pochqmqri · 11 months
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Blackbarred wrasse and yellowtail fusiliers at Sea Life Sunshine Coast in Mooloolaba, QLD, Australia
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buffetlicious · 2 months
A simple home-cooked dinner consisting of just two dishes. A big Fried Redbelly Yellowtail Fusilier (黄尾鱼) tail occupied half of my plate with sliced fried fishcake taking up a corner. Locally, this fish is also called potato fish (番薯鱼) and is commonly used to make fish balls. Fluffy steamed white rice to go with the two types of fish dishes.
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i-give-you-a-fish · 22 hours
Do you have a favorite colorful fish, fish giver? :3
I don’t know about favorite but i am real fond of this lil guy
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You get a Suez Fusilier
Caesio suevica
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cheerioqu3st · 1 year
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Despite Syren and Charlie being like, my main and most important characters, I haven't actually drawn them in a little bit. I'll put lore in the read more like usual. I guess I've never actually explained who they are, thinking back.
So Syren and Charlie are these rag-tag duo of ex-royalty adventurers. Syren left voluntarily cause she wanted a life of thrills and she's a bit of an adrenaline junky, whereas Charlie was exiled for treason after questioning the late queen. (His mother, queen of the underground capital) Afterwards, he went to seek help from the strongest kingdom he could think of (The ocean capital) and met Syren. Being...Still pretty much royalty, and actually having a decent grasp of combat and magic use, they agreed to go explore the surface together to get stronger and assemble a team strong enough to fight against whatever the underground capital is planning. Btw, Syren's not using her powers in this pic, but her power is she can split up her body into fish in a pseudo-shape shifting manner. Her last name is actually Casio, a misspelling (lol) of Caesio, the kind of fish she's based off. A kind of fish that schools, thus her power. I don't know the exact date or year I made Syren, but it must of been somewhere around 2015-16. To this day I am astonished a design I think is genuinely pretty nice came from dumb little 13 year old me. Her design hasn't even really changed much, aside from she used to have a classic silver fish tail. (also, it doesn't always look like it, be she wears glasses!) ...Fun fact, Charlie is actually MUCH older of a character than Syren, although his design DID change a fair bit.
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theblackbookofarkera · 8 months
Caesio Senedus
This aging man is an inventor of renown and integrity. Since he was a young man the Sharoo Magyar Alligium has attempted to buy his allegiance, these offers eventually turned into threats. Caesio has maintained his independence, choosing to use his innovations to make life in his native city of Berovona better, not for fortune and fame. A genius schooled in the natural sciences, history, occultism, linguistics, music and art, Caesio may be the most well rounded genius in creation. The buzzards are circling waiting for this old man to die but when he does I think they will be disappointed...a man of his intellect and cunning will not allow his life’s work to fall into the hands of the dark hearted.
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latinlizard · 1 year
Catullus 45
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Willem Basse Caesar Crossing Stormy Seas, 1634
Acmen Septimius suos amores Acme the love of Septimius tenens in gremio 'mea' inquit 'Acme, held in his lap 'mine' he said ' Acme, ni te perdite amo atque amare porro if I'm not loving desperately and loving further omnes sum assidue paratus annos, into all of these years, quantum qui pote plurimum perire, in as much desperation as one can he, solus in Libya Indiaque tosta then alone in Libya or sorched India caesio ueniam obuius leoni.' I will face a green-eyed lion.' hoc ut dixit, Amor sinistra ut ante Just as this he said, Love on the left and as before dextra sternuit approbationem. on the right he sneezed in approval at Acme leuiter caput reflectens But Acme lifted her head et dulcis pueri ebrios ocellos and her sweet boy's drunken eyes illo purpureo ore suauiata, she kissed with that rosy mouth, 'sic', inquit 'mea uita Septimille, 'thus' she said 'my life Septimilius, huic uni domino usque seruiamus, let us always serve this one master, ut multo mihi maior acriorque so that a much greater ignis mollibus ardet in medullis.' and fiercer fire burns in my meadow.' hoc ut dixit, Amor sinistra ut ante At this is said, Love sneezed first dextra sternuit approbationem. on the right then on the left approvingly. nunc ab auspicio bono profecti now setting out from this good omen mutuis animis amant amantur. with mutual minds they're loved and love. unam Septimius misellus Acmen The one of poor Septimius, Acme, mauult quam Syrias Britanniasque: to all the Syrians and the Brittons: uno in Septimio fidelis Acme the one faithful Acme in her Septimius facit delicias libidinesque. he makes pleasures and delights. quis ullos homines beatiores who are the people who are happier uidit, quis Venerem auspicatiorem? seen, who is more starry-eyed than Venus?
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psikonauti · 3 years
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Yellowtail fusilier (Caesio cuning)
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candy-man91 · 2 years
RWatHT - Chapter 16: Bellowing Screams
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The four Champions had been called to the stadium. Ron was just finishing the last of his Herbology assignment, his fingers dirty with small ink spots. His hair was bothering him as it stuck to the back of his neck, perhaps he needed a haircut, but he thought about his mother ranting about Bill's hair and put the idea aside almost immediately. As he entered his private room, he left his things in front of the fireplace, taking a bite of a chocolate biscuit he had left a day or two ago by the sofa.
He entered the stadium to find that the other Champions along with their founders were already there. As he munched on his chocolate biscuit he tried very hard not to feel like the odd one out. Cedric had his hammer holstered on his side, Daphne wore her silver rings and Luna had her bow on her back. Ron very silently went back to his room and took his sword.
Sitting down and waiting for his Master, Ron took a second biscuit from that day’s lunch and ate it in one bite. As he swallowed a loud bang came from behind him, making him choke on the sweet pastry.
“Very well,” Gryffindor hollered cheerily. “Wait, what are you all doing here so early?” He asked.
“We’ve been here for 45 minutes, Lord Gryffindor,” said Slytherin, who at that point had been conjuring water snakes with his wand. “You’re the one who's late.”
“My apologies then,” said Gryffindor, a smile still on his face despite inconveniencing everyone.
“Why did you summon us all here, Madame?” Cedric asked Hufflepuff.
“Well,” she said, in an uncertain tone of voice. “It has come to our attention that perhaps trying to get all of you to train together might lead you to a… closer interhouse-relationship.”
“We’re worried that you might end up killing each other if you don’t get along,” Gryffindor said in a bit of an annoyed tone.
“Godric!” The other three scolded, only making him scoff as if to dare anyone to prove him wrong. Slytherin rolled his eyes and looked at Luna.
“Come on now, we’ll start with you Ms. Lovegood,” said Slytherin. “You and Lady Ravenclaw shall show us exactly what you’ve been doing during your training sessions.”
Luna nodded, and took out her bow. Ravenclaw for her part summoned a cage filled with small flying lights with wings; they looked like blue glowing snitches that flew around the cage.
“Ms. Lovegood,” said Ravenclaw in a clear voice. “Are you ready?”
“Yes, madame,” said Luna. Ravenclaw waved her wand at Luna.
“Caesio,” a piece of black cloth wrapped around Luna's eyes. She waved her wand once more at the cage, and the flying lights began to soar around the stadium like dozens of snitches trying to get away from a seeker. “Begin.”
Luna pulled the string of the bow and simply aimed at the side, the spell that was in the shape of an arrow shined brightly, Luna kept the string incredibly tight, when the light of it suddenly shined even brighter in a quick flash.
“Stupefy,” she casted and three spells shot out of her bow and hit three of the lights, vanishing them and making the other lights flying around the stadium at an even faster rate. Luna began to look around, aiming her bow at a seemingly random place before hitting at least one, sometimes two. About a handful of them charged at her, and she simply jumped into the air, before stepping on air like she had done at the Match and hitting the last of them.
Ron clapped for her, and was surprised when he was the only one to. He looked at Daphne Greengrass, it checked out why she hadn’t clapped, but Cedric was looking at something in the air, paying almost no attention to Luna. His eyes moved from one side of the room to the other, and then Luna was hit on the side of her body.
“Ouch!” Luna shrieked. She put her bow on her back and took out her wand hitting the last of the little flying lights. Taking off her blind, she had a look of almost annoyance, like when Hermione had insulted the Quibbler in their first meeting.
“It’s fine, Ms Lovegood,” said Ravenclaw. “Good job. You make your house proud,” Luna still seemed upset, but Ravenclaw’s words seemed to brighten her mood slightly.
“Very well,” said Hufflepuff. “How about you go next, Cedric?”
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RWatHT Master List
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indigobleu-fr · 3 years
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Tetra and Tang had their first nest! Hatched during Wavecrest Saturnalia, all with fish-themed names, and they are exceptionally pretty. 100g a piece!
Mahi - Antique/denim/pear
Caesio - antique/denim/crocodile
Xiphias - antique/denim/avocado
Sphyrna - antique/steel/periwinkle
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Schwarzstreifen Füsilier / Caesio striata / Ben El Gebal - Hurghada - Red Sea / Aquarius Diving Club
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boudhabar · 6 years
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Caesio cuning
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pochqmqri · 1 year
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Pompanos and yellowtail fusiliers on Fitzroy Island, QLD, Australia  
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marineexplorer · 7 years
Fusiliers - Caesio cuning and Pterocaesio digramma #marineexplorer
Fusiliers - Caesio cuning and Pterocaesio digramma #marineexplorer by John Turnbull Via Flickr: Ningaloo Marine Park
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i-give-you-a-fish · 1 month
Can you give hatsune miku a fish?
Hatsune Miku can have fish
as a treat
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You get a Yellowtail Fusilier
Caesio cuning
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popgenpapers · 6 years
Genetic patterns in peripheral marine populations of the fusilier fish Caesio cuning within the Kuroshio Current.
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intotheblue-it · 6 years
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