Explore tagged Tumblr posts
speremint · 1 year ago
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A long overdue comm for my pal @caezhel!
These two chars are from his comic Haunting Dagger! Go give his work a look, he's an incredible artist!
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msomrgla · 1 year ago
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diecastkid2000 · 29 days ago
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Vilma Caez & Maria Lehtonen
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theao3blackmarket · 1 year ago
Major Kudos to Joker for compiling this list!
Here are the BM Staff Awards and Superlatives for 2023
Most Unhinged - Rose
Most Insane - Jester
Most Chaotic - Ari
Most Random - Baphomet
Most Grammar Police - Caeze
Most Creative - Jester
Most Violent - Averie
Most Absent (/lhj) - Tones
Most Trigger Happy - Averie
Most Ao3 Author Cursed - Cin
Most Children Adopted - Sammy
Most Gae Allegations - Averie
Most 3rd Imposter - Vesta
Most Alert - Vixen
Most Present for Gen 1's Bullshit - Ari
Ari - be Gen 1's babysitter
Joker - become a magician with actual magix
Tones - disappear randomly
Baph - lose clothes (how it happens? I don't know)
Void - appear from the depths of nowhere
Sammy - surprise adopt a child irl
Yoyo - be random
Cin - beat someone with the power of friendship
Alex - be dm'd the most random and outrageous messages so that he can come check the server (for whatever reason he believes them for a second)
River - ruin themself with a fic but continue to read in hopes of closure from the pain
Averie - bite the arm of God himself
Space - become an art machine (emotionally and physically)
Caeze - refer to genshin memes unironically
Vixen - be on guard duty 25/7
Six - check someone's pronouns in the middle of a debate (/lh)
Rose - be calm while almost dying
Roro - to be a bystander in the purge
Jaxy - become a blob conjurer
Noir - talk about bodily fluids
Breezy - be adulting at random moments
Vesta - be the devil's number one instigator
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444namesplus · 1 month ago
All possible shortest male Redguard names in TES I: Arena
Baab Baac Baad Baah Baaj Baak Baal Baam Baan Baap Baar Baas Baat Baav Baaz Bab Bac Bad Baeb Baec Baed Baeh Baej Baek Bael Baem Baen Baep Baer Baes Baet Baev Baez Bah Baib Baic Baid Baih Baij Baik Bail Baim Bain Baip Bair Bais Bait Baiv Baiz Baj Bak Bal Bam Ban Baob Baoc Baod Baoh Baoj Baok Baol Baom Baon Baop Baor Baos Baot Baov Baoz Bap Bar Bas Bat Baub Bauc Baud Bauh Bauj Bauk Baul Baum Baun Baup Baur Baus Baut Bauv Bauz Bav Baz Beb Bec Bed Beh Bej Bek Bel Bem Ben Bep Ber Bes Bet Bev Bez Bib Bic Bid Bih Bij Bik Bil Bim Bin Bip Bir Bis Bit Biv Biz Blab Blac Blad Blah Blaj Blak Blal Blam Blan Blap Blar Blas Blat Blav Blaz Bleb Blec Bled Bleh Blej Blek Blel Blem Blen Blep Bler Bles Blet Blev Blez Blib Blic Blid Blih Blij Blik Blil Blim Blin Blip Blir Blis Blit Bliv Bliz Blob Bloc Blod Bloh Bloj Blok Blol Blom Blon Blop Blor Blos Blot Blov Bloz Blub Bluc Blud Bluh Bluj Bluk Blul Blum Blun Blup Blur Blus Blut Bluv Bluz Bob Boc Bod Boh Boj Bok Bol Bom Bon Bop Bor Bos Bot Bov Boz Brab Brac Brad Brah Braj Brak Bral Bram Bran Brap Brar Bras Brat Brav Braz Breb Brec Bred Breh Brej Brek Brel Brem Bren Brep Brer Bres Bret Brev Brez Brib Bric Brid Brih Brij Brik Bril Brim Brin Brip Brir Bris Brit Briv Briz Brob Broc Brod Broh Broj Brok Brol Brom Bron Brop Bror Bros Brot Brov Broz Brub Bruc Brud Bruh Bruj Bruk Brul Brum Brun Brup Brur Brus Brut Bruv Bruz Bub Buc Bud Buh Buj Buk Bul Bum Bun Bup Bur Bus But Buv Buz Caab Caac Caad Caah Caaj Caak Caal Caam Caan Caap Caar Caas Caat Caav Caaz Cab Cac Cad Caeb Caec Caed Caeh Caej Caek Cael Caem Caen Caep Caer Caes Caet Caev Caez Cah Caib Caic Caid Caih Caij Caik Cail Caim Cain Caip Cair Cais Cait Caiv Caiz Caj Cak Cal Cam Can Caob Caoc Caod Caoh Caoj Caok Caol Caom Caon Caop Caor Caos Caot Caov Caoz Cap Car Cas Cat Caub Cauc Caud Cauh Cauj Cauk Caul Caum Caun Caup Caur Caus Caut Cauv Cauz Cav Caz Ceb Cec Ced Ceh Cej Cek Cel Cem Cen Cep Cer Ces Cet Cev Cez Chab Chac Chad Chah Chaj Chak Chal Cham Chan Chap Char Chas Chat Chav Chaz Cheb Chec Ched Cheh Chej Chek Chel Chem Chen Chep Cher Ches Chet Chev Chez Chib Chic Chid Chih Chij Chik Chil Chim Chin Chip Chir Chis Chit Chiv Chiz Chob Choc Chod Choh Choj Chok Chol Chom Chon Chop Chor Chos Chot Chov Choz Chub Chuc Chud Chuh Chuj Chuk Chul Chum Chun Chup Chur Chus Chut Chuv Chuz Cib Cic Cid Cih Cij Cik Cil Cim Cin Cip Cir Cis Cit Civ Ciz Cob Coc Cod Coh Coj Cok Col Com Con Cop Cor Cos Cot Cov Coz Crab
Crac Crad Crah Craj Crak Cral Cram Cran Crap Crar Cras Crat Crav Craz Creb Crec Cred Creh Crej Crek Crel Crem Cren Crep Crer Cres Cret Crev Crez Crib Cric Crid Crih Crij Crik Cril Crim Crin Crip Crir Cris Crit Criv Criz Crob Croc Crod Croh Croj Crok Crol Crom Cron Crop Cror Cros Crot Crov Croz Crub Cruc Crud Cruh Cruj Cruk Crul Crum Crun Crup Crur Crus Crut Cruv Cruz Cub Cuc Cud Cuh Cuj Cuk Cul Cum Cun Cup Cur Cus Cut Cuv Cuz Dab Dac Dad Dah Daj Dak Dal Dam Dan Dap Dar Das Dat Dav Daz Deb Dec Ded Deh Dej Dek Del Dem Den Dep Der Des Det Dev Dez Dhab Dhac Dhad Dhah Dhaj Dhak Dhal Dham Dhan Dhap Dhar Dhas Dhat Dhav Dhaz Dheb Dhec Dhed Dheh Dhej Dhek Dhel Dhem Dhen Dhep Dher Dhes Dhet Dhev Dhez Dhib Dhic Dhid Dhih Dhij Dhik Dhil Dhim Dhin Dhip Dhir Dhis Dhit Dhiv Dhiz Dhob Dhoc Dhod Dhoh Dhoj Dhok Dhol Dhom Dhon Dhop Dhor Dhos Dhot Dhov Dhoz Dhub Dhuc Dhud Dhuh Dhuj Dhuk Dhul Dhum Dhun Dhup Dhur Dhus Dhut Dhuv Dhuz Dib Dic Did Dih Dij Dik Dil Dim Din Dip Dir Dis Dit Div Diz Dob Doc Dod Doh Doj Dok Dol Dom Don Dop Dor Dos Dot Dov Doz Dub Duc Dud Duh Duj Duk Dul Dum Dun Dup Dur Dus Dut Duv Duz Fab Fac Fad Fah Faj Fak Fal Fam Fan Fap Far Fas Fat Fav Faz Feb Fec Fed Feh Fej Fek Fel Fem Fen Fep Fer Fes Fet Fev Fez Fhab Fhac Fhad Fhah Fhaj Fhak Fhal Fham Fhan Fhap Fhar Fhas Fhat Fhav Fhaz Fheb Fhec Fhed Fheh Fhej Fhek Fhel Fhem Fhen Fhep Fher Fhes Fhet Fhev Fhez Fhib Fhic Fhid Fhih Fhij Fhik Fhil Fhim Fhin Fhip Fhir Fhis Fhit Fhiv Fhiz Fhob Fhoc Fhod Fhoh Fhoj Fhok Fhol Fhom Fhon Fhop Fhor Fhos Fhot Fhov Fhoz Fhub Fhuc Fhud Fhuh Fhuj Fhuk Fhul Fhum Fhun Fhup Fhur Fhus Fhut Fhuv Fhuz Fib Fic Fid Fih Fij Fik Fil Fim Fin Fip Fir Fis Fit Fiv Fiz Flab Flac Flad Flah Flaj Flak Flal Flam Flan Flap Flar Flas Flat Flav Flaz Fleb Flec Fled Fleh Flej Flek Flel Flem Flen Flep Fler Fles Flet Flev Flez Flib Flic Flid Flih Flij Flik Flil Flim Flin Flip Flir Flis Flit Fliv Fliz Flob Floc Flod Floh Floj Flok Flol Flom Flon Flop Flor Flos Flot Flov Floz Flub Fluc Flud Fluh Fluj Fluk Flul Flum Flun Flup Flur Flus
Flut Fluv Fluz Fob Foc Fod Foh Foj Fok Fol Fom Fon Fop For Fos Fot Fov Foz Frab Frac Frad Frah Fraj Frak Fral Fram Fran Frap Frar Fras Frat Frav Fraz Freb Frec Fred Freh Frej Frek Frel Frem Fren Frep Frer Fres Fret Frev Frez Frib Fric Frid Frih Frij Frik Fril Frim Frin Frip Frir Fris Frit Friv Friz Frob Froc Frod Froh Froj Frok Frol From Fron Frop Fror Fros Frot Frov Froz Frub Fruc Frud Fruh Fruj Fruk Frul Frum Frun Frup Frur Frus Frut Fruv Fruz Fub Fuc Fud Fuh Fuj Fuk Ful Fum Fun Fup Fur Fus Fut Fuv Fuz Gab Gac Gad Gah Gaj Gak Gal Gam Gan Gap Gar Gas Gat Gav Gaz Geb Gec Ged Geh Gej Gek Gel Gem Gen Gep Ger Ges Get Gev Gez Ghab Ghac Ghad Ghah Ghaj Ghak Ghal Gham Ghan Ghap Ghar Ghas Ghat Ghav Ghaz Gheb Ghec Ghed Gheh Ghej Ghek Ghel Ghem Ghen Ghep Gher Ghes Ghet Ghev Ghez Ghib Ghic Ghid Ghih Ghij Ghik Ghil Ghim Ghin Ghip Ghir Ghis Ghit Ghiv Ghiz Ghob Ghoc Ghod Ghoh Ghoj Ghok Ghol Ghom Ghon Ghop Ghor Ghos Ghot Ghov Ghoz Ghub Ghuc Ghud Ghuh Ghuj Ghuk Ghul Ghum Ghun Ghup Ghur Ghus Ghut Ghuv Ghuz Gib Gic Gid Gih Gij Gik Gil Gim Gin Gip Gir Gis Git Giv Giz Glab Glac Glad Glah Glaj Glak Glal Glam Glan Glap Glar Glas Glat Glav Glaz Gleb Glec Gled Gleh Glej Glek Glel Glem Glen Glep Gler Gles Glet Glev Glez Glib Glic Glid Glih Glij Glik Glil Glim Glin Glip Glir Glis Glit Gliv Gliz Glob Gloc Glod Gloh Gloj Glok Glol Glom Glon Glop Glor Glos Glot Glov Gloz Glub Gluc Glud Gluh Gluj Gluk Glul Glum Glun Glup Glur Glus Glut Gluv Gluz Gob Goc God Goh Goj Gok Gol Gom Gon Gop Gor Gos Got Gov Goz Grab Grac Grad Grah Graj Grak Gral Gram Gran Grap Grar Gras Grat Grav Graz Greb Grec Gred Greh Grej Grek Grel Grem Gren Grep Grer Gres Gret Grev Grez Grib Gric Grid Grih Grij Grik Gril Grim Grin Grip Grir Gris Grit Griv Griz Grob Groc Grod Groh Groj Grok Grol Grom Gron Grop Gror Gros Grot Grov Groz Grub Gruc Grud Gruh Gruj Gruk Grul Grum Grun Grup Grur Grus Grut Gruv Gruz Gub Guc Gud Guh Guj Guk Gul Gum Gun Gup Gur Gus Gut Guv Guz Kab Kac Kad Kah Kaj Kak Kal Kam Kan Kap Kar Kas Kat Kav Kaz Keb Kec Ked Keh Kej Kek Kel Kem Ken Kep Ker Kes Ket Kev Kez Khab Khac Khad Khah Khaj Khak Khal Kham Khan Khap Khar Khas Khat Khav Khaz Kheb Khec Khed Kheh Khej Khek Khel Khem Khen Khep Kher Khes Khet Khev Khez Khib Khic Khid Khih Khij Khik Khil Khim Khin Khip Khir Khis Khit Khiv Khiz Khob Khoc Khod Khoh
Khoj Khok Khol Khom Khon Khop Khor Khos Khot Khov Khoz Khub Khuc Khud Khuh Khuj Khuk Khul Khum Khun Khup Khur Khus Khut Khuv Khuz Kib Kic Kid Kih Kij Kik Kil Kim Kin Kip Kir Kis Kit Kiv Kiz Klab Klac Klad Klah Klaj Klak Klal Klam Klan Klap Klar Klas Klat Klav Klaz Kleb Klec Kled Kleh Klej Klek Klel Klem Klen Klep Kler Kles Klet Klev Klez Klib Klic Klid Klih Klij Klik Klil Klim Klin Klip Klir Klis Klit Kliv Kliz Klob Kloc Klod Kloh Kloj Klok Klol Klom Klon Klop Klor Klos Klot Klov Kloz Klub Kluc Klud Kluh Kluj Kluk Klul Klum Klun Klup Klur Klus Klut Kluv Kluz Kob Koc Kod Koh Koj Kok Kol Kom Kon Kop Kor Kos Kot Kov Koz Krab Krac Krad Krah Kraj Krak Kral Kram Kran Krap Krar Kras Krat Krav Kraz Kreb Krec Kred Kreh Krej Krek Krel Krem Kren Krep Krer Kres Kret Krev Krez Krib Kric Krid Krih Krij Krik Kril Krim Krin Krip Krir Kris Krit Kriv Kriz Krob Kroc Krod Kroh Kroj Krok Krol Krom Kron Krop Kror Kros Krot Krov Kroz Krub Kruc Krud Kruh Kruj Kruk Krul Krum Krun Krup Krur Krus Krut Kruv Kruz Kub Kuc Kud Kuh Kuj Kuk Kul Kum Kun Kup Kur Kus Kut Kuv Kuz Lab Lac Lad Lah Laj Lak Lal Lam Lan Lap Lar Las Lat Lav Laz Leb Lec Led Leh Lej Lek Lel Lem Len Lep Ler Les Let Lev Lez Lhab Lhac Lhad Lhah Lhaj Lhak Lhal Lham Lhan Lhap Lhar Lhas Lhat Lhav Lhaz Lheb Lhec Lhed Lheh Lhej Lhek Lhel Lhem Lhen Lhep Lher Lhes Lhet Lhev Lhez Lhib Lhic Lhid Lhih Lhij Lhik Lhil Lhim Lhin Lhip Lhir Lhis Lhit Lhiv Lhiz Lhob Lhoc Lhod Lhoh Lhoj Lhok Lhol Lhom Lhon Lhop Lhor Lhos Lhot Lhov Lhoz Lhub Lhuc Lhud Lhuh Lhuj Lhuk Lhul Lhum Lhun Lhup Lhur Lhus Lhut Lhuv Lhuz Lib Lic Lid Lih Lij Lik Lil Lim Lin Lip Lir Lis Lit Liv Liz Lob Loc Lod Loh Loj Lok Lol Lom Lon Lop Lor Los Lot Lov Loz Lub Luc Lud Luh Luj Luk Lul Lum Lun Lup Lur Lus Lut Luv Luz Maab Maac Maad Maah Maaj Maak Maal Maam Maan Maap Maar Maas Maat Maav Maaz Mab Mac Mad Maeb Maec Maed Maeh Maej Maek Mael Maem Maen Maep Maer Maes Maet Maev Maez Mah Maib Maic Maid Maih Maij Maik Mail Maim Main Maip Mair Mais Mait Maiv Maiz Maj Mak Mal Mam Man Maob Maoc Maod Maoh Maoj Maok Maol Maom Maon Maop Maor Maos Maot Maov Maoz Map Mar Mas Mat Maub Mauc Maud Mauh Mauj Mauk Maul Maum Maun Maup Maur Maus Maut Mauv Mauz Mav Maz Meb Mec Med Meh Mej Mek Mel Mem Men Mep Mer Mes Met Mev Mez Mhab Mhac Mhad Mhah Mhaj Mhak Mhal Mham Mhan Mhap Mhar Mhas Mhat Mhav Mhaz Mheb
Mhec Mhed Mheh Mhej Mhek Mhel Mhem Mhen Mhep Mher Mhes Mhet Mhev Mhez Mhib Mhic Mhid Mhih Mhij Mhik Mhil Mhim Mhin Mhip Mhir Mhis Mhit Mhiv Mhiz Mhob Mhoc Mhod Mhoh Mhoj Mhok Mhol Mhom Mhon Mhop Mhor Mhos Mhot Mhov Mhoz Mhub Mhuc Mhud Mhuh Mhuj Mhuk Mhul Mhum Mhun Mhup Mhur Mhus Mhut Mhuv Mhuz Mib Mic Mid Mih Mij Mik Mil Mim Min Mip Mir Mis Mit Miv Miz Mob Moc Mod Moh Moj Mok Mol Mom Mon Mop Mor Mos Mot Mov Moz Mub Muc Mud Muh Muj Muk Mul Mum Mun Mup Mur Mus Mut Muv Muz Nab Nac Nad Nah Naj Nak Nal Nam Nan Nap Nar Nas Nat Nav Naz Neb Nec Ned Neh Nej Nek Nel Nem Nen Nep Ner Nes Net Nev Nez Nhab Nhac Nhad Nhah Nhaj Nhak Nhal Nham Nhan Nhap Nhar Nhas Nhat Nhav Nhaz Nheb Nhec Nhed Nheh Nhej Nhek Nhel Nhem Nhen Nhep Nher Nhes Nhet Nhev Nhez Nhib Nhic Nhid Nhih Nhij Nhik Nhil Nhim Nhin Nhip Nhir Nhis Nhit Nhiv Nhiz Nhob Nhoc Nhod Nhoh Nhoj Nhok Nhol Nhom Nhon Nhop Nhor Nhos Nhot Nhov Nhoz Nhub Nhuc Nhud Nhuh Nhuj Nhuk Nhul Nhum Nhun Nhup Nhur Nhus Nhut Nhuv Nhuz Nib Nic Nid Nih Nij Nik Nil Nim Nin Nip Nir Nis Nit Niv Niz Nob Noc Nod Noh Noj Nok Nol Nom Non Nop Nor Nos Not Nov Noz Nub Nuc Nud Nuh Nuj Nuk Nul Num Nun Nup Nur Nus Nut Nuv Nuz Rab Rac Rad Rah Raj Rak Ral Ram Ran Rap Rar Ras Rat Rav Raz Reb Rec Red Reh Rej Rek Rel Rem Ren Rep Rer Res Ret Rev Rez Rhab Rhac Rhad Rhah Rhaj Rhak Rhal Rham Rhan Rhap Rhar Rhas Rhat Rhav Rhaz Rheb Rhec Rhed Rheh Rhej Rhek Rhel Rhem Rhen Rhep Rher Rhes Rhet Rhev Rhez Rhib Rhic Rhid Rhih Rhij Rhik Rhil Rhim Rhin Rhip Rhir Rhis Rhit Rhiv Rhiz Rhob Rhoc Rhod Rhoh Rhoj Rhok Rhol Rhom Rhon Rhop Rhor Rhos Rhot Rhov Rhoz Rhub Rhuc Rhud Rhuh Rhuj Rhuk Rhul Rhum Rhun Rhup Rhur Rhus Rhut Rhuv Rhuz Rib Ric Rid Rih Rij Rik Ril Rim Rin Rip Rir Ris Rit Riv Riz Rlab Rlac Rlad Rlah Rlaj Rlak Rlal Rlam Rlan Rlap Rlar Rlas Rlat Rlav Rlaz Rleb Rlec Rled Rleh Rlej Rlek Rlel Rlem Rlen Rlep Rler Rles Rlet Rlev Rlez Rlib Rlic Rlid Rlih Rlij Rlik Rlil Rlim Rlin Rlip Rlir Rlis Rlit Rliv Rliz Rlob Rloc Rlod Rloh Rloj Rlok Rlol Rlom Rlon Rlop Rlor Rlos Rlot Rlov Rloz Rlub Rluc Rlud Rluh Rluj Rluk Rlul Rlum Rlun Rlup Rlur Rlus Rlut Rluv Rluz Rob Roc Rod Roh Roj Rok Rol Rom Ron Rop Ror Ros Rot Rov Roz Rub Ruc Rud Ruh Ruj Ruk Rul Rum Run Rup Rur Rus Rut
Ruv Ruz Saab Saac Saad Saah Saaj Saak Saal Saam Saan Saap Saar Saas Saat Saav Saaz Sab Sac Sad Saeb Saec Saed Saeh Saej Saek Sael Saem Saen Saep Saer Saes Saet Saev Saez Sah Saib Saic Said Saih Saij Saik Sail Saim Sain Saip Sair Sais Sait Saiv Saiz Saj Sak Sal Sam San Saob Saoc Saod Saoh Saoj Saok Saol Saom Saon Saop Saor Saos Saot Saov Saoz Sap Sar Sas Sat Saub Sauc Saud Sauh Sauj Sauk Saul Saum Saun Saup Saur Saus Saut Sauv Sauz Sav Saz Seb Sec Sed Seh Sej Sek Sel Sem Sen Sep Ser Ses Set Sev Sez Shab Shac Shad Shah Shaj Shak Shal Sham Shan Shap Shar Shas Shat Shav Shaz Sheb Shec Shed Sheh Shej Shek Shel Shem Shen Shep Sher Shes Shet Shev Shez Shib Shic Shid Shih Shij Shik Shil Shim Shin Ship Shir Shis Shit Shiv Shiz Shob Shoc Shod Shoh Shoj Shok Shol Shom Shon Shop Shor Shos Shot Shov Shoz Shrab Shrac Shrad Shrah Shraj Shrak Shral Shram Shran Shrap Shrar Shras Shrat Shrav Shraz Shreb Shrec Shred Shreh Shrej Shrek Shrel Shrem Shren Shrep Shrer Shres Shret Shrev Shrez Shrib Shric Shrid Shrih Shrij Shrik Shril Shrim Shrin Shrip Shrir Shris Shrit Shriv Shriz Shrob Shroc Shrod Shroh Shroj Shrok Shrol Shrom Shron Shrop Shror Shros Shrot Shrov Shroz Shrub Shruc Shrud Shruh Shruj Shruk Shrul Shrum Shrun Shrup Shrur Shrus Shrut Shruv Shruz Shub Shuc Shud Shuh Shuj Shuk Shul Shum Shun Shup Shur Shus Shut Shuv Shuz Sib Sic Sid Sih Sij Sik Sil Sim Sin Sip Sir Sis Sit Siv Siz Slab Slac Slad Slah Slaj Slak Slal Slam Slan Slap Slar Slas Slat Slav Slaz Sleb Slec Sled Sleh Slej Slek Slel Slem Slen Slep Sler Sles Slet Slev Slez Slib Slic Slid Slih Slij Slik Slil Slim Slin Slip Slir Slis Slit Sliv Sliz Slob Sloc Slod Sloh Sloj Slok Slol Slom Slon Slop Slor Slos Slot Slov Sloz Slub Sluc Slud Sluh Sluj Sluk Slul Slum Slun Slup Slur Slus Slut Sluv Sluz Sob Soc Sod Soh Soj Sok Sol Som Son Sop Sor Sos Sot Sov Soz Stab Stac Stad Stah Staj Stak Stal Stam Stan Stap Star Stas Stat Stav Staz Steb Stec Sted Steh Stej Stek Stel Stem Sten Step Ster Stes Stet Stev Stez Stib Stic Stid Stih Stij Stik Stil Stim Stin Stip Stir Stis Stit Stiv Stiz Stob Stoc Stod Stoh Stoj Stok Stol Stom Ston Stop Stor Stos Stot Stov Stoz Stub Stuc Stud Stuh Stuj Stuk Stul Stum Stun Stup Stur Stus Stut Stuv Stuz Sub Suc Sud Suh Suj Suk Sul Sum Sun Sup Sur Sus Sut Suv Suz Tab Tac Tad Tah Taj Tak Tal Tam Tan Tap Tar Tas Tat Tav Taz Teb Tec Ted Teh Tej Tek Tel Tem Ten Tep Ter Tes Tet Tev Tez Thab Thac Thad Thah Thaj Thak Thal Tham Than Thap Thar Thas That Thav Thaz Theb Thec Thed Theh Thej Thek Thel Them Then Thep Ther Thes Thet Thev Thez Thib Thic Thid Thih Thij Thik Thil Thim Thin Thip Thir This Thit Thiv Thiz Thob Thoc Thod Thoh Thoj Thok Thol Thom Thon Thop Thor Thos Thot Thov Thoz Thub Thuc Thud Thuh Thuj Thuk Thul Thum Thun Thup Thur Thus Thut Thuv Thuz Tib Tic Tid Tih Tij Tik Til Tim Tin Tip Tir Tis Tit Tiv Tiz Tlab Tlac Tlad Tlah Tlaj Tlak Tlal Tlam Tlan Tlap Tlar Tlas Tlat Tlav Tlaz Tleb Tlec Tled Tleh Tlej Tlek Tlel Tlem Tlen Tlep Tler Tles Tlet Tlev Tlez Tlib Tlic Tlid Tlih Tlij Tlik Tlil Tlim Tlin Tlip Tlir Tlis Tlit Tliv Tliz Tlob Tloc Tlod Tloh Tloj Tlok Tlol Tlom Tlon Tlop Tlor Tlos Tlot Tlov Tloz Tlub Tluc Tlud Tluh Tluj Tluk Tlul Tlum Tlun Tlup Tlur Tlus Tlut Tluv Tluz Tob Toc Tod Toh Toj Tok Tol Tom Ton Top Tor Tos Tot Tov Toz Tub Tuc Tud Tuh Tuj Tuk Tul Tum Tun Tup Tur Tus Tut Tuv Tuz Vab Vac Vad Vah Vaj Vak Val Vam Van Vap Var Vas Vat Vav Vaz Veb Vec Ved Veh Vej Vek Vel Vem Ven Vep Ver Ves Vet Vev Vez Vib Vic Vid Vih Vij Vik Vil Vim Vin Vip Vir Vis Vit Viv Viz Vlab Vlac Vlad Vlah Vlaj Vlak Vlal Vlam Vlan Vlap Vlar Vlas Vlat Vlav Vlaz Vleb Vlec Vled Vleh Vlej Vlek Vlel Vlem Vlen Vlep Vler Vles Vlet Vlev Vlez Vlib Vlic Vlid Vlih Vlij Vlik Vlil Vlim Vlin Vlip Vlir Vlis Vlit Vliv Vliz Vlob Vloc Vlod Vloh Vloj Vlok Vlol Vlom Vlon Vlop Vlor Vlos Vlot Vlov Vloz Vlub Vluc Vlud Vluh Vluj Vluk Vlul Vlum Vlun Vlup Vlur Vlus Vlut Vluv Vluz Vob Voc Vod Voh Voj Vok Vol Vom Von Vop Vor Vos Vot Vov Voz Vub Vuc Vud Vuh Vuj Vuk Vul Vum Vun Vup Vur Vus Vut Vuv Vuz
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pepoaraby · 4 months ago
Female Bodybuilder 💪🔥VILMA CAEZ #bodybuilding #motivation #fbb #fitness ...
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aminaascericworld · 1 year ago
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444names · 2 years ago
noldorin and argonian (from tes) names + german forenames + atomic and subatomic particles
Aclea Adfanya Aggerides Aggsbez Ahlete Ajines Aldolash Aleske Anian Aniond Annowisik Anuretea Anzeidem Aplar Ardesh Arron Arrowetia Assion Atheek Athill Auallea Augluras Auglushei Axsikizt Azzlimps Bacem Bammeark Bangir Barai Barth Bauglish Beekath Beele Beello Beenetus Beerdog Belor Bericon Berioclen Bijon Blian Bordes Borodin Bosuaz Bosyna Bothes Brashuza Bricle Brisss Caegular Cainors Calebreel Calieella Calien Calika Calivae Calon Carbetra Cargar Carian Carlia Cartrius Castelee Caterujei Cathor Catsa Cedar Celexalls Chandese Chastivor Cheracelg Chils Chisleste Chosen Chottlar Chroudin Chupowaw Cinan Cinneed Clahs Claino Claugus Clermeel Cleva Croush Cílus Dairdes Dairtowe Daius Daledos Dantheen Dariosyna Darndred Datyrien Deartiza Deegrom Deeleb Deelow Degher Delen Demer Demirius Demus Desess Dewayeaka Diands Diers Diriphos Ditrily Diveii Dolus Doweines Dramus Drenton Drers Dreter Drohart Droot Drore Drosoth Druus Dulaur Edhoat Eetra Eetustabs Eidend Elath Eleeka Elened Emidul Erasish Eraskes Eriunas Erivilen Ermed Ermeemark Erobas Eropes Erosudes Ertreetin Ertuiston Eshulowos Ethoks Famurgus Fannel Fauglurat Faurash Feethrips Ferai Fethor Fiedakey Filithuck Filus Fixut Fixutap Fleel Flips Floosyna Founta Freeuska Galbeet Galiona Gamer Gatres Geiangfir Geritly Gerss Gertrat Gicus Giddli Gihalus Gildaws Gilimron Giltow Gindros Gisep Giverei Gives Glaugus Gliena Glora Golaitad Grikeeh Grimiona Günthow Güntik Hajas Haraj Harks Hatza Hecheeg Hecin Heekile Hermar Hideem Hingra Hjoss Hoatus Horudor Hotus Hyperia Ifand Ileeterch Impriar Imsya Irimp Isharz Islees Istea Jahei Jahnu Jandeetra Jawulros Jeenz Jersei Joacfeth Joodow Judiazei Judonith Juggidess Julays Julen Julls Jutles Juxus Kanon Kesoth Kiarz Kicouna Kiztavee Klashs Kneel Kukka Kunan Kurea Kurtilad Laglia Laskeeka Leena Lheas Licklos Licus Lieelenz Limea Lonsga Loomeel Lorus Louth Loworwa Lómik Lütor Macharth Macheas Madneeth Maglaino Magmezark Mahing Mangus Marastus Mardt Mareeth Mathad Mathar Mathek Meana Mearer Meela Meeteps Memur Methees Metibeza Milus Mioneus Mirgonir Mironnand Mohandow Montl Mouno Muntulm Munty Murdos Naeshats Nakud Nazes Neadrows Neleeem Nelesquan Nemrius Nerss Nesha Netvui Niand Niclaw Nikeeko Nikun Niurass Nowls Nudumus Nustlexi Olniant Omalphir Opawarlad Opeash Operimmen Orama Osylflius Otteand Oxulen Pachota Pathelek Paudir Pebunhos Perianth Perin Perish Perius Pheligoe Phian Pidon Pimmar Piona Plegular Plenacroo Pletamith Pnakkeem Praveerik Preangen Proshand Pujeel Pujeeteet Radhwee Rakkateel Reectrus Regar Releed Rencha Renil Rentered Rhatel Rider Robarez Rodel Roditto Rushesh Russi Sareghers Saxanum Seerea Shamearks Shiwin Sissinia Sistobed Skashixes Skask Sleps Smelorry Smukoman Smuts Snain Snurnos Soudon Spilly Spion Spudemed Squag Steaton Stena Stout Stulad Styril Sugus Sulth Suzdus Swatheh Sweners Swisa Taatch Talea Tanto Taradesha Taratep Tassis Taxal Teand Tearan Teekia Teelol Tekathel Termeer Theda Theevud Theles Thine Thineng Thlus Thoneus Tianth Tibina Tigalipha Tigon Tinor Tiureath Torus Traxi Tseustand Tsiuu Turrnia Twena Tyrron Uarthus Ukazjah Ukeessilt Ulern Uteez Veericler Vennan Veroclase Vesht Vines Vohim Voiden Vuidemin Vutzi Wadian Waligmees Weagsi Weles Wellea Whiltus Whith Wickna Wicla Wikahei Winde Winon Xalent Xames Xeener Xeetar Xerang Xullian Yeeka Yinosap Zeiddlea
same thing but shorter names
Aemeeh Afetez Ager Aggling Ajax Akiimps Alara Alds Ales Algalim Alks Allonin Ameem Anaxi Ancha Antibut Apackle Apad Ardaks Arees Argian Arlurp Arothig Arry Asar Asheath Ashnath Ateel Atel Athec Atleb Augih Awan Axalt Azaela Azaphea Azei Bamang Bamoohi Bana Baras Bard Baredy Barees Bark Barn Bask Bathres Batoo Batz Baugus Been Beeric Beetus Betz Bhatia Bianfla Biocleg Biocles Biuss Blee Bleekas Bleg Blite Boka Boki Brajos Bras Bren Brus Burthîr Busdole Buxitei Caez Cahlest Cala Calai Cale Calitza Call Callaw Cameen Cara Carz Cases Chadags Chamres Chareth Chaza Ched Chei Chir Chiros Chom Chot Chrocla Chulls Cielden Cingala Claht Clax Cleemil Clegs Cler Cleva Colf Collss Crius Cronu Dafath Dail Daiuma Dajeeks Dallot Dancin Dardord Darz Dase Deemees Deez Delia Demar Demisky Dern Deshic Dien Dion Dornena Dorns Dory Doss Dran Dred Dretcha Drisha Drogus Dron Dronwei Drow Dureaph Dutat Duthery Dírino Dûhill Ecolt Ecte Ekinnel Elay Elfar Elgar Elia Elith Ello Elma Emar Emmem Enes Estee Etaxeeh Eton Etries Etsan Extin Faine Fasssa Felrûn Fena Ferine Flebrus Foorna Forath Forpai Fort Fras Frith Frius Frow Fulma Gabs Galad Gald Galens Galt Gark Geills Geogui Gerocle Giar Girdest Gist Githea Gius Givena Glinaed Glona Gnelem Goband Gomer Gorei Goropp Grana Gratton Groach Grom Gross Gung Gweew Gweius Hake Hanaava Handike Hang Harace Harn Hecald Hecir Heeronn Hees Heez Heremer Herodia Hidem Hild Himah Hixiria Honia Horna Hubtses Hurt Huzukka Icel Ifaus Ilimrin Ilir Itseez Ixuart Izei Jacks Janeus Jars Jeeb Jeeh Jong Jude Jular Jundros Kaan Keelig Keetri Keex Kisei Klon Klus Kudish Kuka Kunia Kusgull Lafalm Laills Letheen Lishaul Lius Londem Losyna Lusgal Macre Magsius Malesu Mand Mandra Maraya Marmurn Marn Mart Martuna Match Mbejul Medlena Meel Mell Merijuu Meseng Mesite Mete Midin Mina Ming Mins Mird Mirent Miseis Moner Moot Mormias Mosyna Mous Moxugus Muck Nale Narz Nazaesh Nedh Neele Nera Neran Neus Niarith Nich Niets Niko Nionir Norn Nulzing Nurss Oeriel Oesh Ojaark Okeya Olain Paces Pador Pahs Parth Pathan Peate Peeus Peeusna Pelik Petrad Piciam Pila Pilton Poldorn Polth Povena Preda Pujees Puwon Quanne Racla Radite Ragnes Randoll Redúr Reeus Refas Retherd Rhen Rhom Rhon Rijaxol Rons Rosa Rosius Rotpah Ruxolby Ruxotl Sain Sandrik Sash Scarth Secth Seekuz Seetin Shan Shazarz Shea Shemish Shera Shouts Siust Skaze Smeleeh Smus Snudly Sogus Spar Spers Spick Stalips Stim Strent Sulm Sumars Swad Swei Swila Swul Taber Tabra Talnia Tapar Tatscas Taxilur Tepadol Thea Thei Then Thops Thosi Thuz Tlor Tlus Trios Tsana Turk Turz Twine Twos Uargon Ukomes Varbeds Veed Veeus Veewus Vena Verseer Vesej Vois Vorik Vorl Waite Wajeie Wajuut Wakuus Walas Walaws Waleg Wantery Watus Waxi Wealla Wite Wujeera Wunes Xeehes Xera Xeredul Xerenn Xonikes Xoza Xuku Yithwe Yitsu
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spearcast · 6 years ago
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SO this is gonna get a tad sappy for a moment, but this is a sort-of gift for @aluckyartist. over the years i’ve followed them and talked with them a bit i’ve really, really been inspired by everything they do- from the confidence w/ their self inserts to their path in life. they’re a very genuine person with wonderful art, so if you haven’t checked them out yet you absolutely should! (also chris i apologize for the suddenness of this sdfgljdlgnsdf i was just in the state of mind after commissions and have wanted to do a formal thank you for awhile!)
this is their oc/self insert caez who is beyond amazing! i was torn between caez and crai bc i also love the arcana but. caez is an old fave and they’re awesome, and i’d done my roz redesign as the warm up so star wars was already on my mind
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inquisitorextraordinaire · 7 years ago
Drib Drab #2: Caezlo
Hello a second Caezlo? Wild times and a gift from above for Chris, I guess! ;)
The base was brisk and snowy, but that was how Caez liked it as they walked in from the cold and shook off their jacket, hanging it up and tapping their keypass against the door scanner and feeling a gust of overly filtered air hit their face as they headed off down the hall towards their room. Not expecting anyone to stop them, Caez was taken off-guard as a familiar large man stepped out in front of them and blocked their path, them looking up and scowling at Kylo as he pulled his helmet off and gave them a weird look, then extended his hand towards them.
Glancing down and frowning as a small box with a shitty and lopsided ribbon tied around it was presented to them, the bounty hunter raised an eyebrow and started to ask, “What the hell is th-”
“Don’t you know what day it is?” The knight inquired, scowling as he lifted the box towards Caez a bit more, him toning dully, “It’s January second, Caez.” Like it was something they should’ve been keeping track of, them frowning back at Kylo and scrunching up their nose for a moment as they thought about it.
After a moment and finally shrugging, Caez admittedly blandly, “Yeah, I dunno what that means, Ren. If I’m miss-”
“-Today was the day you started as my apprentice last year, Caez.” He commented, clearly not impressed by how poorly they kept track of dates as the switch turned on in their head and they snapped their fingers, Kylo rolling his eyes as he muttered indifferently, “It’s polite to gift you something on the date you started your official training, Caez.”
Blanking for a split moment at the “nice” gesture - Caez still wasn’t sure if they wanted to give Kylo the benefit of calling him actually kinda nice sometimes - the bounty hunter paused for a moment before hesitantly taking the small box with both their hands, the feeling that they had somehow fucked up on something they should have just known and prepared for making them feel weird with accepting the gift, Kylo still glowering at them as they muttered uncomfortably, “Oh. I. Thanks. I-I didn’t get you anything. Now I kinda feel b-”
“-You aren’t supposed to get me something. I’m your teacher, I’m supposed to be congratulating you, not the other way around.” He commented, keeping his tone flat and factual as Caez blinked and looked up at Kylo with a slightly flabbergasted expression, not really sure what to say as Kylo turned around and waved behind him, stalking off with a brief, “Goodbye, Caez. Training is cancelled today, enjoy your day off.” Before heading down an adjacent hall and making himself scarce.
Not even having enough time to yell goodbye back, Caez exhaled deeply and let their shoulders slump as they rolled their eyes, exasperated by how ridiculous Kylo was sometimes as they brushed their hair from their face and looked back down at the tiny box, them scowling before tugging the ribbon off and opening the manilla coloured parcel, them lifting the lid off of the tiny box and frowning at the small shiny object inside.
Lifting up the item, Caez inspected what looked like a single credit on a chain, the credit chipped and dulled with time but on the back carved into it very poorly was “One of 50K”, Caez pausing and blinking at the reference to their old bounty as they felt a flush creep across their face. 
Looking around in the hall before shoving the gift in their pocket, the bounty hunter trudged to the closest bathroom and locked the door behind them as they ran to the mirror, pulling the necklace - it had to be a necklace, the chain was too long for any normal wrist - out and putting it on, the dull glint of the credit on them making them chuff and smirk a bit before they tucked the accessory into the inside of their top, them walking out of the bathroom and muttering under their breath, “Thanks, Ren.” Even though they knew Kylo was too far away to hear the thanks.
(Caez belongs to @caezsucksdangs)
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ren-meteor · 7 years ago
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C- How many consoles did he take out?
M- Doesn’t matter. I’m going to kill him.
Caez belongs to the lovely @caezsucksdangs
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curtisgrahamcracker · 7 years ago
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I got to draw Mier Caez and Olivier doing piggy backride goofs! <3 Mier belongs to & commissioned by: @enderofdays Caez belongs to: @caezsucksdangs Commission | Ko-Fi (Tip Jar) | Patreon
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theao3blackmarket · 1 year ago
A Server Introduction
We are our own community, volunteer ran by people with their own lives
This is a fanfiction/AO3 based server. We are separate from AO3. We are a community where you can share fanfiction, make friends, get writing help, and be part of a amazing community.
This server was created July 12, 2023. This means we are 5 months and 11 days(164 days) old! As of this post we have 8,536 members.
What do we have?
1. A large amount of fandoms
We have categories for:
Anime & Manga
Books & Literature
Cartoons & Comics
Celebrities & Real people
Music & Bands
TV shows
Video games
Other medias
2. Interactive posts
This includes:
Questions of the day
Word of the day
Writing & art events
Our very own podcast
Social media accounts
3. An inclusive space
We do not support discrimination towards anyone. We accept everyone as long as they are respectful and obey our rules. We have areas for artists to share their work, we have an area for people to show selfies and boost their confidence, we have areas to share writing and request constructive criticism and beta readers! We have a very wonderful community, with many regulars being accepting to new members.
4. A wonderful staff team
This server was created by 508Looping, the head of the market. Our owner does his best to cater to everyone’s wants and needs. He is a very kind person and he interacts well with our members.
Our co-owner Baphomet is a very kind person. He does a great job at handling behind-the-scenes issues and keeps things afloat and running well. He is pleasant to talk to and has a wonderful sense of humor.
Our very own PR Team Leader, and an Admin, Joker/Jester, oftenly plans events to keep things fun for the people. He effectively organizes the server and plans most, if not all, events and coordinates everything. He is very kind and a great person.
Our other admins, Void, Ari, Cyril, Yo-Yo, Bunny_boi, Nerd, Dorian and Azul, all contribute and help out. While some are more active than others, all of them are very pleasant to talk to, and are enjoyable and interactive. They all do their part in some way, and they’re hard workers. They are very great people and help make the server whole.
Our watchers, Sammy and Averie, are two of the sweetest people in the staff team. They help out whenever they can, and they monitor chats well. They are very well liked members of the server and they are treasured members of the staff.
Our supervisors, River, Emz, Alex, and Space, all help our so much. They are wonderful people, and they’re very treasured to the server. They’re all very accepting and kind people, and they get their jobs done effectively.
Our patrol, Roro, Jaxy, Caeze, Eclipsis, Vixen, Breezy, Cupid, Rain, and Noirs, are very great people. They monitor chats and resolve problems with ease. They’re kind people and very accepting. They will try to help those who ask and succeed often.
Our PR team, Roro, Jaxy, Caeze, Vixen, Void, theresartinlife, Ari, River, Alex, Six(our Co-head of PR), Space, Rose(our very own Discord worker), Regulus, Bear, K4y, all work hard to make the server entertaining and engaging. They work hard on events, interacting with the people, managing social medias, running a podcast, and doing a lot of behind the scenes work. They are great people and a valued group of our staff.
Our council, Panda, Pomegranate(Emrys), Chaoticat, Tina, Krayon eater, Chenford, Shou, Lunar, Krizz/Wright, Ivmi, all work hard to keep their eyes on the server and help out the higher ranks with things. They are all kind people and treat everyone with respect. They are treasured people to the staff.
5. A overall wonderful environment
The people in the server, especially the members, make the server worth joining even if you aren’t looking for fanfiction. They’re such kind and accepting people it feels like a home and safe space to joke and be yourself.
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rhellsuckssticks · 7 years ago
i read the tags on that caez/rhell aesthetic post and i love them so much. i love their similarities and their differences, and how they react to their situations/struggles in ways that are different, yet all too familiar. i feel like they'd bond a lot over similar demons and flaws and fears. i imagine sometimes they might overshare with each other about things they don't normally share with others, or just. keep each other silent company because they both know words aren't always helpful.
Oh hell yes, son.
Rhell and Caez are oddly similar, but Rhell is easily much more contained personality-wise. She’s expressive, but she doesn’t wear her thoughts on her sleeves. Rhell is really closed off about nitty gritty details about herself until someone can push past all the barriers she puts up. Caez did that easily because of how obvious they are about seeing the unfairness that other people have dealt with.
But in all honesty? I feel like the big thing with them and their similarities is their core values. Rhell wants to find peace with herself and with her demons, and I feel like Caez wants the same. How they react and become active towards these goals are different, and they’re very different with their internal dialogues - Rhell is overly giving, Caez can be incredibly self serving - but with core values and that almost immediate mutual respect, I feel like they balance each other well. Like, incredibly well. Caez may have Kal to make them lighten up and see a bit better in the world, but Rhell is a grounding point. And Caez is a very solid grounding point for Rhell, as well.
Like, for example, Stix can be hesitant to tell Rhell that she’s going too far, that she’s pushing too hard, and Caez doesn’t hesitate. And that probably rubs both Hel siblings the wrong way. Caez thinks Stix is letting his fantasies get unrealistic, and that it’ll hurt their friend in the process. Stix thinks Caez isn’t actually looking out for Rhell’s feelings sometimes, and that they’re just as liable to throw her under the bus as anyone else. There’s a clash there because people express their love differently with different people, and sometimes you just can’t agree with how others give and take their affections. Rhell - and Geht, over time - are both pretty good buffers between Stix and Caez because they can be pretty hostile with each other. But once again, different core values. And while Rhell can understand why Caez is so blatantly self-serving, Stix doesn’t get it. He doesn’t want to get it, because in his mind someone trying too hard to be a “lone wolf” is flat out unacceptable. But he’s a team player and a clearly more co-dependant person than Caez, so it’s not easy to understand personal motives that don’t benefit everyone.
And that’s also why I feel like Rhell would be more likely to explain her personal motives to Caez before Stix. Because Caez may not like what Rhell needs to do to get the job done, they may disapprove of how self-sacrificing she intends on being, but. They won’t stop her if that’s what she feels she needs to do. And Rhell is a pretty solid middle between Caez’s independent ass and Stix being heavily co-dependant. Rhell prefers to work as a team, as a group, but she’s aware that some jobs and choices need to involve just herself and her mission. I like the idea that Rhell is a good balance between two people who would otherwise burn each other out. She’d probably get along alright with Geht for that reason. Buffering between Caez and Stix isn’t something a lot of people can do.
And TOTALLY Rhell and Caez would get on even better once knowing more about each others’ experiences. Caez has probably not been incredibly open with many people before about their life and what they’ve been through, so having someone who’s okay with laying next to them on the floor and staring up at the ceiling with them and just. Listening. And not judging or questioning them or how they feel. That must be a really relieving experience. Rhell is much more closed off about her personal experiences than Caez is, but she also has to fight her demons regularly, it’s not just part of her past. Her parents are still in the picture, her Master is still present and likes to make sure she feels unworthy of love. Someone who understands how that can feel - being unworthy, somehow feeling like they’ve failed no matter what path they’ve chosen - for Rhell, is a really good dawning moment. And another thing that I feel like Caez and Rhell really cement for each other is that they never say, “I’m sorry for you” when they talk about more touchy things. Because that sounds like they’re being pitied, and neither of them pity each other. Rhell and Caez have this really solid mutual respect for each other and their personal choices and goals, and that’s something that really doesn’t leave room for pity. They don’t feel pity for each other, or sympathy. They’re concerned, learning about each others’ experiences is scary and really exposing for both of them, but. It’s not about pity. It’s about wishing there was a way to just, make it okay for that person even though what’s done is done. So the best they can really do is tell each other how proud they are of them still fighting despite the bad hands they were shuffled. I feel like they both admire each other to an incredible level because of how much both of them have survived through. And that’s something that a lot of people won’t understand.
And sometimes, with friendship, that’s enough. Not saying anything more than, “I understand how you feel. I wish I could make it better, but I can’t. But you, you are so strong for still being here.” And that’s a really Rhell and Caez thing. That weird close bond and the pride they feel for each other when they slowly fight off their own demons.
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pepoaraby · 4 months ago
Female Bodybuilder 💪 💪 VILMA CAEZ II #bodybuilding #motivation #sports #...
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cornyzombie · 8 years ago
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Since @rogueofcreations has now gotten into the self shipping chaos that is Kylo Ren, may I introduce (Not very proudly) the Kylo Self Shipping Support Group! (It's literally just a trash can where Sage slapped the name onto where unfortunate souls get dumped by Kylo drop kicking them if they misbehave) And, being the leader, Sage shares his tale of his very sad and brutal storyline where I put all my most horrid imageries onto (poor bab save him) but anyways here's the group! From Left to right: Caez- @caezsucksdangs Olivier- @curtisgrahamcracker Aeon- @princess-of-pumpkins Kayden- @rogueofcreations Face it guys, Kylo IS shipping material. (Aka the product of me not knowing what the fuck I'm doing with my life)
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