calamityshq · 2 days
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the people of san francisco are terrorized by a violent storm, displacing themselves from each other and the undead from the streets in search of refuge — behind their very walls. the crescent apartments are the target of an attack by yeji's group; a herd of the dead effortlessly led through their front doors while the people race to repair and resist the damages from the storm. more in character and out of character information listed beneath the cut.
DURING THE NIGHT, THE RAIN BEGAN TO POUR DOWN HEAVILY — an eerie silence and pressure building in the air throughout that evening, then the violent downpour and forceful winds whistled between the abandoned skyscrapers. within hours, the streets turned into gushing rivers, washing away any in it's path; some of the sewers were blocked or damaged over the past five years and forced the water up into the streets with nowhere else to go. a frightening storm saw old trees swaying and cracking, glass fell from the skies from shattering windows. any living thing left within city limits was forced to find cover — except for the evil that lurked in the shadows of the weathered concrete jungle. guided by the people of muir woods was a herd of the dead spanning a city block — the reinforced apartment building in their sights, it's inhabitants preoccupied in their attempts to manage the interior flooding. lightning flashes through the halls, mixing with the glow of flashlights, people racing to repair damages from the storm — this was their home after all. but soon the reaper is welcomed at their front door by an inside man, the muffled groans and screeches of the infected soon echoing throughout their halls.
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THE CRESCENT APARTMENT : you race around the building with whatever task you've been given. some find bowls and buckets to catch leaks from the ceilings, others take old furniture and scrap to barricade and repair damages, and a small group works on stopping the flooding from destroying the very foundation the building rests on. few tend to the young, elderly, sick and wounded. however, in the midst of the storm and chaos, and between the claps of thunder and whistling wind, you begin to hear what sounds like a symphony of groans, screeches, and gunfire. the apartments have been infiltrated — will you survive the night ?
THE SHOPPING MALL : despite the poor connection between radios, a voice yells through from the apartments — the choppy signal forcing you to request several repeats of the distress signal. words like inside, infected, hundred, and help make it through the transmission all the while, screaming, groaning, and gunfire can be heard in the background. the soldiers organize to discuss the situation — will you send your reinforcements ?
THE SAN FRANCISCO MEDICAL CENTER : an urgent radio transmission comes through in the dead of night from the shopping mall, a breach on the apartments — unknown number of casualties, injured, and newly infected. any survivors they find that are injured will be transported to you, either for treatment or to await reanimation for the scientists to study. each member gathers in the lobby while they await direction from their leaders — will you accept them as patients ?
THE SEA CLIFF MARINA : you intercept communications between the two communities, listening in on the chaos of the night. the waves are high and mighty, they threaten your community already. raiders work around the clock to secure the perimeter, ensuring the waves don't crash through the barriers and flood the camp anymore than they already have. the attack of the infected on the apartment building presents itself as an opportunity, as the soldiers of the shopping mall find themselves pre - occupied with aiding their partnered settlement. a calculated conquest during the storm to pillage their trade market, to take what you want and what you need — will you brave the storm to raid them ?
THE MUIR WOODS CULT : you announce your existence with precision and to showcase your superior threat, your ability to control the dead. a new era begins and an old one dies — you successfully play judge, jury and executioner. the guides within the dead lead the herd right to the doors of the apartment building, access granted by an inside agent of the cult. slowly, the infected wander through the halls in search of the survivors and once they find them, a battle begins — will you stay and fight with your army or will you retreat back home ?
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OOC INFORMATION : it's now the beginning of december in - game and a cold, violent storm rips through san francisco. this event marks the end of the apartments and will force it's residents to make a choice about where they seek refuge. this event also marks the beginning of yeji's cult that resides in the muir woods on the other side of the golden gate bridge, though whispers of their existence have been heard for quite some time now.
several scenarios have been established for each settlement to partake in, so that it does not only affect the people of the apartments. the timeline of events is open for plotting, whether you write during the chaos of the night or into the residual events of the day(s) to follow. please don't feel the need to rush into this event, take your time deciding the direction you want to take for your character. we just ask that big plots be run by the main, such as the death of a character or a major injury.
characters from the apartments are now expected to find a new settlement to join, or they are welcome to become nomads. this will mark the introduction of nomad characters — characters that have chosen to remain on their own, unaffiliated with the other settlements. again, these decisions are open for members to make but we just will require a heads up about where your character is going to end up following this event so that we can update the pages.
the event will begin immediately and will last for an undetermined amount of time, just as long as we all see fit. this can / will be discussed in the discord. members are welcome to continue old threads, write threads / post starters that lead up to the event, and can even write post - event stuff. however, we just ask that loose ends do get tied up over the course of the next week or so, to move into the next era of the group. everything is open for plotting and discussion though, so have fun with it ! and most importantly, please don't godmod !
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offrikter · 1 day
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one of his most trusted had brought to his attention the radio broadcast--- lay blame to the raiders because it's the easier explanation that believing one of their own could've betrayed them. how do they think rikter has stayed in power for as long as he has, because his trust only stretches so far. it was only a matter of time until they pointed the finger in his direction, though it wasn't a smart play, destroy a community that has been aiding them albeit somewhat against their will. and if it was one of his own agents well he'd deal with it; it being the problem of disobedience. for now it was another of his crowd coming to him to suggest a raid into the danger zone. it wasn't going to be a sanctioned raid, he's not going to send his best to the slaughter, at least not the ones whose stealth wasn't their forte. “alright,” he waves them off, “but only what you need, and if you pick up any strays along the way I want to see them before we can accept them.” not that he would turn away anyone that could handle what happened, not that he'd turn away anyone that would be useful. it was his way of knowing the faces among his group, have to be a good leader that way. make it personal, make it his business as well to know them.
there were two in particular, siblings he could only determine because they looked alive, he hopes make it out alive. he'd said his goodbyes, told everyone to get back to work, but that only an hour ago, as the lighting struck in the distance over the crescent apartments. this was bad, the source of food from the ground, well the bigger one. the marina had fish, but the vegetables, the fruit. it's time for a plan of action for that, for the end of winter he thinks. he rubs at his temples, he does not want to brave this storm. the cold makes his bones ache. so instead he sets out on a different endeavor, space for himself. no way he could go back to sleep during this, but instead he heads out, weaving between the boats out by the docks, to perch himself at the end. his fingers twirl his wedding band he isn't even confident on the reason why he's still wearing it after all this time. a presence is heard behind him, “I didn't come out here for conversation.”
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