#cairfrey cats
cairfrey · 27 days
My cat knows his place in the family's hierarchy, it's at the top.
Exibit A:
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Maintaining eye contact as he holds my hand to make me rub his belly.
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cairfrey · 25 days
> So, I'm in bed, reading to the cat (a perfectly normal sentence).
> The book I'm reading is "The Lady in the Lake " by Raymond Chandler.
> Nice 1940s Noir.
> So, because it's an American story I'm reading to him in an American accent (despite being British)
> However, my Philip Marlowe is less Humphrey Bogart and more Benoit Blanc.
> This displeases the cat who gets up to leave.
> I read in my head.
> Cat returns.
> OK, maybe he was just getting comfy
> I start reading out loud again.
> Cat leaves again.
> Cat does not like my American accent.
> Everyone's a critic!
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cairfrey · 7 months
You: Hey, cairfrey! How’s grading papers going?
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cairfrey · 9 months
"This flat surface with a notebook on it was clearly made for me to sit it. What other reason could there possibly be?" - Chops, 7-1-24
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cairfrey · 6 months
No marking. Only cat butt.
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cairfrey · 7 months
Cat: Hey! It's 5am! Get up! Feed me! I'm hungry!
Me: OK, I'll put some food down for you. Get myself some coffee and cereal, and have a relaxing wake up.
Cat: That's what you think! *Proceeds to vomit everywhere*
He's not sick, just ate too fast 🙄
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cairfrey · 8 months
I had a lecture on my third PGCE assignment up in Exeter today.
But I'm not paying much attention to it.
My cat's sick.
We've got a vet appointment booked in for 17:15 this afternoon.
I'm hoping she's just being dramatic. But with cats, you never know.
So, I've been listening to The Cure on repeat.
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cairfrey · 2 months
It's always embarrassing when you walk in on someone using the toilet
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cairfrey · 8 months
To Bootsie,
We're sorry we kick you so often. But you are a black cat, who insists on sitting in the middle of the floor in a dark hallway.
We don't mean to.
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cairfrey · 8 months
So, I know it's a little late, but I wasn't on Tumblr when my 2023 recap came out so here it is now!
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So, yeah, that was my musical year. The Emerald Vale was really only so high because I had it on repeat for a few weeks, the other 4 top tracks are a better reflection of what I listen to.
Although, Emerald Vale is an excellent track.
Hope this gives you a little more insight into me.
If you want to listen to my 2023 recap playlist then you can find it here:
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