#c. yongsaeng
satcmis · 1 year
# h : s.n. & satomi se encuentran cerca de la oficina principal .
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"simplemente no entiendo por qué alguien que puede estar en cualquier otro lado pasaría el rato aquí" merodeando la periferia oficina principal, con los vástagos sospechosos, quiere decir. voz le sale congestionada, efecto de pasar tanto tiempo en silencio, se ha negado a hablar desde la entrada al suntory hall, demasiado aprensiva, demasiado cuidadosa, sin embargo, ahora el aburrimiento y la somnolencia la empujan a la conversación. "¿no serás uno de esos fisgones fanáticos de los crímenes reales, verdad?" cara que cae a un costado, labios torcidos evidenciando su disgusto ante la idea "si es así, puedes ahorrarte las preguntas, no te diré nada" .
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A STARTER with Dahlia | @karmicbound
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"Are you thinking of messing with humans again?" Dahlia tapped her chin in curiosity, nobody else could see her but the other demon. She did not know him that well, she did not exactly plan to but he seemed to be connected to his place and that spiked her curiosity. Dahlia could sense that their creation differed, he could not have been an angel before but that was as much as she was able to feel while in his presence. "Care for a companion?"
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
Teach me the Rhythm | athousandrealmsofhappiness
Seonyul hated learning new choreography. It wasn’t that he hated dancing, he just knew he wasn’t as good at it as he could be and it discouraged him easily. So when his manager told him he’d been assigned private sessions with someone to help him adapt to dancing better, Seonyul hadn’t been happy to say the least. With a bag slung over his shoulder and across his body, the siren made his way to the practice room at the studio, listening to music as he moved to the practice room. The mirrored walls and the back wall bench was familiar, since the company had him use this particular room for almost every dance practice. Sighing, he moved to put his bag down and strip his jacket, moving to sit on the bench and lean back as he waited for whomever had been assigned to attempt to make him better at dancing.
@athousandrealmsofhappiness for Yongsaeng
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hoshizoranoseirei-a · 4 years
Playful Rhythms | athousandrealmsofhappiness
Eukyung hummed as she danced through the crowds to check on her bartenders and dancers, singing quietly along with the music around her as she moved fluidly. Sliding up to the next bar in her rounds, she was briefly taken back by the sight of the young man near her. “Well hello there, handsome. New to the club?”
@athousandrealmsofhappiness for Yongsaeng
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