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imthejunkietohisjava ¡ 1 month ago
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Pairing: Hannibal Lecter x Will Graham
Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham
Synopsis: What if before they ever fell- they had their first (and last) kiss? Hannibal Lecter and Will Graham are so in love, it’s a Greek Tragedy.
Tags: Major Character Death, Angst, Hurt No Comfort, Cliff Falling/Cliff Hanger, Lyrics, ETC.
Warnings: Death, Violence/Blood Mention, ETC.
Word Count: 656 Words
Author Notes: Yet another new fandom for me to hyperfixate over. Slowly but surely learning how to write Hannibal so expect some more pieces to follow this one. I adore their relationship and I’m obsessed with how everything is played out.
Every muscle ached painfully, practically begging for some sort of relief. Pleading for him to surrender to the exhaustion that wrecked through him. It took everything in Lecter to keep himself stood straight, a quiet but sharp inhale escaping him. For him that relaxation would certainly never come. He ignored his pains, eyes glancing to meet Will’s. Will looked almost as pitiful if not more so, his hand raised as he watched the blood ooze off him. It looked black in the moonlight, just as Hannibal had told him forever ago. It seemed almost silly to think of such a thing now. They stood disheveled, soaked in crimson but not regret. For the Red Dragon was slain. This was the end. Their end. The final chapter.
Each breath like a burning iron pressed to young lungs, sharp inhales and gasps were shared between them. It was intimate. Will crowded Hannibal’s space as he was pulled close, hovering over his shoulder for some semblance of comfort. Their hands lingered, threaded together before letting go. Only temporarily. The arms of the Cannibal fully embraced Will as they conversed. Tucked against his middle to keep him steady. Not daring yet to bring him much closer. They were dancing on the edge of life and death, angry waves crashing just below. It was the end for them, and they knew it.
“See? This is all I ever wanted for you, Will.” There was a long pause, his usually thick and beautiful accent muddied by the blood pouring from his wounds. It stained his lips and chin, not in a dignified manner. Though it hardly mattered. Will thought he looked beautiful even now. Disheveled. Vulnerable. Raw. This was Hannibal Lecter at his lowest and truest. It was its own masterpiece.
“For both of us.” He finished, taking a deep breath to force the words out. Every word spoken took a great deal of effort, but it would be worth it.
Will forced himself to stand a little straighter, labored breaths coming out in short pants. He was lightheaded and truthfully incredibly nauseous, but a breathless laugh escaped him. Funny how this is where they ended up.
‘It’s beautiful.’ He meant it sincerely. It was beautiful in its own way.
Their gazes lingered before Will closed the gap between them, his free hand grasping Hannibal’s shoulder before sliding upward. Though messy, they kissed with as much fever and passion as any other. Their love true and unconditional.
Hannibal noticed the subtle shift in Will’s weight as they kissed, the way he suddenly leaned forward with the remaining energy he had. Will’s arm was braced over Hannibal’s shoulder, palm splayed open against his back. They were going down together. He did not resist, leaning backward to shoulder as much of the impact as he could. His arm raised to hug around the man’s back, they would remain close. For even in their final moments, Hannibal Lecter would not let Will Graham experience more pain than what was necessary. It was burden he would rather carry. No other words needed to be spoken, no other action necessary than this. Everything had been spoken true in that kiss. All final thoughts. Their last goodbyes. All lingering ‘I Love You’s. Everything made clear as they plunged into the icy depths below. The waves lapping at their bodies greedily as they hit the surface of the water so suddenly. They would die together like a Greek Tragedy, for they were like Achilles and Patroclus.
You want the acclaim, the mother of mothers. More poignant than fame or the taste of another. Be real and just jump, you dense motherfucker. You will not be more than a rat in the gutter. You want my opinion, my opinion you’ve got. You asked for my counsel, I gave you my thoughts. Be done with this now, and jump off the roof. Can you hear me, Achilles? I’m talking to you…
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eroswmorals ¡ 2 months ago
i feel like i just keep getting sluttier and more alternative as time progresses
what a shame
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estonian-is-horrible ¡ 11 months ago
my favorite thing about learning languages is connecting words you sort-of know but not fully with words you see. of course, you can invent a lot of fake etymologies or mistranslations that can hinder your progress, but also. it's fun
säästumarket = a cheap supermarket säästu = cheap
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oled säästnud = you cheaped
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captive-caffeine ¡ 1 year ago
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coffeeandsalt ¡ 4 months ago
You boop too tough.....your boop too different...your boop is too bad....they'll kill you
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unusualshrimp ¡ 1 year ago
sorry for not shutting up about caffeine but it's genuinely changing my life
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cats-and-confusion ¡ 1 year ago
How’d you get the idea for Melatonin and Caffine?
Melatonin stems from my chronic fatigue and the way I cope with it (pretending I'm being tortured in a basement to make my reality feel better in comparison), as well as my theory that I had for most of my life that the reason I'm so tired all the time is because my brain produces too much melatonin (which has since been disproved and replaced by you're physically disabled idiot.)
Caffeine was inspired by the opposite - whenever I drank caffeine, I got super shaky and spazzy, productive and almost volatile. It stood out to me because of the contrast between this state and how I normally am, and I thought it would make a funny little duo.
From there I developed the characters based on color schemes and amplifying their base personality traits to give them nuance and depth, and played with ideas about how they'd interact with one another; would they balance out, or fight? Would they transition between the two? How would their individual stigmas and traumas conflict and guide their actions?
And thus you have the chemical siblings! Let me know if you want me to elaborate more. :3
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unusualshrimp ¡ 7 months ago
[ID: Three tumblr replies that read as follows.
ericbogosbian: five
sodajuicesoda: Don't worry about it (thumbs up emoji)
flygutz: when u start feeling like you could solve the jon benet ramsey case
End ID.]
whats the limit for caffeine in one intake
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atfuckyou ¡ 2 months ago
i dont know how to have sex right now but im developing theories about it
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electropneumatic ¡ 2 months ago
When you are in a job interview they will ask dumb shit questions like "why do you want this job" and you are expected to lie, right? You can't tell them it's about money, so instead you come up with some fabricated fluff about "interest in the company" and "enthusiasm about the role". But let's be honest, given the choice you'd rather be lounging about, eating cheese and drinking wine and maybe painting or something cool like that. And I don't think that there's anything wrong with that at all, people should be free to do the things they enjoy without some stupid meaningless job getting in the way. And it's a stupid questionto begin with. But I don't have to lie. Thry ask me why I want this job and I look the interviewer straight in the eye and say that I am "very enthusiastic about industrial automation" and that I "love learning about manufacturing processes." And maybe they ask some more questions and we talk for a while. And they hear what I'm saying and see the look on my face and they believe me. Because it is true. I'm not lying at all. If I was born into some sort of millionaire family on the coast of Maine, with all the money in the world and no need for a job, you better bet I'd still find my way into a factory the way a pet dog will escape a house, a comfortable domestic life with every need provided for, to tear wildly through the neighbor's lawn in the pursuit of nothing at all. I'm laying down on my stomach, head in my hands and feet kicking in the air, thinking about plcs. There is a dire need, a burning quest to learn everything that I possibly can about automated systems and then apply that knowledge. Let me loose upon the factory. I want to see things be made faster and better and cheaper and with less effort. It's a great feeling to see hundreds of parts that are almost exactly the same. Sure there is meaning and art in the handmade and hand crafted but I can't lie and say that I can't appreciate the technology and creativity and years of innovation that are present in every mechanized assembly line. It may be dirty and cheap and unoriginal but it's still creation, a marvel of modern technology. Give me a task and I'll give it my all. I can't learn everything and I can't do everything but by god I'll try. I love factories!!!
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gingertomcat ¡ 4 months ago
Coffee too strong hit me like a truck
Now I can't decide between being productive, being horny or going to sleep
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eroswmorals ¡ 2 months ago
ghjkjhg now that i have an income i can buy monster energy for myself im so happy
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agapi-kalyptei ¡ 7 months ago
putting some limescale into my red bull to make it less acidic
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big-moss-inc ¡ 11 months ago
They invented a new kind of gay sex called listening to loud ass music while absurdly caffeinated
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coffeeandsalt ¡ 2 months ago
MILGRAM when I catch you.....when I catch you MILGRAM...
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unusualshrimp ¡ 1 year ago
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