Michael Crawford, "Why So Silent?" (w. Sarah Brightman)
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brokehorrorfan · 3 months
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Fright-Rags has released The Exorcist III apparel designed by Kyle Crawford and Justin Osbourn. The line includes T-shirts ($30), long sleeves ($40), baseball tees ($40), and zip-up hoodies ($55).
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serafimo · 2 years
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floating, falling, sweet intoxication! touch me, trust me, savor each sensation! let the dream begin, let your darker side give in, to the power of the music that i write! the power of the music of the night!
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letterboxd-loggd · 2 months
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The Stolen Jewels (The Slippery Pearls) (1931) Harold S. Bucquet, William C. McGann, Victor Heerman, Thomas Atkins, Russell Mack and John G. Adolfi
April 15th 2024
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kaibacorpstocksplit · 2 years
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happy day after halloween 🎃
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original-missif · 1 year
Hi!! i've been seeing a lot of short!king!eliot posts on my dash lately, and i thought of an idea for your leverage teens au; don't know if it quite fits, if not feel free to ignore, haha:
So, after a growth spurt, Quinn's a lot taller than Eliot for a bit, and then when the two of them are sparring in public, adults driving by keep rolling down their windows and asking Eliot, "Hey, is that kid bothering you?" and Eliot has to be like, "No, we're good, we're friends!"
It gets really annoying, because half the time Eliot is clearly winning and this still happens >:(
I will not ignore this in fact it's literally all I can think about now lol
In complete contrast to the times Quinn, Shelley, and Mikel have gotten mistaken for young adults and asked if Eliot was their younger brother, the first time Short King 17-year-old Eliot Spencer gets asked if Quinn is bothering him in the middle of their usual spar by the convenience store it takes him totally by surprise. Like he full-on stops, allowing Quinn to get a good hit in, before politely telling the Concerned Adult "no we're good we're friends thank you for your concern"
Quinn, of course, is hurt the first time this happens because "we're friends right? We look like we're friends, we're best friends why would people think otherwise??"
The second and third time this happens - a worried pair of moms and then an elderly couple - it starts getting VERY annoying. Because Eliot is definitely winning, it's obvious to him and it's obvious to Quinn, but somehow, every adult that brings it up CAN'T see it? They can't see that Eliot obviously took the hit to his side so he could get his foot around Quinn's ankle to trip him? They can't see that he's so clearly winning these spars that they have to interrupt them *just* when Eliot was about to put Quinn in a headlock and declare victory!
It gets to the point where Eliot and The Hitters all sign up for memberships at a gym so they can spar in peace, but only until some well-meaning gym members and employees start asking The Question
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spinningerster · 1 year
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Hotness of Jane Austen’s Dubious Men, Rated
Back by popular request! After rating hero men, heroine women, here are the other men by hotness:
1. John Willoughby: ridiculously good-looking. Too bad he’s also a coward and a first rate a**hole
in a manner so frank and so graceful that his person, which was uncommonly handsome, received additional charms from his voice and expression… His manly beauty and more than common gracefulness… His person and air were equal to what her fancy had ever drawn for the hero of a favourite story… I think he is extremely handsome…  I hear he is quite a beau, and prodigious handsome…  he certainly is not so handsome as Willoughby
2. George Wickham- Very handsome. The whole town is infatuated with him, including Elizabeth, for quite some time. It seems very likely that he is more attractive than Darcy (see my hero list for reference)
of most gentlemanlike appearance… All were struck with the stranger’s air… His appearance was greatly in his favour; he had all the best part of beauty, a fine countenance, a good figure, and very pleasing address…. but Mr. Wickham was as far beyond them all in person, countenance, air, and walk
3. Philip Elton: Very handsome, but his delicate compliments drive Emma out of the room to laugh. Seems to have the whole town in a flutter!
Mr. Elton is a very pretty young man…He was reckoned very handsome; his person much admired in general, though not by her, there being a want of elegance of feature which she could not dispense with… Mr. Elton’s being a remarkably handsome man… Mr. Elton had not his equal for beauty or agreeableness
4. Captain Tilney: Handsome. Catherine might not be that impressed, but she only has eyes for Henry. 
very fashionable-looking, handsome young man… She looked at him with great admiration, and even supposed it possible that some people might think him handsomer than his brother,
5. Frank Chuchill - Very good looking, though as Emma has only seen a few people in her life, Miranda-esq, it’s hard to tell. I left out Mr. Weston’s description as it is way too biased.
“She believed he was reckoned a very fine young man… he was a very good looking young man; height, air, address, all were unexceptionable, and his countenance had a great deal of the spirit and liveliness of his father’s; he looked quick and sensible.
6. Sir Walter Elliot: So hot at 24 that his wife’s only mistake was being taken in by his manly beauty. Still looks good at 54, a real silver fox
vanity of person... He had been remarkably handsome in his youth; and, at fifty-four, was still a very fine man… His good looks… Modest Sir Walter! He was not allowed to escape, however. His daughter and Mrs Clay united in hinting that Colonel Wallis’s companion might have as good a figure as Colonel Wallis, and certainly was not sandy-haired.
7. William Elliot: He is not handsome, but is not called plain. A relatively good looking guy, probably aided by his wealth and dressing well.
He seemed about thirty, and though not handsome, had an agreeable person…. He did justice to his very gentlemanlike appearance, his air of elegance and fashion, his good shaped face, his sensible eye; but, at the same time, “must lament his being very much under-hung, a defect which time seemed to have increased; nor could he pretend to say that ten years had not altered almost every feature for the worse…. Mr Elliot was better to look at than most men, and he had no objection to being seen with him anywhere.
8. James Rushworth: He’s fine. We also know he must be tall because he mocks Henry’s shortness so often. Sorry Rushworth, all the growth happened in height and not in your mind.
there was nothing disagreeable in his figure or address
9. William Collins: At least he has height! Heavy-looking may not mean fat in this context.
He was a tall, heavy-looking young man of five-and-twenty. His air was grave and stately, and his manners were very formal.
10. Henry Crawford: He’s short and not good looking, but you don’t notice because he’s so freaking charming
Her brother was not handsome: no, when they first saw him he was absolutely plain, black and plain… but as she still continued to think Mr. Crawford very plain… “I do not think him at all handsome.” “Handsome! Nobody can call such an undersized man handsome. He is not five foot nine. I should not wonder if he is not more than five foot eight. I think he is an ill-looking fellow. 
11. John Thorpe: Ugly and boring, pretty sure he is also poor, so nothing going for him.
He was a stout young man of middling height, who, with a plain face and ungraceful form, seemed fearful of being too handsome unless he wore the dress of a groom, and too much like a gentleman unless he were easy where he ought to be civil, and impudent where he might be allowed to be easy. 
Note: I used “dubious” because I have a hard time saying that say, Frank Churchill is a straight up villain. But these are the main male antagonists. I guess Rushworth is barely even an antagonist, I just wanted to include him to make it clear that he isn’t ugly.
Also note: I am still waiting for a properly hot Sir Walter, Hollywood/BBC!
Last note: Tom Bertram is probably just as hot as his brother Edmund, who we all remember won the hero hotness 
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faded-florals · 1 year
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John Riddle as Raoul de Chagny
Ben Crawford as The Phantom
Emilie Kouatchou as Christine Daaé
Broadway, January 21st 2023, 8pm
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fresh-armadillo · 3 months
i think that if a movie or show or whatever can make me absolutely hate a character than it has to be art. annoyed is one thing but absolute hatred is a whole other emotion. it takes a lot for me to become so passionately angry and filled with hatred so props to writers ig
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Ben Crawford, "Why So Silent?" (w. Ali Ewoldt)
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brokehorrorfan · 2 years
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Every call is a lifeline with Fright-Rags’ The Black Phone shirts. The Grabber is on four designs by Justin Osbourn and Kyle Crawford for $30 each.
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internatlvelvet · 4 months
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Joan Crawford & Franchot Tone, Sally Blane & her husband, Norman Foster.
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maikeymonroe · 7 months
Texts  📲 Chace
Maik: gonna be real honest with you, i'm still planning to send you my therapy bills from the mess of a person i was after watching what to expect when you're expecting for the first time. Maik: i know you've done so many amazing projects since, but that just forever stuck with me.
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sellymarie · 6 months
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——- Between events , planning a trip and time with my boyfriend before he tours again -- i feel like i'm the worst at catching up with people . so please , fill me in . what's the world of chace like these days ? working on anything you can share or finished something you can ? ( @christopherchacexo )
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kyleyangs-a · 1 year
closed for @crawfxrds
location: rhee’s bar and grill
"For you," Kyle let out, bringing two beers to table before taking a seat. Hearing what had happened to Mama's was upsetting to say the least, a restaurant that had once helped him get on his feet burnt to the ground. But he was glad Crawford was okay, even if there had been one who hadn't shared the same fate. "You're off the clock, and it's my birthday. So drink up," he added with a grin.
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