#c; theodore tanaka
claudiahuxley · 4 months
Closed starter: @theotanaka
Claudia didn't know how else to reach Theo other than face to face, maybe it was just part of her that wanted to see him or another part that she knew that if she tried calling he might ignore or worse blocked her calls. Claudia knew she was a bad mother, hell she pulled what her own mother did on her and now that she was thinking with a clearer head, she wanted to try and be better. She wanted to at least have her kid have both her parents in their life. Claudia swallowed back the fear as she reached up and knocked on the door once again. "Theo...you can't ignore me forever." She said loud enough for him to hear on the other side.
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esmemaxwcll · 7 months
Closed starter: @theotanaka
Esme was beyond exhausted from work, she could have probably gone home and crashed out until the next day to start all over again, instead she found herself grabbing a drink to pass the time and unwind. She thought about grabbing herself a nice cosmo but instead chose a white wine since it was still a week day and didn't want to get too hammered. Who she wasn't expecting to see was an old fling and friend, she smiled as she held the wine glass close to her as she called them out, "Theo--how's it going stranger." She laughed and waved them over. "Come sit, I mean if you want too--don't want to force you to talk with me."
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compneuropapers · 1 year
Interesting Papers for Week 22, 2023
Optic flow in the natural habitats of zebrafish supports spatial biases in visual self-motion estimation. Alexander, E., Cai, L. T., Fuchs, S., Hladnik, T. C., Zhang, Y., Subramanian, V., … Cooper, E. A. (2022). Current Biology, 32(23), 5008-5021.e8.
Autism attenuates the perception of the mind-body divide. Berent, I., Theodore, R. M., & Valencia, E. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(49), e2211628119.
Visual motion perception as online hierarchical inference. Bill, J., Gershman, S. J., & Drugowitsch, J. (2022). Nature Communications, 13, 7403.
Long-range functional loops in the mouse olfactory system and their roles in computing odor identity. Chae, H., Banerjee, A., Dussauze, M., & Albeanu, D. F. (2022). Neuron, 110(23), 3970-3985.e7.
Eye drift during fixation predicts visual acuity. Clark, A. M., Intoy, J., Rucci, M., & Poletti, M. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(49), e2200256119.
Efficient learning in children with rapid GABA boosting during and after training. Frank, S. M., Becker, M., Qi, A., Geiger, P., Frank, U. I., Rosedahl, L. A., … Watanabe, T. (2022). Current Biology, 32(23), 5022-5030.e7.
Spatial contextual recognition memory updating is modulated by dopamine release in the dorsal hippocampus from the locus coeruleus. Gálvez-Márquez, D. K., Salgado-Ménez, M., Moreno-Castilla, P., Rodríguez-Durán, L., Escobar, M. L., Tecuapetla, F., & Bermudez-Rattoni, F. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(49), e2208254119.
Rhythmic activation of excitatory neurons in the mouse frontal cortex improves the prefrontal cortex–mediated cognitive function. Hazra, D., Yoshinaga, S., Yoshida, K., Takata, N., Tanaka, K. F., Kubo, K., & Nakajima, K. (2022). Cerebral Cortex, 32(23), 5243–5258.
Feature representation under crowding in macaque V1 and V4 neuronal populations. Henry, C. A., & Kohn, A. (2022). Current Biology, 32(23), 5126-5137.e3.
Independent response modulation of visual cortical neurons by attentional and behavioral states. Kanamori, T., & Mrsic-Flogel, T. D. (2022). Neuron, 110(23), 3907-3918.e6.
Context-independent expression of spatial code in hippocampus. Kapl, S., Tichanek, F., Zitricky, F., & Jezek, K. (2022). Scientific Reports, 12, 20711.
Effects of dopamine D2/3 and opioid receptor antagonism on the trade-off between model-based and model-free behaviour in healthy volunteers. Mikus, N., Korb, S., Massaccesi, C., Gausterer, C., Graf, I., Willeit, M., … Mathys, C. (2022). eLife, 11, e79661.
Does depth of processing affect temporal contiguity? Mundorf, A. M. D., Uitvlugt, M. G., & Healey, M. K. (2022). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(6), 2229–2239.
The relationship between visual discomfort and cortical excitability in cone-opponent stimuli. O’Hare, L., Goodwin, P., & Sharman, R. J. (2023). Brain Research, 1798, 148142.
Joint coding of visual input and eye/head position in V1 of freely moving mice. Parker, P. R. L., Abe, E. T. T., Leonard, E. S. P., Martins, D. M., & Niell, C. M. (2022). Neuron, 110(23), 3897-3906.e5.
A new look at memory retention and forgetting. Radvansky, G. A., Doolen, A. C., Pettijohn, K. A., & Ritchey, M. (2022). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 48(11), 1698–1723.
A reinforcement-based mechanism for discontinuous learning. Reddy, G. (2022). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(49), e2215352119.
Experiencing statistical information improves children’s and adults’ inferences. Schulze, C., & Hertwig, R. (2022). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(6), 2302–2313.
Novelty preferences depend on goals. Sehl, C. G., Tran, E., Denison, S., & Friedman, O. (2022). Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 29(6), 2293–2301.
Are you an empiricist or a believer? Neural signatures of predictive strategies in humans. Tarasi, L., di Pellegrino, G., & Romei, V. (2022). Progress in Neurobiology, 219, 102367.
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