warehouse-like building filled with thousands of pieces of computer hardware. These data centers are where the internet happens, the physical manifestation of the so-called cloud—perhaps as far away from ethereality as you can get.
In the popular mind, the cloud is often thought of in the simple sense of storage. This is where we back up our photos, our videos, our Google Docs. But that’s just a small slice of it: For the past 20 years, computation itself has increasingly been outsourced to data centers. Corporations, governments, research institutions, and others have discovered that it is cheaper and more efficient to rent computing services from Big Tech.
The crucial point, writes anthropologist Steven Gonzalez Monserrate in his case study The Cloud Is Material: On the Environmental Impacts of Computation and Data Storage, is that “heat is the waste product of computation.” Data centers consume so much energy because computer chips produce large amounts of heat. Roughly 40 percent of a data center’s electricity bill is the result of just keeping things cool. And the new generation of AI software is far more processor intensive and power hungry than just about anything—with the notable exception of cryptocurrency—that has come before.
The energy cost of AI and its perverse, climate-unfriendly incentives for electric utilities are a gut check for a tech industry that likes to think of itself as changing the world for the better. Michelle Solomon, an analyst at the nonprofit think tank Energy Innovation, calls the AI power crunch “a litmus test” for a society threatened by climate change.
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mariacallous · 10 months
Amazon deliveries could be headed for some turbulence in the new year. Pilots for US-based Air Transport International, a cargo airline that ferries Amazon packages from its fulfillment centers to airports nearer to its customers, voted to authorize a strike last month. During the three and a half years the union has been negotiating with ATI, wages in the industry have soared, and ATI’s pilots complain that their pay has fallen behind. Meanwhile, they say ATI is facing record attrition as pilots jump ship to better-paying carriers.
A strike could throw a wrench in Amazon’s logistics network. ATI, owned by holding company ATSG, operates half of the 80 US aircraft currently in service for Amazon, according to an estimate by Planespotters. But the pilots, who are represented by the Air Line Pilots Association union, can’t walk out until at least next year.
Federal law requires airline labor disputes to be mediated by the US government’s National Mediation Board, which will implement a 30-day cooling-off period if it determines the parties have reached an impasse and they refuse arbitration. If a resolution isn’t reached during that time, the pilots can walk off the job or the airline can lock them out. Some 98 percent of ATI’s 640 pilots participated in the vote and only one didn’t vote to authorize the strike.
Amazon outsources the operation of its air service, which it calls Amazon Air, to a small network of cargo airlines whose pilots fly Amazon-branded planes. In the US alone, they collectively operate more than 330 daily flights for Amazon between more than 50 airports, according to the logistics consultancy MWPVL International.
Most airlines that work with Amazon also devote a large share of their businesses to transporting cargo for other customers, including DHL and the US military. In recent years, ATI has gone all-in on the retailer, however. Amazon deliveries now comprise 94 percent of ATI’s flying hours, according to the pilots’ union, making the company and its workers dependent on the ecommerce giant.
ATI’s pilots’ union says that more than a third of the airline’s pilots have left so far this year, after 27 percent of them departed last year. The union says 42 percent of its pilots are currently on probation, meaning they’re in their first year of service. “We’re watching our carrier disintegrate,” says Mike Sterling, chair of the ATI pilots’ union.
The pilots’ union says they have delivered a 98 percent on-time performance rate, but the rapid turnover and declining experience levels are threatening that. “This market is highly competitive, and ATSG is diminishing its ability to provide quality service to Amazon,” says Sterling. “We think this is a conversation that needs to be had between all three parties.” Amazon and ATI did not respond to requests for comment. During an earnings call in May, ATSG’s former CEO said that ATI’s service quality remained outstanding, but acknowledged that training replacements for departing pilots had raised costs for the airline.
When the pilots’ union negotiated a contract with the company in 2018, pilots’ pay, benefits, and schedules were competitive with similar airlines, says Josh Hoy, a captain who started at the airline seven years ago. He initially looked at the job as just a stepping stone but decided to stick around when ATI’s relationship with Amazon took off. “It was a really exciting time, being on the ground floor of that kind of growth,” he says. “I started to have the conversation with my wife and said, ‘I think this might be the place to stay.’”
However, “as time went on, we’ve fallen far behind,” Hoy says. ATI’s union says its pilots are paid less on an hourly basis than those at all of Amazon’s seven other carriers. “We operate under the same rules, in the same airspace, on the exact same routes. The airplanes cost the exact same to operate,” says Hoy. “Everything is exactly the same, except for our pay.”
No Fondness for Labor
Amazon generally goes to great lengths to avoid engaging with unions and to deter its employees or those who work for its contractors from joining them. The company spent the last year and a half unsuccessfully challenging the first and only union victory at a US Amazon warehouse. When employees of a delivery contractor in Southern California unionized earlier this year, Amazon refused to jointly bargain with the workers and terminated its agreement with the contractor. “Amazon has not demonstrated a real fondness for labor,” Sterling acknowledges. “I would love to change that narrative with them.”
The last and only time Amazon faced a strike by one of its air carriers was in 2016, during the early days of its air cargo operation, when 250 pilots for ABX Air walked off the job. A judge deemed the strike illegal, however, and ordered the pilots back to work the following day. Nonetheless, a former Amazon Air employee told WIRED last year that Amazon suspended its business with ABX for several weeks after the strike ended to demonstrate the relative power it held in the relationship, which soon soured.
ATI’s pilots are taking a less antagonistic tone in hopes of bringing Amazon to the negotiating table. “What we don’t want to do is affect our customers,” says Sterling. “We’ve done a lot to protect our obsession with Amazon.” However, he says the intransigence of ATSG’s management has left the pilots with no choice but to call a strike.
“This side of Amazon’s network is the most vulnerable to labor strikes,” says Marc Wulfraat, president of logistics consultancy MWPVL. If drivers or warehouse workers strike, the company can shift the flow of products and packages to one of its many nearby warehouses, but airports are fewer in number and farther apart.
Amazon could compensate for a walkout at ATI by shifting volume to other air carriers under the Amazon Air umbrella, but only if they have the capacity to handle the influx at all of the airports. It could also transport some of its packages by truck instead, which it did during the brief 2016 strike. However, this could result in slower shipping times and reduced service, says Wulfraat, which flies in the face of Amazon’s mantra of customer obsession.
Pilots also have the advantage of being generally in a strong position across the airline industry. “It’s still a very, very hot job market” for pilots, says Geoff Murray, a partner who works on aerospace at management consultancy Oliver Wyman. Plummeting demand for passenger pilots during the pandemic sent many into early retirement, worsening an existing pilot shortage that got more acute as the industry bounced back. Wages have soared. Oliver Wyman estimates that captains’ pay at the US mainline carriers, such as Delta and UPS, has increased 46 percent since 2020, while regional carriers have increased pay by 86 percent.
Pilot Drew Patterson came to ATI in 2021, attracted by the work-life balance the airline offered, but as the carrier lost pilots, he has seen his workload creep up and his schedule become more unpredictable. With fewer crews to operate the same number of flights, “everybody else's schedule gets compressed,” he says. “Sometimes you can be away from home for a long time.”
Long-term, he thinks Amazon’s continued growth should be a good thing for ATI and its employees, so he’s been willing to stick it out. But he’s not so sure all of his colleagues will feel the same about current conditions at the company.
“All of this has a real house-of-cards feeling to it,” says Sterling. “We just can’t sustain what we’re doing.”
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smsprovider · 28 days
Bulk SMS Provider in UAE
Bulk SMS Provider in UAE
UAE Bulk SMS Provider Forwardvaluesms.com With the ever-increasing competition in the business world, it is more important than ever to invest in area marketing systems that give you an advantage. In the meantime, the rise of the mobile age and the expansion of the media transmission industry have made it possible for nearly everyone in your target segment to own a cell phone. Because of these factors, it is now extremely reasonable and essential for marketing strategies to incorporate selecting mass SMS services. Utilizing a robust Mass SMS framework, developing a product, or outsourcing these services all play a significant role in expanding your business. Reaching Out to Specific Groups of People:
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3. By integrating mass SMS benefits with your company website, you can further reduce costs. This project also does not require any upkeep.
Relevance in Reaching Advertising Objectives:
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Ineffectiveness in General Correspondence and Execution:
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Basically doling out the ability to a current specialists part is good. In a matter of minutes, you can immediately convey each of your messages. Investing in this strategy is a great way to ensure customer satisfaction and keeps target audiences fully informed with relevant information.
It is basic to check that your expert center for conveying your mass compositions is strong and not a fake. This is to moreover ensure that your data sets are not abused and the legitimacy of your correspondence is kept up. Use these services wisely to grow your business and implement an effective mass SMS advertising strategy!
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thesaleswhisperer · 4 months
How a Pandemic Pivot Made $5,000,000 a Month—Adam Pisk
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Pivoting during a crisis can lead to unexpected opportunities and growth.
Outsourcing and global employment can be effective solutions for businesses looking to scale and save costs.
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Clear communication and understanding the business are crucial when hiring outsourced sales agents.
Personalized training and avoiding the use of auto-dialers can ensure authenticity and effectiveness in sales calls.
Treating outsourced workers as part of the team and providing a good work-life balance is important for success.
00:00 Introduction and Background
03:04 The Pivot to Outsourcing and Global Employment
07:09 Navigating the Challenges of AI and Automation
13:05 The Importance of Authenticity and Human Connection
27:51 Affordability of Outsourcing
29:27 Language and Education Requirements
30:44 Different Types of Sales Roles
33:28 Outsourcing with Existing Processes
35:56 The Importance of Authenticity in Sales
37:52 Avoiding Call Center Stereotypes
39:34 Accents and Communication
41:45 Outsourcing to a Distributed Workforce
44:31 Demand for Global Work
48:21 Treating Outsourced Workers as Part of the Team
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Frustrated by endless wait times for out of stock uniforms, police in the southern German state of Bavaria have taken an unusual step to draw attention to their plight.
In a video released on YouTube and Instagram by the state chapter of the German Police Union (DPolG), two officers seated in a police cruiser ask one another, "How long have you been waiting?" replying four and six months respectively, before exiting their BMW to reveal that they are pantless.
Jürgen Köhnlein, chairman of the Bavarian DPolG then addresses the problem head on, saying that what seems like a bad April Fool's joke is anything but, and nothing to laugh about, equating a chronic shortage of uniforms with lack of respect for officers.
"Bavaria's police are 'stripping bare' and could literally be left standing without trousers," says Köhlein, who highlights the fact that wait times for as many as 21 different uniform items — such as caps, jackets and pants — can take months if they are available at all.
The union is calling on the state Interior Ministry to rectify the problem immediately even if that means additional costs, noting that, "Since 2020, we have hardly been talking about shortcomings in the quality of uniforms, but rather a shortage in the availability of uniforms."
Interior Ministry acknowledges problem, says fix is coming
An Interior Ministry spokesperson on Wednesday acknowledged the problem, pointing to supply chain disruptions. "The supply bottlenecks for uniform parts are a major annoyance for us."
State officials say they will now take over delivery logistics themselves after procurement had been outsourced. Supply bottlenecks, said the Interior Ministry, had affected specialty trousers such as multi-purpose summer pants in particular.
Interior Ministry representatives pointed to the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine as further factors negatively impacting supply and delivery and claimed that a new logistics center would be operational in Bavaria by 2030, making the force less dependent on outside procurers.   
Despite the problem, the Ministry said State Police are in no way being kept from carrying out their duties, adding that other uniform elements could be used when specific pieces were unavailable.
Union Chairman Jürgen Köhnlein was less nonchalant, saying, "Right now it remains unclear whether the situation will improve or continue to deteriorate," asking, "What impression must new recruits get when they are forced to complete their training in 'civilian clothing' rather than being provided with a uniform."
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247callcenterservice · 7 months
In the United States, call center companies play a pivotal role in providing customer support, sales assistance, technical troubleshooting, and various other services for businesses across a multitude of industries. These companies employ thousands of individuals nationwide and operate through various models, including in-house, outsourced, and virtual call centers. Let's delve into the landscape of call center companies in the USA.
1. Overview of the Call Center Industry:
The call center industry in the USA has witnessed significant growth over the years, driven by the increasing demand for cost-effective customer service solutions and the globalization of businesses. Today, call centers cater to diverse sectors such as telecommunications, banking and finance, healthcare, retail, technology, and e-commerce.
2. Major Players:
Several major call center companies dominate the industry, including:
Teleperformance: One of the largest call center companies globally, Teleperformance operates numerous centers across the USA, offering multilingual customer support, technical assistance, and sales services.
Concentrix: Concentrix is another key player, known for its innovative customer engagement solutions. It provides a wide range of services, including customer care, technical support, and digital marketing services.
Alorica: Alorica specializes in customer experience outsourcing solutions, serving clients in various industries. It offers services such as customer support, sales, and back-office support.
Sitel Group: Sitel Group is renowned for its customer experience management solutions. With a global presence, Sitel operates call centers in multiple locations across the USA, providing tailored customer support services.
TTEC: Formerly known as TeleTech, TTEC offers customer experience solutions, digital services, and technology-enabled customer care. It focuses on delivering personalized customer interactions through its contact centers.
3. Industry Trends:
The call center industry is continually evolving, driven by technological advancements and changing consumer preferences. Some notable trends include:
Digital Transformation: Call centers are increasingly integrating digital channels such as chat, email, and social media to enhance customer engagement and support omnichannel experiences.
AI and Automation: Automation technologies, including artificial intelligence (AI) and chatbots, are being adopted to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and provide faster resolutions to customer queries.
Remote Workforce: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift towards remote work in the call center industry. Many companies have embraced remote workforce models, allowing agents to work from home while maintaining productivity and efficiency.
Data Analytics: Call centers are leveraging data analytics tools to gain insights into customer behavior, preferences, and trends. This data-driven approach enables them to personalize interactions and optimize service delivery.
4. Challenges and Opportunities:
Despite its growth, the call center industry faces several challenges, including:
Staffing Issues: Recruiting and retaining skilled agents remains a challenge for many call center companies, particularly amid competition for talent and high turnover rates.
Security Concerns: With the increasing prevalence of cyber threats, call centers must prioritize data security and compliance to protect sensitive customer information.
However, the industry also presents numerous opportunities for growth and innovation:
Expansion of Services: Call center companies can diversify their service offerings to meet the evolving needs of clients, such as expanding into digital customer engagement, analytics, and consulting services.
Focus on Customer Experience: By prioritizing customer experience and investing in training and technology, call centers can differentiate themselves and gain a competitive edge in the market.
Globalization: With advancements in technology and communication infrastructure, call center companies can explore opportunities for global expansion and tap into new markets.
5. Future Outlook:
Looking ahead, the call center industry is poised for further growth and transformation. As businesses increasingly prioritize customer-centric strategies, call center companies will play a crucial role in delivering exceptional customer experiences and driving business success.
In conclusion, call center companies in the USA form a vital component of the customer service ecosystem, serving a wide range of industries and helping businesses enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. With ongoing technological innovations and evolving customer expectations, the industry is poised for continued growth and innovation in the years to come.
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callcentermasters · 1 year
Outsourced Call Center Services: Enhancing Customer Experience and Business Efficiency
In today's fast-paced business landscape, customer satisfaction and efficient operations are crucial for success. With the rise of globalization and technological advancements, many companies are turning to outsourced call center services as a means to achieve these goals. Outsourcing call center operations has become a popular strategy for businesses of all sizes, allowing them to focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise of specialized service providers. This article explores the benefits and considerations of outsourced call center services and how they contribute to enhancing customer experience and business efficiency.
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Improved Customer Experience
One of the primary objectives of any business is to provide exceptional customer service. Outsourced call center services play a pivotal role in this regard by offering several advantages that contribute to an improved customer experience. First and foremost, call centers specialize in handling customer interactions, employing trained professionals who are skilled in communication and problem-solving. These agents are dedicated to resolving customer queries, addressing concerns, and providing personalized assistance. By outsourcing these services, businesses can tap into a pool of experienced professionals, ensuring that customers receive prompt and efficient support.
Additionally, outsourced call center services often operate on a 24/7 basis, allowing businesses to provide round-the-clock support to their customers. This flexibility is particularly valuable for organizations serving customers across different time zones or dealing with urgent inquiries. A well-managed outsourced call center can handle high call volumes, reducing wait times and ensuring that customers are promptly attended to. The availability of multilingual support further enhances the customer experience by enabling communication with a diverse customer base.
Cost Efficiency and Scalability
Outsourcing call center operations also offers cost advantages and scalability for businesses. Setting up an in-house call center requires significant investments in infrastructure, technology, recruitment, and training. By outsourcing these services, businesses can avoid these upfront expenses and instead opt for a predictable cost structure based on agreed-upon service levels. Outsourced call center providers are equipped with state-of-the-art technology, including advanced telephony systems, CRM software, and call analytics tools. These resources enable efficient call handling, data management, and performance monitoring, ensuring that businesses receive optimal value for their investment.
Furthermore, outsourcing call center services allows businesses to scale their operations rapidly and cost-effectively. During peak periods or business expansions, call volumes may surge, making it challenging for in-house teams to handle the increased workload. With an outsourced call center, businesses can easily scale up or down as needed, ensuring that customer service levels remain consistent. Service providers have the flexibility to allocate resources according to demand, ensuring that businesses never miss out on potential opportunities or risk losing customers due to long wait times or inadequate support.
Focus on Core Competencies
Outsourcing call center services allows businesses to concentrate on their core competencies and strategic initiatives. By offloading the responsibility of customer support to a specialized service provider, organizations can redirect their resources and energy towards activities that drive revenue and innovation. Outsourced call centers handle the day-to-day operations, allowing businesses to free up internal staff and management from mundane tasks, such as call handling and administrative duties. This newfound focus can lead to enhanced productivity, improved product development, and better overall business performance.
Considerations for Successful Outsourcing
While the benefits of outsourced call center services are evident, businesses must approach outsourcing with careful consideration. Choosing the right service provider is crucial to ensure a successful partnership. It is essential to evaluate the provider's industry experience, track record, technology capabilities, and cultural compatibility. Additionally, clear communication and collaboration between the business and the outsourced call center are vital for aligning goals, setting expectations, and maintaining transparency.
Data security and privacy are other critical considerations when outsourcing call center services. Businesses must ensure that the service provider adheres to strict data protection regulations and industry best practices. Confidential customer information should be handled securely, and robust protocols must be in place to prevent data breaches or unauthorized access.
Outsourced call center services offer businesses a competitive edge by providing enhanced customer experiences, cost efficiencies, scalability, and the opportunity to focus on core competencies. The strategic decision to outsource call center operations can enable businesses to streamline their customer support processes, achieve operational excellence, and ultimately drive growth. However, careful selection of a reliable and experienced service provider, coupled with effective communication and data security measures, is crucial for a successful outsourcing venture. By leveraging the expertise and resources of outsourced call center services, businesses can deliver exceptional customer service, increase customer loyalty, and stay ahead in today's highly competitive marketplace.
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nullconvention · 1 year
If you want an idea about WHY and HOW we're all fucked economically right now, let me give one anecdote. It's one part of a more complex puzzle but it should put things in perspective.
A little less than 15 years ago, I lived in the pacific northwest doing call center work for a large company for 15 an hour. I found a cheap apartment in a working class area of the city for about 600 something and with utilities it came to about 800 something a month. With the amount I made, I was far from comfortable or successful but I was getting by in a one bedroom apartment I had splurged on. I could (barely) afford a car and the internet. I went out to eat maybe every other week. A pretty bare bones existence but not a terrible one.
That job doesn't exist anymore. It was liquidated and the role was outsourced to a company that then paid a subcontractor to do the work for 7.50 an hour. All the jobs moved from the area to OKC and the southeast where there were no unions and people would do the job from scripts offsite. Those jobs, if I had to guess, probably pay between 10-12 out of strict need, but I don't know. All I know is that a little more than 10 years ago the jobs disappeared and were replaced by something half as much. The subcontractor took their cut and the contractor took theirs as well, so the value of the work was clearly more but the primary company clearly saw savings in exchange for turning the work from skilled tech labor to unskilled phone tree reading.
That apartment now costs 2400 before utilities. There is a 40 dollar fee to apply, and you would need first and last month's pay before moving in plus whatever deposit. I moved in for free by getting a deal the apartment complex offered. It would cost me more money to apply than I spent to get the apartment back then, PLUS 4800 dollars and a deposit before I could even move in - on maybe, optimistically, less money than I would have made 15 years ago if I were working the same job.
So that's part of why we're fucked.
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ghofrana · 1 year
Why does your business need contact center outsourcing?
As businesses expand, their demands for customer service also increase. Handling customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests can be time-consuming and overwhelming, taking valuable time and resources away from core business operations. This is where contact center outsourcing comes in, providing businesses with a cost-effective solution to their customer service needs. In this blog article, we will discuss why your business needs contact center outsourcing.
Cost savings
Outsourcing your contact center operations can save your business money. Setting up and maintaining an in-house contact center can be expensive, with costs such as salaries, benefits, infrastructure, and technology. Outsourcing allows businesses to pay only for the services they need, reducing overhead costs and improving profit margins.
Contact center outsourcing provides businesses with the ability to scale up or down quickly based on their customer service needs. During peak seasons, such as holidays or sales events, businesses can increase their outsourcing services to handle the influx of customer inquiries. Conversely, during slow periods, businesses can reduce their outsourcing services, saving money on unnecessary expenses.
Access to specialized expertise
Outsourcing contact center services provide businesses with access to specialized expertise. Contact center outsourcing companies employ customer service professionals who are trained in handling various types of customer inquiries, complaints, and support requests. They also have the technology and infrastructure necessary to handle high volumes of calls and emails, ensuring that customers receive prompt and efficient service.
Improved customer experience
Providing exceptional customer service is critical to the success of any business. Contact center outsourcing companies prioritize providing exceptional customer service, often employing customer satisfaction metrics to ensure that their services meet or exceed customer expectations. By outsourcing contact center operations, businesses can ensure that their customers receive the best possible support, leading to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction.
24/7 availability
In today's global economy, businesses operate around the clock, and customers expect support to be available 24/7. Contact center outsourcing companies offer round-the-clock support, ensuring that customers can reach out for help at any time, even outside of regular business hours. This provides businesses with a competitive advantage, as customers are more likely to choose a company that offers 24/7 support.
Focus on core business operations
Outsourcing contact center operations allows businesses to focus on their core operations, such as product development, marketing, and sales. By outsourcing customer service, businesses can reduce the time and resources spent on handling inquiries, complaints, and support requests, allowing them to focus on what they do best.
In conclusion, contact center outsourcing can provide numerous benefits to businesses, including cost savings, scalability, access to specialized expertise, improved customer experience, 24/7 availability, and the ability to focus on core operations. By partnering with a reputable contact center outsourcing company, businesses can ensure that their customers receive exceptional support while saving time and resources to focus on their core business operations. If you need help from a call center, please contact REACH 3C.
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kennethcarson82 · 1 year
Why Votiko is the Top Choice for Outsourcing Call Center Services in India?
“Leverage Votiko's unmatched expertise in delivering world-class customer service and support solutions from India.”
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Offering exceptional customer service is the major aim of a call center provider company whether they focus on inbound calls, outbound calls, or any other way of interacting and helping customers. Utilizing the latest technologies and following trends of the specific industries completely depend upon the requirement that the organization has. Businesses no longer want to continue with the traditional strategies for assisting or interacting with the customer. Hiring the best call center provider will provide assurance of keeping up with the latest methods used for offering inbound and outbound call center services.
What makes Votiko the Best Call Center Company?
Votiko is a cost-effective call center company for clients across a wide range of industries. With our services, organizations can stay connected with their customers 24*7 to address all kinds of technical and non-technical incoming and outgoing calls. We have been trusted partners of leading brands across the industries. Whether it is SMEs or MNCs our team of professionals is dedicated to working to ensure the smooth functioning of these organizations.
Get both inbound and outbound call center services under one umbrella and acquire perfection with Votiko
Receiving incoming calls from customers and resolving their queries and offering them the required information is the core role of any inbound call center. Some of the major inbound call center services offered by our experts are:
Product or/and tech support
Payment and order processing
Upgrade and renewal inquiries
Our experts are also best in making outgoing calls and running cold calls as the requirement of the organization to their potential customers about their products. Thus, Volans is the best name to settle down with when you require outbound call center services. Some of the major outbound call center services that are offered by our experts are:
Appointment setting
Lead generation
Advantages of Hiring Votiko for Call Center Services
Be it inbound calls or outbound calls the services here at Votiko will never disappoint you. Here are the perks that you can bag when you say yes to us:
Our experts are well trained and have technical skills which help them in operating the support offering tools and technologies in a smooth way.
We understand that customer interaction requires the best communication skills booths in both written and verbal modes. 
Votiko has bilingual or multilingual call center representatives which supports the expansion of your business globally.
Votiko understands that both inbound and outbound call center services create a plethora of opportunities for any company to offer a wide range of benefits to customers. It is the reason why you must partner with Votiko for your call center services.
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kp777 · 1 year
By Jessica Corbett
Common Dreams
May 8, 2023
The new push is led by Our Revolution along with Rep. Ro Khanna and Sen. Bernie Sanders, Medicare for All supporters who are working on legislation to tackle medical debt.
"I'm 72 and now live with my daughter after losing everything because of medical bills. I had $250K saved up for retirement and then disaster hit—several bouts of cancer and a stroke in 2009."
That's the story of Arizonan D'Anne MacNeil, a patient advocate and member of Our Revolution—which is working with U.S. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.), Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), the National Consumer Law Center, and Tzedek D.C. on a new campaign.
The "Freedom From Medical Debt" initiative launches Monday with a virtual town hall at 8:30 pm ET.
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"I wouldn't owe anything if hospitals didn't gouge patients," said Mary Willis of Texas. "The cost of an MRI in the hospital was eight times the cost of an outpatient MRI and 80 times outsourced MRIs. I owe over $8,000."
The virtual town hall is set to feature similar stories—including that of Washingtonian Kristin Noreen, who "barely survived" being hit by a vehicle while on her bicycle in 2010. After enduring a brain injury and having her hand amputated and reattached, Noreen is still paying off medical bills and for pain treatments not covered by insurance.
Fellow patient advocate and Our Revolution member Elizabeth McLaughlin of Indiana, who received a $20,000 bill for an emergency visit in 2015, also plans to join the town hall, along with Khanna.
"We need to strategize for legislation Bernie Sanders and I are doing and figure out how we finally end medical debt in this country," Khanna said in a Monday video promoting the event. The lawmakers have worked together for years; Khanna co-chaired Sanders' 2020 presidential campaign and both support Medicare for All, for which the senator has long led the fight on Capitol Hill.
In a Saturday email about the town hall, Our Revolution—which came out of Sanders' 2016 presidential run—said that as the senator and Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) "prepare to reintroduce Medicare for All in Congress, we are organizing people struggling with medical debt to speak up and fight for healthcare justice."
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The Hill, which first reported on the town hall, noted that in addition to backing Khanna and Sanders' forthcoming bill, patient advocates are hoping to pressure President Joe Biden "to use executive action to help stop price gouging for vulnerable patients, end a variety of predatory debt collection tactics, and ensure that people seeking medical assistance have financial aid and free or reduced-price care available."
Highlighting that "medical debt is the number one reason for personal bankruptcies in the United States," Our Revolution executive director Joseph Geevarghese told the outlet, "We can stop that and the president has the power."
As part of the campaign "calling for Congress and the president to deliver systemic solutions to this massive healthcare injustice," organizers have launched a website to collect medical debt stories and hope to get at least one from every congressional district.
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callcenterauthority · 2 years
Here Are the Most Important Factors to Think About When Choosing a Call Center
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Businesses have employed call centers for many years and different reasons. Call centers help organizations improve customer service and retention, increase sales and lead conversion, and reduce costs. While picking a contact center is no small task, you must find the right fit for your business. Read on to discover the best tips to consider when choosing a Business to Business call center service in USA.
Consider the center's capacity to be your first priority when shopping for a contact center. Choose a contact center that is conveniently located for your business. However, the precise distance may vary based on the scope of your operation. If you want to quickly and easily identify the contact center that is the best match for your requirements, you should be prepared to provide an estimated volume of calls.
Technology advancements and an increase in the incidence of data breaches make it crucial to choose a contact center with reliable security infrastructure. The recent startling increase in the number of data breaches makes it more vital than ever to protect your consumers' personal information.The system's degree of security should be heavily weighted in your decision-making process.This is particulary true for call center services for the pharmaceutical industry.
Regarding the budget and the overall quality, pricing is a significant factor to consider. The ideal situation for a company wanting to outsource its customer support is to find a contact center that delivers good service at the lowest possible cost. This, however, may, at times, make direct comparisons difficult. Choosing the lowest cost option may seem like a good idea initially, but you may have to compromise on quality if you want to keep your expenses down. However, consumer loyalty might decrease if a team of dedicated workers does not represent your firm well.
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Also, after researching and selecting which of the contact centers under consideration is the best alternative for fulfilling your objectives, you may want to explore negotiating on the pricing. You may improve your bargaining position by presenting competing quotes from several contact centers. It's also good to look into the contact centers' going rates before negotiating Before making additional preparations, you should evaluate the range of possible locations for the call center. These will help you find a reasonably priced contact center that meets all of your needs.
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contactcallcenter · 2 days
Revolutionizing Utility Customer Support: The Benefits of Outsourcing Call Center Services
Utilities today are expected to maintain service efficiency and effectiveness, combining it with high customer expectations. With technological advancements, customer preferences are increasingly changing, and there is an increasing demand for practical, responsive customer support. Given this challenge, several utility firms are considering outsourcing call center services. This outsourcing trend is not aimed at reducing costs but is a strategic approach toward customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and service delivery.
In this blog, we will understand how outsourcing call center services are revolutionizing utility customer support and the key benefits of this transition.
Cost Efficiency
One key motivator for utility firms to outsource their call centers is cost savings. Managing an in-house call center places enormous demands on infrastructure, technology, and human resources. The company must hire and train employees, invest in state-of-the-art software and hardware, and bear operational costs related to office space and utilities.
Utility firms can reduce these overheads by outsourcing call center services. Call center outsourcing providers operate from low-cost locations, so skilled labor is available at pretty cheap rates. Utility companies can also benefit from the economies of scale that third-party call center providers enjoy due to serving many clients simultaneously.
Reducing operational costs enables utility companies to focus more on core business activities, such as infrastructure upgrades, grid modernization, and energy efficiency programs.
Access to Advanced Technology
Customers in the digital age expect more than ever. They want their service to be swift and efficient, with a company using all the facets of modern technology. Advanced technologies, like AI, automated responses, data analytics, and cloud-based systems, go a long way in really enhancing customer support. Intrinsic development and investment in building these technologies may be too costly and require much time.
Outsourcing call center services enables utility companies to acquire the latest technologies without necessarily investing in them. Third-party call centers are more open to implementing state-of-the-art tools in their operations, including AI-powered chatbots, real-time analytics configurations, and CRM systems. These technologies help streamline communication and enable customer support agents to resolve issues quickly and effectively.
AI-powered chatbots can, for example, handle routine questions, such as questions about billing, payment processing, or the reasons for an outage. This leaves the live agents free to attend to more complex inquiries. Data analytics will monitor customer behavior, catch pain points, and enhance service delivery through decisions based on the insights gained from that data.
Enhanced Customer Experience
CX forms the core of any utility service delivery. A well-functioning customer support team can strengthen customer satisfaction through timely responses, empathetic service, and quick issue resolution. Utility firms may not be capable of or even equipped to deliver such customer service on their own, especially when call volumes may be higher than usual because of outages, billing issues, or service disruptions.
Outsourcing call center services to professionals will ensure that customers receive the best experience, regardless of the time or situation. This will be possible because such professional providers can handle high volumes of calls with highly trained and skilled agents who specialize in customer relations. In addition, several outsourcing partners provide 24/7 support, ensuring customers can get through to a representative anytime.
Outsourcing can also allow utility companies to offer multilingual support for their diverse customers. This added feature would help promote high customer satisfaction and build a solid customer base in loyalty and retention.
Scalability and Flexibility
When these peak periods occur, such as in extremely bad or good weather or when a lack of power is widespread, utility companies are at the mercy of an inconsistent number of customer inquiries. During normal operations, they must either overstaff or struggle with inadequate staffing during fluctuating demand.
With outsourcing call center services, the solution would involve scaling. Third-party companies could quickly move their staffing levels up or down depending on demand. During peak times, they scale operations upward with more agents available, and during periods of low traffic, they dial back on staff. This can allow utility companies to provide high-quality service without the headache of managing staffing fluctuations in-house.
Moreover, outsourcing partners plan for disaster recovery in the event of a natural disaster or emergency to ensure their services do not go down. This resiliency is critical to utility companies because communication must be reliable whenever something critical happens.
Focus on Core Competencies
The most important considerations at a utility company are always the customers and the delivery of reliable and efficient service. However, an in-house call center could be a distraction, taking valuable attention and resources away from power generation, distribution, and maintenance.
In this way, utilities can outsource the complexity of customer support operations to a variety of experienced providers so that they can focus on their core competencies. This shift enables utility firms to enhance service delivery, pay attention to innovation, and improve their core business.
Outsourcing further relieves you of the headache of administrative tasks involving recruitment, training, and performance management. This operational efficiency will improve service quality and make an enterprise more agile and responsive.
Improved Compliance and Data Security
Utility companies possess sensitive information on their clientele, such as payment details, personal identification data, and service records; thus, they need to maintain strict data protection controls, including adherence to the GDPR and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard.
Utility companies can comply with these regulations by outsourcing their call center services to responsible providers. Third-party providers are in the best position to adhere to industry standards and make significant investments in security measures to protect customer information, including encrypting information, securing the network, and creating adequate access controls around that data.
This can be achieved if utility companies outsource to a service provider that has placed the appropriate emphasis on compliance and data security. This would help them reduce the risks of data breaches, maintain customer confidence, and avoid expensive fines and lawsuits.
Access to Specialized Expertise
Utility customer service can be quite complicated because the agents need to have very detailed knowledge of the industry's structures of billing, service outages, energy efficiency programs, and many other related issues. Getting such experienced agents with special knowledge is difficult to acquire and retain, especially for smaller utility companies that probably work with limited resources.
Outsourcing a call center service offers utility companies exposure to a team of agents with previous experience and training in answering utility-specific queries. Agents will have better exposure to industry knowledge, commanding better efficacy while providing information or resolving customer issues.
Besides this, many outsourcing service providers offer continuous training programs to agents so that they can keep abreast of the latest happenings, trends, technologies, and various other regulations within the industry. Such expertise helps enhance the quality of customer interactions, thus ensuring customers receive the best possible service.
The industry has started embracing a technology-driven revolution, supplemented by customers' changing mindsets and expectations. Utility companies are required to meet the rising demands of customers who seek faster and quicker services. This has called for strategic outsourcing of call center services to help utility firms enhance their customer services, optimize cost structures, and enhance the quality of services.
This will enable utility companies to leverage advanced technology, specialized expertise, and better customer experiences that come with dealing with professional call center providers. As the industry continues to change with time, outsourcing will play a critical role in revolutionizing utility customer support to help companies rise to future challenges confidently.
In other words, outsourcing call center services is not solely a decision about cost savings but also enables utility companies to drive operational efficiency, ensure customer satisfaction, and ultimately deliver reliable service.
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Call Center Company in the Philippines: Why the Philippines is a Top Choice for Outsourcing
The Philippines has become one of the top choices for businesses worldwide when it comes to outsourcing. But what makes it stand out? Why do companies around the globe choose a call center company in the Philippines like Square One Teleglobal?
What is a Call Center Company?
A call center company helps other businesses by handling customer service, technical support, and even sales. When you call a business for help, the person answering may work for a call center company. Many businesses prefer to hire call centers to save time, money, and resources.
Why are Call Centers Important?
Call centers help businesses connect with their customers. They handle phone calls, emails, and live chats, ensuring customers get help when they need it. Good customer service is essential for any business, and call centers provide this service 24/7.
What Does a Call Center Company in the Philippines Do?
A call center company in the Philippines, like Square One Teleglobal, offers a variety of services, including:
Customer Service: Helping customers with questions, problems, and returns.
Technical Support: Assisting with tech issues, troubleshooting, and explaining how products work.
Telemarketing: Reaching out to potential customers to tell them about products or services.
Sales Support: Helping close deals over the phone or online.
Back-Office Support: Handling tasks like data entry, order processing, and other admin work.
Why Choose a Call Center Company in the Philippines?
Skilled Workforce
One of the main reasons businesses choose the Philippines for outsourcing is the skilled workforce. Filipinos are known for their excellent communication skills. They speak fluent English and have a strong understanding of Western culture, which makes them great at handling calls from English-speaking customers.
Many Filipinos also have college degrees, and they are trained in various industries. This means that whether you need help with tech support, customer service, or sales, a call center company in the Philippines has the expertise to handle your needs.
Affordable Services
Another big reason businesses choose a call center company in the Philippines is the cost. It’s more affordable to hire workers in the Philippines than in other countries, especially in places like the United States or Europe. This means businesses can get top-notch services without spending a fortune.
Time Zone Advantage
The Philippines is in a time zone that allows businesses to offer 24/7 support. When it’s daytime in the U.S., it’s nighttime in the Philippines, which allows call centers to work around the clock. This is perfect for businesses that want to offer customer support at all hours of the day.
Strong Work Ethic
Filipinos are known for their dedication and hard work. They take pride in delivering excellent service, which makes them a perfect fit for the call center industry. Many call centers in the Philippines have low turnover rates, meaning employees stay with the company for a long time, which leads to better customer experiences.
Square One Teleglobal: A Leading Call Center Company in the Philippines
At Square One Teleglobal, we understand how important customer service is to your business. We are a top call center company in the Philippines, and we offer world-class services tailored to meet your business needs.
Our Services
At Square One Teleglobal, we offer a wide range of services designed to help your business thrive. Our expertise spans inbound, outbound, business outsourcing, and digital marketing solutions, tailored to meet your needs.
Inbound Services: Our team is ready to handle customer inquiries, complaints, and requests with professionalism and care, ensuring your customers always receive the support they need.
Outbound Services: We proactively reach out to potential customers, helping you boost sales, generate leads, and engage with a broader audience.
Business Outsource Solutions: From back-office support to administrative tasks like data entry and order processing, we manage your operations efficiently, allowing you to focus on strategic growth.
Digital Marketing: Our digital marketing experts use cutting-edge strategies to enhance your online presence, manage social media, create targeted ads, and drive traffic to your website, ensuring your brand reaches the right audience.
Why Partner with Square One Teleglobal?
When you choose Square One Teleglobal, you’re not just hiring a call center company in the Philippines. You’re partnering with a team that is dedicated to helping your business succeed. Here’s what sets us apart:
Experienced Team: Our staff is highly trained and experienced in customer service, sales, and tech support.
24/7 Availability: We offer round-the-clock support, ensuring your customers always have someone to talk to.
Cost-Effective Solutions: We provide high-quality services at a fraction of the cost you’d pay elsewhere.
Tailored Services: We customize our services to meet your unique business needs, ensuring you get the most value from your partnership with us.
The Future of Call Centers in the Philippines
The call center industry in the Philippines continues to grow. More and more businesses are choosing to outsource their customer service and other business processes to a call center company in the Philippines. With advancements in technology and a growing skilled workforce, the future looks bright for the call center industry.
Growth of the Industry
The call center industry in the Philippines started in the early 2000s. Since then, it has become one of the top industries in the country, providing jobs to millions of Filipinos. Today, the Philippines is considered the call center capital of the world, with companies from all over the globe outsourcing their customer service and tech support needs here.
Technology and Innovation
As technology continues to evolve, call centers in the Philippines are also advancing. Many call center companies are now using AI and other tools to help improve customer service and make processes more efficient. However, despite these advancements, the human touch remains essential in the call center industry, and companies like Square One Teleglobal ensure that every customer interaction is personalized and handled with care.
How to Choose the Right Call Center Company in the Philippines
When looking for a call center company in the Philippines, there are a few things you should consider:
Look for a company with a proven track record. An experienced call center company will have the skills and knowledge to handle your business’s needs effectively.
Services Offered
Make sure the company offers the services you need. Whether it’s customer service, tech support, or sales, choose a company that specializes in the areas that are most important to your business.
Compare costs between different companies. While the Philippines offers affordable services, prices can vary between call center companies. Make sure you’re getting the best value for your money.
Reviews and Testimonials
Check reviews and testimonials from other businesses that have worked with the company. This will give you an idea of the company’s reputation and the quality of service they provide.
Every business is different, so it’s important to choose a call center company that can tailor its services to your needs. A company like Square One Teleglobal offers customized solutions to ensure you get the best results.
FAQs: Call Center Company in the Philippines
Why should I choose a call center company in the Philippines?
The Philippines offers a skilled workforce, affordable services, and a strong work ethic. Filipino workers are fluent in English and have a good understanding of Western culture, making them ideal for customer service roles.
What services do call center companies offer?
Call center companies offer a wide range of services, including customer service, technical support, telemarketing, sales support, and back-office tasks like data entry.
How much does it cost to hire a call center company in the Philippines?
Costs vary depending on the company and the services you need. However, outsourcing to the Philippines is generally more affordable than hiring staff in other countries like the U.S. or Europe.
How do I choose the right call center company?
Look for a company with experience, a good reputation, and services that match your needs. Make sure the company offers customizable solutions and competitive pricing.
What are the working hours of a call center in the Philippines?
Most call centers in the Philippines operate 24/7, allowing businesses to provide round-the-clock support to their customers.
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offpagemarket · 6 days
Comprehensive Guide to Staffing and HR Outsourcing in Dubai and the UAE
Dubai and the broader UAE have become global business hubs, attracting enterprises from various sectors including finance, technology, and tourism. One essential aspect of maintaining business growth and productivity is human resources management. Staffing agencies, HR outsourcing companies, and HR consultancy firms in the UAE have stepped in to help businesses navigate the complexities of hiring and workforce management.
HR Consultancy in the UAE
Many businesses in the UAE opt for HR consultancy UAE to gain expert advice and guidance on workforce management strategies. HR consultancies offer tailored solutions to improve productivity, retain top talent, and develop competitive compensation strategies.
Consultants work closely with businesses to:
Analyze Workforce Needs: Understanding current workforce strengths and weaknesses.
Implement HR Technologies: Streamlining operations through HR software and systems.
Develop Retention Strategies: Focusing on employee satisfaction, engagement, and retention.
HR consultancy services in the UAE help businesses optimize their human capital management, leading to increased efficiency and growth.
Outsourcing Companies in the UAE
As businesses in the UAE continue to expand, many are looking towards outsourcing companies in UAE to handle specific functions, especially in sectors like IT, customer service, and human resources. Outsourcing allows companies to reduce operational costs and focus on their core competencies.
Some common areas where businesses seek outsourcing services include:
IT Services: Software development, system maintenance, and technical support.
Customer Service: Call centers, chat support, and other customer engagement services.
Back-office Operations: Handling non-core functions such as data entry, payroll, and administrative support.
Outsourcing in the UAE has become a strategic choice for companies aiming to reduce overhead costs while ensuring high-quality service delivery.
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