#cale isn't even that good of a bad guy and han.nib.al did this enemies to “lovers” trope better
erendreich · 7 months
ughh here to yell again about how i love the idea of cale/sean in like. the least romantic way possible sghsjdkg
a very highly specific "i'm obsessed with you because you're the only one to destroy my routine, which is kinda making me cross wires seeing you as my first victim (who i was 'in love with'), and your level of empathy confounds and fascinates me, let me study you like a lab rat" vs. "god, you're in-fucking-sane but i'm scared and isolated and desperate for any kind hand so ig i'll take it where i can get it" kind of way. you know? do you see my vision?? sdhgjskgk
there's no love there, exactly, but there is like. some weird affection on cale's part, and survival that turns into "affection" out of a total loss of connection with any other human on sean's.
like. i love a good conditioning plot. i love enemies who still technically hate each other's guts, but who, either out of fascination or necessity, develop something as close to love as either of them will get.
i dunno, man. the whump of it all just tickles something in my brain.
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