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bowcrsgang · 4 days ago
@bowersbled continued from x
henry hated being told when he couldn’t do something , it was one of the quickest ways to upset him . but when it came to Olivia he couldn’t . biting the inside of his cheek he thought about it anyways — fantasized it , even . killing butch would be easy ; a hell of a lot easier than getting a stupid job and saving up for who knows how long . make it look like an accident . henry thought on a farm it would be easy . ‘ i’d kill someone for you . ‘
Olivia looked down at Henry, tears still welling in her eyes as she continued to think about how lost she would be without her brother. Henry was the only person in her life that she cared for.... that she loved.
"I cant loose you...." Olivia whispered to him, her hands gripping at the fabric of her dressing gown. She knew that Henry meant well but she didnt want him to do such a horrendous crime for her.
"I don't want you to kill for me..."
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bowcrsgang · 5 months ago
Olivia enjoyed her time in the house alone. It was the only peace she got. She didn't know where Henry was, and their father was at work. So it meant she got to clean the house in peace and start cooking dinner before they came home. Everything would be perfect, and maybe tonight she would be able to sleep without the fear that her father would assault her.
She heard the Trans-am before she saw it, she thought it would just be Reginald dropping off Henry but when she noticed that he was alone she become confused.
Olivia put down the mop and wiped her hands on the skirt of her summer dress before heading outside. She wasn't confident enough to talk to him. Henry and their father were the only ones to hear her speak, it was why she always had a pad and pen on her for the few moments she had to interact with people.
She walked over to the driver side window and knocked on the glass before writing down on the pad and passing him the note.
Henry's not home.
belch pulled up in the bowers' farm drive way - usually henry had been quick to hop in ... although on days where he didn't belch had a surge of anxiety . switching off the ignition belch idly drums calloused fingertips at the steering wheel ; he hated coming here on his own - and with vic out of the picture today belch found himself lost in his own mind .
waiting ...
a palm swipes at the sweat on his forehead , his hat tilting in the process ... did henry forget ? a brow raises as dark eyes zone in on the door .
he was picking up henry today ... right ?
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realmofthedragon · 13 days ago
@bowersbled Henry/Olivia
Olivia creeped slowly down the hall. Her footsteps made no sound as she made her way to her brothers room. She didn't want to wake her father up, who had just fallen into a drunken stupor.
She pulled her dressing gown close and entered her brothers room, walking over to the bed before climbing in next to him, finally feeling that little bit of safety.
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brknmnds · 2 years ago
@edhellfire continued from [X]
Henry wasn't doing well mentally, all the abuse he had suffered at the hands of his father finally caught up to him. When he saw his father on-top of Olivia he couldn't help but pick up the gun that his father had discarded on the table and shoot it into the back of his skull.
He wasn't paying attention to the world around him, he was just lost. He didn't realise that the paramedic had started to look him over or that Olivia had moved away from him talking to Eddie and the female paramedic.
"Thank you." Olivia muttered out to the paramedic as she said she would try. She didn't know what had happened to cause her to speak so freely. Maybe it was the fact her father couldn't hurt her anymore or the fact Eddie was right next to her.
For the first time since he arrived, Olivia walked over to Eddie and wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her head on his chest. "We will be going in the ambulance Eddie, you can follow behind if you don't want to leave your van here."
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horrormomento · 2 years ago
Somewhere in Olivia's mind she knew this wasnt what a relationship is meant to be like. She wasn't meant to come home littered in bruises but it was all she knew. Her father did the same to her, so it wasn't a surprise that she would turn up with bruise, he wouldn't think that he was the one that did them, though he always kept her face free from any harm.
"I'm sorry, my father wouldn't let me leave." She cried out as she tried to get through to him. She was late, she didn't mean to be but her father wouldn't let her leave the house, she had to wait until he was passed out drunk before she could slip out of the house to meet Nate.
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brokenmuses · 2 months ago
Olivia didn't think that her father being dead would cause so much strife. She should be happy but with her brother locked away and now the whole town knowing about what really happened in Bowers house. It somehow was worse.
She tried so hard to move on, to start a new with Gareth, the only person who had been keeping her a float in such a difficult time but she still had moments where she awoke from a nightmare, drenched in sweat because it felt so real and the truth of the matter was, it was real. She had gone through all of that .
The small girl leaned into his touch, her arms wrapping away his waist, her head moving to rest on his chest. "Just.. don't ever leave me."
@brokenmuses sent in: i want to forget. just help me forget.
god. he can't help but feel his heart break into a thousand pieces whenever he hears olivia's pleas. ringed fingers come up to gently push some of her hair behind her ear before cupping her cheek so that he could get her to look at him in the eye. stormy blues focus on her own, at a loss for words. he didn't know what to do to make her forget. how could she forget whatever she had gone through? the abuse, her brother being in jail, her abuser finally gone for good. though, it was a lot to process. head tilts to the side as his thumb gently runs against her cheek bone, trying to be as comforting as humanly possible.
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"baby, i wish i could take away all the pain. i really do. i wish i could just take all the bad and keep them away from you. i'll do whatever i can to make you feel safe. i'm sorry, liv."
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bowcrsgang · 1 year ago
@gareththegreat asked:
“ I'm always here for you ” // for olivia
Olivia looked up to Gareth and gave him a small smile. She had few people in her life she trusted. Henry had been the only one for years until she met Gareth. He made her feel special, he made her feel loved and didn't force her to speak. He just let her be herself.
She hadn't told him much about what her home life was like. Only that her father was an abusive drunk. She didn't want to tell him anything else because she was sure that he would leave her as soon as he found out.
She moved from where she was sitting and onto his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and she pressed a small kiss to his lips before pulling away, it was her way of thanking him without having to speak.
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brknmnds · 9 months ago
@wxtchworld asked:
Send “You belong to me” to see how my muse reacts. ( from tate langdon to olivia bowers! )
Olivia knew what could happen and how this would end up. They were both outcast at school and somehow found comfort in each other, but she didn't think the male would become obsessed enough to claim her as his own. She was scared to think what would happen if she refused him.
She moved in closer to him, placing her hand on his cheek. She wanted him to calm down, and if she needed to give herself to him, be his then, she would do that.
She gave him a soft smile, leaning up and placing a kiss on his cheek before pulling away ever so slightly. She didn't speak. She still wasn't comfortable to do so around him, and the fact people thought she couldn't do such a thing made it easier.
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brknmnds · 9 months ago
@wxtchworld asked:
"Don't close your eyes, baby. Look at me." ( from rafe cameron to olivia bowers! )
It wasn't surprising that victims of abuse tend to fall in the same habit. She grew up with her fathers abuse, a much loved officer on the OBX and now she was with Rafe Cameron, someone who didn't know she existed in high school but an accidental run in with him ended up with them dating. He was sweet at first, he didnt care that she was mute, but as time got on, he became more abusive, and she was stuck once again.
She was forced to talk at time, though she kept it to a minimum just like she did with her father. Only now, she was getting double the abuse.
She could feel the tears welling in her eyes as she kept her head down, eyes clamped shut as the pain from the punch to her stomach ran through her body. She heard his words and did as told, knowing what would come if she didn't. Her eyes flickered open, and she looked up into his but did not speak.
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brknmnds · 9 months ago
@gareththegreat Gareth/Olivia
It wasn't often that Olivia escaped her home life but her father was out of town for some sort of work business and Henry was out with the gang. Olivia still made sure the house was all clean and there was food in the fridge for Henry to reheat.
Right now she was sitting on Gareth's lap on the couch in his house, facing him. Her lips moving against his gently. He was the only one to make her forget and to make her feel loved, like she was the only person in the world that mattered.
She pulled away after a few minutes and looked down at him, a smile crossing her face. "I love you." She whispered out before placing her lips against his once more.
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realmofthedragon · 7 months ago
@gareththegreat olivia/gareth
Olivia sat on the steps leading up to her home, A blanket wrapped around her as she just stared straight ahead. Cops and paramedics rushed around the house. Her brother was sitting in the back of the police car, and he had finally snapped. Coming home to find their father on top of her made him rage. He had finally killed their father after all their years of torture.
Henry was in custody and would be until the trial, and the paramedics wanted to get her checked out, and she knew what that meant. They wanted to do a rape kit on her and check out any possible injuries to go with their story of abuse from their much loved cop of the small town. She refused to go anywhere without Gareth so she waited until the cops brought him to her, as soon as she saw him she was up and in his arms, her head buried in his chest as she wept quietly.
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brknmnds · 8 months ago
Olivia was so use to being punished when she did something wrong, that when the plate broke she couldn't help but let out a quiet weep as she dropped to her knees and quickly tried to clean up before he noticed. Hee eyes stayed down at she collected the pieces, not even realising that a shard from the plate had cut into the palm of her hand and she was bleeding all over the plate and shard. She had picked the majority up and place it in the rubbish bin as she heard the footsteps behind her and she frozen slightly. She opened her mouth to speak but only as raspy S sounds made it out of her lips.
She finally let her eyes wander up to see the handsome man that took her in after everything that happened with her brother and father. Sorrow in her eyes as she tried to apologise but words just didn't form.
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brknmnds · 1 year ago
While the farm house was rather big, sounds echoed. Olivia focused on preparing dinner, knowing it would be worse if she didn't have anything ready by the time her father came out. Every time Henry screamed, she flinched. Tears formed in her eyes, knowing there was nothing she could do for him.
She had just finished plating up dinner when the house fell silent. She quickly set up their father's place at the table along with a beer. Giving him a kiss on the cheek when he came to sit down, knowing that it's what he expected before she headed off into the kitchen, grabbing the first aid kit and rushing out to where she knew he would be.
"I'm fine, let me see." She whispered, her voice soft and almost angelic. Very few got to here it, Henry and the boys and her father but he was more out of fear. She had become a mute from the trauma their father caused.
She knelt down beside him, placing the first aid kit beside her as she reached out to move him forward so she could see the damage done.
closed starter @brknmnds !
Henry sighed, he was sure his sister had overheard the fight he'd had with their father. Butch didn't bother to be quiet while beating his back with his belt again. He hated it whenever Olivia heard and he hated that he failed to protect her but he would always prefer it when Butch focused his anger on him instead of her. He didn't trust many people but he found out he could trust her.
"Fuck him..." he whispered and pulled out a cigarette. He didn't like to smoke close to her but he needed to release some stress. Henry laid back against his house from outside, he raised an eyebrow and glanced at her to make sure she was okay. "He was fucking mad and I don't even know why. Guess he just needed a fucking excuse to beat my ass. Are you okay? He didn't come for you, did he?"
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brknmnds · 1 year ago
@edhellfire Eddie/Olivia
It had been a few months since she last saw Eddie. He never came for her, she was alone in this big farm house. Henry was still locked away at Juniper but they both were hoping for him to be released soon.
She had scrubbed the place clean, there was no more evidence that a murder had taken place, it looked like a regular farm house. She barely left the farm, she had everything she needed there but today she needed some bare essentials. She was at the supermarket when she collapsed and got rushed into hospital and unbeknownst to her they rang her next of kin which was Eddie.
After a few tests where run she was put on a drip that held some nutrients that she needed for her and the baby. That shocked her and she just stared at the doctor. While she had been gaining weight, she believed that was due to her eating more. She didn't even have the round belly that most people got with pregnancy. After doing an ultrasound to check the baby was alright she found out she was about 6 months pregnant and the baby was healthy.
She was staring at the sonograms, looking at the little bean that was growing inside of her. She could make out all the little details of the baby's arms and legs, its face. She didn't ask the gender, not sure if she wanted to be told.
Her eyes flicked up as she heard the door to the room open and saw Eddie standing there. She hadn't seen him since the fight at the fair, she was sure that he wouldn't want anything to do with her. "What are you doing here?" She asked softly, she was glad to see him. She missed him and just wanted to hold him but she knew that their relationship was nothing like it used to be.
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brknmnds · 1 year ago
@deadlypinks asked:
do you feel the same or not? ( from victor to olivia! )
Olivia stared at him in shock when he confessed his feelings, she had only dealt with Reginald a couple days earlier and they were going to give it a go but now she had her second crush confess that he had feelings, she was lost.
"I do Vic but I also like Reggie and he already asked me out." She said softly as his voice got angrier, she reached out and took his hand and intertwined their fingers. "If I could be with both of you I would but that's not fair on either of you."
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brknmnds · 1 year ago
@deadlypinks asked:
i can't exactly control my heart! ( from belch to olivia! )
Olivia was confused as she sat in the Transam with Reggie. The other boys were in detention so it was just them until they either managed to sneak out or finish the detention. She had recently developed feelings for both Reginald and Victor but with how her life was she knew they couldn't like her.
So when he confessed his feelings she was a bit lost for words, not that she ever really talked much around the boys but it was still more then anyone else, though with Patrick around she stayed quiet for the most part.
Her hands scrunched up at the end of her dress, looking down at them before looking over at a the man and instead of speaking, she leaned over, placing her hand on his chest as she pressed a gentle kiss to his lip.
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