salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ I can be feminine in all my rage. I can be girl and woman, and claws with teeth. Watch me burn. ❞
» Rosaliya Gautier » Twenty-six (1000+) » Original werewolf » Doctor at Salem's Point General » Lyndsy Fonseca
Physical Appearance —
Rosaliya has had years to vary her looks, to go from one extreme to another, and with that kind of free will and opportunity, she has managed to experience just about every trend that there has been thus far in life. That’s surely what you get when you’re over a thousand years old though, right? — Either way, Rosaliya has always stuck to a norm in regards to a rather messy, wavy, long haired style. A leather jacket has also seemed to become her closest companion as of late, whether it’s wrapped around her waist in the scorching heat of summer, or topped up with a scarf, jumper and gloves to keep her seemingly warmer in the winter; it’s become her favourite accessory. And with this in mind, it’s usually paired with a pair of skinny dark denim jeans and a pair of boots of something equally as comfortable, and this is mainly due to the fact that she is used to being on her feet at all times and needing to run off in a flash due to her nature, and the fact that she works in a hospital. The original werewolf is perhaps one of the most uptight people you will meet, and this is not always her fault. This comes with being from a family as large as hers and feeling the need to have to protect them all as if she is their keeper. That she is needed to keep them safe, when in fairness, they are all just dandy and are more than capable of taking care of themselves. Of course, this comes across in the way she handles herself physically.
Personality Traits —
♦ Strong-willed, loyal and independent ♢ Stubborn, unforgiving and sarcastic
Biography —
When you’re a thousand year old werewolf, original at that, life definitely has it’s ups and downs. Some that perhaps you can’t even imagine. Hell, there’s definitely some you can’t even imagine, and it all started with the moment she became what she is today. When she was standing in the town she has returned to hundreds of years later. Salems Point. Where the things that go bump in the night are very much a reality; then again, it’s the whole world who has that realistic thought, it’s just there’s a lot of people who think that the supernatural lore and legends are nothing but bed time stories and work of fiction. At times, this was nothing but a horror show for the werewolf. She was forced into this life, and through no fault of her own, sometimes she embraced the animalistic side of her too much. The young woman was frozen in time, in the flesh of a twenty-six year old woman who was married at the time. Alas, that marriage was doomed to end the moment her life, and her family, were turned upside down. Their home nothing but a war ground for two feuding families that in turn was going to leave people hurt, and worse. Including her husband, but this was not until years later when she disappeared like a ghost from a distant memories. The man in which she was arranged to marry, a man she actually cared for after their time together, had passed away from old age when she looked very much the same. Still rosy cheeked and fresh as a daisy. Of course, she was not going to turn up and explain why she ran away, and why she remained the same — there was no need to drag a now old man into a life of confusion and myth.
While the Gautier family were full of teeth of claws now, of course they were very much still human, and the death of her husband was a significant reminder that she no longer belonged to that life she once led. That she and the rest of her family were now going to live a life to the shadows, dictated by packs, full moons and teaching others like them how to handle this life. At least, that’s the path that Rosaliya was going to find herself down, as unfortunately for her, she was not always going to be by the side of her family. Her independence was too high, and her desire to have her own escape every now and then was influencing her decisions, which would also explain as to why she chose the career path she did further down the line. As time went on, it only became obvious just how distant Rosa had become to her past and her family. A black sheep of sorts as she continued to focus on strangers rather than her family, in her own twisted desperate attempt to forget her normality. To forget her previous idea of a life, still, yes, with secrets, but nothing quite as traumatic as the day and age she was now greeted with. However, of course like any sibling, she dropped in and out and ensured they were protected if needs be, or if they needed her assistance with anything, she was there as soon as possible. There was nothing more important to her than family, even if at times this was difficult for her to showcase. Hell, anything remotely emotional or trying was different for Rosaliya to showcase, and this only continued to get worse as the years and isolation went on. Never did Rosa become close to anyone again, well actually that wasn’t strictly true. She got close to people, it was few and far between, but there was one every few hundred years that perhaps she had patience for. However, there was nothing romantic of sorts, as this was something she felt was a trying and pointless activity unless they were also of supernatural existence. Even then, as an original werewolf with a crap ton of baggage, this was still not necessarily something she was interested in and always did her best to remain far from the experience; leaving this up to the rest of her family if they saw fit.
Years went on, and soon enough it seemed as though Rosa had found her calling, and she had also kept up with the times in shortening her name to Rosa, instead of Rosaliya. It was a mouthful, apparently. So, Rosa, decided it was time to put her life to relatively good use even in the world of humans, as she had tended to the needs of wolves for centuries now, and it seemed as though the knowledge was being handed down just fine without her. Granted, she kept up with those from long lines of those she knew, but nothing much more than this. Instead, she decided to pursue a career within the medical field, even going to university to learn and study this until she was fully qualified back in 1975. Of course, considering it is now 2017, she had had to make a few adjustments with this, and even cheated a few times with the help of a witches hand and making sure these documents were sealed up nice and tight, but should anyone decide to go digging into her background, they would find what she would allow them to find; in turn supporting her story at this time.
Now, it’s present day and the original werewolf has found herself back home for the first time in about 50 years; of course she kept up with her siblings outside of Salem, but this was her first visit back into her hometown, stepping on the soil that was once somewhere she was going to make a life for herself. Perhaps even a family, but unfortunately this was nothing but a pipe dream now. Or, at least she thought as much until she was called home, or rather, had heard some news regarding her family’s state; particularly that of her sister Cassidy. A medical miracle, well, she wouldn’t go as far as to say ‘medical’ but definitely some kind of supernaturally charged miracle was at play here, and Rosaliya wanted a first hand look at what the hell was going on, and to ensure the safety of her younger sister; as first and foremost this was her main concern. There was never any guarantee’s in anything like this, and despite being an original werewolf, she was sure there was going to be complications. Salems Point was home to a lot of complications, for that matter, and she was sure she was going to get a handful of situations here. So, in order to keep some kind of normalcy in regards to her life outside of the chaos and drama, she has decided she is going to continue on her pursuit in the medical field and has forced her way into the role of a Doctor at Salems Point General to ensure she has something of her own whilst she’s in town; after all, she’s a hundred percent positive she is going to be dragged into something she’s not particularly interested in. It comes with the nature of being surrounded by a number of different species, let alone the original families tagging along.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ You best believe there’s hell to pay. ❞
» Elijah McManus » Twenty-four » Werewolf » Secretary at Mike's Motors » Matthew Daddario
Physical Appearance —
He moves from the shoulders. His shoulders are a lot of his build; strong and broad and jutting back. One eyebrow is split. His eyes are a gray-blue. He’s on the taller side of build; somewhere over 6-foot. From hunters, he has a jagged scar across his back that spans from left shoulder blade to right hip. He’s almost entirely muscle. Elijah is about the same as a wolf. He’s big but lithe with brute force and grace. He doesn’t talk much unless it’s necessary. He’s a man of few words, small talk isn’t his thing. He wears mostly t-shirts and jeans. His wardrobe doesn’t consist of anything else. He wouldn’t be someone you’d want to cross walking home at night. Not because of what he’d do, just because of how he looks. He’s a stoic person. Resting bitch face all the way.
Personality Traits —
♦ Loving, open-minded and level-headed ♢ Untrusting, rude and stubborn
Biography —
In a world where touch screen computers and smart phones exist, you wouldn’t expect a pack of near-feral wolves to exist. Yet that’s exactly where Elijah found himself.
He grew up human; the son of a lighthouse operator. He grew up learning the ropes of his dad’s job in a small town on Maine’s rich coast. He got good grades. Perfect attendance. Then he got a boyfriend.
Elijah was openly gay and there wasn’t much acceptance in such a small town, but his parents loved him regardless and all was well. Elijah could deal with the yelling in the high school locker room. He could handle the slurs. He was built for this, broad shoulders and all. He loved his boyfriend fast and hard. They were no more dating than they were talking about marriage. Elijah was closer to his boyfriend than anyone else in the world, even his family. Maybe that wasn’t for the best.
People started going missing. They would turn up a week later, eviscerated. It had started with cattle and escalated to humans in a matter of months. Elijah’s mother forbade him from going out too late at night or sneaking off to make out in some dimly lit area of town. So he went anyway. There was a strain between he and his boyfriend that he didn’t quite understand. When these people would vanish, his boyfriend would be more distant, increasingly with every disappearance. Elijah couldn’t stand the separation between them and snuck off in the middle of the night to talk.
It was dark that night, but the world around him was lit by the full moon. You know what they say about full moons.
The bite was excruciatingly painful. Yet, it was nothing compared to the pain of finding out who had delivered it. Elijah remembered clearly waking up to his boyfriend hovering over him and apologizing. That day, his world would change.
Quickly, it was explained to him what was happening, and that they were leaving. Elijah barely had a moment to process before he was fleeing with his boyfriend and a dozen odd strangers.
They would live off the grid for nearly two years. They were nomads and ghosts. No one knew them and no one cared. Or so they thought.
Hunters cared. Hunters had been tracking the pack for months, unbeknownst to them. The first gunshot sent the rest of the pack running. Elijah to this day doesn’t remember much. Screaming. Gunshots. Fear. Nothing tactile. Nothing concrete. Just running.
He’s been alone since then, and angry. He’s harboring a lot of hatred for hunters and any non-wolves. That was nearly five months ago and he’s just now strolled into Salem’s Point from the wilds of Maine. Elijah isn’t sure who is and isn’t alive from his pack. There’s rumors this place is a safe haven for wolves and the like. Rumors are seldom ever true, but he’s counting on it.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ This is a battle you can’t win, for you there’s no such victory. One day you’ll pay for all your sins, unless you beg for mercy. ❞
» Leandro 'Leo' Gautier » Thirty-five (1000+) » Original werewolf » Salem's Point High School English Teacher » Jared Padalecki
Physical Appearance —
Leandro is usually seen in a easy going outfit style. Jeans, tshirt with a hoodie, chucks and three necklaces with some stacked rings on his fingers are how he prefers to be dressed. He’s well kept and takes pride in that. His hair is at its longest shoulder length. When he’s working he’s in dress pants with a button shirt tucked in and a fun tie, he’ll keep his hair pulled back on working days. The necklaces he wears all have different meanings to him; one is the gem apatite in the shape of a wolf’s head, reminding him to be intuitive, have wisdom and keep good communication with his packmates, a necklace that reflects the moon phases so he can keep an on it and other wolves around him, and finally a metal stag to remind him not only of his first hunt but to be as strong as a stag. When Leandro’s hair is up in either a bun or a ponytail it’s never perfect pieces are always falling out to frame his face. On his left he has one ring on his thumb, three on his index that rest above the knuckles, two on his middle that are over the middle knuckle, nothing on his ring and one ring on his pinky. On his right hand he has one ring on his thumb, two on both his index and middle fingers and his class ring on his ring finger.
Leandro prides himself on how he must appear to others. As the oldest of his family, and the alpha he was always held at high regard. Leandro has a way of always thinking before he speaks and is rarely at a loose cannon. He walks with his shoulders back and a slight bow to his legs. When he focused and listening he’ll purse his lips slightly and nod along, when angry he clenches his fists and digs his nails into the skin to remind himself to keep his cool, he’ll set his jaw a lot – because of these two habits his palms are scarred and often bloody, his jaw is also always sore and pops a lot when he talks and eats. When he’s nervous he tends to smile and give breathy laughs and when he’s happy he smiles with his whole body and lights up a room. He’s very alpha and when he walks into a room all eyes fall on him and he can immediately take control of most situations.
Personality Traits —
♦ Emotionally strong, clever and dominant ♢ Detached, intolerant and overcritical
Biography —
Leandro never meant to hurt as many people as he did. He was young and in his prime when that damn witch came into his life, and all he wanted was her. She was so beautiful but she never paid any attention to him at all and that drove him mad. Leandro had been raised to always be calm and cool but something about that raven haired girl made his blood boil. He found himself fighting with the very boy he grew up with and who he called friend. However a love that would never be returned grew on him and he stopped trying and life returned to normal…it was never supposed to get as bad as it did.
It was a chilly autumn day when the townspeople gathered and Leandro found himself smiling and laughing despite the cold. His arm wrapped playfully against the oldest Valentine while they drank and enjoyed the festival, the raven haired girl far from their minds. That was until the skies turned blood red and a darkness set over the land, Leandro looked around in fear as the wind picked up and girl’s voice filled the air.
“FOOLISH BOYS” her voiced boomed, “I PLACE A CURSE ON YOU ALL, IF YOU WILL NOT FIGHT FOR ME YOU WILL FIGHT FOR ETERNITY!” She screeched and Leandro watched as his friend screamed writhed in pain as the color of his skin faded and fangs ripped from his mouth. Leandro barely had time to react before a searing pain filled him and he dropped to his hands and knees, screaming as his body broke and contorted until his sense of smell sharped and his screams turned into a long and loud howl. He looked at the young Valentine boy and they leaped toward each other, both equal in strength and speed, clawing and biting at one another, as the people around them changed as well and the fighting continued for years after that night.
Thousands of years passed like seconds for the Gautier boy as he stopped aging and he learned about the new curse his family had. The years were kind to him as he learned how to control his curse, no longer being vulnerable to the full moon he’s able to change when it fits him best. Leandro nowadays can be found at the high school where he teaches young minds. Now he has better control over his emotions but whenever he gets a whiff of Valentine blood he can’t help but growl and dig his nails into his palms. The anger between all the families will always be felt and the tension thick enough to cut it but now…things seem to just be getting worse. He spends his days just hoping nothing bad will come upon the humans in his little town, but he is prepared to do whatever it takes to protect his family.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ In its purest form, a union becomes part of our very essence. And when that bond is broken, our essence is forever changed. ❞
» Aliza Ryan » Twenty-five » Werewolf » Lawyer at Salem's Point Police Department » Laura Vandervoort
Physical Appearance —
Aliza is easy on the eyes, is the type of girl who you’ll usually catch wearing leggings, heels and just a t-shirt. Or maybe a dress whenever she was in the mood for it, excessive makeup to where one could put on ten extra pounds wasn’t her thing. But when duty calls, that’s when you’d catch Aliza looking as sharp as she could be in her suit, her locks folded into a bun. Her hair is mid-length and something she hated to cut.
Aliza Ryan was always scolded by her mother to straighten herself up when she was walking or sitting, this was one thing that was embedded in long before her mother died and before she became a lawyer. Aliza is soft spoken, but when at court, defending a client is usually when her tone was much more harsher to get her point across. Seeing Aliza with her daughter, one couldn’t tell if she was one to bite or not just by the interaction of how soft she could be.
Personality Traits —
♦ Reliable, charismatic and challenging ♢ Quick-tempered, cunning and malicious
Biography —
Aliza is one of the three children to Nicholas and Yvette Ryan. Being the middle child was never easy, but she was able to get away with a lot of things. Coming from a line of successful lawyers, the Ryan’s were one of the most famous legal attorney’s in Mississippi, and not to mention, very wealthy. Aliza, on the other hand was very cunning from a young age, and her parents were only able to see the good in her, only because she was always a happy child. In school, she excelled, being the smartest and creative out of her class. But coming a lawyer was the last thing that crossed her mind since she wanted to take a different route, but being that this was a family legacy she wanted to contribute to it to keep the company going.
While Aliza was in college, she worked part time at the family’s firm, up until she was ready to graduate which was something she was looking forward for. Her siblings were also behind her encouraging her knowing fully well that Aliza’s heart was set on becoming a teacher. Before graduation Aliza’s mother had passed away to terminal cancer, it was discovered to late and there was no hopes in saving her. This had hit Aliza hard as she was more closer to her mother then to her father, losing her best friend caused her to shut down, pushing people away. Her father thought it was best for her to get out, in which she did relocating to New York briefly. There she took up a job as a deputy Police Officer for the time being. New York was an amazing place and Aliza was able to discover something new in the city each day, even making new friends which was something she was very good at. Having that fresh start was something she needed, that was until her younger sibling decided to move in with her, reminding her everyday of how much mother was missed and how much their father was now losing his mind.
Aliza’s couldn’t take living with her sibling anymore and that was only because everyday the conversation arose about their lovely mother, in which Aliza decided to move once more, this time to Salem’s Point. All this time Aliza had not triggered her inner wolf, it wasn’t until she found herself at a bar one night, the night of her mother’s death anniversary in which she lost herself in alcohol consumption. Something that did not happened often, but that night Aliza was followed by a male on her way home who tried to mug her. The brunette was able to defend herself, in which she choked the male until he couldn’t breath anymore, triggering her wolf. Aliza didn’t mean to kill the man, but she was so angry that night that her mother was still gone and that this man tried to hurt her. Salem’s Point then became the place where she felt like home because there were people like her here. While during her stay here, Aliza had encountered a male, whom she had a one night stand with, the end result ended in her being knocked up. Not knowing how to confront the male, Aliza disappeared from Salem’s Point, for four years in which during those four years she had given birth and took the time to raise a little girl on her own. Motherhood was not easy especially when there was only one parent. Thankfully, she had more than enough money from her inheritance to spend to raise her child. Now that her daughter was a toddler, and aware of her surroundings in which she would be starting school soon, the brunette returned to Salem’s Point, figuring that her child would fit in perfect if she is anything like her.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ let the wolf inside you out, girl, howl your grief to the moon until your voice cracks, bare your fangs at those who’d dare touch you, sink your teeth into the flesh of those who’ve harmed you, show the world you are more than fear itself, you are the dark magic in the shadows of the night, no one can touch you, for you are more than a wolf, you are death in its sweetest form and death itself cannot die ❞
» Cassidy Gautier » Twenty (1000) » Original werewolf » Unemployed » Marie Avgeropoulos
Physical Appearance —
With time, Cassidy has come to terms with the ever changing fashion senses of society and has learnt to adapt rather quickly. However, how well put together she looks on any given day will most definitely reflect the way in which she woke up. As fluent with society as she is, it’s not a rare occurrence to see Cass with knotted hair, crumpled t-shirts with a haphazard pair of jeans or cut offs to match, topped by a set of white scuffed converse. It’s by no means her go to, but when you spend the majority of mornings hungover, it’s easier that way. With that said, the youngest Gautier has worked out that she can get just aboutanything through the skilled use of her assets, and her body has definitely always been her greatest. On days that she’s managed to roll out of bed without the remnants of alcohol on her tongue, when she can find the effort to add make up to enhance already sharp features and tousle her waist length hair past the bed hair look, she can quite easily manage “put together.” Generally matching tight dark jeans or leather pants with heeled boots, ineffective due to her height – or lack of, with low cut; tight or flowy (there’s no inbetween) top. She’ll never be caught dead in a dress before 10pm and don’t even think about offering her a piece of clothing with any kind of floral pattern, or the color pink.
Cassidy Gauntier carries herself as if everything she touches is hers. Without hesitation and without question, she’s spent too long trying to claw at anything at all only to convince herself some hundred years later that immortality grants her that ability to take and take and take until there’s nothing left for her to wrap her fingers around. Reckless choices have made her quick on her feet, and yet she still holds a very childlike manner to the way she moves, the slight skip to her step, unbridled energy and a complete inability to ever truly stand still. Almost literally gliding through her immortal life, her reflexes are sound from honing them over the years even before she and her family were cursed, growing up and following the footsteps of her brothers in taking to everything almost completely unladylike. As if mirroring humanity, she’s molded herself over the years to reflect the mannerisms and movements of those around her. As someone that looks barely twenty years of age, she slouches at most every chance she can get, leaning on surfaces almost subconsciously at this point in time. She blends, because all she’s ever wanted was to feel some sense of normalcy and so over time she’s found mimicking those around her to be almost an art form. Though anger rages beneath the surface, she carries herself as someone who is carefree and without consequence, as though she cannot be touched. However, whenever she is pushed too far, the anger spills and anyone in her way becomes more than aware that Cassidy is someone who is touched by everything and only then is it really possible to see through every mannerism she’s ever picked up to find that Cassidy is nothing short of the same young girl who was cursed all those years ago.
Personality Traits —
♦ Loyal, unambiguous and protective ♢ Selfish, impulsive and violent
Biography —
Dresses covered in dirt, skun knees and dark tresses knotted with twigs and leaves, it was clear from a very young age that Cassidy Gautier would always be difficult to control. A whirlwind kid that tore through anything she could just to get her parents to see that she wouldnever be the proper young girl that they so expected her to be. That was how it all started; breaking out of the box they so desperately wanted to put her in. A woman should be kind, compassionate and above all else, proper. Proper, as if someone had decided at some point what proper truly meant. What gave her brothers the right to do whatever it was they wanted? To cause trouble and enjoy the things they did without thought? What was it that left her constantly needing to question whether people would approve of the decisions she made? Fighting against the tide, clawing herself across the grain that society had set out for her, Cassidy wouldalways be found in the most unexpected situations. Caught in the stables with a man engaged to another, with her skirt ripped to the knee drinking with those considered beneath her, being taught the ins and outs of poker by those with a less than savory reputation. In short, she played the part of youngest to an absolute tee. Worrying her family, forcing them to question her every movement. It bordered reckless, tearing at the usually upheld reputation of the Gautier sisters; so pristine so many found it difficult to believe she was even part of their family, perhaps they took her in off the streets — how stressful it must have been for her parents. Already responsible for so many children, why would they bother to try and keep someone so lively and catastrophic in line? Oh but they tried.
Her already wild nature was only enhanced with the curse befallen their family. Tainted and twisted into an animal that surpassed the type of miscontrol that even she strived for, she became almost feral. Uncontrollable beyond her every attempt as a human, Cassidy raged a war against her eldest brother and everyone who thought to try and push their way through her exterior. Resentment blossomed in the chest of the immortal and she used everyone she could manipulate into destroying anyone who loved her and anyone who could reach out and try. Tarnishing the Gautier name at every chance she got, Cassidy soon created a name for herself, one that followed her through the centuries. Delinquent. Irresponsible. Hurricane. Monster. It held it’s weight, dragged her to the depths of what she was until she could no longer stand to look at herself in even the smallest of reflective surfaces. Every selfish bone in her body refused to take responsibility for the lives she’d destroyed, the people she’d in turn cursed to live out their lives with poison in their blood like she. Misery loved company though Cassidy could never quite determine when enough was enough.
A lone wolf in a pack that would never die.
Despite never leaving the confines of their home for longer than a few mere weeks at a time, Cassidy never found it in her to claim the Gautier household or the land itself to be hers; to be the home that she would always be attached to. The people, the memories, they meant nothing to her; or so she so dearly liked to claim, projecting her every disinterest in a family at every chance she could find. An eternal spiral of self hatred masked by the carelessness of a woman, forever frozen on the precipice of adulthood, forever seen as nothing more than a child.
Mistakes became nothing more than an every day occurrence and before long, nothing more was expected of her. Her absolute refusal to meet the high expectations of her family name had become etched to her very bones with a defiance that burnt like wildfire, and in an ever changing community, Cassidy Gautier became an unpredictable force with a violent streak that continued to reflect the animal that she was. Bloodied knuckles, bruised cheeks and split lips, she found more satisfaction in the shattering of bone in her human form than she ever would have in the taste of blood on the tongue of her wolf, and as time passed, she could find no more reason to shift than she could to feel grateful for anything any longer. With her family at arms length, she put further distance between them in her choice to refuse the pull of a full moon. Month after month she grit her teeth through the magnetism of the natural beacon until she could safely live without worry of shifting without intent. It’s only now, in moments of true fear or threat that she finds herself giving into the curse, allowing the true force of nature she can be roam free to wreck havoc and devastation upon the town of Salem’s Point, those infected by her bite left to ensure their own survival in the wake of Cassidy’s inability to claim responsibility for their brand new lifetime of turmoil.
It is one thing to accept the longing for normalcy in a life that would never grant it, but to find it in the arms of the most unlikely was never something she ever imagined would happen. Pushing the boundaries, the immortal wolf found warmth in the bed of a highly esteemed hunter. A drifter, no more tied to a town like this than she was, intent on ridding the world of the supernatural stain that she had further worsened in her reckless nature. It exploded in a game of cat and mouse that never held any deadly intentions that merely left them tangled in the sheets of a motel room. Like all mistakes, it was over before she could blink – the hunter gone, just as they always did, and though he’d captured her attention for but a blink of an eye, he remained a facet of this world that she couldn’t forget.
A thousand years, never growing, never knowing the fear of a life lost – or an opportunity missed, Cassidy had felt little in the way of guilt, little in compassion or even known what it felt like to second guess her choices. Not until flames licked at the town hall in the brightest amber she’d ever seen, the screams from those inside — the previously assumed empty building echoed within the skull of the immortal in ways she’d never thought possible. A simple mistake, eighteen dead. Eighteen innocent people, unknowing that the end of their life would come about in such a brutal and excruciating way, desperate to flea the scene, Cassidy was caught in the crossfire of a falling beam, she was forced to listen endlessly as the final sounds of those within the building perished in a fire that didn’t leave but a flicker of heat on her own flesh.
In the face of cooling embers and a town full of whispers, a woman who was previously so content with being center of attention shirked away from it in the swirling assault of accusing eyes and vicious reminders that she couldn’t take this mistake back, she was driven right back to the arms of a man who refused to look at her with the same contempt those around here did. Twisted sheets and twisted hearts drew her closer to Sawyer King than she’d ever really thought to get in all her life, consciously, she’d never felt anything like it; and neither did she think to voice it until the one thing she was forever deprived of came knocking in the hue of an equinox moon. The clutches of death clawed their way through flesh previously untouchable, Cassidy came out the other side with nothing on her mind other than the hunter that had sought her out and lowered his weapon when faced with the ultimate opportunity.
One year. She was granted one whole year, and while it was mottled with obstacles and scintillated with spot fires that she seemed to constantly be putting out in the face of whatcould have been explained as real happiness, nothing good ever lasts. Especially for those cursed to all eternity as beasts.
In the face of loss, she clung to what she loved, turning her back on the world and family she knew all the easier for the small taste of what she’d never had before; a sense of normalcy and comfort that had been missing from her life in all the years she’d traversed the earth. Nothing good ever lasts, and no amount of clawing at what she had would have given her a moment to anticipate how it felt to lose it all. It started with those missing; snatched from the street and clean from their beds. Her best friend locked and chained within a bunker she had no hope of pulling him from. Another breathing his last breath beneath her very fingertips; and finally, a metaphorical nail in the coffin, the man she’d come to love so fiercely ripped from her in a way she’d never have considered. Blood froze within his chest and skin became cold to the touch; as fate would have it, at the very precipice of finally accepting their differences, he was turned into her natural enemy.
She understood that love could transpire across the widest expanses, but she wasn’t so sure anymore. Hues has fixated on the former hunted, waiting — silently begging for the heart within his chest to beat; it never came and she might have claimed that hers never beat the same since.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ There is blood in all the things you say. ❞
» Roman Gautier » Thirty (1000+) » Original werewolf » Owner of The Reaper » Jesse Lee Soffer
Physical Appearance —
Even after centuries of standing by as clothing and the fashion industry developed and evolved around him, Roman was no closer to understanding it than he had been all those years ago. He doesn’t know or care of the difference between fashion icons, barely spends more than five minutes picking something out of his closet, and only cares to have one truly fitted suit to his name. He prefers efficiency over anything else, which is why he is mostly caught in blue jeans, typical fitted t-shirts, and combat boots. Most of his clothes are loose fitting, mainly so that if the time comes, they are easy to remove or won’t be missed if he rips them. Just as his clothing is based on efficiency, as is the rest of his appearance. His hair is commonly cut short, beard just as well; while he takes pride in his appearance, it is not the sole focus of his days.
As the beta of the Gautier pack, Roman appears just as such. He stands straight up, though he keeps himself in a way that appears as if he is always ready for a fight. When he does speak, though only to utter a few choice words, it is neither soft spoken or cautious; he will say what he wants when he wants and in whatever tone he happens to care for in that moment.
Personality Traits —
♦ Protective, daring and intuitive ♢ Abrasive, callous and predatory
Biography —
A curse; meant to inflict harm or punishment upon a person or persons. It was a curse that was bestowed upon the Gautier bloodline, twisting and turning them into the beasts that few thought they were; a witch in particular, who wished to see the family suffer for the acts of the eldest brother. It had never truly bothered one particular Gautier; Roman, the second eldest son, the one that would soon claim the title of beta within the pack the family would soon come to form.
After the curse had been completed, once Roman had suffered through his first full moon, of the pain that came with shifting into the form of a wolf, he learned what it truly meant to be what he was. He was faster, stronger, and above all else, he was immortal. It took time for him to fully understand what it meant to be one of the original werewolves, but Roman found that he had always been a wolf, through and through even before the curse. He was born the second, followed by seven other siblings, all of whom he shared an equal protective nature over. Just as a pack of wolves would do, he looked out for his siblings, protected them against foes and dangers, and when things needed to be handled, he took care of them without question.
As the years passed around him, as the centuries continued to blur together, Roman always remained a constant within the family dynamic that was the Gautier pack. Even as most of his siblings took to their own paths, drifted from the family home and legacy, he remained within the borders of Salem’s Point. There were times, though few and far between, that Roman took his leaves, would travel to unknown areas of the world to see cultures he had never experienced before. As an immortal being, especially one that didn’t age, he established that time spent away would keep the unaware from questioning things they shouldn’t. But like any good brother, like any dedicated beta, Roman returned time and time again to the family home, to the town they had always been a part of. He considered it his duty, considered it his standing within the Gautier family, within the pack to remain a constant.
It was somewhere along the line that Roman realized he needed to do something else with his life, that he needed to distract himself when things were settled within the pack and town; so he built an establishment, brought it from the ground up and made a name for himself and the bar. It was meant to be a solace for werewolves, to allow them the time to be themselves without the judgement or questioning looks of others; and somewhere along the line, it became something much more. For being the beta within the original pack, for being a werewolf for over a thousand years, Roman had acquired his own amount of pent up aggression, and he had needed somewhere to aim that. Thus, he created the underground fight ring within his own bar, allowing for werewolves to release this pent up aggression, especially as the full moon approached the small town.
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salemspoint-blog · 7 years
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❝ I want to stop being such a monster. ❞
» Jaxon Dubois » Twenty-four » Bitten werewolf » Accountant » Steve Lund
Physical Appearance —
If there is one thing that Jaxon prides himself on, it’s his appearance. He takes it all very seriously, from his perfectly kept hair to the clothes that he wears on a day to day basis. Most of his clothes, aside from the ones that he sleeps in or works out in, are all mainly name brand. Jaxon understands that many people judge based on clothing attire, which is one of the reasons that he dresses the way that he does. The other? Well, he knows that he looks damn good in a well put together outfit.
The first thing that many will notice when Jaxon opens his mouth to speak, is the very obvious flirtatious attitude that he displays. It doesn’t matter who the receiving end is, he will likely find some way to slip a flirtatious comment or statement into the conversation. Given his flirtatious and rather happy-go-lucky attitude, not many would catch on to how truly cynical the man is. If there’s one thing he absolutely hates about himself, it is the werewolf curse he was crudely given. It comes out typically during times of high stress, or towards the night of the full moon. As the full moon approaches, Jaxon can become something completely different than his usual self. Typically, he walks with an arrogance, keeps his posture upright; but as the full moon threatens, he starts to walk with an anger deep within, his shoulders usually slumped as he dreads the coming night.
Personality Traits —
♦ Flirtatious, enduring, and confident ♢ Cynical, despondent, and distant
Biography —
There was a time when Jaxon Noah Dubois had believed he was destined for a normal, day to day life; when he had believed that there was nothing more to life than being adventurous and curious about all that was around him. He was born the only son to a very loving, and attentive pair; they devoted more time and money than was necessary into him and his oncoming future. He spent the early years of his life in private schools in Montreal, Canada; only getting a taste of public school when he entered his first year of high school. It was there that he realized his attention to numbers, and how easily he could figure them out compared to the other students around him. He found that he was a quick learner, able to understand the equations quite soon after they were taught to him. It was this attention to numbers that spurred him into the local university, where he started his degree in accounting. It was also that first step into the university that spurred on a lot more than just that.
Being in a rather large university, away from the scrutiny of his parents, Jaxon found himself giving into the life of a college student. He flirted more than he had in all the years of his life, and found that many times it paid off; though he dabbled on the board, he never quite found a reason to settle down, enjoying the single and playful aspect of life. But it was his second year of college, that he met an older student, one who he intended to do nothing more than have some fun with. Yet as they spent more time together, Jaxon found he enjoyed the company of Greyson, and found that leaving that potential was something that he wasn’t quite ready for. The relationship only grew from there, the pair almost always seen together, even after Greyson graduated and Jaxon continued his time in college.
However, happy things weren’t always meant to last, especially when life decided to throw a curve-ball into the mix. It was shortly after he had graduated with his accounting degree, when his class decided to sneak off into the nearby woods to throw a bonfire party. There was alcohol involved, along with many things that the university and the local authority would surely frown upon. It hadn’t taken long for Jaxon to become rather intoxicated, nor for him to stumble off into the woods with no real destination in mind. The full moon hung high in the sky above him when the large beast appeared out of nowhere, glistening teeth piercing into his arm. As the pain enveloped him, Jaxon surely thought that was how life ended for him — but then something startled the wolf, causing it to release him before darting off back into the woods.
Jaxon woke the next morning with a throbbing headache and the slight reminder of what had happened the previous night — but when he looked at his arm, expecting the gruesome sight of a wolf bite, there was nothing. Only the remnants of blood that was dried on his skin, clinging to the torn pieces of his sleeve, was left to remind him of what happened the night before. Had it all been in his head? Had he simply stumbled and accidentally scraped himself? But then — where was the cut?
The following days proved to supply him with no answers to the burning questions in his head, and Jaxon was soon distancing himself from all those around him; including Greyson. He spent hours upon hours searching everything he could, searching for an explanation to what had happened. It was weeks before he received any sort of idea towards what had happened to him or why; it was the lead up to the full moon that found him sweating and screaming in his bed, thrashing around until skin turned to fur as the full moon lifted into the sky.
He woke the next morning deep in the forest near his apartment, naked and confused as to how he had ended up there. Blood clung to his fingers, was dried on his mouth and smeared across his chest. A worry rose within him, wondering if he had blacked out and accidentally hurt someone; but there were no reports of an attack or anyone being harmed in the area. That night only made for more questions to be burning in his head, to circulate his mind night and day. He completely distanced himself from Greyson and his friends, found himself cooped up in his apartment, searching for any answer or explanation. It was after the next full moon that Jaxon found himself packing up what belongings he needed, dialing Greyson’s line when he knew he’d be busy so that he could leave the simple goodbye message on his voicemail. It was then that Jaxon went in search of any answers that he could find, explanations to what was happening to him and why.
A year later, and he found himself settled into the town of Salem’s Point, having finally understood that what had bit him that night in the woods was known as a werewolf. He hadn’t been able to comprehend it at the time of finding out, had believed he was losing his mind to believe in such a thing, but there he was, a werewolf trying to come to grips with what he was now.
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