#c. leyla01
jamiexlevin · 3 years
Walking out of the mens room, Echo made his way down the staircase, heading back towards the main ballroom. He hadn’t gotten especially far before a girl attempted to brush past him, but their shoulders connected. Her smell was all the dragon needed, so even before the impact he was tensing up and his nostrils were flaring with distaste. “Do not touch me witch.” his words came out harsh, near a growl. Turning his body back towards her, his eyes were cold as the ice he was born with. “Next time you won’t get a warning..” he threateningly added. After the decades of the whim of her kind, he had nothing but pure hatred left for them. 
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saintbayrak · 4 years
LOCATION: sea-tac intl airport
Saint Bayrak couldn’t help the warm smile that settled on his lips as he spotted the familiar form of his younger sister. Though it had only been a couple months since he’d last seen her, he couldn’t deny that he’d been looking forward their reunion as soon as she’d left Turkey. Sure, they had never been extremely close due to the age difference and his insistence on keeping somewhat of a distance from his family for their safety — but simply knowing she was in the city was comfort enough for him. Despite knowing that she could look out for herself, he’d never been able to turn off his overprotective brother instincts all throughout their childhood — let alone when she was in a whole different country. 
He stepped up behind her, a bundle of tulips in his hand. He’d had most of his luggage delivered and settled days before, and had told her that his flight would arrive an hour after it actually did to surprise her. The flowers in his hand were semper augustus tulips, exceeding rare and almost impossible to grow. He’d had to hire personal gardeners. And even then, they only managed to grow half a dozen of the flowers. It had been a hassle, but worth it because he knew how much Leyla loved tulips. Grinning, Saint extended his arm from behind her, holding out the bundle in front of her. “A rare flower for a rare and special girl.” 
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