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gacougnol · 1 year ago
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Cafer Tayyar Türkmen
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mc-critical · 3 months ago
It's fascinating how Süleiman's relation to Selim Yavuz evolves throughout the show not just in terms to how similar to him he eventually gets, but also in terms of who notices and calls out a similarity.
We first have the one-trick pony Çafer Ağa, the traitor SS executed for taking advantage of the people in E01, who notes the similar gaze SS has with his father a while before. Çafer is established for that execution alone, so he has no ties to any of our main characters in or around the harem and comes out as distant even from the pashas in the divan, doing his own thing, the traitorous thing we're supposed to condemn, right out of the gate. He gets to appear only to be gone in a blip, we merely pass him by without regard, as we should, as his little plot is not really about him - it's about Süleiman and his first bigger action as a padişah, his first order that impacts the lives of his subjects outside of his family and the harem. It's about him setting a grave injustice right immediately (paralleled with Mustafa's first decision as the governor of Manisa that entails executing Bekir Ağa as well), thus discerning him from Selim Yavuz instead through that decision, through the one who thinks they're somehow similar's own rejection, and the voices of the very subjects SS helped with that decision, claiming that he's different from his father that overwhelm that one foretelling sign of similarity (for now). SS's earlier monologue, pointing at his fear of becoming his father, is also part of this only within the context of E01, as it highlights that SS is still somewhat self-aware enough to at least fear as well as it highlights the very likely possibility even here for SS to become Selim Yavuz.
And then we encounter Beyhan, the wife of another traitor executed for some of the same reasons (Ferhat's traitorous deeds start out similar to Çafer Ağa's with him getting all the money for himself from the people and merchants but then he reaches the wider unrest Ahmet Pasha causes in a whole terrain he's given from the sultan/grand vezier in order for his ambitions to be controlled, if not extinguished, and his loyalty tested), who calls out a similarity of SS's to his father after the execution. She is first established in relation to him, but is now also tied to our main characters; she rarely appears, living her own life out of sight, but the other characters value her and care about her. Ferhat Pasha's execution is most of all about her - we get in touch with her life and inner world as they hang in the balance, so we get invested in the tragic end of her struggle to exonerate Ferhat. That execution is just as well, but her hurt is palpable and poignant, so there's no turning back from its impact. The path is opened for SS's similarity with Selim Yavuz to creep in by the way Beyhan's claim of a similarity is echoed by the rest of the episode: not just by SS's reflection afterwards that's pointedly an E01 callback (that SS can't look away from anymore, no matter how hard he'll try: this indeed is the first decision that'll put him against his family. Süleiman sets a grave injustice right again but this isn't met with everpresent approval), but also by Süleiman acknowledging the similarity himself in his confrontation with Valide about Ferhat in the episode: "If I disregard the laws of the Empire that have been enforced for centuries, my great ancestor Sultan Mehmet Khan and my deceased father, Sultan Selim Khan, will turn in their graves". Before SS wanted to escape from Selim Yavuz entirely, now he wishes to proceed as he himself would, at least this once. The seeds are fully planted.
We move to Ayşe Hafsa, the wife of Yavuz Selim himself, the mother of his children, of Süleiman who has that whole burden on his shoulders, of Beyhan who already has called back the trauma from Selim Yavuz, of Hatice who will call it back in the future (and is next in line), and the person related to everyone entangled in this whole ordeal, so she is put in the position of the middle ground and she succeeds at it, at least until she sees for herself on which way her son is heading. She's a main character we've known from the start, prominent and fully fleshed out with her virtues and vices; her opinion on Selim Yavuz is a new angle we see of her that still complements her, however - she knows Selim Yavuz the best, so she has lived through the full extent of his cruelty and we can absolutely take her words into account. The fact that namely she notices a similarity between SS and Yavuz Selim because of it becomes all the more concerning as that similarity threatens to not only be a one and done deal done out of unambiguous necessity, but to unremittingly extend to an even bigger part of his family, to his own son; a more direct parallel is drawn here, Hafsa has to stand against SS and try to cut that similarity off before something worse happens. After Hafsa does just that in E29 (it kind of parallels their E21 confortation too), Süleiman acts even more unfazed in front of his mother, talking about what he needs to do in terms of his ruling overall and after the confrontation, he directly gets a flashback to his E01 monologue. He's gotten reminders of his fear more than ever in this season so far (the battle for Mohacs, as well as here), so it's almost like the similarity to Selim Yavuz can't help but become more prevalent to SS himself. He wants to escape from it as much as he embraces it more widely. The seeds grow.
We jump to Hatice, the wife of a traitor who calls out a similarity of SS to his father after the execution as well, but what's more, she's not just a main character we've known from the start: she's become SS's closest sister after the death of their mother, his closest figure he leans on; they get to lean on each other. It's namely that closeness, as well as everything we learn about her in every single episode that forms quite a deep and multifaceted character, which ties her not to Selim Yavuz, but to what she's experienced in that period of his reign, the most out of Selim Yavuz's family. These experiences appear to inform her actions right from the very first episodes (before any of Hafsa's reveals that turn out to have retroactively informed her actions), and continue informing her even at this point, as now she's the only character left that is this informed by Selim Yavuz, so she's the only one around Süleiman who can hurt him as hard and give him a hint of his fear now (Beyhan already has and is already done, while Şah never would). Ibrahim's execution is far more nuanced than Ferhat Pasha's both in terms of reasons and in terms of reach: it impacts both Hatice and SS and the rest of their dynamic will be dominated by it as well; it will haunt Süleiman himself until his very last days. And yet when Hatice calls out the similarity to Selim Yavuz, SS doesn't ponder on it after the scene: he waves it away at first glance, but he's already deep within. And he goes deeper and deeper, up until he himself fully faces his father as his Azrael, episodes before the furthest reaching, most unjust execution out of all of the aformentioned executions comes to pass.
The more distant the person who calls out the similarity is to the sultan, the less similar he is to Selim Yavuz at this point. The closer that person who calls out the similarity is to the sultan, the more similar he becomes to Selim Yavuz. When unveiling more similarity, we go from execution to execution (apparently the biggest possible stample of cruelty, what could better recall such a seemingly infamously cruel figure?): from the executed, to the people related to the execution and the one who ordered it, to the executioner himself, all interrelated in many ways. We get more personal investment in Selim Yavuz himself and the characters who name him and all of that is added to the grander stakes and Selim Yavuz's haunting of the narrative's share in them.
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overdoso · 3 months ago
Saído do Jurassic Park ? O calau-gigante (Bucorvus leadbeateri; anteriormente conhecido como Bucorvus cafer), também conhecido como calau-do-sul, é uma das duas espécies de calau-terrestre, ambas encontradas apenas na África, e é a maior espécie de calau do mundo.
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aglayankahkahaa · 6 months ago
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turds0 · 1 year ago
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i have no reasoning beheind these
transformice spn
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a-y-i-s-i-g-i · 1 year ago
her şey seninle şimdi, masum ve dilsiz
öyle çıkıyoruz yukarılara
ağzın, ötelerin şelalesidir
saçlarına kar değmemiş daha ne?
ellerinden tutayım bırakma beni.
sesin okunuyor su çırpıntısından.
her şey seninle şimdi, karanlık kışla
gömleğime değen berrak bir türkü
al al götür beni akşamlarına
gideceğim adres yeni değil ki
oralarda selvi, bir kaç menekşe.
ihanet sıçrıyor ak gerdanından.
her şey dağılıyor seninle şimdi.
ah! künhüne vardığım sırlarım bitti
yüzünle sınandım, senin yüzünle
yalnız tasan kaldı bana, hafifliğinden
bir su kenarında akan gözlerim
ayrılık topluyor dudaklarından.
derler ki imlası kırık kaderin
içinden geçermiş ferhatın kahrı
ya ben sana nasıl gelirim şirin
bulutun içinden rüzgar sesinden
ya ben sana nasıl gelirim ferhat
kalbimdeki ırmak sakinliğinden.
derler ki goncası açmaz bir aşkın
kapıları örtük olurmuş he mi?
mermere yazılan harfler kaybolur
yağmur düşer sızlanırmış karanfil
ben böyle bekliyorum yollarda, gülüm
imlası kırık kalbimle seni.
Cafer Turaç
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senfonikankara · 1 year ago
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Hacettepe Senfoni Orkestrası
9 Kasım 2023 Perşembe, 19:00 Konservatuvar Konser Salonu, Beytepe
Faure | Pavane
Poulenc | İki Piyano için Konçerto
H.A. Cafer | Güçtür feleğin yayı
Saygun | Eski Üslupta Kantat
F. Canselen | Büyük Atamıza Kantat
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melissaakoc · 1 year ago
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Bir Cafer meselesi 🩶
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kevkebus-subh · 2 years ago
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İmam Cafer es-Sâdık Rahmetullahi Aleyh’in, Süfyân Sevrî Rahmetullahi Aleyh'e nasihati: 
Sevdiğin şeyler gelirse "Elhamdülillâh" demeyi çoğalt. Hoşuna gitmeyen şeyler gelirse "Lâ havle velâ kuvvete illâ billâh" demeyi çoğalt.  Rızkın gelmesi geciktiği zaman "İstiğfâr"ı çoğalt. 
 (Ebû Nuaym, Hilyetü'l-Evliyâ, 2/475)
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hauntingblue · 1 year ago
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haberolacom · 2 years ago
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aglayankahkahaa · 7 months ago
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lefkosahaberleri · 19 days ago
Lefkoşa'da Alkollü Araç Kullanımı Sonucu Trafik Kazası
New Post has been published on https://lefkosa.com.tr/lefkosada-alkollu-arac-kullanimi-sonucu-trafik-kazasi-34734/
Lefkoşa'da Alkollü Araç Kullanımı Sonucu Trafik Kazası
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Lefkoşa’da alkollü araç kullanımı sonucu meydana gelen trafik kazaları, sürücülerin ve yayaların hayatını tehlikeye atıyor. Bu yazıda, kaza istatistikleri, önleyici tedbirler ve sürücülerin sorumlulukları ele alınıyor.
https://lefkosa.com.tr/lefkosada-alkollu-arac-kullanimi-sonucu-trafik-kazasi-34734/ --------
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okapiaconcolor · 1 month ago
Cape sugarbird (Promerops cafer)
Cape sugarbird (Promerops cafer) por flowcomm
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alittlefurtheroutoftheway · 2 months ago
Bursa İnegöl'de Çalıntı Motosiklet ve Plaka Yakalandı
Bursa’nın İnegöl ilçesinde, Emniyet Müdürlüğü Trafik Büro Amirliği ekipleri, çalıntı plaka ve motosikletle seyahat eden bir sürücüyü başarılı bir şekilde yakaladı. Olay, Ahmet Türkel Çevre Yolu üzerinde gerçekleştirilen trafik uygulaması sırasında meydana geldi. Uygulama sırasında, ekipler motosikleti durdurup yol kenarında bekleyen sürücüyü fark etti. Hemen durdurulan motosikletin detaylı…
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yeniyeniseyler · 3 months ago
Halk TV, Flash Haber TV'yi satın aldı! (Özel Haber)
Bir süredir devam eden “Halk TV, Flash Haber TV’yi alacak mı?” haberleri, Halk TV‘nin sahibi Cafer Mahiroğlu‘nın dün X hesabından yaptığı paylaşım ile sona erdi. Cafer Mahiroğlu paylaşımında Flash Haber TV’nin Halk TV ailesine katıldığını duyurdu. Cafer Mahiroğlu’nun paylaşımı şu şekilde: “Halk TV 5 yılda milyonlarca lira para cezası ve ekran karartılmasına rağmen halkımızın haber alma hakkına…
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