splotchtail ยท 1 year
Splotchtail frowned, looking at the herbs she had left. So many cats had been sick, and she needed to restock, but how? Everything was low, even the poppy seeds. She started to look over everything again when a warrior came through the entrance. "Hello, Splotchtail. Is now a bad time?"
She shook her head. "What do you need?"
"I was coming to see about poppy seeds. Gingerpelt sent me" The creme colored cat flicked his tail towards the elders den when he spoke.
Splotchtail sighed "I'm sorry Lionclaw. I've seen so many sick cats lately I'm surprised to even have catnip left." Her eyes looking worried. "Would you be willing to fetch me some poppy seeds? I also need some herbs if you can get another warrior to go with." Her green eyes meeting Lionclaws. He could see the worry in her eyes.
"Absolutely Splotchtail!" The creme colored warrior slipped through the den entrance before Spottedtail had a chance to give a thankful nudge.
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