#cal nightbound
storyofmychoices · 2 years
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SpreadJoy #687: spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote in edit by Unknown
For @nbappreciationweek
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dutifullynuttywitch · 3 months
Dance féerique
(A magical bayou waltz)
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Pairing: Cal Lowell x Aurélie Bajolière (f!mc)
Choices Nightbound
Rating: general (fluff)
Wordcount: 700 words
Image credit: madsmikkelsen7161 on pinterest
Tags: @choicescommunityevents for the faeries event 🧚‍♀️ @choicesficwriterscreations
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It’s an unusually cool evening in the bayou. Aurélie sits on the small wooden dock behind the cozy home she now shared with Cal and his brother Donny. She looks up at the starry sky, her toes trailing lazily in the balmy water.
They had opened all the windows to let the refreshing breeze flit gently through the house. Which meant she could enjoy her own personal concert.
Cal was seated at the piano, playing her favorite song, Chopin’s Nocturne No. 9 E major.
The soft notes float up to her, carried by the cool breeze, evoking feelings of immense tenderness for this man who had become her rock, her everything during the recent trials. Fighting terrible enemies. Realizing she was half-fae. Losing her father so soon after finally meeting him. Dying.
Sometimes she’d wake up still wondering if the past weeks had been nothing but a fever dream.
Though tonight, resting under the immensity of the cosmos reflected in the calm waters in front of her, the beautiful melody flitting in soft waves, it felt more like a moonlit reverie.
As she gazes out into the confines of the bayou, Aurélie notices white specks of light twirling over the mirror-like water, seemingly dancing in sync with the melody.
Curious, she squints her eyes, trying to make out the dazzling forms. They slowly near the dock, floating on the wind.
As they get closer, Aurélie’s breath catches.
Tiny wood fairies!
Their shimmering, iridescent wings flutter daintily as they twirl and dance. Soon, the ethereal creatures encircle her, their giggles like soft chimes as they joyfully twirl, raise and dip all around her.
“Well, hello, you’re quite graceful.”
Aurélie smiles at the fairies. They grin and chatter, a few fluttering in her long wavy hair, tickling her, while others pull at her blouse, inviting her up.
Laughing, she complies and starts twirling around the yard along with the fairies, in absolute awe at this magical moment.
“You’re a sight to behold, ma chérie.”
Aurélie turns towards the house to find Cal leaning against the frame, observing her with a tender expression, a sparkle in his eyes.
The fairies pick up their chatter, a delicate symphony of windchimes now replacing the night’s melody. Inviting the newcomer to join their magical waltz.
“Well, what are you waiting for, handsome?”
Aurélie beckons him over, smiling playfully. Cal doesn’t need further encouragement. He tenderly gathers his girlfriend into his powerful arms and leads her into a slow waltz.
As always, Aurélie is amazed that this beast of a man is capable of such gentleness. Always so careful around her, protective, attentive to her needs and attuned to her emotions. He had captured her heart so easily with his kind soul.
And she fell in love with him all over again every day, through his many small gestures, gentle touches, daily bouquets of fresh wildflowers, private moonlit concerts. Countless little reminders that he cherished her.
The fairies seem to approve as they increase their wild ballet, surrounding the couple with their ethereal beauty, lighting up the air brighter than the billions of flickering stars.
Cal gazes fondly into his love’s sparkling blue eyes. He bends down to capture her lips in a languid kiss.
Aurélie melts into his strong arms, feeling his intense warmth envelop her. She parts her lips, inviting him in, relishing in this magical moment.
They feel a soft breeze as the fairies excitedly spin around them, then float up high into the air. They bid their farewell in melodic chimes, softly flitting into the dark woods.
Watching the little specks of light disappear, Cal murmurs, “You have such a beautiful soul, even the wood fairies want to be close to you.”
“You’re the one who drew them here with your wonderful moonlight concert.”
“Hmm… and here I thought I was playing only for ma douce moitié.” He kisses her nose. “Shall I continue?”
“Yes please. Though I’ll come sit with you. I love watching you play.”
They turn their backs to the serene bayou and its magical inhabitants as they head towards the brightly lit house.
Their home.
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ladylamrian · 6 months
✨️ Kit meets Rook ✨️
Female Main Character: Alexis Clarissa Fontaine (Nightbound) & Astrid (Blades of Light and Shadow)
Characters: Nik Ryder, Mal Volari, Tyril Starfury, Imtura, Nia Ellarious, Vera Reimonenq, Katherine, Cal Lowell, Threep, ...
Pairings: F!MC×NikRyder & F!MC×MalVolari
Summary: Astrid accidentally opened the wrong portal.
Word Count: 3.2K words
Rating: Teen (Magic, Adventure, Friendship, Fluff)
Warnings: none, just a small fighting scene
-> My complete Masterlist here <-
Taglist: @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @peonierose ; @secretaryunpaid ; @jdstar88 ; @blackcatkita ; @lilyoffandoms ; @liviusofpella ; @mxdanni ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @tessa-liam ; @choicesficwriterscreations ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @thosehallowedhalls ; @artbyalz ; @choicesficwriterscreations
Some parts grammar checked by @lilyoffandoms
Comments via Reblog wholeheartly welcome
Author's note: The tiny story takes place after Nightbound and Blades of Light & Shadow Book 1. Special thanks to @chanceisagoodboy for the inspiration and idea ✨️
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New Orleans always looked beautiful at night. Shops, restaurants, bars and dance pools were gleaming with bright colors and lights. But in the middle of an abandoned alley, near the street, where no one else was there, something mysterious happened. Air was filled with magic. The weather changed within seconds. The clear night sky turned into a thundery scene as rain fell down the earth and thunderbolts flashed above. But there was something else, something strange and unusual. A mysterious vortex appeared which tossed six strange figures outside. And then... it closed. The six beings remained.
"Ouch, what an uncomfortable landing!!", a lady in a gown commented as she was lying with her companions on the ground. She focused her lavender-colored eyes on her surroundings and wondered where they got.
"Well done, kit. Now care to explain where you transported us, because this doesn't look like Whitetower.", a young man with brown, shoulder-length locks and a light beard spoke. He discovered his two daggers, Stabby & Stabby Junior lying in front of him as he crashed on the ground, so he quickly picked his loyal weapons up and stashed them back inside.
"A powerful and wise never like me doesn't deserve to be lying on the dirty floor and get treated like this.", Threep, the bat-winged cat hissed. As the cat saw how everyone finally stood up from the ground, he fluttered its wings and landed on Astrid's shoulder. His cat eyes fixed on her, waiting for an answer.
"I'm so sorry for the hard landing, Threep. I didn't know it would be like this."
"Threep, will you please forgive your Astrid?"
"I suppose a snack wouldn't hurt to make it up for you, dear realmwalker.", he meowed and played around with her blonde braids like a playful kitten which made her giggle.
"Sure, Threep. But first, we have to figure out where we landed. This world looks so weird.", Astrid's blue eyes scanned the surroundings in the dark with the help of her night-vision ability.
All around them were humans. No elf and no orc. They were all dressed in a diffrent style which neither Astrid nor her friends understood. Not only this, strange machinery drove by in which humans were sitting, but there were no horses that pulled them. They moved on their own. Colorful lights are everywhere on the street. Was it magic?
"What strange world is that? Where did you bring us, Astrid?", Tyril asked.
"I don't know, but looks all so new and interesting which got me curious... Let's explore and begin a new adventure!!", she announced with confidence.
"Astrid, I don't know. It could be dangerous. We don't know anything."
"Come on, priestess. Be a little more active and open to the world. We pirates explore new places and find treasures.", Imtura agreed with Astrid.
"Imtura's right! Who knows what shiny treasures and gold we'll find."
"Can't you just NOT think about gold for once, treasure hunter. I have to agree with Nia. It could be dangerous. We don't know anything."
"Three against two, elf boy."
"Excuse me, I would like to be included with my opinion top. I'm with Nia and Tyril, because I want to go home. My warm food is waiting for me.", the nesper licked his palm with attitude.
"So it's three against three. We have a tie. This means we'll explore a little and then we'll go back home. Do you all agree with me?"
"Yes Astrid, that's fair! I just hope you know how to open the right portal which leads us back home.", Nia Ellarious, the priestess agreed, along with everyone else.
"Honestly, I'm still learning my powers. I seriously didn't thought this would happen, but I promise that I'll do better. We'll find a way to get back home!!", Astrid, the realwalker assured her friends.
The group of friends walked through the bustling streets of the unknown place and every time surprised as they made a new discovery. There were small, shining figures in green and red which signaled the humans when to cross the streets and when to stop. These secured the safety of both, the walking humans and the ones who were sitting in these strange, horse-less machineries. Was this magic?
"Hey, why are some humans looking at us like this and then laughing? Are they making fun of us? Maybe because we're dressed differently or...?", Nia asked with concern.
"Yeah, it's like they never saw an orc!"
"Or a noble elf like me. I feel that we're being watched and I do not like this, my dear friends. I told you before too, that it could be dangerous here.", Tyril agreed with Imtura.
Not far from them, a group of youngsters were enjoying themselves. One even held a small, metallic device that flashed like lightning. Out of curiosity, Mal moved closer to the group to take a closer while remaining hidden in the shadows. It turned out that the group of young people now could see a picture of them in that pose when that mysterious device flashed at them. It's like watching a portrait of them that just got painted by the flashing light.
"How can they still be here standing in front of me and also being captured in that small device at the same time?", Mal thought and immediately left, because he didn't want to accidentally get captured in an item.
He quickly joined his friends in a more quiet place, but was shocked as he saw them facing a very familiar figure.
"Well, well, well, who do we have here? How interesting! Humans, along with an elf and an orc. These two might fit well into my collection", the mysterious woman in black smirked. Behind her were standing tough, muscular men who looked dangerous.
"Uhh, who are you? What collection?"
"Oh, dear. You don't know me? Everyone knows who I am. Would your elf friend and orc friend be interested in joining my secret fighting ring under Club Persephone? Elf versus Orc. That would create a huge audience and a lot of money.", she answered Astrid's questions while pressing her face with her gloved hand as she moved closer towards her.
"Hey!!! Let Astrid go!!!", Mal shouted at the woman. He grabbed Astrid's arm and pulled her protectively closer to him till their bodies pressed each other.
"Mal, I'm fine. Don't worry, I can handle it.", she showed strength, but also gratitude towards her caring lover. They glanced at each other with full affection and love until their attention turned towards their friends and the mysterious woman.
"Oh, so you're a couple? You two remind me of that annoying hunter and his fairy girlfriend. You disgust me."
"Leave us alone, thief master.", Mal warned her which made her even more angry while the friends were surprised.
"Mal, you know that woman?", Imtura asked.
"Thief master??? You dared to call me, a thief?!! I am the Lady Smoke!!! The most powerful woman and most dangerous murder mob boss of New Orleans??!", she unleashed her anger, and finally removed her glove, revealing her palm which showed black, poisonous veins. The whole crew was shocked at the discovery. While the lady in black moved her hand towards Astrid and Mal, her muscular men grabbed the rest of them.
"Let go!!! Don't hurt my friends.", Nia shouted.
"I'll show you the strength of an orc, you rats.", the orc hissed.
"Threep, is that woman corrupted or why does she have these black veins?", Tyril asked while fighting one of the goons.
"No, it's something else.", he meowed as he tried to free Nia, the priestess. The nesper began attacking the enemies with his sharp claws.
The whole situation turned into a fighting scene. Mal tried to protect Astrid, and she tried to protect him, as they switched back and forth. Trying to protect each other.
"Astrid, I'll handle.", he grabbed his two daggers and got into a fighting position.
"Mal, I can do it. Let me use my powers."
"Ssshhhh, I'll be safe. Don't worry, love."
"But I'll..."
Before Mal could say more, a bright light appeared out of nowhere which illuminated their whole surroundings. It took everyone a little time to adjust. They shielded their eyes from the light which was so bright. When the light faded, they slowly opened their eyes. There was a mysterious young man in a leather coat facing them, holding a crossbow in his hands. It was the holy light arrow he just shot, which caused the bright light. The arrow landed on the ground near Lady Smoke and her goons as a warning and not to injure them.
"Let them go, Smoke!", he warned her.
"And if I don't?"
"Don't make a fuzz of this, Tonya. Just let them go and everyone will be happy."
"Mind your own business, nighthunter."
"Heyyy!!! Nobody speaks to my partner like this!!", a silvery-black-haired woman appeared next to the mysterious man.
Nik smirked as she called him her partner and wrapped his free arm around her waist.
"My rook."
"Oh, so the couple is here together now. Solo suited you better, Nik Ryder", Tonya mocked.
"Shut up, Smoke!! And let these innocent people go."
While Tonya was focused on Nik and his girlfriend, Astrid used her skills to free her friends. Time for the Seduction Skill!! She swayed her hips and leaned closer towards a man who held one of her friends captured. Mal was surprised at her sudden move.
"Hello, strong man.", she winked at one of them.
"Yes, you. You're very strong and look at your muscles.", she traced a finger on the stranger's arm who suddenly felt attracted to her. The rest of them wanted that too now.
Mal definitely didn't like it even though, she used her seduction skills several times and it helped. But this time was different. They were nasty men who could hurt her and were now hungrily staring at her. Mal had to do something.
"Hey Astrid, you haven't seen my muscles yet. Let me use them to smash those bastards.", Mal got jealous. Astrid's eyes were still on the men.
"Oh yes, Mal is right. You guys have muscles, but use them for what??!! To serve an unthankful woman. I definitely would value your hard work and loyalty. All of you.", the braided blonde played with her lashes which made the men loosen their grips.
And with that, Tyril, Imtura, Threep and Nia managed to free themselves and began fighting. Even Astrid now used her combat skill and threw a few punches at the men, while Tyril, Imtura and Mal used their weapons. Threep supported the priestess to defend everyone.
"How dare you treat a legendary and wise nesper like that??", he hissed and used his cat claws to hurt the enemies.
"Watch out!!!", the silvery-haired girl shouted and blasted a flame of light towards a goon who was about to hit Astrid from behind. The bad guy couldn't harm her now, fell backward, and then fainted.
"Thanks!!", Astrid shouted towards her and continued her battle.
Tonya Reimonenq noticed that her men couldn't win, especially against a strong orc like Imtura. So she demanded her men to retreat, getting back to her Club.
"I'll be back. You haven't heard the last from me, Ryder.", she swore revenge, quickly stepped inside her limousine and commanded her driver to escape.
"Phewww, she and her men are gone.", Nia got relieved when Lady Smoke and her goons were finally gone.
"I knew it!! An unknown world could be dangerous."
"I know, Tyril. You were right, but I'm glad we got rid of them. And these two helped us.", Astrid turned her attention towards the couple in front of them. The two stepped closer to the group.
"Damn, didn't know you guys would handle it on your own. I'm impressed. At least some people don't need to be protected which makes my work easier. And you did a great job too, rook.", Nik praised everyone.
"Awwww, thanks.", she got delighted, stood on her toes and planted a quick kiss on his cheek. Then she stepped closer to the group to introduce herself and Nik. They shook each other's hands.
"Nice to meet you, Alex. I'm Astrid. These are my friends, Imtura, Nia, Tyril, Mal and Threep."
"Awwww, Threep is soooo cute!!!! Eeeeeeekkk...", she admired the little, winged cat and wanted to cuddle it.
"Pardon me, but I need my personal space. No cuddles when I'm hungry, milady."
"You can talk??!!"
"Of course. I'm a very wise nesper who has to confess my hunger and speaks wise words."
"Awwww, poor kitty. You must be so hungry. Let's get you some food, huh? Garrus's bar isn't far away, he'll serve you food and I'll feed you as much as you want.", Alex picked Threep up from the ground and held it like a baby in her arms, gazing sweetfully at him.
This time the nesper didn't complain because he was ready to get treated like he always wanted to.
"What's a bar?", one of the friends asked.
"Uhhh, it's where you drink? You guys never went to a bar? My friend, Garrus serves non-alcoholic drinks too if you want.", Nik informed.
"Ooooh, so it's a tavern. Then let's go!! I could use some refreshment.", Mal immediately agreed.
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"Threep, meet Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell, meet Threep.", Alex tried to introduce Threep and her pet with each other.
"Is that a kricken? But what is it doing here?", Nia asked and petted the pet.
"A kricken? It's a perrikin."
"Oh, I see. In our realm it's called a kricken."
"Oh, so you're from another realm?", Alex asked with curiousity.
Nik, Alex and Astrid's crew were now sitting in Garrus's bar, called The Graveyard Shift along with some more friends. Each of them was getting along with another very well and was having a great time.
"So you're a nighthunter who hunts evil creatures and beings at night?", Mal was talking with Nik.
"Not only do I hunt. I make sure that both sides of the world, the World of Day and World of Night are save and secure against the evil. So yes, I'm a professional nighthunter. And you are...?"
"A thief. A professional thief.", Mal grinned, raising his arm to show Nik what he was holding.
"Hey, is that... My wallet?!! How the hell did you...??"
"Don't forget to look after yourself too while protecting the world, nighthunter.", Mal mischievously smiled and returned Nik's belongings back to him.
"Hmm... I like you already, thief. You're not bad actually. I'm impressed by your skills... And I like your shiny daggers."
"Thanks, Nik. My daggers are my tiny babies. But you're very skilled too."
Not far away, Katherine and Imtura were laughing together.
"Woah, really?!!! Could you teach me how to throw axes? It could come in handy for me while hunting."
"Now that's what I call a strong woman!! You may not be an orc or strong like me, but you have the spirit. I'll definitely teach you that, Katherine."
"Thanks, new bestie.", Katherine high-fived with Imtura.
Nia Ellarious and Vera Reimonenq enjoyed each other's presence while having conversations and drinking warm lemon tea together. Both admired each other's outfits and figured that they had a few things in common.
"So that dangerous woman we met before was your mother?"
"Yes, but I'm not like her. Don't worry."
"Oh, I'm not afraid of you. I can sense that you're a sweet and pure person. Besides, I also had the similar experience. I looked up to the Light court, but they were not like I expected them to be. I may belong to them as a priestess, but I can still be different and choose the path I want to. The path of harmony.", she explained to Vera and both sweetly smiled at each other with affection.
"Wait, you're her child?? That means she can't be the person I thought she was. She looks exactly like the thiefmaster.", Mal passed by as he overheard Nia and Vera after finishing his conversation with Nik.
"The thiefmaster?", Nia asked him.
"Oh, never mind. Forget it, priestess.", Mal tried to avoid the topic and decided to look for Astrid.
"Is that a fae??", Tyril got shocked as he saw Garrus passing by with a tray of drinks. The fae was too busy with work and serving customers to notice Tyril, the elf. Then Cal answered him.
"Yes, that's Garrus. He's a fae. And the silvery-haired girl you met earlier, she's a half-fae. Are you a fae too?"
"A half-fae, how rare and astonishing!! And no, I'm no fae. I may have pointy ears too, but they are longer. I'm an elf. Tyril, House of Starfury."
"Oh, a noble?"
"It's complicated. My sister takes care of House Starfury now. I don't feel like I belong with the rest of the noble elves."
"Hey, I know what you mean. I also feel like I don't belong to my pack anymore. I'm a werewolf, but I'm not like them. An outsider. I'm different, but I feel proud of it. By the way, my name is Cal. Cal Lowell.", he extended his hand forward and Tyril accepted to shake it.
"A pleasure to meet you, Cal."
Later, Mal finally found Astrid in the corner of the room who was talking with the silvery-black haired woman from before.
"Hey, kit."
"Hey, rook."
Nik and Mal greeted their own girlfriends at the same time when they appeared. Both were surprised. They stared at each other open-mouthed for a while before turning their attention back to their partners. Alex and Astrid began to giggle.
"So Nik calls you rook, Alex?"
"Yup, and you're Mal's kit. Am I right, Astrid? Guess our boys have a few things in common just like the two of us.", she continued laughing with Astrid at the boys.
"Oh Alex, as much as I enjoyed tonight with you and your friends, it's getting late. We must return, but I will never forget tonight. You're my new friend in this weird, but modern world."
"I will miss you too, Astrid. I hope you will visit us again. Threep is so adorable. And next time when you come, you should definitely teach me your seduction skill."
"Oh nooo!!! For god's sake, please don't!!! Enough people are hitting on her already, I don't want her to get started too or get in trouble.", Nik begged the girls who giggled again.
"Awww, Nik. You're my everything. But I could use the seduction skill to convince you whenever we both disagree with each other."
"Oh, so that's your evil plan? How cruel of you, my rook?", he raised his eyebrow, then chuckled.
Then Astrid spoke, promising to teach Alex the seduction skill if she would teach her some magic. Afterall the flame of light which the nighthunter's girlfriend used against Lady Smoke's goons was impressive and could be useful. Maybe Alex could also convince her friendly stepmother, Lady Thalissa to teach both of them. For example, how to open the correct portal.
And with that, it was time for Imtura, Nia, Tyril, Mal, Threep and Astrid to go back to their realm. Back home. This time Astrid opened the right portal. And if not, then they would have landed on their next adventure.
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garrusknight · 5 months
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 1 year
My favorite part of Wolf Bride is when they give us the option to "leave Bastien" and the game completely ignores our choice and is like "too bad, you have to stay with him" MA'AM I thought this game was called Choices pls let me leave this man and his werewolf cult 😭
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Sent by anonymous
‘Cal Lowell from Nightbound is the best werewolf we have. So gentle and kind. Especially the way he respects the MC. Bastian from WolfBride would never top him. About the new Alpha book I'm not sure either. My hopes are not very much high, we'll see...’
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aces-and-angels · 10 months
i know in the midst of all that chaos, some people may have missed it, but did cal just go full-on wolf in front of a bunch of people at a mardi gras parade??? ain't y'all supposed to try to keep things under wraps???
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Soft asks as you wish. Question for Kate Williams:
Opinion on Vera Reimonenq
Opinion on Nik Ryder
Opinion on Katherine
Opinion on Cal Lowell
Let's gossip 🤭😂
Opinion on Vera:
Initially, Vera was a mystery to Kate. She certainly was different from the guys and girls Kate used to date, and was immediately drawn to know more about her, to relate to her, share the same feelings. But later, after knowing more about her, she admired Vera's resilience and her strength to stick to what is right.
Opinion on Nik:
At first, Nik was the annoying bodyguard that Kate was so reluctantly with because she had no other way of finding answers to protect herself. But later on, as she spent more time with him, she learnt more about him and that annoyance turned into admiration and respect for him. She accepts him as a really good friend, and was really hurt when Nik said they had to part as his job of protecting her was over.
Opinion on Katherine:
She is definitely more fun and open to showing Kate new things than keep a barrier around her, and Kate was able to feel more thrill when around Katherine. Kate was able to push herself out of her comfort zone, and not be afraid of the unknown.
Opinion on Cal:
He is a good friend, a gentle and caring person. He sort of reminds Kate of the feeling of having a warm cup of cocoa. As Kate never had any siblings of her own, she found a close bond when being around Cal.
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mikaelsrose · 1 year
happy monsterfucker pride to all my fellow cal lowell romancers 🫶🏻
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angstymarshmallow · 1 year
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An NB fan asked if we could do a hair switch between NB and DS LIs. Cal and Ed were done a few months back. You may have to scroll down a while on this blog to find it, since the original art file was deleted and can’t be re-uploaded. 
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storyofmychoices · 5 months
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SpreadJoy #867 spreading positivity with quotes and @playchoices characters.
Quote by Scary_booo
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dutifullynuttywitch · 9 months
Avatar: art by the wonderful @lilyoffandoms
Header: created by the amazing @aallotarenunelma gifted by my lovely friend @thosehallowedhalls 💛
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Meet my MC: Autumn Nightbloom
Things left unsaid Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Ⓜ️🔥 Angst, Explicit/NSFW)
Reflections on the eve of battle Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, angst)
A Thief's Oath Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Pancake mornings ✒️🎨Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
A Whitetower Festival Mal Volari x f!mc Autumn Nightbloom (Teen, fluff)
Gifts & commissions
Bumbling adversaries 🐝 A gift for the lovely Dani
Untitled Birthday Lovely gifts by the amazing @thosehallowedhalls 💛
In the arms of night A wonderful gift from Dani @storyofmychoices
Autumn nightbloom portrait 🎨A gift by the incredibly talented @lilyoffandoms
Mal and Autumn waltz 🎨A beautiful art commission by @hydn-jpg.
Pancake mornings 🎨Gorgeous art commission by Artbyainna (IG), gift from the @choicesficwriterscreations January 2024 reading event. Post blades 2.
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Meet my MC: Eva Archer ✒️🎨
Starlit night ✒️🎨Troy Hassan x f!mc Eva Archer (teen, fluff)  
Sisterly advice Eva Archer and Brynn Archer (teen)
Close call Troy Hassan x f!mc Eva Archer (teen)
Happy birthday Eva Troy Hassan x Eva Archer f!mc drabble by the wonderful @inlocusmads 💛
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Heaven's Secret 1 Revisited Dino x f!mc, Lucifer x f!mc, Sammy x Adi, other pairings
Mature / explicit content Ⓜ️🔥
A self-indulgent rewrite of Heaven’s Secret 1. It stays mostly true to the original story, delving into some of the main characters’ motivations and POVs, and a little more world-building. Dino-Lucifer-MC love triangle, and explorations of Vicky's relationship with Malbonte. Other pairings to come up.
Daddy Luci Lucifer x Vicky and Levvy (daughter) (G: domestic fluff)
Art of Lucifer and Vicky 🎨commission by the very talented @bayleedraws-sometimesx
Lucifer moodboard
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Meet my MC: Aurélie Bajolière
Dance féerique Cal Lowell x Aurélie Bajolière (f!mc) (general fluff)
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Meet my MC: Geneviève of Carmelide
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Redemption is a perpetual journey Kamilah Sayeed x Gaius Augustine (m angst)
What if Gaius had his moment of retribution? Gaius Augustine, Rheya Apostolous (t angst)
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A Pact with Lucifer Lucifer x f!mc 🔥 (E: NSFW smut)
Wounded Pride Lucifer x f!mc 🔥 (E: NSFW smut)
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ladylamrian · 4 months
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- Chapter 6: The Unknown
[ Please read past chapters before this one ]
-> Masterlist of this Mini Series <-
Female MainCharacter: Alexis Clarissa Fontaine
Pairing: F!MC×NikRyder
Other characters in this chapter: Katherine, Vera Reimonenq, Cal Lowell, ...
Summary: With help, Alex finds a way and how to escape. But for Nik, it's not easy.
Word Count: 1.7K words
Rating: Teen (Angst, Drama, Adventure)
Warnings: Language
-> My complete Nightbound Masterlist <-
Taglist: @lilyoffandoms ; @secretaryunpaid ; @blackcatkita ; @infactnoimmasitinthemiddle ; @liviusofpella ; @peonierose ; @jdstar88 ; @hopelessromantic1352 ; @tessa-liam ; @mxdanni ; @mariemarieohcontrary ; @rosepetals1 ; @stars-are-within-me ; @dutifullynuttywitch ; @artbyalz ; @bri1234 ; @thosehallowedhalls ; @choicesjunechallenge2024 (Theme: Liminality with the Prompt: Sunrise) and whoever wants to join...
Comments via Reblog wholeheartedly welcome
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It took Alex only a few steps until someone forcefully grabbed her, pushed her into a darklit alley while covering her mouth to make sure she scream for help. No matter how much she tried to break free, the person lingering in the shadow was just stronger. More people joined to capture Alex until she ended up beeing pressed against a brickwall.
"Shhh, quiet. It's us, Alex.", a familiar voice whispered and removed her gloved hand from her mouth.
Adjusting her eyes for a few seconds, she recognized four familiar faces. Katherine, Cal, Vera and... Nik??!!! Wait, how can this be? She just saw how Nik left her and now he's standing in front of her, hiding in the shadows. Leaning against the brick wall, the blond disappointedly glared at her, flaring his nostrils. Recognizing the clothes he wore like his black trousers, black boots and the typical leather jacket above his plain, black shirt... His nighthunter clothes. And he carried his crossbow with him. It made her realize the man standing in front of her...
"Nik??! Is that you?", she asked and got emotional, unable to hold back her tears while he just silently stared at her. Clenching his jaws together, he disappointedly looked on the ground, not wanting to meet her eyes. The anger turned into a sad expression on his face.
Vera, Cal and Katherine awkwardly looked at them and freed Alex from their hold.
"Sorry for doing this, sweety. But we didn't want to attract any attention. Girl, I missed you sooo much. Glad to be finally united with you too. You missed me?", Katherine added and hugged her while she strongly hugged back. Both held their hug for almost a minute before breaking apart.
"Now that Nik and Katherine are back from the war, and we found Alex, it's time to return to our world now."
Listening to Vera her words, Alex wondered. "Vera, what do mean with our world? And why did you ran away from me before?"
"Alex, I didn't. We just arrived."
"Yeah, we were all kicking our butts to find you. To hope that you're safe and then... then... The first thing seeing is that my girl smooching and making out with a stranger. After being away for so long, I got to see this??!", he sniffed and wiped his tears away.
"Nik... You're back? It's really you, right? Why are you sad? You're back from the war. Oh, I missed you so...", she was about to embrace for a hug the closer she got, but he lightly pushed her away from him.
"Rook, I missed you every damn second. For you, I was fighting to survive. For the first time in my damn life I was scared to die cuz if I die, I do not want to imagine what would've happened to you. You're everything I have, Alex. But seeing you today like this..."
"Nik, it's not what you think it is. Didn't you see that man? His face? He looked exactly like you? I believed it was you. I can't think of anything more than you. Please Nik, I would never cheat on you. I was blinded by grief and sadness. I... I love you so much.", she begged for forgiveness, wanting to unite with him again. To touch him, to kiss him, to have him by her side. But Nik felt heartbroken and just sadly stared at her.
"Nik, please forgive Alex. While you were gone, she didn't even properly eat anything and was sleeping less. All she was doing is thinking about you and Katherine.", Vera tried to convince while Katherine placed a hand on her shoulder for support. Nik stayed quiet for a moment until he finally spoke. His balled his hands into fists and his voice filled with anger.
"First, lemme find that dude, so that I can tell him to stay away from my girl. Let's see if he really looks like me.", he spoke with distrust and immediately dashed towards the streets of the city to find his so-called look-alike. He was surprisingly quicker than the others thought and tried to catch up on him. When Nik is angry, then he is angry and nobody wants to face him like this.
He finally stopped a few blocks away near a building and recognized the man they were searching for from the professional clothes he was wearing. Again, his back was turned towards Nik. To face him, Nik was about near him when an unpleasant voice ordered him to stand still.
"I order you to take your steps back, before you ruin the balance between all dimensions, Thriced Cursed Son."
Yes, it was no other than the holy Lady Fate standing with all might. Her golden eyes fixed on Nik and the rest of the gang which finally caught up and stood next to the nighthunter.
"Fate, what are you doing here?", Alex innocently asked.
"Daughter of Two Realms, you and your allies must return back to your own dimension before sunrise. If you will not, you will be forever held captured in this world which isn't yours.", she spoke with anger and yet politeness.
"Sure, after I teach that guy a lesson for stealing my girlfriend. Besides, lemme see if he really looks like me or is just a nasty shapeshifter who was tryin' to harm Alex."
"Does revenge matter more than safety? I will forbid you to make any contacts in this world unless you stay hidden because this dimension was constructed by the last wish of the Daughter of the Two Realms herself. She needed answers, so she shall receive them here. In this dimension things are different."
"Wait, what last wish of mine? I didn't. I actually don't know what's going on."
"Try to remember Alex, we tried to find you everywhere. You weren't home. You were gone until we crossed Luc who said you were in his shop and then you disappeared. He leads us back to his shops to find clues and luckily, he figured out that the large mirror was lightly glowing. He traced an opened portal which led us four here to find you. But... but we weren't sure where we were until the Fate appeared and told us this. And I'm even more glad that we found you Alex.", Cal explained.
"I would only wish for Nik and Katherine to return from war safely back home. Oh... Wait, I remember... When I touched the mirror, I was desperate in thoughts about Nik and... and... and wished he would have never become a nighthunter."
When the words left your mouth, it shocked everyone expect of the all-knowing Fate.
"Why would you wish that, rook?"
"Because if you hadn't become a nighthunter, you wouldn't have been involved in the war and kept yourself away from me. I'm sorry, I was desperate. I wasn't thinking clearly. But now I understand why the other Nik from before was different. He wasn't aware of the existence of the supernatural world. Even Elijah didn't recognize him?"
"What??!!! You met my father, rook???! How? Where? I need to see him!!"
"He wouldn't recognize you, Nik."
"The hell, of course he will. He has to. He's my dad, Alex.", he got emotional and begged her to show him.
"Calm down, Ryder. Alex is right. This dimension we are in is different. He might not recognize..."
"So what, Katy??!! I have to see him!!! You have no idea, guys. I need to do this. I have to talk to him and apologize. How many restless nights I had after he died because of that ugly fight I had with him when I was a teenager. He needs to know that I feel sorry, that it was my fault. That I was dumb. That I still love him and I miss him so much.", he confessed as his body began to shake and tears rolled down his cheeks.
"Sorry, but the Fate said that... Hey, where is even the Fate??!", Cal noticed. The Fate was nowhere to be found and already gone.
"Guess, she had better things to do than experiencing this drama show here.", Katherine rolled her eyes.
"This isn't drama, Katy! It's my life!!!"
"Nik, as much as I'd like to help to find Elijah. The Fate told us to leave. Don't get me wrong, I would have loved to meet him too, he's my idol too but..."
"Fine, then you all leave. I'll try to find him myself.", Nik burned with anger and ran away. Into the woods to find his adoptive father, Elijah Ryder.
"No, Nik!! Don't!!", Alex screamed, but he was already gone. The girl turned to her friends who remained on her side and informed them that she had seen last, about an hour ago, Elijah Ryder in the Graveyard Shift. If he's still there was another question, but the time was ticking. Midnight passed. Fewer hours left till sunrise. Till the portal shuts down forever.
The four friends immediately head into the woods to get the young man, Nik back before it was too late.
"I'm sorry, Katherine. I'm glad you and Nik have safely returned back from the war in New York, but this is definitely not how I imagined our reunion. You two hunters must be also pretty exhausted from your journey", Alex confessed.
"Don't worry, we'll find him."
"I hope so. Sooo Vera, you really didn't away from me before?", Alex turned her attention towards Vera who shook her head.
"Nope, wasn't me. Why would I do that anyway?"
"Guys, then in this dimension we exist too and not only Elijah. The Vera in this world ran away from me, the Nik in this world isn't a nighthunter and I also met another Katherine."
"Really? Then we probably should hide our faces. We don't want our look-alikes to think that we're imposters. Shapeshifters.", Katherine suggested.
"Too late to turn back, we're already in the woods. Let's just hope things go smoothly. Any idea where he could have gone?", Cal asked the gang.
"Let's split into two groups to find him faster. I'll search with Vera in this direction and you go with Alex to the other side."
They did as Katherine suggested and parted ways to find Nik faster. While Alex joined Cal, the rest of the girls went in the opposite direction hoping to find the missing and heartbroken nighthunter as soon as possible.
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garrusknight · 5 months
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Happy 5 years of Nightbound!!! <3
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nightboundfanfiction · 11 months
What would the LIs name their children 🤔
Cal - Wolfgang
Katherine - Kitty
Nik - Elijah
Vera - Vera Jr
That's about all I could think of lol.
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