#calha blackfyre
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rmelster · 4 months ago
I have never warmed up enough to the possibility of considering Daemon Blackfyre as a better player in the game of thrones and king than his brother Daeron was. Before people start spitting the “you hate illegitimate characters” discourse, I think that, AS LONG AS THERE IS AN HEIR (a male one, married and with succession already; capable and cunning), you should not let a fat old man who raped his sister to death (and likely gave a STD to his bastard daughter) decide who he likes better. Queen Naerys fucking Aemon is as much bullshit as Catherine the Great fucking a horse, and if you believe the fat old man who bought a second wife from a smith and kept ministers that provided him with women for his bed instead of their experience or intelligence, instead of ALLLL historical accounts and reasons, then I won’t try to convince you.
As a player in the game of thrones, Daemon had his good and bad qualities. He hastily provided his newfound lineage with a large amount of healthy children, a marriage alliance with a wealthy Pentoshi noblewoman, and certain alliances… But instead of being happy with being abren a bastard like many yet ascending as a wealthy lord with many opportunities plus popularity and a legendary Valyrian steel sword, and try to help his brother Daeron with martial matters, he was fooled by Aegor into thinking EVERYONE would want him before Daeron (or perhaps, he wasn’t as fool as we grant him, and harboured ambitions due to his upbringing).
This is when he and him alone fucked all the things. He married his pretty much underage daughter Calha / Calla, of around eight years, with his brother (not an ambitious match to attempt to begin a civil war, if you ask me) Aegor “Bittersteel”, who already lusted for Shiera Seastar. He launched a whole pointless war against his brother and sent his whole family away BUT HIS 12 Y/O TWINS. And this is when I say, their death wasn’t Lucerys’, who was a sheltered messenger struck by the wrath of a revengeful uncle, but two children clad in armour with swords his father had given him, about to loose their lives because of their relatives ambition. Bloodraven is morally wrong for having killed children, but honestly, he wasn’t a Blood and Cheese who irrupted into their haven and killed them, or attacked them if they were far from the battlefield, but a man killing two enemy soldiers… Enemy soldiers they wouldn’t have been had their stupid father brought them with him. (The death of Aenys, however, was truly a cruel act on his behalf, and that must be acknowledged too).
Daemon dies, Aemon and Aegon die too, and his lineage is forced to avenge what this excuse of a “hero” brought to his own blood, condemning his widow, children and descendants, aside from the Realm, to suffer through generations of war and destruction.
In conclusion, I stan Daeron and his legacy.
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we have to do our research this election year it’s important
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dragonmartellstark · 4 years ago
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Rohanne of Tyrosh (170 a. C. -??? a. C.)
Father: Archon of Tyrosh
Husband: Daemon Waters/ Blackfyre (184 a. C. - 196 a. C.)
Childrens: Aegon and Aemon (twins), Daemon II, Haegon, Aenys and Calha Blackfyre (younger childrens)
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laannie0803 · 4 years ago
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Daemon Fuegoscuro, considerado como Daemon II Fuegoscuro por sus partidarios, y también conocido como Daemon el Joven, fue el tercer hijo de Daemon Fuegoscuro y Rohanne de Tyrosh.
Utilizó el pseudónimo de Ser John el Violinista, un caballero errante, mientras viajaba de incógnito por los Siete Reinos. Lideró la breve Segunda Rebelión Fuegoscuro.
Daemon es descrito como un joven delgado y ágil, con un rostro bien afeitado, apuesto y de rasgos finos. Además llevaba una larga cabellera oscura y unos ojos que combinaban con el color azul de su jubón. Más tarde, cuando se revela como el hijo del Dragón Negro, se lava el pelo para eliminar el tinte oscuro que llevaba, para revelar que su verdadero tono capilar es de oro y plata, momento en que Dunk ve que sus ojos son como los de Egg. Además, se insinúa que Daemon II era homosexual.
Sus hermanos Aegon y Aemon se complacían atormentando a Daemon y a su amigo Alyn Cockshaw. Luego de la derrota de su padre y sus hermanos mayores en la Batalla del Prado Hierbarroja, Daemon es llevado a Tyrosh por su tío Aceroamargo, donde luego es coronado por sus partidarios como rey. Su estrecha relación con Alyn Cockshaw provocó la preocupación de sus partidarios y el rechazo de Aegor Ríos.
Daemon tenía sueños proféticos. Concretamente soñó con que sus hermanos Aegon y Aemon morirían, y que Dunk se convertiría en un caballero de la Guardia Real. También soñó que un dragón saldría del cascarón de un huevo en Murosblancos, lo que acabaría resultando más bien una metáfora.
Bajo el disfraz de Ser John, se encuentra con Ser Duncan el Alto y Egg mientras se dirigía a Murosblancos al torneo de Lord Ambrose Butterwell. Durante la boda, se le da un lugar de honor en el estrado, un lugar extraño para un supuesto caballero errante. Luego de la boda, Daemon, aún bajo el disfraz de Ser John, se acerca a Ser Duncan y le cuenta de sus sueños sobre él, diciendo que vio a Ser Duncan vistiendo una capa blanca en el futuro. Trata de ganárselo para que apoye su causa, pero mientras Duncan permanece indeciso; son interrumpidos por Lord Gormon Peake.
Durante el torneo, Daemon desmonta a Ser Franklyn Frey y a Ser Galtry el Verde. Luego de que Ser Glendon Flores fuera acusado del robo de un huevo de dragón (el gran premio del torneo), Daemon se da cuenta que Ser Glendon es arrestado. Daemon revela su verdadera identidad, y le da a Ser Glendon el poder para defenderse de los cargos en un juicio por combate con el mismo Daemon. Ser Glendon, aun sufriendo por los efectos de haber sido torturado, derrota a Daemon en la primera liza. Daemon cae en un charco de barro tras el impacto, quedando sucio de pies a cabeza, siendo llamado "el Dragón Marrón" por alguno de los asistentes.
Llegan las noticias de que Lord Cuervo de Sangre marcha hacia Murosblancos para terminar con lo que se ha convertido en la Segunda Rebelión Fuegoscuro. Daemon trata de alzar en armas a los hombres del castillo, pero ellos no tienen intención de pelear en el bando débil. Daemon se enfrenta al ejército real y se ofrece pelear en combate singular, pero es arrestado por Lord Cuervo de Sangre. Éste lo mantuvo con vida, en un intento de prevenir que Aceroamargo pudiera coronar al hermano menor de Daemon, Haegon.
Daemon vivió varios años prisionero en la Fortaleza Roja, hasta que presumiblemente murió en 219 d.C., año en el que su hermano Haegon comenzó la Tercera Rebelión Fuegoscuro.
Daemon Blackfire, regarded as Daemon II Blackfire by his supporters, and also known as Daemon the Younger, was the third son of Daemon Blackfire and Rohanne of Tyrosh.
He used the pseudonym of Ser John the Fiddler, a wandering knight, while traveling incognito through the Seven Kingdoms. He led the brief Second Blackfire Rebellion.
Daemon is described as a slim and lithe young man, with a clean-shaven face, handsome and fine features. He also wore long dark hair and eyes that matched the blue of his doublet. Later, when he is revealed to be the son of the Black Dragon, he washes his hair to remove the dark dye he was wearing, to reveal that his true hair color is gold and silver, at which point Dunk sees that his eyes are like those of Egg. Furthermore, it is hinted that Daemon II was homosexual.
His brothers Aegon and Aemon took pleasure in tormenting Daemon and his friend Alyn Cockshaw. Following the defeat of his father and older brothers in the Battle of the Redgrass Meadow, Daemon is brought to Tyrosh by his uncle Bittersteel, where he is later crowned by his supporters as king. His close relationship with Alyn Cockshaw provoked the concern of his supporters and the rejection of Aegor Ríos.
Daemon had prophetic dreams. Specifically, he dreamed that his brothers Aegon and Aemon would die, and that Dunk would become a knight in the Kingsguard. He also dreamed that a dragon would hatch from an egg in Whitewalls, which would end up being more of a metaphor.
In the guise of Ser John, he meets Ser Duncan the Tall and Egg while on his way to Whitewalls for Lord Ambrose Butterwell's tournament. During the wedding, he is given a place of honor on the dais, a strange place for a supposed wandering knight. After the wedding, Daemon, still in the guise of Ser John, approaches Ser Duncan and tells him of his dreams about him, saying that he saw Ser Duncan wearing a white cape in the future. He tries to win him over to support his cause, but while Duncan remains undecided; they are interrupted by Lord Gormon Peake.
During the tournament, Daemon dismounted Ser Franklyn Frey and Ser Galtry the Green. After Ser Glendon Flores is accused of stealing a dragon egg (the tournament's grand prize), Daemon realizes that Ser Glendon is arrested. Daemon reveals his true identity, and gives Ser Glendon the power to defend himself against the charges in a combat trial with the Daemon himself. Ser Glendon, still suffering from the effects of being tortured, defeats Daemon in the first fight. Daemon falls into a puddle of mud after the impact, being dirty from head to toe, being called "the Brown Dragon" by some of the attendees.
News arrives that the Blood Raven Lord is marching on the White Walls to end what has become the Second Blackfire Rebellion. Daemon tries to raise up the castle's men, but they have no intention of fighting on the weak side. Daemon faces the royal army and offers to fight in single combat, but is arrested by the Blood Raven Lord. It kept him alive, in an attempt to prevent Bittersteel from crowning Daemon's younger brother, Haegon.
Daemon spent several years a prisoner in the Red Keep, until he presumably died in AD 219, the year his brother Haegon started the Third Blackfire Rebellion.
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laannie0803 · 4 years ago
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Ser Aegor Ríos fue el hijo bastardo del rey Aegon IV Targaryen y Lady Barba Bracken, siendo uno de los Grandes Bastardos. En su emblema personal combinó el semental rojo de la Casa Bracken con alas negras de dragón de la Casa Fuegoscuro, en campo dorado. Debido a su maestría con la espada se ganó el apodo de Aceroamargo.
Aegor nació quince días antes de que la reina Naerys Targaryen diera a luz a mellizos y quedara al borde la muerte; cuando la reina se recuperó de sus problemas de salud, los príncipes Daeron y Aemon obligaron a Aegon IV a enviar a Barba y al niño bastardo a Seto de Piedra.
Aegor estuvo enfadado toda su vida, pero odiaba especialmente a su medio hermano Brynden Ríos y a la madre de éste, que había reemplazado a su propia madre como favorita de su padre. Odió aun más a Cuervo de Sangre cuando su medio hermana, Shiera Estrellademar, le prefirió antes que a él. Su otro medio hermano, Ser Daemon Fuegoscuro, accedió a casar a su hija Calha con Aegor. Aceroamargo a menudo presionaba a Ser Daemon para que reclamara el Trono de Hierro para sí, pues este último había recibido la espada Fuegoscuro del propio rey Aegon IV.
En la Primera Rebelión Fuegoscuro en 196 d.C., Aegor unió fuerzas con su medio hermano Daemon Fuegoscuro contra el rey Daeron II Targaryen. Durante la Batalla del Prado Hierbarroja, Aegor comandó el flanco derecho de Daemon I.
Para evitar una derrota estrepitosa a pesar de la muerte de Daemon I, Ser Aegor reunió a sus tropas y cargó contra los Picos de Cuervo, la compañía arquera de Ser Brynden Ríos. Aunque Aegor le sacó un ojo a Cuervo de Sangre durante el duelo que tuvieron, finalmente huyó del campo de batalla. Se las arregló para recuperar Fuegoscuro, la espada de Daemon, y huyó de Poniente hacia la Ciudad Libre de Tyrosh con la esposa de Daemon I, Rohanne, y los hijos restantes.
Ser Aegor dejó a sus sobrinos a cargo de los partidarios exiliados de Daemon y se enlistó con los Segundos Hijos, compañía que poco después dejaría para crear la Compañía Dorada, en un intento de frenar la pérdida del apoyo de los Fuegoscuro debido a que los otros señores exiliados se enlistaban en otras compañías mercenarias. A pesar del conocido carácter voluble de los mercenarios, la Compañía Dorada tiene la reputación de nunca haber roto un contrato; su lema tiene huellas de su fundador: "Bajo el oro, el acero amargo".
La reputación de la Compañía Dorada se estableció rápidamente cuando Qohor se negó a cumplir con el contrato que habían realizado con la compañía. Los mercenarios de la Compañía Dorada saquearon Qohor como respuesta a su negativa.
La Compañía Dorada se involucró notablemente en las siguientes rebeliones de los Pretendientes Fuegoscuro. Por razones desconocidas, Aceroamargo no apoyó a Daemon II Fuegoscuro durante la Segunda Rebelión Fuegoscuro. Sin embargo, más tarde sí participó en las sucesivas rebeliones. Durante la tercera donde volvió a verse las caras contra Cuervo de Sangre, fue hecho prisionero en la Fortaleza Roja, recibiendo la misericordia por parte de Aerys I Targaryen de ser enviado al Muro. Durante el camino, Aceroamargo sería interceptado por los barcos de la Compañía Dorada por Guardiaoriente del Mar. Tiempo después, volvería a liderar una nueva rebelión a la cabeza de la Compañía Dorada, en la cual volvió a fracasar y a verse obligado a huir travesando el Mar Angosto.
Unos pocos años después de la derrota en la Cuarta Rebelión Fuegoscuro, Aceroamargo reapareció en las Tierras de la Discordia, donde caería finalmente durante una escaramuza entre Tyrosh y Myr.
Antes de morir, Aegor ordenó a los hombres de la Compañía Dorada que hirvieran la carne de su cráneo, lo chaparan en oro y lo llevaran frente a ellos cuando cruzaran el Mar Angosto para reconquistar Poniente. Los comandantes sucesores han seguido su ejemplo.
Al final termino perdiendo la guerra, por sus celos, intereses y sus (yo lo veo así) ansias de ser el, el rey o heredero (como siempre quiso su madre). No dudaría que al final si ganaban la guerra trataría de matar a los herederos de Daemon para ser el sucesor.
Ser Aegor Ríos was the bastard son of King Aegon IV Targaryen and Lady Barba Bracken, being one of the Great Bastards. In his personal emblem he combined the red stallion of House Bracken with black dragon wings of House Darkfire, in a golden field. Due to his mastery of the sword, he earned the nickname Bitter Steel.
Aegor was born fifteen days before Queen Naerys Targaryen gave birth to twins and was on the brink of death; When the queen recovered from her health problems, princes Daeron and Aemon forced Aegon IV to send Barba and the bastard child to Stone Seto.
Aegor was angry all his life, but he especially hated his half-brother Brynden Ríos and his mother, who had replaced his own mother as his father's favorite. He hated Blood Raven even more when his half-sister, Shiera Estrellademar, preferred him to him. His other half-brother, Ser Daemon Darkfire, agreed to marry his daughter Calha to Aegor. Bittersteel often pressured Ser Daemon to claim the Iron Throne for himself, for the latter had received the sword of Darkfire from King Aegon IV himself.
In the First Blackfire Rebellion in 196 AD, Aegor joined forces with his half-brother Daemon Blackfire against King Daeron II Targaryen. During the Battle of the Redgrass Meadow, Aegor commanded Daemon I's right flank.
To avoid a resounding defeat despite the death of Daemon I, Ser Aegor rallied his troops and charged at the Raven Peaks, Ser Brynden Rios' archery company. Although Aegor gouged out Blood Raven's eye during their duel, he eventually fled the battlefield. He managed to retrieve Daemon's sword, Darkfire, and fled Westeros for the Free City of Tyrosh with Daemon I's wife, Rohanne, and the remaining children.
Ser Aegor left his nephews in charge of Daemon's exiled supporters and enlisted with the Second Sons, a company he would leave shortly after to create the Golden Company, in an attempt to stem the loss of support from the Darkfires due to the others. Exiled lords enlisted in other mercenary companies. Despite the known fickleness of mercenaries, the Golden Company has a reputation for never having broken a contract; its motto has traces of its founder: "Under the gold, the bitter steel".
The reputation of the Golden Company was quickly established when Qohor refused to fulfill the contract they had made with the company. Mercenaries from the Golden Company looted Qohor in response to his refusal.
The Golden Company became notably involved in the subsequent rebellions of the Darkfire Pretenders. For unknown reasons, Bittersteel did not support Daemon II Darkfire during the Second Darkfire Rebellion. However, later he did participate in successive rebellions. During the third where they again saw the faces against Blood Raven, he was taken prisoner in the Red Keep, receiving mercy from Aerys I Targaryen to be sent to the Wall. Along the way, Aceroamargo would be intercepted by the ships of the Compañía Dorada by Guardiaoriente del Mar. Some time later, he would lead a new rebellion at the head of the Compañía Dorada, in which he failed again and was forced to flee across the Sea. Narrow.
A few years after the defeat in the Fourth Blackfire Rebellion, Bittersteel reappeared in the Discordlands, where he would finally fall during a skirmish between Tyrosh and Myr.
Before dying, Aegor ordered the men of the Golden Company to boil the flesh on his skull, gold-plated it, and carry it in front of them as they crossed the Narrow Sea to reconquer Westeros. Successor commanders have followed suit.
In the end I end up losing the war, because of his jealousy, interests and his (I see it that way) eagerness to be him, the king or heir (as his mother always wanted). He would not doubt that in the end if they won the war he would try to kill Daemon's heirs to be the successor.
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laannie0803 · 5 years ago
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Rohanne, mejor conocida como Rohanne de Tyrosh, fue la esposa de Daemon Fuegoscuro.
El matrimonio entre Rohanne y Daemon fue arreglado por Aegon IV Targaryen y el Arconte de Tyrosh. Sin embargo, Aegon IV murió antes de que el matrimonio pudiera celebrarse; este se llevó a cabo durante el reinado de su hijo, el rey Daeron II, quien pagó la dote.
Daemon tenía catorce años cuando se casó con Rohanne; sus primogénitos, los gemelos Aegon y Aemon, nacieron ese mismo año. En total, Rohanne le dio a Daemon siete hijos y al menos dos hijas. Tras la Rebelión Fuegoscuro, Rohanne y sus hijos sobrevivientes escaparon a Tyrosh, donde vivieron durante años.
Según Brynden Ríos, en el año 211 d.C. Rohanne seguía viviendo en Essos con sus hijos menores.
Rohanne, better known as Rohanne of Tyrosh, was the wife of Daemon Darkfire.
The marriage between Rohanne and Daemon was arranged by Aegon IV Targaryen and the Archon of Tyrosh. However, Aegon IV died before the marriage could take place; This was carried out during the reign of his son, King Daeron II, who paid the dowry.
Daemon was fourteen years old when he married Rohanne; their firstborn, twins Aegon and Aemon, were born that same year. Altogether, Rohanne bore Daemon seven sons and at least two daughters. Following the Darkfire Rebellion, Rohanne and her surviving children escaped to Tyrosh, where they lived for years.
According to Brynden Ríos, in the year 211 A.D. Rohanne continued to live in Essos with her younger children.
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laannie0803 · 5 years ago
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Calha Fuegoscuro fue la mayor de las hijas de Ser Daemon Fuegoscuro y Rohanne de Tyrosh. 
Previo a la Rebelión Fuegoscuro, Daemon Fuegoscuro accedió a casar a su hija Calha con su medio tío, Aegor Ríos. Según fuentes semi canónicas, no tuvieron hijos.
No se sabe si después de la muerte de su padre y hermanos... Escapo con su madre y hermano a Essos o se quedo con Aegor y la Compañía Dorada.
Calha Redfires was the eldest of the daughters of Ser Daemon Redfires and Rohanne of Tyrosh.
Prior to the Darkfire Rebellion, Darkfire Daemon agreed to marry his daughter Calha to her half-uncle, Aegor Ríos. According to semi-canonical sources, they had no children.
It is not known whether after the death of his father and brothers ... He escaped with his mother and brother to Essos or stayed with Aegor and the Golden Company.
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