#cafe con sangre (its a working title dont look at me like that)
bittercoldbrew Β· 11 months
business vampire?? demon gf?????? i simply must know more.
let's dooooo family and future!
Cas* I am SO sorry that it's taken me this long to answer from that prompt I reblogged uhhhhh a month (???) ago 😭😭😭 I don't have a good excuse except that I'm bad at things, but I can't thank you enough for asking about my two beloved idiots, they're everything to me.....πŸ₯²
Business Vampire, aka Max, aka Maximilian (yes it's his real name, no you can't call him that) is a recently-promoted Regional Manager of a temp agency that hires out vampire office clerks. They're diligent! They're effective! They'll work third shift! Hire a vampire today!! He's also...just kind of a bastard. Himbo-adjacent, but he's not always particularly nice, and not actually stupid--just willing to be ignorant about things that don't directly benefit him. He was way into his MBA program before he realized they weren't actually joking about the whole ~undead~ thing; and when he did, he figured he wasn't really doing anything with his immortal soul anyway 🀷🏽 Might as well cash it in now, right? He's Bad Bi Rep(tm) and was a prolific serial dater when he was alive--not a cheater, just addicted to "the chase", always loved a tough sell. Now that he's got supernatural mind control powers though, convincing someone to give him a chance when they initially don't like him comes way too easily and it completely killed the vibe; he's not actually a piece of shit, he just dresses like one. If he ever went to therapy he'd actually have to think about why, exactly, it's so important to him to pursue the kinds of people who are immediately repulsed by the persona he embodies, in the hopes that they'll dig a little deeper and find something worthwhile in him instead. He absolutely does not go to therapy.
Juniper, for better or worse, is exactly the kind of person to find him repulsive, and she's immune to his magical vampire compulsion trick, too. To call her a demon or his girlfriend are both a little misleading--she's only part-infernal, on her father's side, and she doesn't even like Max. She...is sleeping with him, though. Occasionally. And then a bit more often than occasionally. And then...a bit more often than that. But nope, no way, definitely not into Max. He's arrogant, annoying, and...absurdly attractive πŸ˜” She's pathologically self-conscious about the whole infernal monster thing; she makes humans uneasy, in an instinctive, subconscious, fight-flight-or-freeze prey drive kind of a way, so she gears her whole life around keeping to herself and going unnoticed and trying her best to never make anyone afraid of her. But Max...isn't remotely afraid of her. And it's...nice, to finally have found someone who isn't. And he very much should be--the infernal magic in her blood is quite literally toxic to vampires, and drinking too much of it will quite literally kill him, this time for good. But...drinking just a little has a narcotic effect, and she's human enough that it satisfies his hunger for a while, and she agrees to fuck him, too? He's certain he's getting the better end of this deal, but he's sure not about to risk it by pointing that out.
ANYWAY, yeesh, that's way too much preamble before actually getting to your questions, sorry πŸ˜… I just really love these two. But yes, goodness, prompts!! Gonna stick these under a cut because clearly I'm incapable of keeping concise! But hopefully this has whet peoples' appetites and you all will wanna know more about my darling monsters πŸ₯²πŸ₯² Everyone feel free to keep sending me those prompts if you wanna know more about them or any of my other OCs πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Family: Like I said, Juniper is infernal on her dad's side; he's never been around much, but he's very sweet with her when he is and she's really fond of him in return. His dad was a genuine infernal creature, chaos and corruption and decay made flesh, so he's even less human than June is, and as such simply doesn't have much understanding of the sorts of things that strain human relationships, like distance and time and lack of communication (which is why June's mom broke things off with him shortly after June's birth). June is his only child, and she's way more sympathetic towards him and his less-than-stellar parenting skills than anyone else in her family--her mom, stepdad, and two half-sisters all just try to pretend that he doesn't exist and even if he did exist then there totally definitely wasn't anything weird or unusual about him at all. June moved across the country as soon as she was old enough to get away, and she gets the sense they're all trying to pretend the same things about her, too. It hurts her feelings way more than she lets on, but helps solidify her decision to keep everyone ever at a distance (until Max comes barreling through all her carefully crafted defenses).
Max is somehow even less close with his family. He talks to his mom on the phone for birthdays and big holidays, but hasn't seen her or spoken to his father in years. Vampire powers or no, he'd probably kill the man on sight, given half the chance. His dad was an army engineer once upon a time, and then a traditional engineer when that was over, so there really was never much chance of any amount of emotional availability over there yet even so he was a real piece of work. Max was an only child, and his mom always tried to comfort him after his dad's verbal and emotional abuse but was never able or willing (he doesn't know which, and decided ages ago that he doesn't actually care) to prevent or intervene in the abuse when it happened. Again, a tiny amount of therapy might help him realize that his whole prideful, unserious, charming lothario persona was initially just a front he put on to piss off his shitty dad. But why would he do any self-reflection when he's got this hot, mean demon babe with her own luggage rack of family baggage to bang about it, instead?
Future: This is such a good prompt but unfortunately not one I can answer very thoroughly without spoiling my own (still very roughly drafted) plot. BUT I can say that there's a vampire named Leon that they're both interested in seeing, Max for the first time ever, June for the first time in several years. Leon's the leader of a very powerful vampire sect, and possibly the oldest living one in North America, and he's...sort of missing? Maybe? No one's seen him in a couple years now, though he's definitely not dead because the vampires he sired (and the ones they'd sired, and on down quite a few degrees of separation) would have felt a weakening of their own power if he'd died. And it isn't super unusual for him to just kind of wander off and disappear for a while; much like June's dad, he's so old that he doesn't have much sense of insignificant things like the passage of time. But it's odd for him to have been gone for this long without anyone having seen nor heard from him. June isn't terribly worried for him--he's a big vampire, he can take care of himself--but they're friends (insofar as either of them really have "friends"), and she'd like to know for certain that he's alright. Max, meanwhile, thinks it'd be good for business to get in with the "trads", and knowing and/or collaborating with a guy like Leon would definitely give him a leg up on his way to the c-suite. June figures that's as close to a genuine motivation as she'll see from her annoying vampire fuckboi, but, hey, fuck it, she'll take what she can get.
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