#cafes with playgrounds gold coast
versatilestructur · 3 months
Innovate Your Outdoor Experience with Custom Shade Sail Design
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Outdoor shading systems are no longer high-maintenance, complex, and expensive to install. Nowadays, you can buy a custom shade sail if you need a cost-effective and minimal-maintenance solution.
A custom shade sail provides ample shading while protecting against UV radiation, which is why it’s widely used in sporting clubs, childcare centres, playgrounds, commercial establishments, domestic areas, and council parks. If you’re interested in having one made, work with a trusted installer who can create a stylish system that provides reliable protection from UV rays and light rain.
Improving outdoor spaces
Shade structures can transform your property and boost its value — and they don’t need to be expensive to install and maintain. Shade sails made of waterproof fabric can be a great choice if you want a low-maintenance system, as rainwater helps wash down dirt and debris to keep them clean. You can also choose retractable versions that you can close or open as necessary to create comfortable and functional outdoor spaces all year round. They are ideal for alfresco areas, especially restaurants and cafes looking to extend their usable space.
High-quality materials and expert installation
It’s best to engage expert installers for custom shade sail designs to ensure high-quality fabrics like high-density polyethylene. This fabric is treated with UV additives that absorb or reflect UV rays. Moreover, the monofilament weave extends the shade sail’s lifespan, ensuring long-term savings.
Reputable installers can customise the installation according to your property’s requirements. Fixed shade sails can span greater distances without several poles or support structures, making them ideal for grandstands, covering swimming pools, or car park shading. Installers will carefully inspect your site and assign a draughtsperson to consider the area’s 3D geometry, overall shape, and location to ensure secure, precise, and appropriate install posts.
Designed for your needs
Custom shade sail designs provide shading that suits your exact requirements. The fabric is tested to AS1530 Parts 2 & 3 to ensure reliable fire performance and fire-retardant properties against radiant heat. Additionally, installers can use steel coatings to match site-specific conditions.
Transform your outdoor space with a custom shade sail by Versatile Structures. Their shade sails are proudly made in Brisbane using only the best materials to guarantee durable and reliable shading solutions. Call 07 3271 4519 or 0405 401 500 or ask about a custom design on their website.
About the author:
Versatile Structures is a provider of high-quality shade structures in Queensland for commercial, government, council, and domestic clients. They provide an extensive selection of shade solutions, encompassing shade structures, shade sails, commercial shade options, membrane sails, aluminium screens, gates, billboard structures, and specific residential applications. Their main service region encompasses Brisbane, Greater Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Ipswich, and all of South East Queensland, with the potential to extend to a broader area based on the project's requirements.
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tweedheadsaustralia · 2 years
Elevated Rainforest Cottage - For the Nature Lovers
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thejosh1980 · 4 years
Update #21 – 1 week at “The Ocean Shores Resort”
Update #21 – 1 week at “The Ocean Shores Resort”
A week ago we left quarantine in Adelaide!!!
It's been another week of mixed emotions, but I have to say, for the first time in months, they've been mostly on the positive side of things.
Last Tuesday, we left the hotel without too much hassle. They'd given us a basic breakfast the night before to have first thing and they called us down early; luckily we were ready and down the stairs we went. Before you know it, we were in the hotel reception taking our masks off!
Adelaide and South Australia are COVID free, so no masks, no problems.
The checkout was quick (the big bill comes in a few weeks!!), the staff were awesome and the police informative. They all understand that quarantine is not easy on anyone, and they were patient with our questions and worries. We had won the jackpot of quarantine hotels: Pullman Adelaide and the staff helped make our stay tolerable.
Jumped in a taxi (with masks on cause we really weren't sure yet how to behave in the outside world) and off to the airport. We had to leave the hotel by 07:30, because another bus of incoming “Covicts” were coming in that morning. Our flight was at 11:50 up to Brisbane, so it was yet another waiting game to check in and fly. But first... coffee! (we actually bought a coffee from a coffee shop! Amazing!! It's the small things...).
The flight was about about 2/3's full, no masks.
Landing in Brisbane we had to do a border check, show our papers, explain where we had been and all that. The check was there to stop anyone who may have COVID from coming in without quarantining. Each State has slightly different rules, and they do change from time to time, depending on hotspots and COVID numbers. Because the flight was from Adelaide and we left the hotel directly to the airport, we made sure we had no problems entering Brisbane (Queensland). We definitely didn't want any chance of another 14 day hotel stay!!!
Our original plan was to fly into the Gold Coast airport, which is only about 35 minutes from Mum, but there were no flights on our leaving day, so we had to fly into Brisbane (which is 2 hours from Mum's). My cousin picked us up (bloody legend!). We were hungry, and we went directly to Yatala pies. This was the moment I started to realize we were almost home. The taste of home! (Yatala Pies is a well known bakery south of Brisbane, a regular stop for many).
My cousin could drive us as far as the QLD/NSW border. Once there, we walked across the border and Dave picked us up on the other side. A little complicated, but sure enough, the plan worked.
The whole experience felt like something out of the movies. Not that it was all “Hollywood”. It was more like: I can't believe this is finally happening. I wasn't really in the moment. Yet.
As we were getting close to “The Ocean Shores Resort” (which is the name we have for my Mum's house) I still didn't feel calm...
Anyhow, we arrived, and if you've seen our IG or FB Story on the day, you'd know that when I knocked on the front door, we had actually surprised Mum (a little early), and she couldn't find the front door key to let us in!! So our reunion started off with a scream and eventually a laugh!!
Mum did cry, but we all expected her to cry more... ;) Honestly, I think we both had cried too much the past 2 months, it was no longer needed. It was all about joy and happiness.
After meeting and hugging Alex (some more tears) we entered the house to find Mum had a “welcome home” sign and our picture up on the walls (lots of me and Alex, can't go wrong with that!!).
It was surreal.
A quick house tour for Alex and we settled down. Lots of chatting and catching up to do, and a roast dinner!
We'd made it.
The next morning (Wednesday), a son's work is never done and I was up early to take Mum to school. She's part of the support unit inside the primary school, working with kids with Autism.
Even though her eyesight is deteriorating, Mum can still work. Driving a car; that's out of the question. Reading the “use by date” on a packet of chips is almost impossible. Keeping an eye on children in the playground, developing their social skills or helping them with their school work (considering the text is usually quite large and the pictures bold) Mum can still do really well.
I've learnt she has figured out ways to cope with her eyes. She has a great memory, so once she's told something, she can remember it really well (like recipes for cooking etc). She's still a keen bargain hunter when it comes to shopping. I enjoy learning that she's kept her life as close to “normal” as possible, making small changes to the bigger things to keep her independence.
But it's those small things that are hard to do alone, which is why I'm here...
After dropping Mum off, Alex and I spent the morning of our first full day in Brunswick Heads. This is the town I lived in from the mid 80's until late 90's. I went to primary school here, learned to surf here, and know the old names of the shops (the hair dressers is now a surf shop, the butcher's is a cafe, the ice cream shop is a real estate agent and the bank has recently closed). Lots of changes for me, lots of new things for Alex.
We also went down to the beach, the south wall of the Brunswick River, where the river meets the ocean. We watched some waves. Taking in the salt air (I don't think I ever realized how salty the air is here until now).
It was a relaxing day.
But I still wasn't quite “here” in my head and heart. Leaving Dresden back in July, only to be delayed for 7 weeks, then another 2 weeks in quarantine, was going to take sometime to overcome.
Time to pick up Mum from school... Home... Unpack a little, dinner, chatting and a little TV.
Thursday morning, it was time for another radio interview. To finish off the 3 part story with ABC North Coast Radio I did another live interview with Joanne Shoebridge. I'm always nervous doing these kinds of things, even though in the music world, I've had to do interviews, they were never quite as personal as this.
After we dropped Mum off at school Thursday morning, we drove up to the Cape Byron Lighthouse and luckily got a park up close to the top.
I wanted to introduce Alex to the area as much as I could, without overwhelming her. Brunswick Heads, Ocean Shores, Mullumbimby and Byron Bay all played a big part of my childhood, and I wanted her to at least know these villages a little bit as early as possible. We'd covered Brunswick Heads and Ocean Shores a little, so now it was time for Byron Bay.
Bring on the whale watching!!
Within minutes of leaving the car, we could see whales jumping out and swimming around the cape. It was a wonderful morning. I'm so glad Alex got to see them (in fact I can't remember the last time I saw whales so close to the shore). They migrate each year around September/October, so it was perfect timing.
It was a special day for Alex...
The sun was shining, the whales were in plain sight and the tourists were kind enough to stay away from Byron Bay. COVID does have its benefits. Fewer people in these tourist spots isn't always bad (although I am quite aware the economy is suffering. The borders are opening up next week and it'll be very busy then).
Back into Ocean Shores, picked up Mum from school. Home... Dinner.. Chatting... Some TV...
Friday was the first day we had to do “stuff” in regards to living here permanently, and that was banking. So after dropping mum off at work, we drove into Mullumbimby “The Biggest Little Town In Australia”. I went to high school here.
Basically Brunswick Heads and Mullumbimby are like Neustadt in Dresden. You can't walk down the street without seeing someone you know, stopping and chatting. It happened in Brunz the other day, I literally parked my car, and lo and behold an old high school friend came out of the video store to say hi... Or in Mullum, as we arrive at the bank I see an old friend who used to teach me rock n roll dancing (yeah, I can still cut a rug)... and even inside the bank, I said hi to a fella from my high school year, we hadn't seen each other since 1997.
It's a small world...
The banking took a bit longer than expected, after much back and forward we settled on our new bank accounts and how to arrange things going forward. While I've had an account here since I was very very young, I cancelled most of my stuff when I left in 2002, so now it was time to set up shop again, especially since I had my wife with me and we have a future to work towards...
We walked the street of Mullum, grabbed a coffee and we let the country hippy vibe soak in. Alex commented on how many folks don't wear shoes here and she can't believe how many new coffee shops there are for her to try (there's a lot more than when I was a kid).
Picked up Mum from school... School holidays for 2 weeks! Yippeee!!
Home... Dinner... Chatting... some TV...
Over the weekend we sorted out things around the house. Set up better internet Wifi around the house, the pool is in good condition after the winter sleep, cupboards got cleaned out and we unpacked and the car was washed (first time I've hand washed a car in over a decade!).
Sunday I watched Mark's live stream (from his front porch in upstate New York) and I felt inspired (he does that to me). So I am considering live streaming next week. I have a guitar and good internet, so why not? I just have to find time to practice ;) I'm thinking net Sunday evening here, which would be Sunday lunch time in Germany. If I don't get to it this Sunday, then maybe next Sunday... I'll keep you posted.
Overall the weather has been warm, often over 20 degrees. But the mornings are still quite chilly, with frosty dew on the golf course out back. It's not bad for coming out of winter...
Today, Monday, we went “up the coast”, to Tweed Heads.
First thing we tried to exchange my German license for a mandatory NSW (State) license, unfortunately I gotta wait for some back checks, no idea what I did 19 years ago in Melbourne, but they wanna check it out. So onwards to shopping...
Yes!!! We bought a coffee machine! Finally we can wake and with a press of a button get ourselves a cup of joe. It's the small things....
Helped mum with the grocery shopping. She knows her stuff. She knows where everything is in every shop, but sometimes she just needs me to reassure her what is actually written on the box or package!!!
So that's basically our first week...
We are settling in well. Alex and Mum get on like a house on fire. I often can't get a word in edgewise and I'm always outvoted!
I still miss Germany and I still miss Europe... (I always will). I miss a lot of the “past life”, but that's just cause Australia has moved on without me these past 18 years. Each day here I get a little closer to that homey feeling I used to have as a teenager (when I didn't know better).
In hindsight, the past 3 months wasn't too bad... We survived... But that's easy to say now...
When we were in the middle of it, it was really tough.
It was really hard packing up our lives into boxes. It was emotionally draining saying goodbye after goodbye to our wonderful friends. Playing my goodbye show was one of the musical highlights of my life, even if it was one of the saddest.
Then we were ready to leave...
As you all know, that didn't go according to plan.
That's when the really bad feelings crept in. You know it's one thing to know you gotta pack up and say goodbye to leave (you are prepared for that)... It's another when you're ready and the world says “nope, not yet”... and again and again that build up and let down was happening, and until the last 2 weeks in Germany, we had no idea why!
As some of you know, I'm not really good at spontaneity. I'm not good when the plan changes... It was tough... But...
When we took control of the situation and booked new flights, it helped a lot. We were back in control.
Quarantine was a difficult time, it got a little dark there. It brought with it, it's own set of challenges and a steep learning curve. I, for one, learnt a lot about pressure. I put too much pressure on myself. Since we arrived here, I have tried my best to relax more, in my own way at least. My to do lists are shorter...
Alex and I had already figured out how to survive the German lockdown, the packing up of our lives and clearing out the apartment. Then we had 2 months at her parents stuck in “limbo” and then 2 weeks stuck in a room together. Our marriage is really new, and we survived that without any damage to our relationship. Sure, we both have a few personal scars, but nothing a little love and tenderness wont fix. I'm proud of her, Alex has a lot of patience for me!
I'm really happy I am here to help Mum each day. Those small things will slowly become bigger things, but for now, it's great to be able to do “stuff” with her. That was always the plan, to be here in time, before things got really bad.
We've been posting often on our IG and FB stories, so I hope folks have seen the day to day happenings. I'm sure we'll continue with that, keeping you up to date visually.
I think I'll end these FB journals here, and switch over to Tumblr full time. The idea being that if you'd like to continue to read these long “new life” chronicles, I'll still post a link here when I do update there... Confused? Me too! ;)
Thanks everyone for your messages of support and love. We are very lucky, we have the best friends.... You guys rock! You're awesome! We love you.
Josh and @dauntlesscoffee
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sawtellaustralia · 2 years
Simple Living Beach Cottage with Bonus Self Contained Studio Space
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ausmove · 2 years
Top 5 Destinations to Move to in Australia
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Thinking of moving to Australia? With beautiful beaches, great weather, vibrant cities, fantastic job opportunities, and friendly locals all at your doorstep it’s no wonder over 600,000 kiwis now call Australia home.
Ranked as one of the most liveable countries in the world there is something for everyone. Whether you’re wanting to further your studies or career, start a family, or retire Australia is waiting for you.
If you’re planning a move across the ditch, here are our top 5 places to live in Australia!
1) Gold Coast
The Gold Coast, aka Australia’s playground is one of the best places to live in Aussie. With world-famous beaches, breath-taking ranges, international shopping centres, fantastic restaurants, and a booming nightlife all at your fingertips – you will never be bored!
Better yet, the Gold Coast has over 300 days of sunshine per year with temperatures barely dropping below 21 degrees.
The Gold Coast also has plenty of job opportunities. There is huge demand for workers in hospitality and tourism due to the large number of tourists who visit the Gold Coast every year as well as jobs in education, business, construction, and other trades too.
With good job opportunities and affordable living costs it’s no wonder the Gold Coast is a popular choice.
2) Brisbane
Only an hour’s drive from the Gold Coast is Brisbane another popular destination for Kiwi expats.
The capital city of Queensland is home to 2.28 million people making it Australia’s third-largest city behind Sydney and Melbourne. With a vibrant economy, beautiful beaches, and great coffee living in Brisbane you get the big city experience without the fuss.
What’s more, Brisbane provides plenty of study and career opportunities. With the University of Queensland and Griffith University campuses situated in the heart of Brisbane you are spoilt for choice.
Popular suburbs with families include Kelvin Grove and Victoria Point while South Brisbane and West End are common choices for university students and young professionals.
3) Melbourne
Melbourne - the cultural capital of Australia often referred to as Wellington’s cooler sister is a city full of life. It’s home to a vibrant art scene, fantastic shopping, and award-winning cafes and restaurants.  
With a population of 5.1 million, Melbourne is an incredibly diverse place with over 140 cultures, making Melbourne an inclusive and welcoming city with extremely friendly locals.
Due to its diverse culture and vibrant art scene, there are plenty of job opportunities for creative types like musicians, artist, and writers. What’s more, there are also an abundance of job opportunities in technology, education, agriculture, hospitality, and trades.
Part of the beauty of Melbourne is that it’s suitable for everyone, regardless of age and circumstance. Young people are attracted to inner northern and southern suburbs, families thrive in leafy, green suburbs like Greensborough and Dandenong, and retirees are attracted to the laid-back atmosphere and scenic beauty of the Mornington Peninsula.
4) Perth
Want the best of both worlds? Then look no further than Perth with perfect weather, beautiful beaches, plenty of job opportunities, a strong community feel, and a laidback lifestyle you get the best of city and seaside living in Perth.
Perth is one of the most geographically isolated cities in the world, but it doesn’t feel like it when you’re there. Home to over 2 million people it is one of Australia’s fastest-growing cities and is connected to the rest of the world through its international airport.
If you’re thinking of hanging your hat in Perth, Dalkeith and Mullaloo and Melville are great choices for families, while Northbridge is popular with millennials and Murdoch with retirees.
5) Sydney
If you love a fast-paced city with lots to see and do, then Sydney is the place to be. As Australia’s largest city home to over 5 million people there is never a dull moment.  
What’s more, it's home to the famous Sydney Opera House, Royal Botanical Gardens, and Bondi and Manly beach, providing picture-perfect backdrops wherever you turn.
Sydney has a range of neighbourhoods to suit all lifestyles. Whether you want to be in the hustle and bustle of the city or prefer to wake up to views of the northern beaches there is a suburb for everyone.
If you’re ready to move to Brisbane, the Gold Coast, Melbourne, Perth, Sydney, or any other city in Australia get in touch with Ausmove for a free no-obligation quote and start your Australian adventure today.  
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12 Top-Rated Tourist Attractions on the Gold Coast Australia
Queensland has long been the playground for Sun seeking Aussies and international tourists alike, and perhaps its most iconic destination is the beach-side Gold Coast in the state’s South-East. Situated an hour south of Brisbane, much of Gold Coast’s popularity as a holiday destination stems mostly from its natural beauty, with its pristine surf beaches backing onto lush subtropical hinterland.
Given the abundance of fresh produce at its doorstep, the Gold Coast is now earning itself a reputation for its growing gastronomy scene, and is also home to one of the country’s most famous nightlife spots. With so much to take advantage of in one place, here are some must-visit destinations for any Gold Coast holiday.
Surfers Paradise - A City On The Gold Coast
As you would expect with a name like Surfers Paradise, here you will find one of the best surf beaches in Australia, which automatically makes it one of the best surf beaches in the world, backing onto a unique skyline of modern skyscrapers. But it’s not just a paradise for surfers.  Cavill Avenue is the epicenter of the Gold Coast with an abundance of restaurants, cafes, shops, bars, and late night entertainment venues.
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Named after Jim Cavill, the city’s founder who successfully had the name changed to Surfers Paradise in 1933, Cavill Avenue stretches right down the middle of “Surfers” finishing at the famous beachfront Surfers Paradise sign. The boardwalk that runs along the beach is the perfect spot to take it all in from sea level, with the Skypoint Observation Deck providing an optimal vantage point from 77 stories up.
Gold Coast Hinterland
While it’s understandably best known for its beaches, the name Gold Coast does sell short its rich hinterland, where visitors can get away from the action to be at one with nature.
Well under an hour from most beach-side accommodation, some of the attractions of Gold Coast’s subtropical hinterland are its beautiful waterfalls, including Purling Brook Falls, Cedar Creek Falls, Elbana Falls and Cougal Cascade, as well as its abundance of accessible nature walks.  One such walk is the aptly named “Great Walk”, which stretches over 57 kilometers.  Or why not get a different perspective at Tamborine Rainforest Skywalk, where you can get a unique “tree-level” view. Spread across multiple national parks including Lamington, Springbrook, and Mount French, the Gold Coast hinterland is a destination in its own right, and one that is not to be missed on any Gold Coast holiday.
Southern Gold Coast
While the original development on the Gold Coast’s Northern stretch might take the name Surfers Paradise, in reality, the surf beaches stretch all the way down to the Southern Gold Coast.  In fact, the 16-kilometres of beach between Burleigh Heads and Snapper Rocks, which is home to the annual Corona Open Gold Coast surf competition, has been officially declared one of the World Surfing Reserves, a list that includes Malibu in California.
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But as is the case with Surfers Paradise, it’s not just the surf that is on offer on the Southern Gold Coast, with Currumbin Rock Pools offering calmer waters for those without a board.  And with the Southern Gold Coast becoming a hub for the Coast’s growing cafe scene, it’s the perfect spot for a quick beach-side coffee, or a relaxed gourmet brunch.
Broadbeach - Gold Coast’s Trendy Neighbourhood
For those who want to stay close to the action, but not be right in the middle of it, Broadbeach, or “Broadie” as it’s known to locals, is an ideal spot.  Long seen as the little brother of Surfers Paradise to its immediate North, Broadbeach has now become its own attraction, earning itself a reputation as the entertainment and cultural epicenter of the Gold Coast. With street artists and yoga classes adding to the “Broadie” vibe during the day, and high end dining, bars and casinos on offer after the Gold Coast sun goes down, it’s easy to see why Broadbeach is growing in popularity.
- Looking to visit other parts of Queensland? Inspiring Vacations have a range of tours on offer for the sunshine state; with sister company Travel Spree offering exclusive travel deals and offers. Don’t miss out!
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versatilestructur · 7 months
What are the Benefits of Installing Commercial Shade Sails?
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If you need low-maintenance commercial shading solutions, we recommend commercial shade sails. At Versatile Structures, we customise high-quality shade sails for a wide range of applications, including playgrounds, sporting clubs, childcare centres, council parks, and more. Plus, we make sure every installation is tailored to site-specific requirements for effective UVR protection and shade that transforms and increases the value of any property. Rest assured that we will work with you to design the best structures that meet your aesthetic and functional requirements.
Should you install commercial shade sails? Understanding the benefits of this shading solution can help you make an informed choice, so be sure to keep reading!
Custom-made for your property
Our shade structures are excellent investments for any business as they boost property values and extend the use of outdoor spaces, even on hot and sunny days or when there’s light rain. We offer different options, such as waterproof and leak-proof shade sails that can survive torrential downpours and retractable options that are perfect for al fresco dining spaces in restaurants and cafes. In addition, our shade cloths are tested to Parts 2 & 3 of AS1530 for reliable fire performance.
Reliable sun protection
Shade sails will protect your customers from the harmful effects of UV rays. Our high-quality fabrics can block up to 99% of ultraviolet light from the sun, making them perfect for grandstands, playgrounds, swimming pools, and other spaces where people are likely to be exposed.
Easy to maintain
Commercial shade sails don’t require much effort to maintain because they are self-cleaning. They just need some rain, and the water should wash off any debris, dirt, or dust. Just remember to re-tension them every year and conduct regular visual inspections as part of a good maintenance program.
Cost-effective shading solution
Our shade sails can last up to 30 years, thanks to advanced fabric manufacturing and site-specific engineering. Plus, we back this long lifespan with our 15-year warranty. 
We’re ready to provide custom commercial shade sails to your business. Fill out this online form or call 0405-401-500 to ask about a custom design.
About the Author:
Versatile Structures is a provider of high-quality shade structures in Queensland for commercial, government, council, and domestic clients. Their offerings encompass an extensive selection of shade solutions, comprising shade structures, shade sails, commercial shade installations, membrane sails, aluminium screens, gates, billboard structures, and specific domestic applications. Their core service region encompasses Brisbane, Greater Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Toowoomba, Ipswich, and all of South East Queensland. Moreover, their operational scope extends further based on the distinctive requirements of each project.
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svetlanawagner-blog · 5 years
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The Las Vegas desert brings in scorching hot summers, which is why we don’t like leaving the apartment until sundown. Even when going you’re out at night, it feels like there’s a hair dryer blowing hot air on you.
Now that we’re more experienced adventurers and we slow , we can be more strategic on where we explore. We reserve late to early for outdoor activities, and when the heat sets in, you’ll find us indoors. If you’re visiting in the summer or live here and can’t seem to escape like the other sunbirds, here’s a list of the best indoor activities in Las Vegas.
A big thank you to CORT for sponsoring this post. All opinions are always our own. This post may contain affiliate links, where we receive a small commission on sales of the products that are linked at no additional cost to you. Read our full disclosure for more info. Thank you for supporting the brands that make Local Adventurer possible.
Last Updated: July 1, 2019
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25 Fun Indoor Activities in Las Vegas for Scorching Hot Summers and Rainy Days
It is our second year working with CORT, and it has been such an amazing experience being able to move from city to city without having to worry about our furniture.
For the first 4 years, we would either move our own furniture or deal with the stress of buying and selling every year. Once we discovered that we could rent furniture from CORT, it was a game changer.
We order the pieces that we want, they deliver it right to our apartment and help us get it set up. When we’re ready to move, they’ll come pick it up! Check out our home tour here.
Having a comfortable home was extremely important for us moving back to Vegas. Not only will we be spending a lot of time indoors during the summer, we’ve been hosting guests every other week. It’s been nice having a home furnished and decorated to help us relax and host. Read more on the CORT blog
1. The Wreck Room
4090 Schiff Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89103, map
Step into a room full of bottles, electronics, VHS tapes, and more armed with bats, bowling pins, and crowbars. Then go to town and DESTROY EVERYTHING. It’s so much fun whether you need to get your aggression out or just try something new.
2. Las Vegas Escape Rooms
We did our first escape room in NYC when we lived there, and then proceeded to do 8 more that winter when it was miserable outside. Now it’s the summer heat we have to worry about.
We’re making our way through all the top rated Las Vegas escape rooms so we can report back on which are the best. So far our favorites are Lost Games Chapter 2 and the BASEMENT.
More: Your Guide to the Best NYC Escape Rooms
3. Dig This
800 W Roban Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89044, map
Dig This is a giant sandbox for grown-ups. You can get behind the wheel of bulldozers and excavators as the instructors show you how to use them and perform multiple tasks. The machines are air-conditioned so it’s a great way to stay cool in the heat.
4. Indoor Sports
If you love doing active things, there are plenty of indoor sporting options in Las Vegas.
Topgolf Las Vegas – although it’s technically outdoors, its temperature controlled and a lot of fun! Plus, there’s a pool you can hop in if you want to cool off even more.
Ice Skating Indoors – Las Vegas Ice Center, Sobe Ice Arena, or Roller Skating at Crystal Palace Skating Center
Indoor Rock Climbing – When it’s too hot to go to Red Rock, visit the indoor rock climbing gyms. There are a few around the city: Origin, Refuge, Nevada Climbing Center, Red Rock Climbing Center.
Bowling – Brooklyn Bowl, Gold Coast Bowling Center, Orleans Bowling Center, Red Rock Lanes Bowling Center, Sam’s Town Hotel Gambling Hall and Bowling Center, Santa Fe Bowling Center, South Point Bowling Center, Strike Zone at Sunset Station, Suncoast Bowling Center, Texas Station’s Texas Star Lanes
5. Watch a Show
We’ve seen a lot of shows in Vegas and still haven’t scratched the surface. Some of the most popular shows are: Blue Man Group, Cirque du Soleil (Ka, O, Criss Angel, Beatles, Mystere, ONE), Le Reve the Dream, Jabbawockeez, Terry Fator, Tournament of Kings at Excalibur, and Lake of Dreams.
You can also see comedy shows at Comedy Cellar, More Comedy Clubs and Shows, Mac King Comedy Magic Show,  and Popovich Comedy Pet Theater. Plus there are lots of big artists that take up residency in Vegas, including Gwen at Zappos Theater, Janet Jackson at Park Theater, Christina at Zappos Theater, Lady Gaga Park Theater, Celine Dion at the Colosseum, and more.
We’re working on a separate post just about the best shows in Vegas.
6. Fly a Jet with All in Aviation
1410 Jet Stream Dr Ste 150, Henderson, NV 89052, map
Have you ever wanted to fly a plane or get your pilot’s license? At All in Aviation, you can get behind the wheel of beautiful Cirrus jets and log your hours toward a pilot’s license. Jacob logged his first hour flying. Should he keep going?
7. Ride a Helicopter
Whether you want to see Grand Canyon or get a better vantage point of the strip, you can hop in a helicopter and enjoy the views.
More: Las Vegas to Grand Canyon Helicopter Tours
8. Learn a New Skill or Take Up a New Hobby
What better time to pick up a new skill or hobby? Especially one that keeps you in an air conditioned space. Here are some fun skills you can look into if you’re looking for a new hobby:
Cake Decorating
DIY Wood Sign Shop
Sewing Classes
Scrapbooking Class
More: 101 Hobbies to Start in 2019
9. Indoor activities for kids in las
This was hard to narrow down into a specific activity, but we found so many great family friendly activities.
Interactive Museums – Marvel Avengers STATION
Trampoline Parks – Sky Zone Sports Trampoline Park or Flip N Out Xtreme
Games – Pinball Hall of Fame, GameWorks, Dave & Busters
Rides – Adventuredome Theme Park, Big Apple Coaster and Arcade
Mini Golf – GlowZone, KISS by Monster Mini Golf, Twilight Zone Mini Golf and Arcade, Rex Center
Indoor Playgrounds – Adventure Indoor Playground, Kangamoo Indoor Playground, Jumper’s Jungle Family Fun Center
Zoos & Aquariums – Shark Reef Aquarium, Siegfried & Roy’s Secret Garden and Dolphin Habitat
More: Shark Reef Aquarium at Mandalay Bay
10. Try a New Fitness Class
It may be too hot outside to get your blood pumping, but that doesn’t mean you can’t take advantage of some of the unique fitness classes offered in Las Vegas.
Aerial silks with Cirque performers
Pole Dancing at Pole Fitness Studio
Trampoline Studio at Eleve Training
More: Sampling Las Vegas Fitness with Class Pass
11. Afternoon tea
I love going to Afternoon Tea, especially with my girlfriends. I’ve only done one in Vegas but plan on checking out the others this year.
Afternoon Tea at the Tea Lounge Waldorf Astoria
Petrossian Bar at Bellagio
Cafe Lola in Summerlin
Lobby Bar at Aria, Ri Ra Irish Pub
Veranda Mandalay Bay
The Stove in Henderson
12. Have a Spa Day
Spoil yourself with and feel refreshed and relaxed after a day at the spa. Like everything in Vegas, they don’t hold back.  Here are some of the best spas in Las Vegas:
Wynn Las Vegas Spa
The Spa at the Waldorf Astoria
Qua Baths & Spa at Caesars Palace
ESPA at Vdara
13. Hang Out at a Unique Bar
You can drink in a lot of places in Las Vegas, but why not go to a bar that really stands out? Here are some unique bars to check out:
Laundry Room (Speakeasy)
Hi Scores Bar-arcade
Golden Tiki
Millennium Fandom Bar
Senor Frogs: One Hour Open Bar
14. Tour the Coffee Shops
If you’re looking for a chill afternoon or just need a break from all the madness on the strip, head to one of the local coffee shops. Some of the most popular ones are PublicUs and Makers & Finders.
15. High Roller
3545 S Las Vegas Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89109, map
This isn’t your typical ferris wheel. It stands 550 feet tall with observation cabins that hold up to 40 people each. The entire ride takes roughly 30-40 minutes.
More: High Roller Las Vegas
16. Vegas Indoor Skydiving
200 Convention Center Dr., Las Vegas, Nevada 89109, map
We haven’t been skydiving yet, but we did get a taste of it at this indoor skydiving spot.
More: Las Vegas Indoor Skydiving
17. The Void VR
3377 S Las Vegas Blvd Las Vegas, NV 89109, map
Experience the next generation of VR where you not only get transported to another world on a screen, but you also interact with the environment around you. The VR headset is attached to a backpack which allows you to be mobile and follow along the story. We did the Star Wars one with a group of four and got the chance to fight off the Empire.
18. Throw an Axe
Release your inner woodsman at Axehole Vegas or Axe Monkeys, where you can learn to throw and axe and practice your aim.
19. Eat, then Eat Some More
Las Vegas has a great food scene on and off strip. Most people just think about buffets, but there are fine dining options, some of the best Hawaiian food we’ve had, and more. Click here to see our Vegas food bucket list.
Prix Fixe Meals – Joel Robuchon, é by Jose Andres, Yui Edomae Sushi
Buffets – Bacchanal, Wicked Spoon
Off Strip – Shang’s Artisan Noodles, Poke Express
More: 49 Best Places to Eat in Las Vegas
20. Gamble
This is kind of an obvious one, but gambling keeps you indoors. These are some of our favorite casinos: Palazzo, Wynn, Encore, Aria, Venetian, Cosmopolitan, Bellagio, Red Rock Casino.
21. Drive Experiences
If you’re hoping to show off your trip to Vegas, then you need a photo driving a fancy car too. There are a few driving experiences in Vegas like the Richard Petty Driving Experience and World Class Driving.
More: World Class Driving Las Vegas
22. Hop Around Art Galleries
Casinos put a lot of money into their seasonal displays, and some of them have world class art galleries as well.
Bellagio Gallery of Fine Art
The Gallery at Aria
Art of Richard MacDonald / Cirque Art
More: Christmas at Bellagio Botanical Gardens
23. Check Out the Museums
Las Vegas has a wide range of museums to check out. Here are a few you can check out:
Real Bodies at Bally’s
Mob Museum
Titanic the Artifact Exhibition
DISCOVERY Children’s Museum,
National Atomic Testing Museum
Zak Bagans’ The Haunted Museum
Burlesque Hall of Fame
Las Vegas Natural History Museum
Liberace Museum Collection Tour
Hollywood Cars Museum
The Auto Collections
Shelby American Inc,
Nostalgia Street Rods
Counts Kustoms
Springs Preserve – has indoor areas
24. Go on a Tour
There are multiple tour options in Las Vegas, whether you’re into mob history, chocolate, beer, or shoes. Here are the ones we went on that we recommend.
Hoover Dam Tour
Zappos Tour
Ethel M Factory Tour
More Tours to Check Out:
Sin City Club Crawl
Vegas Mob Tour
Pink Jeep Tours
Jubilee Backstage Tour
Frank Cullotta’s Casino Tour
Nosh Las Vegas
More: Zappos Tour Las Vegas
25. Check Out the Indoor Tourist Spots
Gold & Silver Pawn Shop
Coca Cola Store – tastes of the World
M&M’s World
Hershey’s Chocolate World
Map of Indoor Activities in Las
  More Indoor Activities Las Vegas
Shopping – Shops at Crystals, the Grand Canal Shoppes at the Venetian, Forum Shops at Caesars Palace, Fashion Show Mall, Shoppes at Palazzo, Miracle Mile Shops, Grand Bazaar Shops
Breweries – Ellis Island Casino & Brewery, Banger Brewing, Hop Nuts Brewing Tenaya Creek Brewery, Lovelady Brewing Company, CraftHaus Brewery
Watch Sports – T-Mobile Arena & City National Arena
Essential Tips
  Las Vegas Packing List for Summer
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Where to Stay in Las Vegas
Mandalay Bay – perfect for summer with their 11 acre manmade beach
Cosmopolitan – They have the best view of the Strip.
The Venetian
Find the best prices and reviews here
More Las Vegas Guides and Resources
Las Vegas Pocket Guide
Fodor’s Las Vegas
Unofficial Guide to Las Vegas
What do you plan on doing to beat the heat this summer?
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“Discovery consists not of seeking new lands but in seeing with new eyes” – M. Proust
Esther + Jacob
Esther and Jacob are the founders of Local Adventurer, which is one of the top 5 blogs in the US. They believe that adventure can be found both near and far and hope to inspire others to explore locally. They explore a new city in depth every year and currently base themselves in Las Vegas.
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The ultimate restaurants with playgrounds list!
It’s EPIC! There are taverns, pubs, hotels, cafes, bistros and more.
It has all Gold Coast Toddlers covered with restaurants in Logan, Gold Coast North, Gold Coast Central, Gold Coast South, Tweed and Northern NSW.
Visit the Fun Things for Toddlers website to discover them all: https://bit.ly/42BKWfo
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New Post has been published on https://travelonlinetips.com/where-to-eat-with-kids-2/
Where to eat with kids
Families flock to the Gold Coast for theme park action, beach chills, hinterland mini-hikes and sunny good times. But you’ll need to step up your energy levels to extreme perkiness so that you (and your little people) can keep up with this holiday to-do list.
From Main Beach to Surfers and down to Currumbin, we’ve found the best family-friendly cafes and restaurants to refuel the crew, complete with climbing spots, play areas for all ages, frothy babycinos and piping-hot flat whites for the tour guides (aka you!). 
BSKT Cafe, Mermaid Beach
You’ll find BSKT right in the heart of Mermaid Beach, less than 40 metres behind the sand. The dedicated kids area on the beach side of the restaurant (with bonus activity packs) isn’t the only drawcard for families – all kids meals come with a free juice and little ones eat free here every Friday night.
While they’re known for their locally-sourced, organic, paleo and gluten-free menu, BSKT is a hit with kids thanks to the berrylicious pancakes, tacka tacos, flatbread ham and cheese toastie, and kiddies ham and eggs. Little (and big) kids can top it all off with a CocoWhip, a healthy soft serve that’s vegan and dairy-free.
Where: 4 Lavarack Road, Mermaid Beach. Open: Breakfast and lunch Monday to Thursday 7am-4pm, Friday and Saturday 7am-10pm, Sunday 7am-5pm. Hot tip: Nom nom downstairs and then ommm upstairs at BSKT Activ where they offer strength and recovery-focused yoga classes.
Paradox Coffee Roasters, Surfers Paradise
This modern coffee-lovers haven has created a great gated space for kids featuring a chalk wall, toys, teddies and games to keep them distracted while you enjoy a coffee hit, eat with two hands and maybe even have a grown-up conversation.
The all-day breakfast and all-day lunch menu is packed full of deliciousness like haloumi and avocado burger and housemade cranberry and chia fruit toast for parents, but the real treat comes in kiddie form with the Paradox Kids’ High Chocolate. Prepare for the sugar high.
Where: 10 Beach Road, Surfers Paradise. Open: Breakfast and lunch daily from 7am-3pm. Hot tip: For something a bit special, their high coffee experience is like a regular high tea, but with caffeine goodness.
Waterfront Restaurant at Southport Yacht Club, Main Beach
Want your kids to learn sailing skills while you sip your latte? Then head to the Southport Yacht Club on weekends from 9am to 10:30am so your 7 to 15 year-olds can take off on a FunSail adventure.
Once they’re back from a morning on the water, they’ll need something palatable from the “cadets” lunch menu, which includes all the staples from steak and chicken nuggets to pasta bolognaise and fish and chips. Seafood-loving parents, on the other hand, will be drooling over the macadamia crusted barramundi or salmon linguine.
In between sailing and eating, the kids will be sorted for fun at the playground on the western lawn of the clubhouse.
Where: 1 Macarthur Parade, Main Beach. Open: Breakfast Saturday and Sunday 7:30am-10am, lunch Monday to Saturday 12pm-2:30pm and Sunday 12pm-5:30pm, dinner Monday to Sunday 5:30pm-8:30pm. Hot tip: Kids can chow down on lunch or dinner for a bargain $5 on Mondays and Tuesdays with any adult main meal purchase.
Bumbles Café, Surfers Paradise
It might only be a five-minute walk from the heart of Surfers Paradise, but Bumbles Cafe on Budds Beach – facing the Nerang River – feels miles away from the high-energy centre of the GC.
Find a spot outside under a big shady umbrella at one of the best under-the-radar kid-friendly cafes and place an order for a prawn or lime chicken finger sandwich (for you) and bacon and egg slider or waffles with vanilla ice-cream and Lindt chocolate sauce (for them).
Where: 19 River Drive, Budds Beach, Surfers Paradise. Open: Breakfast and lunch Monday to Thursday 7am-4pm, Friday to Sunday 7am-4pm. Hot tip: Go posh and book in for Bumbles’ high tea featuring housemade sausage rolls, quiche Lorraine and lemon curd tartlets.
Bazaar, QT Gold Coast, Surfers Paradise
One word: Buffet. A crowd-pleaser for all ages, this Sunday brunch buffet is found inside one of the coolest hotels in the hood, QT Gold Coast, smack bang in the middle of Surfers Paradise.
Their epic spread includes a live crepe station, gourmet brekky bowls, fondue station, breakfast pizzas and fried chicken with waffles – all of which can be enjoyed by the kids too. Buffet-style dining at its yummiest.
Where: QT Gold Coast, 7 Staghorn Avenue, Surfers Paradise. Open: Breakfast daily 6:30am-10:30am and dinner 5:30pm-late, Sunday brunch 11:30am-3pm. Hot tip: Treat yo’self to bottomless mimosas for an extra $25. Worth it.
Miami Marketta, Miami
If you’ve got kids that can’t agree on cuisines, head to outdoor street-food market Miami Marketta for 25 vendor options that’ll suit all tastebuds.
Despite the delish savoury selections available – from teppanyaki noodles and gnocchi to gozleme and brisket – the kids may make a run straight for the Dessert Hall which holds an abundance of gelato, cakes and donuts.
Live music from local blues, jazz and roots artists (with a dancefloor to boot) rounds off this fun family night out.
Where: 23 Hillcrest Parade, Miami. Open: Dinner Wednesday 5pm-10pm, Friday 5pm-11pm, Saturday 4pm-11pm. Hot tip: Got a group? Book out the Cocktail Garden, which opens up the private bar to you and your guests.
Paddock Bakery, Miami
For kids (both the two- and four-legged kind), this busy bakery and café inside an old Queenslander home is a great spot to enjoy breakfast, brunch or lunch (or an anytime treat).
Head beyond the picket fence to explore the veggie patch, citrus trees and lavender garden, armed with one of the ample crunchy cronuts, gooey tarts and other treats that are pumped out each day.
Want something more substantial? The dippy eggs (served with buttered sourdough soldiers, bacon bits and labna) and iced Milo are high on the order rotation for the kids, while mums and dads have tough decisions to make with the all-day brekky and lunch options.
Where: 20 Hibiscus Haven, Miami. Open: Breakfast and lunch daily from 6:30am-3pm. Hot tip: Need to cater a morning tea? You can order tarts, sourdoughs, cakes, sausage rolls and other treats from Paddock Bakery online.
Plantation House Cafe, West Burleigh
Right on Tallebudgera Creek and less than 10 minutes’ walk from David Fleay Wildlife Park, you’ll find Plantation House Cafe. With plenty of off-street parking, this easy-access cafe pulls in the locals with their all-day organic and free-range breakfast treats like Boston baked beans or corn and zucchini fritters, both served with spinach and poached eggs on sourdough.
Acai bowls are ready for the fruity fans while kids can’t say no to Plantation House’s burgers, pancakes and shakes. There’s a kids’ play area with chalkboard, rocking horse and loads of toys, too.
Where: 1/43 Tallebudgera Creek Road, West Burleigh. Open: Breakfast and lunch Monday to Saturday  6:30am-2:30pm, Sunday 7am-2pm. Hot tip: Grab some breakfast sustenance after an early morning swim in Tallebudgera Creek or play at Marin Sheils Park across the road.
Dune Café, Palm Beach
Dune Cafe’s location in the middle of pumping Palm Beach (and overlooking Currumbin Lagoon) gives them a five-star family badge.
Scallywags who love simple breakfast cuisine will dig their hotcakes or bacon and egg slider; while lunch options include tasty nacho boats and Southern-style chicken tenders and chips. The big people menu doesn’t disappoint with rustic potato and quinoa hash for brekky, or barramundi in crispy gluten-free batter for later on.
Where: Palm Beach Parklands, 945 Gold Coast Highway, Palm Beach. Open: Breakfast and lunch daily 6:30am-3pm. Hot tip: Grab a table or BYO picnic blanket and take in the live music on the last Saturday of every month.
Passiontree Velvet, Robina
If your mini-me brings their mandatory plus-one (of the stuffed kind) to all occasions, book in for the Teddy Bear’s Picnic kids high tea at Passiontree Velvet.
With all the fanciness of a grown-up high tea, but with a kid price-point (and no tea in sight), this cake shop turns it on with ham finger sandwiches, strawberries, macarons and a choice of babycino or juice. Mum (or dad!) is sorted with classic English scones, finger sandwiches and loose leaf tea too.
Where: Robina Town Centre (in front of David Jones), 19-33 Robina Town Centre Drive, Robina. Open: Monday to Wednesday 9am-5:30pm, Thursday 9am-9pm, Saturday 9am-5pm, Sunday 10am-5pm. Hot tip: Order a custom cake or macaron tower for a next-level addition to any birthday party.
Neighbourhood Espresso, Currumbin Waters
As the name suggests, there’s a strong community vibe at Neighbourhood Espresso with a casual backyard feel.
Let the kids loose in the vintage caravan cubby and grassed play area with tables and chairs and toys aplenty. Then, load up on the spiced pumpkin waffles with banana curd or chunky avocado topped with seeded dukkah, lemon and cumin oil. Kids can take a break from play with bacon and fried egg or avocado on sourdough.
Where: 4/9 Station Street, Currumbin Waters. Open: Breakfast and lunch Monday to Friday 5:30am-2pm, Saturday and Sunday 5:30am-1:30pm. Hot tip: Expect a good coffee from Neighbourhood Espresso. Their beans are brewed from Yatala’s own Supreme Roasters.
Currumbin Beach Vikings Surf Life Saving Club, Currumbin
Whether your crew is signed up for the local nippers or not, Surf Life Saving Clubs are a pretty sure bet for good-value kid-friendly food options. Currumbin Beach Vikings have breakfast, lunch and dinner by the beach sorted with loads of specials across the week.
The Nippers breakfast menu covers simple delights like sausage, egg and hash brown or pancakes with maple syrup and ice-cream. Family faves like chicken nuggets, cheeseburger and chips and old faithful, Hawaiian pizza, are on the Nippers lunch and dinner menu.
Where: 741 Pacific Parade, Currumbin. Open: Breakfast Monday to Friday 7am-10:30am and Saturday and Sunday 7am-11am, lunch Monday to Friday 11:30am-2:30pm and Saturday and Sunday 12pm-3pm, dinner Sunday to Thursday 5pm-8pm and Friday and Saturday 5pm-8:30pm. Hot tip: Leave your car at home, and call ahead to arrange the courtesy bus pick-up and drop-off.
The Bearded Dragon Hotel, Mount Tamborine
If your family is beached out, head to the hills of Mount Tamborine and dine on quality pub-fare at the Bearded Dragon Hotel. Set on 110 acres, this country pub paddock with a huge beer garden has a bit of everything for the fam from live music and crocodile shows to playgrounds and alpaca feeding.
The Bearded Dragon team are serious about their hefty steaks and burgers but also mix in a sticky plum and maple glazed pork belly and Big Boy brisket Yorkshire pudding for good measure. Kids can take their pick of cheesy bolognaise, steak and vegetables or battered fish and chips.
Where: Corner Tamborine Mountain Road and Beaudesert-Beenleigh Road, Tamborine Village. Open: Monday to Friday 10am-8pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am-8pm. Hot tip: Make a weekend of it and stay overnight in a family room onsite at Bearded Dragon Hotel.
Need more foodie inspiration for your little people? Here are some more Gold Coast kid-friendly cafes:
The Yard Cafe, 17 Lavarack Road, Mermaid Beach
Zest Coffee, 5/496 Golden Four Drive, Tugun
Cafe Tahbella, 11/3 Cottonwood Place, Oxenford
BMD Northcliffe Surf Club, 51 Garfield Tce, Surfers Paradise
Elk Espresso, Oasis Mall, Broadbeach
Mermaid Beach Surf Club, Hedges Avenue, Mermaid Beach
Pancake Diner, The Strand, 72 Marine Parade, Coolangatta
What’s your favourite kid-friendly cafe on the Gold Coast? Share your spots with us (and other mums and dads) in the comments below.
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quote-it · 8 years
It was Sunday, and I was waiting on a train to the city to change to a train for the Gold Coast. I decided to have breakfast at Hog’s Breath Cafe, right on the waterfront at Cleveland Marina. It was a perfect day
The Marina was very quiet. One yacht had moored on the public pier, and the owners came ashore. When I returned, the same pier had a collection of fishermen with their rods and buckets fishing, mostly older grandpas and grandsons. Next to the Marina are some apartments which I assume are mostly inhabited by the retired and the elderly. I doubt that anyone else can afford to own properties along the Marina. I know that every time I have seen someone, which is not often as residents in these areas keep themselves well hidden, they have been much older than me, and that is old.
There was no-one around when I arrived, but when I was leaving I saw that the other cafes along the Marina had customers mostly eating cakes. I looked at the breakfasts to see if any looked good, to see that cakes was selected everywhere. I wondered if cost was a factor. My Muesli cost $12.95 and I had free water as the coffee was $4.50. I also had a brioche at $5.95 because these items were the cheapest on the menu. A full breakfast was $22.50, and  eggs were $19.00. I wanted to buy a drink for the lady at the Railway Station who held my luggage while I had breakfast, but baulked at paying $4.50 for a small bottle of coca cola. Maybe this is why people have cake for breakfast. A single cake was $8.00.
A modern boutique style marina with 75 floating berths nestled in protected waters surrounded by boardwalk at Cleveland, Brisbane. The marina has all weather access and is only a few miles from the delights of Horseshoe Bay on Peel Island and offers a choice for boat owners to cruise the open waters of Moreton Bay to the north or the sheltered channels to the south through to the Gold Coast.
I asked one day if there were hire boats, or tours going from here, and was told there is one, but it does not go often, and is run by someone privately.
Like all Marinas these days, the yachts appear unlived in, and sit still and silent in their berths, being a status symbol to those who can afford to purchase a yacht to leave it sitting in a paid berth so they can tell their associates that they own a yacht. My response is always, ‘..but why do you have a yacht’…implied but never stated….’when you never use it’. I never get an answer, so I say ‘Wonderful…it would be wonderful to have a yacht’ and they beam generously at me, for after all one who owns a yacht can afford to be benevolent to those who do not own a yacht, and who also have that slightly yearning look that suggests they would like to also be a yacht owner if things were different.
After breakfast I strolled the restaurants seeing that there is quite a few there, equally priced to Hog’s Breath, equally situated along the marina walkway with the same beautiful view from a slightly different viewpoint, and decided next time I must try a different one.
It was time to go back to the station and travel to the Gold Coast, so I ambled back enjoying the beautiful scenic views, past a couple of children using the playground equipment, and a lady sitting on a seat looking very lonely. I smiled at her and walked on, collected my suitcase and boarded the train to my next adventure
    Cleveland Queensland It was Sunday, and I was waiting on a train to the city to change to a train for the Gold Coast.
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ridgwayant · 5 years
3. Wheels
So The real adventure begins! Picked up my transport/accommodation for the next three weeks in Brisbane and hit the road! Check her out....
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Like the Milennium Falcon she might not look much, but she’s got it where counts!....... Probably. In any case she’ll do the job I’m sure. It’s always been a bit of a dream to drive around Australia in a campervan (admit it, it is for you too!). Yes, of course I’d love a vintage VW Combi but those are genuine rare classics these days so I have to make do with the modern equivalent.
She’s definitely “well loved” as you might say, but she drives well enough (though with the heaviest clutch I’ve ever encountered) and is surprisingly comfortable and spacious in the back. Comes equipped with gas stove, fridge, microwave running cold water and most of the essentials I’ll need to remain alive for a couple of weeks.
So, with the van (she needs a name, ideas welcome!) picked up, I set off for the Gold Coast. The more astute and Australian geography aware among you will note that the Gold Coast is the complete opposite direction than I’m supposed to be going! There are a couple of reasons it’s my first destination though:
I didn’t know how this van was going to drive so I wanted a nice, easy first run to get a feel for her.
I needed to stock up on food and supplies and knew there’d be plenty of options.
I have good memories of it and it’s very much on the east coast tourist trail, so I didn’t want to miss it.
It’s only about an hour’s drive from Brisbane all on easy highways so was the perfect test run. If you don’t know, the Gold Coast is Australia’s glitzy playground, something analogous to Florida (there’s actually an area called Miami) or .... not sure what the UK equivalent really is here.....let’s say Newquay! It’s a highrise holiday resort (the Newquay parallel is fading by the second here!) with theme parks, Casino’s and beach front entertainments galore (perhaps I should’ve gone with Bournemouth!). It’s also a stunning length of white-sand beach with great surfing.
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I chose to stay at Burleigh heads rather than the more obvious Surfers Paradise. I anticipated it being quieter, less of a rowdy crowd at least, but it’s still a buzzing town for sure. Nice town with an abundance of small cafes and independent eateries.
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Not much to tell of the day itself to be honest, took a walk around town and up the beach before turning in for the night.
One noteworthy point, in addition to the van, I decided I needed a second set of wheels....so I’ve bought a skateboard! I know what you’re thinking, I’m and idiot, but here’s my reasoning:
Ever since my friend Scott convinced me to swap my skateboard for a set of rollerblades when I was about 15, I’ve felt a deep sense of regret. Indeed if my prowess at Tony Hawks Pro Skater on the PlayStation is anything to go by, I could’ve been an X Games champion by now if I’d kept it up, so I’m making up for lost time!
I do an awful lot of waking around while I’m out here, particularly along beach front paths, and rolling saves a lot of effort!
It’s good for the feet, ankles and calves.....probably!
As mid-life crises go it’s cheap!
If I get really bored (and brave) I can try to learn tricks!
My intention is to add stickers to the deck from various stops along the way, then when I get home I can mount it on the wall as an awesome souvenir!
I know what you’re thinking - Yes, I probably will break myself .......or someone else ......or their property, but whatever, YOLO!
So far I’ve done a bit of a combo walk/skate a mile or two up the beach and back trying my best not to embarrass myself or kill anyone. Not going to lie, it’s harder and more terrifying that I remember, but I’m getting the feel back. Also I saw numerous other grown men on skateboards so I may be an idiot but at least I’m not the only one!
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smilepuma80-blog · 5 years
The top six summer travel destinations that won't break the bank
REVEALED: How you can get HALF price off your holidays to Europe and Asia just by travelling during these specific months
Everyone loves a holiday and luckily summer holidays don't have to be expensive
A travel website has revealed the best destinations without the hefty price tag 
They delved into pricing data and looked at trends across 130,000 global spots
Their research revealed the six best places to visit for an affordable vacation 
By Billie Schwab Dunn For Daily Mail Australia
Published: 01:17 GMT, 4 November 2018 | Updated: 01:44 GMT, 4 November 2018
Summer holidays are often one of the more expensive times of year to get away, but that doesn't mean you have to break the bank to enjoy some warm sunshine.
Australians love a holiday, so travel website Booking.com has revealed the best holiday destinations we can visit that don't involve the hefty price tag.
They delved into pricing data and looked at trends across 130,000 global destinations to share affordable summer holiday options in the likes of Europe, the United States, Asia and Latin America.
The end result saw them calculate the most affordable month within each hemisphere's respective summer, as compared to the most expensive month of the year to travel.
Australians love a holiday, so travel website Booking.com has revealed the best holiday destinations without the hefty price tag 
Cordoba, Spain
Cordoba, in Andalusia, is not only known for its amazing food and stunning architecture but also its hot climate.
It was an important Roman city and a major Islamic centre in the Middle Ages and now its charms unfold as people explore the winding, stone-paved lanes of the medieval city away from the gaudy tourist area. 
In August prices are 50 per cent more affordable than the most expensive month with many travellers endorsing the city's history, sightseeing and food.
Where to stay: Apartamentos Casa del Aceite is full of charm, set in an 18th Century manor and is a short walk away from local landmarks including a Roman temple and the Jewish Quarter.
Cordoba, in Andalusia, is not only known for its amazing food and stunning architecture but also its hot climate
Apartamentos Casa del Aceite is full of charm, set in an 18th Century manor and is a short walk away from local landmarks including a Roman temple and the Jewish Quarter
Patong Beach, Thailand
Patong Beach is one of the most famous beaches along the west coast of Phuket with an extensive list of water sports to try during the day.
The beach resort town is lined with cafes and restaurants and the famously raucous nightlife scene features beer bars, nightclubs and cabarets that overflow into the street. 
Patong Beach is 49 per cent more affordable in June in comparison with the most expensive month. 
Where to stay: Amari Phuket is a one minute walk from the beach and offers spectacular views of the private beach and emerald waters. 
Patong Beach is one of the most famous beaches along the west coast of Phuket with an extensive list of water sports to try during the day
Amari Phuket is a one minute walk from the beach and offers spectacular views of the private beach and emerald waters
New Orleans, America
New Orleans is known for its buzzing nightlife, vibrant music scene and cuisine reflecting its French, African and American roots.
It is the birthplace of jazz music and where Mardi Gras is celebrated throughout its bustling streets.
The city is also home to a range of districts seeping with art, music, shopping, restaurants, history and architecture so visitors are never short of things to do and see.
New Orleans is 48 per cent more affordable to stay in August compared to the most expensive month, but it's also a great time to take advantage of the city's Museum Month as well as the music festivals taking place throughout August. 
Where to stay: Maison Perrier Bed and Breakfast is located in the uptown district of New Orleans, a stone's throw away from Magazine Street and Rink Shopping Centre.
New Orleans is known for its buzzing nightlife, vibrant music scene and cuisine reflecting its French, African and American roots
Maison Perrier Bed and Breakfast is located in the uptown district of New Orleans, a stone's throw away from Magazine Street and Rink Shopping Centre
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, famous for its steakhouses, architecture and Tango dancing, it combines faded European grandeur with Latin passion.
The city offers a vibrant holiday with an array of landmarks and sites to discover.
Travellers have given Buenos Aires top endorsements for food, tango dancing and shopping and it is 27 per cent more affordable in February.
Where to stay: Lina's Tango Guesthouse is the perfect destination for both relaxing and socialising, located in the bohemian San Telmo district.
Buenos Aires is the capital of Argentina, famous for its steakhouses, architecture and Tango dancing, it combines faded European grandeur with Latin passion
Salvador, Brazil
Salvador is the capital of Brazil's north-eastern state of Bahia and is the pulsating heart of the country's Afro-Brazilian community.
The city is 29 per cent more affordable to stay in December when compared with its most expensive month, making it an even more appealing holiday destination.
Salvador has something for everyone as it's home to gorgeous coastlines, eclectic cuisine, and the biggest carnival in the world.
Festivals happen frequently, with drum corps pounding out rhythms against the backdrop of colonial buildings almost daily. 
Where to stay: Farol Barra Flat is one of Booking.com's bestsellers in Salvador. The apartments are a one minute walk to the beach and close to the local landmark Barra's Lighthouse.
Salvador is the capital of Brazil's north-eastern state of Bahia and is the pulsating heart of the country's Afro-Brazilian community
Gold Coast, Australia
Gold Coast is mostly known for being the surfing capital of Australia, but with its long sandy beaches, array of theme parks and long sunny days, there's something for everyone.
It is 34 per cent more affordable to stay in February than it is compared with the most expensive month, so an even better excuse to visit and soak up some rays.
Top endorsements for visiting Gold Coast are beaches, theme parks and relaxation.
Where to stay: AVANI Broadbeach Gold Coast Residences is a 10 minute walk from the beach and with entertainment and restaurants scattered along the beach side, you'll never be short of things to do.
Gold Coast is mostly known for being the surfing capital of Australia, but with its long sandy beaches, array of theme parks and long sunny days, there's something for everyone
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Source: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-6350341/The-six-summer-travel-destinations-wont-break-bank.html?ns_mchannel=rss&ns_campaign=1490&ito=1490
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easytravelpw-blog · 6 years
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Full text write on https://easy-travel.pw/cairns-vs-the-gold-coast-which-is-best/australia/
Cairns vs The Gold Coast: Which is Best?
01 of 04
Cairns, or The Gold Coast?
Ippei Naoi/Getty Images
From one end of Queensland to the other, when comparing the Gold Coast and Cairns you’re comparing great waves to flat tropical water, endless high rises to stacks of backpacker hostels and theme parks to the Great Barrier Reef.
Just which city will make for an ideal getaway for you will depend on what you want from your holiday.
Continue to 2 of 4 below.
02 of 04
The Beautiful Gold Coast
Mike Mackinven/Getty Images
When thinking ‘Gold Coast holiday’ most people automatically picture themselves in a high-rise apartment overlooking Surfers Paradise.
But, the Gold Coast has so much more to offer. Staying in the heart of the Glitter Strip will be beneficial if you’re without wheels, but if you’ll have a car you can expand your options and stay anywhere from Coolangatta to the Hinterland.
Gold Coast Beaches
Starting at the city’s southern-most suburb, Coolangatta is a stunning section of the Coast and home to some of the region’s best surf beaches including Duranbah and Snapper Rocks which hosts a stop on the world surf league tour at the start of each year. If you’re into all things retro, consider staying during the Cooly Rocks On Festival, which takes place each June.
Traveling Back in Time
For laid-back living, your choice of hipster cafes and restaurants and more spectacular beaches, take your pick of Palm Beach, Currumbin, Miami and Burleigh Heads.
A cruise along the Gold Coast Highway through these suburbs will give you an insight into the old Gold Coast. Many of the old beach shacks are still standing and the ‘high rise’ hotels are mostly around 3-5 stories and reflective of 1980s décor. It’s here you’ll find Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary, Surf World Gold Coast (surf museum) and Laguna Park (kids playground).
Shopping and Exploring
Continue north and you’ll start to see the buildings grow taller and taller. Broadbeach, Surfers Paradise, and Main Beach are bursting with accommodation, restaurants, attractions, and shopping. Pacific Fair Shopping Centre in Broadbeach has recently undergone a multi-million dollar transformation and its neighbor, Jupiters Hotel and Casino is in line for its own make-over.
From the Skypoint Observation Deck to indoor sky-diving, Surfers Paradise has much more to offer than just the beach and nightclubs. It’s been working hard to shake-off its party persona and become more family-oriented. But, both worlds are co-existing at the moment so whatever you’re after, you’ll find it not far from Cavill Ave.
The city’s famous beaches finish at The Spit in Main Beach, with the Broadwater hugging Southport, Biggera Waters, and further north. There are still plenty of resorts, hotels and holiday houses to be found as well as outlet shopping and the amazing Broadwater Parklands.
Theme Parks – Get Your Adrenaline Fix!
When it comes to theme parks, the Gold Coast is Australia’s hub. You can choose from the thrills and spills of heart-stopping rides and waterpark at Dreamworld (in Coomera). Or grab a pass that allows you access to Warner Bros. Movie World, Sea World, Wet’n’Wild and Paradise Country. They’re open all year round and thanks to the Gold Coast’s great climate there is rarely a day when these attractions can’t be enjoyed.
The Hinterland
Away from the surf, sand and city, just a 30-minute drive west, you can swap the high rises and beaches for rainforest, waterfalls and quiet. Mount Tamborine is also home to a little village of quaint shops and cafes as well as brewery and look outs that take in the entire Gold Coast.
If peace, tranquillity and absolute stunning natural wonders make you happy, be sure to check out Springbrook National Park. Again, it’s just a short drive from the heart of the Gold Coast, but is an entirely different world with a wide choice of look outs, walking tracks, waterfalls and gorgeous retreats.
  Continue to 3 of 4 below.
03 of 04
The Amazing City of Cairns
Artie Photography/Getty Images
Much like the Gold Coast, Cairns is sandwiched between gorgeous beaches and World Heritage listed national park. It is also, of course, the gateway to the Great Barrier Reef.
The Great Barrier Reef
You’d be crazy to come here and not explore the world’s largest coral reef system. Whether you want to keep your feet dry and hop aboard a boat, or don the snorkel and get up close and personal with the marine life – there is a myriad of tours you can choose from.
There are also a bunch of islands just off the coast that you can check out for the day, or a stay. They include Fitzroy Island, Green Island and Hinchinbrook Island.
Far North Queensland Rainforest
From the sea to the trees, hold on to your hat (and your stomach) as you explore pristine rainforest from the Skyrail Rainforest Cableway. The six-person gondola cabins take around 1.5 hours to travel 7.5kms across the dense Kuranda State Forest. You can choose from gondolas that feature a glass floor, or the Canopy Glider which is completely open air (not for the faint-hearted). It’s best to set-aside at least half a day to make the most of the experience and spend time at the station stop-offs.
Just north of Cairns and Kuranda you’ll find the world renowned Daintree Rainforest which makes for a sensational day trip or overnight stay with plenty of tour and accommodation options. You’ll discover a huge array of wildlife from butterflies to crocodiles.
Australian History
Whether you’re a local, inter-state traveller or overseas tourist, put a visit to Tjapukai on your list for an incredible insight into Australia’s Indigenous culture. Performances run day and night, plus you get hands-on experiences with boomerang throwing, a bush food walk and can learn about the history of the Indigenous rainforest people, the Bama, through a corroboree.
Shopping and Exploring                              
All holidays need some downtime, otherwise you’ll return home feeling like you need another break.
For a quiet day around the city, be sure to check the Saturday Esplanade market where you can pick up a perfect memento of your trip, or gift for someone back home. There is also the monthly Holloways Beach Market and Rusty’s Markets which runs from Friday to Sunday each week and is a great way to stock up on amazing local produce if you’re staying in a holiday house or self-contained apartment.
Other worthwhile attractions include the Cairns Esplanade, Botanic Gardens, Trinity Inlet and you’ll never go hungry with a city full of amazing restaurants, cafes, and bars.
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04 of 04
Which City to Choose
Airphoto Australia/Getty Images
When it comes to seeing Australia at its best, it’s hard to go past Cairns. It still holds on to our country’s rich history, through both Indigenous culture and natural wonder, and serves as an access point to some of the country’s most incredible and world-renowned natural wonders.
It may not lay claim to Australia’s theme park capital, like the Gold Coast, but it’s unlikely the kids will be bored when in Cairns, they have so much to explore and learn at the Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef!
If a little less history and a little more glitz and glam is your style, then consider adding the Gold Coast and its world-class beaches to your itinerary.
Of course in the best of both worlds, you’d be able to visit both locations! If you opt for a double-header, just be sure to allocate enough travel time between the two (it’s around a three-hour flight between Cairns and the Gold Coast) and plan to spend at least 4-5 days in each city, to get the most out of your destinations!
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prideguynews · 6 years
There are a lot of homosexual places close to the environment. There are only a handful, nevertheless, that are absolute will have to-dos in advance of you attain the pearly gates. Right here is our record of the 10 ones that we think you should really check out out in advance of you check out out.
You have likely read of some–but some others could be new adventures just waiting for you to investigate.
1. Bangkok, Thailand
Bangkok has a short while ago been finding much more consideration as a enjoyment playground. From the new White Party Bangkok (which now will take location every December), to some of the common nightclubs/bars this sort of as Maggie Choo’s, DJ Station, G.O.D. and Stranger Bar, to the infamous “Soi Twilight” district, the homosexual scene in Bangkok genuinely does make you feel as if you have entered an substitute, great homosexual universe.
2. Parliament House, Orlando
Orlando has extended been a hotspot for gays, particularly on the east coast. A single of the city’s concealed gems is Parliament House Vacation resort. Known for lots of issues (the drinks, dancefloors, go-go boys and the incredible performers who come and entertain every 12 months), it is one particular of the couple locations out there the place all varieties in our local community are genuinely welcomed and celebrated (from twinks to bears to every little thing in in between). Keep there in the course of Homosexual Days at Disneyworld- it is the centre of the action.
This is one particular of the much more obvious selections on this record, but the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots is using location up coming 12 months, and we just cannot picture a much more proper location than NYC to have a consume as we celebrate fifty years of delight. Do not fail to remember to also check out out the Stonewall Nationwide Monument across the road- the park which was designated, along with the Inn itself, as the first LGBT designation by the Nationwide Park Service in U.S. background. Thanks, President Obama!
4. West Hollywood, California
An additional obvious alternative, but West Hollywood is one particular of the oldest, and most vivid villages in the United States. Incorporated in 1984 for the specific goal of guarding LGBTQ folks, the town has lots of historic establishments, together with Trunks, Motherlode, Cafe D’Etoile (one particular of the very last remaining homosexual dining establishments) and Gold Coast that are value experiencing, as properly as the golf equipment this sort of as Micky’s, The Abbey, and Chapel that have some nationwide notoriety. The L.A. Pleasure parade each 12 months will take location in WeHo.
5. Homomonument, Amsterdam
The world’s first homosexual monument was opened in September 1987. The photo earlier mentioned displays you the shape and design of it a few pink triangles which jointly build a more substantial triangle. It serves as a memorial for persecuted LGBTQ folks the pink triangle symbol was employed by the Nazis on the uniforms of homosexual prisoners in the course of the Holocaust. For the reason that of this monument, comparable ones had been also later on crafted in Berlin, Sydney, Tel Aviv, and Barcelona.
6. GLBT Historial Culture, Archives & Museum, San Francisco
A single of the concealed gems on this record that doesn’t get the type of visibility and consideration that it warrants is the Homosexual, Lesbian, Bisexual & Transgender Historical past Museum in San Francisco. Found suitable in the heart of The Castro, the museum has housed some incredible artifacts from our community’s earlier, together with one particular of the first rainbow flags (designed by the original creator and artist, Gilbert Baker) as properly as the bullhorn originally employed by Harvey Milk and later on owned by a further icon of the homosexual motion, Cleve Jones.
7. Mykonos, Greece
A longtime spot for homosexual partygoers, the island of Mykonos has so lots of enjoyment LGBT hotspots that it is nearly really hard to rely. Jackie O’s, equally the town bar and beach club, are between the most properly-recognised. There is also the homosexual lodge Elysium, and let’s not fail to remember the freshly opened Lohan Beach Club which has currently entered homosexual pop culture background with Lindsay Lohan’s new overall performance (music provided by homosexual L.A. DJ Ryan Kenney), which went viral.
8. Boystown, Chicago
A single of the only homosexual villages remaining in The us, and the only when officially designated as this sort of (by Mayor Richard Daley in 1997), Boystown capabilities an out of doors Historical past Museum as properly as lots of bars, golf equipment and other varieties of common establishments this sort of as Steamworks that are frequented by readers who take a look at from all about the nation and the environment. Chicago is also the dwelling to the yearly Industry Days music pageant, and also hosts it is incredibly own awesome yearly Pleasure festivities in June.
nine. Tel Aviv, Israel
Tel Aviv has turn out to be one particular of the most common world places for Pleasure in the very last couple years- not only mainly because of the adult men, the weather conditions and the longtime progressive culture when it will come to gays in Israel, but the huge homosexual beach and the golf equipment/bars there that make it incredibly enjoyment, together with Shpagat, Amazona (their most prominent lesbian bar), Apolo Club and Video Pub (which has a interesting, retro 80’s vibe).
10. London, England
London is incredibly loaded in homosexual culture, and there are surely a lot of highlights to check out out. G.A.Y. and Heaven are between the city’s most frequented nightclubs–gay or straight–and there are a bunch of bars in the SoHo neighborhood that are most surely value examining out, together with Village, The Yard and Flexibility. A terrific time to take a look at would be when the town opens the UK’s first LGBTQ+ museum, Queer Britain, in 2021. London Mayor Sadiq Khan claimed that the museum will mail “a obvious concept to the environment that London is a beacon of range.”
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kayleighpottersct · 6 years
Ten things to Do in Dornoch: Day Trips
Dornoch is a fantastic place to base yourself if you are keen to explore the Northern Highlands. We have complied a list of our top ten Day Trips to help you plan your trip to Dornoch this summer.
Falls of Shin
Just 19 miles from Dornoch are the Shin Falls, on the road from Bonar Bridge to Lairg. The Falls are spectacular in their own right and very easily accessible, just a short walk from the road and car park. For much of the year Shin Falls are recognised as one of Scotland’s best places to see salmon leaping. Depending on the weather, fish can usually be seen jumping from mid May until late autumn as they make their way up river to spawn. The new Falls of Shin Visitor Centre opened in May 2017 and has a restaurant, shop and adventure playground. There are a range of woodland walks from the Falls car park from 20 minutes to over an hour. There is also a woodland play area (Suitable for children and adults!)
Castle of Mey
The Queen Mother acquired the Castle of Mey, the most northerly inhabited castle on the British mainland, in 1952. She renovated and restored it and created the beautiful gardens you see today. For almost half a century she spent many happy summers there and shorter visits at other times of the year. The Castle and Gardens of Mey have held Visit Scotland’s highest award of a 5 Star quality assurance grading every year since their first unannounced visit in 2007. Their annual assessments include all aspects of the castle, gardens, animal centre, gift shop and tearoom. Experience this stunning castle for yourself this summer. It is an easy and stunning 1 hour 50 minute drive form Dornoch, straight up the A9 (North Coast 500 Route)
Whaligoe Steps
Whaligoe Haven is surrounded on three sides by 250ft cliffs and forms one of the most remarkable harbours you will find anywhere in Scotland. It is reached by the Whaligoe Steps, which descend to the harbour: and a trip down the steps and the hard slog back up them make for a spectacular experience. There is also a fantastic cafe to have your lunch or a cup of tea in after the walk!
The ferry port of Ullapool is situated on the shores of Loch Broom and is a beautiful 1.5 hour drive from Dornoch. This charming village is surrounded by incredible natural beauty including mountains, lochs and stunning shore lines.  Ferries go daily to Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis. The village has a small museum housed in a Telford Church, An Talla Solais, an arts centre with frequently changing exhibitions and workshops, a swimming pool and fitness centre, shops and several pubs.
Dunrobin Castle
Dunrobin Castle is Scotland’s most northerly great house and a wonderful day out. As well as the castle itself which dates back to the 1300’s and is full of treasures, the gardens, museum and falconry displays all contribute to an enjoyable visit for the whole family. For full information on opening times and more information on the Castle and it’s grounds, click here
This beautiful, historic village sits close to the tip of the Black Isle and can be accessed via the Nigg-Cromarty Ferry (http://bit.ly/2slnB3S) during the Summer months making it the perfect day trip from Dornoch. Great gift shops, cafes and even the chance to spot a dolphin on the way over!
Handa Island
A remote island off of the west coast which is famous for it’s sea bird colonies. Discover magnificent Torridonian sandstone cliffs that rise from the Atlantic providing stunning ocean panoramas. Each summer, nearly 100,000 seabirds breed here, including internationally important numbers of guillemots, razorbills and great skuas. A real adventure and definitely one to add to the list for your trip.
Chanonry Point
Situated between Fortrose and Rosemarkie on the Black Isle, this is the best place locally to watch dolphins. This narrow peninsula is an ideal location with views across the Moray Firth to Fort George and with lots of fellow dolphin watchers you are unlikely to miss any sightings. Visit an hour before the high tide for your best chance of Dolphin sightings.
A harbour village on the A9 between Brora and Caithness, Helmsdale has beautiful scenery, a picturesque harbour and lovely places to eat and shop. Make sure you don’t miss Timespan Museum and Arts Centre which can be found in the centre of the village. And why not try your hand at panning for gold in the Kildonan Burn whilst you are there!
Bonar Bridge
With the newly opened Kyle of Sutherland Hub, Bonar Bridge is a great place to go for a day out whilst staying in Dornoch. The Hub has a cafe, soft play area for children and a gym with fantastic views up the Kyle towards Lairg. Bonar Bridge also has another cafe, a shop, post office and award winning restaurant the Crannog. Visit Loch Migdale whilst you are there for great walks along the loch and through the hills above.
See our website for more Day Trips from Dornoch
    Original Post Here: Ten things to Do in Dornoch: Day Trips
Ten things to Do in Dornoch: Day Trips published first on http://visitingdornoch.tumblr.com
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