megwillis-blog · 11 years
This week in Bolivia
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After a delayed flight in Sucre, we're finally on our way back to the main base while I'm in Bolivia – Santa Cruz. This week will be a few meetings with the El Alfarero Directors, as they prepare to open on July 7. From what I can see the way I get to volunteer this week, is by helping Yeyo with the Communications and Media work. So I think we'll be doing a fair bit of social media and a little bit of document design. Hopefully I'll also get some time for language practice somewhere quiet, as well as some time for reading and photography of Santa Cruz.
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
Americas Adventure 2013 explained
For those of you I haven't had the chance to chat to, I realise I haven't mentioned a lot about the itinerary so far, so just quickly, I'll be visiting a few places on this adventure—all starting in 3 days!
First stop is Madison (WI, USA), to get some guidance for my role at AFES from InterVarcity and TwentyOneHundred Productions, a last minute addition, but it's going to be so valuable to the next couple of years at AFES, while we continue to resource our growing number of staff on university campuses, as well as marketing our national conference, NTE, going forward.
Then a short stop in Fortaleza (CE, Brazil), to meet my Compassion sponsor child.
Then 12 days or so in Santa Cruz (Bolivia), to investigate cafe ministry in South America and volunteer at Café El Alfarero, to see if Im a good fit for bringing Cafe Ministry into Chilean culture.
Last stop on this adventure is Santiago (Chile), to meet missionaries and nationals involved with international ministry. Im also going to be chatting to some folk involved with the evangelical student movement in Santiago.
Then it'll be home time, processing and decision making time...
Gods providence so far has been incredible! Im so excited to see what this trip uncovers for the future of Cafe Ministry, and how all these pieces fit together!
Better than bacon
Prayer points in short hand:
Praise God for his constant provision, in all these plans, he's answered so many prayers already. Specifically, getting emails and contact details for people has been so smooth and replies have been coming back quickly, making last minute organising very smooth.
Pray for wisdom, as I meet with all of these people through the global family of believers and connections through generous missionaries in the field, that I can be clear in purpose, and that our meetings and meals together can be mutually encouraging.
Praise God for generous hosts in every country except Brazil! This will make an incredible difference to the whole trip and make the culture emmersion so much more complete. Although some of the host families don't speak any English, which will be an adventure in itself, but Im game if they are. Please pray that God will bless their generosity and that we can communicate without much frustration, and that cultural differences wont get in the way or cause too much negative friction.
Pray for safety, theres a lot in that itinerary but while Im in transit and in Brazil, I'll be alone. Pray that connections will be smooth and through tired eyes the 'brain-fog' and fatigue wont be too much, and I can make good choices, getting to and from places.
Thanks so much for your prayers and encouragement!
To God be the glory,
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
Better than bacon
The trip isn't too far away, so please pray!
Packing and organising final details, of each of the 4 big parts of the trip.
Praise God for what is shaping up to be a great week in Madison, WI, USA with the InterVarcity office! Praise God for how much they've already organised for my week with them, and how much they've welcomed me before I've even landed in the country!
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megwillis-blog · 11 years
Map the trap
This is the trip so far, putting it like this Im covering a fair bit of ground!
(FYI - 16 sleeps to go)
View AmericasAdventure in a larger map
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megwillis-blog · 12 years
You're definitely adventurous
Possibly my favourite line from a Skype conversation with new friends working in Cafe Ministry in Bolivia - "so hows your spanish?"
... I think we're both in for a shock, no idea of scale but Im sure it'll be there.
Father help me be brave!
A second Skype date this morning, with InterVarsity's production company, TwentyOneHundred. Over the new years break, I checked in regularly the how IVP and TwentyOneHundred worked together to pull off an conference called Urbana. While I watched from the sidelines I decided that I had too many questions, and needed to add it to my trip this year, so I began to consider how it might fit together, and include an extra leg on my trip, so now, through Gods grace, Im organising a visit to their offices in Madision, WI, USA. After chatting about my visit, Im very excited to be working with these guys for a week, and talk about some pretty exciting ministry opportunities.
Praise God for the ways he gives us to serve—what a privilege it is to serve in this way!
Better than bacon
Spanish nouns and verbs, and bravery to speak it. Pray for any sort of memory power.
Cafe El Alfarero, are hoping to open for the first time in April, so please pray their preparations would go smoothly
 Accommodation and transport details
Pray that God will strengthen me to save more, and be wise with money while the trip comes together.
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