calciumcryptid · 1 month
CalciumWatches: Never Let Me Go Episode One
This is a very dramatic opening.
Oh, hello daddy issues. That was quick. Not even a minute in.
Nueng: I understand I am not as important to my dad as his work is. // Mom: I'm glad you understand him. :) // Me: Wow.
The father does look punchable. I hope he gets punched.
Eighteen and already put to work. Damn. Rip Nueng.
His father is setting me aflame with anger.
There is going to be an arranged marriage sub-plot isn't there? I can sense it.
Oh, so the father has someone to carry his umbrella but his wife and son have to carry their own? I see how it is.
At least he is self-aware about being a shit dad.
Hmm, that is a suspicious amount of women in the cast. My arranged marriage plot line senses are tingling.
Oh, daddy dearest is dead? I said punched, not shot.
Damn. Okay. Wow. What???
Hmm, the intro is not helping my arranged-marriage senses.
His father JUST died, give the kid two seconds.
Since his father is out of the picture, can I be his step-parent? Nueng, no offense, but your mother is hot.
Oh good, I have a name for his mother. Hellooo Tanya.
The hottest woman, even though she is probably going to cause some mommy issues.
Who is this mysterious man? Men?
Sleeveless Pond, save me. Save me sleeveless Pond.
There is nothing hotter than a person in a white tank top.
I see Palm is a dramatic bitch. Lovely.
NOT THE WHITE SHOES- I see you rich brat.
Oh, the pseudo-uncle is going to die.
Damn. No friends. Friendless.
I wonder if there is going to be a secondary couple in this.
I think I am supposed to be paying attention to the music club leader dude's obvious fat crush, but I am too distracted by the Christmas tree.
Oh, there is going to be some homoerotic shooting lessons aren't there?
There is something up with Uncle Chanon. :/
Interesting first meeting.
Is one of the problems an arranged marriage (please say no).
Oh, Palm is smitten. You can't convince me otherwise.
[ Ad from where Legal Site got the Episode: Wait, hold on. When did this come out? 2022? When did KinnPorsche come out? Also 2022. That explains why I got a MileApo jumpscare (affectionate). ]
Nueng, why are you holding a gun? We both know you can't use it.
Right into the pool, standing close and awkward while on is half-naked. This is a bizarre thing to do with a man you met like not even twenty-four hours ago.
Oh, so Pond has the kicked puppy look patented.
Once again, bizarre thing to say to a guy you met not even twenty-four hours ago.
Oh, yay, Palm is having fun! Get that bag.
Nueng, why are you lurking?
Palm, why are you following?
Okay Boys Love. I am pretty sure the logistics of that happening are not in the narrative's favor. It is very funny, they both have a startled dog look but like Palm may naturally put his hand there but their bodies are not-
Sorry Nueng, I'm fairly sure you have a dog now.
Oh, the real uncle(?) emerges.
Tanya is a queen. I want her carnally.
Uncle Kit, as in fox kits?
Uncle Kit, that is a bizarre thing to say.
He isn't going to try and marry Tanya is he?
Oh that kid who followed him earlier is probably his son, isn't it? He wants to take over the business and have his son in line? Damn.
Already offering to catch you, what a nice man.
That is like three boys love too close shots in one episode??? Damn.
I take it back, Nueng's father seemed absent but nice.
Oh damn, he was shot on his birthday. My brain skipped over that detail.
Oh, Nueng has a brain. Lovely. When are his braincells held hostage?
How am I suppose to feel about Nueng's dad? I can't tell.
That is the fourth time they've gotten very close together. Magnets.
Wait, no, this is so sad. Why is Nueng's request Palm being his friend? What is with these sad businessman, when I am I going to get a happy businessman? (Well, I guess Kinn was happy but in the dark romantic comedy way.)
Thanks dad for drafting me into being your boss son's bodyguard.
Hello Chopper, can't wait to meet you. I bet you are evil.
The face Nueng pulled when Ben got closer to him in the preview. I love this one specific face Phuwin makes. It is amazing.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
Am I really going to start This Love Doesn't Have Long Beans for the potential secondary pairing? ...Maybe.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
Wandee Goodday Episode One Live Reactions:
Damn. Okay. Immediately fucking.
I want whatever crack they put in the intro song.
Asexual spotted! Kao, my beloved.
Oh I'm going to love CherYei.
Kao and Wandee's friendship is great.
Always need an ace friend to slap you with reality.
Love interest spotted!
Wait, I'm confused, did their hookup already happen because they are acting like they know each other or are the subtitles fucky-
Wandee is such a bitch I love him.
Thai character work never misses.
Wandee is such a BITCH, I love him.
Yeah I'm sold on these two becoming a couple.
Casually pee conversation.
Kao cleared that read.
Of course Kao, an asexual, is a psychiatrist.
Jesus Christ, Yak where did you come from?
Yak really pulled out HIPPA.
Oh he has a recording too!
Oh I have bad news for both of you.
What is it with doctor mentor characters and being a gardener/having plants?
I hate to say it because I know he is going to get fucky down the road, but I kind of like Ter at the moment. Can't wait for that opinion to change.
Yak, I get it. I too would have a crush on Taem.
Taem please be a good character for the rest of the series, you are too cool to lose.
"Being poor is scary." REAL!
Oh Wandee, this is not going to go well.
Kao and Wandee's friendship makes me so happy.
"In the brother zone" Oh Wandee, you're never escaping that.
Me watching Kao explain asexuality: Oh buddy. :(
Look, being rejected is never fun but I can't hate Ter for rejecting someone he isn't interested in. In fact, I am currently siding with him in this conversation.
Doctor Vanilla has clearly never seen Wandee bitch at someone.
Oh, nevermind, I want to hit Ter with a wrench. He rejected Wandee and then asked if Wandee would let him have the scholarship. Like, let the rejection simmer for a bit man.
Oh gods, I am only thirty minutes into the episode.
Wandee is going to drink his problems away. Real.
Yes Wandee! Go for that scholarship! Fuck that guy!
Wandee talking to Kao about being too vanilla. Don't say that to an asexual, Wandee. You won't like the trove that unleashes.
Kao and Wandee's friendship is so important to me.
Kao, don't leave your wasted friend on the side of the road-
"Boxer Guy!" "Doc!" And Calcium!
Wandee, why are you following Yak?
Grocery store shenanigans!!!
Yak and I are having a crisis.
Wandee needs to chill. Granted he is drunk.
Wandee really said I need to fuck the hot boxer.
I need to take screenshots of Yak's face. Who is his actor? *quick google search later* Great is working those facial muscles.
I can't even-
Yak, do us all a favor and give Wandee a couch to sleep off the alcohol. I am concerned about his well-being.
Wandee sleeping in the trash is a mood.
Finally, Yak remembered he has muscles to carry Wandee with.
Wandee having flashbacks to Yak's muscles is real.
I am concerned about Wandee's capability to consent to sex.
Oh! They're both losers. That makes sense.
They're both naked and he is checking his shoulder.
Love them, they're both losers.
This is the wildest hook-up circumstances I have ever witnessed.
Ter, I hope Wandee beats you with a wrench.
Seriously, what crack did they put in this song-
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
CalciumWatches: Wandee Goodday Episode Four Live Reactions
No sexy opening? Damn.
No! Yak! Begone nightmares!
The whiplash of going from that to the ass-shaking intro.
Ter? Why are you thinking about Dee?
Get away from him, you bastard. >:|
Ter, why would you engage in a verbal battle with a psychiatrist?
Kwan, you are too good for him. >:|
Good for you Yak, bragging about fucking your "boyfriend".
Go away Ter! You had your chance.
Wait, I thought "The Devil" was a fandom nickname. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THIS MAN LIVES AT 666??? LMAO.
Go away Ter! You had your chance!
I forgot weight classes are a thing in boxing.
Taemrak mention! <3
Wandee helping Yak with his crush. This won't go wrong.
Did Wandee just hand Yak a knife? Lol.
Wandee is getting distracted. Please pay attention.
Cher! Yei! CherYei!
Wait, why isn't Yei participating in boxing competitions anymore?
Oh, brotherly tension, my favorite.
Cher clocked the necklace!
These two need to stop having sexy flashbacks of each other.
Yak. Buddy. Are you okay?
Taem! <3
Jealousy. Jealousy.
I love the musical humor in Thai media.
Sorry Yak, I don't think she is into you.
Ohm seems like a good guy.
Taem clocked the necklace.
Seriously Yak, you have to take back the necklace.
Wandee, Taem's job seems like tutoring. Of course she would help Yak with his assignments if she tutors in her spare time.
Oh my gods, they are in a sauna together.
These two are so bad at being friends with benefits.
Why does it seem like Wandee is gearing up for a panic attack?
LMAO! Not CherYei peeking in on them.
CherYei my favorite married couple.
Please fuck on the pool table.
A shower is good too.
Kao really is the asexual of all time.
Kao drawing lingerie is so real. I love him.
KaoDee Friendship <3
Kao gives the best advice. Wandee, you got your heart broken. Try to hold off your heart as you work to recover from Ter's rejection.
GO AWAY TER-Oh wait that is Yak. Nevermind. Give me a moment, Ter and Yak look similar when their hair is pulled back like that.
Dee, what did Kao just say?
I hate to give a point to the devil here, but it is a little suspicious Yak showed up when Wandee was having rumors circle.
Ter? What bullshit is this? Wandee, don't fall for it. You've got a boxer on your arm. You don't need him. Where is Kao when you need him, some on my funky asexual-
Yes! You go Wandee! Kick him to the curb!
Oh no, did your charms not work? Boo hoo. Piss off Ter.
I love this gym, they're so fun. <3
Wandee, guys like Ter aren't smart or sneaky they're just used to being handed things they didn't work for.
Please tell me they're going to do a fake psychiatrist visit to Kao, and Kao is going to recommend the furry stuff. Please.
Honestly, so valid of the gym members to let Dee stay.
They're staging photos. <3
Cute photos, not staring into space.
Yak, you need to stop nearly kissing him.
Ter, why must you curse every moment?
I will say, Thailand doesn't fuck around when it comes to casting siblings. I totally believe Thor and Great could be siblings.
CherYei's silent conversations.
Yei: Don't go overboard with your late nigh activities. Wink. Wink. Nudge. Nudge.
Oh, cute little study session together. <3
Ter. He isn't even your ex. Why are you asking like this?
Kwam. Run. Run far, far, far away.
Actually, Kwam. I know a great university student-
I forgot about the boxing competition side of this.
Wandee. You are so bad at this friends with benefits thing.
Kao is the best character in this series.
The fucking animal accessories.
Doctor Plakao you will always be famous.
I'm glad this series portrays sex as fun, as it should be.
Damn, already proposing?
Oh, we are talking about HPV! Cool.
What is this? A condom commercial?
Oh wow, this is a full on psa.
Lmao. It is a vaccine, Yak.
P'Golf, you will always be famous.
The preview is looking a little fruity. :/
Hell yeah, theme song again!
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
CalciumWatches: Wandee Goodday Episode Three Live Reactions
Right to the fucking! You'd think I'd stop being surprised by this.
Necklace. :)
Oh, they are roleplay dorks. Yay!
It is theme song time! *dances*
We take this little break to add the theme song to my liked songs.
Cher! Yei! CherYei!
Cher clocking the missing necklace.
KaoDee Friendship = CherYei and Yak Brothership
CherYei are so married. I love them.
Kao psychoanalyzing Wandee. You go, you funky asexual.
Fucking Ter again. Go away!
I like the doctor lady. She seems nice. :)
I don't think these two know what friends with benefits mean.
I relate to Yak, because I too would focus on the lightbulb. I am an electrician-in-progress, so we are focusing on it for different reasons.
Oh, they're switches. Nice.
Cher! Yei! CherYei! Oh, that's not Yei. Boo! :(
Cher! Yei! CherYei!
SPRITE SOCKS? *wheeze*
This is totally how real people talk, and not poorly incorporated exposition.
Yei, I know you are chivalrous and it is a hot characteristic, but you bagged a rich man. Get on the money, and let him pay for shit.
Wandee is so cute.
How dare you make me cry?
Wandee is a good doctor.
These two are so cute.
I see we have some hospital gossip going on.
Fuck, Ter is here. Please make a good choice.
Ter, why do you look upset, YOU REJECTED HIM-
Dee, why did you stop?
You see, I want to believe Ter is a good person just a little tactless but I'm not sure I believe him about having no part in the rumor.
I love the two nurses. You go ladies.
KaoDee friendship my beloved.
Dee you could have put it a bit differently.
Friends with benefits and a fake dating plot? Ooo, things are spicy.
Oh, homophobia exists?
Yak, you've fucked him, you've done one of the gayest parts.
Why are they having a dramatic breakup? They're not even dating.
Yak forgot his necklace, the idiot.
Oh boy, time for second-hand embarrassment (I think).
Yei clocked the necklace. Yak, you idiot.
Wandee you aren't supposed to pay your friend with benefit.
Yak, you forgot to take your necklace back. Idiot.
CherYei my beloveds. <3
Hell yeah! Yak and Yei showdown!
Cher recording. You go my funky little businessman.
Yei defeated his brother with the power of money and love.
Wandee and Yak are so fun. I love this duo.
Funky music again, wonderful.
Hell yeah, hands-on flirting.
We take this break to watch the music video for the theme song.
I need to watch music videos more often. That was a treat (trip).
If they don't fuck in the boxing ring, then what is the point?
If it is over, than take back your necklace.
Fun fact, I am working out while I watch this.
I see Wandee is going for the please please please method.
Yak! You are here!
Yak is consuming those noodles.
I don't think you two understand what friends with benefits means.
Yak! You dork! Oh, fireworks. Pretty.
I don't think you two understand what friends with benefits means.
Damn right, it was satisfying.
Cooking skills? Damn Yak, a doctor and he can cook? Marry him.
Nevermind. He can't cook for shit.
Song time!
What the hell is happening in the next episode?
Outro time!
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
CalciumWatches: Wandee Goodday Episode Two Live Reactions
I see we are back to the sex.
Sir, why are you thinking about another man?
They're both cringe, I love them.
Wandee is talking about forgetting about each other, and Yak is already planning for round two. Losers. I love them.
Yes! The intro song on crack!
Cher! Yei! CherYei!
I hope they fuck in the office, or else what is the point?
Don't get seductive in front of your son!
The KaoDee Friendship > Anything Else
You've got this Wandee!
Ter! What are you doing here! Go away! You tactless fuck! Cornering him an elevator, haven't you done enough?
Correction: KaoDee Friendship = CherYei and Yak Brothership
Oh fuck, we are back with Ter. Go away!
Get your grubby hands off of him! You've lost touching rights!
Yeah! Get that scholarship, Wandee! Fuck him!
Oh, Yak you are about to become gossip in the nurse room.
The thing is I would be on Ter's side if he wasn't so tactless.
Is this going to be a thing? Me saying I would be on Ter's side, then him doing something that makes me want to hit him with a wrench.
Not the "If you really have feelings with me-" I feel like you need to go in a ditch, how about that for feelings?
"But my feelings for you never had any conditions." YES WANDEE! WAY TO GO! HOW IS THAT FOR YOU DOCTOR VANILLA?
Oh yay, these two again!
I want those elephant pants.
Yak, what are you up to?
While typing this I keep hitting the control key instead of shift, what is wrong with me?
Cows are hot.
Taem!!! You're hot as always.
I'm not going to lie she looks like three girls I went to school with who were immense artists. They certainly nailed the look.
I hope she knows he is flirting with her, but is ignoring it.
Wandee is killing me personally.
Ter what are you doing in his studying hallucinations-GET OUT!
Wandee just grab Kao for a study session. He lives just down the hall.
Wandee why do you look so awkward in club settings? I mean, same, but it isn't helping you pick up guys-
I'm just going to drown myself.
Wandee this is the second time Yak has had to save your ass.
Yak, pay attention. This is not the time to admire his abs.
Christ Wandee, who hurt you? This seems like more than Ter.
To be fair though, he was nearly raped for profit.
I am sure there is an actual term for what he almost went through, but I am blanking on it right now.
What is with the little doll on the cup? Is this a Thai thing?
CherYei, the parents of all time.
Oh boy, the fucking showdown lets go don't embarrass yourself Wandee-Oh I like the terms for this competition. The staff and patients get to vote alongside the board? How nice!
Puppy? Cute.
Grandma called his ass single, wonderful.
Why are we in a student council room? Oh Taem! Nevermind.
Oh the council president totally has a crush-Wait I've seen his ass before-MATT??? *google search* Nevermind, it wasn't Matt.
Taem. Don't cancel the plans. I know she won't be the end love interest, but I hope they remain friends. :(
Wandee and Yak are cracking me up every time they're together.
Wandee offering him a ride. :)
Yak is too depressed. :(
They went back to Wandee's condo?
What fucking show/movie are they watching?
How do you have sexual tension with someone you already slept with-HIS ASS DID NOT CHANGE THE CHANNEL!
Yak the consent king, lets go!
Wandee he is literally a boxer, and you won't tap that twice?
Wandee, is your ass okay? Wait, of course its not.
I'm glad they ended up in the bed, because they were married to that couch last time.
Here we go, friends with benefits time!
Now when does Kao so his thing?
Nevermind, apparently Wandee can do the roleplay thing on his own. I can't wait to see how this spirals.
Yak really wants to kiss him.
Sir, I don't think you understand what friends with benefits is.
He is kissing the necklace. Yak. Chill.
Yes! The fucking song!
Preview time.
Okay. Wandee, I don't think you understand what friends with benefits means.
Enough thinking about that, it is theme song time!
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
Sometimes you need an asexual friend to slap you with reality, Kao my beloved.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
Yeah, I'm sold on these two being a couple.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
Kao is already so real. Wandee is explaining his heart using the richter scale and all my asexual friend can think about is attaching the metric to what happens during those type of earthquakes.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
Kao and Wandee's friendship is already so special to me.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
Oh I'm going to enjoy CherYei.
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
Ah, I have spotted the asexual. Wandee you leave his eyebrows alone. >:|
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
What crack did they put into the Wandee Goodday title song?
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calciumcryptid · 2 months
While I wait for We Are to update on my totally legal site, I'm going to watch the first episode of Wandee Goodday because I am too curious to stay away from it any longer.
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